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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    Švajčiarski policajti už nechcú mlčky presadzovať obmedzujúce covidové opatrenia

    Vo Švajčiarsku sa policajti zo všetkých kantónov spojili do združenia „My pre vás“ a napísali list Policajnému zväzu. Nie sú už ochotní mlčky a bez odporu presadzovať covidové opatrenia.

    Über uns | wirfuereuch.ch

    We are an association of police officers from all cantons in Switzerland. In addition, we have committed ourselves to the democratic constitutional state to protect and uphold the fundamental rights of everyone to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, we are increasingly observing negative developments within society, especially in direct contact with the population. We are also affected as private individuals, as fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. We see the restrictions on fundamental rights to this extent and over the previous period in contradiction to proportionality and the greatest good of a democracy: freedom. The question arises as to what justifies these restrictions. These questions need to be answered.

    The need to express one's opinion freely is very great among our professional colleagues. We offer a platform where you as a police officer can report without fear of exclusion or consequences.

    Letter to the VSPB
    MTO --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    7 lies about Afghanistan, by Thierry Meyssan
    RIVA --- ---
    Joe Biden's fight for «Democracy», by Thierry Meyssan
    RIVA --- ---
    Smart Cities & the End of the Era of Man — Strategic Culture
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    Dmitry Orlov:

    The Technosphere and the Noosphere of the Earth
    In my 2016 book Shrinking the Technosphere I described the technosphere as a nonhuman global emergent intelligence driven by an abstract teleology of total control, a networked machine with some human moving parts (fewer and fewer every day), utterly devoid of any moral or ethical sense (but skilled in using morality and ethics for manipulative purposes). The technosphere can keep you alive and comfortable if it finds you useful but can just as easily kill you, its killing technologies being some of the most advanced. I made the case that we ought to work diligently on shrinking the technosphere; not eliminating technology altogether, mind you, since that would spell the death of billions, but reigning it in and becoming the master of it rather than it being the master of us.

    My book did define half the problem but, concentrating as it did on technology alone, it ignored the other half by placing an important question—What drives the totality of the human endeavor?—out of scope. Yes, the technosphere doesn't particularly care whether we live or die. If we must shrink the technosphere, then to what purpose? The technosphere is powerful, and to wage battle against it requires some measure of heroism and wild abandon. But what is to motivate us to become heroes—fear of death? Well, fear has never produced a hero. Why try to be a hero if mere cowardice can produce similar results?

    What can control and shrink the technosphere is not you or me and our puny and pathetic efforts but cultural and civilizational forces beyond our control. In order to understand them, we first have to admit that nothing is out of scope. We need to start by examining the variety of religious mythologies that serve as the basis for most human motivations. Some of them constrain the technosphere in purposeful ways while others allow it to run rampant. These mythologies, along with everything that is built up on top of them, comprise the noosphere of the Earth, which I will attempt to describe.

    The world has changed appreciably in the intervening years since I published this book, specifically in the direction of total control of the technosphere over our lives. Much of the world's population is now being ordered about, often seemingly at random, injected with experimental concoctions with unknown long-term consequences, forced to self-isolate and wear face masks. A certain not particularly lethal, quite possibly artificial respiratory virus has provided a convenient excuse—all to mask dire developments in the availability and affordability of fossil fuels. In many parts of the world basic human freedoms have all but evaporated: people now live in a panopticon, continuously observed and monitored for signs of disobedience by their computers and smartphones, ubiquitous security cameras, their public speech censored by artificial intelligence algorithms. It would seem that we now live in a technological anti-utopia that would surprise both Orwell and Huxley. The technosphere appears to have won; as of 2021, little stands in its way of sidelining the wise and old, brainwashing the young and foolish and replacing humans with widgets.

    What I proposed in that book didn't work, but I have since learned enough to try to fix the problem, at least from the point of view of understanding it better. To do this, we first have to zoom out and place the concept of the technosphere within its proper context. The technosphere is but one aspect of a larger intellectual scheme created by the Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, a luminary of 20th century science who founded entire new scientific disciplines—biochemistry and radiogeology—and was one of the founders of genetic mineralogy and geochemistry. None of the other 20th-cenury scientists could compare with him in his breadth of knowledge. The pinnacle of his creativity was his teaching about the biosphere—a result of synthesis of ideas and facts from tens of different branches of natural science. Vernadsky was a student of Dmitry Mendeleev, who, with his invention of the Mendeleev Table, founded modern chemistry. Vernadsky was, in turn, the teacher of Igor Kurchatov, the nuclear scientist who, among others, provided the USSR with the nuclear deterrent that saved it from annihilation by the USA, which it planned to carry out in the years following its successful atomic bombing of Japan.

    These shining beacons of world science have been steadfastly ignored in the West. Mendeleev's contribution is impossible to ignore, and so Mendeleev's Table has been coyly renamed "The Periodic Table of Elements" while Vernadsky is hardly mentioned at all. And yet it is Vernadsky who provided the best conceptual framework for understanding life on Earth and humanity's place within it—much better than James Lovelock's amateur theologizing of an entirely imaginary and in its latest iteration supposedly vengeful Gaia. But Gaia is politically useful in threatening to unleash its sweet vengeance on anyone who dares to track carbon footprints across her sitting room rug.

    Let's look at Vernadsky's model, which encompasses pretty much all that should ever concern us. Omitting some details, Earth is a ball with a solid iron core surrounded by molten or semi-molten mantle of silicate rock upon which floats a thin crust made up of lighter stuff that makes up the ocean floor and the islands and continents we inhabit. Nuclear fission reactions within Earth generate heat which is dissipated through volcanism, tectonic plate movement and the warming of the oceans from the bottom up. Amusingly, the agenda-driven scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have consistently flubbed even the simplest Earth science quiz, claiming that melting glaciers will cause sea levels to rise, neglecting to notice that both the land on which the glaciers rest and the ocean floor which their meltwater would push down are afloat. If the land ice melts and runs off into the oceans (a process that would take up to a million years) earthquakes would cause the land would rise and the sea floor to fall, negating the effect.

    The biosphere (a term coined by Vernadsky) is a sphere located between the uppermost layers of Earth's crust and the lower reaches of the stratosphere where all the living things are, while areas both above and below are entirely bereft of life. But that's not all that's going on. Since Homo sapiens evolved, the biosphere has been increasingly transformed by the effects of two more spherical entities: the noosphere (from the Greek nöos, knowledge or wisdom)—a sphere of human knowledge. The noosphere is what makes Homo sapiens sapient. There is also the technosphere (also a Vernadsky coinage) which encompasses the ever-growing grab-bag of technical tricks available to all Homo sapiens regardless of their noospheric differences and which has increasingly developed a primitive mind and an agenda of its own.

    For both the biosphere and the noosphere, diversity is key. Bombard Earth with asteroids or nuclear bombs, cover it with volcanic ash from nuclear eruptions, subtly alter its atmospheric chemistry by burning every bit of fossil fuel you can get your hands on—and it will bounce back, eventually, because once the dust settles some organisms that were previously lurking in the shadows will float up from the depths of the ocean or crawl out of some crevice and evolve to fill every newly available niche. Similarly with the noosphere: a certain set of myths (capitalism, communism, socialism, democracy, progress, climate catastrophism, universal human values, etc.) may flourish for a time, then perish, and other, perhaps newer, but most likely older myths will step out of the shadows and take their place.

    If you imagined that the noosphere encompasses what you know or consider to be common knowledge in some officially, internationally recognized sense, you would probably be wrong. The noosphere is a stack that includes social relationships, political traditions, history, language, local custom and law, traditions, religious observances and at its foundation lie religious myths that give life meaning. Walk up to a random person and ask: "What is your life's purpose?" If the answer is along the lines of "Work and play well with others" or "Get rich and have sex with lots of strangers" or "Make enough to feed my family" than the Homo sapiensyou are talking to may not be particularly sapient, since the same motivations might drive an ape, an elephant, a penguin or even a termite. A more interesting answer would be more along the lines of "Become one with my spirit animal" or "Enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" or "Break the cycle of death and resurrection by reaching nirvana."

    In spite of their great diversity, the myths that serve as the foundational elements of the noosphere can all be sorted into categories identified by a member of the following set: {NULL, 0, 1, 2, 3}. These identifiers indicate atheistic, polytheistic, monistic, dualistic and trinitarian mythologies. These numbers do not obey the laws of arithmetic but behave in the following counterintuitive and non-obvious ways:

    Atheistic: NULL is NULL

    Polytheistic: 0 = ∞

    Monistic: 1≠1

    Dualistic: 1+1=1

    Trinitarian: 1+1+1=1

    Next week, we shall look at each one of these.
    RIVA --- ---
    Dr Charles Hoffe - Vaccinated Likely To Be Dead Within 3 Years
    RIVA --- ---
    cryptogon.com » Australia: ABC TV Newscast Interrupted by Clip of Satan Worshipers
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: celkem nic novýho pod sluncem ... to že se tahle technologie dá použít, teda spíše zneužít je jasný... ale popravdě jim to moc nebude fungovat... každej kdo má děti mi jistě dá zapraavdu :D
    RIVA --- ---
    Peter Gumley on Boris Johnson, the British Deep State and the American Empire | Free Podcasts | Podomatic"
    RIVA --- ---
    iPhone Neural Hash - SHOCKING AI Tech
    RIVA --- ---
    Thread by @eh_den on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


    How come Prizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen etc. are using a technology that both they and the regulators know will cause unknown results?
    (plus a bonus)

    Let's start with a thought experiment:
    If an engineering design flaw exists and no one measures it, can it really injure people or kill them?

    Making a new vaccine is hard. Making a new vaccine that uses a new technology is even harder, because you need to prove safety.

    Luckily, when it comes to COVID, the vaccines have been tested and shown to be safe, right?

    Well, they might have forgotten one thing...

    Trying to tell your body to generate proteins is hard for many reasons. One of them is the fact that when you try to run the protein information via ribosomes which process that code and generate the protein, it can be very slow or can get stuck during the process.

    Luckily, scientists found a way to overcome this problem, by doing code substitution: instead of using the original genetic code to generate the protein, they changed the letters in the code so the code would be optimized. This is known as Codon Optimization.

    Codons are three nucleotides; nucleotides are the building blocks of your DNA.

    Here is an example of Codon Optimization:
    60% of the codons were altered,
    22% of the nucleotides were altered.

    And yet the end result is that the ribosomes generate the same protein!

    Same? Well, not so much.

    In 2011 Nature Medicine magazine published an article called "Breaking the Silence". It described how codon optimization, which uses this synonymous DNA changes, can trigger disease in a number of ways.

    Breaking the silence | Nature Medicine

    Turns out the protein which was manufactured when codon optimization has different ways it folds and a different 3D shape, and it "could cause immunogenicity, for example, which wouldn’t be seen until late-stage clinical trials or even after approval".

    "The changed form could cause immunogenicity, for example, which wouldn’t be seen until late-stage clinical trials or even after approval." (Chava Kimchi Sarfaty, FDA)
    This statement relates to the NORMAL approval cycle. The COVID vaccines went via an accelerated one.

    "codon optimization can lead to alterations in protein conformation and function…. and increase immunogenicity….some of these elements can … alter protein folding, and lead to changes in protein conformation and post-translational modifications.” (Vincent P. Mauro)

    Protein misfolding "has been linked with neurodegeneration in Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, and many other pathologies."

    Protein Misfolding Diseases - PubMed

    "The data confirm that protein misfolding resulting in intracellular PAO accumulation is sufficient to cause cardiomyocyte death and heart failure."

    Protein misfolding and cardiac disease: establishing cause and effect - PubMed

    So if it is so problematic, why do manufacturers use it? because "higher levels of protein expression are required for clinical trials and commercialization, and these expression levels can sometimes be obtained by using (codon optimization)" (Vincent P. Mauro, 2018)

    Pfizer is the most aggressive in their genetic code optimization (as far as we know); just read the abstract from "BNT162b2 Vaccine: Possible Codons Misreading, Errors in Protein Synthesis and Alternative Splicing's Anomalies"

    BNT162b2 Vaccine: possible codons misreading, errors in protein synthesis and alternative splicing's anomalies - Authorea

    Do they mention it to the regulator? no.
    Here is Pfizer BNT162b2/Comirnaty Risk Management Plan for the EMA.

    Variant V8 & V9 were tested, only difference was codon optimization, V8 had elevated levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GTT), V9 didn't.

    So Pfizer admits codon optimization can lead to elevated GTT, and "elevated GGT is linked to increased risk to a multitude of diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome (MetS), and all-cause mortality."

    Gamma-Glutamyltransferase: A Predictive Biomarker of Cellular Antioxidant Inadequacy and Disease Risk

    And even though Pfizer admits codon optimization impacts the safety of their product, "Safety pharmacology, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity studies have not been conducted in accordance with the 2005 WHO vaccine guideline."

    How did they manage to avoid testing?

    The WHO 2005 document states that such tests normally not needed for the FINAL vaccine formulation. This is because in a NORMAL vaccine approval pharmacology, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity studies are done during ANIMAL STUDIES, which were practically skipped here.

    Even though EMA states:
    "It is important to investigate the potential for undesirable pharmacological activity in appropriate animal models and, where necessary, to incorporate particular monitoring for these activities in the toxicity studies and/or clinical studies"

    Back to sequencing: this concern was reported in 2006, published in 2007, and "breaking the silence" was published in Nature Medicine magazine in 2011, the FDA or its equivalent in Europe (EMA) STILL THEY DO NOT HAVE a guidance with regard to the genetic sequencing.

    Here is Katerina Alexaki from the FDA explaining how a SINGLE synonymous mutation (mutation that doesn't impact the protein but its 3D object & folding) can result in a disease and that if you have multiple substations there is a good chance it may have an effect:


    Here is again Katerina Alexaki, this time answering the question whether the regulator demand the manufacturers to test for the impact of their codon optimization.
    The answer is no:


    Here is a slide from a workshop given to the EMA in 2016, by FDA employee ("Immunogenicity of Biological Therapeutics Product Quality Attributes")
    Construct design affects product quality and "Codon optimization and protein folding" are mentioned.

    The manufacturers knows about the potential risk.
    The regulators knows about the potential risk.

    Yet regulators don't test V products as gene therapy, and do not put in place codon optimization risk mitigation plan.


    THE BONUS !!!

    Could it be that the "variants" that we see are a result of the misfolding of the spike protein, which is a result of the codon optimization technology used?

    Could it explain the correlation between vaccinations campaigns & "new variants" outbreaks?

    If codon optimization is causing "new variants" (new symptoms & sickness), than any new product (eg boosters) which will include new codon optimized genetic code, will again lead to more forms of sickness.

    Where is the 3D model of the "Delta variant"?

    Protein folding is governed by Gibbs Free Energy (ΔΔG). Protein stability seems to plays a vital role in the evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Dominant variants were found to exhibit significantly lower ΔΔG, with HIGHER THAN EXPECTED protein stability.


    Just to explain the above, out of the variants of concern, NONE of the dominant mutations (67 of 19440 possible mutations) observed in induce a strongly destabilizing, which was significantly different to the expected 34% of possible mutations meeting this threshold.

    "We suggest that protein folding calculations offer a useful tool for early identification of advantageous mutations"

    Could it be that manufacturers used codon optimization and protein folding calculations in order to stabilize the selected spike protein?

    "hold on, that's the spike protein, that does not explain the spread of the virus. The spike protein is not supposed to replicate!"

    Agreed, but it does not explain IgG antibodies against the nucleocapsid in vaccinated non-infected people.

    Circulating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Vaccine Antigen Detected in the Plasma of mRNA-1273 Vaccine Recipients | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford Academic

    And for anyone who is still not freaked out...I forgot to mention reverse transcription, thank you @HiveAnti for reminding me.

    "Breaking Study Sheds More Light on Whether an RNA Vaccine Can Permanently Alter DNA".

    Breaking Study Sheds More Light on Whether an RNA Vaccine Can Permanently Alter DNA – Science with Dr. Doug


    The following tweets are A MAJOR REVISION / UPDATE to the story. It's darn complex.
    As the doctor always says in the joke: "I've got some good news, and I've got some bad news."
    Don't worry, you will get ANOTHER BONUS at the end !!!

    Let's start with the GOOD news:
    MOST pharmaceutical companies realized they have a problem (Actually since the MERS outbreak). The spike protein was unstable, so this time they inserted genetic code to create a supportive "skeleton" structure.

    This is how it works:
    They made two substitutions in the genetic code, adding two molecules of amino acid called proline, in order for it to act as an anchor to keep the protein structure in place. I say some MOST because AstraZeneca didn't... Problems solved, right?

    Obviously not (BAD NEWS)!
    So it seems that ALL the vaccines that are in the market who use this technology, known as S-2P or 2P, suffer from instability and it is difficult to produce reliably in mammalian cells. Just a reminder - we are (still) mammals.

    Also, remember - we have TWO substitutions here. If ONE synonymous mutation can lead to a disease, what is the impact of TWO substitutions? The new suggested structure, HexaPro, uses 6 substitutions. Great for performance and stability, but what about safety?

    A tak dal... Ted jsem si uvedomil ze nacpat sem cely clanek by mi trvalo cely den. Na coz nemam bunky. Takze zbytek zde:
    Thread by @eh_den on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
    MTO --- ---

    'V roce 1565 bylo drtivě poraženo Osmanské vojsko u Malty, čímž byla nadobro zastavena jejich invaze. V roce 1683 byli poraženi Turci u Vídně a tím byla zachráněna Evropa. V roce 1697 byli poraženi u Zenty a tímto vlastně započal konec Osmanské říše. Tři obrovské, fatální prohry muslimů, které pro ně měli vždy následky na mnoho dalších let. A všechny byli datovány na 11. září. Ne, žádný "Usáma" si nevybral dotyčné datum jako "pomstu za Vídeň" (nevěřím, že vůbec o nějaké takové bitvě měl tušení), ale z egregoriálně-matričního řízení toto vždy znamenalo jediné - totální porážku Islámu. 11. září 2001 bylo záměrným nástrojem/záminkou na rozpoutání pekla na BV, tím způsobenou migrační vlnu a následně postupnou likvidaci a islamizaci Evropy. To vše v zájmu Globálních elit a jejich globalizace.

    Jenže se nic z toho nezdařilo, protože v Rusku žije jistý Putin, který jim do toho svým vojenským angažmá v Sýrii hodil vidle. Touto dobou, již měl na BV východě probíhat boj mezi IS a Íránem, kdy ti druzí měli vyhrát pod velením gen. Sulejmáního, na což byl roky cvičen (a nyní jako nepotřebný odstraněn). Následně měl Írán převzít kontrolu nad Islámem jako ideologií a tudíž i nad tou dobou již islamizovanou Západní Evropou. Izrael měl být politicky a ekonomicky rozvrácený zevnitř a tím skončit jako hegemon v oblasti BV. A do Evropy měli přes Katalánsko (proto ta jejich snaha o "odtržení/samostatnost") proudit další a další vlny uprchlíků před válkou. Nic z toho se zatím neděje a na toho malého Rusa co to způsobil je "elitami" kydán hnůj každým dnem, ale možná jste si všimli, že stále méně často.'

    - zajimavy to s tema bitvama (overil sem si na wiki).
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    Tak brzy budeme mít zase "výročí" největší lži v historii lidstva, takže určitě stojí za připomenutí:

    World Trade Center 7 (WTC 7) University of Alaska Fairbanks


    Forget "Jet Fuel can't melt steel beams", it should be furniture fires can't melt steel beams.

    In addition to that, it should always be pointed out that steel DID melt: https://www.fema.gov/pdf/library/fema403_apc.pdf

    Because people always say, oh it didn't have to melt, just weaken. But it did actually melt.

    A to je jen vrchol ledovce
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: ne, tím chce říct, že sebelepší formální vzdělání nezaručí, že se z tebe nevyklube fachidiot.
    RIVA --- ---
    Australia has fallen – Minister for Health tells parents 24,000 children will be herded into stadium like cattle to get the experimental Covid-19 vaccine – Daily Expose
    RIVA --- ---
    W.H.O. Now Admits That Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa - 21st Century Wire
    GORG --- ---
    deep shit refresh

    Sexuální orgie, prostitutky a nejmocnější muži Spojených států. To je tajný spolek Bohemian Grove | REFRESHER.cz

    What is the Deal with Bohemian Grove?
    GORG --- ---
    "někteří lékaři jsou nevzdělaní".. chce snad pan Hořejší říct, že lékaři můžou vykonávat praxi bez formálního vzdělání?

    tady se povýšila vakcína schválená v nouzovém zrychleném režimu jako svatá pravda. kdo pochybuje, že je dostatečně bezpečná, je nevzdělaný, heretik, nevěřící.

    přitom lékaři složili hippokratovu prisahu, aby lecba nenadelala vetsi poskozeni nez, co je leceno. podle vlastniho svedomi.

    ta vakcina muze byt nakrasne neskodna, ale ten dogmaticky scientismus, ktery se kolem toho toci.. to je fakt realtime masivni propaganda.
    je to tak tvrda propaganda, ze je to prave i skoro obtizne si toho kazdym vsimnout svou vsudypritomnosti.

    kombinovana s propagandou, ze neexistuje zadny lek. a ze prirozena imunita je zcela vyloucena
    Léčba ivermektinem už jen pro vyvolené, lék nedostane výjimku ministerstva - iDNES.cz

    Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam