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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    KAJJAK: Takže vlastně říkáš: "Dokázal bych si zdůvodnit, že si američani odpálili dvojčata sami". Ale rusko špatný!
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    Když je ten pátek

    GORG --- ---
    Děti trpí neznámým typem žloutenky. Mohou za to lockdowny? - CNN Prima NEWS
    Děti po celém světě se potýkají se žloutenkou neznámého původu. Britští odborníci přišli s nečekaným vysvětlením. Na vině podle nich může být pandemie covidu, ne však nemoc samotná, ale dlouhé lockdowny, kdy byly děti zavřené doma a jejich těla nebyla vystavena běžným virům. Po rozvolnění opatření je tak jejich imunitní systém zranitelnější.

    Za poslední čtyři týdny bylo ve Velké Británii hlášeno celkem 114 případů „akutní hepatitidy neznámého původu“, píše web Daily Mail. Deset dětí navíc muselo podstoupit transplantaci jater. První případy byly zaznamenány ve Skotsku před necelým měsícem. Britští zdravotníci jsou od té doby ve střehu, protože za poslední tři měsíce se prý objevilo tolik nemocných, kolik by jindy očekávali za celý rok.


    Proč je ale nárůst počtu případů tak enormní? „Lockdowny během pandemie koronaviru mohly oslabit imunitu dětí a učinit je náchylnějšími k nemocem. Nebo mohl původce onemocnění zmutovat a představuje tak ještě větší hrozbu,“ cituje Daily Mail vyjádření řady místních lékařů.

    Doktorka Meera Chandová, ředitelka oddělení klinických a nově se objevujících infekcí britské Agentury pro zdravotní bezpečnost (UKHSA), vysvětluje, že virem se nakazily mladší děti, protože mu nebyly vystaveny „během formativních fází, ve kterých byly během pandemie“.


    Deadly outbreak of children's hepatitis may have been brought on by lockdown weakening immunity | Daily Mail Online

    // no tohle jsem tehdy psal a byla to konspiracni teorie to o tom,ze prehnana izolace nam oslabi imunitu, protoze clovek ztrati beznou miru kontaktu s viry a bakteriemi obecne.

    uz nevim, odkud se rozsirila hlaska, jaky je rozdil mezi konspiracni teorii a pravdou? 1 rok. pozdeji se zacalo rikat pul roku, a ted uz to nekdy vypada i jen 1 mesic nebo tyden.

    proamericti trollove maji ukol jasny - za prve poukazat na to, ze clanek bulvarniho CNN Prima se odkazuje na clanek bulvarniho Daily Mail. tady se ad hominem jako kdyz najdes..
    za druhe pak tvrdit, ze tohle prece nikdo nepopiral. A pak to znovu poprit :)

    mezitim jsme se z nove studie dozvedeli podklady ukazujici, ze nemit lockdowny bylo pro Svedsko prospesne

    What Sweden Got Right About COVID | Washington Monthly
    In this intolerant atmosphere, Sweden’s “light touch,” as it is often referred to by scientists and policy makers, was deemed a disaster. “Sweden Has Become the World’s Cautionary Tale,” carped The New York Times. Reuters reported, “Sweden’s COVID Infections Among Highest in Europe, With ‘No Sign Of Decrease.’” Medical journals published equally damning reports of Sweden’s folly.

    Stockholm Solution

    But Sweden seems to have been right. Countries that took the severe route to stem the virus might want to look at the evidence found in a little-known 2021 report by the Kaiser Family Foundation. The researchers found that among 11 wealthy peer nations, Sweden was the only one with no excess mortality among individuals under 75. None, zero, zip.

    That’s not to say that Sweden had no deaths from COVID. It did. But it appears to have avoided the collateral damage that lockdowns wreaked in other countries. The Kaiser study wisely looked at excess mortality, rather than the more commonly used metric of COVID deaths. This means that researchers examined mortality rates from all causes of death in the 11 countries before the pandemic and compared those rates to mortality from all causes during the pandemic. If a country averaged 1 million deaths per year before the pandemic but had 1.3 million deaths in 2020, excess mortality would be 30 percent.

