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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    Česká republika se dobrovolně přihlásila do klinické studie Covid-19 – Aliance národních sil
    RIVA --- ---
    The Oxford Global Depopulation Agenda 2025
    RIVA --- ---
    Prof Valentina Zharkova Tells Us About How We Are Entering an Ice Age
    RIVA --- ---
    Professor Valentina Zharkova: The Solar Magnet Field and the Terrestrial Climate

    Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October, 2018.

    Principal component analysis (PCA) of the solar background magnetic field observed from the Earth, revealed four pairs of dynamo waves, the pair with the highest eigen values are called principal components (PCs).

    Slides from this presentation can be downloaded from http://computing.unn.ac.uk/staff/slmv.... Scroll to "Global Warming Policy Foundation. 31 October 2018" and then download ppt file.

    the screen to the GWPF presentation where there are two option given: to watch the talk or to download the pptx file.

    PCs are shown to be produced by magnetic dipoles in inner and outer layers of the Sun, while the second pair of waves is assumed produced by quadruple magnetic sources and so on. The PC waves produced by a magnetic dipole and their summary curve were described analytically and shown to be closely related to the average sunspot number index used for description of solar activity. Based on this correlation, the summary curve was used for the prediction of long-term solar activity on a millennial timescale. This prediction revealed the presence of a grand cycle of 350-400 years, with a remarkable resemblance to the sunspot and terrestrial activity features reported in the past millennia: Maunder (grand) Minimum (1645-1715), Wolf (grand) minimum (1200), Oort (grand) minimum (1010-1050), Homer (grand) minimum (800-900 BC); the medieval (900-1200) warm period, Roman (400-10BC) and other warm periods.

    This approach also predicts the modern grand minimum upcoming in 2020-2055. By utilising the two principal components of solar magnetic field oscillations and their summary curve, we extrapolate the solar activity backwards one hundred millennia and derive weaker oscillations with a period of 2000-2100years (a super-grand cycle) reflecting variations of magnetic field magnitude. The last super-grand minimum occurred during Maunder Minimum with magnetic field growing for 500 years (until ~2150) and decreasing for another 500 years. The most likely nature of this interaction will be discussed and used to explain long-term variations of solar magnetic field and irradiance observed from the Earth.
    GORG --- ---
    EU draft exempts private jets, cargo from jet fuel tax | Argus Media

    Private jets will enjoy an exemption through classification of "business aviation" as the use of aircraft by firms for carriage of passengers or goods as an "aid to the conduct of their business", if generally considered not for public hire. A further exemption is given for "pleasure" flights whereby an aircraft is used for "personal or recreational" purposes not associated with a business or professional use.
    GORG --- ---
    Petr Štěpánek
    Takhle s veřejností manipuluje Václav Moravec a Česká televize. Aby byly grafy působivější, klidně očkované jednou dávkou přiřadí k neočkovaným. Logicky přitom patří spíše k očkovaným, anebo je potřeba použít v grafu tři barvy. (Zdroj: OVM 31. 11. 2021)

    // dehumanizace neočkovaných po měsících stále postupuje. v současné době už v Austrálii chystají speciální zadržovací tábory pro neočkované.. a někteří novináři dokonce přejí neočkovaným veřejně smrt. neočkovaní můžou za lockdowny, respirátory a úmrtí. ..a jak to začne démonizací a odlidštěním skupiny obyvatel, nemůže to dopadnout dobře. ať už brutalitou opatření která slušní budou akceptovat, tak i nepřátelství lidí mezi sebou.
    RIVA --- ---
    WATCH: James Patrick with CJ Hopkins on the “Covidian Cult” – OffGuardian

    In this flagship episode of Narrative in English, we join James Patrick, investigator, economist, US filmmaker, and director of Planet Lockdown as he talks with CJ Hopkins about his series of essays on the ‘New Normal’.

    OVAL Media are an award-winning Germany-based independent production company. You can visit their website here, or follow them on various social media platforms here.

    CJ Hopkins is an award-winning playwright, novelist, and political satirist based in Berlin.
    ADM --- ---

    tak doufejme
    RIVA --- ---
    Hide the Vaccine Failure: UKHSA Caves to Pressure and Removes Chart Showing Higher Infection Rates in the Vaccinated – as Effectiveness Hits New Low of Minus-132% – The Daily Sceptic

    Skrývat selhání vakcíny: UKHSA ustoupila tlaku a odstranila graf, který ukazuje vyšší míru infekcí u očkovaných, protože účinnost se dostala na nové minimum - mínus 132 %.
    RIVA --- ---
    Whitney Webb Interview (Global Elite Deep Dive...What Is Their History, Motive, and True Plan?)
    GORG --- ---
    Válek: Lockdown pro neočkované, nastínil, vzápětí ale otočil - CNN Prima NEWS

    aha.,..tak jednou reknu, ze cituji "urcite" by proti necemu takovemu nemel, a pak se poprel...
    nemela by to byt spis zaloba na seznam zpravy?
    nebo jednou je pravda x a jindy y?
    neexistuje audio zaznam?
    a o cem je ten zbytek reportaze, ktery si neklade zadnou z techto tazek?

    // bohuzel jedine misto, kde necenzruovane jde takovou picovnu hodin pouze sem. ve vsech ostatnich klubech na serveru www.nyx.cz plati tvrda cenzura.
    RIVA --- ---
    Whitney Webb (Global Elite Deep Dive...What Is Their History, Motive, and True Plan?)
    RIVA --- ---
    Zombified Already: Give us your huddled masses yearning to be JABscinated
    RIVA --- ---
    Ickeuv reptilián se nebojí říct pravdu o klimatické krizi :D
    KUKIDE --- ---
    OMNIHASH: no vidíš tak dovedeme trubku na mácháč a češi budou mít moře tak jak si to Cimrman přál :)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    KUKIDE: ano, tomu se říká přílivová elektrárna a nejbližší je ve Francii.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    OMNIHASH: já bych rovnou prosil nějaký to přečerpávací moře, že když by hodně foukalo tak by jsme si třeba načerpali na chvíli moře sem do čech než by zase foukalo málo :D
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    RIVA: to sou strašlivý kraviny... takhle to dopadá, když si autor plete fyzikální veličiny s finančníma a nerozumí pořádně ani jedněm. I existence přehrad mu koukám byla dodnes zatajena a místo toho chce propojovat přírodní jezera trubkama...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam