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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    VOYAGER --- ---
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    Egypťané pěšky překračují hranice Palestiny s potravinami a vodou
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    Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000
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    Netanyahu touts peace with Saudi Arabia, issues ‘nuclear’ threat to Iran | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
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    Prof. Peter Staněk s Dr. Josefem Skálou : Válka na Blízkém východě a geopolitická křižovatka
    GORG --- ---
    Putin endorses New World Order by pretend-hating on Klaus Schwab


    Let’s continue. Some “resistance” movement members took this speech as an indicator that Putin will save the west from evil Klaus Schwab. After all, Russia is opposed to trans kids and supports traditional values in families, and even prayer in schools! Putin must be good because he is fighting the Democrat party agenda and looked friendly with Trump in official photos.

    Putin Outlines Six Civilizational Principles
    During his Valdai speech, Putin outlined six principles Russia wants to adhere to and offers other nations to join it.

    "First, we want to live in an open, interconnected world, in which no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to people’s communication, their creative realization, and prosperity. There must be a barrier-free environment," Putin said.

    What does this mean in the context of national borders? I think the US is way ahead on this matter, but is the border of Russia now open, too? In any case, this first point is very well aligned with what Klaus Schwab wants - one world for the elites to own and for people to not own but be open to abuse while being connected to the same surveillance system. Check for the globalists.

    The second principle is the diversity of the world, which should not only be preserved, but should also be the foundation of universal development.

    DIE-versity, what an original thought, not at all borrowed from WEF. Another check for the globalists…

    The third principle, according to the Russian head of state, is maximum representativeness: "No one has the right or can rule the world for others or on behalf of others. The world of the future is a world of collective decisions," the president emphasized.

    I think I heard about the “collective” decisions before. For those of you who are not familiar with this concept, in the Soviet Union everything literally belonged to “the people” and was decided almost always by a unanimous vote. Same goes for dear Putin, as he has been re-elected by the “collective” decision numerous times. So, more checks for the globalist agenda…

    Fourth is universal security and lasting peace that takes into account the interests of great states and small countries equally. To achieve this, it is important to free international relations from the bloc mentality and the dark legacy of the colonial era and Cold War, according to Putin.

    “Equality” is another concept straight from Karl Marx, Schwab and WEF. It is not clear what he means by removing “bloc mentality”. Does this imply that Russia and USA will be on the same side of things? Whose side? Aren’t we supposed to be helping Ukraine to fight bad bad Putin? This is either a promise to obliterate opposing military alliance or an admission that the military opposition is a fake and in reality they mean to rule the world together without any borders. Just need to work out the terms, currency and some other minor details…

    The fifth principle is justice for all: "The era of exploitation of anyone – I have already said this twice – is a thing of the past. Countries and peoples are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are ready to rely on themselves, and this multiplies their strength. Everyone must be provided with access to the benefits of modern development," Putin emphasized.

    This is extremely difficult to decipher. Except when globalists talk about “equal access to modern developments”, I think they mean unending doses of Nobel Prize winning mRNA, digital IDs, tracking and tracing, smart prisons aka cities, and other exciting technologies.

    The sixth principle is equality: no one should be forced to obey those who are richer or more powerful at the cost of their own development and national interests, according to the Russian president.

    Phew. That makes me feel so much better, thank you Vladimir Vladimirovich!

    Now we come to the best part, the analysis by pundits. Turns out, what is meant by this speech, is what I think it means - removing the outdated Western notions of the rule of law, i.e. “rules-based liberal international order”:

    "The 'civilizational model' referred to in Putin’s speech seems anchored on 'principles' – such as non-colonial relations; non-patronizing attitudes; respectful of diversity rooted in the diverse traditions – that will require a huge work to generate new shared international norms," Paolo Raffone, a strategic analyst and director of the CIPI Foundation in Brussels, told Sputnik. "The Western 'rules-based liberal international order' is unilateral, and it could be imposed in a specific time in history leveraging on the power and prominence of a small group of colonial powers that after the liberal model crisis and civil war (1914-1945) has been inherited by a distant but super-powerful country (US). In a nutshell, I can say that the 'civilizational model' approach probably aims at structuring a shared world 'software,' while the 'liberal rules-based order' has been aiming at building an imposed 'hardware' defended by 'rules' serving the financial and military hegemony."

    I am not sure why 1914-1945 is referred to as a “civil” war. All history books to date described it as world wars I and II. It is likely the CIA Google/Alphabet is already busy renaming these wars across the internet and doctoring historical documents as we speak. We know that the rule of law at the heart of nation-states’ democratic government principles has been quite short of its ideals in practice, but still, it is the best foundation of governance invented. The globalists want nothing to do with any rules that apply equally to all. They want privilege for themselves and an enslaved populace to rule over by “experts” and fuzzy things like “shared world software”. Interestingly, Paolo Raffone represents CIPI - Council for Inclusive Capitalism, an “independent” non-profit corporation, with a “steering committee” composed of global do-gooders like: Marc Benioff (CEO Salesforce), Edward Breen (CEO Dupont), Mark Carney (UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance), Alex Chriss (CEO Paypal), Mathias Cormann (Sec Gen OECD), Robert Davis (CEO Merck), Lynn Forester de Rothchild, Rich Lesser (Global Chair, BCG), Fiona Ma (California State Treasurer), Rajiv Shah (President, the Rockefeller Foundation), Brian Moynihan (Chairman, Bank of America) and so on - dozens of large corporate, baking, government and NGO heavy hitters. I think it is pretty clear that CIPI is WEF by another name. An immediate thought - wait! This illustrious collective is commenting favorably on Putin’s speech? Wasn’t this speech supposed to be some sort of a take down of globalism by brave Putin? He is “fighting the war” after all against the depraved and decaying western norms…


    Chceme nový světový řád, řekl Putin v očekávaném projevu - Novinky
    VOYAGER --- ---
    „I když se nikdo nemůže vrátit a vytvořit zcela nový začátek, každý může začít teď a vytvořit zcela nový konec.“
    Carl Bard


    „Nevím, čím se bude bojovat ve třetí světové válce, ale ve čtvrté to budou klacky a kameny.“
    Albert E.

    „Válka je něco, co vytváří dav, národ, politikové, ideologové církve.
    Mír musí vytvořit každý jednotlivec.“
    VOYAGER --- ---
    🔴 Al Jazeera English | Live
    VOYAGER --- ---
    Perfektná debata v rakúskej TV o vojnových zločinoch USA !!!
    E2E4 --- ---
    Jen si tu odlozim k tomu 9/11. :)

    VOYAGER --- ---
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    VOYAGER: jj oni nevědi jak z toho ven a to se jim nepodaří pokud neuznají že AI jsou také živá .-)
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