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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: nějak mě došla trpělivost s těmahle republikánskejma lumenama, co to celou dobu vedli od desíti k pěti a ještě se vymlouvaj, že za to mohl kdokoliv kdo šel okolo za hlášek typu psychologický a ekonomický teror, ze kterého se budeme vzpamatovávat desítky let. Vedli to, posrali to, tak pokud si chtěj hrát na leadry svobodnýho světa, tak to maj aspoň přiznat, a ne se vymlouvat jak osmák.

    Ad LGBT/trans/whatever, jediný dvě skupiny, ktrý to neustále řešej, jsou konspiraci a náckové. Proč to trápí nácky mi je naprosto jasný, ale co na tom láká vás? Tohle téma se tu vrací s železnou pravidelností, přitom je to naprosto marginální skupinka bez jakýhokoliv vlivu. Jednou za rok si vyvěsej vlaječky na fb, projdou městem a čau. Nějakej exot vyvěsí na fb článek o 58 pohlavích a dření se to tu jak dlouho? Čtyři roky?

    Jinak ne, nemám na svý straně státy, mainstream a media o nic víc než ty, akorát u toho nevěřím na římskej klub, Soroše, nebo chemtrails.
    PLAYER --- ---
    Chvaly a podporyhodny pocin. Preklad The Trigger do CZ.

    Podpořte "Kniha SPOUŠŤ" na Startovači - Projekty | Startovač
    RIVA --- ---
    CIA, NATO and the Great Heroin Coup: How Miami Became the Center of International Fascism and the Murder of President Kennedy

    This is part 4 to a five-part series. [Part 1 and Part 2 go over how the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement Post WWII was Bought and Paid for by the CIA. Part 3 is essential reading prior to this paper, which discusses key elements of NATO’s Operation Gladio.]
    GORG --- ---
    Vera Sharav: How Eugenics Leads to Genocide, WWII and The Spanish Flu – The Expose

    Vera Sharav is a public advocate for human rights is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP). As a Holocaust survivor she has previous first-hand experience of totalitarian regimes.

    During her testimony given on Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceedings her statement included::

    “As we know, honesty is nowhere to be found within the corporate dominated government and public health agencies. So, for two years, we’ve all been subjected to the psychological weapons that the Nazis use to maintain a state of anxiety.

    “The horrific scenes of police in black uniforms brutally attacking demonstrators in European cities, in Ottawa, in Australia, and in Israel. These scenes are absolute painful reminders of the Holocaust. The objective under the Nazis, and now, is actually exactly the same. It is to gain control over people’s lives by conditioning them to obey government directives no matter what.

    “Eugenics was crafted and appeals to the elite segments of society. But it also appeals to the corporate oligarchs and selected government officials, and that’s more important.

    “The British eugenicists provided the theoretical foundation which has then been used to justify social and economic inequality, to legitimise discrimination and apartheid, as well as violence against dissenters. But it was the American robber barons who provided the financial, the practical, means that set in motion public policies and population control legislation.

    “In 1915, a joint eugenics venture was brokered by John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, and Mrs. E. H. Harriman, mother of the future statesman Avril Harriman.

    “They funded a massive lobbying campaign for the enactment of laws to sterilise those whom they deemed unfit. Sterilisation laws were first enacted in 28 States. In the United States, their objective was to sterilise 10% of the American population. That was 15 million Americans. This was to be accomplished under the guise of improving public health and the human race.

    “US sterilisation laws served as, you know, the model for the Nazi racial hygiene laws.”

    Below is the video of Sharav’s testimony and the transcript.

    Grand Jury - Day 6 Part 5 0f 5 - Eugenics and Outlook - Vera Sharav - AHRP Founder, Holocaust surv.

    Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine: An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One
    GORG --- ---
    Za mě je tohle ignorace faktické diskuze. Rozhazování nálepek a straw manů.

    Věděl bys třeba citovat, že tu někomu vadí sexuální preference jiných? Jedinou citaci? Ono je snadný na někoho naházet nálepky a vložit mu do úst věty, který neřekl. Imho na hony vzdáleno, co by se mělo řešit tady. Už jen proto že to vede pak jen zahlcujícím flame wars.

    Z mý perspektivy máš na svý straně masmédia s státy-- největší mainstream všeho... s policejní vynucovací silou. A ta uplatňována byla.. v ČR a všude po světě. Obzvlášť v Číně, Austrálii, NZ,..
    Cenzurou, policejním vynucováním.. zničené životy, sebevraždy. Obdobně s LGBTQ+- ... vynucování si něco na jiných.. systématické profesní likvidace lidí, když nejeví dostatečné nadšení nebo mají dokonce jiný názor.

    A ty to popisuješ, jakobychom tu snad chtěli bránit někomu se oženit s nukleární chladící věží nebo koněm. Myslím, že to vynucování a ublíženecké postoje jsou právě na té druhé straně. Samozřejmě když někomu pak zavřete babičku do koncentráku, tak možná si někdo bude stěžovat. Ublíženecké postoje byly v prvé řadě na straně těch, kteří tou mainstream silou (média, stát, policie, armáda, vláda) si prosazovali a prosadili různá plošná řešení. A nevypadá, že by to mělo konce.

    Povalili otce bez roušky před zděšeným dítětem. Nepřiměřené, míní starosta - iDNES.cz

    "kulturní války"?? a to v ČR tady víceméně šlo spíš jen o psychologický a ekonomický teror, ze kterého se budeme vzpamatovávat desítky let a někteří se třeba ani nevzpamatují, že na ně zaklekl stát v těch nejzákladnějších svobodách. a vypadá to, že zcela neopodstatněně. jak jsem linkoval ty univerzitní profesory apod , kteří to doložili na prolinkovaných referencích na studie apod.

    hlavně celá věc ještě ani neskončila. teď ještě navíc bůh ví co ještě vymňouknou z tý opičárny.
    pokud něco násilím vynucuješ na ostatních, argumentační míč je imho na tvojí straně. být ochoten a schopen čelit rejpání a diskuzi..
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    OMNIHASH: nas vzrusujou vsechny agendy, ne nutne jen ty pohlavni. mne nejvic bere WEF 2030 You will own nothing and you will be happy. A dovede nas k tomu elegantne soucasna dekada germ games. bude jeste legrace.
    RIVA --- ---
    Biden je se svym Green New Dealem zrejmou figurkou WEF, tj. rebranded Technocracy Movement.

    Co se tyce te pedofilie:

    Biden touching girls compilation (RAW CSPAN FOOTAGE)
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    RIVA: to bych asi potřeboval přeložit do řeči mého kmene
    RIVA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: LGBTQ+ agenda je jen tresnicka na dortu, vic me vzrusuje ten technokratickej pedofil.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    RIVA: že vás furt ty trans lidi a gendery tak berou a vzrušujou... to jste si nejistý svojí orientací, že vás rozhodí problémy takovýhle nešťastný minority? Dodneška sem nepochopil, co může kohokoliv srát na tom, že se nějakej lumen na druhý straně světa zamiloval do lampy, nebo se identifikuje jako bojová helikoptéra.
    RIVA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Jasný, lepší když ovečkám vládne technokratickej pedofil, kterýmu jde především o to aby ty ovečky naučil že existuje víc jak dvě pohlaví.
    RIVA --- ---
    A Sweeping History of the New World Order 1776-Present
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: ani ne, takhle to dopadá, když ti vládne republikánskej magor, co místo blaha svejch oveček řeší tyhle nesmyslný kutlurní války.
    GORG --- ---
    tak tohle je vtipne.. v Indiane dali dohromady analyzu nejvetsich dezinformaci kolem COVIDu a v te zprave jsou snad vsechny adresovane CDC jako zdroje dezinformaci :)

    v kostce .. uvadi tam vsechny nam uz dobre zname veci, ktere kdyz nekdo rekl, tak byl mazany, cenzurovany, ocernovany. kdyz jsem treba o tech rouskach tohle psal, tak zejo mam doted uz pres rok permaban tady na nyxu. dodnes i treba ted, kdyz uz je pomalu leto, vidam obcas lidi i treba venku na ulici nosit ty respiratory i v desti.
    a samozrejme pri nejake fyzicke aktivite nebo kdyz neni dobre vetrane prostredi ji clovek navlhne celkem rychle.

    spatne pocitani nakazenych nebo umrti na COVID je taky evergreen uz od zacatku se na to upozornovalo.

    uz mi to trochu prijde jako kopani do mrtvyho kone, ale tyhle veci je vhodne si ujasnit nez to zas na podzim rozjedem nanovo. ale vypada to, ze na te institucionalni rovine se zacinaji veci uvadet na pravou miru.

    Attorney General Todd Rokita is fighting to expose COVID-19 misinformation and calling on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and other agencies to provide transparency for the data used to make public health decisions.

    In response to HHS’s Request for Information (RFI) regarding COVID-19 misinformation, Attorney General Rokita partnered with esteemed epidemiologists Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor at Stanford University School of Medicine and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Senior Research Fellow at the Brownstone Institute and former Professor at Harvard University School of Medicine to review the evidence and data behind COVID-19 recommendations and guidelines.

    “The federal government must evaluate how misinformation from government agencies at all levels led to the adoption of extreme strategies that came at a high cost to life and liberty,” Attorney General Rokita said. “I believe in Hoosiers, and I believe they can be trusted with the facts to make informed decisions for themselves and their families. I truly appreciate Dr. Bhattacharya and Dr. Kulldorff for their expertise and leadership to expose the truth.”

    “For two years, the government forced us to stay in our homes, cover our faces, and keep our kids home from school,” Attorney General Rokita said. “We were expected to blindly follow and obey these public health orders and not question the wisdom of unelected officials. Families across Indiana and across the nation demand the truth.”

    The submitted response to HHS revealed misleading messages spread by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and other non-elected health officials, including:

    - Vaccines stop the spread.
    - The eradication of COVID-19 is a feasible goal.
    - There was no reasonable policy alternative to lockdowns.
    - Mask mandates are effective in reducing the spread of viral infectious diseases.
    - Mass testing of asymptomatic individuals and contact tracing of positive cases is effective in reducing disease spread.
    - The reported number of COVID-19 deaths is accurate.

    “The government spent close to $5 trillion fighting COVID-19, but still can’t provide Hoosiers with an accurate number of deaths or hospitalizations from COVID-19,” Attorney General Rokita said.

    Attorney General Rokita has consistently defended liberty in the age of COVID-19 by leading the charge against President Biden’s unlawful mask and vaccine mandates. Now, he is determined to expose the facts surrounding inaccurate data on the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations related to COVID-19.

    “We can’t improve our response to a future pandemic without an honest and accurate accounting of the number of deaths and hospitalizations inflicted by COVID-19,” Attorney General Rokita said.

    The response to HHS’s Request for Information can be viewed below.

    A headshot of Attorney General Rokita is available for download.

    May 2, 2022
    Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General
    Action: Request for Information (RFI)
    Subject: Impact of Health Misinformation in the Digital Information Environment in the United States
    Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Response: COVID-19 Misinformation from Official Sources During the Pandemic
    Submitting parties: Todd Rokita, Indiana Attorney General; Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Professor at Stanford
    University School of Medicine; and Dr. Kulldorff, Senior Research Fellow at the Brownstone Institute and
    former Professor at Harvard University School of Medicine.
    The Office of the Surgeon General requested information on the prevalence of health misinformation
    during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact of such misinformation on the U.S. public health system in
    order to be better prepared to respond to a future public health crisis.
    We agree that misinformation has been a major problem during the pandemic. The spread of inaccurate
    scientific information has made it difficult for the public to make the right decisions to protect themselves,
    their families, and their communities from COVID-19 and the collateral public health damage arising from
    the pandemic countermeasures. As such, the disinformation has led to great harm in the lives and
    livelihoods of Americans. We submit the following examples of disinformation from the CDC and other
    health organizations that have shattered the public’s trust in science and public health and will take
    decades to repair.
    #1 Overcounting COVID-19: The official CDC numbers for COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations are
    inaccurate. The official tallies include many people who have died with rather than from COVID-19. CDC
    has not distinguished deaths where COVID-19 was the primary cause of death, where COVID-19 was a
    contributing cause of death, or where the death was entirely unrelated to COVID-19, but they incidentally
    tested positive.

    There are three reasons for this problem. (i) The counting of COVID-19 cases and deaths is unlike the way
    that public health counts the incidence and mortality caused by other diseases; physicians have been
    advised to fill out death certificates to privilege COVID-19 as a proximal cause, even when the medical
    facts suggest otherwise.1
    (ii) The population-wide testing to identify asymptomatic individuals infected
    with the SARS-CoV-2 virus is unprecedented in human history. (iii) Although it would have been easy, CDC
    has not conducted random national surveys of medical charts to determine what proportion of reported
    COVID-19 deaths were truly due to COVID-19.
    Ex-post audits of death certificates and medical records in
    Jefferson T, Dietrich M, Brassey J, Heneghan C. CG Report 8: Understanding Definitions and Reporting of Deaths
    Attributed to COVID-19-19 in the UK – Evidence from FOI Requests. Collateral Global. Version 1, 15 March
    2022. https://collateralglobal.org/article/understanding-COVID-19-19-deaths-in-the-uk/
    Santa Clara County2
    and Alameda County3
    , California, for instance, found that in ~25% of death certificates
    in which COVID-19 was labeled as the primary cause of death, other causes of death were more likely.
    The peer-reviewed literature confirms that COVID-19 is overcounted in other developed countries. Ex post
    audits of death certificates should be conducted to establish an accurate death count from COVID-19.
    #2 Questioning Natural Immunity: There has been consistent questioning and denying of natural
    immunity after COVID-19 recovery. Using seriously flawed studies, CDC falsely claimed that natural
    immunity is worse than vaccine acquired immunity.
    In October 2020, the CDC director published a
    “memorandum” in The Lancet, questioning natural immunity.5 Most critically, by mandating vaccination
    for people who have recovered from COVID-19, the government, corporations, and universities de facto
    deny natural immunity.
    For scientists, this has been the most surprising disinformation. We have known about natural immunity
    since the Athenian Plague in 430 BC; other coronaviruses generate natural immunity; and throughout
    the pandemic, we knew that the COVID-19 recovered have good natural immunity if and when they get
    exposed the next time. That is, six months after the start of the pandemic, we had epidemiological
    evidence that natural immunity lasts at least six months; a year into the pandemic, we knew that natural
    immunity lasted at least one year, and so on. 6
    #3 COVID-19 Vaccines Prevent Transmission: The CDC director and other health officials falsely claimed
    that the COVID-19 vaccine prevents the transmission of COVID-19 to others.
    7 This was also the rationale
    for vaccine mandates and passports -- to prevent the spread of the virus to others. At the time, we did
    not know, and it turned out to be wrong.8 When the COVID-19 vaccines were approved for emergency
    use, the manufacturers presented randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that showed that the vaccines
    reduced symptomatic disease. The trials were not designed to determine whether they could also limit
    transmission or prevent death, even though they could have been designed to do so9
    . As it turned out,
    2 Reese M. Santa Clara County revises total COVID-19 deaths by over 20% . July 8, 2021.
    3 Krans B. Alameda County’s new COVID-19 death toll is 25% lower than thought. The Oaklandside. June 4, 2021.
    4 Kulldorff M. A Review and Autopsy of Two COVID-19 Immunity Studies. November 2, 2021
    5 Alwan NA et al. Scientific consensus on the COVID-19-19 pandemic: we need to act now. The Lancet. October 15,
    2020. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)32153-X/fulltext
    6 Kulldorff M. Hospitals Should Hire, Not Fire, Nurses with Natural Immunity. Brownstone Institute, October 1,
    2021. https://brownstone.org/articles/hospitals-should-hire-not-fire-nurses-with-natural-immunity/
    7 Rochelle Walensky. MSNBC March 2021. https://twitter.com/KyleMartinsen_/status/1509206752780238851
    8 Chemaitelly H, Tang P, Hasan MR, AlMukdad S, Yassine HM, Benslimane FM, Al Khatib HA, Coyle P, Ayoub HH, Al
    Kanaani Z, Al Kuwari E, Jeremijenko A, Kaleeckal AH, Latif AN, Shaik RM, Abdul Rahim HF, Nasrallah GK, Al Kuwari
    MG, Al Romaihi HE, Butt AA, Al-Thani MH, Al Khal A, Bertollini R, Abu-Raddad LJ. Waning of BNT162b2 Vaccine
    Protection against SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Qatar. N Engl J Med. 2021 Oct 6:NEJMoa2114114. doi:
    10.1056/NEJMoa2114114. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34614327; PMCID: PMC8522799.
    9 Reynald Castañeda. COVID-19-19 vaccines’ capacity to reduce transmission has experts torn if infection event
    decrease is an appropriate surrogate measure. Clinical Trials Arena. March 1, 2021.
    vaccinated individuals spread the disease to others10. While it was unfortunate that the RCTs were not
    designed to answer the disease transmission question, it is irresponsible for public health officials to
    claim that they did when the RCTs did not even attempt to answer that question.
    #4 School Closures Were Effective and Costless: In the United States, most schools were closed for inperson teaching for some time, and many schools were closed for over a year. This decision was based
    on false claims that it would protect children, teachers, and the community at large. Already in the early
    summer of 2020, we knew this was false.
    Sweden was the only major Western country to keep schools
    open throughout spring 2020 without masks, social distancing, or testing. Among these 1.8 million
    children ages 1 to 15, there were zero COVID-19 deaths, only a few hospitalizations, and teachers did
    not have a higher COVID-19 risk than the average of other professions.11
    Moreover, while older people living with a working-age adult had a higher COVID-19 risk, there was no
    evidence that also living with a child increased that risk further. In a July 2020 New England Journal of
    Medicine article evaluating school closures, they did not mention the Swedish data and evidence, which
    is like evaluating a new drug without including data from the placebo comparison group.12 Despite clear
    evidence on the safety of keeping schools open, misinformation led to many schools being closed for
    over one year.
    #5 Everyone is equally at risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19 infection: Though public
    health messaging has blunted this fact, there is more than a thousand-fold difference in the risk of
    hospitalization and death for the old relative to the young.
    13 Though the risk of death is high for the old
    and some other vulnerable populations with severe chronic illness, the risk posed to children from
    COVID-19 infection is on par with the risk posed by a bad influenza season. Surveys indicate, however,
    that both old and young overestimate the risk of death from COVID-19 infection.14 This misperception
    about risk is harmful because it leads to demand for policies – such as school closures and lockdowns –
    that were themselves harmful.
    10 Riemersma, K. K., Grogan, B. E., Kita-Yarbro, A., Halfmann, P. J., Segaloff, H. E., Kocharian, A., Florek, K. R.,
    Westergaard, R., Bateman, A., Jeppson, G. E., Kawaoka, Y., O’Connor, D. H., Friedrich, T. C., & Grande, K. M. (2021).
    Shedding of infectious SARS-CoV-2 despite vaccination. medRxiv, Preprint. doi: 10.1101/2021.07.31.21261387
    11 Public Health Sweden. COVID-19-19 in schoolchildren (folkhalsomyndigheten.se). July 2020
    12 Levinson M, Cevik M, Lipsitch M. Reopening Primary Schools during the Pandemic. N Engl J Med. 2020 Sep
    3;383(10):981-985. doi: 10.1056/NEJMms2024920. Epub 2020 Jul 29. PMID: 32726550.
    13 Kulldorff M. COVID-19-19 Counter Measures Should be Age Specific. LinkedIn. April 10, 2020.
    14 Lee M. Public vastly overestimates risk of hospitalization from COVID-19-19: Study. Washington Examiner. March
    21, 2021. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/americans-overestimate-hospitalization-COVID-19-study
    #6 There was no reasonable policy alternative to lockdowns: Even from the beginning of the pandemic,
    the sharp age-gradient in the risk of severe disease on COVID-19 infection has provided an alternative to
    the lockdown-focused policies that many U.S. states adopted – focused protection of the aged and
    otherwise vulnerable. In October 2020, along with Prof. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University, we wrote
    the Great Barrington Declaration – a public petition that proposed heightened measures to protect the
    vulnerable and a return to near-normal life for the less vulnerable (including the opening of schools).15
    Tens of thousands of doctors and scientists signed the Declaration in opposition to lockdowns. In the
    Declaration itself and in supporting documents, we offered many concrete policy suggestions for better
    protecting the vulnerable, including reduced staff rotations in nursing homes, free home delivery of
    groceries and other essentials offered to older people living in the community, paid sabbatical leave or
    alternative work arrangements for older workers, and many other policy options. We also invited the
    public health community to join in thinking creatively about other ideas to protect the vulnerable. As
    subsequent research has confirmed, it was clear even at the time that lockdowns could not protect the
    vulnerable (nearly 80% of COVID-19 deaths have occurred among the elderly in the U.S.
    16). Meanwhile,
    countries like Sweden, which did not implement lockdowns, have had near-zero overall excess death
    over the last two years of the pandemic.17 Lockdowns are an aberration– a sharp deviation from
    traditional public health management of respiratory epidemics – and a catastrophic failure of public
    health policy.
    #7 Mask mandates are effective in reducing the spread of viral infectious diseases: Contrary to
    assertions by some public health officials, mask mandates have not been effective in protecting most
    populations against COVID-19 risk.
    18 The SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads by aerosolization.19 Unlike larger viral
    droplets, which are pulled by gravity to the ground shortly after emission, aerosols are tiny particles that
    can persist in the air for extended periods. Aerosols escape through gaps of poorly fitted masks, greatly
    reducing their ability to stop disease spread. Cloth masks, in particular, cannot stop aerosols, and even
    well-fitted N95 masks have diminished capacity to stop viral transmission when they become moist from
    It is thus unsurprising that the highest quality evidence available – randomized trials –
    15 Bhattacharya J, Kuldorff M, & Gupta S. Great Barrington Declaration. https://gbdeclaration.org/
    16 Kaiser Family Foundation. 8 in 10 People Who Have Died of COVID-19-19 Were Age 65 or Older – But the Share
    Varies By State. July 2020. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-COVID-19-19/press-release/8-in-10-people-who-havedied-of-COVID-19-19-were-age-65-or-older-but-the-share-varies-by-state/
    17 Brownlee S and Lenzer J, What Sweden Got Right About COVID-19. Washington Monthly. April 19, 2022.
    18 Damian D.Guerra, Daniel J.Guerra. Mask mandate and use efficacy for COVID-19-19 containment in US
    States.International Research Journal of Public Health, 2021; 5:55. DOI: 10.28933/irjph-2021-08-1005
    19 Soucheray S. Experts push CDC, White House to address COVID-19-19 aerosol spread. CIDRAP. February 7, 2021.
    News & Perspective | CIDRAP
    conducted both before and during the pandemic find that masks are ineffective at stopping the spread
    of respiratory viruses in most settings when worn by untrained people.
    20, 21, 22
    #8 Mass testing of asymptomatic individuals and contact tracing of positive cases is effective in
    reducing disease spread: Mass testing of asymptomatic individuals with contact tracing and
    quarantining of people who test positive has failed to substantively slow the progress of the epidemic
    and has imposed great costs on people who were quarantined even though they posed no risk of
    infecting others.
    23 Three facts are crucial to understanding why this policy has failed. First, even close
    contacts of someone who tests positive for the SARS-Cov-2 virus are unlikely to pass the disease on. In a
    large meta-analysis of household contacts of asymptomatic positive cases, only 3% of people living in
    the same home got sick.24 Second, the PCR test that has been used to identify asymptomatic infections
    often returns a positive result for people who have dead viral fragments, are not infectious, and pose no
    risk of infecting others.25 And third, the contact tracing system becomes overwhelmed whenever cases
    start to rise, leading to long delays in contacting new cases. At precisely the moment when contact
    tracing might be needed, it cannot do its job. At the same time, quarantining people is costly – for
    workers without adequate sick leave, absenteeism due to contact tracing means pay cuts, lost
    opportunities, and perhaps even an inability to feed families. For children, it means more skipped
    lessons and missed opportunities for academic and social growth at school, with long-run negative
    consequences for their future prospects. In the U.K., an official government review determined that its
    37 billion pound investment in contact tracing was a waste of resources.26 The same is undoubtedly true
    in the United States.
    #9 The eradication of COVID-19 is a feasible goal: Throughout the pandemic, from “two weeks to
    flatten the curve” and onwards, the suppression of the spread of COVID-19 has been an explicit policy
    goal. Implicitly, public health leaders have made the suppression of COVID-19 spread to near-zero levels
    the endpoint of the pandemic. However, SARS-CoV-2 has none of the characteristics of a disease that
    20 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Using face masks in the community: first update. 15
    February 2021. ECDC: Stockholm; 2021.
    21 Tom Jefferson, Carl Heneghan (2020) Masking Lack of Evidence with Politics. Centre for Evidence Based Medicine
    working paper. Oxford University. https://www.cebm.net/COVID-19-19/masking-lack-of-evidence-with-politics/
    22 Jefferson T, Del Mar CB, Dooley L, Ferroni E, Al-Ansary LA, Bawazeer GA, van Driel ML, Jones MA, Thorning S,
    Beller EM, Clark J, Hoffmann TC, Glasziou PP, Conly JM. Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of
    respiratory viruses. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD006207. DOI:
    23 Bhattacharya J and Packalen M. On the Futility of Contact Tracing. Inference. September 2020. https://inferencereview.com/article/on-the-futility-of-contact-tracing
    24 Madewell ZJ, Yang Y, Longini IM Jr, Halloran ME, Dean NE. Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2: A Systematic
    Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(12):e2031756. Published 2020 Dec 1.
    25 Jefferson T, Spencer EA, Brassey J, Heneghan C. Viral Cultures for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Infectivity
    Assessment: A Systematic Review. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Dec 6;73(11):e3884-e3899. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1764.
    PMID: 33270107; PMCID: PMC7799320.
    26 Triggle N. COVID-19-19: NHS Test and Trace 'no clear impact' despite £37bn budget. BBC. March 10, 2021.
    Covid-19: NHS Test and Trace 'no clear impact' despite £37bn budget - BBC News
    can be eradicated. First, we have no technology to reduce the spread of the disease or meaningfully
    alter disease dynamics. Lockdowns and social restrictions fail because only people who can afford to
    work from home without losing their job can comply over long periods. While we have vaccines that can
    help prevent hospitalization or death resulting from COVID-19 infection, the vaccines wane in efficacy
    against COVID-19 infection and cannot stop transmission. Second, there are many animal hosts for
    SARS-CoV-2 and evidence of transmission between mammals and humans. One USDA study in late 2021
    found that nearly 80% of white-tailed deer in the U.S. had evidence of COVID-19 antibodies.27 Dogs, cats,
    bats, mink, and many other mammals can get COVID-19. So even if the disease were eradicated among
    humans, zoonotic transmission would guarantee that it would come back. Finally, eradication takes a
    global commitment from every country – an impossible goal since COVID-19 eradication is far from the
    most pressing public health problem for many developing countries.
    27 SciTechDaily. Over 80% of Deer in Study Test Positive for COVID-19 – They May Be a Reservoir for the Virus To
    Continually Circulate. November 6, 2021. https://scitechdaily.com/over-80-of-deer-in-study-test-positive-forCOVID-19-they-may-be-a-reservoir-for-the-virus-to-continually-circulate/
    GORG --- ---
    jinak doporucuju tuhle srandicku, kdo nevidel :)

    A group of conspiracy theorists goes on a cruise. Then their theories come true. | Conspiracy Cruise
    GORG --- ---
    no a ted to vypada, ze to same chteji mit i v CR a Evrope obecne... hladomor... uz je to kolikrat i v normalnich TV debatach pomalu pripousteno, ze tam smerujeme

    Peter Staněk: "Nebude co jíst, znám řešení!" 💥 (telefon.záznam 1)

    Furt je spousta mluvicich hlav jako Sedlacek apod., kteri rikaji, jak si muzeme dovolit klidne i hospodarskou krizi... ze to jako jediny dusledek bude mit, ze nebudeme moct jet kazdy tyden na dovolenou, nebo si kupovat avokado. ze zijem v blahobytu, takze si pry muzeme dovolit klesnout niz. opravdu si mohou dovolit lidi minimalne 100% vyssi ceny vseho? (staci se jen podivat do nejakych informaci o hospodarske krizi v 30. letech... byla skutecne o tom, ze si kazdy den clovek nemohl dovolit avokado nebo jit do zoo jak tvrdi tzv. odbornici?)

    pry jo... tak si na to pripadne vzpomeneme za par let, jak v pohode to vsechno pujde, jak se ted tolik lidi zarucuje. Ten Peter Stanek tam o tom vicemene povida..
    GORG --- ---
    půlku financí a čtvrtku života obětoval na charitu těm nejchudčím případům

    to zni vzdy moc pekne, kdyz to takhle nekdo rekne.

    no o vakcinacni charite jsem mluvil. pak je potratova charita.. a pak charita pro chudobe (hezky receno pomahani nejchudsim)

    Agricultural revolution: "The Gates Foundation is leading Africa to failure" | IATP
    According to your study, this green revolution has failed. Can you mention, in a nutshell, three elements that allow you to draw such a conclusion?

    AGRA shows no sign of being able to achieve any of its goals. Based on national statistics, yields in AGRA’s 13 countries have risen only 18% since 2006, not the promised 100% (doubling). Crop diversity is declining as AGRA promotes maize and other starchy crops at the expense of other more nutritious and climate-resilient crops grown by African farmers. And the number of undernourished people has not been reduced by half, it has increased by 31%. Failure on all counts.

    According to the summaries of your study that I have read, the income of smallholders has not increased at all, is that right? Yet that was one of the goals of Agra...

    AGRA refused to provide any data on its impacts, so it is very difficult to draw conclusions about incomes. There are no good, consistent measures of farmer incomes at the national level. Case studies done for our report, in Mali, Tanzania, Zambia, and Kenya, showed little benefit to farmers’ incomes or food security. Some even reported a decline, as the cost of the inputs put them into debt and yields did not go up enough to pay those loans. Others reported declining nutrition with declining crop diversity.

    Another problem is the expansion of crops such as maize, with a negative impact on the displacement of existing crops. Can you explain that to us, please?

    Maize is one of AGRA’s chosen crops. It is a staple in many AGRA countries, but AGRA’s support, and the subsidies to farmers to grow more maize, has produced only weak productivity growth in maize. But the subsidies have encouraged farmers to take land previously planted in pearl millet, sorghum, sweet potatoes, or cassava and plant it in maize. Millet production declined 24% since 2006 in AGRA countries.

    According to Ethiopian geneticist Melaku Worede, “African varieties hold enormous unexplored potential and endangered by imported solutions”. He also says that these solutions could introduce new dependencies, especially for small farmers and lead them into a spiral of debts, while threatening the genetic diversity of crops vital to Africa. Do you share this point of view? If yes, why?

    I do, his warnings have been prescient. As I saw in the field as I researched my book, crops traditional grown by peasants are becoming increasingly rare. Farmers have organized seed-saving groups to collect, save, and distribute seeds for native food crops that farmers may no longer be growing and cannot find in the market. That crop diversity will be critical to Africa’s food future, not just for nutritional diversity but because those crops are far more resilient in Africa’s changing climate. Exchanging that crop diversity for greater dependence on purchased inputs can put farmers in debt, as several of the case studies in our report showed.

    Among other things, you also mention the absence of productivity, is that right?

    Not a single AGRA country will reach its goal of doubling productivity, even for maize, its favored crop. Across AGRA countries maize yields went up only 29% in 12 years. To get a more comprehensive picture of productivity growth across a range of crops, I created the Staple Yield Index, which combines yield growth for a broader basket of key food crops. Yield growth was only 18% for AGRA’s 13 countries.

    Even more challenging: you have not seen a reduction in poverty and hunger in rural areas despite many millions invested. Can you explain that, please?

    AGRA’s assumptions were that commercial inputs would double yields, the increased production would be sold on the market, doubling farmer incomes, and food security would improve dramatically as a result. There is no evidence any of that is true. AGRA has not reached very many farmers, certainly not the 30 million it set out to reach. When it has, the inputs have not doubled yields. Even where yields increased, so did costs, so the net income to the farmer has barely increased. They have no more money to improve their food security, meanwhile their diet diversity has decreased as their crop diversity has declined with all the attention to maize.

    Despite many requests, you say that Agra refuses to give any figures on its potential progress. Why, do you think?

    I think AGRA and the Gates Foundation have always suffered from a lack of public accountability for the millions of dollars they spend. AGRA has never reported on its impacts on yields, incomes, and food security in any comprehensive way. I believe they have internal monitoring and evaluation studies that reveal how limited their impacts have been. At this point, I believe they are hiding the evidence of their failures.

    On the ground, many farm groups have actively opposed Agra. They pointed to the negative environmental and social impacts of the first green revolution in Asia and Latin America. Do you agree with them?

    I agree that the warnings from the first Green Revolution have largely gone unheeded in Africa. Much of India is moving away from its Green Revolution past, trying to address damage to soil and water, excessive exposures to pesticides, and declining incomes for small-scale farmers. Many are actively moving toward agroecology and organic farming, and African organizations are learning a great deal from their Indian counterparts as they advocate for their own agroecology programs.

    Faiths institute asks Gates Foundation to change tactics in Africa | Earthbeat | National Catholic Reporter

    Gates Foundation agriculture project in Africa flunks review - U.S. Right to Know

    To that end AGRA has spent close to $1 billion on efforts to improve market conditions for Africa’s farmers, while African governments spent billions more subsidizing the purchase of expensive “green revolution” technologies, including chemical fertilizer and commercial seeds that are supposed to boost yields.

    These strategies “continue to impoverish smallholder farmers,” said Anne Maina, national coordinator of the Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya (BIBA), in response to the evaluation. “It is time to stop promoting green revolution technologies that do not improve our soils … In Kenya, the cost of synthetic fertilizers has almost doubled,” Maina said. That problem may get worse due to rising input costs.

    “The time is now to increase funding to support the promotion of biofertilizers and biopesticides that not only build our soils but are safe and affordable for current and future generations,” Maina said.

    BIBA co-authored a 2020 report that critiques AGRA’s programs as “false promises” that are not helping African farmers. AGRA described that report as a “flawed analysis” but did not provide data to refute the critiques. AGRA also did not provide a detailed response to follow-up questions from African groups and requests for more data.

    The new Mathematica evaluation does not provide that data either, said Timothy Wise, senior advisor to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. In an analysis posted last week, Wise said the new evaluation supports his 2020 Tufts paper that found slow yield growth and no evidence of increased farmer incomes in AGRA’s target countries, while hunger increased 31%. “AGRA’s donors should reconsider their support for such an unsuccessful and unaccountable initiative,” Wise wrote. “They should shift their funding to agroecology and other low-cost, low-input systems” which “have shown far better results.”

    Hmm od casu zacatku jeho filantropickych aktivit Bill Gates spis jen ale nakonec bohatnul :)

    Z toho co jsem ted nasel k te jeho charite co do chudoby v rozvojovych zemich... to spis vypada, ze to PRESNE zapada do toho planu svetove dominance a genocidy.

    Jak tady i rikaji sami Africani. Znicit Africkou pudu monokulturami kukurice (ktera devastuje pudu z principu fungovani uz jako takova) , zavislosti na importovanych semenech a pesticidy.

    Jeho charita by se zdalo, ze podle cisel nejak selhava, ale pokud bys uvazil, ze Bill Gates chce Africany zabijet, tak mise splnena. Na tom je schvela charita .. muzes zabijet lidi a byt obdivovanej, ze jses tak hodnej, ze neco ze svych penez odhodis na "neziskove" projekty, za ktery ani nemusis platit dane.

    Osobne nevim, co ma Bill Gates skutecne za lubem, ale nevim, co bych na tomhle mel obdivovat. Reci o charite me muzou dojmout leda, pokud by me nezajimaly detaily.

    Billl Gates je se svymi penezi vlivna osoba, ktera ovlivnuje svet, a z nejakeho duvodu ho nesmi nikdo kritizovat... protoze to pry financoval z vlastnich penez.

    My si tu podobne rozsirili repku.. ale v te Africe to zni jeste hur, ze snad pestuji uz jen tu kukurice, po ktere je znicena puda. Driv ctu, ze tam pestovali ruzne jine veci, a ted naopak jen tu kukurici. Zrovna mi vcera rikala kamaradka, ktera se zameruje svou praci na pomoc prave v podobnych zemich jim tam osobne pomahat se postavit na nohy v sobestacnosti. O kukurici rikala, ze je fakt nejhorsi.. ze to fakt nici pudu. To same ctu ted v tech clancich. Kritika monokultur kukurice, chemickych pesticidu a monokulturnich ploch obecne.

    Ani na ekonomicke perspektive vynosu africkych farmaru se sliby nenaplnily.

    Predpokladam i ze podobni lidi stoji za nuceni Afriky i do zeleny elektriny pres solarni panely namisto fosilnich paliv, jak si onehda stezovali v Africe, ze je nuti pouzivat solarni panely, ale ze ten jim moc neutahne.

    World Bank slechetne taky africkym zemim pujcilo spoustu penez.. Ono kdyz se to zaramcuje do slechetne "humanitarni" nebo "charitativni pomoci" a daji se tam ta spravne komunisticke fraze, tak to zni vsechno bajecne, ale v praxi to tak ruzove nevypada. Obzvlast odporna organizace na ochranu zivotnich druhu, co mlati a zabiji Africany, a my si tady muzeme jeste prituknout, jak kdyz takovy charite neco sami prispejeme, jak jsme pomohli prilozit ruku k dilu. Proto se i uz zdraham davat prachy na jakoukoliv charitu, pokud neni presne adresna.

    Bill Gates se mi skutecne jevi jako potencionalni top villian dnesni doby. Jeho slova, jeho filantropicke aktivity, vsechno by na to sedelo.

    Jinak tvoje
    " stejně ho obden nějakej náhodnej debil obviní z pokusu o genocidu."

    neni rozhodne vhodne do seriozni kultivovane debaty. rozhodne ne do klubu, kde si chceme udrzet urcitou uroven stavici na faktech, ne ze tady nekdo rozhazuje "debily"

    jako counterpoint by mohly byt reference, kde specificky uvidime, v cem skutecne Bill Gates tedy pomohl

    A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?

    podobne me ma dojmout a nadchnout ho obdivovat, ze chce nam i pomoct s atmosferou tim, ze bude praskovat chemtrails? to je tak na hlavu postaveny vsechno.. nechapu, jak to muzou lidi nevidet :) dobre jsou to jeho prachy.. ale jako ruzny mafiani si taky financuji cinnost ale ty NGO a filantropie celkem fascinovane umoznuji realizovat pripadne svoje plany jako charitu ,) ... nevidim primy dukaz spiknuti ale jakoze vsechny jeho aktivity sedi na ty konspiracni teorie. jaky ma pravo vubec nam praskovat, aby zakryl Slunce?

    zkus uvazit, ze pro nekoho muze byt filantropie zasterka, jak levneji (nemusis platit dane, a jeste ti nekdo prihodi) bys teoreticky mohl delat big evil veci... mozna ne.. mozna mu jen to pomahani proste nejde. imho nebyt WHO tak by taky svet nemusel byt nutne horsi.. treba dokonce naopak :) proste ze nekdo dela charitu to mit jako jediny argument, mi prijde dost zavadejici. vypalne je taky forma charity :) zaplatis si za ochranu.
    GORG --- ---
    Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses – GPEI

    Vaccine-derived polioviruses

    The elephant in the room: the problem of non-polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)
    It has been reported in the Lancet that the incidence of AFP, especially non-polio AFP has increased exponentially in India after a high potency polio vaccine was introduced (25). Grassly and colleagues suggested, at that time, that the increase in AFP was the result of a deliberate effort to intensify surveillance and reporting in India (26). The National Polio Surveillance Programme maintained that the increased numbers were due to reporting of mild weakness, presumably weakness of little consequence (27). However in 2005, a fifth of the cases of non-polio AFP in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) were followed up after 60 days. 35.2% were found to have residual paralysis and 8.5% had died (making the total of residual paralysis or death – 43.7%) (28). Sathyamala examined data from the following year and showed that children who were identified with non-polio AFP were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection (27).

    Data from India on polio control over 10 years, available from the National Polio Surveillance Project, has now been compiled and made available online for it to be scrutinised by epidemiologists and statisticians (29).

    This shows that the non-polio AFP rate increases in proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received in each area. Nationally, the non-polio AFP rate is now 12 times higher than expected. In the states of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar, which have pulse polio rounds nearly every month, the non-polio AFP rate is 25- and 35-fold higher than the international norms. The relationship of the non-polio AFP rate is curvilinear with a more steep increase beyond six doses of OPV in one year. The non-polio AFP rate during the year best correlates to the cumulative doses received in the previous three years. Association (R2) of the non-polio AFP rate with OPV doses received in 2009 was 41.9%. Adding up doses received from 2007 increased the association (R2 = 55.6% p < 0.001) (30). Population density did not show any association with the non-polio AFP rate, although others have suggested that it is related to polio AFP (31).

    The international incidence of non-polio AFP is said to be 1 to 2/100,000 in the populations under 15 (32, 33). The benchmark of good surveillance is the ability to detect one case of AFP per 100,000 children even in the absence of polio (34). In 2011, an additional 47,500 children were newly paralysed in the year, over and above the standard 2/100,000 non-polio AFP that is generally accepted as the norm. (32, 33). It is sad that, even after meticulous surveillance, this large excess in the incidence of paralysis was not investigated as a possible signal, nor was any effort made to try and study the mechanism for this spurt in non-polio AFP. These findings point to the need for a critical appraisal to find the factors contributing to the increase in non-polio AFP with increase in OPV doses – perhaps looking at the influence of strain shifts of entero-pathogens induced by the vaccine given practically once every month.

    From India’s perspective the exercise has been extremely costly both in terms of human suffering and in monetary terms. It is tempting to speculate what could have been achieved if the $2.5 billion spent on attempting to eradicate polio were spent on water and sanitation and routine immunisation. Perhaps control of polio, to the level of elimination, may well have been achieved as it has been in more developed countries. When the US was badly mired in Iraq in 2005, Joe Galloway suggested that the US must simply declare victory, and then exit (35). Perhaps the time is right for such an honourable strategy with regard to polio eradication.

    Now just free Africa of vaccine-derived poliovirus | Science | In-depth reporting on science and technology | DW | 10.09.2020
    Africa is free of wild poliovirus. But the continent is still fighting another form of the paralyzing disease caused by the oral vaccine used to stop it.


    Fourteen other African countries have cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, or cVDPV. None of them have reported cases of wild poliovirus (WPV) in recent years.

    "It is a very disappointing setback we're facing with vaccine-derived poliovirus, but that shouldn't undermine the incredible success we've achieved in eradicating wild poliovirus in Africa," says Dr. Michel Zaffran, outgoing director of the WHO's polio eradication program.

    So, what's the difference between WPV and cVDPV?
    WPV is a naturally occurring form of poliovirus. While cVDPV is derived, as the name suggests, from an oral polio vaccine, known as the Sabin vaccine, or OPV.

    // ve vysledku je to cele o cislech. masmedia pripousti, ze ta vakcina zpusobuje nekdy primo obrnu, ale podle nich jsou ta cisla mnohem mensi. tady clanek z indickyho zurnalu to vidi napriklad jinak... v roce 2011 navic 47500 deti paralyzovanych... ale oficialne za roky 2000 az 2020 jich bylo jen 17 rika WHO. A nikoliv 500000 jak tvrdi fake news. A nekteri vedci.

    Podstatne je vse kolem Billa Gatese a vakcin mit za uplny nesmysl. Pritom relevantni data jsou.

    Ne, očkování proti obrně podporované Billem Gatesem nezpůsobilo ochrnutí 496000 dětí v Indii | Na pravou míru
    Ve skutečnosti neexistuje žádný důkaz o tom, že by téměř půl milionu indických dětí ochrnulo poté, co se u nich po očkování rozvinula obrna.

    Může vakcína způsobit obrnu?
    Podle statistik Světové zdravotnické organizace (WHO) bylo v daném období mezi lety 2000 a 2017 zaznamenáno pouze 17 případů nákazy poliovirem, tj. virem způsobujícím dětskou obrnu, v důsledku očkování. Polioviry vzniklé z vakcín (vaccine-derived polioviruses neboli VDPV) jsou zmutované kmeny virů obsažených v orální vakcíně proti dětské obrně. K této mutaci ovšem dochází jen velmi vzácně. Viry mohou v ojedinělých případech zmutovat do formy způsobující ochrnutí, známé pod označením „circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus” (cVDPV).

    Data WHO jsou k dispozici zde: stačí vybrat Indii a příslušný rok, a v kolonce cVDPV vyskočí počet případů. Ze statistik vyplývá, že k nakažení poliovirem v důsledku očkování došlo v daném období jen v letech 2009 a 2010, jak vidíme na snímcích, kde jsou relevantní čísla označena červeně:

    Kontroverzní studie z roku 2018

    Falešná tvrzení o souvislosti mezi očkováním proti dětské obrně a ochrnutím se často odkazují na studii indických lékařů z roku 2018 publikovanou v časopise „International Journal of Environmental Resarch and Public Health."

    Autoři článku analyzovali počet případů ochrnutí známého pod jménem „non-polio acute flaccid paralysis" neboli AChP nezpůsobeného poliovirem během let, kdy v Indii probíhala očkovací kampaň proti obrně.

    Autoři studie zaznamenali, že v letech 2000 až 2017 došlo k tomuto typu ochrnutí u 640 000 dětí ve dvou oblastech Indie. Jimi „očekávaná“ míra tohoto typu ochrnutí měla být 2 případy na 100 000 dětí, ale počet případů dětí s tímto typem chrnutí jejich očekávání přesáhl o 491 000, což se nápadně blíží oněm 496 000 případům „dětí paralyzovaných obrnou”, o kterých se zmiňuje zavádějící článek na webu Quapel.cz, ale i mnoho dalších, v angličtině například zde.

    Podle autorů studie existuje „korelace" mezi případy AChP a probíhající očkovací kampaní: křivky případů se úzce následují a ve chvíli, kdy došlo ke snížení počtu podávání orálních vakcín proti obrně, snížil se i počet případů AChP.

    Je pravda, že podle údajů WHO skutečně došlo k prudkému nárůstu počtu případů AChP v letech, kdy byla očkovací kampaň v Indii nejintenzívnější.
    Přesná čísla lze dohledat v druhém sloupku tabulky WHO pod hlavičkou AFP:

    Autoři studie z těchto pozorování vyvodili, že „by bylo možné snížit výskyt případů AChP dalším omezením očkování."

    Nepodařilo se jim ovšem dokázat, že to byly vakcíny proti obrně, které zvýšený počet ochrnutí způsobily. Sami uvádí, že korelace mezi počtem podaných vakcín a počtem případů AChP „neprokazuje příčinnou souvislost." V textu to zmiňují dokonce několikrát a uvádějí, že je třeba provést další studie na toto téma.

    Kromě toho také tvrdí, že nepřišli na „fyziologický mechanismus," jakým by vakcíny mohly takovéto ochrnutí způsobit.

    tedy fackchecking potvrzuje, ze tam byla korelace s tim oralnim ockovanim, ale pak i cituji samotne autory studie, ze pry neni prokazany mechanismus, jak by to ta vakcina mohla zpusobit.

    I kdyz i jejich clanek samotny jeden takovych mechanismus popisuje. Ale AChP ma byt zahada. Nevime proc, ale neni dukaz, ze to zpusobila vakcina. Ergo, lunatic nonsense. Cele ty veci kolem vakcinace obrny v Indii jsou nejen nepravda, lez a klamstvo, ale i neco, o cem by se seriozni clovek vubec nemel bavit, aby nebyl za blazna. Takovou merou se zarucuji, ze v tech vakcinach urcite neni problem.

    S Covidem mi to prijde dost podobne ted... polemika o tom, jak interpretovat data, kdy je ale jen jedna pravda, ktera by mela byt vyslovovana.

    Vsechno jsou to dezinformace. Zdravotni vedlejsi ucinky jsou peclive hlidany. A ubytek plodnosti jiste nakonec vyresi vakciny, i kdyz nekomu treba neplodnost zpusobi, ale cisla budou jasne rikat, ze pomer vykon/rizika je ve prospech vakcinace. Kuriozni je, ze v tomhle byl A. Jones za blazna, kdyz mluvil o prokazanym zdroji neplodnosti v bisfenolu. Takova je ted za me mira racionalni diskuze o realnych rizicich.

    Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns | US news | The Guardian

    Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity | Erin Brockovich | The Guardian

    ostatne cerstvy priklad par dni zpet

    Kde se více očkovalo, tam se méně umíralo, ukazují data - CNN Prima NEWS

    Mate tam graf.. ktery sice sam o sobe nepusobi az tak presvedcive (opravdu je tam jasna korelace?)... obzvlast kdyz k tomu jeste uvazime, ze si jako metriku skrze vedecky princip zvany confirmation bias (tedy vyhledavat si informace, ktere sedi na nas bias..) si zvolili umrti na COVID.. ne roky osvecene excess death, kde ta cisla jsou dost jinak. a ani ten jejich vlastni graf nedava moc smysl, kdyz na nej clovek chvili kouka. ale to nevadi.. instutuce maji svuj zaver, novinari maji zaver.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: cudák Bill. Čtvrtstoletí se marně snaží odčinit hříhy z mládí, půlku financí a čtvrtku života obětoval na charitu těm nejchudčím případům, a stejně ho obden nějakej náhodnej debil obviní z pokusu o genocidu.
    GORG --- ---
    jo a tady je obsah te Munich Security Conference o nestovicich, ze ktery je predpokladam ten prvni screenshot Scenario Design Summary... zajimavy, ze tam strefili i ten cas .. kveten cerven 2022, kdy opici nestovice v tu samou chvili ve skutecnym svete media rozjizdeji kampan a WHO svolava summit na tema opicich nestovic jako dalsiho TOP ohrozeni.

    404 Trust not found :)

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam