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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    The MorgCast#18: Rationalism And War, With Todd Lewis

    Morgoth a Todd Lewis rozebírají "racionální" přístup k válce, objektivní realitu versus hyperrealitu a důvody a dopady moderních konfliktů...
    RIVA --- ---
    Eugenics, Malthus and the Roots of the New Cold War [TNT Radio]

    In this episode of TNT Radio's Perspectives with Jesse Zurawell, Matt Ehret was invited to speak about the origins of eugenics, and how this cultish ideology masquerading as a science transmogrified into new costumes after WWII shaping the transhumanist movement, ecologism, the cult of artificial intelligence and much more. We also discuss the clash between open vs closed system paradigms now underway between the unipolar Trans Atlantic neoliberal order vs the multipolar Eurasian partnership.
    MATT --- ---

    1/ who are 'they' & the useful idiots

    Crypto definitely has fanatics who can't see the downsides.

    If we don't know who made Bitcoin, we'll never understand why 'they' made it.

    After all, the biggest financial shift in history started from an anonymous programmer.
    2/ The argument that Crypto was designed to gently nudge us from one failing currency to another is not implausible.

    Given that we don't know who started it.

    Having said that Bitcoin and other crypto's are unlikely to be the 'alternative' currency.

    Read on 👇
    3/ Most crypto's are decentralized and the 'network' can't be controlled by one entity.

    It can't be frozen, moved, destroyed or stolen easily (or at all).

    We've recently seen Bitcoin put to the test in Canada under Trudeau's 'Emergency powers act'

    As shown below. ✉️ 💸
    4/ Nunchuk is a non-custodial Bitcoin wallet that was recently ordered by Canada's courts to freeze certain user's assets.

    With the results that you'd expect. 👇 🤷
    5/ Despite this Crypto isn't immortal.

    Government's can ban shops from accepting payments, Bank's can stop you from sending money to exchanges and some government's have turned the internet off in their country before

    All of these will affect crypto if done on a global scale.
    6/ But the real threat is CBDC's.

    'Centralized bank digital currencies'

    As I've mentioned earlier Bitcoin (and crypto) is unlikely to be the 'alternative' that the post claims.

    For the exact reason's that Canada found out when trying to freeze BTC assets.
    7/ CBDC's like all crypto are programmable.

    'They' can decide what you buy/sell and when you can do so.

    This is why the 'become a commodities chad' is useless advice.

    You can't sell your gold if the currency you're selling it for doesn't allow you to do so.
    8/ This also goes for Crypto.

    Santander blocked me from sending money to an exchange last year under the excuse 'we're protecting you from financial damage'.

    I got around it by using Revolut but imagine if the money itself blocked you? You're fucked. No work arounds.
    9/ And look, I'm being sparing with the details on just how fucked CBDCs could make us. I suggest you all dive into them deeper.

    But for now... What can we do?

    A few things.
    10/ Support decentralized projects and fill a portion of your portfolio's with their coins.

    Buying commodities on the side isn't a bad idea either.

    Stay the fuck away from NFTs and all that metaverse shit, unless you're just doing it for money.
    11/ Follow this account 👍 💸 @CorbettCopy

    I tweet a lot about crypto, marketing and wealth creation methods.

    I also have an eBook coming out in the next few days that specifically targets crypto trading & asset management.

    First 10 copies are free.
    12/ That's it, that's all I got. Peace ☮️

    Thread by @CorbettCopy on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    MATT --- ---
    Sanctions against Iraq
    On May 12, 1996, then-ambassador Albright defended UN sanctions against Iraq on a 60 Minutes segment in which Lesley Stahl asked her, "We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" and Albright replied, "We think the price is worth it."[119][120] The segment won an Emmy Award.[121][122] Albright later criticized Stahl's segment as "amount[ing] to Iraqi propaganda", saying that her question was a loaded question.[123][124] She wrote, "I had fallen into a trap and said something I did not mean",[125] and that she regretted coming "across as cold-blooded and cruel".[119] She apologized for her remarks in a 2020 interview with The New York Times, calling them "totally stupid".[126][120]

    In the context of the 1998 Iraq campaign, Albright expressed another justification, saying, "But if we have to use force, it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future, and we see the danger here to all of us."[127]
    Madeleine Albright - Wikipedia
    GORG --- ---
    Neo-Nazi threat in new Ukraine: NEWSNIGHT

    BBC Newsnight's Gabriel Gatehouse investigates the links between the new Ukrainian government and Neo-nazis
    RIVA --- ---
    Are Russia and China in on the Great Reset? [TNT Radio featuring Matt and Hrvoje]
    MTO --- ---
    VOYAGER: schodou okolnosti stejny den co pred 23lety nechala bombardovat belehrad...
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Fuera el FMI. Argentina: Una multitud en la jornada de lucha contra el pacto de ajuste con el FMI
    MATT --- ---
    This Robot Already Owns Everything (And it's just getting started) : Blackrock Aladdin

    BlackRock: The Company that Owns the World
    MATT --- ---
    spekuluje se o napadení polska, jen se nevi, jestli je to whistleblowing nebo provokace #FSBletters
    RIVA --- ---
    The power brokers you never elected | Documentary

    The global financial elite affects society through platforms such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bilderberg Group. In this documentary by Jonas Nilsson, we get to see the impact in practice.
    MINERWA --- ---
    Válečná propaganda: Jak ji využívá Rusko a Ukrajina? - CNN Prima NEWS
    RIVA --- ---
    Joaquin Flores: We Give Davos More Credit Than It Deserves, Great Reset is Failing

    Joaquin Flores discusses the Great Reset, how people live in different internets or 'confirmation bias chambers', the 'Gargoyle Effect', and Marxian analysis. He believes the Great Rest is failing and that many people give more credit than is due to Davos by making them seem more powerful than they really are. Given that people like Klaus Schwab are liars, just because Schwab portends to have penetrated all governments does not make it so. He discusses the concept of empire, sea and land power, the Ukraine crisis, and how it's largely about energy. He sees roughly five blocs emerging in a multipolar world.
    GORG --- ---
    OMNIHASH: imho dobra pohadka pro decka :)

    za me se proste sovetsky svaz a stalinismus proste rozpadal jako nefunkcni a bylo potreba udelat celosvetove New world order, k cemuz doslo okolo toho 1989 v celem svete.
    a doslo k novemu geopolitickemu rozlozeni.. USA a Rusko se zacali kamaradit... a EU a USA tentokrat se ujmuli role komunistu zatimco vychod naopak preladil na kapitalismus.

    bohuzel v poslednich letech ten smir rozmetali a jsme v situaci, jak se mozna citili v dobach tech ruznych krizi, kdy si Rusaci staveli raketovy zakladny na Kube, coz nam ted jeste chybi ke stesti. a Rusaci pred par mesici rekli, ze kdyz je budeme s tim NATO takhle dal srat, tak si na Kube zas ty zakladny rozjedou.

    Russia "won't exclude" putting military hardware in Cuba or Venezuela amid "unsuccessful" talks with U.S. over Ukraine - CBS News
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: :))) ty si případ, to je neuvěřitelný. K rozpadu komunismu došlo proto, že to řídící stát nezvádnul ukočírovat a povolil otěže. Sral už dávno všechny zúčastěný, akorát jim bylo jasný, že pokud se pokusej odejít sami na vlastní pěst, dopadnou jako Maďarsko nebo ČSSR.
    GORG --- ---
    New world order (politics) - Wikipedia
    GORG --- ---
    novy svetovy Rad je ted azjevne NATO vs Rusko...

    jen se trochu media neobtezovala to nekomu rict..

    pritom terminus technikus "Novy svetovy rad" je spojoen s

    The New World Order: US and Russia in the Post-Soviet Space: Mutual Squeezing or Cooperation? on JSTOR

    // ergo vzdy se tim mysli stary novy dobry rad namisto noveho sveho radu, jak tomu radi rikaji prorusky probulsevicky news. neni to rad. a neni novy.

    GORG --- ---
    protoze novy svetovy rad je mysleno i prave v 1989 rekonstrukce sovetskeho svaze a geoopliticky. novy vttah Ruska a USA.. zadny konspirace pro debily.. tim je FSKUTECNOSTI mysleno, ze v ere post 1989 spolu vzkvetaji narody v novem geopolitickem rozpolezeni... zadna konspirace, protoze je prokazatelne, ze termin cituji "novy svetovy rad" uz byl pouzit v minulosti..
    GORG --- ---
    ARRAKIS: Mne to pripomnelo.

    Jak se dva lidi cbavi.. ze jako novy svetovy rad.. o kterym se tu vsichni furt avime :)

    ale ona tim mysli te nnovy svetovy rad, kteri delaji typci tam xy..

    neco jako novy svetovy rad, kdyz 1989/90 to tu celosvetove proslo v demokracii.. animz byc nekomu prislo divny, jak nahle to prislo... Cina/SSR se vysrali vschni soucasne na diktaturu.. pac vsichni desne prozivali v tu samou chvili prechod od A do B... v cecahch sametova revoluce.. v Cine preteky s tankem po typkovi na namesti na Miru.. kazdopadne vsude vse svet synchronizovane v tu samou chvli cca roku doslo ke zmene... FOX news rozjeli Simpsony, v Cine zrusily kapitalismus ve prospech komunisu 2.0... v celem svete ve stenou chvili doslo ke konci komnismu. v nekterych zemich ne tak sametove jako u nas,

    a ja mam teda zarucene vedrit, ze to byla nahoda ? .. cista nahoda... v tu samou chvili vsechny zeme na svete....
    a tady to posunula ta studentska demonstrace a otocila smerovani celeho sveta na lopatky.
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Kerry Chant planning contact tracing in the "New World Order"

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