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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    PLAYER --- ---
    Zpet k letadlum:

    A rabbit is pulled from a hat, a woman is sawed in half, a bird materializes under a handkerchief... How do you know that these are illusions created by trickery, and not things that really could happen? Because the science of the real world precludes these things from happening for real, so you know they have got to be tricks. The lady sawed in half does not leave a pool of blood on the floor, as she must if really cut in two. That exposes it as an illusion. So, circumstantial evidence of planes, without any physical evidence of them, tells you that it is an illusion. If you are able to believe that some 400 tons of aircraft, each with 2 million parts, could vaporize, disappear or otherwise be absent at the scene of 4 crash sites, then you are thinking like a child with little real world experience. Sweeping away what could not possibly have happened, reveals that what's being presented is the result of trickery.
    Let's try to think like the planners. They knew the results of this plan would be a high profile event. Meaning that it would be seen by lots of people from many different angles. While that doesn't mean that they cannot fudge some parts of it, any fudging would have to be so small and go by so quickly, that the artifact(s) it presented would be easy to either dismiss or confuse.
    On the side of the planners is the trauma and grief the masses will experience, which will almost totally consume them and prevent them from being willing to even look at any evidence or critically analyze any theory. Thus you will be stuck and will stay with the more "comfortable" story that outsiders (terrorist) did this, rather than people inside the gov't or that it might be the covert operation of an ally. That grief and trauma makes it easier to dismiss claims of culpability by anyone other than the accused terrorists, than to accept that you are being tricked by some carefully crafted plan by "insiders".
    Okay, so with the above in mind, let's look at the elements the planners needed to cover. First, since they plan to claim that the towers collapsed as a result of planes crashing into them, they need to know if planes, crashing into buildings can do such a thing. Any physicist, worth his/her salt, will look at the strengths of the materials involved and the energies available to easily figure out that the plane crashes would do minimal damage to the buildings, let alone fail to bring them down. Didn't the people who designed the building say that planes would cause minimal damage? Then that would have been the best information the planners had go go with.
    Thus, the planners quickly realize that, to achieve the results they desire -- that crashing planes did massive damage to the buildings and started large internal fires, they would have to plant explosives inside the buildings, otherwise the mission would fail. But then there are four problems that come with planting explosives inside the buildings.
    1. You've got select an impact site for each building.
    2. You've got to use explosives to augment these impact sites.
    3. The buildings collapse initiation has to align with the aircraft impact sites.
    4. Timing: If the impacts come too early or late, again the use of explosive charges is exposed.
    If they fail to cover these four points the event fails to be believable. If the impact creates too little damage, the event will not be believable. If the aircraft do not hit the augmentation points exactly, the use of explosives inside the buildings becomes apparent and finally if the collapse initiation does not begin at the impact level, the use of explosives is exhibited again.
    Now let's have a look at the "weapons of choice". The first choice would be to use real aircraft. But using real aircraft has too many uncontrollable problems. You cannot guarantee they will take off in time to meet any schedule, thus an operator would have to be assigned and trained to trigger the explosives at the exact time of the impact. But real people are unreliable, they itch, they sneeze, they have spasms. They get distracted and are sometimes slower or quicker to react than they should be. Could anyone really trust such a sensitive situation to the ministrations of a real person? Where even a split second too soon or too late would create massive, unmask-able problems.
    The aircraft too have idiosyncratic and phenomometric problems beyond the control of the pilots. Equipment can fail and scrub the flight, the vagaries of atmospheric anomalies, wind gusts, barometric inconsistencies tend to make flight times and target acquisition unpredictable, not to mention bird strikes.

    Then there's the human factor. Even people avowedly disposed to commit suicide in theory cannot always be relied upon to follow through in real life. A moment of indecision would be all it takes to ruin the entire plan. Worse yet, you have a goodly number of people on board the aircraft, hijackers included, anyone of whom could either intentionally or inadvertently interfere with the plan.

    The problem of accurately hitting a targeted point on a building with either a missile or drone is off the scales, since their accuracy, under the best of conditions would be 50 feet plus or minus, far too wide a margin for an exercise of this type. While drones can be controlled precisely enough for take offs and landings, you have to remember that these occur at very low speeds, not at 400 and 500 mph.

    So the planners face the problem of using a cgi, which can meet all of the above required criteria. So there's only one problem left: The eyewitnesses. To deal with the eyewitnesses who may say they did not see any planes, you simply get your cgi film on tv, by having a switch thrown in the stations control rooms. The newscasters are not going to question what is being shown on their own stations monitors. So, while there are a few people who did not see planes while standing there on the streets, they have no one to talk to, while the media is "informing" millions of people in the seconds and hours after the events. Having planted "eyewitnesses" out on the street goes a long way towards confusing and drowning out anyone who says they did not see a plane, because most people will feel they must be mistaken or otherwise in error.

    To be sure, if there were planes, people on the street would not say "I didn't see any plane", they would say "I didn't see THE PLANE", there's a big difference. One says that they believe there was a plane that they didn't see, while the other statement says that they were looking and did not see one. Finally, if there were real planes then nobody would say there were none, only that they didn't see any, but not that there weren't any. Many of the people who claimed to have seen the aircraft were discovered on later questioning, to have had no vantage point from which they could have seen the aircraft.
    Then there's the matter of sounds that jet aircraft make, with the engines open full bore, there should have been a deafening sound reverberating through the area, and unmistakable earsplitting roar of a jet at less than 1,000 feet above ground. The sounds heard in the amateur videos is inconsistent with the capture of a real jet aircraft, from video to video the sounds are different. That should not be the case. As they are all supposedly recording the same event.

    So, the only way we have to sort through the confusion is, to look at the video of the impacts. We see the aircraft slicing it's way completely into the building from wing tip to wing tip, with nothing breaking off and no damage being done to the facade of the building. Wings, carrying fuel, in real crashes, explode immediately on impact, yet we don't see that in the videos. There are no wake vortexes in the smoke and fire of the impacts, which shows that no aircraft has moved through that airspace.
    So, even while there are people claiming to have seen planes, the hard evidence of there having been planes is absent. The hard evidence of there having been hijackers is absent. Instead there is only highly questionable "evidence" of passengers, crew, planes and skyjackers. Cell phone calls that could not have been made. Black box data that does not support the official narrative of the events. Before flight 77 took off, as shown on the data recorder, Pilots for 911 Truth, who analyzed the data, discovered that the cockpit door was closed and never opened again. So, how could hijackers have entered the cockpit? If the door detection switch had failed the error would have either shown the error or shown the door opened. It remained closed from takeoff to impact.
    The only conclusion that sufficiently and credibly answers all of these anomalies is that there were no plane crashed on 911.
    GORG --- ---
    Pánové, ten pokec tady prosím ne.. vidíte už je tu desítky příspěvků, jejichž informační hodnota podložená referencemi je minimální, že si někdo nadává do libtardů nebo co si kdo myslí natož různá odfrknutí, kdo je větší dement

    nakonec tu budou stovky postů nějakýho flambování o ničem. jděte si povídat třeba do 3. světový.. já tam přístup nemám, tak vás tam ani nebudu rušit :-)
    RIVA --- ---
    Rachel Wilson on the occultic roots of feminism - Jerm Warfare
    RIVA --- ---
    Thread by @RealRichardPoe on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

    Most patriots agree that we're fighting something called "globalism."

    But what is it?

    Globalism was invented in Victorian England, and later pushed by the British Fabians.

    It is now the dominant belief system of today's world.

    George Orwell called it INGSOC...
    PLAYER --- ---
    Pro ty, co tam nebyli, jsem udělal kratší sestřih.

    9/11 Memorial & Museum TOUR
    GORG --- ---
    "Maximum collaboration" - WELT AM SONNTAG - 02/07/2021 - DeepL Translation German to English - Dokumenty Google

    celý text původního článku Die Welt "Maximum collaboration"
    GORG --- ---
    Německo dál ctí vědce, který prokazatelně experimentoval na lidech - Seznam Zprávy
    Vynikající vědec. Ambiciózní a ješitný člověk. Trochu podvodník. Z dnešního pohledu rasista a lékař, který neváhal porušovat etiku své profese. Robert Koch. Významně přispěl k léčbě jedné z nejničivějších nemocí – tuberkulózy.

    sounds good :)

    speaking of the devil.. Onehdá unikly e-maily Robert Koch Institutu, kde po něm vláda chtěla vypracovat doporučení, které odůvodní lockdowny ( = "Napište nám co nejstrašidelnější doporučení, ať můžeme mít dál co nejtvrdší opatření") :-)

    Interner E-Mail-Verkehr: Innenministerium spannte Wissenschaftler ein - WELT

    “Panic Paper” scandal in Germany | VK
    The 200 or so pages of e-mails thus prove that, at least in this case, the researchers were by no means acting as independently as scientists and the federal government have been constantly emphasizing since the beginning of the pandemic - but were working toward a predetermined, fixed result dictated by politicians.

    The correspondence originates from the RKI. A group of lawyers, represented by Berlin attorney Niko Härting, obtained them in a months-long legal dispute with the authority and made them available to the editors. The documents are blacked out in many places, but they reveal a lot about how the Interior Ministry influenced the researchers and how they collaborated to portray the situation as threatening as possible.

    Germany’s Federal Ministry of Interior Colluded With Scientists to Frighten the Public - Europe Reloaded

    Internal e-mail traffic: Ministry of the Interior engaged scientists - Teller Report
    In an email exchange, Markus Kerber, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior, asks a researcher to prepare a model upon the basis of which “measures of a preventative and repressive nature” could be planned.

    According to the correspondence, the scientists, in close coordination with the Ministry, compiled the contents for a secret paper in just four days. It was then released over various media in the days that followed.

    The paper included a “worst case scenario” according to which more than one million people could die from coronavirus in Germany, if social life were to continue as before the pandemic.


    // Do dnešního dne nelze o skandálu skoro na internetu nic najít. Většina toho je v němčině.. a z nějakého důvodu Google měl dlouho problém najít jediný článek. Až jsem skoro začal sám pochybovat, že se to vůbec stalo.

    Samotné interní dokumenty ministerstva, e-maily podléhaly pod utajení a podařilo se je zveřejněním až rozhodnutím berlínského soudu.
    VOYAGER --- ---
    VOYAGER: Šipka ukazuje na Ednu Cintronovou, která v posledních minutách svého života popírá oficiální verzi pouhou svou přítomností.

    GORG --- ---
    Where Did the Towers Go? Implications of the Forensic Study & Cover Up - Mobile/tablet version
    GORG --- ---
    Hurricane Erin - Pt.1 Manufactured Storm | IRREFUTABLE Episode 6
    PLAYER --- ---
    ...casto slycham, ze pry je v pohode, aby kridlo B767 prefiklo ocelovy sloup (a zmizelo za cca trema betonovyma podlazima), ze pry "protoze to je vysoka rychlost". Odhlednu od faktu, ze i tech prehnanych 580 mph, dle videa, neni ani nadzvukova rychlost a ze dle 3. Newtonova zakona nezalezi na tom, jaky objekt je v pohybu (jestli letadlo nebo barak) a podivejme se, jak se chova takova ocelova traverza vystrelena rychlosti 500 mph proti autu. Copak to asi udela s tim blokem motoru, ktery je ze slitiny hliniku? No podle 9/11 by se melo stat to, ze ten hlinikovy motor prefikne tu ocelovou traverzu jako nic, ze?

    Snowplow Split Evolution

    Jinak tady mate cast obvodovych sloupu primo z memorialu, kde se nesmi fotit ani natacet a docela to tam hlidali:
    GORG --- ---
    Levitation Effects Seen on 911
    GORG --- ---
    F-4 Phantom Jet Slams into Wall with its Afterburner On

    Plane vs. Bird: Boeing 737 Suffers Crazy Damage After Bird Strike

    PLAYER --- ---
    GORG: "Ta videa vypadaji skutecne trochu divne. vsechna. Obzvlast ta kde je to letadlo lepe videt - kdyz si to clk pusti slowmotion.. Letadlo doslova zmizi ve stene. V ty chvili tam neni ani zadna zjevna dira. Letadlo proste zmizi jako pruchodu maslem kdyz je velmi jednoduchy FX trikem zmizikovany . Zadny trosky, prach, nic :-) Proste zmizi ,) Par obladku asi koure a az pak nahle exploze nekde zevnitr.. "

    Podepisuju, uvazuji stejne. Jsou svedci, kteri tvrdi, ze videli letadlo, jsou svedci, kteri tvrdi, ze videli letadlo, ale nebylo slyset, jsou svedci, kteri tvrdi, ze videli letadlo bez jakychkoliv napisu ci znacek, jsou svedci, kteri tvrdi, ze i presto, ze v tu dobu cumeli nahoru, tak zadne letadlo nevideli, jako napriklad znamy "9/11" fotograf David Handschuh, ktery doslova v interview rekl, ze koukal nahoru, videl explozi, ale zadne letadlo. Poridil znamou fotku tesne po explozi, kde je videt vsechno mozne letet/padat z WTC, jenom ne nic, co by cokoliv pripominalo jakoukoliv soucastku z dopravniho letadla.

    Takze udajni ociti svedci v tom delaji gulas vskutku mimoradne velky, proto jim prikladam velmi malou vahu, jelikoz se jejich vypovedi lisi.

    XMEDA: zatim jak logicke, tak z hlediska rekneme forenznich dukazu a vselijakych zdokumentovanych jevu, se mi jevi jako velmi realna hypoteza nemeckeho fyzika Heinze Pommera, na jehoz knihu odkazuji nize. Vysvetluje v ni i nektere jevy, s kterymi si Judy Wood "nevi rady":

    9/11: nukleare Kriegsspiele der Oligarchen

    Navazuje vlastne na praci Dimitri Khalezova:
    911 The Third Truth Dimitri Khalezov full version

    "Kdyby meli americani technologie na nejaky holograficky projekce, davno by to pouzivali vojensky."

    Hele tohle je preci lichy argument. Nemuzeme preci vedet, co vse existuje a zdali a jak se to pouziva, natoz pred ocima verejnosti (zkus mrknout do historie na projekt Manhattan, kolik lidi vedelo, na cem ze to pracuji, nez to ty smradi shodili na Hiroshimu a Nagasaki). Treba takova DEW (directed energy weapon) se pro mnoho lidi stale jevi jako fantasmagoricka pohadka aka konspiracni teorie a pritom to je zjevne zcela realna zalezitost, minimlane pro US Army:

    Directed Energy Weapons
    XMEDA --- ---
    GORG: pentagonsky letadlo je divny ale resit povolenou maximalku je uplne jedno, ten drak letadla vydrzi podstatne vic, jenze nikoho netrapi delat repasi po vykonu, protoze to rozbili o barak. Je to jako u stihacky kdyz se pretahne na 9G.. ono to chvili snese, ale muze se tam nadelat more trhlin apod. Ale to je v tomto pripade fuk.
    GORG --- ---
    Tady je okamzik, kdy letadlo dokoncilo naraz do budovy WTC

    Je otazka, proc tam neni to letadlo videt, ani jeho trosky ... z tohodle screengrabu to ani nevypada, ze se tam v pristich par framech chysta mega exploze ... je tam jen malej oblacek neceho bileho.. (mozna zacinajici exploze vybusnin?) . Nemela by tam byt aspon videt dira po letadle, pokud se mu opravdu podarilo vletet cely dovnitr skrz ty ocelove sloupy?

    50 Views of Plane Impact in South Tower | 9/11 World Trade Center (2001)

    GORG --- ---
    9/11 Observable Evidence: Stairwell B Survivors
    GORG --- ---
    XMEDA: Tak profesionalni piloti hned tehda vypovedeli, ze sami by takovy manevr nedali. Je i otazka, jestli je fyzicky mozny pri dane rychlosti .. nevim, jestli u vsech, ale minimalne u toho v Pentagonu se tohle zpochybnovalo. V ruznych vyskach proste nejde litat jakoukoliv rychlosti... Ale do toho nevidim, jaky mely konkretni limit tahle dopravni letadla.

    Ja pripoustim moznost ledasceho.. nechavam si otevrenou mysl

    No pro vzdalene pilotovany letadlo by ale potrebovali ten Boeing na to asi upravit. Nevim jak by to bylo tezky zaridit, aby si nikdo nevsiml. Proste potrebujes pak skutecnej Boeing 747

    9/11 - Impossible Speeds from the Hijacked Aircraft?

    Jo koukám ta rychlost se řešila i u těch WTC letadel... v době nárazu měly letět 580 mil/hod .. v téhle nadmořské výšce prý ta letadla zvládnou max okolo 400 mil/hod

    Zjevne ale je, ze oficialni verze v tomhle nemohla byt pravda, aby to pilotovali lidi, kteri neumeli dobre ovladat ani Cesnu. To je male jednovrtulove letadelko. Natoz neco, co i profi piloti vnimaji jako neco, co by sami meli problem udelat. A dvakrat za sebou.. s obema letadly. A vypada to, ze se i ta letadla mela rozpadnout jeste pred narazem.

    V tomhle pripade se casto resi ne hologramy, ale ze to proste bylo CGI.. Ty letadla byly tehdy odvysilany i LIVE, ale to pry bylo taky CGI pomoci color maskingu asi.

    Objevilo se v prubehu let mnoho dalsich videi od lidi. Ta videa vypadaji skutecne trochu divne. vsechna. Obzvlast ta kde je to letadlo lepe videt - kdyz si to clk pusti slowmotion.. Letadlo doslova zmizi ve stene. V ty chvili tam neni ani zadna zjevna dira. Letadlo proste zmizi jako pruchodu maslem kdyz je velmi jednoduchy FX trikem zmizikovany . Zadny trosky, prach, nic :-) Proste zmizi ,) Par obladku asi koure a az pak nahle exploze nekde zevnitr..

    Tady uz se pak dostavame do riadnej paranoii, protoze tim padem by to video musela byt nejak kolaboracni falzifikace.
    Jakoze natrikovat vsechna ta videa je snadne.. a zvladnul bych to asi i ja s minimem znalosti VFX se stejnou kvalitou.

    Spis pochyby muze vyvolavat, ze by tito dodavatele museli zjevne nejak vedome se podilet na podvodu.

    Student shoots video of WTC on 9/11 A former NYU student ...
    XMEDA --- ---
    GORG: U vetsiny budov ty podzemni parkoviste znacne presahuji pudorys te budovy nahore.. protoze kapacita
    GORG --- ---
    The Miracle of Stairway B (2006)

    Další věc, kterou si ani nepamatuju, ale očividně v podzemí přežili záchranáři, a mluví se o zázraku

    Celá budova se zhroutí bořily se všechny podpěry vše vlastní vahou, ale z nějakého důvodu to ustalo na zemi a nešlo do spodních pater?

    A byla tam pod budovou i hráz (ci trubky?) držící vodu, která to taky přežila, jinak by tam byla záplava.

    Tady i nejaka fotka z toho podzemniho parkoviste... Tady to vypada uplne netknute

    Incredible never-before-seen images of the Ground Zero clean-up operation | Daily Mail Online

    A car park is remarkably preserved beneath the World Trade Center site on October 9, with one car seemingly escaping the devastation virtually unscathed

    A Morning That Shook the World: The Seismology of 9/11

    Dále nesrovnalosti v seismografech

    A záznam ani nemá žádnou P a S vlnu.

    The Seismology Of 9/11
    There are no P- or S-Waves, but the impacts of the buildings on the ground generated a sudden peak of short-lasting surface waves.


    Z nejakeho duvodu pad WTC 2 ma mnohem vetsi spike na richterove skale, i kdyz obe budovy jsou stejne velke.

    Podobne se vyjadruje tady typek z NIST. Zadny signifikatni zaznam na seismografu, ktery by odpovidal padu takove budovy.

    WTC Bathtub 9/11 analyzed by Dr Wood

    Tedy jakoby se ta budova promenila z vetsiny na prach uz behem samotneho padu jeste pred dopadem?

    FAQ #5: Do the seismic data from the events at the World Trade Center corroborate the eyewitness, video, and forensic evidence of controlled demolition?

    Tady se jeste rozebira, ze casove udaje ukazuji, ze ten zaznamenany otres byl jeste dopadem budovy dolu

    The gravitational potential energy associated with the collapse of each tower is at least
    1011 J. The energy propagated as seismic waves for ML 2.3 is about 106 to 107 J. Hence, only a
    very small portion of the potential energy was converted into seismic waves. Most of the energy
    went into deformation of buildings and the formation of rubble and dust.
    The perception of people in the vicinity of the collapses as reported in the media seems to be in full accord with the
    notion that ground shaking was not a major contributor to the collapse or damage to surrounding
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