Kurd Waldheim.. to neni scifi.. sefoval gestapo.. ehm OSN 10 let
a spoluzalozil EU
Kurt Waldheim dies at 88; ex-UN chief hid Nazi past - The New York Timeshttps://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/14/world/europe/14iht-waldheim.3.6141106.htmlAustria faces up to Nazi past in Auschwitz | Culture | Arts, music and lifestyle reporting from Germany | DW | 12.10.2021https://www.dw.com/en/austria-faces-up-to-nazi-past-in-auschwitz/a-59471005
Insensitivity to injustice
It was the Waldheim Affair of 1986 that proved to be a turning point. Former Austrian diplomat, statesman and one-time president, Kurt Waldheim, began his career in 1947 as a member of the conservative Austrian People's Party (ÖVP), later becoming foreign minister, and eventually secretary-general of the United Nations.
When he ran for the office of Austrian president in 1986, the weekly news magazine profil published research into Waldheim's Nazi past, including his membership in the Wehrmacht, or German armed forces. His biography also made no mention of the fact that he had been involved in the deportation of Jewish people in Greece in 1942.
Kurt Waldheim, former Austrian president from 1986 to 1992
Kurt Waldheim was Austrian president from 1986 to 1992
His insensitive approach to his past was evident in statements like, "I did nothing else in the war than hundreds of thousands of Austrians, namely I fulfilled my duty as a soldier." In 1987, for example, Waldheim was placed on a US watchlist that prohibited his entry into the United States as a private person until the accusations against him were clarified.
A commission of historians initiated by Waldheim himself was unable to prove any direct involvement or complicity, but it did establish that Waldheim — contrary to his statements — must have known about the war crimes in the Balkans.BBC World Service - Witness History, The secret Nazi past of Kurt Waldheimhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3cswsmgThe secret Nazi past of Kurt Waldheim
Witness History
The investigation that uncovered the secret Nazi past of Kurt Waldheim, who'd been head of the United Nations for ten years and was then standing for the Austrian presidency.
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Austria still haunted by Nazi pasthttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7283899.stmjako fakt mame verit tomu, ze ti co 2. svetovou valku zpusobili, Hitler, Mengele a spol. jen tak zmizeli a nikdo nemohl najit toho, kdo to cele rozpoutal? tomu mame verit jako seriozni vede? ze je nikdy nenasli.. ani Bin Ladina.. proste zmizeli... a jedinou fotku Bin Ladina co uvedla masmedia po smrti byla prokazany fake. doslovny copy paste fotky Usamy Bin Ladina kterou nekdo upravil, aby to vypadalo zeje to fotka pri jeho umrti...
Osama bin Laden corpse photo is fake | Osama bin Laden | The Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/may/02/osama-bin-laden-photo-fakeja to nezapomenu asi ... rano se probudim.. radio 1 nastaveny jako budik a tam slysim, ze Usamu nasli a hodili do more hned vzapeti.. a jedina fotka byl tenhle fejk. :) to fakt nahravala komprimacni teorii, ze Usama byl mrtvej uz od 2002 na selhani ledvin, protoze byl nemocnej. asi preemptivni covid, ale bylo celkem dost duvodu si tohle myslet.. i tim, ze na tech video prohlasenich vypadal casto dost jinak. tuhle myslenku dost razil kancler prezidenta Vaclava Klause, coz je pry nacista. ale ja si nevsiml, ze by mel neco spolecneho s SS nebo nacismem jako takovym. Oproti jinym lidem, kde je ta souvislost prima. Ne naznakova. Prima. Ne s neonacismem ale nacismem. Primo s nackama :) Nacismus prece neni o tom, ze je nekdo pravicak, libertarian nebo extremni nevim pravice.. nacismus byl o vyhlazovacich taborech .. ne o rasismu.o ve dedecke totalite. kdy nacisti nechali doktorum nabehnout lidi nahaty, aby se jim predvedli, a doktori si je mohli .. odbornici.. premerit.. jejich tvar lebky.. a tak.. jako lidi, co EU spoluzalozili. a UNESCO, OSN. dnes uznavany instituce.
jako ja dokonce musel platit CTK za fotku, kterou jsem mel ve svym clanku. prej jako autorsky prava. tehdy mi vrtalo hlavou, ze jako tyjo at mi teda reknou, kdo je autorem te fotky, protoze kdyz jsem si ji zobrazil ve photoshopu... vidim ostry hrany jakoby ji nekdo editoval
tak to jdu do CTK zaplatit radeji.. fakturu za 6 fotek CTK v clancich (asi necely 2 litry).. na recepci se objednam a koukam mezitim na stojanku tam v hale... "Co nam prinese Novy svetovy rad?" na nejakou konferenci , co chystaj freekulini kolem CTK.. aha.. :) nebyla to zadna konspiracni seslost.. jen proste nejaky kecy o NWO, jak je potreba, a jak to jinak nejde predpokladam.