zajimava paralela.

All detainees at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are given a copy of the Koran. Surgical masks are provided to the detainees so they can keep the Koran off the floor and prevent guards from touching it.
On the other hand, the goggles and surgical masks (along with the practice of
capturing detainees with the camera from the side or behind only) have also been
explained as a way in which the US is complying with accepted international
standards and treating detainees ‘humanely’. These practices not only limit
detainees from seeing, and therefore from resisting their capture, but also prevent
the viewer from seeing their faces, which would be considered ‘inhumane’.18
dDH Vredessite; Nieuwe Oorlog 2002: Guantanamo-dossier
I gasped for air as I tried to breathe through my nose. I told myself not to panic. All I could smell was the nauseating material of the surgical mask. And I knew my moans of discomfort went unheard.
Face mask
No chance of men exchanging advice or raising morale. No religious teachings can be passed on. Makes recognition of prisoners difficult. Rules out risk of biting a guard. Causes claustrophobia and could lead to breathing problems.
The Experiment | The New Yorker
Time published a report containing excerpts of the interrogation logs, which revealed that Qahtani was forced to strip naked, told to bark like a dog, deprived of the opportunity to use a toilet after having been force-fed liquids intravenously, ordered to dance with a mask on his face