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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    David Icke & London Real, an Investigation

    tohle mi prijde dulezity a fer - k tematu free speech a free media
    COOK --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    'Secret' National Guard Unit Ready To Enforce 'Martial Law' In Washington DC | Zero Hedge
    GORG --- ---
    Exclusive: As Washington DC Faces Coronavirus Spike, Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure the Capital

    Ever since National Guards started to activate countrywide, Pentagon officials have insisted that men and women in uniform are not conducting secret missions and that they will not administer or enforce "stay at home" quarantines. The Pentagon has also rejected reports, including articles in Newsweek, about martial law or other extreme contingency plans, arguing that the Guard remains under strict control of state governors, while federal troops support civil agencies like FEMA.

    And yet the activation of Joint Task Force National Capital Region, including almost 10,000 uniformed personnel to carry out its special orders, contradicts those assurances. JTF-NCR is not only real and operating, reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense for some of its mission, but some of its units are already on 24/7 alert, specially sequestered on military bases and kept out of coronavirus support duties to ensure their readiness.
    GORG --- ---

    Thousands of hospital beds are EMPTY - despite non-COVID-19 patients denied treatment | Express.co.uk

    With thousands deaths heart and over six Prof Wishart, chief medical officer at Check4Cancer, a private early cancer diagnostics provider, said: "We pushed the panic button and there was a knee-jerk reaction when it was thought there would be hundreds of thousands of deaths from Covid and it was very obvious to create capacity for large numbers of people who were expected to develop respiratory problems. However, in the event it seems we are at or near the peak and that capacity has not been needed.

    "We have the worst cancer survival rates compared with many of our European neighbours. We are short of cancer specialists and radiologists and have been failing to meet waiting times for years. We are not in a position to cope with any increased demand at the end of lockdown." Last week the new 4,000-bed NHS Nightingale hospital in east London was treating just 30 patients.

    Professor Stephen Westaby, a leading heart surgeon, said: "Why not put Covid patients in that separate facility of the Nightingale so people with heart disease and cancer can go back to regional centres? "If we don't do this we could see thousands of deaths from heart disease and cancer over the next six months. Their families will never forget this.
    GORG --- ---
    Right-wing media figures spread “empty hospitals" theory to downplay the threat of coronavirus | Media Matters for America
    GORG --- ---
    Lisa Smyth: Public has a right to know the full story of true toll on elderly in Northern Ireland - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk
    GORG --- ---
    YouTube CEO suggests platform will ban videos contradicting WHO guidance - Business Insider
    GORG --- ---
    [ VOYTEX @ viry | epidemie | pandemie (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) ] , kde asi uz nemuzu k tomu davat dalsi linky jsem to tema zkusil vic prohledat na to vystrovani neglectu a rozhodne se neda rict, ze by to byl nejakej fake news
    predpokladam, ze zumpa je tedy i Reuters


    “We told the prosecutors they should keep a close eye on the elderly homes, because the situation was crazy,” said Carmen Flores, its president. She said the situation in some cases was grotesque: Homes had not taken infected patients to the hospital, but had “put them in the dining room and left them there, the poor people.”




    But just 51 patients have been treated there in three weeks, with thousands of surplus beds in many other NHS hospitals even as the coronavirus passes its peak.

    Father Pullicino, who served as chairman of the Department of Neurology and Neurosciences at the New Jersey Medical School in 2001 before returning to the UK in 2005, told Catholic News Service that the excess beds can be explained by a policy of returning elderly patients from hospitals to care homes even if they have COVID-19.

    V tehle zemich jsou i velka umrti,... .kde se evidnentne neposkytla ani zakladni pece pro duchodce. Nekteri byli nucene prevezeni z domova do domova duchodcu. Pribuzni je nemohli navstivit a byly tam ponechani osamoceni bez personalu, ktery by se o ne staral. Ve Spanelsku je pak az armada nasla nektery mrtvy ve svych postelich, protoze jim bylo znemozneno se lecit v nemocnici kvuli vysokemu veku. Stejny pattern se, zda se, tyka vsech tri zemi. A ten postup je i dle doporuceni WHO

    Zkusil jsem o tom napsat clanek na blog, ale ten zejo zkaftli, ze je to fake news, ktere jsem nemel ozdrojovany z verohodnych medii. Pravda zadny linky jsem neuvedl, ale z toho jsem si i v tom clanku utahoval, ze pokud tohle nekdo potrebuje zdrojovat, tak mu mozna chybi nejaka podstatna informace. Kupodivu v tom auditku na nyxu nechtej ani ty zdroje :) Tak snad to pujde jeste tady ,))

    Zvlastni.. jako mozna jsem blazen, ale nebyla ochrana starsich duvodem toho lockdownu? Je docela mozny, ze vsechna ta nadmerna umrti je prave kvuli tem opatrenim, i kdyz je tendence to argumentovat presne naopak. Umrti v domovech duchodcu tvori vetsinu statistiky. Dale i samo pouziti ventilatoru rada odborniku oznacila jako nesmysl, protoze v pripade covidu nejde o selhani plic ale nedostatek okysliceni.. ti lide normalne komunikuji, ale jsou i pry pripadne proti jejich vuli dle guidelines WHO uvedeny do umelyho spanku, aby jim pripojili ten ventilator, protoze to je strasne invazivni last resort postup, ktery by pri vedomi nezvladli. Nicmene WHO varuje pred nainvazivnimi postupy, ktere mohou ale vest k sireni aerosolu. Jeden doktor z NY ale namita, ze je treba mozne je polozit na bricho, nicmene guidelines vsech nemocnic veli postup davat ventilatory., ktere nicmene velmi tlaci na plice, a vetsina z toho duvodu zemre. Z te diskuze na nyxu jsem pochopil, ze to prej prece vsichni vedi, a ze uz se to jiste bere na zretel. No ja doufam... vypada to, ze ventilatory jsou v pripade nouze vhodne na uplne jinou chorobu.

    Jinak v CR se asi nic mod dramatickeho kolem domova duchodcu nedelo, ale onehda z reportaze CT24 vyplynulo, ze si ale sami museli sit rousky, tak i u nas se na starsi lidi myslelo precejen az na poslednim miste. Pritom z principu veci bylo prece jasne, ze ti budou jednou z nejvetsich skupin pacientu.Ale tak aspon je u nas nenechal na holickach personal ani nemonice. Kazdopadne ta vec ventilatoru mi prijde jako pomerne zasadni vec a divim se laxnimu pristupu nekterych tohle vubec povazovat vec hodnou zminky.Pokud je pravda tak pulka toho vseho, pak je to v podstate genocida. Prazdne postele v nemocnicich zatimco je odmitnuta pece lidem podle veku.

    Dporucuju vygooglovat #EmptyHospitals. Z ruznych mist sveta vcetne nejvetsich nemocnic, co byly ve zpravach udajne pretizenych, zeji prazdnotou. Vsechny neakutni zakroky byly zruseny, tvrdi nemocnice... hlasi asi 50% pokles vytizeni oproti normalu. Jsou tam prazdna parkoviste, prazdne cekarny, chodby. Ve vsech nemocnicich, kde se nekdo vypravil s kamerou. Jeden byl odsouzen na 12 tydnu vezeni, ze sel do nemocnice bez duvodu.


    In reality, there are fewer cars and people because visitation and elective procedures have been canceled to slow the spread of coronavirus. Further, medical facilities are taking great care to separate coronavirus patients from those without the disease.

    Nevim, jestli jsem fakt z jinyho vesmiru, ale v novinach mluvi o nemocnicich jako "o valecne zone", ktere jsou preplnene natolik, ze musi lidi davat i na chodby. Ale skoro jedine, co z nemocnic mame, jsou zabery ruznych tanecnich cisel doktoru a sester.

    Reportaz, ktera odstartovalo lockdown v USA, byl rozhovor s udajnou doktorkou z nemocnice, kde teda taky moc pacienti videt zadni nebyli, ale slo spis o jeji povidani, co pri medializaci pomohlo vytvorit dojem naprosteho zahlceni. Pritom ona o sobe na linkedu ma, ze studovala medical simulations a sama se tam oznacuje za "medical simulationista"

    Medical simulation, or more broadly, healthcare simulation, is a branch of simulation related to education and training in medical fields of various industries. Simulations can be held in the classroom, in situational environments, or in spaces built specifically for simulation practice.[1] It can involve simulated human patients - artificial, human or a combination of the two, educational documents with detailed simulated animations, casualty assessment in homeland security and military situations, emergency response, and support virtual health functions with holographic simulation. In the past, its main purpose was to train medical professionals to reduce error during surgery, prescription, crisis interventions, and general practice. Combined with methods in debriefing, it is now also used to train students in anatomy, physiology, and communication during their schooling.

    U jedne z nemocnic byla taky natocena cedule "Drill in progress"



    KUKIDE --- ---
    LUKK: ještě aby to vipadalo tvrdě...
    LUKK --- ---
    KUKIDE: vipadá?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    popravdě to vipadá že už neexistuje hranice mezi konspirací a nekonspirací:
    Soňa Peková: Nový koronavirus považuju za uměle vytvořený
    MTO --- ---
    MTO: jeste ze se na netu nic neztrati. jedina chyba mocnych ze povolili internet (zatim)

    C- vid 9teen h-oa-x ritual with predictive programming at olympics 2012 ORIGINAL – gloria.tv
    MTO --- ---
    si pripadam jak kdyz rusili svobodku nebo VoA, achjo...
    MTO --- ---
    zda se ze yt tecou nervy...odstranuji videa. sem se na to chtel kouknout a uz je to pryc....

    OrgoNet: Prediktivní programování: Zahajovací ceremoniál LOH v Londýně 2012 obsahoval satanistický rituál předpovídající COVID
    KUKIDE --- ---
    HIV-Laced COVID-19 Targets Human Testicles Its TB Strand Blocks The Immune System – Phi Quyền Chính – Anarchism: The Tao Of Anarchy
    GORG --- ---
    INK_FLO: heh.nenutim :) pro mě je to spíš nové téma , co moc nastudovaný nemám ..jen že jsem si všiml tehle hlasů z akademické komunity.
    Jinak vzhledem k tomu, že i my po domě jsme si rozjeli tři wifiny, nad tím raději zas moc hluboce nepremyslim ;-)
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    GORG: v pohodě, mě to asi stačí, existují desítky tisíc (pseudo)vědců, stovky až tisíce z nich říkají nějaké svoje různě podložený úvahy a názory někde na netu, nebo píšou různě odborný traktáty do různě (ne)důležitých žurnálů s různě silným impactem/důvěryhodností atd. (a to se vůbec nebavíme o tom, jestli jsou vládní či nevládní, kdo platí jejich think tanky a za jakým účelem atd.). Názor jsem si na to udělal, na argumentační youtube přetlačovanou hrát nebudu, jdu se radši dál věnovat věcem, který považuju za užitečnější...mám totiž sklony k paranoie a bojím se, že bych se z toho mohl zbláznit :-)). Beru na vědomí možnost, že naše křehké a pomíjivé životy jsou v neustálém ohrožení čímkoliv od židozednářského reptilián spiknutí přes nezodpovědně tech firmy zamořující prostředí mikrovlnami až po čím dál větší sucho. Spíš se to snažím zbytečně nekrmit, strach je svině :-)
    GORG --- ---
    INK_FLO: No vem si, ale kdyz jsem nalinkoval bandu vedcu, odkazujes se na Duska a related uvahy, jak si predstavujes spravnou konspiraci :)

    Health Risks Of WIFI And 5G Emissions By Dr. Anne Sasco

    Z jejiho povidani mi ted mimo jine vyplynulo, ze se delala nejaka studie bezpecnosti.. ktera skoncila, melo tam byt uvedeno, ze budou releasnuty vysledky, a dosud k tomu dle A. Sasco nedoslo.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam