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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GEN_IO --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: Ah ulozto mě nenapadlo ;) díky bratře
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    GEN_IO: ku streamu to nikde nevidim. mazou to i na vimeu..takze stary zlaty ulozto:)

    PLANDEMIC Skrytá agenda za Covid-19 [DOKUMENT - 1. ČÁST].mp4 | Ulož.to
    GEN_IO --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: Mohl bys ten film vyšťourat někde znovu? Yt Link už nefunguje, měl jsem volnou chvilku konečně a chtěl jsem se na to podívat... Díky!
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: Tady nějakej factchecking k PLANDEMIC "?dokumentu?" - ten factchecking jsem nefactcheckoval. :)

    KUKIDE: pravdu mas... my bad, fb ma insta a whatsapp zil sem v tom ze i tubu
    KUKIDE --- ---
    MONKEYFIGHTER: youtube je vlasněná Alphabet
    Companies Owned by Alphabet (GOOGL), Google's Parent Company
    AIM_FREEMAN: tak youtube je facebook.
    GORG --- ---
    jasne.. lidi nemuzou potkat svoje starsi pribuzny kvuli "riziku" ale navzajem se osukat od ciziho cloveka maji oficialni podporu od hlavniho "hygioologa"... do psi prdele.. jako nemoct se videt se svou rodinou umirajici v nenocnici kvuli "koronaviru" je ok ale budeme pusobit pozitivne na liid, co jedou na tinderu.. hnus.
    GORG --- ---
    Dr. Anthony Fauci, the scientific lead in the president's coronavirus task force, has advised people to practice social distancing, but when asked whether asymptomatic strangers should hookup using apps such as Tinder and Grindr, Fauci said, “If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk.”

    Dr. Fauci on Tinder Hookups During COVID-19: 'If You Want to Go More Intimate ... That's Your Choice' | CNSNews
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    PlanDemic a film about the global plan to take control of our lives liberty health & freedom

    Tohle uz jste vsichni videli? Ta pani, ktere bylo zabraneno publikovat poznatky o HIV, vypada duverhodne. Ukazuje se, ze Fauci byl hajzlik takrka odjakziva.
    GEN_IO --- ---
    AIM_FREEMAN: No ty brko
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Na Youtube mu také smazali účet.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---

    Je to fašistická stránka, píše konspirátor Icke o Facebooku. Ten mu za dezinformace o koronaviru smazal účet | Svět | Lidovky.cz
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    David Icke & London Real, an Investigation

    tohle mi prijde dulezity a fer - k tematu free speech a free media
    COOK --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    'Secret' National Guard Unit Ready To Enforce 'Martial Law' In Washington DC | Zero Hedge
    GORG --- ---
    Exclusive: As Washington DC Faces Coronavirus Spike, Secret Military Task Force Prepares to Secure the Capital

    Ever since National Guards started to activate countrywide, Pentagon officials have insisted that men and women in uniform are not conducting secret missions and that they will not administer or enforce "stay at home" quarantines. The Pentagon has also rejected reports, including articles in Newsweek, about martial law or other extreme contingency plans, arguing that the Guard remains under strict control of state governors, while federal troops support civil agencies like FEMA.

    And yet the activation of Joint Task Force National Capital Region, including almost 10,000 uniformed personnel to carry out its special orders, contradicts those assurances. JTF-NCR is not only real and operating, reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense for some of its mission, but some of its units are already on 24/7 alert, specially sequestered on military bases and kept out of coronavirus support duties to ensure their readiness.
    GORG --- ---

    Thousands of hospital beds are EMPTY - despite non-COVID-19 patients denied treatment | Express.co.uk

    With thousands deaths heart and over six Prof Wishart, chief medical officer at Check4Cancer, a private early cancer diagnostics provider, said: "We pushed the panic button and there was a knee-jerk reaction when it was thought there would be hundreds of thousands of deaths from Covid and it was very obvious to create capacity for large numbers of people who were expected to develop respiratory problems. However, in the event it seems we are at or near the peak and that capacity has not been needed.

    "We have the worst cancer survival rates compared with many of our European neighbours. We are short of cancer specialists and radiologists and have been failing to meet waiting times for years. We are not in a position to cope with any increased demand at the end of lockdown." Last week the new 4,000-bed NHS Nightingale hospital in east London was treating just 30 patients.

    Professor Stephen Westaby, a leading heart surgeon, said: "Why not put Covid patients in that separate facility of the Nightingale so people with heart disease and cancer can go back to regional centres? "If we don't do this we could see thousands of deaths from heart disease and cancer over the next six months. Their families will never forget this.
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