Kerry Chant's 'new world order' goes viral with conspiracy theorists
Conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers have latched on to a benign comment from NSW CHO Dr Kerry Chant. Here's how it unfolded.

A throwaway comment by New South Wales chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant about a “new world order” has gone viral after being picked up by conspiracy theorists.
During a press conference on Thursday, Chant made the comment when answering a question about how contact-tracing will work once the state opens back up.
“We will be looking at what contact-tracing looks like in the new world order — yes, it will be pubs and clubs, and other things, if we have a positive case there [but] our response may be different if we know people are fully vaccinated,” she said.
The phrase “new world order” is a term regularly used to describe a time of change. It’s also the name of a long-standing conspiracy theory about a global totalitarian government run by shadowy forces like the Illuminati or Freemasons. The theory often carries anti-Semitic undertones.
As soon as it was uttered, some expected that the innocuous comment would garner some attention. And it did.
The term began trending on Twitter in Australia — and then around the world. One version of the video posted by a user on Twitter has gained more than 2.5 million views. Google searches for “new world order” spiked.
Some of the attention came from anti-government conspiracy theorists who said that the phrase proved that Australia’s strict COVID-19 public health measures were actually something more sinister.
Everyone from anti-vaxxers to QAnon believers to one of the world’s biggest right-wing YouTubers Steven Crowder shared it on Facebook, Twitter and Telegram. Many sharers seemed to be sceptical of the conspiracy, but were sharing it because they expected it would pique the interest of fringe social media users.
Of course, the use of the phrase wasn’t an announcement by a state’s chief health officer that she was installing herself as a global monarch. (If that was the goal, it would be ill-advised to announce it at a press conference until power had already been seized.) The idea is ridiculous to anyone not already primed to believe it. (tohle nikdo samozrejme netvrdi.. strawman)
What this saga shows is how easily moments can be cut up, shared, remixed, and take on a life of their own. Until recently, a comment like this would have gotten little notice — perhaps a write-up in the traditional media before being quickly forgotten. Now, this comment will likely live on as part of the corpus of out-of-context moments and events that conspiracists use to reinforce and promote their world views.
More than anything else, Chant’s “new world order” is perfect gristle for the content machine. A public figure at an official-looking event broadcast saying something engaging. There are thousands of online influencers and communities who are desperate for some new piece of material to feed to their platforms which will prove their world view, grow and excite their audience
Perhaps Chant should have been careful with her words, but there’s always a chance that something said or done (perhaps taken out of context or misleadingly framed) can go viral.
The most people can hope for is that it doesn’t happen to them.

Cam Wilson — Associate Editor
"konspiracni teoretici" ten termin pouzivaji uplne stejne .. pro time of change... Tam jde o to, ze prave tenhle change lidi desil, co to vlastne znamena, a ze to bude znamenat presne veci jako tohle. O tomhle mluvili uz pred lety prave i kolem toho, ze bude tenhle craze kolem nejake infekcni choroby.
Je tragikomicky, jak se tady tim okecavani tady novinar (hlidac demokracie) snazi vysvetlit, jak muze nekdo ve vete, kde lidem se tady zakazuje konkretne zivot, delaji se opatreni, jak je takovy termin "innocuous".. neskodny, mirny.
Takze misto, aby novinar mluvil k veci, tak mluvi o nejakem treba Steven Crowderovi a neonacistech, antivaxer atd. A tomu rikaji novinarina. QAnon a zidi a antisemitismus.
Komicky je, ze stejny pohled ma 100% vsech mainstream novinaru.
Neni jediny novinar, ktery by se pozastavil treba protidotazem nad tim, proc mluvi tady pani hlavni expertka o novem svetovem normalu, pokud jeste vubec existuje myslenka, ze se vubec nekdy do nejakeho normalu budem vracet. Zkuste pouzit new world order ve vete. Novy svetovy rad jasne mluvi o radikalni zmene statuq quo. A tyhle kecy novinaru jsou jen testamentem tehle doby medialni manipulace. Gaslighting v zoufalstvi obhajit neobhajitelne.
Jestli COVID je nejaka konspirace je uplne jine tema. Novinari uplne zamazavaji myslenku, ktera se tu postupne jiste a sverepe buduje, ze zijeme v Novem normalu. Jestli tomu nekdo rika New world order.. brexit nebo .. to uz jsou terminy pro media.. to jsou buzz words.
A samozrejme ta konspiracni teorie, chcete-li, je, ze tyhle opatreni nikdy uz neskonci. Ze to je Novy normal. A to si nevymysleli lidi na facebooku, ale jen cituji elity, a jak uz to vloni takhle obcas v medii zaznelo a terminy jako Novy normal nebo Velky reset. Jasne i v mainstream mediich mohli najit tyhle vyjadreni elit a prave tehle stejnych chudaku novinaru a ze by ten novy normal mel prave navazat tim, ze se opatrenimi budou stejne resit i ty zmeny klimatu.Pokud nekdo mluvi o Novem svetovem radu, nezni uplne jako navrat k normalu.
A je mozne na retorice i ceskych politiku a vselijakych mluvicich hlav videt, ze postupne mizi vubec myslenka navraceni do normalu a vytvari se permanentni struktury a pravidla. Ted cteme, ze nebude podle odborniku stacit ani 100% vakcinace. Oficialne verze byla puvodne, ze se udela vakcina, a pak se to vsechno otevre, ale oni sazi na to, ze lidi nedavaji vubec pozor, takze to vetsina lidi uplne zapomnela. Na 14 dni ze se to tu vypne, at to neni takovej napor. To se taky uplne zapomnelo. Spousta midwitu mela plna usta vysvetlovat hlupakum, co znamena zalamovat krivku. Totiz oni si mysleli, ze jsou tak inteligentni, ze tohle nikdo nechape. Ze kdyz by bylo hodne pacientu najednou, nemusely by to nemocnice stihat. Na tom ale neni na pochopeni tezkyho nic. Spis jde o to, ze ted je uz je to nezajima ten puvodni narativ to udelat jen na zacatku, protoze to by ani nikoho nenapadlo jako normalni takhle fungovat nafurt uz. Ale to ze se budou delat lockdowny 2,3x rocne se mohli lidi docist uz v roce 2020... jasne se na to budovala mentalni puda postupnym pripravovanim hlav lidi cetnejsimi zminkami o tom, ze takhle pojedeme jeste radu let.
V tomhle kontextu kdyz politici rikaji New world order, tak je to jen dalsi normalizace tehle myslenky.Takze tyhle hlasky budou asi pribyvat. Posledne se v Australii ten ministr zdravotnictvi tehdy jakoby prerekl, kdyz rekl "in this new world order", jak se pak vzapeti opravil. Proc se teda opravoval, pokud je to neskodny a trefny termin?
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For the past year, an assumption — sometimes explicit, often tacit — has informed almost all our thinking about the pandemic: At some point, it will be over, and then we’ll go “back to normal.”
This premise is almost certainly wrong. SARS-CoV-2, protean and elusive as it is, may become our permanent enemy, like the flu but worse. And even if it peters out eventually, our lives and routines will by then have changed irreversibly. Going “back” won’t be an option; the only way is forward. But to what exactly?
The good news is that we keep getting better at responding. In each lockdown, for example, we damage the economy less than in the previous one. And we may achieve scientific breakthroughs that will eventually make life better. Our Brave New World needn’t be dystopian. But it won’t look anything like the old world.
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