Už teď to mají nastavené v Kanadě docela přísně, a teď plánují toto:
Liberals to look at 'full ban' on handguns, assault weapons
For those who aren't aware, in Canada we require a Posessions and Acquisitions License (PAL) to purchase ANY firearm, and must present the PAL whenever we purchase ammunition in any quantity whether it be a box or a case of shells. This goes for all long guns (rifles and shotguns). Additionally, you need a Restricted PAL to purchase handguns and handgun ammunition, a regular PAL wont allow you to even purchase ammo for a handgun. The PAL and RPAL courses are federal courses and do not deviate. The process is so stringent that the PAL is considered a valid form of government photo ID throughout Canada. Additionally, if you have a criminal record, you are not eligible for a PAL or RPAL (exceptions once the record has been expunged) and if you go through a divorce, you must wait for 5(?) years before being allowed to reapply for a PAL, and if your ex says that he/she fears for their safety knowing that you are in posession of a firearm, they have grounds to deny your application.
Many places require you to be a member of a local gun club or shooting range and show proof of membership in order to purchase a handgun, since a registered club or range is the only place you can legally discharge a handgun on Canada.
On top of that, handguns MUST be registered with the federal government upon purchase or acquisition from another person. (The long gun registry was scrapped a few years back.) So the government, when done legally, can trace the serial number of any handgun back through every owner that gun has had.
On top of THAT, a handgun must legally be stored in a locked case at all times, away from its ammunition and its magazines while in the home. You may also only ever have a handgun in your vehicle or on your person while travelling to or from a registered gun club or shooting range. That handgun must be in a locked case with a locked trigger guard on it while travelling as well. As mentioned above, shooting ranges and gun clubs are the only place that a handgun can legally be fired in Canada, there is no allowance for handgun hunting in Canada.
So with all the restrictions and legislations that we have in place, the suggestion that handgun crime is primarily the fault of LEGALLY obtained handguns is absolutely ludicrous.