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    ztracené heslo?
    HAWLISobrazky, co mne rozstipou - CTI ZAHLAVI !!! (tzn. primárně formou či obsahem nadpruměrné, nikoli vtipné, morbidní a WTF)
    ANICZKA --- ---
    Meet Schildi the tortoise. He was found abandoned with a badly injured leg. His new owners took him to a vet, where his leg was amputated and this rather unique prosthetic was fashioned for him from lego.

    SUMKOKO --- ---
    Demonstration of condom usage at a public market in Jayapura, capital of Papua, 2009

    NYKRUK --- ---
    těžba ropy v Barmě
    via iHNed, Reuters

    JOHN_KRYSPIN --- ---
    Děti si hrajou na stavbu Berlínské zdi

    HARDCABB --- ---

    A crew of four was conducting routine maintenance to the 67 meter high turbine. They were in a gondola next to the turbine when a fire broke out. The fire quickly engulfed the only escape route (the stairs in the shaft), trapping two of the maintenance crew on top of the turbine. One of them jumped down and was found in a field next to the turbine. The other victim was found by a special firefighter team that ascended the turbine when the fire died down a bit. The cause of the fire is unknown, but is believed to be a short circuit.
    VESNACH --- ---
    SHUVIT --- ---
    middle + off
    Pod odkazem najdete štípání na hooodně dlouho...

    M_A_I_A_ --- ---
    Milujúci otec fotí unikátne návyky svojho autistického syna.

    SLASH --- ---
    Photo safari with a cheetah

    Location-Hoedspruit , Tshukudu Game Lodge, http://500px.com/photo/43426724
    BILY_HAVRAN --- ---
    YARARA: pravda, ovšem já volím předposlední

    Alex Honnold is an America rock climber who often goes without any safety ropes to catch him if he makes a mistake and falls. The photo above shows him in the middle of a solo free climb of Half Dome in Yosemite National Park in California.
    YARARA --- ---
    tezke vybrat tu nejvic stipajici, tak beru tu prvni

    Proposed spending cuts for the Spanish region of Catalonia in 2013 caused this fight to break out in Barcelona between riot police and firefighters afraid they or other public employees may lose their jobs.

    29 Photos That Put All Of Our Struggles In Perspective
    MIRIAMKA --- ---
    KERRAY --- ---

    hong kong
    AKANTOR --- ---

    City Hall, Chicago
    NAGASAWA --- ---

    11 acres of wasteland in Belfast's docklands have been transformed into a landmark art installation — a portrait of a young girl's face made from grass, stones and thousands of tonnes of soil and sand.
    BENAC --- ---
    Omluva za dodatecny post: komentar a popisek k nejvetsimu nakladnimu autu Terex Titan (zeleny monster)
    Guinness world records - nejvetsi trinapravove nakladni vozidlo
    - Rozmery d x s x v (20,35 x 7,8 x 6,88 m)
    - celkova hmotnost NA vcetne nakladu 550 000 kg
    - maximalni hmotnost nakladu 320 000 kg
    - kazda z celkem 10 ti pneumatik meri v prumeru cca 3,4 m a vazi okolo 4 t
    - kazde kolo vazi okolo 8 t
    - diesel motor o objemu valce 165,12 l (10320 cubic inch)
    - vykon 3300 HP (2427 kW)
    - spotřeba paliva cca 1000 galonu/den (cca 3780 l/den)
    BENAC --- ---

    PREDSEDA --- ---
    SHUVIT: To spíš tahle:

    ADMIX --- ---
    "My dad giving a thirsty bear some soda sometime in the 50's."

    KERRAY --- ---
    vesnice v Iránu
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam