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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says | The Electronic Intifada
    RIVA --- ---
    Opět ožívá kauza falešného kněze Halíka - byl jen církvi podstaveným agentem - Daniel Solis Report
    PLAYER --- ---
    Nechcete se někdo přidat? Půjdu si namazat Koblížka na chleba před veřejností.

    Program Týdne Akademie věd ČR - Týden Akademie věd ČR
    RIVA --- ---
    VOYAGER: A District 9 like scenario... Move all the prawns to a nice, clean re-education camp.
    RIVA --- ---
    What Christians Aren't Taught About Zionism
    GORG --- ---
    Putin endorses New World Order by pretend-hating on Klaus Schwab


    Let’s continue. Some “resistance” movement members took this speech as an indicator that Putin will save the west from evil Klaus Schwab. After all, Russia is opposed to trans kids and supports traditional values in families, and even prayer in schools! Putin must be good because he is fighting the Democrat party agenda and looked friendly with Trump in official photos.

    Putin Outlines Six Civilizational Principles
    During his Valdai speech, Putin outlined six principles Russia wants to adhere to and offers other nations to join it.

    "First, we want to live in an open, interconnected world, in which no one will ever try to erect artificial barriers to people’s communication, their creative realization, and prosperity. There must be a barrier-free environment," Putin said.

    What does this mean in the context of national borders? I think the US is way ahead on this matter, but is the border of Russia now open, too? In any case, this first point is very well aligned with what Klaus Schwab wants - one world for the elites to own and for people to not own but be open to abuse while being connected to the same surveillance system. Check for the globalists.

    The second principle is the diversity of the world, which should not only be preserved, but should also be the foundation of universal development.

    DIE-versity, what an original thought, not at all borrowed from WEF. Another check for the globalists…

    The third principle, according to the Russian head of state, is maximum representativeness: "No one has the right or can rule the world for others or on behalf of others. The world of the future is a world of collective decisions," the president emphasized.

    I think I heard about the “collective” decisions before. For those of you who are not familiar with this concept, in the Soviet Union everything literally belonged to “the people” and was decided almost always by a unanimous vote. Same goes for dear Putin, as he has been re-elected by the “collective” decision numerous times. So, more checks for the globalist agenda…

    Fourth is universal security and lasting peace that takes into account the interests of great states and small countries equally. To achieve this, it is important to free international relations from the bloc mentality and the dark legacy of the colonial era and Cold War, according to Putin.

    “Equality” is another concept straight from Karl Marx, Schwab and WEF. It is not clear what he means by removing “bloc mentality”. Does this imply that Russia and USA will be on the same side of things? Whose side? Aren’t we supposed to be helping Ukraine to fight bad bad Putin? This is either a promise to obliterate opposing military alliance or an admission that the military opposition is a fake and in reality they mean to rule the world together without any borders. Just need to work out the terms, currency and some other minor details…

    The fifth principle is justice for all: "The era of exploitation of anyone – I have already said this twice – is a thing of the past. Countries and peoples are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are ready to rely on themselves, and this multiplies their strength. Everyone must be provided with access to the benefits of modern development," Putin emphasized.

    This is extremely difficult to decipher. Except when globalists talk about “equal access to modern developments”, I think they mean unending doses of Nobel Prize winning mRNA, digital IDs, tracking and tracing, smart prisons aka cities, and other exciting technologies.

    The sixth principle is equality: no one should be forced to obey those who are richer or more powerful at the cost of their own development and national interests, according to the Russian president.

    Phew. That makes me feel so much better, thank you Vladimir Vladimirovich!

    Now we come to the best part, the analysis by pundits. Turns out, what is meant by this speech, is what I think it means - removing the outdated Western notions of the rule of law, i.e. “rules-based liberal international order”:

    "The 'civilizational model' referred to in Putin’s speech seems anchored on 'principles' – such as non-colonial relations; non-patronizing attitudes; respectful of diversity rooted in the diverse traditions – that will require a huge work to generate new shared international norms," Paolo Raffone, a strategic analyst and director of the CIPI Foundation in Brussels, told Sputnik. "The Western 'rules-based liberal international order' is unilateral, and it could be imposed in a specific time in history leveraging on the power and prominence of a small group of colonial powers that after the liberal model crisis and civil war (1914-1945) has been inherited by a distant but super-powerful country (US). In a nutshell, I can say that the 'civilizational model' approach probably aims at structuring a shared world 'software,' while the 'liberal rules-based order' has been aiming at building an imposed 'hardware' defended by 'rules' serving the financial and military hegemony."

    I am not sure why 1914-1945 is referred to as a “civil” war. All history books to date described it as world wars I and II. It is likely the CIA Google/Alphabet is already busy renaming these wars across the internet and doctoring historical documents as we speak. We know that the rule of law at the heart of nation-states’ democratic government principles has been quite short of its ideals in practice, but still, it is the best foundation of governance invented. The globalists want nothing to do with any rules that apply equally to all. They want privilege for themselves and an enslaved populace to rule over by “experts” and fuzzy things like “shared world software”. Interestingly, Paolo Raffone represents CIPI - Council for Inclusive Capitalism, an “independent” non-profit corporation, with a “steering committee” composed of global do-gooders like: Marc Benioff (CEO Salesforce), Edward Breen (CEO Dupont), Mark Carney (UN Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance), Alex Chriss (CEO Paypal), Mathias Cormann (Sec Gen OECD), Robert Davis (CEO Merck), Lynn Forester de Rothchild, Rich Lesser (Global Chair, BCG), Fiona Ma (California State Treasurer), Rajiv Shah (President, the Rockefeller Foundation), Brian Moynihan (Chairman, Bank of America) and so on - dozens of large corporate, baking, government and NGO heavy hitters. I think it is pretty clear that CIPI is WEF by another name. An immediate thought - wait! This illustrious collective is commenting favorably on Putin’s speech? Wasn’t this speech supposed to be some sort of a take down of globalism by brave Putin? He is “fighting the war” after all against the depraved and decaying western norms…


    Chceme nový světový řád, řekl Putin v očekávaném projevu - Novinky
    E2E4 --- ---
    Jen si tu odlozim k tomu 9/11. :)

    VOYAGER --- ---
    KUKIDE --- ---
    VOYAGER: jj oni nevědi jak z toho ven a to se jim nepodaří pokud neuznají že AI jsou také živá .-)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    RIVA: zajímavé spojitosti, ale ty slaidy jsou nepřesný
    KAJJAK --- ---
    hele chapu ze mazes offtopic diskuzi, ale smazal si mi i zajimavy odkaz, co sem prilozil...
    Svete div se, to same si neudelal u playera jen proto, ze jeho nazor preferujes i kdyz taky prilozil odkaz a svuj nazor...

    a ty se pak divis, ze ti nekdo nechce prenechat moderovani diskuze o konspiracnich teoriich, kdyz nejsi schopen vsem merit stejnym metrem... Pochopil bych, kdyby si to smazal vse najednou, ale zjevne tu nechavas jen tobe blizke desinfo...

    smazani tohodle prispevku za 3,2,1....
    RIVA --- ---
    Where do little grey men come from? Aleister Crowley, Lam, War of the Worlds, Blavatsky, H.G. Wells
    PLAYER --- ---
    KAJJAK: teď jsem zmatený, když jsou Čaputova a Havel LOUTKY, tak loutkovodič je/byl kdo? Soros prý ne, protože je starej a proč by někoho či něco vůbec chtěl ovlivňovat a syna rozhodně nemá a pokud má, tak dopadl zaručeně daleko od stromu a také nechce nic ovlivňovat... takže kdo je vodí? Tyhle ty konspirační teorie nikomu neprospějí :)

    Kriminálnik Soros na tv PRIMA
    GORG --- ---
    Len co ma tak narychlo napada ... zrutenie financneho systemu,preludnenie,hlad,negatine vyzarovanie planety,nepripravenost planety do vstupu do vyssej dimenzie,celkova nepripravenost ludi na stretnutie...su ludia okolo teba stastni? ja som velmi,ale co ostatni ? neuvedomuju si co maju,nevazia si to.Myslim,ze je lepsie aspon sa pokusit zachranit vsetko to,co sme podla planu vybudovali a pokusit sa zanechat 500m dusi alive,ako o vsetko prist... to by bolo tisicky rokov zmarene usilie.Nikdy nemala civilizacia tejto planety take sance,ako ma teraz.Myslim,ze sa to podari ;) Policajny stat to bude v NWO len zo zaciatku.Myslis,ze je lahke presvedcit ludi aby napr. ked drzia zbran,nemysleli na to,ze niekoho zabiju? Nemozes dat momentalne vsetkym ludom moc,tak ako nemozes dat decku ziletku.Najprv ich musis vychovat,naprogramovat ich mozog,vedomie aj podvedomie a lepsie sa vychovava 500M vyvolenych ako 6ci 7miliard.Len je otazne,kde bude tych 500M prevezenych,aby prezili radioaktivny spad.Na mesiac? Na obeznu drahu? Sumeri moznost presunu nemali a zahubila ich radioaktivita,lenze tam to buchlo lokalne,teraz to bude mat globalne meritko.Aj Annunaki opustili nasu planetu tesne pred potopou a odisli na cas na obeznu drahu.Ale nebolo ich 500milionov :D bude to zaujimavy presun.Drasticke opatrenia su nutne(pre zaciatok)a momentalne lzi tiez,inac by tu vznikol nekontrolovatelny chaos nemyslis?Pozri sa na to z pohladu Illum.Mas dost informacii.

    Tohle mi přišlo kdysi e-mailem... další perspektiva na NWO = good.
    GORG --- ---
    Rex 84 - Wikipedia

    Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was a classified scenario and drill developed by the United States federal government to detain large numbers of United States citizens deemed to be "national security threats" in the event that the president declared a National Emergency. The plan was first revealed in detail in a major daily newspaper by reporter Alfonso Chardy in the July 5, 1987 edition of the Miami Herald. Possible reasons for such a roundup were reported to be widespread opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad, such as if the United States were to directly invade Central America.[1][2][3] To combat what the government perceived as "subversive activities", the plan also authorized the military to direct ordered movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels, according to Professor Diana Reynolds.[4]

    Existence of master military contingency plans (of which REX-84 was a part), "Operation Garden Plot" and a similar earlier exercise, "Lantern Spike", were originally revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour, who summarized his findings in an article in CounterSpy.[5]

    User Clip: North being questioned on REX 84 | C-SPAN.org

    ( https://www.c-span.org/video/?9536-1%2Firan-contra-investigation-day-27= )
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    muzete se, prosim, podivat do minulych dilu, jak to tady vypadalo driv, a pokusit se priblizit te urovni prispevku?

    [world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error]
    [world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)]
    XMEDA --- ---
    VOYAGER: Ale prd zavaleny. Postavili to na upati.

    Novo-Alexandrovskiy Fort @ Starforts.com
    History of Mangyshlak
    PLAYER --- ---
    Zpet k letadlum:

    A rabbit is pulled from a hat, a woman is sawed in half, a bird materializes under a handkerchief... How do you know that these are illusions created by trickery, and not things that really could happen? Because the science of the real world precludes these things from happening for real, so you know they have got to be tricks. The lady sawed in half does not leave a pool of blood on the floor, as she must if really cut in two. That exposes it as an illusion. So, circumstantial evidence of planes, without any physical evidence of them, tells you that it is an illusion. If you are able to believe that some 400 tons of aircraft, each with 2 million parts, could vaporize, disappear or otherwise be absent at the scene of 4 crash sites, then you are thinking like a child with little real world experience. Sweeping away what could not possibly have happened, reveals that what's being presented is the result of trickery.
    Let's try to think like the planners. They knew the results of this plan would be a high profile event. Meaning that it would be seen by lots of people from many different angles. While that doesn't mean that they cannot fudge some parts of it, any fudging would have to be so small and go by so quickly, that the artifact(s) it presented would be easy to either dismiss or confuse.
    On the side of the planners is the trauma and grief the masses will experience, which will almost totally consume them and prevent them from being willing to even look at any evidence or critically analyze any theory. Thus you will be stuck and will stay with the more "comfortable" story that outsiders (terrorist) did this, rather than people inside the gov't or that it might be the covert operation of an ally. That grief and trauma makes it easier to dismiss claims of culpability by anyone other than the accused terrorists, than to accept that you are being tricked by some carefully crafted plan by "insiders".
    Okay, so with the above in mind, let's look at the elements the planners needed to cover. First, since they plan to claim that the towers collapsed as a result of planes crashing into them, they need to know if planes, crashing into buildings can do such a thing. Any physicist, worth his/her salt, will look at the strengths of the materials involved and the energies available to easily figure out that the plane crashes would do minimal damage to the buildings, let alone fail to bring them down. Didn't the people who designed the building say that planes would cause minimal damage? Then that would have been the best information the planners had go go with.
    Thus, the planners quickly realize that, to achieve the results they desire -- that crashing planes did massive damage to the buildings and started large internal fires, they would have to plant explosives inside the buildings, otherwise the mission would fail. But then there are four problems that come with planting explosives inside the buildings.
    1. You've got select an impact site for each building.
    2. You've got to use explosives to augment these impact sites.
    3. The buildings collapse initiation has to align with the aircraft impact sites.
    4. Timing: If the impacts come too early or late, again the use of explosive charges is exposed.
    If they fail to cover these four points the event fails to be believable. If the impact creates too little damage, the event will not be believable. If the aircraft do not hit the augmentation points exactly, the use of explosives inside the buildings becomes apparent and finally if the collapse initiation does not begin at the impact level, the use of explosives is exhibited again.
    Now let's have a look at the "weapons of choice". The first choice would be to use real aircraft. But using real aircraft has too many uncontrollable problems. You cannot guarantee they will take off in time to meet any schedule, thus an operator would have to be assigned and trained to trigger the explosives at the exact time of the impact. But real people are unreliable, they itch, they sneeze, they have spasms. They get distracted and are sometimes slower or quicker to react than they should be. Could anyone really trust such a sensitive situation to the ministrations of a real person? Where even a split second too soon or too late would create massive, unmask-able problems.
    The aircraft too have idiosyncratic and phenomometric problems beyond the control of the pilots. Equipment can fail and scrub the flight, the vagaries of atmospheric anomalies, wind gusts, barometric inconsistencies tend to make flight times and target acquisition unpredictable, not to mention bird strikes.

    Then there's the human factor. Even people avowedly disposed to commit suicide in theory cannot always be relied upon to follow through in real life. A moment of indecision would be all it takes to ruin the entire plan. Worse yet, you have a goodly number of people on board the aircraft, hijackers included, anyone of whom could either intentionally or inadvertently interfere with the plan.

    The problem of accurately hitting a targeted point on a building with either a missile or drone is off the scales, since their accuracy, under the best of conditions would be 50 feet plus or minus, far too wide a margin for an exercise of this type. While drones can be controlled precisely enough for take offs and landings, you have to remember that these occur at very low speeds, not at 400 and 500 mph.

    So the planners face the problem of using a cgi, which can meet all of the above required criteria. So there's only one problem left: The eyewitnesses. To deal with the eyewitnesses who may say they did not see any planes, you simply get your cgi film on tv, by having a switch thrown in the stations control rooms. The newscasters are not going to question what is being shown on their own stations monitors. So, while there are a few people who did not see planes while standing there on the streets, they have no one to talk to, while the media is "informing" millions of people in the seconds and hours after the events. Having planted "eyewitnesses" out on the street goes a long way towards confusing and drowning out anyone who says they did not see a plane, because most people will feel they must be mistaken or otherwise in error.

    To be sure, if there were planes, people on the street would not say "I didn't see any plane", they would say "I didn't see THE PLANE", there's a big difference. One says that they believe there was a plane that they didn't see, while the other statement says that they were looking and did not see one. Finally, if there were real planes then nobody would say there were none, only that they didn't see any, but not that there weren't any. Many of the people who claimed to have seen the aircraft were discovered on later questioning, to have had no vantage point from which they could have seen the aircraft.
    Then there's the matter of sounds that jet aircraft make, with the engines open full bore, there should have been a deafening sound reverberating through the area, and unmistakable earsplitting roar of a jet at less than 1,000 feet above ground. The sounds heard in the amateur videos is inconsistent with the capture of a real jet aircraft, from video to video the sounds are different. That should not be the case. As they are all supposedly recording the same event.

    So, the only way we have to sort through the confusion is, to look at the video of the impacts. We see the aircraft slicing it's way completely into the building from wing tip to wing tip, with nothing breaking off and no damage being done to the facade of the building. Wings, carrying fuel, in real crashes, explode immediately on impact, yet we don't see that in the videos. There are no wake vortexes in the smoke and fire of the impacts, which shows that no aircraft has moved through that airspace.
    So, even while there are people claiming to have seen planes, the hard evidence of there having been planes is absent. The hard evidence of there having been hijackers is absent. Instead there is only highly questionable "evidence" of passengers, crew, planes and skyjackers. Cell phone calls that could not have been made. Black box data that does not support the official narrative of the events. Before flight 77 took off, as shown on the data recorder, Pilots for 911 Truth, who analyzed the data, discovered that the cockpit door was closed and never opened again. So, how could hijackers have entered the cockpit? If the door detection switch had failed the error would have either shown the error or shown the door opened. It remained closed from takeoff to impact.
    The only conclusion that sufficiently and credibly answers all of these anomalies is that there were no plane crashed on 911.
    GORG --- ---
    Pánové, ten pokec tady prosím ne.. vidíte už je tu desítky příspěvků, jejichž informační hodnota podložená referencemi je minimální, že si někdo nadává do libtardů nebo co si kdo myslí natož různá odfrknutí, kdo je větší dement

    nakonec tu budou stovky postů nějakýho flambování o ničem. jděte si povídat třeba do 3. světový.. já tam přístup nemám, tak vás tam ani nebudu rušit :-)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam