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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    no a ted to vypada, ze to same chteji mit i v CR a Evrope obecne... hladomor... uz je to kolikrat i v normalnich TV debatach pomalu pripousteno, ze tam smerujeme

    Peter Staněk: "Nebude co jíst, znám řešení!" 💥 (telefon.záznam 1)

    Furt je spousta mluvicich hlav jako Sedlacek apod., kteri rikaji, jak si muzeme dovolit klidne i hospodarskou krizi... ze to jako jediny dusledek bude mit, ze nebudeme moct jet kazdy tyden na dovolenou, nebo si kupovat avokado. ze zijem v blahobytu, takze si pry muzeme dovolit klesnout niz. opravdu si mohou dovolit lidi minimalne 100% vyssi ceny vseho? (staci se jen podivat do nejakych informaci o hospodarske krizi v 30. letech... byla skutecne o tom, ze si kazdy den clovek nemohl dovolit avokado nebo jit do zoo jak tvrdi tzv. odbornici?)

    pry jo... tak si na to pripadne vzpomeneme za par let, jak v pohode to vsechno pujde, jak se ted tolik lidi zarucuje. Ten Peter Stanek tam o tom vicemene povida..
    GORG --- ---
    půlku financí a čtvrtku života obětoval na charitu těm nejchudčím případům

    to zni vzdy moc pekne, kdyz to takhle nekdo rekne.

    no o vakcinacni charite jsem mluvil. pak je potratova charita.. a pak charita pro chudobe (hezky receno pomahani nejchudsim)

    Agricultural revolution: "The Gates Foundation is leading Africa to failure" | IATP
    According to your study, this green revolution has failed. Can you mention, in a nutshell, three elements that allow you to draw such a conclusion?

    AGRA shows no sign of being able to achieve any of its goals. Based on national statistics, yields in AGRA’s 13 countries have risen only 18% since 2006, not the promised 100% (doubling). Crop diversity is declining as AGRA promotes maize and other starchy crops at the expense of other more nutritious and climate-resilient crops grown by African farmers. And the number of undernourished people has not been reduced by half, it has increased by 31%. Failure on all counts.

    According to the summaries of your study that I have read, the income of smallholders has not increased at all, is that right? Yet that was one of the goals of Agra...

    AGRA refused to provide any data on its impacts, so it is very difficult to draw conclusions about incomes. There are no good, consistent measures of farmer incomes at the national level. Case studies done for our report, in Mali, Tanzania, Zambia, and Kenya, showed little benefit to farmers’ incomes or food security. Some even reported a decline, as the cost of the inputs put them into debt and yields did not go up enough to pay those loans. Others reported declining nutrition with declining crop diversity.

    Another problem is the expansion of crops such as maize, with a negative impact on the displacement of existing crops. Can you explain that to us, please?

    Maize is one of AGRA’s chosen crops. It is a staple in many AGRA countries, but AGRA’s support, and the subsidies to farmers to grow more maize, has produced only weak productivity growth in maize. But the subsidies have encouraged farmers to take land previously planted in pearl millet, sorghum, sweet potatoes, or cassava and plant it in maize. Millet production declined 24% since 2006 in AGRA countries.

    According to Ethiopian geneticist Melaku Worede, “African varieties hold enormous unexplored potential and endangered by imported solutions”. He also says that these solutions could introduce new dependencies, especially for small farmers and lead them into a spiral of debts, while threatening the genetic diversity of crops vital to Africa. Do you share this point of view? If yes, why?

    I do, his warnings have been prescient. As I saw in the field as I researched my book, crops traditional grown by peasants are becoming increasingly rare. Farmers have organized seed-saving groups to collect, save, and distribute seeds for native food crops that farmers may no longer be growing and cannot find in the market. That crop diversity will be critical to Africa’s food future, not just for nutritional diversity but because those crops are far more resilient in Africa’s changing climate. Exchanging that crop diversity for greater dependence on purchased inputs can put farmers in debt, as several of the case studies in our report showed.

    Among other things, you also mention the absence of productivity, is that right?

    Not a single AGRA country will reach its goal of doubling productivity, even for maize, its favored crop. Across AGRA countries maize yields went up only 29% in 12 years. To get a more comprehensive picture of productivity growth across a range of crops, I created the Staple Yield Index, which combines yield growth for a broader basket of key food crops. Yield growth was only 18% for AGRA’s 13 countries.

    Even more challenging: you have not seen a reduction in poverty and hunger in rural areas despite many millions invested. Can you explain that, please?

    AGRA’s assumptions were that commercial inputs would double yields, the increased production would be sold on the market, doubling farmer incomes, and food security would improve dramatically as a result. There is no evidence any of that is true. AGRA has not reached very many farmers, certainly not the 30 million it set out to reach. When it has, the inputs have not doubled yields. Even where yields increased, so did costs, so the net income to the farmer has barely increased. They have no more money to improve their food security, meanwhile their diet diversity has decreased as their crop diversity has declined with all the attention to maize.

    Despite many requests, you say that Agra refuses to give any figures on its potential progress. Why, do you think?

    I think AGRA and the Gates Foundation have always suffered from a lack of public accountability for the millions of dollars they spend. AGRA has never reported on its impacts on yields, incomes, and food security in any comprehensive way. I believe they have internal monitoring and evaluation studies that reveal how limited their impacts have been. At this point, I believe they are hiding the evidence of their failures.

    On the ground, many farm groups have actively opposed Agra. They pointed to the negative environmental and social impacts of the first green revolution in Asia and Latin America. Do you agree with them?

    I agree that the warnings from the first Green Revolution have largely gone unheeded in Africa. Much of India is moving away from its Green Revolution past, trying to address damage to soil and water, excessive exposures to pesticides, and declining incomes for small-scale farmers. Many are actively moving toward agroecology and organic farming, and African organizations are learning a great deal from their Indian counterparts as they advocate for their own agroecology programs.

    Faiths institute asks Gates Foundation to change tactics in Africa | Earthbeat | National Catholic Reporter

    Gates Foundation agriculture project in Africa flunks review - U.S. Right to Know

    To that end AGRA has spent close to $1 billion on efforts to improve market conditions for Africa’s farmers, while African governments spent billions more subsidizing the purchase of expensive “green revolution” technologies, including chemical fertilizer and commercial seeds that are supposed to boost yields.

    These strategies “continue to impoverish smallholder farmers,” said Anne Maina, national coordinator of the Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya (BIBA), in response to the evaluation. “It is time to stop promoting green revolution technologies that do not improve our soils … In Kenya, the cost of synthetic fertilizers has almost doubled,” Maina said. That problem may get worse due to rising input costs.

    “The time is now to increase funding to support the promotion of biofertilizers and biopesticides that not only build our soils but are safe and affordable for current and future generations,” Maina said.

    BIBA co-authored a 2020 report that critiques AGRA’s programs as “false promises” that are not helping African farmers. AGRA described that report as a “flawed analysis” but did not provide data to refute the critiques. AGRA also did not provide a detailed response to follow-up questions from African groups and requests for more data.

    The new Mathematica evaluation does not provide that data either, said Timothy Wise, senior advisor to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. In an analysis posted last week, Wise said the new evaluation supports his 2020 Tufts paper that found slow yield growth and no evidence of increased farmer incomes in AGRA’s target countries, while hunger increased 31%. “AGRA’s donors should reconsider their support for such an unsuccessful and unaccountable initiative,” Wise wrote. “They should shift their funding to agroecology and other low-cost, low-input systems” which “have shown far better results.”

    Hmm od casu zacatku jeho filantropickych aktivit Bill Gates spis jen ale nakonec bohatnul :)

    Z toho co jsem ted nasel k te jeho charite co do chudoby v rozvojovych zemich... to spis vypada, ze to PRESNE zapada do toho planu svetove dominance a genocidy.

    Jak tady i rikaji sami Africani. Znicit Africkou pudu monokulturami kukurice (ktera devastuje pudu z principu fungovani uz jako takova) , zavislosti na importovanych semenech a pesticidy.

    Jeho charita by se zdalo, ze podle cisel nejak selhava, ale pokud bys uvazil, ze Bill Gates chce Africany zabijet, tak mise splnena. Na tom je schvela charita .. muzes zabijet lidi a byt obdivovanej, ze jses tak hodnej, ze neco ze svych penez odhodis na "neziskove" projekty, za ktery ani nemusis platit dane.

    Osobne nevim, co ma Bill Gates skutecne za lubem, ale nevim, co bych na tomhle mel obdivovat. Reci o charite me muzou dojmout leda, pokud by me nezajimaly detaily.

    Billl Gates je se svymi penezi vlivna osoba, ktera ovlivnuje svet, a z nejakeho duvodu ho nesmi nikdo kritizovat... protoze to pry financoval z vlastnich penez.

    My si tu podobne rozsirili repku.. ale v te Africe to zni jeste hur, ze snad pestuji uz jen tu kukurice, po ktere je znicena puda. Driv ctu, ze tam pestovali ruzne jine veci, a ted naopak jen tu kukurici. Zrovna mi vcera rikala kamaradka, ktera se zameruje svou praci na pomoc prave v podobnych zemich jim tam osobne pomahat se postavit na nohy v sobestacnosti. O kukurici rikala, ze je fakt nejhorsi.. ze to fakt nici pudu. To same ctu ted v tech clancich. Kritika monokultur kukurice, chemickych pesticidu a monokulturnich ploch obecne.

    Ani na ekonomicke perspektive vynosu africkych farmaru se sliby nenaplnily.

    Predpokladam i ze podobni lidi stoji za nuceni Afriky i do zeleny elektriny pres solarni panely namisto fosilnich paliv, jak si onehda stezovali v Africe, ze je nuti pouzivat solarni panely, ale ze ten jim moc neutahne.

    World Bank slechetne taky africkym zemim pujcilo spoustu penez.. Ono kdyz se to zaramcuje do slechetne "humanitarni" nebo "charitativni pomoci" a daji se tam ta spravne komunisticke fraze, tak to zni vsechno bajecne, ale v praxi to tak ruzove nevypada. Obzvlast odporna organizace na ochranu zivotnich druhu, co mlati a zabiji Africany, a my si tady muzeme jeste prituknout, jak kdyz takovy charite neco sami prispejeme, jak jsme pomohli prilozit ruku k dilu. Proto se i uz zdraham davat prachy na jakoukoliv charitu, pokud neni presne adresna.

    Bill Gates se mi skutecne jevi jako potencionalni top villian dnesni doby. Jeho slova, jeho filantropicke aktivity, vsechno by na to sedelo.

    Jinak tvoje
    " stejně ho obden nějakej náhodnej debil obviní z pokusu o genocidu."

    neni rozhodne vhodne do seriozni kultivovane debaty. rozhodne ne do klubu, kde si chceme udrzet urcitou uroven stavici na faktech, ne ze tady nekdo rozhazuje "debily"

    jako counterpoint by mohly byt reference, kde specificky uvidime, v cem skutecne Bill Gates tedy pomohl

    A Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun. What Could Go Wrong?

    podobne me ma dojmout a nadchnout ho obdivovat, ze chce nam i pomoct s atmosferou tim, ze bude praskovat chemtrails? to je tak na hlavu postaveny vsechno.. nechapu, jak to muzou lidi nevidet :) dobre jsou to jeho prachy.. ale jako ruzny mafiani si taky financuji cinnost ale ty NGO a filantropie celkem fascinovane umoznuji realizovat pripadne svoje plany jako charitu ,) ... nevidim primy dukaz spiknuti ale jakoze vsechny jeho aktivity sedi na ty konspiracni teorie. jaky ma pravo vubec nam praskovat, aby zakryl Slunce?

    zkus uvazit, ze pro nekoho muze byt filantropie zasterka, jak levneji (nemusis platit dane, a jeste ti nekdo prihodi) bys teoreticky mohl delat big evil veci... mozna ne.. mozna mu jen to pomahani proste nejde. imho nebyt WHO tak by taky svet nemusel byt nutne horsi.. treba dokonce naopak :) proste ze nekdo dela charitu to mit jako jediny argument, mi prijde dost zavadejici. vypalne je taky forma charity :) zaplatis si za ochranu.
    GORG --- ---
    Vaccine-Derived Polioviruses – GPEI

    Vaccine-derived polioviruses

    The elephant in the room: the problem of non-polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP)
    It has been reported in the Lancet that the incidence of AFP, especially non-polio AFP has increased exponentially in India after a high potency polio vaccine was introduced (25). Grassly and colleagues suggested, at that time, that the increase in AFP was the result of a deliberate effort to intensify surveillance and reporting in India (26). The National Polio Surveillance Programme maintained that the increased numbers were due to reporting of mild weakness, presumably weakness of little consequence (27). However in 2005, a fifth of the cases of non-polio AFP in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP) were followed up after 60 days. 35.2% were found to have residual paralysis and 8.5% had died (making the total of residual paralysis or death – 43.7%) (28). Sathyamala examined data from the following year and showed that children who were identified with non-polio AFP were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection (27).

    Data from India on polio control over 10 years, available from the National Polio Surveillance Project, has now been compiled and made available online for it to be scrutinised by epidemiologists and statisticians (29).

    This shows that the non-polio AFP rate increases in proportion to the number of polio vaccine doses received in each area. Nationally, the non-polio AFP rate is now 12 times higher than expected. In the states of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar, which have pulse polio rounds nearly every month, the non-polio AFP rate is 25- and 35-fold higher than the international norms. The relationship of the non-polio AFP rate is curvilinear with a more steep increase beyond six doses of OPV in one year. The non-polio AFP rate during the year best correlates to the cumulative doses received in the previous three years. Association (R2) of the non-polio AFP rate with OPV doses received in 2009 was 41.9%. Adding up doses received from 2007 increased the association (R2 = 55.6% p < 0.001) (30). Population density did not show any association with the non-polio AFP rate, although others have suggested that it is related to polio AFP (31).

    The international incidence of non-polio AFP is said to be 1 to 2/100,000 in the populations under 15 (32, 33). The benchmark of good surveillance is the ability to detect one case of AFP per 100,000 children even in the absence of polio (34). In 2011, an additional 47,500 children were newly paralysed in the year, over and above the standard 2/100,000 non-polio AFP that is generally accepted as the norm. (32, 33). It is sad that, even after meticulous surveillance, this large excess in the incidence of paralysis was not investigated as a possible signal, nor was any effort made to try and study the mechanism for this spurt in non-polio AFP. These findings point to the need for a critical appraisal to find the factors contributing to the increase in non-polio AFP with increase in OPV doses – perhaps looking at the influence of strain shifts of entero-pathogens induced by the vaccine given practically once every month.

    From India’s perspective the exercise has been extremely costly both in terms of human suffering and in monetary terms. It is tempting to speculate what could have been achieved if the $2.5 billion spent on attempting to eradicate polio were spent on water and sanitation and routine immunisation. Perhaps control of polio, to the level of elimination, may well have been achieved as it has been in more developed countries. When the US was badly mired in Iraq in 2005, Joe Galloway suggested that the US must simply declare victory, and then exit (35). Perhaps the time is right for such an honourable strategy with regard to polio eradication.

    Now just free Africa of vaccine-derived poliovirus | Science | In-depth reporting on science and technology | DW | 10.09.2020
    Africa is free of wild poliovirus. But the continent is still fighting another form of the paralyzing disease caused by the oral vaccine used to stop it.


    Fourteen other African countries have cases of circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus, or cVDPV. None of them have reported cases of wild poliovirus (WPV) in recent years.

    "It is a very disappointing setback we're facing with vaccine-derived poliovirus, but that shouldn't undermine the incredible success we've achieved in eradicating wild poliovirus in Africa," says Dr. Michel Zaffran, outgoing director of the WHO's polio eradication program.

    So, what's the difference between WPV and cVDPV?
    WPV is a naturally occurring form of poliovirus. While cVDPV is derived, as the name suggests, from an oral polio vaccine, known as the Sabin vaccine, or OPV.

    // ve vysledku je to cele o cislech. masmedia pripousti, ze ta vakcina zpusobuje nekdy primo obrnu, ale podle nich jsou ta cisla mnohem mensi. tady clanek z indickyho zurnalu to vidi napriklad jinak... v roce 2011 navic 47500 deti paralyzovanych... ale oficialne za roky 2000 az 2020 jich bylo jen 17 rika WHO. A nikoliv 500000 jak tvrdi fake news. A nekteri vedci.

    Podstatne je vse kolem Billa Gatese a vakcin mit za uplny nesmysl. Pritom relevantni data jsou.

    Ne, očkování proti obrně podporované Billem Gatesem nezpůsobilo ochrnutí 496000 dětí v Indii | Na pravou míru
    Ve skutečnosti neexistuje žádný důkaz o tom, že by téměř půl milionu indických dětí ochrnulo poté, co se u nich po očkování rozvinula obrna.

    Může vakcína způsobit obrnu?
    Podle statistik Světové zdravotnické organizace (WHO) bylo v daném období mezi lety 2000 a 2017 zaznamenáno pouze 17 případů nákazy poliovirem, tj. virem způsobujícím dětskou obrnu, v důsledku očkování. Polioviry vzniklé z vakcín (vaccine-derived polioviruses neboli VDPV) jsou zmutované kmeny virů obsažených v orální vakcíně proti dětské obrně. K této mutaci ovšem dochází jen velmi vzácně. Viry mohou v ojedinělých případech zmutovat do formy způsobující ochrnutí, známé pod označením „circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus” (cVDPV).

    Data WHO jsou k dispozici zde: stačí vybrat Indii a příslušný rok, a v kolonce cVDPV vyskočí počet případů. Ze statistik vyplývá, že k nakažení poliovirem v důsledku očkování došlo v daném období jen v letech 2009 a 2010, jak vidíme na snímcích, kde jsou relevantní čísla označena červeně:

    Kontroverzní studie z roku 2018

    Falešná tvrzení o souvislosti mezi očkováním proti dětské obrně a ochrnutím se často odkazují na studii indických lékařů z roku 2018 publikovanou v časopise „International Journal of Environmental Resarch and Public Health."

    Autoři článku analyzovali počet případů ochrnutí známého pod jménem „non-polio acute flaccid paralysis" neboli AChP nezpůsobeného poliovirem během let, kdy v Indii probíhala očkovací kampaň proti obrně.

    Autoři studie zaznamenali, že v letech 2000 až 2017 došlo k tomuto typu ochrnutí u 640 000 dětí ve dvou oblastech Indie. Jimi „očekávaná“ míra tohoto typu ochrnutí měla být 2 případy na 100 000 dětí, ale počet případů dětí s tímto typem chrnutí jejich očekávání přesáhl o 491 000, což se nápadně blíží oněm 496 000 případům „dětí paralyzovaných obrnou”, o kterých se zmiňuje zavádějící článek na webu Quapel.cz, ale i mnoho dalších, v angličtině například zde.

    Podle autorů studie existuje „korelace" mezi případy AChP a probíhající očkovací kampaní: křivky případů se úzce následují a ve chvíli, kdy došlo ke snížení počtu podávání orálních vakcín proti obrně, snížil se i počet případů AChP.

    Je pravda, že podle údajů WHO skutečně došlo k prudkému nárůstu počtu případů AChP v letech, kdy byla očkovací kampaň v Indii nejintenzívnější.
    Přesná čísla lze dohledat v druhém sloupku tabulky WHO pod hlavičkou AFP:

    Autoři studie z těchto pozorování vyvodili, že „by bylo možné snížit výskyt případů AChP dalším omezením očkování."

    Nepodařilo se jim ovšem dokázat, že to byly vakcíny proti obrně, které zvýšený počet ochrnutí způsobily. Sami uvádí, že korelace mezi počtem podaných vakcín a počtem případů AChP „neprokazuje příčinnou souvislost." V textu to zmiňují dokonce několikrát a uvádějí, že je třeba provést další studie na toto téma.

    Kromě toho také tvrdí, že nepřišli na „fyziologický mechanismus," jakým by vakcíny mohly takovéto ochrnutí způsobit.

    tedy fackchecking potvrzuje, ze tam byla korelace s tim oralnim ockovanim, ale pak i cituji samotne autory studie, ze pry neni prokazany mechanismus, jak by to ta vakcina mohla zpusobit.

    I kdyz i jejich clanek samotny jeden takovych mechanismus popisuje. Ale AChP ma byt zahada. Nevime proc, ale neni dukaz, ze to zpusobila vakcina. Ergo, lunatic nonsense. Cele ty veci kolem vakcinace obrny v Indii jsou nejen nepravda, lez a klamstvo, ale i neco, o cem by se seriozni clovek vubec nemel bavit, aby nebyl za blazna. Takovou merou se zarucuji, ze v tech vakcinach urcite neni problem.

    S Covidem mi to prijde dost podobne ted... polemika o tom, jak interpretovat data, kdy je ale jen jedna pravda, ktera by mela byt vyslovovana.

    Vsechno jsou to dezinformace. Zdravotni vedlejsi ucinky jsou peclive hlidany. A ubytek plodnosti jiste nakonec vyresi vakciny, i kdyz nekomu treba neplodnost zpusobi, ale cisla budou jasne rikat, ze pomer vykon/rizika je ve prospech vakcinace. Kuriozni je, ze v tomhle byl A. Jones za blazna, kdyz mluvil o prokazanym zdroji neplodnosti v bisfenolu. Takova je ted za me mira racionalni diskuze o realnych rizicich.

    Falling sperm counts 'threaten human survival', expert warns | US news | The Guardian

    Plummeting sperm counts, shrinking penises: toxic chemicals threaten humanity | Erin Brockovich | The Guardian

    ostatne cerstvy priklad par dni zpet

    Kde se více očkovalo, tam se méně umíralo, ukazují data - CNN Prima NEWS

    Mate tam graf.. ktery sice sam o sobe nepusobi az tak presvedcive (opravdu je tam jasna korelace?)... obzvlast kdyz k tomu jeste uvazime, ze si jako metriku skrze vedecky princip zvany confirmation bias (tedy vyhledavat si informace, ktere sedi na nas bias..) si zvolili umrti na COVID.. ne roky osvecene excess death, kde ta cisla jsou dost jinak. a ani ten jejich vlastni graf nedava moc smysl, kdyz na nej clovek chvili kouka. ale to nevadi.. instutuce maji svuj zaver, novinari maji zaver.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: cudák Bill. Čtvrtstoletí se marně snaží odčinit hříhy z mládí, půlku financí a čtvrtku života obětoval na charitu těm nejchudčím případům, a stejně ho obden nějakej náhodnej debil obviní z pokusu o genocidu.
    GORG --- ---
    jo a tady je obsah te Munich Security Conference o nestovicich, ze ktery je predpokladam ten prvni screenshot Scenario Design Summary... zajimavy, ze tam strefili i ten cas .. kveten cerven 2022, kdy opici nestovice v tu samou chvili ve skutecnym svete media rozjizdeji kampan a WHO svolava summit na tema opicich nestovic jako dalsiho TOP ohrozeni.

    404 Trust not found :)

    GORG --- ---
    2021 WHO & Gates Foundation Exercise Portrayed Global Monkeypox Pandemic Killing Millions

    Monkeypox outbreaks worldwide baffle African scientists | CTV News

    Monkeys Escape After Truck Crashes on Pennsylvania Highway - The New York Times

    Pennsylvania woman falls ill after exposure to monkey feces at Danville crash site | PhillyVoice

    Vials labeled 'smallpox' found at vaccine research facility outside Philadelphia, CDC says - ABC7 New York

    Vials labelled 'smallpox' didn't contain any: CDC | CTV News

    Opičí neštovice se šíří v Evropě i Americe. Chrání před nimi vakcína proti klasickým — ČT24 — Česká televize

    samoze kdyz jdu na zdroj te zpravy munich konference 404 Not found

    pri hledani toho PDF jinde jsem nasel az ironickou stranku z te samotne konference.. 404 Trust not found??? :) Yeah

    Bibliographic data: Simon Pfeiffer and Randolf Carr, "Error 404 - Trust Not Found: A European Survey on Digital (Dis)trust", Munich: Munich Security Conference, Munich Security Brief 2, March 2021, https://doi.org/10.47342 /REFQ1817.

    // no zas zajimava nahoda.. stejne jako u COVIDu probihalo cviceni s nestovicemi, ktere probiha v tu samou dobu resp. nedlouho predtim, nez ten samy problem se objevil ve skutecnosti. tehdy teda v 2019 Bill Gates spoluzaridil cviceni proti koronaviru, ktere v podstate skoro uplne licuje s tim, co se pak delo.

    ted s temi nestovicemi to same. opet Bill Gates zaridi cviceni (simulaci), ktera resi to same, co se pak deje.. predikoval nestovice, ze bude velke tema. hodne se smal, kdyz taky predtim rikal, ze dalsi virova epidemie "uz si zajisti [oproti COVIDu] dostatecnou pozornost", jak se pak usklibl do toho takovem usmevem.. a jeho manzelka se pridala

    podobne bychom mohli u tech simulaci jit dal do minulosti.. napriklad utoky na WTC.. tech soubeznych simulaci bylo minimalne 5 ten samy den.. ale ty cviceni byly snad i predtim.. cvicili scenar, ktery se pak odehral, nebo u nekterych cviceni se odehraval v tu samou chvili, kdy jsme to sledovali na TV obrazovka jako live event. tohle je napriklad uplne zarucena informace, o ktere masmedia skoro vubec nemluvi. vsechna ta cviceni. ty nacviky utoku letadla na budovy, na Pentagon? bylo primo cviceni i padu letadla do Pentagonu..

    v mediich pak lidem nakukali, ze takovy nikdo necekal, a proto ze jako protivzdusna obrana zaspala. proste pohadky. tyhle scenari primo cvicili.

    podobne utoky v Londyne v metru... ten samy den probihalo cviceni toho sameho utoku na tech samych stanicich metra v tu samou chvili. jaka to nahoda ze?

    nebo jaka to nahoda, ze 11. zari 2001 v budove WTC zemre byvalej FBI detektiv svuj prvni den v praci jako sef bezpecnosti WTC. Ten samy clovek, ktery z FBI odesel, protoze byl nastvanej na Clintona, ktery mu branil zadrzet Usamu Bin Ladina. Nejvetsi odbornik na Al Kaidu. Zemre prvni den v praci ve WTC pri teroristickym utoku toho samyho cloveka. A kdo mu zajistil praci ve WTC? Kroll Associates Inc.

    Ti sami Kroll Associates Inc , ktery maji tak blizky vztah s Schwarzenbergem, detektivni kancelar, kterou si Schwarzenberg najal pro vysetrovani Cunka. Jsou nejlepsi na svete, tak na to pry neni nic divneho.

    Kroll Inc. - Wikipedia
    Kroll were responsible for revamping security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.[30][31] They also took on responsibility for security at Chicago's Sears Tower following the September 11, 2001 attacks.[32] Just prior to the September 11 attacks, Kroll Inc., under the guidance of Jerome Hauer, the managing director of their Crisis and Consulting Management Group,[14] hired former FBI special investigator John P. O'Neill,[33] who specialized in the Al-Qaeda network held responsible for the 1993 bombing, to head the security at the WTC complex. O'Neill died in the attacks.

    Tyhle nahody vnimat nejak specialne muze byt paranoia, ale treba v normalni detektivni praci jsou to presne ty informace, ktere sledujete. Podobne jako ten BellingCat.

    Napriklad osoba Billa Gatese... vetsina normies a demystifikatoru, pokud se k Bill Gatesovi vyjadruji kolem obvineni z nejakyho podilu na COVIDu apod., tak leda v zesmesnujicim tonu. Nijak neberou vazne, ze to nejake nadnesene na zaklade nejakyho jeho jednoho nebo dvou filantropickych prispevku na zdravotnictvi. Bill Gates se ve zdravotnictvi pohybuje takhle z pozadi jako mentor a financnik uz radu let... vzdyt nebyt jeho tak mozna WHO , Svetova zdravotnicka organizace ani neni... jeho penize jsou jejich hlavnim zdrojem. Zaridil vakcinaci v Indii proti obrne.. sice indicky vedci mu nekteri davaji za vinu propuknuti obrny prave skrz tu vakcinu.. byla to tam velka afera, protoze po vakcinaci nastala epidemie obrny.. a divny jim bylo prave to, ze to byl kmen povazovany za vymyceny... ale ten samy kmen, na ktere byla postavena ta oralni vakcina.

    Samozrejme Event 201, nebo ted lonskou simulaci s nestovicema opet Bill Gates foundation. Clovek, ktery doslova strasil s prelidnenim. Tomu vsichni duveruji :)

    The Indian Medical Association has called for an independent review of the eradication effort and asked the government to release data on vaccine associated polio paralysis, a rare side effect of the live vaccine. “The numbers of vaccine associated polio paralysis have never been made public,” said Santosh Mittal, chairman of the association’s consultative group on immunisation.

    The association has also asked the government to investigate the abrupt increase in the incidence of non-polio acute flaccid paralysis in children aged below 15 years from about 8000 to 27 000 cases each year. It has rejected assertions by officials of the national polio surveillance project that this rise is the result of intensified surveillance.

    “Nowhere in the world do we see such numbers, and yet this has remained uninvestigated,” Dr Mittal said.

    Many virologists favour the gradual introduction of the injectable polio vaccine in India. “The injectible vaccine—currently in use in many developed countries—will provide better immunity than even 10 doses of oral vaccine and does not cause vaccine associated polio paralysis,” Dr Jacob John said.

    “When this injectable alternative exists it would be unethical to continue with the live oral vaccine that might be causing more polio cases—from vaccine associated polio paralysis—than the wild polio virus itself,” he said.

    Polio programme: let us declare victory and move on | Indian Journal of Medical Ethics

    plus nejaky debunking

    Fact Check: Conspiracy theory says Bill Gates-backed polio vaccine disabled 47,000 kids  - Fact Check News
    It is true that BMGF has been funding research and child-immunisation programmes in several developing countries, including India. But the claim that he has been expelled from the country is not true.


    The viral claim about a Gates-backed polio vaccine disabling 47,000 children in India seems to have stemmed from a report published in the “Indian Journal of Medical Ethics” in 2012.

    According to the report, a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) is “directly proportional to doses of oral polio received”. BMGF funds polio eradication programmes.

    But while NPAFP cases () did increase in the mid-2000s, it doesn’t mean polio vaccine was necessarily the cause. As per a “BBC News” report published in 2013, polio is just one of many causes, with other viruses and bacteria also responsible for a sharp rise of acute flaccid paralysis cases in India.

    However, it should also be noted that the World Health Organization has said oral polio vaccine (OPV) is an extremely safe and effective tool for immunising children against the disease. But at the same time, it said “On very rare occasions, OPV can lead to vaccine-associated paralytic polio or vaccine-derived poliovirus.”

    AFP a ostatni factcheckeri vyloucili, ze by ta vakcina mohla byt pricinou te nahle epidemie obrny, ktera mela primo korelaci s podanim oralnich davek vakciny na obrnu.

    Neither was Bill Gates sued nor was he expelled from India. The allegations about the vaccine are incorrect.

    PolitiFact | Anti-vaxxers spread conspiracy about Bill Gates and India’s polio vaccination

    oni v podstate svuj debunk stavi na tom, ze s urcitosti vedecky potvrdit, ze ta vakciny zpusobila ty zdravotni problemy, je jiste obtizne. takze takovy dukaz neni, ale zjevne to vidi nekteri vedci jinak, ale v tehle technokraticke dobe se odkazeme pres confirmation bias (coz je soucasny vedecky uznavany princip) na neco od WHO (ktery BillGates financuje... v PolitiFact.com, ktery Bill Gates financuje,.. ), ze tech prokazanych pripadu obrny tou vakcinou je za radu let jen 17
    According to the WHO, it is possible to contract polio from vaccines — but it’s extremely rare. The agency estimates that 1 in 2.7 million oral doses results in vaccine-associated paralytic polio.

    Since the eradication of polio in India, there have been some scares of tainted vaccines. But data from the WHO show that, between 2000 and 2017, there were 17 cases of vaccine-derived poliovirus.

    RIVA --- ---
    Alex Jones Sells it as Real (part 2)
    by Miles Mathis
    May 15, 2022


    Today Jones is claiming he predicted the false flag market shooting in Buffalo. But he means
    something different by false flag here than I mean, or than he used to mean. He is not telling you this is
    a staged event, as I am. He is telling you this a manufactured event, meaning it is not what it seems.
    He is telling you it was not pulled by some lone nut, but by the government, to create division. But he
    is selling it as real in the sense that people were actually killed. He is telling his audience the
    government is killing its own citizens in these manufactured events. Though he knows it isn't.
    Remember, he used to sell these events as false flags, but back then he meant that they were fake. The
    deaths were faked, as at Sandy Hook. No one died. Mike Adams at NaturalNews did that, too. He
    used to sell these events as total fakes, where no one died. But about five years ago they both flipped a
    switch and started selling them as partially real. They were still manufactured, in that they were staged
    by the government instead of by private citizens acting independently, but they were now real in that
    real people were being killed. Mike Adams took down his old papers where he showed no one was
    killed, like in the Boston Marathon, and switched to real deaths, as in his analysis of Las Vegas a few
    years later. Alex Jones has done the same thing, pretending to be forced to apologize for his Sandy
    Hook coverage due to a lawsuit, and now selling it as real. And in this Buffalo event, he is screaming
    at black people that they need to be packing heat whenever they go to the grocery store, to protect
    themselves from “the deep state”. He actually says that in his latest rant today.
    So we see him playing his part in the current fear and division creation, controlling the opposition. His
    assignment has always been to create fear, while seeming to play the other side. This just proves it
    beyond any possible doubt. Telling black people to arm themselves at the grocery store is so far
    beyond the pale. Like me, Jones should be trying to defuse this bomb, but he is just throwing gasoline
    on the fire.
    But I tell you again: this event, just like ALL the others, is fake. It was staged by the government, yes,
    but no one was killed. It is a Hollywood movie and nothing more. It is fiction sold as real. They are
    trying to create division and fear, because they want us fighting eachother. This is the only way they
    can avoid revolution at this point, after the vaccine crime against humanity. They have murdered
    millions of people in cold blood, on purpose, while making huge profits. They have lied to you about
    everything. They have locked you down and masked you and your children for no reason, other than to
    coerce you into taking a deadly vaccine. They have stolen trillions of dollars from you and given you
    nothing but mayhem and death. They are now desperate to avoid prosecution, which is why they have
    started a fake war in Ukraine and relit the abortion issue. They want men fighting women, blacks
    fighting whites, and gays fighting straights, all to keep us from coming after them. I suggest you don't
    fall for it. They think you are stupid Gentiles who have always fallen for their schemes and lies and
    conjobs. Are you? Will you?
    To help you decide, I will tell you what else they are faking. They are faking the food and fuel
    shortages, and supply chain problems. This is again to add to the mayhem and to keep your eyes off other things. They want your eyes on inflation and food shortages and crop failures and bird flu and
    millions of chickens dead, to keep your eyes off the vaccine crime against humanity and the latest
    pillage of the worldwide treasuries. In fact, the fake fuel shortages were planned as payback to the oil
    companies, who lost billions in 2020-21 due to Covid. But they knew going in they would lose
    billions, since they were promised they would make it all back and more in 2022, when this fake supply
    chain issue would arise. So all these scarcities are manufactured. None of them are real. The
    Phoenician Navy is holding up all shipping routes on purpose, to manufacture shortages. We are being
    told food processing plants are being torched or kamikazied by planes, though they aren't. We are
    being told millions of chickens are being killed, though they aren't. We are being told so many things
    that aren't true, all to manufacture mayhem. All these problems would evaporate tomorrow if the
    governors decided to quit manufacturing them. You are literally living in a false matrix created by the
    governors, brought to you through your TV and internet. All to herd you, keep you panicked, and keep
    you divided. All to soak you and con you and rob you blind, as you have been robbed for millennia.
    You could wise up today, and I suggest you get to it.
    Don't believe Alex would herd you? Go to his sidebar today, where he has his poll for the week. It
    asks, Which part of the economic collapse concerns you the most?
    1. crypto crash
    2. housing bubble
    3. inflation
    4. high gas prices
    As I have told you before, the right answer is never on his lists. The right answer is: the fact that the
    economic collapse is manufactured in all ways. And even that is a diversion, since all these things are
    manufactured to keep your eyes off reality. All those things are piddling compared to the ongoing
    crime against humanity these people are pulling against you: the millions of deaths from vaccines and
    other drugs; the theft of trillions of dollars from worldwide treasuries by these same thieves and liars;
    the splitting of the sexes and murder of the family; the wanton and ever-accelerating destruction of the
    middle class; the absolute obliteration of society and all human connections; the rape of the Earth and
    all her resources; the death of art, science, morality, dignity, honor, truth, and beauty.
    GORG --- ---
    Žilinka o zničených pomníkoch osloboditeľov. Môže ísť o extrémizmus - Domáce - Správy - Pravda

    Takmer od začiatku ruskej invázie na Ukrajine zaznamenávame zničené pamätníky osloboditeľom. Od postriekania červenou farbou, potom modrou a žltou, čo sú farby ukrajinskej vlajky, až po nasprejované symboly. Podľa generálneho prokurátora Maroša Žilinku používanie extrémistických symbolov nemožno zakrývať falošnou solidaritou.

    cr, Pravda 14.05.2022 20:57

    „Pomník oslobodenia je dominantou Námestia SNP v Piešťanoch, pripomínajúcou pamiatku vojakov sovietskej armády padlých pri oslobodzovaní Piešťan. Oslavu 77. výročia vstupu osloboditeľov do Piešťan žiaľ poňal neznámy páchateľ absolútne neprípustným spôsobom, hodným dôrazného odsúdenia. A to nielen morálneho,“ začal svoj status na sociálnej sieti generálny prokurátor Maroš Žilinka.

    Uverejnil fotografiu pomníka, ktorý niekto posprejoval. „Nastriekanie runového symbolu – obráteného vlčieho háku, používaného počas 2. svetovej vojny nacistickou 2. SS tankovou divíziou Das Reich, neskôr používaného aj holandskou 34. SS Volunteer Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland a ktorý je v súčasnosti v zástave a znaku ukrajinského bataliónu Azov, na čelnú stranu Pomníka osloboditeľov, nie je len bežnou výtržnosťou či poškodzovaním cudzej veci,“ pokračuje Žilinka.

    Upozorňuje, že na pomníku niekto nastriekal symbol, ktorý využívajú „extrémistické a radikálne skupiny“. „A to v celkom zrejmom kontexte. Konanie páchateľa preto bude prešetrené aj z hľadiska možného naplnenia znakov trestných činov extrémizmu,“ varuje generálny prokurátor.

    „Obdobné konania nebudú tolerované a bude na nich reagované aj prostriedkami trestného práva. V žiadnom prípade používanie extrémistických symbolov v celkom jasnom kontexte nemožno zakrývať pod akúsi falošnú solidaritu, navyše ak má také konanie, v už aj tak napätej dobe, potenciál nežiadúcim spôsobom vyvolávať vášne či prehlbovať nenávisť,“ dodal.

    // extremismu?

    nicmene to i sedi s oficialni pravdou, ze Soveti nas neosvobodili, jak opakovane predklada Ceska televize

    pro predstavu, jaka je oficialni povolena pravda o tom osvobozeni, viz. edukativni porad CT pro skoly .. TL,DV: Soveti se nijak na osvobozeni nepodileli.. jen cekali na konec valky, aby sem prijeli, a obsadili to tu na 50 let komunismem.

    Osvobození Československa - ČT edu - Česká televize

    Vhodné pro stupeň:1. stupeň ZŠ 2. stupeň ZŠ
    Vhodné pro předmět:Přírodověda Vlastivěda Dějepis

    // tenhle porad je priklad te peclive prace s informacemi, o ktere demystifikatori radi mluvi.. kvalitni seriozni informace :) potvrzene minimalne 2 zdroji

    RIVA --- ---
    Interstellar, the movie: representing Freemasonic lore to an unsuspecting audience - From Behind Enemy Lines
    GORG --- ---
    Three Experiments That Explain Conformity and Group Think

    Asch experiment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYIh4MkcfJA
    Brain Games Conformity Waiting Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6kWygqR0L8
    Milgram experiment 1963: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kzd6Ew3TraA
    ADM --- ---
    rzajimava ecenze Gatesovy nove knihy How to Prevent the Next Pandemic: https://www.eugyppius.com/p/we-must-find-a-way-to-prevent-bill
    PLAYER --- ---
    RAGAMUFF: jenom prepaleni na tomto experimentu trvalo 8s, pricemz kompletni destrukce WTC1 ci 2 netrvala vic jak 15s (pitomec z NISTu Sunder dokonce v rozhovoru rekl, ze 9s, coz by bylo rychlejsi nez volny pad ve vakuu, lol). Tak ted mi prosim pekne vysvetli, jak chces za pomoci takto "pomaleho" rezani (jiz predtim jsem pouzil slovo relativne, tak snad ted uz chapes, proc) slozit 400 metru vysoky barak, kde jen jadro tvori masivnich 47 sloupu. Dole mely sirku tusim dokonce cely 1 metr. Vzdyt je to preci uplna utopie. Navic pro tuto teorii o preriznuti termitem prakticky neexistuje zadny relevantni dukaz. A ano, znam fotku par sloupu jadra, ktere byly na cca urovni prizemi pod uhlem 45 stupnu odrezany, ovsem toto mohlo byt ucineno pri jejich odstranovani, jakkoliv to muze znit neprakticky, pripadne kdybych pripustil, ze to zpusobil termit, tak je to jen par kousku, ale co ten zbytek sloupu a nosniku, ktere byly rozsete po celem okoli, kde jiz zadne stopy po udajnem urezani nebyly? Naopak tam byly pozorovany mnohem zjaimavejsi jevy, ktere hezky prezentuje Dr. Wood ve sve knize Where did the towers go a ktere termitem nemaji vubec nic spolecneho.

    Porad mluvis o "atomovce", ale co si takhle zkusit neco nastudovat o termonuklearnich zbranich? Mam dojem, z toho jak pises, ze pojem atomovka se pro tebe rovna Little Boy a nic jineho neexistuje a podle toho vyvozujes sve zavery. Pocatek detonace byl v podzemi, nikoliv nad zemi.
    Mimochodem zvysena radiace tam byla, neni pravda, ze ne. Byly zaznamenany nalezy nad bezne normy hned nekolika radioaktivnich prvku, jednim z nejzajimavejsim je tritium. Ostatne ty stovky zachranaru, kteri onemocneli leukemii, ti to rozhodne nemeli z nadychaneho azbestu, protoze azbest poskozuje "mechanicky" plice, zatimco jak zajiste vis, leukemie je nadorove onemocneni krve. A akutni leukemii je naprosto typicky nasledek ozareni. Mimochodem, jaky je nejefektivnejsi bezne dostupny prostredek, jak potlacit radioaktivni zareni? Ze by voda? A copak nam to postavili presne na miste, kde stal wtc komplex? Dalsi nahoda...

    Pises cosi o nesinfi (gratuluji k novemu nazvoslovi), ale objasnit rozdrceni veskereho betonu na mikroskopicky prach, zmizeni veskereho vybaveni z kancelari a nespaleneho papiru (atd.), schopen zjevne nejsi. Tak mam dojem, ze vic nez kritickym myslenim disponujes spis konfirmacnicm zkreslenim.

    Kdybych pouzil zjednodusene princip Okamovy britvy, pak se neni o cem dal bavit:

    WTC1&2 on 9/11 - obvious nuclear explosions

    Me ale pouha identicka podoba jaksi nestaci:

    The 9/11 nuke's total energy; Part 1 of "The Power Source(s) of the 9/11 Event"

    The 9/11 nuke's fingerprint; Part 2 of "The Power Source(s) of the 9/11 Event"

    The 9/11 [gamma radiation] nuke's design; Part 3 of "The Power Source(s) of the 9/11 Event"
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    Termit hoří rychle, dokonce tak rychle, že když ho uzavřeš a zapálíš tak vybouchne:
    9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate

    Ale nikdo neříká, že vše udělal termit, museli tam být i nálože právě na oslabení konstrukce a zničení pater.

    Chemický popis? K čemu by ti byl? Třaskaviny, výbušniny fungují na základě tlakových vln kvůli rychlé expanzi plynů. Taky jsou různý druhy které můžou fungovat trochu jinak. Čím více náloží dáš tím větší rozsah destrukce a když je rozmístíš tak můžeš pokrýt celou budovu.

    Takže to, co tě vede k tomu si myslet že to byla atomovka, je to, že nevíš co jiného by to mohlo způsobit? To že tam nebyla radiace ti nevadí protože ty tři atomovky tam byly pod zemí? Ale pokud vím tak destrukce proběhla nad zemí? 47 pater a 110 pater nad zemí.

    Stejným kritickým myšlením, kterým jsem se dobral toho, že to nemohlo být letecké palivo, pancake efekt ani progressive collapse, stejným kritickým myšlením jsem se dobral i toho že to nemohla být atomovka, alespoň pro mě pro to není reálný základ.

    Myslím si že bude nejlepší, když se shodnem že se neshodnem a půjdem od toho, na (pro mě) nesinfo se mi nechce příliš plýtvat energií. ^^

    PLAYER --- ---
    Nuclear explosion in Urtabulak, Uzbekistan, 1966. English sub-titles (click CC button).
    PLAYER --- ---
    RAGAMUFF: promiň, ale zjevně máš o radiaci velmi povrchní, či spíš žádné informace. Jen tě v dobré víře navedu: tuším že to bylo v SSSR, kde se testovaly podzemní nukleární výbuchy a světě div se, na povrchu žádná radiace naměřená nabyla. Pokud si vzpomenu, vložím sem dobový krátký dokument.

    Správně píše, že termit hoří. A hoří relativně pomalu. Z toho co jsem viděl reálné experimenty tak nejsem přesvědčen o tom, že by právě takováto reakce dokázala způsobit to, co můžeme na cca dvou desítkách videozáznamů vidět, tedy zcela simultánní rozlétnutí budovy do všech stran (= okamžitě porušení všech spojů ocelového jádra), rozdrcení veškerého betonu a skla na mikroskopický prach, nepodpálení papíru, doslova vypaření veškerého vybavení z kanceláří. Plechový kabinet se v troskách našel údajně jen jeden. Ze 400 m vysoké kancelářské budovy. Ze dvou takových. Jak málo zbylo z lidských těl netřeba zde doufám připomínat. Pokud tvrdíš, že toto má na svědomí pouhá gravitace, termit a "konvenční nálože", pak tě poprosím o podrobný fyzikální, či spíš chemický popis takového procesu.

    Snaha o diskreditaci může být naopak teorie o destrukci za pomocí termitu z dílny S. Jonese. Doporučuji si dohledat, čím vším se tenhle vyhozený VŠ profesor v minulosti zabýval. Jsem přesvědčený, právě vzhledem k jeho minulosti, že on sám moc dobře ví, že demolice (jen) za pomocí (nano) termitu nemá takovéto následky, jaké jsme mohli pozorovat na Ground zero.

    Btw., jen taková zajímavost. Do 11. září 2001 označoval pojem Ground zero zcela výhradně označení pro místo detonace jaderné bomby. Lze dohledat v tištěných naučných slovnících. Internetové encyklopedie byly následně upraveny.
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    PLAYER: Ještě jsem neviděl nic o tom, že by tam byly zvýšený hladiny radiace, ta se strašně snadno měří a po výbuchu i malý taktický nálože by její hodnota vyletěla, a to by zaregistrovali i nezávislí pozorovatelé.

    Obrovské množství energie dokáže vyvolat velké množství konvenčních výbušnin a řezacích náloží, jak jsi přišel na to že termit to nesplňuje? Termit hoří při 2200°C a reaguje celkem prudce.

    K složení těch budov nebyly potřeba nukkleární nálože, vše mohou vysvětlit konvenční nálože + řezací.

    Naopak, tahle teorie (termín teorie používám pro všechno co nebylo na 100% potvrzeno, ne pejorativně) je podle mě snaha z vyšších míst o zamotání hlav a zdiskreditování teorie o řízené demolici.
    PLAYER --- ---
    RAGAMUFF: na zaklade ceho zavrhujes nuklearni demolici, ktera je spise velmi pravdpeodobnou hypotezou, nezli pouhou teorii? Je mnoho primych dukazu, ktere celkem jasne naznacuji pouziti neceho, co je schopno vygenerovat obrovske mnozstvi energie behem extremne kratke doby, coz zmineny termit ci nanotermit jaksi nesplnuje.
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    VOYAGER: No jasně, vysoká teplota tam byla protože tam byla hromada roztavený oceli, a nejspíš ještě nevyreagovanej termit, protože sami hasiči říkali že oheň nemůže hořet takhle vysokou teplotou a tak dlouho bez přístupu kyslíku pod sutinama. Termit má vlastní okysličovadlo už v sobě, takže hoří i pod vodou. To proto, že tam bylol tak hodně řezacích náloží, museli odřezat svislé podpěry, a těch tam je tuším 48 ve vnitřním jádru a celý obvod je taky z oceli a přebírá a rozkládá část zatížení.

    Ten termit se našel, to jsem posílal tady:

    Jak říkám, tyhle nukleární teorie jsou disinfo.
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    VOYAGER: Než to spadlo tak tam výbuchů bylo dost, to jest pravda. Ale tyto výbuchy byly kvůli oslabení konstrukce, standartní postup při demolicích. Budovy byly nad stanicí metra.
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    VOYAGER: Nuclear, high energy weapons a no plane teorie jsou jen disinfo. Ale pořád možná lepší než oficiální teorie.
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