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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Budou tací, kteří budou varovat: "Nepodléhejte konspiračním teoriím!".
    My se však nebudeme zabývat konspiračními teoriemi, nýbrž konspirační praxí.

    Přesně podle rady, kterou dostali významní badatelé John Loftus a Mark Aarons od jakéhosi amerického zpravodajce: Kašlete na ideologii. Sledujte peníze.
    EKONOMICKÉ ASPEKTY DRUHÉ SVĚTOVÉ VÁLKY | Židovské listy - zprávy pro židovskou komunitu
    TEBION --- ---
    Americká armádní laboratoř oficiálně: HAARPem jsme vytvářeli plazmové mraky v ionosféře - Free Pub
    JAXXE --- ---
    Boston Bomber Linked With Right-Wing, ‘Conspiracy Theories’

    Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com August 5, 2013

    Outraged about targeted drone killings? Believe that second amendment rights are under assault? Concerned about the treatment of Guantanamo Bay prisoners? You’re now in league with the accused Boston Bomber, according to a BBC News piece which attempts to find a motive for Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s alleged attack.

    A BBC Panorama investigation set to be aired in Britain tonight reveals that Tamerlan Tsarnaev “was in possession of right-wing American literature in the run-up to the attack” and also had material “which argued that both 9/11 and the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing were government conspiracies.”


    The name of the BBC Panorama show is The Brothers who Bombed Boston, a title which hastily brushes aside the fact that no evidence regarding the bombing has yet been heard by a court and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has pleaded innocent to all charges.

    This is by no means the first time that the establishment media has attempted to use the two accused brothers’ political beliefs as a demonization tool.

    Back in June, Bloomberg News released a hit piece which insinuated that Alex Jones and his website were responsible for motivating the bombers and had exploited the attacks in order to make money from gold sales.


    Eyewitnesses to the shootout between the alleged Boston bombers and police also asserted that it was the police who ran over Tamerlan Tsarnaev and not his brother, as cops initially claimed. According to Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s aunt, footage of a naked uninjured man being arrested was Tamerlan Tsarnaev, which if true means he was later murdered by authorities.

    The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was unarmed before he was caught also debunks initial claims by authorities that he had engaged in a “shootout” with cops while hiding in a boat.

    According to authorities, Dzhokhar sustained a throat injury during the incident which left him unable to talk. However, photos which later emerged that were taken during Dzhokhar’s capture show no injuries to his throat.

    In pointing the finger at “conspiracy theorists” or certain political beliefs as being the driving force behind domestic terrorism, both the BBC and Bloomberg have also conveniently sidestepped the fact that virtually every major domestic terror plot in recent years was “facilitated by the F.B.I.,” according to the New York Times.


    » Boston Bomber Linked With Right-Wing, ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!


    Tamerlan Tsarnaev had right-wing extremist literature

    BBC News - Tamerlan Tsarnaev had right-wing extremist literature
    TEBION --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Ptech built Supply Chain Infrastructure - Destruction of Free Market

    This video is a compilation of Unisys videos directly from their own website, as well as testimony of Ptech whistleblower Indira Singh, along with the father of Enterprise Architecture, John Zachman--who in his own words warned about Ptech's innate ability to take full control over any and all systems, stating: "You would know where the access points are, you'd know how to get in, you would know where the weaknesses are, you'd know how to destroy it."
    JIKE --- ---
    Annunaki: Don´t Watch This Film - Extraterrestrial Origin - Sirius Documentary - Sirius - Documented - YouTube
    MTO --- ---
    AC24.cz - Více než 20 SEALů, kteří „zabili Usámu bin Ládina“, je už mrtvých
    PETVAL --- ---
    An Anarchistic Understanding of the Social Order
    Monday, 22. July 2013
    Environmental Degradation, Indigenous Resistance & a Place for the Sciences
    Indigenous groups are often on the front lines of the global environmental crisis – at the point of interaction (or extraction) – they resist against the immediate process of resource extraction and the environmental devastation is causes to their communities and society as a whole. The continued repression, exploitation and discrimination against Indigenous peoples have made the struggle – and the potential consequences of failure – significantly more problematic. This struggle has been ongoing for centuries, and as the species heads toward extinction – as it is along our current trajectory – Indigenous peoples will be on the front lines of that process. Many in the scientific community have been struggling for decades to address major environmental issues. Here, the focus is largely on the issue of climate change, and the approach has largely been to work through institutions in order to create enough pressure to reform. Yet, after decades of organizing through academic and environmental organizations, lobbying governments, corporations and international organizations, progress has been slow and often ineffectual, with major international conferences being hyped up but with little concrete results. Indigenous peoples continue to struggle against the dominant institutions while many in the scientific community continue to struggle within the dominant institutions, though their objectives remain similar.

    A major problem and disparity becomes clear: Indigenous people – among the most repressed and exploited in the world – are left to struggle directly against the most powerful institutions in the world (states and transnational corporations), while many in the sciences – an area of knowledge which has and continues to hold enormous potential to advance the species – attempt to convince those powerful institutions to profit less at exactly the point in history when they have never profited more.
    Indigenous communities remain largely impoverished, and the scientific community remains largely dependent for funding upon the very institutions which are destroying the environment: states, corporations and international organizations. Major barriers to scientific inquiry and research can thus be established if the institutions feel threatened, if they choose to steer the sciences into areas exclusively designed to produce ‘profitable’ forms of knowledge and technology. As humanity enters a critical stage – perhaps the most critical we have ever faced as a species – it is important to begin to acknowledge, question, and change the institutional contradictions and constraints of our society.

    It seems only logical that a convergence between Indigenous and scientific activism, organization, and the sharing of knowledge should be encouraged and facilitated. Indeed, the future of the species may depend upon it. This paper aims to encourage such a convergence by applying an anarchistic analysis of the social order as it relates to environmental degradation, specifically at the point of interaction with the environment (the source of extraction). In classifying this as an anarchistic analysis, I simply mean that it employs a highly critical perspective of hierarchically organized institutions. This paper does not intend to discuss in any detail the issue of climate change, since that issue is largely a symptom of the problem, which at its source is how the human social order interacts directly with the environment: extraction, pollution, degradation, exploitation and destruction at the point of interaction.

    This analysis will seek to critically assess the actions and functions of states, corporations, international organizations, financial institutions, trade agreements and markets in how they affect the environment, primarily at the point of interaction.
    pokracovani (data, zdroje):
    Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post | Home of the Irate Minority
    E2E4 --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Was Michael Hastings' Car Hacked? Richard Clarke Says It's Possible

    Clarke said, "There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers" -- including the United States -- know how to remotely seize control of a car.

    vice viz http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1137-financial-tyranny-free-fall
    GORG --- ---
    Russian TV Exposes Financial Tyranny w/ David Wilcock, Part 1: English Subtitles!
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Snowden: Program XKeyscore umožňuje americké vládě sledovat skoro všechno, co děláte na webu

    Americká vláda se snažila zpochybnit tvrzení whistleblowera Edwarda Snowdena, že jeji špehové mají možnost sledovat skoro všechno, co dělá jakýkoliv uživatel na internetu. Glen Greenwald nyní publikoval v deníku Guardian podrobnou prezentaci, vytvořenou na základě informací od Snowdena, která dokazuje, že americká vláda lhala a její špehové skutečně mohou sledovat skor úplně všechno, co děláte na internetu, a to prostřednictvím speciálního programu XKeyscore. Ve středu mají o špehování veřejnosti svědčit vysocí činitelé americké rozvědky v kongresovém výboru pro otázky soudnictví.

    XKeyscore: NSA tool collects 'nearly everything a user does on the internet' | World news | theguardian.com

    PUEBLO --- ---
    Silvio u soudu

    GORG --- ---
    Britové prodali zlato ukradené nacisty v Československu - Aktuálně.cz
    HESPELER --- ---
    sem to patri vlastne..
    TEBION --- ---
    Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube
    ZELA23 --- ---
    Virálny severokórejský dokument odhaľuje propagandu Západu. Strašidelné na tom je, ako pravdivý je. | Nová Vlna
    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Chomsky praises Snowden and condemns US hypocrisy
    And in fact if you look at anyone who’s spent any time poring through declassified records– I have, I’m sure many of you have– you find that overwhelmingly the security is the security of the state from its own population and that’s why things have to be kept secret.
    Then comes the interesting question of extradition. The US has just announced again that they’re going to punish anybody who refuses to extradite Snowden.

    At the same time the US is one of the leaers in refusing extradition. Bolivia is an interesting case. The US has imposed pressure at least… to try to block the Bolivian plane because they want Snowden extradited. For years Bolivia has been trying to extradite from the United States the former president who’s already indicted in Bolivia for all sorts of crimes. The US refuses to extradite him.

    In fact it’s happening right in Europe. Italy has been trying to extradite 22 CIA agents who were involved and in fact indicted for participating in a kidnaping in Milan. They kidnaped somebody, sent him off I think to Egypt to be tortured. And agreed later he was innnocent…

    Extradite the people involved, the US of course refuses. And there’s case after case like this… There are a lot of cases where the U.S. just refuses…

    In fact one of the most striking cases is Latin America, again, not just Bolivia. One of the world’s leading terrorists is Luis Posada, who was involved in blowing up a Cubana airliner which killed 73 people and lots of other terrorist acts. He’s sitting happily in… Miami, and his colleague Rolando Bosch also a major terrorist… is happily there… Cuba and Venezuela are trying to extradite them. But you know. Fat chance.

    Chomsky praises Snowden and condemns US hypocrisy — Antony Loewenstein
    PETVAL --- ---
    Skeptical Eye: Sibel Edmonds 101

    Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir
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