    There are several reasons to use excess mortality rather than COVID deaths to compare countries. The rate of COVID deaths ignores regional and national differences. For example, the desperately poor Central African Republic has a very low rate of fatalities from COVID. But that’s because it has an average life expectancy of 53. People in their 70s are3,000-fold more susceptible than children to dying of COVID, and even people in their 20s to 50s are far less likely to die than the elderly. So, it’s no surprise that the Central African Republic has a low COVID mortality rate despite its poverty and poor medical care. The U.S., by contrast, with its large elderly population (and general ill-health compared to most wealthy countries), was fertile soil for the coronavirus.

    Excess mortality is the smart, objective standard. It includes all deaths, whether from COVID, the indirect effects of COVID (such as people avoiding the hospital during a heart attack), or the side effects of lockdowns. And it gets rid of the problem of underlying differences among countries, allowing a direct comparison of their performance during COVID.

    Using data from the Human Mortality Database, a joint project of the CDC and the Max Planck Institute in Germany, Kaiser compared mortality during the five years before the pandemic and mortality in 2020, the first year of the pandemic. Sweden had zero excess mortality in 2020 among people younger than 75. In other words, COVID wasn’t all that dangerous to young people.

    Even among the elderly, Sweden’s excess mortality in 2020 was lower than that in the U.S., Belgium, Switzerland, the U.K., the Netherlands, Austria, and France. Canada, Germany, and Australia had lower rates than Sweden among people over the age of 70—probably because Sweden failed to limit nursing home visits at the very beginning of the pandemic.


    The Kaiser results might seem surprising, but other data have confirmed them. As of February, Our World in Data, a database maintained by the University of Oxford, shows that Sweden continues to have low excess mortality, now slightly lower than Germany, which had strict lockdowns. Another study found no increased mortality in Sweden in those under 70. Most recently, a Swedish commission evaluating the country’s pandemic response determined that although it was slow to protect the elderly and others at heightened risk from COVID in the initial stages, its laissez-faire approach was broadly correct.


    According to a 2021 research letter, there wasn’t a single COVID death among Swedish children, despite schools remaining open for children under 16.


    Looking to the Future

    Lockdowns may not come back when the next COVID surge hits, but many public health officials say masks likely will be. Even that may not be worth the effort, at least for kids in schools. Despite headlines claiming that they work, the only two decent scientific studies of masks found minimal benefit against COVID.

    The more extensive study of the two, published last September, was used as ammunition to support school mask mandates—even though children had been excluded from the study. The study found that masks failed to prevent 90 percent of infections; only the elderly benefited modestly. Ashley Styczynski, one of the principal investigators, said “further study” was needed to know if masks provide any protection to kids.
    GORG --- ---
    Lidi meli dost objevny pocit objevu neceho unikatniho pro ruskou propagandu , ze pro to vznikl zcela specialni termin "rusti trollove".

    Ve skutecnosti to neni nic specialniho. Navic o tzv. rusky trollech resp. tovarnach na trolly jsme se dozvedeli z Radia Svobodna Evropa, coz vzhledem k tomu, ze ho zalozila a dlouha leta financovala CIA, neni az moc odlisne jako kdyz neco rika Sputnik.

    Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media | Hacking | The Guardian
    Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda

    The US military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.

    A Californian corporation has been awarded a contract with United States Central Command (Centcom), which oversees US armed operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, to develop what is described as an "online persona management service" that will allow one US serviceman or woman to control up to 10 separate identities based all over the world

    The discovery that the US military is developing false online personalities – known to users of social media as "sock puppets" – could also encourage other governments, private companies and non-government organisations to do the same.

    The Centcom contract stipulates that each fake online persona must have a convincing background, history and supporting details, and that up to 50 US-based controllers should be able to operate false identities from their workstations "without fear of being discovered by sophisticated adversaries".

    nejaky namatkovy brainstorming

    However, there are types of events that can be
    anticipated and US messengers can more readily respond to international events by
    preparing a number of messages in advance to circumvent lengthy approval processes.
    Moreover, having these key messages planned in advance can help ensure less reactive,
    sustained strategic messages are incorporated and reinforced in quick turnaround
    communications to press and other outlets. Prepackaged messages could then be released by
    more automated means if there is a network of message champions established to help
    diffuse and reemphasize with desired audiences. This sentiment was echoed in a suggestion
    that the US should have a steady flow of social media accounts transmitting in a domestic
    medium similar to the Voice of America.2 Additionally, government messages should
    leverage the information cycle to expand penetration of messages, for example, tying a
    related message to a current event. Advertisers reported keeping calendars of upcoming
    world events to be able to launch a social media message tying their product to trending
    news, such as the birth in the British royal family to improve it chances of wider circnation

    Americanum priznam, ze o rusky propagande se tohle asi v Pravde nedoctete :-)

    Za me, kdyby mi ted nekdo namiril zbran na hlavu, at si zvolim emigraci do USA nebo Ruska, tak si asi volim USA radeji.
    RIVA --- ---
    KAJJAK: ...a lhani neni jejich denni chleba... Na to jsi prisel jak? Sledovanim CNN?
    KAJJAK --- ---

    ja ti nevim, za mne by to me vnimani sveta asi nezmenilo...

    Porad bych se na to dival racionalne ve myslu, ze si nekdo spocital naklady na sanace takove vyskove budovy a vyslo mu, ze ekonomicky by to zruinovalo cely new york a ze zaroven politicky neni pruchodne, aby odpaleni te budovy v centru mesta proslo, tak to udelali jak to udelali... At uz je usa jakykoliv demon, porad jsou silni ekonomicky a lhani neni jejich denni chleba, to se o rusku rict neda... Ti sypou na sve lidi vice lzi nez pravd...
    GORG --- ---
    Integrace migrantů ve Švédsku selhala, přiznala premiérka. Zvýšilo se násilí - iDNES.cz
    „Segregace došla tak daleko, že ve Švédsku máme paralelní společnosti. Žijeme ve stejné zemi, ale v naprosto odlišných realitách,“ řekla premiérka.

    ruska propaganda zasahla i svedskou premierku? :) ze je ve Svedsku paralelni spolecnost imigrantu je oblibena konspiracni teorie proruskych trollu
    GORG --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    KAJJAK: Vytváření teorií, které popírají informace které člověk nechce podvědomě přijmout, protože by to zásadním způsobem změnilo jeho vnímání světa, je jedním z hlavních projevů kognitivní dizonance.
    RIVA --- ---
    Uzasne video o modernim kultu bezpeci a strachu. Rozhodne stoji za skouknuti!

    Fear Psychosis and the Cult of Safety - Why are People so Afraid?
    KAJJAK --- ---

    nektere ty zabery vidim poprve, medii v te dobe neprobehly, jak verohodne je, ze nejsou upraveny dodatecne? V ruske propagande celkem bezny jev, ze se fotky / videa upravuji
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out (Free 1-hour version) AE911Truth.org
    KAJJAK --- ---

    takovou rizenou demolici v takovem kratkem case neni realne vubec udelat... A uz vubec ne s ticici kamerami namirenymi na dany objekt ze vsech moznych i nemoznych uhlu...

    A to kdyz jeste pominu to, ze bys pyrotechniky posilal do nestabilni budovy a oni tam chteli jit, jaky by byl jejich motiv jako individualit? Penize? ty bys tam sel?
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    9/11 Experiments: The Force Behind the Motion
    RIVA --- ---
    The Truth of Operation Gladio & Ukraine's Lingering Nazi Problem (Cynthia Chung on TNT Radio)
    RIVA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: A od tý doby co se poučili už hrajou jenom fér, žejo?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam