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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    Prosím dodržujte formát klubu - posílejte pouze reference (ideálně s copy paste relevantním obsahu) na věci related k topicu.
    Diskuze tu bude mazána. Na to tu není prostor.

    We cannot trust solutions that are offered by the people who created the problem in the first place.

    Principles for evaluating websites * How to Identify Misinformation

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer. Whatever must be done, we can do it ourselves. We do not need them; we need each other. All else is distraction and delusion.

  • Demokracie se nejlépe prosazuje v ignorantské společnosti, kterou je možno burcovat, jinými slovy ovládat, nacionalismem a náboženstvím.
  • Taková míra nacionalismu předpokládá existenci permanentní vnější hrozby. Když taková hrozba není, je nutno ji vytvořit.
  • Pravda musí být přísně střežena a tedy známa jen elitě několika vyvolených, kteří společnost řídí.
  • Tato elita musí být připravena říkat nechápavé mase "vznešené lži".

  • General: The Scientific Principles of Spiritual Enslavement (2002), Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
    The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile
    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (EN) :: Tiché zbraně pro klidné války (CZ)
    Blátivé stíny
    Financial: Murray N. Rothbard - What has government done to our money
    Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism - Scientific, Mathematical & Historical Expose, Critique and Manifesto - Vladimir Z. Nuri, 62 pg.
    Chcem celú Zem + 5% navyše!
    Michael Rowbotham: Smrteľné zovretie
    Media: Who owns the media
    How To Deal With The Media, The Internet And The New World Order
    new world order in the news...
    Realita - paranoia - dystopie - (fnorDU4ever) * od 1984 do 2012?
    U nas v Kocourkove (und Eine Kleine Mafia) - jak hluboko lze jeste klesnout? - Klub pratel pro znovuoziveni defenstrace
    documents @ conspiracy central :: mvgroup.org :: p2p docs forum :: :: chomskytorrents.org :: indypeer.org

    Jsme zvyklí spojovat slovo teorie se slovem konspirace, protože konec konců žádná konspirace nemůže být reálná, všechno jsou to jen „teorie“, že ano? Nicméně ve spojení „konspirační teorie“ jsou dvě slova, prvním je slovo „konspirace“, druhým slovem je „teorie“. Dle definice je teorie předpoklad, myšlenka, koncept, hypotéza. Dám vám příklad. Teoreticky, pokud si koupím lístek do loterie, mohu vyhrát cenu. Dokud si lístek nekoupím, je má výhra pouze teoretická. Ale jakmile si jej koupím, výhra už není teorií, stává se možností. A čím více lístků si koupíte, tím je zde větší možnost, a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se výhra dostaví. Stejně je tomu v případě konspirační teorie. Dokud neexistují důkazy, neexistuje konspirační teorie. Jakmile však máte část důkazního materiálu, a nezáleží na tom, jak je chatrný či podružný, stává se z teorie možnost. A čím více důkazního materiálu je shromážděno, tím zde existuje větší možnost a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se jedná o konspiraci.
    V tomto klubu budete sledovat důkazy. A bude na Vás, abyste rozhodli, zda se jedná o konspirační teorii, nebo skutečně o konspiraci.
    Clifford Hugh Douglas, jeden z hlavných reformátorov monetárneho systému tridsiatych rokov 20. storočia:
    Jadrom tohto podvodu je tvrdenie, že peniaze, ktoré tvoria, sú ich vlastné, pričom sa od falšovania peňazí nelíši kvalitou, ale iba svojím obrovským rozsahom... Môžem to dokázať mimo akúkoľvek pochybnosť? Podstatou celej záložitosti je nárokovanie si vlastníctva peňazí. Akákoľvek osoba alebo organizácia, ktorá môže podľa ľubovôle tvoriť peniaze ekvivalentné cenám tovarov produkovaných komunitou, je skutočným vlastníkom týchto tovarov a preto nárokovanie si týchto peňazí bankovým systémom je nárokovaním si vlastníctva krajiny.

    Meyer Amstel Rothschild:
    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."

    Lord Josiah Stamp, bývalý riaditeľ Bank of England:
    Moderný bankový systém vyrába peniaze z ničoho. Tento proces je azda tým najchytrejším kúzelníckym trikom, aký bol kedy vymyslený. Bankovníctvo bolo počaté v nečistote a zrodené v hriechu. Bankári vlastnia zem. Vezmite im ju, ale keď im ponecháte moc poskytovať úvery, ťahom pera dokážu vytvoriť dosť peňazí na to, aby si ju kúpili naspäť... Ak chcete byť otrokmi bankárov a platiť náklady vášho otroctva, potom nechajte, nech si banky tvoria peniaze.
    Thomas Jefferson:
    Keď americký ľud dovolí bankám, aby mali pod kontrolou vydávanie ich vlastnej meny, najprv formou inflácie a potom defláciou, banky a korporácie, ktoré okolo nich vyrastú, zbavia ľudí všetkého vlastníctva až sa ich deti zobudia a zistia, že na kontinente, ktorý ich otcovia obývali, sú bez domov. Moc vydávať peniaze by mala byť odňatá bankám a navrátená kongresu a ľuďom, ktorým patrí. Som úprimne presvedčený, že bankové inštitúcie vydávajúce peniaze predstavujú pre slobodu väčšie nebezpečenstvo než armády.

    "It (Central Bank) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their best interests."
    A Rothschild family communique to associates in New York, 1863

    There are only three types of people in the world:
    1. People who make things happen. 4%
    2. People who watch things happen. 6 %
    3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 90% ->

    >> part 2 >>   *   >> part 3 >> (zde v zahlavi puvodni 'elite search engine')   *   >> part 4 >>

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer.
    We shall be slaves as long as we
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KAJJAK --- ---
    GORG: ja prece nikde nepsal ze sektorova dan je spravne... Nejvic ferove by bylo sanovat rust energii pujckou penez, kdyz si babis mohl pujcit 500mld, proc by to same nemohl udelat fiala... Zadluzilo by nas to na pristi generace, ale nedoslo by k odlivu penez potencionalnich investoru, kterym by stat regulacemi ohrozoval zisky
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: tak znovu. jak funguje burza vsichni vime.
    kapitalismus je tedy posvatny princip, na ktery se nesaha ani v krizi?.... ja ze to tu nikdo nerespektoval zejmena posledni 2 roky

    a reseni, ktere navrhl stat, ze vymysli specialni dan s prislibem, ze to pak "rozdaj lidem" , je za me naopak klasicka socialisticka praktika.

    jak kapitalisticky funguje stat jsme muzeme videt za COVIDu... zavrene podniky. .a stat po rade mesicu prisel s tim jeho programem Antivir, kde jim to kompenzoval... casto nedostatecne (az smesne), ale jeste to podminil tim, ze ta firma nesmi mit zadny dluh na socialnim pojisteni. Jenze to samozrejme spousta lidi melo, protoze nemeli prijmy.

    Ted ta chystana dan z neocekavaneho prijmu teda kapitalismus je? :) Ono to ani nema byt nijak vyhradne pro energeticke firmy ale skrz vsechny obory..

    Na pochopeni asi fakt potrebuju doublethink... umet chapat veci, ktere si protireci.
    RIVA --- ---
    Patrick Wood on technocracy and the globalist agenda
    RIVA --- ---
    It's all about the big picture, with James Corbett
    KAJJAK --- ---

    to na cem kapitalizmus jede jsou ocekavani... Vsechny ceny na burzach apod se nevztahuji az tolik ke skutecnym nakladum a vynosum, ale spis k ocekavani budoucich zisku...

    A ty bys fakticky trestal ty lidi, kteri se snazi o sebe postarat sami a nenatahuji ruku pro almuznu od statu tim, ze bys jejich ochranu pred rustem cen energii fakticky zmenil v dalsi velky prodelek. To je imho spatne... Racionalni chovani bychom meli podporovat ve spolecnosti a zaroven i stat by ho mel podporovat, protoze duchodova reforma neni a zdroje v duchodovem fondu se tenci... Kdo se zvladne zaopatrit sam, mel by mit veskerou podporu co to jen jde, aby zbyly prachy na ty ostatni kterych je vetsina...
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: Jo to by dávalo smysl.

    No imho pokud stát mohl nouzovým stavem přebírat nemovitosti nebo jinak omezovat majetek/svobodu , pak sáhnout na zájmy minoritních akcionářů jsou kliknutím do moře. A i funkce trhu ne? Jako hlavní vlastník ...

    Nebo si musíme ujasnit, jestli jsou naše hodnoty ryze kapitalistické opravdu.

    Poslední dobou mi nepřišlo. Spíš jako kapitalismus pro chudé a komunismus pro bohaté.

    I v mém okolí bezprostředním jsem viděl zásahy do majetku a podnikání. I jednu sebevraždu kvůli COVID opatřením.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    no podle mne je to tak ze mame jako stat prebytky elektriny, tim padem cez posle vse na burzu v lipsku za plnou (trzni cenu) cenu a nasledne si za plnou cenu koupi zpet jen cast. To co by vsichni chteli a co udelali ve francii prave je, ze by to cez prodal za vyrobni cenu cechum a zbytek za trzni cenu poslal do lipska...

    Tim by samozrejme vydelal radove mene a zaroven by cena akcii ihned klesla, coz se oboji stalo te franckouzke firme...
    GORG --- ---
    jeste mi ted pripomnelo

    Understanding the Metaverse and Web 3.0
    nderstanding the Metaverse and Web 3.0
    11 JAN 2022

    The “metaverse” has captured the imagination of technology investors, but what is it, and what does it signal for the next era of computing? In the latest episode of Exchanges at Goldman Sachs, Goldman Sachs Research’s Eric Sheridan examines how the blending of elements of the physical and digital worlds via virtual reality, augmented reality, gaming and immersive online communities is contributing to the rise of a more decentralized Web 3.0.

    Invest in a Blockchain-Powered Virtual World with Decentraland
    Even stodgy big-bank commentators are finally acknowledging the critical connection between the blockchain and metaverse. For instance, Goldman Sachs analysts led by Rod Hall asserted that blockchain technology is central to the development of the metaverse and is the only technology that can “uniquely identify any virtual object independent of a central authority.”


    Decentraland is a traversable 3D world that’s truly decentralized. In other words, it’s not controlled by a central organization — that’s part of what makes the metaverse so appealing, really.

    This doesn’t mean that there aren’t rules, though. There’s a currency economy based on the MANA token. The crypto is primarily used to buy “in-world” goods and services, but it serves other purposes as well.

    Goldman Sachs Says Blockchain Is Key to Metaverse and Web 3 Development
    Blockchain technology is central to the development of the metaverse and Web 3, Goldman Sachs said in a research report.

    It is the only technology that can “uniquely identify any virtual object independent of a central authority,” and this ability to identify and track ownership will be crucial to the functioning of the metaverse, analysts led by Rod Hall wrote in a note published on Dec. 14.

    For Web 3, blockchain allows for the “partial elimination of centralized control,” the note says. In the future, users will be able to log in without the need for a third party, such as Meta, Google or Apple, the note adds.

    Web 3 is the third generation of internet services which have been made possible by decentralized networks.

    Goldman analysts feel that cryptocurrency is just the beginning for blockchain. Since 2017, blockchain has spread from the banking sector to more distributed applications across multiple verticals, such as communication and media and manufacturing, they note.

    The Wall Street bank sees blockchain as the one of the most disruptive technology trends to appear since TCP/IP and HTML “ushered in the internet in the 1990s.”

    “Investment implications are hard to predict at this juncture, but companies who are dependent on centralized control of user identity will likely find their business models challenged by the adoption of blockchain,” the report added.

    The metaverse is an immersive digital world created by the combination of virtual reality, augmented reality and the internet.

    One of the biggest endorsements for the metaverse came earlier this year when social media giant Facebook decided to rebrand itself to Meta, as a sign of its future focus.

    Meta (formerly Facebook) also announced that it was planning to hire 10,000 staff in the European Union to develop its metaverse.

    JPMorgan Is the First Bank Into the Metaverse, Looks at Business Opportunities
    JPMorgan, the largest bank in the U.S., said it has become the first lender to arrive in the metaverse, having opened a lounge in Decentraland, a virtual world based on blockchain technology.

    As well as the unveiling of the Onyx lounge (the name refers to the bank’s suite of permissioned Ethereum-based services), JPMorgan also released a paper exploring how businesses can find opportunities in the metaverse.

    "There is a lot of client interest to learn more about the metaverse,” Christine Moy, JPMorgan’s head of crypto and the metaverse, said in an email. “We put together our white paper to help clients cut through the noise and highlight what the current reality is, and what needs to be built next in technology, commercial infrastructure, privacy/identity and workforce, in order to maximize the full potential of our lives in the metaverse.”

    // ja vim, ze pro radu lidi je krypto, VR/AR , metaversy jen fad,,, buzz co prejde casem..

    ale tihle ti sami lide maji radi metaverse.. . tihle mega bankeri a jine elity... a obzvlast Wourld Economic Forum a Klaus Schwab..

    a je sice hezky, jestli na tom sam muzu sam vydelat.. coz jsem i udelal, ale to me az tolik neuspokojuje... jestli se nekdo pojisti spravnou investici koupi akcii CEZu nebo metaversu, aby predesel nebo zmirnil dopady nejakeho noveho neomarxistickeho feudalismu. Nebo tak to proste vypada. (dost tech linku je tady z jejich vlastnich webu :-))

    Debata by mela byt, jestli chceme cipy implantovane do tela. Ne zpochybnovat furt, ze to vubec nekdo chce. Fuze cloveka s technologii. Bez te diskuze to na nas pristane z cista jasna... zrejme behem nejake krize... a pak uz diskuze opet nebude mozna a odmitaci cipu budou zas noslehove Putina, jestli bude jeste zit. :)

    Media nastreli uz hotove narativy 24/7 jaka je to brave new future a lidem vetsine ani nezbyde nez to prijmout. Debata (teda ne tady) by mela byt, jestli opravdu chceme implantovane cipy a ztratu lidstvi.

    Nebo aby nekdo rozhodoval dokonce o samotne realite. Je jasne, ze nejvetsim vlastnikem metaverzu budou ti nejbohatsi opet. A skrze DAO governance budou svymi tokeny mit moznost vsechny kompletne prehlasovat.. a tentokrat bez jakeoholiv ohledu k minoritnim akcionarum.

    To je princip vetsiny DAO.

    Zajimavy koncept ale v praxi to zrejme budou ti sami dinosauri Wall Streetu jako ted. A v cele zrejme opet BlackRock nebo Vanguard :)...

    A blockchainove DAO se uvazuje v pouziti i ve statnich volbach v budoucnsu... a nektere blockchainy byly uz pouzity treba pro COVID trasovani nebo pro hlasovani v soutezich popularity.

    Blockchain applications in health care for COVID-19 and beyond: a systematic review


    The most common platforms used were Ethereum and Hyperledger. Blockchain technology has numerous potential COVID-19-related and non-COVID-19-related applications in health care. However, much of the current research remains at the technical stage, with few providing actual clinical applications, highlighting the need to translate foundational blockchain technology into clinical use.
    GORG --- ---
    podobna bandicka.. .na opacko

    Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government

    neni snad ani divu, ze World Economic Forum a CFR jsou osazenstvem propojene bandicky think tankistu.

    sefove The Washington Post, BlackRock, politici, bankeri , Zuckenbergove, sefove Googlu, Applu.. .. proste nase usuall suspect jelita


    Foreign Affairs and the World Economic Forum Collaborate on The Fourth Industrial Revolution for Davos 2016 | Foreign Affairs
    From Innovation to Revolution | Foreign Affairs

    Cisco’s John Chambers and Wim Elfrink on the Internet of Things

    The Future of Cities | Foreign Affairs

    The Council on Foreign Relations’ Laurie Garrett on the promises and perils of synthetic biology


    The Economist’s Kenneth Cukier and the Oxford Internet Institute’s Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger on the rise and effects of big data

    Why Big Data Is on the Rise | Foreign Affairs


    The Fourth Industrial Revolutionwill be published on ForeignAffairs.com as part of the magazine’s bimonthly anthology series


    hmm koho to tam mame.. jo jasne typka z CFR... hmm ze je hodne do sytenticke biologie rikate? jo to je celkem fajn tema

    hmm na odkazu je koukam toto

    Biology's Brave New World | Foreign Affairs
    The Promise and Perils of the Synbio Revolution
    By Laurie Garrett
    November/December 2013
    Germs 2.0: the first self-replicating bacteria made in a lab, May 2010.
    Corbis / Thomas J. Deerinck / Science Photo Library

    In May 2010, the richest, most powerful man in biotechnology made a new creature. J. Craig Venter and his private-company team started with DNA and constructed a novel genetic sequence of more than one million coded bits of information known as nucleotides. Seven years earlier, Venter had been the first person in history to make a functioning creature from information. Looking at the strings of letters representing the DNA sequence for a virus called phi X174, which infects bacteria, he thought to himself, “I can assemble real DNA based on that computer information.” And so he did, creating a virus based

    [... zbytek je za paywall,,, ale zacina to dobre :D ]

    No, je z toho videt, ze kuci maji nejake sve zajmy.. a navzajem se "myslenkove oplodnuji", jak popsal Bilderberg polititolog Pehe... jeden z ceskych hostu Bilderbergu novinarum iDNESu.

    The Future of Cities | Foreign Affairs
    The Internet of Everything will Change How We Live
    By John Chambers and Wim Elfrink
    October 31, 2014

    As much as the Internet has already changed the world, it is the Web’s next phase that will bring the biggest opportunities, revolutionizing the way we live, work, play, and learn.

    Klaus Schwab 2016 implant microchip, french with engl. translation

    Unequal opportunities, microchip implants and other top stories of the week | World Economic Forum
    When your mobile phone isn’t mobile enough. Try an implanted microchip.

    These Workers Have Got a Microchip Implanted in Their Hand From Their Employer | World Economic Forum

    Thousands of Swedish people are swapping ID cards for microchips | World Economic Forum
    Thousands of Swedes are having microchips implanted into their bodies so that they don't need to carry key cards, IDs, and even train tickets.

    About 3,000 people in Sweden have inserted a microchip — which is as tiny as a grain of rice — under their skin over the past three years, Agence France-Presse reported. The technology was first used in the country in 2015.

    The implants have already helped replace the need for a host of daily necessities. Ulrika Celsing's microchip, which is in her hand, has replaced her gym card and office key card. When she enters her workplace, the 28-year-old simply waves her hand near a small box and types in a code before the doors open, AFP said.

    Last year, the state-owned SJ rail line started scanning the hands of passengers with biometric chips to collect their train fare while on board.

    Passengers on Swedish railway company SJ have started using microchips as tickets. Image: SJ
    There is no technological reason the chips couldn't also be used to buy things just like a contactless credit card, but nobody appears to have started testing that yet.

    'A slight sting'

    The procedure is similar to that of a piercing and involves a syringe injecting the chip into the person's hand. Celsing, who obtained her injection at a work event, told AFP she felt just a slight sting.

    But the chip implants could cause infections or reactions in the body's immune system, Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at MAX IV Laboratory in southern Sweden, told AFP.

    This clip from 2015 shows a microchip being inserted into a person's hand:

    via GIPHY

    The rise of 'biohacking'

    Biohacking — the modification of bodies with technology — is on the rise as more and more people start using tech wearables such as Apple Watches and FitBits.

    About four years ago, Swedish biohacking group Bionyfiken started organising "implant parties" — where groups of people insert chips into their hands en masse — in countries including the US, UK, France, Germany, and Mexico.

    Some 50 employees at Wisconsin vending-machine company Three Square Market voluntarily agreed to insert microchips into their hands, which they could then use to buy snacks, log in to computers, or use the photocopier.

    An X-ray of a hand with a microchip between the person's thumb and index finger.
    Swedes seem more willing to try the technology than most other nations.

    The country's 10 million-strong population is generally more willing to share personal details, which are already recorded by the country's social-security system and readily available. According to AFP, people can find each others' salaries by simply calling public tax authorities.

    Many of them also don't believe the microchip technology is advanced enough to be hacked. Libberton, the microbiologist, also said the data collected and shared by implants are too limited for users to fear hacking or surveillance.

    Bionyfiken founder Hannes Sjöblad told Tech Insider in 2015:

    "The human body is the next big platform. The connected body is already a phenomena. And this implant is just a part of it. [...]

    "We are updating our bodies with technology on a large scale already with wearables. But all of the wearables we wear today will be implantable in five to 10 years.

    "Who wants to carry a clumsy smartphone or smartwatch when you can have it in your fingernail? I think that is the direction where it is heading."

    Podcast: Beyond Human? | World Economic Forum
    This is episode 6 in a 10-part podcast series that will introduce listeners to the thinkers, entrepreneurs, and innovators who are already spotting the risks ahead, and seeking to guide humanity towards the land of ease and plenty that some believe is now within reach.

    Episode 1 - What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

    Episode 2 - Artificial Intelligence and you

    Episode 3 - A Revolution for the Environment?

    Episode 4 - Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

    Episode 5 - Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

    New episodes will be published every Tuesday from January 23, 2018 through March 6 on iTunes, Spotify and SoundCloud.

    With advances in genetic engineering, neuroscience, pharmaceuticals and prosthetics, are we poised to enter a ‘post-human’ era? Will we jettison the limits nature imposed, even up to mortality itself? If so, to what end? Who will have access to these powerful tools, and what will become of those that do not?

    For episode 6 of ‘Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, we enter an ethical minefield with Rob Sparrow of Monash University, Melbourne; James Hughes, Executive Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies; Nita Farahany, Professor of Law and Philosophy at Duke University; Aldo Faisal, Senior Lecturer in Neurotechnology at Imperial College London; Lord Martin Rees, United Kingdom Astronomer Royal and founder of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk; and Meghan O’Gieblyn, a writer and journalist.

    In the robot age, are you sure you're a human? | World Economic Forum
    To embrace this opportunity, however, we need to change our perspective. We need to understand why this world feels so upside-down, what we can do about it and how, as leaders, we can help others thrive in a world where relentless change is the new norm. We need to take back control, reframe the argument and start putting humans – not technology – first. We need to be more human


    The power of purpose
    Something I’ve noticed about change is that it makes people feel adrift: they lose sight of who they are, what they stand for and where they’re going in life. Yet, when they find their purpose, they feel anchored.

    Purpose acts as a reassuring compass that helps us thrive in the storm of change. It connects us to something bigger than ourselves – a core set of values that defines who we are. It also fosters a sense of community and human-to-human collaboration. Research shows that having a purpose even helps us live longer.


    Just imagine what we can achieve together when we scale this effect. We know that purposeful people work on purposeful brands. We also know that consumers are increasingly drawn to brands and products with an evident sense of social or environmental purpose. And we know that purpose-driven companies are valued more highly on the stock market. So, purpose not only drives us as humans, but it drives business too. Companies with purpose last, brands with purpose grow, and people with purpose thrive.

    Tohle uz se cte jak Hvezdne valky :) Nebo od nekoho pobozneho ci velice silne ideologicky zamereneho. Ucel. My leadri neseme kompas pro lidstvo. Pomuzeme koeexistenci robotu i lidi v miru.

    Why robots could replace teachers as soon as 2027 | World Economic Forum
    Tomorrow’s Teachers

    Robots will replace teachers by 2027.

    That’s the bold claim that Anthony Seldon, a British education expert, made at the British Science Festival in September.

    // no nic .. ty jejich related linky me nejak zasekly.. takze pro dnesek koncim.. imho obrazek z toho je celkem zretelny, kam to smeruje.. a o cem se nikde a nikdy vlastne skoro nemluvi.

    o smerovani k technokracii, ale i transformaci lidstva na vsech urovnich.. .biologicke, digitalni, mentalni, umele, virtualni...

    Průmysl 4.0 – Wikipedie

    V ČR taktez... tise se dejici zatimco vetsina populace resi Ukrajinu a ted i nedostatek a vysoka cena energii..

    Prumysl 4.0 , Velky reset jede navzdory vysledkum voleb vzdy nejakym tempem vpred..

    Takže běžný člověk ani neví, že Min. hospodářství ČR už má zpracovaný koncept Průmyslu 4.0 (Jak tomu tady v ČR říkáme) už od roku 2016.


    Převážně se to týká zejména té stranky automatizace v průmyslu a uplatnění AI a já nevim i VR/AR při práci..

    Ale i v tom českém dokumentu ministerstva o Průmyslu 4.0 najdeme i tyhle extrémní transhumanistické přesahy - augmentace, propojení s počítačem přes mozek, genetické modifikace, VR/AR ... a explicitně napsané znovu, že jde o kompletní změnu fungování lidské společnosti na všech úrovních.

    Je divu, že o kompletní změně fungování celé lidské společnosti není žádná veřejná debata? Jen nn Bilderbergech a jiných, kterým svěřujeme důvěru?
    GORG --- ---
    // ja nevim, jestli je to paranoiou, ale prijde mi komicke verit, ze na planete Zemi, ktera co si budeme povidat, ma hodne problemu , zlocinosti a korupce a historii genocid, budou ti nejvetsi hraci nejaci supergood guys, altruisti , co jen chteji poskytovat investicni vyhody pomoci jejich fondu, ale klient je jejich pan. Ze on je ten , kdo vlastni ty penize, on, kdo rozhoduje.

    Tak jednak ono to budou z velke casti podobny smejdi jako ten Fink a BlackRock imho :-)

    Druhak nejenze se mi jevi ta role minoritnich aktionaru ve fondech BlackRocku a Vanguardu (Vanguard vlastni velkou cast samotnyho BlackRocku, takze to je taky zajimavy ;-) ).. jako pohadka, ktery se da snad leda verit, protoze tahle role pusobi dost shady... ci jako blackbox

    Viz nize.... samotni celni lidi BlackRocku jsou velmi provazani s politikou a je tam rada lidi z FEDu, SEC, Bidenovi administrativy.. proste klasicke ano jelita

    A pak pri financni krizi 2008 je BlackRock statem USA poveren, aby resil financni krizi, prestoze samotny BlackRock je ve stretu zajmu?

    Tohle nebudou nejaci altruisti, co jako "chudaci" kupuji akcie GameStopu, protoze si nejaky reddit forum hraje vlastni financni machinace. :)

    Ze jsou peceni vareni na Bilderbergu me ani neprekvapuje.


    Jinak osobne si nemyslim, ze nejaky Vanguard/BlackRock ridi svet. To jsou predstvy, ktere jsou casto podsouvany.. ve filmech a jinem narativu. Ten Fink, CEO ci co BlackRocku, to nebude imho zadny Dr. Evil.

    Ani Schwab, Bill Gates,

    Vsechny ale struktury a site formalnich i neformalnich kontaktu mohou umoznovat fungovat jakesi stinove vlade.

    A protoze lidi maji tendenci si ta zlocinna spiknuti simplifikovat, maji dojem, ze by se muselo provalit.

    Jak rekl Bill Gates : "Proc bych mel sledovat lidi, co meli COVID vakcinu? Co bych tim ziskal?". Prestoze na jinem speechy jasne se primlouva pro globalni program ID2020 (?) .
    On to otocil ve strawmana... co on by z toho mel, ze muze sledovat Frantu Novaka? On nic. Protoze o nej tu nejde.
    Idea je, ze on dela svou roli.
    Jestli je nejakej jeden nebo nejakej velkej overlord, tohle budou spis pesaci, co jsou radi, kdyz je nepredhodi reptilianum k obedu, kdyz to prezenu :-))

    Ale protoze Bill Gates je aristokrat, urozene krve, zrejme se citi vic v bezpeci nez jini.

    Tyhle lidi imho nepotrebujou skutecne vedet o pohybu kazdeho cloveka a jeho vakcinacnim statusu....
    spis si zit klidnej zivot nekde na jachte..

    Zrovna Bill Gates se spinuje do narativu, jak chce ridit nebo ridi svet.. aby to bylo i absurdni.

    OBsas si nekoho pozvou do Bilderbergu na pokec... a u sklenice draheho vina spolu kazdy rok diskutuji o smerovani sveta. Samozrejme ze neformalne... zadna formalni rozhodnuti tam nepadaji, proto to neni konspirace :)

    Ale obcas se nekdo prokecne.. jako Zbigniew Brzezinsky, kdyz rekl v TV interview, ze ad Bilderberg a dominujici sily jsou samozrejme jsou i dealy, ktere jsou "pod stolem"

    Nebo kdyz novinarum nejaky bilderbergovec, politik rekl "EURO jsme vymysleli na Bilderbergu! Fajn parta"

    Nemaj zadny vliv. Jenom si povidaji. :)
    A BlackRock/Vanguard nam jen starostlive spravuji penize

    Dovolim si tehle teorii neverit :-)

    V mnohach statech sveta je dominantni korupce... politici opakovane slibuji snizeni, boj s korupci.. to same EU. Ale tihle nejmocnejsi, nejbohatsi, nejvlivnejsi lidi jsou shodou okolnosti altruisti, kterym jde o moje blaho? Ti do te korupce shodou okolnosti nepratri? ,) Malo pravdepodobne.


    .... sic ne nemozne.. . ale ony i ty bailouty v 2008, kterymi byl BlackRock poveren, jsou neco dodnes hodne divneho. Rozdalo se 2,3 bilionu USD protekcionisticky bankam a korporacim.

    ... to komu se rozdelily ty prachy... a ze tohle samozrejme ustilo k jeste vetsi inflaci.. to se jakoby moc neresi.

    A kdo u toho stal ? BlackRock :-)

    Ale to je samozrejme jen nehoda.. oni jsou precejen v tehle veci nejvetsi experti, tak koho jineho by mely USA pozadat o pomoc s resenim krize jineho nez nejbohatsi investicni fond na svete?

    Proto i ex-reditele farmaceutickych firem jsou v politice a naopak... lide z Goldman Sachs jdou sefovat do FEDu a zpet atd. proste jsou to nejvetsi experti. Tak je logicke, ze je osud dovanul do vysokych pozic ve vlade i byznysu.

    Conspiracy theorists are losing their shit over a clip of Jacinda Ardern in New York | The Spinoff
    The nakedly QAnon conspiracy theorists got in on the act, too. “New Zealand’s pro-tyranny PM Jacinda Ardern is filmed coming out of the globalist Death Star financial headquarters at BlackRock,” gurgled one prominent QAnon account on Gab, the social network beloved by the far-right. Endless comment threads filled with the usual screeds of invective, dystopian fantasy, casual comparisons to Nazism and a big serving of misogyny. Naturally, New Zealand’s own disinformation groups eagerly shared it.

    But just how insidious and secretive was Ardern’s BlackRock visit? So insidious and secretive that you can find evidence of it on, well, her own Facebook page on the day it happened.

    GORG --- ---
    When it comes to meetings that determine the trajectory of global development, the first half of June was a busy time. The G7 Summit was held in Bavaria, and the Bilderberg Club conducted its annual meeting next door in Austria on June 14. Many of the participants in that club’s meetings carry more weight than the presidents and prime ministers from the Group of Seven. We know that each year, the presidents and chairmen of the boards of directors of banks and corporations with impressive brand names like JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Lizard, Banco Santander, HSBC, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Alcoa, Google, etc. all meet as part of that club. Those brands are household names, and there is no denying the economic and political influence these banks and corporations wield all over the world.

    But some attendees of Bilderberg Club meetings represent organizations whose names mean little to the public. But that’s not because those organizations are less influential than Goldman Sachs, HSBC, or Royal Dutch Shell. On the contrary, their impact is often even greater, although they avoid the limelight. And that’s true, not only during meetings of the club, but also in everyday life. Organizations like this are rightly known for working «behind the scenes».

    In particular, Philipp Hildebrand, a vice chairman at BlackRock, made his appearance as one of the 140 participants at the meeting in Austria. Philipp Hildebrand is a man «widely known in narrow circles». A glance at his track record shows that in the past he has held positions such as IMF director for Switzerland, chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and so on. And now he is a vice chairman at this little-known organization called BlackRock. But I would suggest that Blackrock’s influence is every bit as significant as JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley put together. In the past I have written that BlackRock is one of the Big Four – a group of huge financial holding companies that control many sectors of the economy in the US and abroad. Other members of the Big Four also include: the Vanguard Group; State Street Corporation; and FMR Corporation (Fidelity). Here is a brief sketch of BlackRock.

    The company’s very name, «black rock», is probably intended to convey an image of strength and solidity. In a recent article titled «The Wars of Wall Street» (May 13, 2015), Russian strategic analyst Elena Larina wrote: «…behind every well-known bank on Wall Street stand even more powerful and unregulated institutions. Those are asset management companies. The biggest and most mysterious of them is the BlackRock corporation headed by Larry Fink. Currently it manages assets – the vast majority of which are stocks – worth more than $4.5 trillion. Just one figure – $36.5 trillion – gives an idea of the extent of the firm’s predominance, and that number is slightly less than the capitalization of this company that is included in the S&P 500, meaning that BlackRock controls a significant part of corporate America».

    BlackRock (BR) is an international investment company headquartered in New York (USA). At the end of 2013 it had $4.57 trillion in assets under management. By mid-2014, those assets had grown to $4.77 trillion. Some experts believe that BlackRock controls more assets than any of the other Big Four firms.

    BlackRock is the youngest of the Big Four, founded in 1988. It has literally only been in the market for a quarter century, but has soared to heights beyond the reach of other companies. The company has a global presence, with 21 investment centers and 70 offices in 30 countries and with clients in 100 countries.

    And unlike the family-owned FMR, BlackRock is a public corporation with shares traded on the stock exchange. The principal owners of BR, if one can trust Wikipedia, are Bank of America (34.1 %), PNC Financial Services (24.6 %), and Barclays PLC (19.9 %). But that information is likely out of date. NASDAQ claims that as of Dec. 31, 2014, BR’s biggest shareholders (share capital, %) were: PNC Financial Services – 20.98; Norges Bank Investment Management – 7.15; Wellington Management Co. – 6.38; FMR – 4.16; Vanguard – 3.89; State Street – 3.43; and BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC) – 1.98. In additional to institutional investors, mutual funds also hold shares of BlackRock, as is typical. Almost every member of the pantheon of the Big Four is included in the top ten of these funds (six from the coterie of Vanguard, two from FMR, and another two have to be looked at separately).

    The biggest institutional shareholder is PNC Financial Services – an American financial company with $345 billion in assets at the end of 2014 and headquartered in Pittsburgh. But when we look at who owns PNC Financial Services, it appears that its five largest institutional investors include three of the Big Four. That would be Vanguard, State Street, and BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC). The last of these companies is a division of BlackRock – part of its empire.

    And the third largest institutional investor – Wellington Management Co. – is very closely linked to another member of the Big Four, the financial company Vanguard. Perhaps the only one of BR’s institutional investors that is relatively independent of the Big Four is the company Norges Bank Investment Management – a specialized division of the Norwegian central bank, which is responsible for investing the Pension Fund of Norway in the financial markets.

    Individual shareholders, primarily those who serve as the company’s senior managers, also invest in BlackRock. The five biggest individual investors own shares equal to 1.16% of the company’s capital (as of April 2015).6 The key figures in BlackRock’s management are: Laurence D. Fink – founder, chairman, and CEO; Robert S. Kapito – founder and co-president; Charles Hallac – co-president; and Susan Wagner – founder and member of the board of directors.

    It is worth noting that BlackRock has the smallest staff of any of the Big Four companies – numbering only 11,500 (in 2013). That works out to over $400 million in managed assets per BlackRock employee. That figure is beyond the reach of other companies and organizations in the American financial sector.

    Like the other Big Four companies, BlackRock owns a capital stake in the leading banks on Wall Street. But the company also has an appetite for European banks. In December 2009, BlackRock purchased Barclays Global Investors for $13.5 billion. As we see, BlackRock has a very intimate relationship with Barclays bank. That bank, by the way, took first place in a ranking created by the Institute of Technology in Zurich. The Rothschild-led Barclays Bank also held some staggering positions during the global financial crisis.

    Suffice it to say that in 2007, Barclays was the biggest institutional investor in some key Wall Street banks, such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of New York Mellon. Plus, Barclays was the second largest institutional investor in the US bank Wells Fargo. Incidentally, Barclays also held strong positions in many non-US banks. It is worth noting that BlackRock was as a major shareholder in those same banks as well (although not as significant a figure as Barclays). It could also be seen that BlackRock and Barclays seemed to work in tandem, but their codependence was not easy to establish.

    It can be difficult to figure out which end is the dog and which end is her tail and who is controlling whom. Is Barclays directing BlackRock or is BlackRock running the bank? But most experts are inclined to believe that it is BlackRock that is dominating the famous Barclays bank, which has always been associated with the Rothschild family. Therefore, a correction can be made to the Swiss rankings, in order to take into account BlackRock’s purchase of Barclays. The Swiss list of top ten companies did not previously include BlackRock, but now it can be added with confidence. If BlackRock assumes Barclays’ place, that will put it right at the top. The company is very influential, publishing the credit ratings of countries all over the world. According to its January 2013 rating, the most creditworthy country is Norway, followed by Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, and Finland. BlackRock awarded the United States only 15th place.

    Of course BlackRock’s interests are not limited to banks. It buys shares in a wide spectrum of industries in different parts of the world. We have talked about how Fidelity owns a 7% stake in the world-famous company Google. And the second largest investor is BlackRock with 5.7%. NASDAQ provides information about the investment activity of several major divisions within the BlackRock financial holding company: BlackRock Group Ltd. (BRG), BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC); and BlackRock Fund Advisors (BRFA). See table 1.


    And so, many banks and companies that are represented at the annual meetings of the Bilderberg Club, are, to a greater or lesser extent, dependent on BlackRock. If Philipp Hildebrand spoke at the current conference, then I am sure the other attendees listened to him with particular attention and respect. For this reason, one of the best-informed people in the world, former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, once called BlackRock the most powerful financial corporation in the world.
    GORG --- ---
    BlackRock: The Company that Owns the World
    GORG --- ---
    Vivek Ramaswamy breaks down ESG alternative fund 'Strive' backed by Thiel, Ackman
    RIVA --- ---
    Skvělé shrnutí od skvělého Ivora Cumminse!!!

    Wow - This Explains the War on Farming and Private Property Ownership

    Super article in ZeroHedge formed the basis for this educational video - be aware of how the world works, and where it's heading.
    (Article: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/un-world-economic-forum-behind-global-war-farmers-experts )
    GORG --- ---
    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
    BlackRock and Vanguard own about 15% of every US company. But one upstart ETF issuer contends they aren’t voting their shares the way investors want.

    BlackRock and Vanguard collectively own about 15% of every US company, but are they voting their shares in a way that aligns with investors in their funds? One new exchange-traded fund company, Strive Asset Management, says they aren’t, claiming they’ve gone against their fiduciary duty by becoming too “woke” and forming an “ideological cartel.” Now it has plans to offer alternatives.

    On this week’s episode of Trillions, we talk to Vivek Ramaswamy and Anson Frericks, co-founders of Strive. They plan to launch ETFs similar to those of BlackRock and Vanguard, but promise to keep politics and ESG concerns out of their voting. They discuss criticisms of ESG investing, stakeholder vs. shareholder capitalism and what Ramaswamy calls “excellence capitalism.” They also talk about how Strive will compete against the two biggest asset managers on the planet, and its noteworthy backers—including Peter Theil and Bill Ackman.
    GORG --- ---
    Activists thought BlackRock, Vanguard were climate allies. Not now
    To other shareholders, the concept of direct engagement can best summed up in a more ambiguous way — BlackRock and Vanguard are saying, “Trust us.”

    A ‘black box’ of engagement efforts
    No matter how many words the two companies print in annual stewardship reports, there are no details on a company-by-company basis and no quantitative metric — like a proxy voting record — on which to judge their progress.

    “The real issue with the Vanguard and BlackRock approach is that it is a black box,” Logan said. “I don’t think at a high level we disagree with the idea that engagement can lead to progress, but we’ve spent quite a bit of time in climate debate and the time for confidential engagement has passed.” He added, “the idea that they can say just ‘trust us’ engaging with these companies and not provide evidence it is yielding any change ... it is fair to say we are disappointed with the lack of tangible, specific disclosure from Vanguard and BlackRock.”

    Facts to Know About BlackRock, the World's Largest Asset Manager
    BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, has become an increasingly influential Wall Street player in Washington, DC. The firm has hired notable policy-makers over the years, and at least three leaders with the New York-based asset manager on their resumes now hold prominent roles in President Joe Biden's cabinet.

    Former BlackRock investment executive Brian Deese leads Biden's National Economic Council, effectively serving as his top advisor on economic matters. Biden also tapped Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo, a former chief of staff to BlackRock chief executive and longtime Democrat Larry Fink, to serve as a top official at the Treasury Department.

    Meanwhile Michael Pyle, BlackRock's former global chief investment strategist who had worked in the Obama administration before joining the firm, serves as chief economic advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris.
    GORG --- ---
    kua ten druhy odkaz mel byt

    Proxy voting choice for our clients | BlackRock
    GORG --- ---
    Fact Check-Video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard ‘own all the biggest corporations in the world’ is missing context | Reuters
    However, spokespeople for both firms told Reuters that, while they do appear to own significant shares in the world’s biggest businesses, those shares are purchased using money belonging to their clients – and therefore the shareholders are ultimately their clients.


    Both Professor Edmans and Franklin Allen, a professor of finance and economics at Imperial College London (here), told Reuters they did not believe people should be concerned about Vanguard and BlackRock having significant shares in large companies.

    Meanwhile, Professor Pavlova said a concern could be that the two companies “may not accurately represent client preferences” when voting in invested companies on their behalf. She also acknowledged that both “try to be transparent in how they vote (by) publishing this information”.

    As company shareholders, BlackRock and Vanguard can vote on behalf of their clients at company shareholder meetings. Both firms also have “investment stewardship” functions, which enables the proxy votes.

    BlackRock’s spokesperson said the votes can also be carried out by a portfolio manager – and in some cases at BlackRock, can be carried out by the clients themselves (here).

    (V podstate tu opakuji ten argument, ze "klienti vlastni ty akcie, ne my", coz je samozrejme blbost. Investori jim dali penize, oni jim za ne poskytuji nejake sluzby.

    Pokud by financni system a BlackRock/Vanguard zbankrovtoval, muzou byt investice klientu pouzity na umoreni dluhu fondu.. Podobne plati pro penize, ktere mame v bankach.)

    Tady uvadi odkaz na

    Fact Check-Video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard ‘own all the biggest corporations in the world’ is missing context | Reuters

    // zajimave , ze v dobe psani tohodle jejich textu , kdyz koluji hodne ta videa o Vanguardu a BlackRock, tak BlackRock vydelai tenhle statement, ze chystaji "rozsirit" moznosti investoru, aby se podileli na volbach valne hromady stakeholderu.

    Tam popisuji, jak je ted v roce 2022 napadlo chystat nabidnout nejake "vetsi" moznosti v pristupu k hlasovani v ramci jejich BIS(BlackRock Investment Shareholder) . Nejakou formu tam zrejme uz meli, ale co je to "vetsi"? Evidente ne ve stejne roli jako u skutecneho vlastnika, coz jsou oni.

    Za me tyhle lidi z podobnych spolecnosti jsou jedni z nejneduverihodnejsich lidi na tehle planete a neveril bych jim ani dobry den.. Ale tyhle lidi umi rikat ty spravne kecy jak jejich "cilem je aby investori meli ohromnou moznost podilet se na blablablabla".

    Ale jake jsou moznosti podilet se na hlasovani stakeholderu a jak se to ma lisit v tom, co shodou okolnosti ted teprve chystaji, se tam nikde nevysvetluje. Jen spousta tech klasickych fluffy PR kecu.

    Vsiml jsem si, ze sice Reuters clanek nasledujici popisuje jako, ze klienti maji takovou moznost, ve skutecnosti se tam mluvi v budoucim case
    Working to expand proxy voting choice for our clients

    BlackRock’s role is to help our clients achieve their long-term financial goals. Core to this is the fact that the money we manage is not our own; it belongs to our clients. We work hard to stay ahead of our clients’ needs by delivering them the widest set of choices across everything we do so they can choose what works best for them.

    Our view is the choices we make available to clients should also extend to proxy voting. We believe clients should, where possible, have more choices as to how they participate in voting their index holdings.

    Beginning in 2022, BlackRock is taking the first in a series of steps to expand the opportunity for clients to participate in proxy voting decisions where legally and operationally viable. To do this, BlackRock has been developing new technology and working with industry partners over the past several years to enable a significant expansion in proxy voting choices for more clients.

    Much like asset allocation and portfolio construction, where some clients take an active role while others outsource these decisions to us, more of our clients are interested in having a say in how their index holdings are voted. We want to provide choice to these clients while continuing to support those who have selected BlackRock’s industry-leading investment stewardship team to vote on their behalf.

    These voting choice options will first be available to institutional clients invested in index strategies – within institutional separate accounts globally and certain pooled funds managed by BlackRock in the U.S. and UK. Approximately 40% of the $4.8 trillion index equity assets we manage1 for our clients will be eligible for these new voting options.

    While we are offering clients more choice in how their index holdings are voted, BlackRock Investment Stewardship (BIS), our independent investment stewardship team, remains central to BlackRock’s fiduciary approach. In seeking client feedback to develop this capability, we heard that many clients want BIS to continue voting on their behalf, while we also heard from clients interested in greater participation in proxy voting.

    Since its inception two decades ago, BIS has grown to be one of the largest investment stewardship teams in the asset management industry. This reflects the importance we place on engaging with the boards and management of the companies that we invest in on behalf of clients, advocating for sound corporate governance and sustainable business models to support long-term financial returns. BIS is also an industry leader in providing transparency regarding our stewardship efforts. Learn more about BlackRock’s commitment to Investment Stewardship and find information on BIS policies, corporate engagement, and proxy votes.

    BlackRock is committed to exploring all options to expand proxy voting choice to even more investors, including those invested in ETFs, index mutual funds and other products. This initiative will require the cooperation of additional partners across the investment and proxy voting ecosystem. In certain instances, it will also require regulatory and operational system change.

    // jak to tak ctu, tak clanek Reuters dosti mystifukuje o tom, jaky rozsah moznosti zasahovat do voleb predstavenstva momentalni maji. Tady se zcela evidentne mluvi o nejakych budoucich zmenach.
    Ze budou mit "vetsi" moznost o necem rozhodovat.
    RIVA --- ---
    Depopulation, Transhumanism and Rediscovering Humanity (With Max Igan)
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: aha.. tak ja tu pasaz sem hodim sam
    Mnoho lidí nechápe, proč u nás levně vyrobíme elektřinu, vyvezeme ji na energetickou burzu do Lipska a pak si ji zpátky kupujeme na evropském trhu za mnohonásobně vyšší cenu. Francouzi, kteří také mají polostátní energetickou firmu EDF, jakousi obdobu našeho podniku ČEZ, rozhodli, že část vyrobené elektřiny zůstane za levno pro domácí trh, a teprve zbytek se může vyvézt. Proč to nejde u nás?
    Jestliže to jde v rámci EU ve Francii, pak to samozřejmě podle mě může u nás jít taky. To je pouze otázka politické vůle. Francouzský stát prostřednictvím vlády drží v EDF 84 procent. A nařídil EDF zhruba čtvrtinu výkonu z jeho jaderných zdrojů dát domácím alternativním dodavatelům za předem stanovenou cenu, která byla už v lednu nižší než cena tržní. To je mimochodem klíčový důvod, proč Francouzům zdražuje energie za poslední rok pětkrát pomaleji než Čechům. Bavím se tedy o koncových cenách pro domácnosti.

    Údajně to nemůžeme udělat kvůli tomu, že bychom potopili Německo, jež na společném trhu „naši elektřinu“ odebírá. Přišlo mi fascinující, když český politik brání německé koncové uživatele.
    Oni samozřejmě hovoří o jednotném trhu. Ale on zase tak jednotný není.Tedy ve smyslu, že by tam byla celá Evropská unie. Právě Francouzi jsou tam tak napůl. Proto si myslím, že můžeme minimálně udělat to, co oni. Samozřejmě by s tím museli souhlasit minoritní akcionáři, kteří by tím přicházeli o zisky. I když ve Francii se těch minoritních vlastníků nikdo moc neptal. Akcie firmy spadly, ale nakonec to funguje.

    Stale mi chybi odpoved na otazku, proc by na tom meli tratit minoritni akcionari? Nejake prirovnani k pronajmu nemovitosti me nezajimaji. Co v tomhle konkretnim pripade? :) Ten me prave zajima. Ani ten Kovanda to nevysvetlil. Jakym zpusobem na tom CEZ vydelava? Kdo tu elektriku kupuje na burze?
    KAJJAK --- ---

    Jinak a polopatisticky, koupite si s kamaradem byt na pronajem a na hypoteku. Ty davas 1/3 ceny a kamarad 2/3 ceny hypotecni splatky. Kamarad ho pak pronajme zname z ukrarajiny za netrzni najemne, protoze je znama v nouzi, tobe samozrejme da o to mensi podil na najemnem a musite tim padem zbytek ceny na hypotecni splatku oba doplacet .

    Myslel sis ze svou investici vydelas, ale misto toho doplacis z vlastnich penez zbytek splatky hypoteky. To je jinymi slovy to co se stalo ve francii s tou energetickou spolecnosti. Proti rustu cen v energetice ses chtel logicky chranit nakupem akcii energetickych spolecnosti, tim ze se tam majoritni vlastnik zachoval jak se zachoval si vsak prisel o cast investovanych penez i cast dividendy, pritom si neudelal nic spatne, jen si veril spolecnikovi ve spolecnem businessu ze se zachova trzne a ekonomicky.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam