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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    Prosím dodržujte formát klubu - posílejte pouze reference (ideálně s copy paste relevantním obsahu) na věci related k topicu.
    Diskuze tu bude mazána. Na to tu není prostor.

    We cannot trust solutions that are offered by the people who created the problem in the first place.

    Principles for evaluating websites * How to Identify Misinformation

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer. Whatever must be done, we can do it ourselves. We do not need them; we need each other. All else is distraction and delusion.

  • Demokracie se nejlépe prosazuje v ignorantské společnosti, kterou je možno burcovat, jinými slovy ovládat, nacionalismem a náboženstvím.
  • Taková míra nacionalismu předpokládá existenci permanentní vnější hrozby. Když taková hrozba není, je nutno ji vytvořit.
  • Pravda musí být přísně střežena a tedy známa jen elitě několika vyvolených, kteří společnost řídí.
  • Tato elita musí být připravena říkat nechápavé mase "vznešené lži".

  • General: The Scientific Principles of Spiritual Enslavement (2002), Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
    The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile
    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (EN) :: Tiché zbraně pro klidné války (CZ)
    Blátivé stíny
    Financial: Murray N. Rothbard - What has government done to our money
    Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism - Scientific, Mathematical & Historical Expose, Critique and Manifesto - Vladimir Z. Nuri, 62 pg.
    Chcem celú Zem + 5% navyše!
    Michael Rowbotham: Smrteľné zovretie
    Media: Who owns the media
    How To Deal With The Media, The Internet And The New World Order
    new world order in the news...
    Realita - paranoia - dystopie - (fnorDU4ever) * od 1984 do 2012?
    U nas v Kocourkove (und Eine Kleine Mafia) - jak hluboko lze jeste klesnout? - Klub pratel pro znovuoziveni defenstrace
    documents @ conspiracy central :: mvgroup.org :: p2p docs forum :: :: chomskytorrents.org :: indypeer.org

    Jsme zvyklí spojovat slovo teorie se slovem konspirace, protože konec konců žádná konspirace nemůže být reálná, všechno jsou to jen „teorie“, že ano? Nicméně ve spojení „konspirační teorie“ jsou dvě slova, prvním je slovo „konspirace“, druhým slovem je „teorie“. Dle definice je teorie předpoklad, myšlenka, koncept, hypotéza. Dám vám příklad. Teoreticky, pokud si koupím lístek do loterie, mohu vyhrát cenu. Dokud si lístek nekoupím, je má výhra pouze teoretická. Ale jakmile si jej koupím, výhra už není teorií, stává se možností. A čím více lístků si koupíte, tím je zde větší možnost, a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se výhra dostaví. Stejně je tomu v případě konspirační teorie. Dokud neexistují důkazy, neexistuje konspirační teorie. Jakmile však máte část důkazního materiálu, a nezáleží na tom, jak je chatrný či podružný, stává se z teorie možnost. A čím více důkazního materiálu je shromážděno, tím zde existuje větší možnost a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se jedná o konspiraci.
    V tomto klubu budete sledovat důkazy. A bude na Vás, abyste rozhodli, zda se jedná o konspirační teorii, nebo skutečně o konspiraci.
    Clifford Hugh Douglas, jeden z hlavných reformátorov monetárneho systému tridsiatych rokov 20. storočia:
    Jadrom tohto podvodu je tvrdenie, že peniaze, ktoré tvoria, sú ich vlastné, pričom sa od falšovania peňazí nelíši kvalitou, ale iba svojím obrovským rozsahom... Môžem to dokázať mimo akúkoľvek pochybnosť? Podstatou celej záložitosti je nárokovanie si vlastníctva peňazí. Akákoľvek osoba alebo organizácia, ktorá môže podľa ľubovôle tvoriť peniaze ekvivalentné cenám tovarov produkovaných komunitou, je skutočným vlastníkom týchto tovarov a preto nárokovanie si týchto peňazí bankovým systémom je nárokovaním si vlastníctva krajiny.

    Meyer Amstel Rothschild:
    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."

    Lord Josiah Stamp, bývalý riaditeľ Bank of England:
    Moderný bankový systém vyrába peniaze z ničoho. Tento proces je azda tým najchytrejším kúzelníckym trikom, aký bol kedy vymyslený. Bankovníctvo bolo počaté v nečistote a zrodené v hriechu. Bankári vlastnia zem. Vezmite im ju, ale keď im ponecháte moc poskytovať úvery, ťahom pera dokážu vytvoriť dosť peňazí na to, aby si ju kúpili naspäť... Ak chcete byť otrokmi bankárov a platiť náklady vášho otroctva, potom nechajte, nech si banky tvoria peniaze.
    Thomas Jefferson:
    Keď americký ľud dovolí bankám, aby mali pod kontrolou vydávanie ich vlastnej meny, najprv formou inflácie a potom defláciou, banky a korporácie, ktoré okolo nich vyrastú, zbavia ľudí všetkého vlastníctva až sa ich deti zobudia a zistia, že na kontinente, ktorý ich otcovia obývali, sú bez domov. Moc vydávať peniaze by mala byť odňatá bankám a navrátená kongresu a ľuďom, ktorým patrí. Som úprimne presvedčený, že bankové inštitúcie vydávajúce peniaze predstavujú pre slobodu väčšie nebezpečenstvo než armády.

    "It (Central Bank) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their best interests."
    A Rothschild family communique to associates in New York, 1863

    There are only three types of people in the world:
    1. People who make things happen. 4%
    2. People who watch things happen. 6 %
    3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 90% ->

    >> part 2 >>   *   >> part 3 >> (zde v zahlavi puvodni 'elite search engine')   *   >> part 4 >>

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer.
    We shall be slaves as long as we
    rozbalit záhlaví
    KAJJAK --- ---
    RIVA: zaujalo me elektromagnetic emissions, to opravdu realne nekdo resi? Ma to nejaky fyzikalni zaklad, ze to je jakkoliv skodlive pro zivocichy?
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    How to Control What People Do | Propaganda - EDWARD BERNAYS | Animated Book Summary

    jeste zajimava souvislost s Edwardem Bernaysem

    nasi spojenci (USA) tam svrhli demokraticky zvolenou vladu.

    nelibilo se nam mimo jine, ze tamni firma "United Fruit Company" , co vykoristovala zemi jako takovou, s nove demokratickym zvolenym prezidentem a jeho dekrety, uz nemohla vykoristovat.. proste nevyhovoval demokraticky zvoleny prezident

    tak si najala E. Bernayse, aby rozjel propagandu proti vlade. na tom samem spolupracovala CIA. propaganda cilala jak Guatemalu, tak i americke politiky a americkou verejnost

    nakonec se nam uspesne podarilo dosadit na Guatemale diktatora.. mnoho mrtych lidi v dusledku.. desitky let pak obcanske valky

    V roce 1954 byl pučem za podpory CIA svržen ve svobodných volbách zvolený Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, kterého nahradil Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes, který povolil trénink anti-castrovských bojovníků pro invazi v Zátoce sviní. Konflikt mezi vládou a opozicí přerostl v roce 1960 v občanskou válku, trvala až do roku 1996. Během války vláda vycvičila eskadry smrti, které měly za úkol likvidovat protivládní guerilly. Volená vláda stát spravuje od roku 1986.

    1954 Guatemalan coup d'état - Wikipedia
    The UFC also began a public relations campaign to discredit the Guatemalan government; it hired Edward Bernays, who mounted a concerted misinformation campaign for several years which portrayed the company as the victim of a communist Guatemalan government.[56] The company stepped up its efforts after Dwight Eisenhower was elected U.S. president in 1952. These included commissioning a research study from a firm known to be hostile to social reform, which produced a 235-page report that was highly critical of the Guatemalan government. Historians have stated that the report was full of "exaggerations, scurrilous descriptions and bizarre historical theories" but it nonetheless had a significant impact on the members of Congress who read it.[57] Overall, the company spent over half a million dollars to convince lawmakers and the American public that the Guatemalan government needed to be overthrown.[57]


    Political legacy
    The 1954 coup had significant political fallout both inside and outside Guatemala. The relatively easy overthrow of Árbenz, coming soon after the similar overthrow of the democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister in 1953, made the CIA overconfident in its abilities, which led to the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion to overthrow the Cuban government in 1961.[178][179] Throughout the years of the Guatemalan Revolution, both United States policy makers and the U.S. media had tended to believe the theory of a communist threat. When Árbenz had announced that he had evidence of U.S. complicity in the Salamá incident, it had been dismissed, and virtually the entire U.S. press portrayed Castillo Armas' invasion as a dramatic victory against communism.[180] The press in Latin America were less restrained in their criticism of the U.S., and the coup resulted in lasting anti-United States sentiment in the region.[181][


    U.S. President Bill Clinton apologized to the nation of Guatemala in March 1999 for the atrocities committed by the U.S.-backed dictatorships

    Edward Bernays - Wikipedia
    Edward Louis Bernays (/bɜːrˈneɪz/ bur-NAYZ, German: [bɛʁˈnaɪs]; November 22, 1891 − March 9, 1995) was an American theorist, considered a pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, and referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations".[3] His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom", and his work for the United Fruit Company in the 1950s, connected with the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government in 1954. He worked for dozens of major American corporations including Procter & Gamble and General Electric, and for government agencies, politicians, and nonprofit organizations.


    United Fruit and Guatemala


    He recommended a campaign in which universities, lawyers, and the U.S. government would all condemn expropriation as immoral and illegal; the company should use media pressure "to induce the President and State Department to issue a policy pronouncement comparable to the Monroe Doctrine concerning expropriation." In the following months, The New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, Time, Newsweek, and the Atlantic Monthly had all published articles describing the threat of Communism in Guatemala. A Bernays memo in July 1951 recommended that this wave of media attention should be translated into action by promoting:

    (a) a change in present U.S. ambassadorial and consular representation, (b) the imposition of congressional sanctions in this country against government aid to pro-Communist regimes, (c) U.S. government subsidizing of research by disinterested groups like the Brookings Institution into various phases of the problem.


    Per Bernays's strategy, United Fruit distributed favorable articles and an anonymous Report on Guatemala to every member of Congress and to national "opinion molders".[57][58] They also published a weekly Guatemala Newsletter and sent it to 250 journalists, some of whom used it as a source for their reporting.[58] Bernays formed close relationships with journalists including The New York Times reporter Will Lissner and columnist Walter Winchell.[55][56] In January 1952 he brought a cohort of journalists from various notable newspapers on a tour of Guatemala, sponsored by the company. This technique proved highly effective and was repeated four more times.[58] In June, 1954, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency effected a coup d'état code-named Operation PBSuccess. The CIA backed a minimal military force, fronted by Carlos Castillo Armas, with a psychological warfare campaign to portray military defeat as a foregone conclusion. During the coup itself, Bernays was the primary supplier of information for the international newswires Associated Press, United Press International, and the International News Service.[59][60]

    Following the coup, Bernays built up the image of Guatemala's new president Carlos Castillo Armas, giving advice for his public appearances both in Guatemala and in the U.S. In 1956, Bernays produced a pamphlet comparing the Communist way and the Christian way.[61]


    Third parties
    Bernays argued that the covert use of third parties was morally legitimate because those parties were morally autonomous actors


    He arranged for this finding to be published in newspapers throughout the country with headlines like '4,500 physicians urge bigger breakfast' while other articles stated that bacon and eggs should be a central part of breakfast and, as a result of these actions, the sale of bacon went up

    Scientific approach
    See also: Social engineering (political science)
    Bernays pioneered the public relations industry's use of mass psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns: "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits."[67] He later called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the engineering of consent.[68]

    Bernays expanded on Walter Lippmann's concept of stereotype, arguing that predictable elements could be manipulated for mass effects:

    But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given [the common man] a rubber stamp, a rubber stamp inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of tabloids and the profundities of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamp is the twin of millions of others, so that when these millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints. [...] The amazing readiness with which large masses accept this process is probably accounted for by the fact that no attempt is made to convince them that black is white. Instead, their preconceived hazy ideas that a certain gray is almost black or almost white are brought into sharper focus. Their prejudices, notions, and convictions are used as a starting point, with the result that they are drawn by a thread into passionate adherence to a given mental picture.[

    clovek by cekal, ze Bernayse nase demokraticka spolecnost lepsolidi odsoudi , ze delal velmi spatne veci
    ale naopak, tleskali mu, kdyz byl host u Lettermana:

    Edward Bernays on Letterman, April 4, 1985

    The Wires that Control the Public Mind

    tohle neni o tom, jestli ja koukam na televizi.. navic koukat/nekoukat na televizi je takove klise .. jakehosi odporu ke konzumni spolecnosti, ale cela vec je mnohem hlubsi... jak je nnase spolecnost posedla manipulovanim jinych lidi..

    snaha regulovat "dezinformace" do toho zapada jako prdel na hrnec.. a kampan Tecka za COVIDem.. a dalsi jen ukazkove predvadi odkaz E. Bernayse v dnesni dobe. cista manipulace. lidmi jako byl on. vyuzivajici spousty novych informaci o lidske psychice.
    ale i prave provazanosti s masmedii.. ruznymi "studiemi"..
    ze vsech stran utok na psychiku... i reklamy na produkty soubezne podporovaly COVID narativ. ale i ovlivnovani lidi, aby oni sami tu propagandu sirili ad pouzivani tretich stran.

    Nakonec Babise nam tu taky zaridil nyxak Marek Prchal, zejo :-) Od nej dostal ten polibek smrti, protoze mu za vitezstvi fakt vdecil..
    GORG --- ---
    Ruští vojáci necítí strach. Dostávají drogy, domnívá se expert - CNN Prima NEWS
    Na svém YouTube kanálu to uvedl ukrajinský vojenský expert Oleh Ždanov. Připomněl několik případů, kdy se vojáci nebáli kulometu ani dělostřelecké palby. V takové situaci lze prý soka zastavit pouze zabitím nebo zmrzačením.


    Mnoho Rusů se prý nebálo ani těžkých zbraní. „Zastavit je masivním dělostřeleckým útokem nelze. V takové situaci lze je jen buď zabít, nebo zmrzačit,“ řekl Ždanov. Mluvil o možném silném vlivu omamných látek a zmínil i například marihuanu nebo alkohol.

    na drogy jsou imho lepsi party

    Ale je tu zas videt furt ten samy pattern. Vsimnete si, co v clanku opet chybi? Nejake video.
    Furt slysime mnoho ruznych historek ale zadnou si nikdy nenatocili?

    Nevim, jak si mam byt vubec jistej, kolik tech storek je vubec pravda. A i ve Wag the dog aspon udelali nejake video.

    Jediina videa, ktere jsme od nich videli, bylo jako Ukrajinci mucili a ponizovali zajatce. Odstartovali tim nesmyslnym prilepovanim lidi na cedule... A strasne radi si to nataceli. Vsechno to svoje radeni radi nataceli na mobily.

    Zvlastni ze nikdy nenatocili to, o cem mluvi? Shodou okolnosti nikdy :-)

    Na te druhe strane barikady je tech videii teda mraky.

    Nektery jsou ostatne i z ukrajinske televize, takze celkem na ocich.

    Sef mediku tam v TV interview rekl, ze naridil, aby rusky valecny zajatce kastrovali.
    Pak se zpetne omluvil... ze se prej jen nejak prekecl vliveem emoci. Nevypadal, ze by se prekecel.. Dost v klidu to proste rekl.

    Tak nevim.. na Ukrajine asi nebude Azov ten jediny problem.

    Uz to samotne prilepovani lidi na sloupy a jejich mlaceni a ponizovani.. udajne ze zlodeju... v jednom pripade taky cloveka, ktery ve stannem pravu prodaval alkohol, coz je zakazano.. stahli mu zejo kalhoty, protoze spravedlnost. nebyl cas se s nim tahnout na policejni stanici pro normalni stihani...
    ale byl cas na hratky s nima.. i ozbrojenymi cleny ozbrojenych slozek Ukrajiny.. vzdyt ti jsou neco jako policajti, proc oni je teda neodvedli na stanici a misto toho tam s nimi delaji ruzne nechutnosti nebo je do krve mlati.. nebo jen fackujou, kopou, smejou se jim... pokrikuji na ne

    tohle je ta liberalni demokracie? :)

    ja si i vsiml, jak tomu tu na nyxu fandili.. to bylo v USTAVU PRO DUSEVNE VYSMATE.. linkovane fotky tech prilepenych lidi se jim proxy posmivali i na nyxu :-) No parada. :)

    Les tortures du bataillon nazi Azov contre les Ukrainiens

    nevim.. mne to az tak vtipny neprijde.

    ale prece nekdo tvrdi, ze kradli, takze nemaji lidska prava ..

    a takovych videi je mraky. drsnejsich. mnohem drsnejsich. ja uz na vetsinu takovych veci radeji ani neklikam..koukat za na nejake valecne zlociny

    ale ani jedine video radeni samotnych Rusu? O nich prevazne jen serie ruznych historek.

    Ukraine: People accused of looting tied to poles, stripped and beaten

    v praxi se nadale pokracuje. Po cele Ukrajine soubezne tohle zacali delat stejnym zpusobem .. s cedulkou "MARAUDER"

    Two 'looters' are tied to lamppost in Kherson after being accused of helping Putin's troops | Daily Mail Online

    Ukrainian ‘Looters’ Tied to Poles by Soldiers #shorts


    nevim no.. tohle neni moje salka.. proste nevim jak se s temi dnesnimi liberaly jakkoliv zidentifikovat .. za me tohle je odporny
    obzvlast jak je v tom jeste ten moralne imperativni prozpev. poteseni z utrpeni jinych.. z potrestani viniku.

    Ukrajinci svazuji, ponizuji a mlati jine Ukrajince... a mne ma kvuli tomu zaplesat srdicko nadsenim... ale mne se to nedeje. Ja se zhrozil, na co to koukam.

    Tahle konspirace se deje uz v primem prenose :-) Aj na nyxu v tech prispevkach lidi.. vsude uz jsou videt priklady leddasceho.

    Zvvlastni zit na planete, kde tolik lidi obdivuje zbrane az urcitym fetistickym zpusobem... a jedou si jakysi remake 2 minut nenavisti...

    A mnoho lidi spojuje ten hate k Rusku... Nejsou diky tomu sami. Spolecny nepritel umi stmelovat mezilidskou soudrznost.
    Ale ti, se kterymi to nerezonuje, samozrjeme s otevrenou hubou cumi , co se to kurva deje :D

    Jakoze hodne se (opet teda zejo bez video zaznamu, co se tam vlastne stalo) se resily valecne zlociny Ruska, ale pak si honime pero nad lidmi svazanymi na sloupech se stazenyma kalhotama?

    Jeste pred casem, kdyz jsme videli z Guantanama pyramidy z zivych zajatcu a ruzne jine hratky tamnich bacharu, svet se nad tim pozdvihl...

    Ale ted to vypada, ze se dost lidi uz naladila na tuhle mentalitu, ze se jim to tak uz i libi takhle zachazet s lidmi.

    Známý herec vyprodal O2 arénu. Řekl vtip. A nastalo peklo | ParlamentniListy.cz – politika ze všech stran

    A pak nekdo zavtipkuje na tema koncentraky a je ohen na strese..

    A samozrejme se vyrojila spousta chytraku glosujici, jak se vtip muze dotykat nejakeho citliveho tematu, jen pokud je vtipny. Nebo ze ten vtip by Kozub skutecny jit sedet mel.

    Ale bicovani svazanych ukacek se jim libi :-) Jakoby to nekteri meli naruby vsechno.. Fakt jak nejaka psychicka porucha.

    Jinak ja toho Kozuba v O2 nedavno nekde vykliknul a mne to teda prislo takove celkove slabe.. Jsem to asi ani nedokoukal

    Kozub tam od pocatku se snazil byt okate nevhodnej... od urazeni divaku po sprostosti a slagru delani si srandy z Brnaku .. kdo to muze brat vazne? :)

    Kdyz celej ten jeho vystup byl od A do Z snaha sokovat a byt nevhodnej. Jak to nekdo muze vnimat jako autenticky rasismus? Zjevne muze.

    No evidentne Kozub tim ale prokazal point.

    Jakou bourlivou reakci vyvolal., co pritom podle me zavaznejsi veci neziskavaji.

    Dan Priban

    Ironie je, ze Priban na Fb zacal k tomu vypisovat, ze Ostravaci jsou dementi.. nicmene on vypadal, ze to mysli vazne. Ze proste ta ostravska mentalita se pry tyka vetsiny Ostravaku. Presne ten jindy nevhodnej generalizujici pohled, ze jsou Ostravaci vidlaci :-) Tyhle mezimestsky spory se jinak nez jako vtip brat nedaji. Ale on pise, ze to mysli vazne. Tenhle clovek jezdil trabantem, ten musi mit pravdu.

    Už nemáme disidenty humoru, ale jen Kozubodenty - Seznam Médium

    je to kauza. nestaci jen odfrknout , ze nnekomu proste neprisel vtipnej.. mne treba taky ne, ale najednou mame konecne zas dalsi podstatnou kauzu

    pritom me se Divadlo Mir povetsinou libilo hodne. nektere veci meli slabsi ale zkousi no.

    za me nejlepsi pocin byly nektery ty skece a pak ten serial Skoro na mizine o COVIDu

    ale treba kamos z Frydku ho vubec nedava.. jak akcentuje ten prizvuk casto v tech skecich... njn

    sKORO NA mizině - Došly prachy (1. epizoda)
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    OMNIHASH: to je zas neco "k veci" od tebe. neprecte si ani , co pisu. ja bednu nekoukam, takze co se to tu snazis rict?

    kazdopadne pokud vas autokraty sere nejakej Aeronet a spol. , tak to nectete...

    reklame neuniknes, kdyz nebudes koukat na televizi. i pokud si odstrihnes internet. mas billboardy. musel bys leda uplne opustit civilizaci nnekam na samotu. ale to bychom museli cist prispevky, na ktere reagujeme, ze? protoze k tomu apelu Vaclavka jsem se uz vyjadroval.

    protoze vy chcete cenzurovat.. . za par mesicu se jde schvalovat ta legislativa a on tu bude zvanit neco o tom, ze si mam vypnout televize, ze jsem jako duchodce co kouka na televizi. tady vidime opet ten ubohej utok na clovek.. ignoruje celou tu litanii odkazu a textu a svoje slovo .. svoje pravo na svobodu slova vyuziva pouze na utok .. ad hominem. ... to pravo mas , ja ti neberu.. taky si te muzu vypnout... jen rikam, ze vy chcete zakazovat.. prikazovat ostatni l ide muzou.. a reklamy.. tam najednou boj proti manipulacim konci..
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: však co ti brání Václavka poslechnout a tu bednu vypnout, stejně se u ní pokaždý jenom nasereš. Alzáka si odhalil správně, ale s tebou clumá další 50 minutovejch spotů, tak se di projít do lesa a film si večer stáhni z internetu jako každej normální běloch tvý generace. Čumíš na důchodcovský zařízení a divíš se, že tam běhaj reklamy na prášky a očkování.
    GORG --- ---
    "Pravo je i povinnost" :D to je uplne presne jako dnes stejne reci ;)

    jinak na tech zaberech je taky pekne videt to podobne ramovani spravnymi zabery... zabery na ruzne pankace, hulakace.. .. ti byli s oblibou prave ukazovani jako podvratne zivly "svym zevnejskem"
    v dnesni dobe se zas s oblibou ukazuji ruzni hulakajici duchodci.. idealne nejaky, co se poradne nevedi ani vyjadrit.. ze kterych padaji nekoherektni reci o Velkym resetu, Sorosovi.. nebo at jde "s tou kamerou do prdele". Az se uchytilo oznaceni dezolat dehumanizujici vsechny, co si mysli neco jineho.

    naopak Schwarzenberg onehda prave punkace pouzil v ramci jeho reklam predvolebnich.. "Knize lidem blize" s punkovym harem.. dnes uz nejsou pankaci zivly
    zajimavy sledovat, jak i v mem okoli, videl kolik holek po nem letelo, ze je "Karel" skvelej. propaganda funguje, protoze uziva hlavne skupinovou psychologii.

    Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses
    GORG --- ---
    McDonald's - stará reklama z roku 1994 / old TV commercial from 1994

    jeste mi vypadlo... tuhle klaasiku nemuzu opomenout :) reality tunel z 90.let. ta reklama nepodstava lidem jen myslenku jit do mekace. cpe lidem, kteri ji vidi opakovane znovu a znovu, urcity svetonazor.. v dnesni dobe to uz zabalujou do politickeho/socialniho message okateji.

    sranda jak stejnnou manipulativni formou se dela i ta politicka... na vakciny, Lisabonskou smlouvu,, COVID.. stejna pakarna jako jiny reklamy

    PF 2021: Ať to spolu všechno zvládneme!

    Revoluce 1989 a komunistická propaganda v televizi

    od 1:30 pak oficialni verze.... podobnost s dneskem ciste nahodna, "protistatni zivly", "vyvolavat protisocialisticke emoce a narusit poradek",,
    "Jak jsme informovali v minulych dnech, tuto provokaci dlouhodobe pripravovaly ruzne protistatni skupiny , predevsim Charta 77 spolu se zapadnimi diverznimi centry a nekterymi zapadnimi rozhlasovymi stanicemi .. Svobodna Evropa a Hlas Ameriky"

    od 3:02 mate debatku Kulaty stul... zarucene proverene informace jiste :)
    "... jenze se najdou i taci, kteri mluvi o potlacovani prav".. zazniva v uvodu.. a bude jiste nasledovat velice vyvazena debata
    "...prijeli za senzaci.. .lide jakoby nevedeli, jak se maji realizovat"
    "Co rici zaverem? nase socialisticka spolecnost, nas politicky system vytvari ohromny prostor pro siroke demokraticke uplatnovani pluralismu zajmu a nazoru vsech socialnich vrstvev, i zajmovych a politickych skupin pracujicich..

    Socialisticky pluralismus vsak neznamena a nema nic spolecneho s vytvarenim a pusobenim protisocialistickych sil.
    Vzdyt moc v teto zemi patri pracujicimu cloveku a navrat k pomerum pred 1948 je zcela vyloucen."

    podobny kecy o pluralite se dnes vedou o liberalni demokracii. i jak je nepripustne, aby nekdo soucasny establishment mohl ohrozit.
    nebo "Ja nikoho nechci cenzurovat, ALE..." :)

    jak rikaji s oblibou traderi... historie se neopakuje.. ale rymuje.
    GORG --- ---
    Reklama? V zásadě všichni vědí, že je to lež, říká specialista na komunikaci — ČT24 — Česká televize

    24. 2. 2012
    Praha – Přibývá lidí, kteří si stále častěji stěžují na reklamu. Vadí jim vyšší hlasitost reklamy v televizi i to, že jí na člověka, čtenáře, diváka útočí příliš. Pochybnosti se objevují také ohledně její věrohodnosti. Opakovaně proto sílí hlasy, které volají po přísnější regulaci reklamy. Petr Václavek, specialista na komunikaci, člověk, který se v reklamní branži pohyboval dvě desetiletí a nakonec ji sám začal považovat za absurdní, ale nechápe, proč se lidé rozčilují a žádají tvrdé regule a postihy. Řešení je podle něj nasnadě: Vypněte bednu a běžte se podívat na hvězdy.

    V reklamě se ročně protočí miliardy. Jen v Česku se ceníková hodnota reklamního prostoru v roce 2011 přiblížila k 60 miliardám korun. „To, že jde čím dál víc peněz do reklamy, jenom vyjadřuje to, že svět se dostává na pokraj zkázy,“ soudí Václavek, podle kterého je celý reklamní byznys dnes už vyčpělý. „To, co se servíruje lidem (…), v zásadě všichni vědí, co to dělají, že jsou to kecy, že je to čistá lež,“ zdůraznil v Hydeparku ČT24.

    Chybu nicméně Václavek nevidí v regulaci, ale spíše v tom, co jsou lidé ochotní sledovat. To se netýká jen kvality reklamy, ale i prostoru, který reklama v médiích zabírá. „Ať tam klidně promítají 24 hodin reklamy v kuse, když se najde pár lidí, kteří na to budou koukat. Co pořád omezovat? To je osobní výběr,“ soudí Václavek.
    „Nikdo nikoho nenutí na to koukat. Je to jenom otázka výběru, jestli člověk bude sedět u tý bedny a bude do ní tupě zírat a otravovat se tím, že reklamy je tam strašně moc, anebo se zvedne, půjde se projít, podívá se na hvězdy a bude se cítit daleko líp.“
    Petr Václavek

    Sám Václavek se v reklamním světě pohyboval 20 let. Pracoval pro přední marketingové agentury, z nichž některé mají dobrý zvuk nejen v ČR, ale i v zahraničí. A proč se slibné kariéry vzdal? Jak sám říká, když se ohlédl zpět, měl pocit, že za ním nic nezůstává. Reklamní kampaně zapadly a peníze, které jejich přípravou vydělal, se rozkutálely.

    Nyní přirovnává reklamní byznys k prostituci. „Byznys, politika a média, a to všechno spojuje reklama. A v tom celém jde jenom o prachy. Nějaká iluze svobody a zábavy, to je všechno fajn, ale ve finále záměr je vydělat prachy. Nic jiného nikoho v byznysu nezajímá,“ podotkl Václavek.

    Odborníci z reklamní branže s Václavkem nesouhlasí
    „Nejde o prostituci – to je absurdita. Jde o komerční informaci, a tak je to po celém světě uznáváno. Chtěl bych také říct, že je plno tisíc lidí, kteří dělají kreativní informaci a vytvářejí nádherné věci.“

    Michel Fleischmann, prezident Lagardère Active ČR

    Fleischmann připomněl mimo jiné vítěze letošního ročníku soutěže Zlatá pecka. Ta celkem ocenila 22 televizních, tiskových, rozhlasových i internetových reklam. Zabodovala například vánoční kampaň T-Mobilu s Bolkem Polívkou nebo spot pro Národní muzeum. Fleischmann považuje vítězné reklamy za vskutku kreativní. Jejich cílem není pouze prodat produkt, ale i pobavit.

    // nno co ten Vaclavek doporucuje ano... ale kdyz tu mame ted volani po cenzure "manipulaci", je to najednou o necem jinem.

    dobre si poslechnout ten hydepark tu debatu... ono to tam vlastne zazniva to, co jsem psal. otevrene. vime, ze je to lez, vime, ze je to manipulace.... az i ten moderator Klepetko rika teda, jestli by marketingovi tvurci meli jit tedy sedet do vezeni.

    ja jsem teda dalek reklamu zakazovat.. ale lidi by se meli probudit z te nnaivni diskoteky, ze tu jedinej dela manipulaci Rusko..

    reklamy povazuji lidi za normalni natolik, ze uz jim ani neprijdou divny.. pritom je to silennstvi..

    dokonce si asi mysli, ze pokud jim Alzak prijde otravnej a nekomu o tom reknou nebo si z toho udelaj srandu nejakym vtipkem o zabiti Alzaka, jak tu reklamu strasne chapou spravne. Ale Alzak je otravnej zamerne... aby si ho lidi zapamatovali. A oni mu tim delaji reklamu zadarmo.

    a casto ani nejde jen o reklamu ne nejaky produkt - reklamy obsahuji urcity vnuknuti o world outlooku.. o pohledu na svet, na zivot, vztahy.... proto mi z tech reklam bylo fyzicky zle.. jaky sracky clovekou cpou do hlavy, aby si koupil nejaky lek, nebo auto, napoj... to neni jen o tom produktu... tam jsou dalsi vrstvy, ktere jsou uplne odporne. a kdyz korporace preje lidem Stastne a vesele Vanoce, tak vnimavej clovek se ma chut zabit z toho, jak je to odporny. ............... vi, ze je to lez... ze mu ta banka ani automobilka ve skutecnosti zadne dobre vanoce nepreje... ze tu banku zajima jen jeho mysl

    a sam stat si zadava reklamy.. coz je picovina na n-tou.

    stat si nema zadavat reklamu na obvodni urad, na pracovni urad, nebo na EU, uprchliky, Ukrajinu, dezinformace..

    stat ma spravovat zemi a vubec se neplest do toho, co si kdo mysli, natoz ho manipulovat reklamou. reklamy jsou z principu manipulace.

    Namatkou nejake random reklamy

    Reklama - Kinder (CZ, 2018)

    Reklama - Persil (CZ, 2021)

    Nejsme lhostejní - www.nasiukrajinci.cz

    Reklama - Otrivin (CZ, 2018)

    Reklama - Virostop (CZ, 2022)

    Reklama - Provident (CZ, 2022)

    Očkování: způsob jak začít žít jako dřív

    Odol3dent Maximum - TV reklama

    Očkování: proč se nechat očkovat

    Nebojte se očkovat! Výhody očkování jednoznačně převažují nad jeho riziky i nad riziky covid-19

    McDonald's - Děkujeme všem zaměstnancům, že do své práce... | Facebook
    tady je krasne videt silnejsi presah do prodeje nejen produktu ale i svetonazoru.... rousky... vvetsina te reklamy se tocila kolem toho... cista uz jen manipulace s vedomim... protoze maji prachy... tahle a podobne jeli za covidu skoro furt.

    Nenechte se zmást metodou obětního beránka

    a pak uz presli na cistou politickou propagandu :-) paradoxne v boji proti "manipulacim" :) Orwell by mel radost..

    v lednu 2021 byl vznesen pozadavek otevrene akademicke diskuze vedcu o COVIDu, ktery tehdy Babisova vlada prislibila... a nakonec k nemu n edoslo.. ale reklamu ano?

    ani mne to snad neprislo az tak divny, ale kdyz se clovvek zamysli nad reklamou, coz je synonymum pro propagandu... tu jede desitky let a pritvrzuje a vsichni to povazujou za normalni. legalni manipulace, pred kterou neni uniku, ani kdyz nekouka na bednu... protoze venku nastoupi vsudypritomne billboardy ruzneho druhu.

    ulet, co se jako l egalne dela s lidskou mysli, a ani se o tom nemluvi ;) kdyz teda pominu ten Hydepark z 2012... a ze obcas se resi regulace nekterych dilcich veci.
    GORG --- ---
    Reklamy - státem schválená propaganda - Blog iDNES.cz

    Až stát zakáže reklamy a marketing jako takový, pak mu budu věřit, že chce bojovat s manipulacemi.

    // moje pozastaveni nad reklamou v kontextu dnesnich mladych bojovniku proti lzim a manipulacim.

    heh jaka to nahoda, ze televize chce rozhodovat o tom, kdo by mel mit pravo mluvit.

    ja kdyz jsem na radu let prestal uplne koukat na TV, vsiml jsem si, jak pak dramaticky negativne na me pusobila, kdyz jsem byl na navsteve, kde ji meli zapnutou a ja tam videl nejakou reklamu a musel na to ze slusnosti koukat.

    bylo vyslovvene fyzicky nevolno.. s nabehem na panickou ataku.. uzkost v celem tele

    a to mi nemusela vysvetlovat zadna ruska propaganda..

    clovek ma vlastni zazitky.. vlastni zkusenosti..

    fakt pokud nekdo chce jinym lidem diktovat, co muzou nebo nemuzou cist nebo rikat/psat, mozna fakt at zkusi na to taky chvili nekoukat

    at si treba taky na 5 let vypnou aspon televizi nebo internet

    protoze ten zazitek se sice da popsat, ale prijit si na to musi kazdy sam...

    pak si totiz vsimnete, ze to neni jen tak... ze to je mnohem intenzivnejsi vymaz, nez jste tusili.

    nejhorsi na tom byly prave ty reklamy.

    na druhem miste pekla pak byly zpravy.

    (jeste dobrej trik reklam v TV je, ze pouzivaji na zvuk kompresor - proto zneji reklamy hlasitejsi... ten za cenu redukce dynamiky zvuku zvetsi subjektivni vnimani hlasitosti, takze neprekoci tim limit na pocet dB, ale proste zvukem zaplni cely dynamicky prostor pro maximalni peaky... do jednodliteho bloku
    VOYAGER --- ---
    „Poctivému hrozí jenom hlad, zloději zas jenom šibenice. Český literát má trampot více, jemu hrozí hlad i šibenice.“

    „Jenom národ zachovalý a vzdělaný může mít svobodu a spojenou s ní dobrou vládu, tuto pravdu, která nás učí zkušenost dějepisu, musíme vždy především na zřeteli míti. Národ nevzdělaný, kdyby se celý zkrvácel samými revolucemi, nedocílí nýbrž přece svobody a práva, bude vždy zase brzy ošizen a do libovlády nazpět vtlačen. Národ mravně zkažený, byť by i vzdělán byl, přece zase svou pokažeností plete vždy sám na sebe metlu absolutie. … Kde není národ zachovalý a vzdělaný, tam je to marné svrhovat revolucemi staré vlády, neboť zase se dříve nebo později všechno zlé navrací, třeba se osoby a okolnosti změnily, a národ nemá z revoluce nic než trochu škody a nepořádku. V takovém pádu musí být odstraněny tyto závady každé pravé svobody a první pak jest naděje a vyhlídka na možnost dobré a trvanlivé právní vlády.“

    CZECH23EKTOUR --- ---
    teď jsem zaslechl, celkem trefné:
    Za pravdu je různá sazba. Jednou pomník, jindy vazba. Kdo ji řekne dřív než včas, tomu pravda zlomí vaz.

    GORG --- ---
    nastesti mame alternativni media stale jeste, takze se da pri trochu snahy doklikat k podrobnostem a nejakemu rozboru toho, co v mainstreamu neuvidime




    The proposed changes to the first principle in Article 3 of the International Health Regulations pretty much says it all. If adopted, they would strike out the following text:
    “with the full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons”

    zbeznym nahledem do toho PDF... na rade mist mizi slovo "non-binding". konkretne jsem videl u definice
    “standing recommendation” means non-binding advice issued by WHO..
    a “temporary recommendation” means non-binding advice ...

    WHO tedy by prebiralo kontrolu.

    mozna doporuceni popisujou nejak takto - tam vypada, ze neni zadna zmena.. akorat ted by WHO melo zjevne tedy pravo si to vynucovat a zpusobem, jakym oni uznaji za vhodne. ale vyhozein jednoho slovicka , ze jde o "nezavazne" doporuceni, muze mit v praxi dost dramaticke dusledky.

    1. Recommendations issued by WHO to States Parties with respect to persons may include the following
    - no specific health measures are advised;
    - review travel history in affected areas;
    - review proof of medical examination and any laboratory analysis;
    - require medical examinations;
    - review proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis;
    - require vaccination or other prophylaxis;
    - place suspect persons under public health observation;
    - implement quarantine or other health measures for suspect persons;
    - implement isolation and treatment where necessary of affected persons;
    - implement tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons;
    - refuse entry of suspect and affected persons;
    - refuse entry of unaffected persons to affected areas; and
    - implement exit screening and/or restrictions on persons from affected areas.
    2. Recommendations issued by WHO to States Parties with respect to baggage, cargo, containers,
    conveyances, goods and postal parcels may include the following advice:
    - no specific health measures are advised;
    - review manifest and routing;
    - implement inspections;
    - review proof of measures taken on departure or in transit to eliminate infection or contamination;
    - implement treatment of the baggage, cargo, containers, conveyances, goods, postal parcels or
    human remains to remove infection or contamination, including vectors and reservoirs;
    - the use of specific health measures to ensure the safe handling and transport of human remains;
    - implement isolation or quarantine;
    - seizure and destruction of infected or contaminated or suspect baggage, cargo, containers,
    conveyances, goods or postal parcels under controlled conditions if no available treatment or
    process will otherwise be successful; and
    - refuse departure or entry.
    - ensure mechanisms to develop and apply a traveller's health declaration in international
    public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) to provide better information
    about travel itinerary, possible symptoms that could be manifested or any prevention
    measures that have been complied with such as facilitation of contact tracing, if necessary

    // v tom druhem PDF je dopis do Ceske republika, ktera se tim v zari jakozto predsednicka zeme EU zabyvala reakci na tyto nove pozdavky jmenem vsech ostatnich zemi EU. U nas v mediich samozrejme nic, i kdyz evidentne to byl a je cas na feedback od clenskych zemi

    GORG --- ---

    - Integrated surveillance and update on the Gate’s Pandemic Corps

    "Gate's Pandemic Corps" ? :-D

    neni ten samej Gate, kterej zas nema nic s nicim spolecnyho? :-)

    Countries Will Need a More Nimble Response to the Next Pandemic
    2. An Expandable Health Care Workforce
    One of the big challenges during a pandemic is that there is a surge in the need for public health and health care workers that far exceeds the demand during normal times. The United States needs to find ways to keep honed the pandemic-related skills of this workforce.

    Also, since the country is facing a long-term shortage of doctors and nurses, it needs to find ways to reward and retain (and refresh) the pool of people who have been willing and able to pivot quickly into roles that augment the capacity of its clinical workforce during pandemic-related surges. This could include a range of people, including school nurses, community health workers, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) who can be organized and trained as a “para-pandemic corps.”

    jj tady je neco k tomu, jak jsem cekal, ze se to bude prodavat.. tohle jsou teda uvahy v USA, co by se mohlo .. ty "para-pandemic corps" zni podobne. konkretni podobu nevime a neni verejne diskutovana

    kazdopadne tady se zjevne bavime o necem, co bude legal binding.. tohle jsou takove ty spekulace, jak by bylo hezke a mile , kdyz by obzvlast pri soucasnem nedostatku doktoru nekdo vykouzlil particku pandemic corps, co budou jezdit pomahat do nemocnic.

    takhle to asi bude prodavany, kdyz dojde do roku 2025 k te ratifikaci WHO dohody clenskych statu. pri klasickem nezajmu medii o podrobnosti. a otazky rekneme narodni suverenity, co se tyce politickych rozhodnuti behem pandemie.
    GORG --- ---
    Fact Check-‘Catastrophic Contagion’ video is fictional and does not support claims about pandemic preparedness exercises | Reuters

    sranda to je argumentace jako lidi na nyxu :-)

    tldr; v celem tom clanku vysvetlujou, ze to je jen cviceni.. a vysvetlujou co je to cviceni, a proc se cviceni delaj.

    ale to je jediny clanek, co mi google news vyhodilo, ktery primo nejakym zpusobem reportuje o tomhle konkretnim cviceni. mozna byly i jine.. ale zjevne je to hodne mimo zaber

    co se mimodek zminuje v tomhle konkretnim clanku .. jsou jinymi slovy tyhle "nove pozadavky WHO" vuci clenskym statum.

    tedy zavedeni "global network of professional public health leaders" a "Pandemic corps".

    to se sice v tom clanku nevyskytuje, ale uvedli tam linky

    Explainer: How the World Health Organization might fight future pandemics | Reuters

    v tomhle clanku neni vubec zadna zminka o tomhle "Catestrophic contagion" cviceni, ale zjevne je to dusledky.. ostatne na nej i v kontextu linkovali jako fruit.
    ale v tom clanku to nerikaj..
    GENEVA, Nov 17 (Reuters) - Negotiations on new rules for dealing with pandemics are underway at the World Health Organization (WHO), with a target date of May 2024 for a legally binding agreement to be adopted by the U.N. health agency's 194 member countries.

    A new pact is a priority for WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as his second five-year term at the head of the global health agency gets underway. It seeks to shore up the world's defences against new pathogens following the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed more than 6.5 million people, according to the WHO.

    The global health agency itself is facing calls for reform after an independent panel described it as "underpowered" when COVID-19 struck, with limited ability to investigate outbreaks and coordinate containment measures.


    Member states agreed in July that the new agreement should be legally binding. Another key meeting is scheduled for December.

    It would be only the second such health accord after the 2003 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, a treaty which aims to reduce smoking via taxation and rules on labelling and advertising.


    It is not yet clear how the 2005 regulations and the new pandemic accord might fit together.

    One suggestion is that they should be complementary, so that existing rules apply to local outbreaks with the new rules kicking in if the WHO declares a pandemic -- something it does not currently have a mandate to do.

    It remains to be determined whether negotiators will include measures such as sanctions to ensure compliance.

    // z clanku se docitame, ze clenske staty jsou ted v probihajicich jednani o podobe tech novych zavaznych podminek.

    za ticha masmedii. misto aby informovali o cviceni, ktereho inputy maji doslova byt zavaznymi novymi podminkami WHO pro vsechny clenske staty vcetne Ceske republiky.

    tak delaj debunking, kde vysvetlujou tyhle Captain obvious veci jako ze cviceni nnic neplanuje.. ze se cviceni hodej, ze se pak krize lepe zvladaj.. a blabla...

    ani to nedava smysl.... tvrdi tam, jak je ty predchozi cviceni lip pripravily na covid.. na tu kooperaci.. vubec to pritom nevypadalo, ze jako nejak vudci vedi co delaji. nebyly rousky, na hranicich se vudci jako psi tahali o rousky, ktery nebyly... a kdo s cim teda pocital? kdyz nnebyly zakladni lekarske pomucky? :-)
    celkove totalni chaos... co platilo ve stredu, neplatilo v patek. nejdriv rousky lidem nedopurucili, pak byly povinne.
    ale to je jeste jine tema.

    Co tady ctu je, ze tohle cviceni ma byt popudem pro nejakou vetsi reformu zavaznych pravidel WHO pro clenske staty. Co budou co se tyce governace obchazet politiku clenskych statu. Tedy nas oblibeny World government.

    A co jsou "pandemic corps" se muzu tak jen dohodavat asi... predpokladm nejake ozbrojene jednotky co maj v kapse jak pistoli, paralyzer tak i injekce.. po vzoru Ciny? Podavane to bude ale asi jako proste banda jakychsi doktoru bez hranic, co budou jezdit po svete resit krize na miste. ve skafandrech a tahat lidi do karanten.
    GORG --- ---
    hledal jsem , co je "new pandemic corps"

    Countries should establish a global network of professional public health leaders who can work together to improve epidemic preparedness and response and strive for consensus on scientific issues in advance of the next major outbreak.

    There is no existing worldwide professionalized network of public health preparedness and response leaders who can work together between and during epidemics to better prepare all countries and provide mutual aid and sharing of best practices during serious epidemics. Establishing an international network of national public health leaders, along the lines of the professionalized “Pandemic Corps” referred to in our exercise, could substantially help countries save lives and livelihoods during major epidemics and recover more quickly. Political leaders, who are entrusted with keeping their citizens safe, could benefit from consensus views offered by such a group, rather than having to make impromptu, high consequence policy decisions when lives are at stake during dangerous outbreaks.

    to zni jako uplny obejiti narodnich politickych rozhodnuti. ze treba takovy ministr zdravotnictvi potazmo cele ministerstvo se "nebude muset" v tehle vecech rozhodovat, a prevezme to nejaka WHO korrdinovana particka "public health leaders" spolu s "Pandemic Corps", ktere budou delat rozhodnuti za ne.


    The WHO can be a globally trusted source, and it can share science and public health information widely, but we should not expect it alone to combat or put a stop to the spread of this mis- and disinformation. Countries need to collaborate to anticipate that threat and prepare to combat it with their own laws and procedures. Just as many types of economic and societal harms can be anticipated and accounted for in pandemic preparedness plans, so too can predictable false or misleading health messaging. Concertedly exploring ways to address this phenomenon on a national level in advance of the next pandemic will be crucial to saving lives.

    // roztomily, jak ty pandemic corps ani neupresnuji..
    ARRAKIS --- ---

    Catastrophic Contagion, a high-level pandemic exercise in 2022

    The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.

    The extraordinary group of participants consisted of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany, as well as Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.

    Participants were challenged to make urgent policy decisions with limited information in the face of uncertainty. Each problem and choice had serious health, economic, and social ramifications. 

    ARRAKIS --- ---

    Kartou, mobilem, hodinkami nebo mrknutím oka. Platit bez hotovosti se Češi nebojí | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)

    // experti se shodli, ze se bude platit cipem pod kuzi, a ani o tom nebudete vedet.

    Experti se shodli na tom, že vývoj platebních metod směřuje k dalšímu zjednodušování. Není sice jisté, zda se rozšíří biometrické formy, jako je například otisk prstu, sken duhovky nebo čip pod kůží, platby ale mají být jednoznačně stále nenápadnější.

    „Možná ani nebudeme vědět, že jsme za něco platili. My zkrátka konzumujeme nějakou službu a platba proběhne na pozadí,“ popsal tento trend Petr Polák, country manager Visa pro Českou republiku.
    GORG --- ---


    In the first place, the Czechoslovakian armymay have had the ability to defend itself from Germany on its own without the need of immediate support from France or Britain. Moreover, there were inconsistent reportsas to the size and strength of Germany’s military force. Lastly and most importantly,Britain was aware that various German generals were not supportive of Hitler andwere willing to stage a coup if Czechoslovakia was invaded. Accordingly, thismindset may have also signaled a broader lack of support from the German peopleas a whole.
    To illustrate, a British official wrote to Chamberlain’s office in September 11 about the German people’s lack of interest of war by stating:
    “Public opinion is much alarmed at Germany military measures which as theyincreases in scope, are becoming more widely known. There is a general fear that an attack of Czechoslovakia may lead to a European war, which Germany would be likely to lose.

    Fisher pg. 2
    On a separate occasion, Hitler’s lack of public support was again reinforced onSeptember 27 when Henderson observed during Hitler’s military parade in Berlin that“not a single individual in the streets applauded.”
    Given those circumstances, anexamination of the three factors raises the essential question: Should the Munich Agreement have been signed?Prior to the signing of the Munich Agreement, Western Europe 1938 wasengulfed with fear of war with Hitler’s Germany. Nearly two decades earlier, theTreaty of Versailles was signed, signaling the end of World War I, forcing Germany torelinquish part of its European territories. Post World War I, British diplomacy wasbest described by the British Foreign Office in 1926 as: “We have got all that we want – perhaps more. Our sole objective is to keep what we have and to live in peace.”
    When Adolf Hitler obtained power of Germany in 1933, Western Europe was mostlyaccepting of Hitler’s ideas that Germany was treated unfairly during Versailles.
    For this reason, Britain’s foreign policy agenda by 1936 was to “avoid exclusive alliancesin favor of a policy that would allow Germany to play the part of a good European.”

    When he successfully defeated a group of communists from gaining power inGermany, Hitler provided some comfort to Western Europe.
    Certainly, this actionpleased Western Europe as they viewed communism to be the real threat, not Hitler.

    On March 7, 1936, sensing that Britain and France would not take action tostop him, Hitler moved military forces back into the Rhineland, a part of Germany thatwas to remain without any German military forces, according to the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler’s belief was proven correct as neither Britain nor France preventedhim from building up Germany’s military in this de-militarized zone. In essence,German’s re-occupation of the Rhineland marked a turning point in Hitler’s rise topower that would eventually lead to an inevitable war. As Britain and France sat backand watched, Hitler began to improve Germany’s military strength; he set out a planto re-gain control over other parts of Europe that were populated mostly by Germans

    Fisher pg. 3
    but no longer within its borders.
    In his policy of expansion, Hitler first targeted Austria. In 1938, he successfully reached agreement with Austria’s government. Ineffect, this agreement allowed Hitler to annex Austria without a single gunshot. WithGermany showing off its military strength on the border with Austria, Hitler was ableto convince Austria to vote for the annexation by Germany. In March 1938, Hitler ledthe march into Austria without any bloodshed.
    Choosing to ignore this, Britain continued to support Hitler’s actions;Chamberlain continued to express willingnessto improve relations with Berlin “in order to secure the kind of European pacificationthat had been dreamt of by British governments goal since 1919.”
    Shortly after Austria was annexed, Hitler next turned his efforts to reclaimparts of Czechoslovakia. In May 1938, Hitler put in place a plan to invadeCzechoslovakia. According to a letter from General Keitel, the Chief of the German Armed Forces, a detailed plan stated the “preparations for war” and clarified that “itsexecution must be assured by October 1, 1938, at the latest.”
    WithinCzechoslovakia there was a Sudeten German Party that represented the borderinglands with Germany that were still populated by mostly German decent. Under theadvice of Hitler, the leader of the Sudeten German Party negotiated with theCzechoslovakian Government on disputes it had and further discussed the possibilityof breaking away to join with Germany. Hitler advised the Sudeten German Party tokeep demanding for more, even though the Czechoslovakian Government gave in onnearly all of the original issues.
    By July 1938, the negotiations were breaking downand Germany made it clear that it would not back down. As a precaution, NevilleHenderson, British ambassador to Germany, advised Chamberlain not to take anaggressive position against Hitler because a “blow to Hitler’s prestige might well havecontrary effect and drive him over the edge.”


    Not to mention, the language used between governments grew more direct, and inSeptember 1938, Hitler stated with regards to the Sudetenland, “I am determined tosettle it. I do not care whether there is a world war or not.”
    At the same time,Neville Henderson, British foreign minister, communicated about Germany toChamberlain on September 3, 1938 that a German official said there was a
    “lack of enthusiasm in the country for war and went so far as to observe thatthis lack of enthusiasm in the back areas would be a serious handicap after thefirst few months of war, if it occurred. Nor were the generals themselvesenthusiastic. Their instructions were to be 100 percent ready for alleventualities as from a certain date, but, so far as he could discover, they hadno other instructions and no information as to the Chancellor’s [Hitler] real intentions.”

    In spite of this, German troops were moving to the border and Czechoslovakiantroops were actively preparing. Chamberlain, nevertheless, still remained confident...

    II. Coup Discussions Against Hitler: A Credible Threat
    In his desperate attempts to avoid war, Chamberlain rushed into signing theMunich Agreement without considering other credible policies to oppose Hitler.Despite Hitler’s successes and ambitions in building the German army and hisaspirations to invade parts of Europe, not all of Hitler’ generals were supportive of hisintentions.
    In fact,his generals were willing to stage a coup against him becausethey did not want to go to war . Incidentally, before his trip to London, GermanGeneral Beck ordered to an official: “Bring me certain proof that Britain will fight if Czechoslovakia is attacked and I will make an end of this régime.”
    Between Augustand September 1938, German generals contacted senior British government officialson several occasions to seek their assistance.
    Furthermore, Beck’s attitude wasshared directly with the British on August 13
    in a meeting between a British and aGerman official where the German official made it clear that all German generalswere “dead against war but they will not have the power to stop it unless they get encouragement and help from outside.”

    Namely, the help that the German conspirators were seeking focused on two areas. First, they wanted the Britishgovernment to make strong public statements that opposed Hitler’s actions and thatHitler’s actions would lead to war as Britain would not stand by and watch him invadea sovereign country. Second, the German conspirators wanted assurance that if Hitler did order an invasion of Czechoslovakia, Britain would support Czechoslovakia.However, each of these requests was counter to Chamberlain’s policy of appeasingHitler in the hope of obtaining peace. In the same meeting, the German officialindicated that the views of the German generals were consistent with the views of thepeople who were “terribly alarmed at the prospect of war.

    Additional contacts were made in September to Lord Halifax in which British assistance was asked for again in the form of a public statement declaring that the British government was not supportive of Germany attacking Czechoslovakia.Moreover, Lord Halifax was also told that the German army was ready to take action against Hitler if necessary but only if the Britain opposed Hitler.
    Chamberlain,however, remained very skeptical on the German approach of overthrowing Hitler,and in reference to the August 11 meeting Chamberlain said that he viewed theGerman official as:
    “very anti-Hitler and is extremely anxious to stir up his friends in Germany tomake an attempt at its overthrown. He reminds me of the Jacobites at theCourt of France in King William’s time and I think we must discount a gooddeal of what he says.”


    III. The Relative Military Strengths of Germany
    In addition to the lack of support from Hitler’s own army, an important pointthat was overlooked was the actual the strength of the German army. In the decadesfollowing the war, the facts were clear: the German army was not nearly as strong aspublicly advertised;


    IV. The Relative Military Strengths of Czechoslovakia
    Notwithstanding the contradictions of the size of the German army, what reallymattered in this analysis is how the German army compared to the strength of theCzechoslovakian military. In 1938, the Czechoslovak army “comprised 17 infantry


    and 4 mobile divisions. Full mobilizations yielded a further 17 reserve divisions,giving a field army of 38 divisions.”
    In addition, there were approximately another 15 divisions along its borders. While Czechoslovakia had a much larger infantry,Germany was more superior in the air. However, in September, the weather waspoor and it was not likely that there was good visibility,
    giving the Czechs theadvantage. Even within the British military, the view was that the Czechoslovakianmilitary was not only prepared to fight but that they also wanted to fight. InSeptember 1938, Lieutenant Colonel Stronge, British Military Attache, provided abriefing of the Czechoslovakian military readiness:
    “The Czech General Staff undoubtedly have a capacity for organization, and Ido not expect any serious hitch in the process of rapid mobilization

    For anarmy which is not absolutely of the front rank the equipment, especially asregards arms, is surprisingly good. The country has the advantage of possessing an arms industry which can vie with any other in the world

    Mypersonal opinion is that the morale of the Czech army and nation is high

    Tosum it up, there are no shortcomings in the Czech army.”

    Despite the overwhelming evidence of Czechoslovakia’s ability to defend itself if the dispute came to war, Britain’s diplomat in Berlin, Neville Henderson himself asserted that he thought “the Czechs would collapse much quicker than people think,after the first week or two.”


    Hitler occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia that “Bohemia and Moravia, with some 3.5billion Reichsmarks’ worth of gold, foreign currency and stockpiled raw material andfinished goods saved Hitler’s Reich from speedy economic collapse,” further implyingthat perhaps Britain did not seriously consider the causes and effects of its decisions.In Addition to this point, Ferguson concluded:
    “Hitler gained immediately from Munich. With Czechoslovakia emasculated,Germany’s eastern frontier was significantly less venerable. In occupying theSudetenland, the Germans acquired at a stroke 1.5 million rifles, 750 aircraft,600 tanks, and 2,000 field guns, all of which were to prove useful in they yearsto come. Indeed, more than one in ten of the tanks used by the Germans intheir western offensive of 1940 were Czech-built

    To put it another way: itwould prove much harder to fight Germany in 1939 than it would have provedto fight Germany in 1938.”


    But one can’thelp but wonder if the policies that led to the Munich Agreement were driven more simply on the personal attitudes of Chamberlain towards Hitler. As summarized inRobert Beck’s Munich’s Lessons Reconsidered , Chamberlain thought that Hitler “meant what he said” and that he had come to believe that Hitler “was telling thetruth” and that he had “formed the opinion that Hitler’s objectives were strictly limited.”
    As history dictates, Chamberlain was wrong

    // opravdu lze jeste verit, ze Mnichovska dohoda byl jen nejaky omyl? i nemecti generalove chteli bojovat proti Hitlerovi.. ale Britanie se rozhodla pomahat Hitlerovi a duverovat mu, odvratli se od spojencu i od opakovanych nabidek z nemecke armady, ze jsou ready Hitlera svrhnout, a ze chteji jen ujisteni od Britu, ze by v tom nezustali sami... a aby Britanie rekla verejne neco oskliveho o Hitlerovi..
    Vetsina Nemcu byla podle tehle informaci proti Hitlerovi.. vojensky na tom nebylo Nemecky dobre ani ekonomicky, aby byl k ustupkum duvod. podle informaci, ktere byly zname uz v te dobe dle zachovalych zaznamu.

    misto pomoci od nemecke armady s ni nakonec museli bojovat. a s ceskymi zbranemi, ktery tu nacisti pak ziskali. ceskym prumyslem na sve strane

    konspiracni teorie, ze nekteri vysoce postaveni Britove byli na strane Hitlera pusobi celkem duveryhodne. oficialni verze chybneho usudku uz moc ne.
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