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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    PETVAL --- ---
    An Anarchistic Understanding of the Social Order
    Monday, 22. July 2013
    Environmental Degradation, Indigenous Resistance & a Place for the Sciences
    Indigenous groups are often on the front lines of the global environmental crisis – at the point of interaction (or extraction) – they resist against the immediate process of resource extraction and the environmental devastation is causes to their communities and society as a whole. The continued repression, exploitation and discrimination against Indigenous peoples have made the struggle – and the potential consequences of failure – significantly more problematic. This struggle has been ongoing for centuries, and as the species heads toward extinction – as it is along our current trajectory – Indigenous peoples will be on the front lines of that process. Many in the scientific community have been struggling for decades to address major environmental issues. Here, the focus is largely on the issue of climate change, and the approach has largely been to work through institutions in order to create enough pressure to reform. Yet, after decades of organizing through academic and environmental organizations, lobbying governments, corporations and international organizations, progress has been slow and often ineffectual, with major international conferences being hyped up but with little concrete results. Indigenous peoples continue to struggle against the dominant institutions while many in the scientific community continue to struggle within the dominant institutions, though their objectives remain similar.

    A major problem and disparity becomes clear: Indigenous people – among the most repressed and exploited in the world – are left to struggle directly against the most powerful institutions in the world (states and transnational corporations), while many in the sciences – an area of knowledge which has and continues to hold enormous potential to advance the species – attempt to convince those powerful institutions to profit less at exactly the point in history when they have never profited more.
    Indigenous communities remain largely impoverished, and the scientific community remains largely dependent for funding upon the very institutions which are destroying the environment: states, corporations and international organizations. Major barriers to scientific inquiry and research can thus be established if the institutions feel threatened, if they choose to steer the sciences into areas exclusively designed to produce ‘profitable’ forms of knowledge and technology. As humanity enters a critical stage – perhaps the most critical we have ever faced as a species – it is important to begin to acknowledge, question, and change the institutional contradictions and constraints of our society.

    It seems only logical that a convergence between Indigenous and scientific activism, organization, and the sharing of knowledge should be encouraged and facilitated. Indeed, the future of the species may depend upon it. This paper aims to encourage such a convergence by applying an anarchistic analysis of the social order as it relates to environmental degradation, specifically at the point of interaction with the environment (the source of extraction). In classifying this as an anarchistic analysis, I simply mean that it employs a highly critical perspective of hierarchically organized institutions. This paper does not intend to discuss in any detail the issue of climate change, since that issue is largely a symptom of the problem, which at its source is how the human social order interacts directly with the environment: extraction, pollution, degradation, exploitation and destruction at the point of interaction.

    This analysis will seek to critically assess the actions and functions of states, corporations, international organizations, financial institutions, trade agreements and markets in how they affect the environment, primarily at the point of interaction.
    pokracovani (data, zdroje):
    Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
    E2E4 --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Was Michael Hastings' Car Hacked? Richard Clarke Says It's Possible

    Clarke said, "There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers" -- including the United States -- know how to remotely seize control of a car.

    vice viz http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1137-financial-tyranny-free-fall
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    Russian TV Exposes Financial Tyranny w/ David Wilcock, Part 1: English Subtitles!
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Snowden: Program XKeyscore umožňuje americké vládě sledovat skoro všechno, co děláte na webu

    Americká vláda se snažila zpochybnit tvrzení whistleblowera Edwarda Snowdena, že jeji špehové mají možnost sledovat skoro všechno, co dělá jakýkoliv uživatel na internetu. Glen Greenwald nyní publikoval v deníku Guardian podrobnou prezentaci, vytvořenou na základě informací od Snowdena, která dokazuje, že americká vláda lhala a její špehové skutečně mohou sledovat skor úplně všechno, co děláte na internetu, a to prostřednictvím speciálního programu XKeyscore. Ve středu mají o špehování veřejnosti svědčit vysocí činitelé americké rozvědky v kongresovém výboru pro otázky soudnictví.

    XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | theguardian.com

    PUEBLO --- ---
    Silvio u soudu

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    Britové prodali zlato ukradené nacisty v Československu - Aktuálně.cz
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    sem to patri vlastne..
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    Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube
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    Virálny severokórejský dokument odhaľuje propagandu Západu. Strašidelné na tom je, ako pravdivý je. | Nová Vlna
    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Chomsky praises Snowden and condemns US hypocrisy
    And in fact if you look at anyone who’s spent any time poring through declassified records– I have, I’m sure many of you have– you find that overwhelmingly the security is the security of the state from its own population and that’s why things have to be kept secret.
    Then comes the interesting question of extradition. The US has just announced again that they’re going to punish anybody who refuses to extradite Snowden.

    At the same time the US is one of the leaers in refusing extradition. Bolivia is an interesting case. The US has imposed pressure at least… to try to block the Bolivian plane because they want Snowden extradited. For years Bolivia has been trying to extradite from the United States the former president who’s already indicted in Bolivia for all sorts of crimes. The US refuses to extradite him.

    In fact it’s happening right in Europe. Italy has been trying to extradite 22 CIA agents who were involved and in fact indicted for participating in a kidnaping in Milan. They kidnaped somebody, sent him off I think to Egypt to be tortured. And agreed later he was innnocent…

    Extradite the people involved, the US of course refuses. And there’s case after case like this… There are a lot of cases where the U.S. just refuses…

    In fact one of the most striking cases is Latin America, again, not just Bolivia. One of the world’s leading terrorists is Luis Posada, who was involved in blowing up a Cubana airliner which killed 73 people and lots of other terrorist acts. He’s sitting happily in… Miami, and his colleague Rolando Bosch also a major terrorist… is happily there… Cuba and Venezuela are trying to extradite them. But you know. Fat chance.

    Chomsky praises Snowden and condemns US hypocrisy — Antony Loewenstein
    PETVAL --- ---
    Skeptical Eye: Sibel Edmonds 101

    Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir
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    PressTV - EU plans independent intelligence agency: Report
    jak nečekané...
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    Over the last two weeks a special piece of legislation has been passed making it mandatory for anyone who receives welfare, or any other form of government assistance to be implanted with these new identification chips. Even select government employees and officials have been ordered to receive the new sub-dermal device, which is typically implanted in the fatty tissue of the individual’s buttock. Police officers, military, even garbage men will all be required to have the RFID chip by the end of next month or face termination from their jobs. - See more at: http://nationalreport.net/...ed-in-hanna-wyoming-as-part-of-new-obamacare-plan/#sthash.yxDGO6Gz.dpuf
    JAXXE --- ---
    UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back

    By Ryan W. Neal on July 26 2013 2:59 PM

    U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announced Monday that British Internet service providers (ISPs) must install porn filters and require customers to opt-in for adult content. Cameron said the policy is aimed at combating child porn and the “corroding influences” of sexual content in the U.K., but several people are unhappy with the plan. Reports have linked the filters to controversial Chinese company Huawei, and others have found that the filters will block much more than just porn. Some ISPs have publicly refused to force the filters on their users.

    The Open Rights Group spoke with several ISPs and found that in addition to pornography, users will also be required to opt in for any content tagged as violent, extremist, terrorist, anorexia and eating disorders, suicide, alcohol, smoking, web forums, esoteric material and web-blocking circumvention tools. These will all be filtered by default, and the majority of users never change default settings with online services.

    One U.K. ISP, TalkTalk, already has “The HomeSafe System,” which was singled out for praise by David Cameron when announcing the new policy. It gives another good idea of the kind of Internet censorship the British government is looking to implement.

    HomeSafe Filters The HomeSafe filters may give an idea of what David Cameron wants to be mandatory for all UK ISPs. TorrentFreak

    More troubling is the revelation that HomeSafe is actually operated by Huawei, a Chinese company that both the U.K. and the U.S. accused of having close ties with the Chinese government. Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, is a former officer of China’s People’s Liberation Army, and a recent report by the Intelligence and Security Committee said, “the alleged links between Huawei and the Chinese State are concerning, as they generate suspicion as to whether Huawei’s intentions are strictly commercial or are more political.” The U.S. has branded Huawei a threat to national security.


    UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back
    JAXXE --- ---
    David Icke On Ukranian Television

    David Icke ☼ Physicality Is An Illusion, Our Universe A Virtual Reality, The Real I ☺♥ - YouTube
    MTO --- ---
    Nové studie: To konspirační teoretici jsou zdraví a ti vládou ošálení jsou potrhlí a nepřátelští

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tomáš Keltner: Bodyguard velkých i malých duší

    24.7.2013 11:31

    Tohle je jiný kouč, než na jaké jste zvyklí. Svou průpravu nezískal jako psycholog nebo absolvent MBA, ale v tajných službách a ve válce. Tomáš Keltner proto ví, že vaším jediným skutečným nepřítelem je váš strach.


    I když strávil několik let v tajné službě, dělal bodyguarda zahraničním prezidentům a několika našim ministrům a prošel zeměmi s válečným konfliktem jako člen elitní jednotky SOG, kde získal i nejvyšší prověrku NBÚ a NATO, dnes píše knihy pro děti, jejich rodiče i všechny ostatní o tom, jak si začít věřit a stát se opravdu svobodnou, sebevědomou, nikým a ničím neovládanou bytostí. V nejvyšších patrech systému a vybaven informacemi, o kterých běžný smrtelník nemá ponětí, totiž pochopil, že „sovy nejsou tím, čím se zdají být“, a demokracie, svoboda a lidská práva bývají prázdnými pojmy, jež nemívají s realitou nic společného. „Existují tři zpravodajské moudrosti. První říká: Nikdy nikomu nevěř. Druhá: Nikdy nevíš všechno. A třetí: Všechno je jinak,“ usmívá se šestatřicetiletý řečník, spisovatel a učitel.


    „Z církví se staly korporace, jež mají za cíl hromadit majetek a moc a ovládat. A místo aby pravdu náboženství uchovávalo, dělá pravý opak – informace zkresluje a záměrně dezinformuje.“


    „Věci, které jsem viděl, dost ovlivňovaly můj vnitřní svět. Zajímavé pro mě byly třeba okamžiky, když se dělal v televizi nějaký rozhovor – hlavně to, co se dělo předtím, než se pustila kamera, a když se vypnula. Tohle kdyby někdo zachytil a pustil národu, tak tady podle mě skončí politika.“


    Mezitím si bolestně uvědomoval, že začíná sloužit něčemu, čemu nechce, a stále jasněji viděl, že je všechno „připravený a naplánovaný“. „Došlo mi, proč jsou válečné konflikty na těch konkrétních místech a ne jinde stále dokola po věky věků.“ Díky svým postojům se záhy dostal do pozice nechtěného. Před odchodem z jednotky byl označen za neřízenou střelu, kterou je třeba zneškodnit, protože by prý mohl zaútočit na politiky, které měl chránit. „To byl samozřejmě nesmysl,“ usmívá se dnes nad koncem jednoho válečníka.

    Tehdy mu ale do smíchu nebylo. „My se tady můžeme bavit o tom, jestli volit levici nebo pravici, jestli nové strany, pak zda změnit volební systém. Ale když to celé projdete, nakonec zjistíte, že politici nevládnou. Nad nimi je další vrstva, další vrstva a další vrstva, kam se nedá dostat skrz nějakou demokracii – a to jsou ti, kteří vládnou, mezinárodní bankovní kruhy, vlastníci Fedu a podobně. Ale ti taky nejsou ti hlavní, o těch nejdůležitějších nikdy neuslyšíte. Málokdo chápe, že většina takzvaných konspiračních teorií má naprosto pravdivý základ, protože začal mluvit někdo zevnitř, kdo na to neměl žaludek. Často tyto takzvané teorie ale sám tvoří či dotváří systém, aby je mohl posléze zesměšnit a odvést pozornost.“ A dodává: „To, co říkám a píšu, tím jsem si jistý, protože jsem si to mnohokrát ověřil. Pak je mnohem víc věcí, které nemám odvahu říkat a psát, a to už o nich dávno nepochybuju, přestože to nemůžu dokázat a argumentovat. Prostě někde jste byl, něco jste viděl a víte, že nejste blázen.“


    Tomáš Keltner: Bodyguard velkých i malých duší - E15.cz / Zen
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