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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a “Digital Dictatorship” - unlimitedhangout.com

    Tento Bidenův návrh by mohl z USA udělat "digitální diktaturu"
    "Nový" návrh Bidenovy administrativy na vytvoření federální agentury zaměřené na zdravotnictví po vzoru DARPA není tím, čím se zdá být. Tato oživená "zdravotní DARPA", propagovaná jako způsob, jak "skoncovat s rakovinou", skrývá nebezpečnou agendu.
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    Tim Kirby, Joaquin Flores – The Strategy Session, Episode 15 — Strategic Culture

    Zásadní krize spočívá v tom, že se všechny tyto skutečnosti spojují v rámci širšího misantropického a genocidního narativu, který rozděluje lidstvo na podstatné a nepodstatné, píše Joaquin Flores. O morálce Velkého resetu diskutuje s Timem Kirbym v novém podcastu Strategy Session.

    The fundamental crisis now is that all of these come together as part of a broader misanthropic and genocidal narrative which divides humanity between essential and non-essential, writes Joaquin Flores. He and Tim Kirby discuss the Great Reset morality in the new Strategy Session podcast.
    GORG --- ---
    176 recipients died in 71 days of India's Covid vaccine drive, but no direct link found

    New Delhi: A total of 176 people who received the Covid-19 vaccine died in the first 71 days of India’s immunisation drive, between 16 January and 27 March, according to Union Health Ministry data accessed by ThePrint.

    A Health Ministry official, however, stressed that nothing had been found so far to link the deaths to the vaccinations.

    Health experts said data about deaths and adverse events following immunisation (AEFIs) reported during the vaccination drive need to be viewed with discretion, by weighing the pros and cons and taking a conscious decision in the larger public interest.

    Through it all, they add, the government should maintain a transparent flow of information with the public.

    Over 6 crore doses of the Covid vaccines — 6,11,13,354 to be exact — were administered between 16 January and 27 March.

    Since both the vaccines being administered in India (Covishield and Covaxin) work on a two-dose regimen, this figure doesn’t convey the exact number of people vaccinated, but only the number of doses administered.

    The fatality count of 176 translates into one death for roughly every 3.4 lakh doses administered.

    Speaking to ThePrint, the Union Health Ministry official quoted above said the 176 fatalities “are the total number of deaths that have been reported from across the country” in that period. “There is no clarity yet on how many of these are causally linked to vaccinations. That decision will be taken by a committee of experts,” the official added.

    Between 16 January and 27 March, a total of 18,969 cases of AEFI were reported on the CoWin portal, which was set up to coordinate the vaccination drive.

    This means there were 31 cases of AEFI reported for every 1,00,000 doses of vaccine administered. Of these, 18,305 events were categorised as minor, 268 as severe, and 396 as serious.

    India started vaccinations from 16 January, first targeting health and frontline workers, before opening up the exercise to senior citizens and people with comorbidities aged 45-59 years from 1 March. The third phase of vaccination, beginning 1 April, saw the inclusion of all those aged 45 and above.

    This data, therefore, only reflects deaths and AEFIs in the first two categories of recipients.

    The government has set up a group of experts to conduct causality assessment of AEFIs following Covid-19 vaccination.

    On 17 March, the health ministry revealed the results of the assessment done in eight cases where vaccine recipients had died, saying three “have been found to have consistent causal association to vaccination, four cases have been found to have inconsistent causal association to vaccination (coincidental) & one case was found unclassifiable”.

    In two of the cases, the ministry said there was “biological plausibility” of a link between vaccine and the cause of death. However, for all three, the panel found that “temporal relationship is consistent but there is insufficient definitive evidence for vaccine causing event”.

    Highest number of deaths reported in Andhra
    Of the 176 deaths, 79 took place in hospital while 97 occurred before the patient could be hospitalised, the health ministry data state.

    Andhra Pradesh reported the most number (19) of deaths followed by Kerala (16), West Bengal (15) and Maharashtra (15).

    Smaller states and union territories have reported more cases of AEFIs per lakh doses. Dadra and Nagar Haveli (776) tops the chart, followed by Mizoram (715), Goa (478), Sikkim (378), Arunachal Pradesh (310), Meghalaya (242) and Himachal Pradesh (130). The number was 65 for Delhi.

    Among the bigger states, Kerala tops with 115 AEFIs reported per 10 lakh doses administered, followed by Karnataka at 71, Haryana at 59, and Telangana at 56.

    The ministry official quoted above declined to share disaggregated information about the percentage of AEFIs and deaths reported among the recipients of the two different vaccines.

    As part of AEFI surveillance, all states need to mandatorily perform an RT-PCR test on those who have died or have been hospitalised. There is also a verbal autopsy form that needs to be filled with details from the treating physicians, and histopathological tests that have to be performed after death.

    Dr Anand Krishnan, professor for community medicine at AIIMS, said “while we evaluate AEFIs/deaths it is an epidemiological challenge to get data of deaths for various age groups with or without vaccination”.

    “However, if we assume that there are x excess deaths because of vaccination, we have to weigh the pros and cons and and take a conscious decision balancing larger public good against minuscule private harm. So long as this is done in a transparent manner, with all available information in the public domain … it is a decision of the community,” he added.

    “The government is a proxy for community. However, at the same time, there should be compensation for those suffering that miniscule private harm.”

    Rajasthan has vaccinated 52% of senior citizens
    By 31 March, the top three states/UTs in terms of vaccination coverage of senior citizens were Ladakh (82 per cent), Tripura (59 per cent) and Rajasthan (52 per cent). Gujarat had vaccinated 42 per cent of its senior citizens by then, and Kerala 33 per cent. Karnataka, Jharkhand, Goa, and Jammu & Kashmir have each vaccinated 24 per cent of their senior citizens, while the number was 19 per cent for Maharashtra, which has been leading the Covid infection surge amid the second wave.

    Among the other poor performers are Tamil Nadu at 9 per cent, Punjab (which also has a very high mortality rate) at 7 per cent, and Telangana at 10 per cent.

    Data shows that the maximum wastage of Covisheld happened in Tamil Nadu, where a little over 10 per cent of the doses could not be administered, while the maximum waste of Covaxin happened in Assam, where 16.1 per cent could not be used.

    Ano 176 lidi za 71 dni je na Indii relativne malo, ale takze nize v clankach ctu, ze je v Indii administrativni bordel, mraky lidi mrtvych, o kterych pry jeste ani nevime (udajne nasobky bububu), podezreni ze Indie manipuluje s udaji, aby zakryla pocet mrtvych na COVID, ALE tady tech 176 lidi evidovanych, ze zemreli na AEFI, budou jiste kompletni provazane udaje
    Indicti oficialove tam tvrdi, ze jisteze jsou nejake male pocty obeti na vakcinu, ale ze je potreba uvazit pro a proti, a ze pokud budou transparentni, tak by to melo byt v pohode. V tom samem clanku ctu, ze odmitaji zverejnit, kolik z tehle 176 melo kterou z tech vakcin. Imho o transparenci neni potreba mluvit.. tu je potreba delat. Kdo o necem moc spis mluvi, to typicky nedela.

    Jinde jsem se docetl vypovedi, ze i v Indii vloni nepustili tatinka do nemocnice, protoze nemel covid, a tak zemrel. Podobne i v CR. V Indii asi meli umrti navic uz vloni a tutlali to nebo o tom administrativa nevedela... hence "India death paradox"... je teda otazka, jestli vakciny situaci jeste nezhorsily
    GORG --- ---
    COVID-19 vaccination in India - Wikipedia

    zajimave, ze se reci o nezvykle vetsich mnozstvich umrti kryji s narustem ockovani, ktere tam zacali v lednu 2021.
    v soucasnosti melo v Indii vakcinu uz 10% obyvatel. dohromady to je 160 milionu lidi. 30 milionu lidi uz druhou davku.
    just saying.

    kdyz uz bylo hodne lidi v Indii proockovano zacala Indie dodavat vakciny a oslavovalo se. nez prisla.... indicka mutace.. zajimave ze prisla az po roce s novou vakcinou jako snad ve vsech zemich, kde se vakcinovalo. je to snaha zakryt nahly narust umrti jakousi mutaci u viru, ktery samozrejme neustale mutuje?

    narust umrti se tedy priklada nove mutaci a hinduistickym svatkum, kdy se seslo hodne lidi.
    anebo mohou vakciny, ktera rade lidi umi vyvolat primo to, co dela covid, aby si vytvorili protilatky .. zpusobit umrti v zavislosti na stavu zdravotnictvi te zeme? a to se tu bavime o lidech, kteri jsou v lockdownu se vsim, co s tim souvisi. zakaz vychazeni z domu, otevrene jen essential obchody. indicka vlada udajne dodava lidem potraviny do domu, ale mam silne pochyby o mire takove pomoci v Indii, ktera s timhle mela problemy i bez covidu.

    Opinion | At India's Covid Mass Cremations - The New York Times

    India's COVID crisis: How did it happen and what to expect | DW Special Report

    i v roce 2020 jeste pred vakcinami meli nezvykly narust umrti.. ale oficialne meli covidova umrti jedny z nejmensich cisel, coz se prikladalo administrativnimu bordelu, ve kterem tam zijou

    Will India’s devastating COVID-19 surge provide data that clear up its death ‘paradox’? | Science | AAAS

    Can New Mortality Data Explain India’s Low Covid Death Numbers?

    GORG --- ---
    vzhledem k tomu, že media teď rituálně oslavují spalování mrtvých v Indii, je vhodné něco trochu připomenout.

    Hladoví Indové jdou stovky kilometrů pěšky domů. Odpusťte, prosí premiér - iDNES.cz

    Umřeme dřív hlady než na virus, naříkají Indové. Přišli o možnost obživy - iDNES.cz
    RIVA --- ---
    Conspiracy Fun Facts With WhatsHerFace
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    Which 80's Dystopia Are We Living In?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: ok. Cliff má za sebou nějakou minulost, byl IT a vzhledem k jeho věku byl v začátcích takže on ví ty základy co dnešní IT ne... zadruhé vytvářel různé systémy pro vlády a třeba i MS... to co jede pro sebe je to že před lety spustil nějakého vyhledávácího bota, který je založenej na slovní sématice... můžeš se přihlásit a koupit si členství aby jsi dostával tyhle reporty... počítám že to funguje na základě nějakého výskytu slov a jejich vzrůstající či klesající tendenci dohromad s jejich propojení... občas v některém videu popisuje jakou mají ty data strukturu a proč z toho může čerpat jen některé informace...

    poslední roky, bojuje s cenzurou netu a proto se už hodněkrát vyjádřil že jeho minulé postupy už nejsou přesné neb ty data ovlivňuje cenzura netu...

    pak taky před několika lety asi tři prodělal rakovinu... je to klasickej amík a má dost neklasické názory...

    momentálně se poslední dva roky přesunul na wooo věci, tedy esoscifiufokonspirace... ale jeho přístup je čistě pragmatickej takže pokud nemá důkaz tak to nehlásá jako pravdu, ale jako možnost...

    ne vždy se trefí to je fakt ale trendy a různé nové věci predikuje celkem dost... i u těch vakcín mě nalomil víc než normálně a moc dobře vím že to je jeho selskej rozum co to říkal, takže to tak beru jako názor velice chytrého sečtělého člověka a díky tomu videu mě taky posunul více k tomu že mRNA vakcínu nechci a chci tu s mrtvým/oslabeným virem... ale vzhledem k indické mutaci tak na to nespěchám neb třeba to bude zbytečné...

    to výše jsem tu rozepsal jako příklad toho jak mě jeho info ovlivňuje...

    Ale protože si jedu už hezkou řádku let svoje wooo tak jeho info mezi řádky je pro mě cennější než třeba predikce stříbra za 600 dolarů...

    Spíš jeho info ber tak že hodnoty nemusí být úplně správně, ale směr je skoro vždy správně :)
    RIVA --- ---
    KUKIDE: V podstate by me zajimal tvuj postoj k jeho zaverum. Jsem docela radikal, ale to co tady Cliff rika o mozne nutnosti izolace ockovanych je silne kafe i na me. Tohle je pouze jedno z dvou videi ktere jsem od nej videl (prvni jsi tu kdysi postnul ty), takze o nem vlastne jako o cloveku moc nevim. Mozna bys mohl zkusit osvetlit jeho background, na jakem principu vytvari ty predikce, kde bere data a jak moc se za ty leta osvedcil, jestli ho sledujes?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: co by jsi z toho chtěl vědět.... cliff to má docela komplexní za ty léta to drží konzistenci ...
    RIVA --- ---
    what my normie friends hear when i try to explain the NWO to them
    RIVA --- ---
    KUKIDE: Mel bys cas na malou analyzu tohohle videa?
    RIVA --- ---
    Czechia's Deep State Is Divided Over Its Latest Russiagate Hoax

    RIVA --- ---
    KUKIDE: Známej mi ho doporučil, tak jsem si říkal že ti udělám radost
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: a konečně tu někdo linkuje cliffa :D
    RIVA --- ---
    Shedding Woo!

    Cliff High - This is a very depressing subject. Be advised. Will make you consider long range thinking & our species survival.
    RIVA --- ---
    Gestapo Attacks Canadian Church Again!! Pastor again tells them Get Out, Nazi!!
    GORG --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam