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    ztracené heslo?
    HAWLISobrazky, co mne rozstipou - CTI ZAHLAVI !!! (tzn. primárně formou či obsahem nadpruměrné, nikoli vtipné, morbidní a WTF)
    SKYRAY --- ---
    Omlouvam se, pokud to nekomu neprijde extra stipajici, ale mne tato perspektiva rozstipala.
    (kdyztak to klidne smazte)

    LORD_DE_SEIS --- ---
    Pokud by to nebylo na první pohled patrné - ten průchod vlevo jsou skutečný, zbytek je namalovaný

    VITEX --- ---
    The Inca-built "Stair of Death" leads to the summit of Huayna Picchu, towering over 8,850 feet (2,700 meters) in Peru.

    Created 600 years ago, these precarious stone steps allow access to the top, where the Incas constructed temples and terraces.

    The sheer vertical climb is a testament to their architectural ingenuity and resilience, as they transformed the rugged landscape into functional spaces while connecting the sacred site to the sky.

    KUKEN --- ---
    Led na řece Carbon WA, USA

    SKYRAY --- ---
    This is one of the strangest and rarest plants on the planet, the puya Raimondi. It grows over 3800 msnm, reaches 12 meters. It takes 100 years to reach maturity, blooms once in a lifetime, for a whole year, there is no other plant that blooms so long, then spreads its seeds and dies by self-combustion.

    EZOUN --- ---
    Francie, 1980 / 140 psů, utracených SP (Společnost na ochranu zvířat), bylo umístěno na dálnici Magny-Cours.
    Majitelé dali své mazlíčky usmrtit, protože.nenašli nikoho, u koho bychom je nechali, když odjížděli na dovolenou.
    Fotografie se stala symbolem maloměšťáctví, společenské stupidity, nelásky ke všemu živému.
    Pro jejich majitele se ukázalo, že dovolená je důležitější život zvířete.

    Na žádost fotografa bylo na dálnici vedoucí do přímořského letoviska vyloženo 140 psů, utracených za pouhé dva dny!

    SKYRAY --- ---
    Frozen Niagara Falls, 1911.

    GREATDRAKE --- ---
    BOYLER --- ---

    MULTICAT --- ---
    Artist Hadi Rahnaward: 'Fragile Balance' (2023) rug sculpture created with matches

    BASSQUIAT --- ---
    když ještě nebyla technika schopná zaznamenat to, čemu dnes říkáme cílová fotografie... LOH v Tokiu (1964)
    BASSQUIAT --- ---
    pozorovatelna ve Flandrech během bitev 1. světové; nejedná se o reálný strom, celé je to kopie vzniknuvší v ateliérech Josepha Solomona
    RAPHAEL_KOSMOS --- ---
    This is what an Igloo looks like when you build a fire inside. The fire inside melts the inner layer of ice, and the cold outside refreezes it adding a layer of insulation that can keep the igloo at 60° inside while it's -50° outside.

    GURBON --- ---

    A green death. The oriental whip snake caught a green crested lizard and was in the process of swallowing it. I had a telephoto lens on to be able to snap this photo from far away enough not to disturb its meal. I’ve been hoping to find a predation with these two species for a while now because of how they look. The details and colours are so vibrant and every shade of green, synonymous with life.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Athény, včera v noci, z okénka dopravního letadla
    CHOSE_ --- ---
    It's not a spaceship, it's the main stage of Ozora 2024.
    (src: https://www.facebook.com/awtransform/)

    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    ..designed 35 years ago..

    N_I --- ---
    S2FI --- ---
    A young girl has bought food. On her way home, she must use an airsoft machine gun to avoid being attacked and the food stolen by the monkeys.

    HARDCABB --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam