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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    imho je to plakat na stenu ve stylu zednarskych iniciacnich koberecku... from darkness to light.. hmmm ;) skoda ze to nejde zvetsit
    JAXXE --- ---
    Camp X-Ray plans chamber of death

    By Joe Murphy, Whitehall Editor, Evening Standard
    11 June 2003

    Britain is making urgent appeals to the United States after it emerged that a death chamber is being planned at Guantanamo Bay.

    American military officials confirmed they have drawn up blueprints for an execution room at the \"Camp X-Ray\" Cuban military base where eight Britons are among hundreds of suspected Muslim terrorist prisoners.

    MPs warned of an international outcry if any of the captives were executed without a proper trial and right of appeal.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The Blue Pill People

    by Hari Heath

    There are none so blind as those who will not look. If you are one of those who will look, take a look around. You are surrounded -- surrounded by millions who will not look. These are the blue pill people. Who are these blue pill people and why won\'t they look?

    \"The Matrix\" may be only a movie, but it presents some scenarios with much relevance to our current situation. In the movie, Neo meets Morpheus and is offered an opportunity and a choice. Neo can take the red pill and see the truth for himself, or he can take the blue pill and return, comfortably unaware, to the illusion of the Matrix. There he can live out his life undisturbed by the truth. The truth depicted in The Matrix is an extreme version of modern socialism.

    In the futuristic scenario of the movie, a massive array of human beings are kept in self-contained pods that resemble artificial wombs. These \"row-cropped\" human entities are maintained in their pods, from their in vitro conception until they are no longer useful to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) entity. The AI entity needs certain things from these \"humans\" for its own sustenance, so it continuously breeds new human crops and extracts from them what it needs. In return, the AI entity supplies the humans\' needs with several permanent intravenous connections and a neural link. The neural link provides the pod-bound humans with a complete illusion -- the Matrix. In the AI-created illusion the humans have a normal life in a real world. In reality, however, the civilized world was destroyed some time ago and humans have been harvested as crops for the benefit of the Al entity ever since. The Matrix is a complete digital holographic type \"world\" created by the AI entity to mentally contain its human crops while it extracts what it needs from their pod-bound bodies.

    In the movie, when Morpheus is about to offer Neo the choice between either the red pill or the blue pill, he explains:

    \"You\'re here because you know something. What you know you can\'t explain -- but you feel it. You\'ve felt it your entire life; that there\'s something wrong with the world; you don\'t know what it is, but it\'s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I\'m talking about?\"

    \"The Matrix,\" Neo asks?

    \"Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. Even in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes; it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.\"

    And Neo asks, \"What truth?\"

    \"That you are a slave Neo, like everyone else, you were born into bondage; born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch; a prison for your mind. Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to experience it for yourself.\"

    Those few humans who were either born into reality, or have successfully taken the red pill, become the focus of the movie\'s story -- their attempts to destroy the Matrix and liberate the mass of humanity that lives completely encapsulated in their pods and the illusions fed to them by the powers that be -- powers that will go to any length to maintain the illusion.

    Extreme, but not much different than our modern system of corporate government and capitalistic socialism. The governing powers need things from us, not the least of which is our consent. To obtain our consent we are fed all manner of benefits. We are programmed from an early age to believe that such benefits are necessary. To obtain these benefits, a number of conduits are attached to each of us. Adhesion contracts like Social Security, a driver\'s license; voter registration for a pretended choice of social masters, bank accounts where credit is manufactured for our use and other memberships, registrations, licenses, deeds and permits to insure the conduct of our affairs will be confined within the \"matrix\" of corporate governance.

    We are given our own numbered \"pod,\" a social net provided by the government. Educated according to mandates of the state, our belief system is further cultured by corporate media.

    There are various forms of \"welfare\" should we succumb to poverty or disease. If we are threatened or in danger we can call 911. Government\'s job of \"securing\" us is made easier by the massive database tracking our movements, our finances, the location of our homes and businesses and our tax records. When old age creeps up, we can rely on government to take care of us.

    The corporate/government/financial interface combines to create a massive illusion of benefits -- the American dream. For the price of a promise to indebt our future labors, pay our taxes and play within the system, there are seemingly limitless toys, castles, comforts and consumables for those who believe in this Matrix. For half our productivity taken in taxes (the other half in payments) and the deeds and title to whatever we think we own, government and its private affiliates will take care of us.

    To live in this Matrix, all we have to surrender is any genuine sense of independence, personal responsibility and our right to live freely and actually own the fruits of our labors.

    And, like in the movie, a contingent of agents are deployed to combat any renegade humans who have a will for freedom from the Matrix which surrounds us.

    As Morpheus expiained, \"The Matrix is a system Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds we are trying to save. Until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they\'ll fight to protect it.\"

    Why will blue pill people fight to protect a Matrix that enslaves them? It\'s all they know. And all their toys, castles, comforts and consumables will be gone without the Matrix. Their whole illusionary existence will evaporate, leaving them naked and alone.

    What won\'t the blue pill people in our current \"real\" world look at? They refuse to acknowledge they are they are funding their enslavement to a socialist homeland police state. Last month, a few \"red pill\" people traveled to D.C. for an eloquent conclusion to Freedom Drive 2002, exposing the fraud of the l6th Amendment, the IRS, and the federal income tax. But the blue pill people remained comfortably in their coma, ever willing to pay a tax they do not owe. They fund Congress and the Nazi/moron president\'s implementation of America\'s new Third Reich, so they can feel \"secure.\"

    And, so the blue pill people can finally understand what really happened the morning of September 11, 2001, Henry Kissinger, the angel of death and global tyranny, will investigate the facts and tell us the blue-pill truth. Will Americans really believe the Doctor of genocide?

    Hidden away on the 6th floor of the Department of Justice building is the secret FISA Court. U. S. attorneys have been going there for years to get secret search warrants from in-house, rubberstamp judges under the guise of \"national security.\" This parallel \"legal\" system can order clandestine searches of citizens\' and non-citizens\' homes. From the \"evidence\" gathered, we can be secretly declared \"enemy combatants\" and held indefinitely at U. S. military bases.

    Remember the detainment camps those paranoid conspiracy theorists told you about years ago?

    U.S. officials claim they can detain and interrogate enemy combatants until the executive branch declares an end to the war on terrorism. This includes no access to lawyers or family members; investigations, interrogations, trials and punishments can be held without the protections secured by the Constitution. The Nazi/moron president\'s administration says there is ample precedent for what it is doing. Are we following the \"ample precedent\" of a man named Hitler?

    Meanwile, the Congress has passed the American Gestapo Authorization (Homeland Security) Act which defines a terrorist as:

    \"The term \"terrorism\' means any activity that -- involves an act that is dangerous to human life or potentially destructive of critical infrastructure or key resources; and is a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State or other subdivision of the United States; and appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.\"

    As a test for social compliance, 838 blue pillers recently passed blissfully through an unconstitutional random roadblock in Pittsburgh without \"seeing\" the real \"terrorists\" in Homeland Security\'s new America -- the police state (See page 22). Is our present police state \"dangerous to human life\" and \"destructive of critical infrastructure\" like the Bill of Rights? Is it \"against the laws\" (18 USC 241; 242) to deprive a citizen of their right to travel and be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects? Do random roadblocks, by design, \"intimidate or coerce a civilian population?\" What happens if you don\'t comply with the roadblock?

    The next test for blue pill compliance will be mass inoculations for smallpox. Will the blue pill population literally trample all over each other to get their shots as some officials predict? Has the vaccination \"matrix\" been so well entrenched in the blue pillers\' minds that they will actually let mercury, monkey puss and aborted fetal tissue be injected under their skin based on an unproven theory that such things promote health and prevent disease?

    And what greater \"matrix\" is there, than our current \"fiat;\' financial system? We \"believe\" that a piece of paper with the picture of a dead president has the value of the number printed on it and that one dead president is more valuable than another. We don\'t even consider that the use of this dead president paper is the direct cause of our own enslavement.

    Have you ever seen your bank account? It\'s not there. Only the slight-of-hand practiced by the teller and the accountant behind the scenes makes this illusion look real to the blue pill people.

    How deep does the rabbit hole go? Near the end of the movie, the Matrix\'s agent Smith acclaims the virtues of the Matrix to the captive red pill people\'s leader Morpheus: \"Have you ever stood and stared at it? Marveled at is beauty; its genius? Billions of people, just living out their lives -- oblivious.\"

    From the December 2002 Idaho Observer:

    sent in by Eolake Stobblehouse

    JAXXE --- ---

    June 10 (EIRNS)--EIR\'s Ongoing Investigation:


    Lyndon LaRouche has called for the investigation of credible, but, as yet uncorroborated reports received from Israeli sources, that Israel\'s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, in collusion with elements of the Hamas organization, is scheming to sabotage President George W. Bush\'s road map initiative for Israeli-Palestinian peace, through a series of planned terrorist actions in the Middle East, and, possibly, inside the U.S.A..

    The source report centered on four actions, now purported to be in the planning or implementation stages.

    1. Mossad chief Meir Dagan, a longtime Sharon accomplice in criminal activities, has reportedly reached a secret deal with some Hamas leaders, to stage a series of terrorist disruptions of President Bush\'s peace initiative. These actions will, in turn, trigger counter-moves by Israeli intelligence and security forces, to create a cascading cycle of violence, and, thus, kill the road map implementation. Already, the weekend attacks on Israeli Defense Force units in the Gaza Strip, and Tuesday morning\'s \"retaliatory\" assassination attempt, in Gaza City, of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi, fit this all-too-familiar profile. Ha\'aretz reported June 10 on statements from White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, that President Bush was \"deeply troubled\" by the Israeli Defense Force missile strike on the car carrying Rantisi and members of his family.

    2. Both Hamas elements involved in the Dagan deal, and underground cells of Jewish settlers, are reportedly plotting the assassination of Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), as well as the elimination of Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat. The assassination of either man, particularly if the killing were to be traced to Jewish settlers, would set of an immediate violent conflict in all of the occupied territories.

    3. The same sources report that the IDF has been pre-positioning the needed infrastructure, in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, to facilitate mass relocation of Palestinians, in line with the long-stated policy of some of the radical rightists in Israel for the \"mass transfer\"—i.e., \"ethnic cleansing\"—of the three million Palestinians living in the occupied terroritories. This policy is otherwise known as \"Jordan is Palestine.\" The Israeli sources reported that Prime Minister Sharon was deeply disturbed by the obvious close relationship between U.S. President Bush and Jordanian King Abdallah II, during the recent summit meeting in Aqaba, Jordan.

    4. An \"Arab-designated\" terrorist attack on U.S. soil is also reportedly being set in place by Sharon\'s longtime partner in crime, \"Dirty\" Rafi Eytan, the former Mossad official and chief of the Lekem spy unit, that recruited and deployed Jonathan Jay Pollard during the early- and mid-1980s. According to both Israeli and American law enforcement sources, Eytan has made several covert trips to the United States over the past 12 months, traveling under an assumed name and forged passport, to set such an \"Arab\" terrorist option in place.

    LaRouche noted, in issuing his call for a broad probe into the qualified intelligence report, that the article in the May 10 edition of Ha\'aretz newspaper by Akiva Eldar, detailing the harsh exchanges between President Bush and members of the Israeli delegation at Aqaba, including Prime Minister Sharon, confirmed his own assessments of President Bush\'s serious committment to the road map. This factor, LaRouche emphasized, places greater urgency on serious investigation of the reported schemes to kill the President\'s peace initiative.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bilderberg conference 2003: Versailles, Paris, France

    JAXXE --- ---
    UK \'sells\' bomb material to Iran

    DTI is accused of approving controversial exports

    British officials have approved the export of key components needed to make nuclear weapons to Iran and other countries known to be developing such weapons.

    An investigation by BBC Radio 4 programme File on Four will disclose that the Department of Trade and Industry allowed a quantity of the metal, Beryllium, to be sold to Iran last year.

    That metal is needed to make nuclear bombs.



    Rumsfeld Says Iran May Have Nuclear Weapons Soon

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) today unveils federal legislation calling for mandatory disclosures on consumer products containing radio frequency identification (RFID) chips. The \"RFID Right to Know Act of 2003\" would protect consumers against unwittingly purchasing products embedded with remote surveillance devices.

    RFID chips are tiny tracking devices that transmit product information by radio waves. These devices can be smaller than a grain of sand and can be hidden in consumer products, making the products remotely trackable. For example, the chips can be embedded in ATM cards, sewn into the seams of pants, or woven into shirt labels without their owners\' knowledge.

    \"RFID technology is moving forward at an incredible pace, and there is an urgent need for this legislation,\" says CASPIAN Founder and Director Katherine Albrecht. \"Companies have already begun embedding these chips in products people buy today. For all you know, these chips could be in your home now. The problem is you have no way of knowing.\"

    Albrecht paints a picture of the implications: “Imagine walking into a store and having a computer take an inventory of everything you\'re wearing--right down to the size and color of your underwear. Store employees could even read the contents of your wallet to determine whether you\'re a desirable customer or someone they want to ignore based on your financial value. The possibilities for discrimination are quite disturbing.”

    CASPIAN has already called for a moratorium on the use of RFID chips in consumer products until the societal implications can be addressed. However, in light of the fact that Wal-Mart, the nation\'s largest retailer, is forging ahead with the technology, legislation to protect consumers is urgently needed.

    In addition to requiring mandatory labeling to alert consumers to the presence of RFID chips, the legislation would make it illegal for companies to link the chips with personally identifying information.

    The \"RFID Right to Know Act of 2003\" was authored for CASPIAN by Zoe Davidson of the Boston University Legislative Clinic. The full text of the legislation and a summary are available for review at the CASPIAN web site.
    (See http://www.nocards.org.)

    About CASPIAN

    CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering) is a grass-roots consumer organization fighting retail surveillance schemes since 1999. With thousands of members around the world and in all 50 U.S. states, CASPIAN seeks to educate consumers about marketing strategies that invade their privacy and encourage privacy-conscious shopping habits across the retail spectrum.

    For more information, visit CASPIAN\'s website at http://www.nocards.org

    JAXXE --- ---
    Guantanamo Eyes Possible Execution Chamber

    Guantanamo Team Preparing for Possibility of Execution Chamber and Permanent Prison

    The Associated Press

    SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico June 10 —

    Guantanamo officials are ready to provide a courtroom, a prison and an execution chamber if the order comes to try terror suspects at the base in Cuba, the mission commander said.

    Although no new directive has been given and no plans have been approved, a handful of experts are looking at what it will take to try, imprison and, if need be, execute detainees accused of links to Afghanistan\'s fallen Taliban regime or to the al-Qaida terror network.

    \"We have a number of plans that we work for short-term and long-term strategies but that\'s all they are plans,\" Army Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller said in a telephone interview Monday.

    Isolated on Cuba\'s eastern tip and out of the jurisdiction of U.S. civilian courts, Guantanamo is a likely location for U.S. military trials.

    Last month, officials named Army Col. Frederic Borch III the chief prosecutor and Air Force Col. Will Gunn as chief defense lawyer for the proposed trials. The Pentagon has listed 18 war crimes and eight other offenses that could be tried, including terrorist acts, and has issued rules for the tribunals.

    Borch said he was looking at prosecuting at least 10 possible cases before a tribunal.

    Some 680 detainees from 42 countries are in Guantanamo, categorized as unlawful combatants by the U.S. government. It has refused demands from human rights organizations to recognize them as prisoners of war. They have no constitutional rights as non-U.S. citizens being held outside U.S. territory, and none have been formally charged or allowed access to attorneys.

    The cases would be decided by a panel of three to seven military officers who act as both judge and jury. Convictions could be handed down by a majority vote; a decision to sentence a defendant to death would have to be unanimous.

    Some civil liberties advocates have criticized the process.

    \"Any further movement in the direction of trying these men in commissions that could have the power to carry out death sentences is cause for great concern,\" Vienna Colucci of Amnesty International\'s Washington D.C. office said Monday.

    Miller said renovations on a building being considered as a courtroom began in March and likely will be completed next month. The building is being rewired and could be used as a courthouse with facilities for media and military officers.

    There also are plans to build a permanent modular detention facility, to imprison detainees who might be sentenced to indefinite terms, and an execution chamber should any be sentenced to death, he said.

    \"We\'re getting ready so we won\'t be starting from scratch,\" Miller said, speaking while on a visit to Washington D.C.

    About five people have been drafting several plans for the last six months, he said. It was unclear how much money it would take to sustain such a permanent mission.

    After the detention center opened in January 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld called the detainees \"among the most dangerous, best trained, vicious killers on the face of the Earth.\" But, after lengthy interrogation, many are thought to be low-level former Taliban fighters and unlikely prospects for commission trials.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Drivers\' eye movements measured to test tiredness

    Police in Austria have started measuring eye movements to determine whether motorists are fit to drive.

    A newly developed device, called a pupillograph, measures the contractions of the centre of the eye.

    \"Every second, the diameter of our pupil changes by 0.3 millimetres,\" neurologist Manfred Walzl explained to Die Presse newspaper.

    It reveals whether drivers are too tired to concentrate on the road.

    The instrument is currently in a pilot project phase, pending legislation that will make driving while tired illegal.

    But it has already helped spot a number of motorists who shouldn\'t have been on the road.

    One lorry driver turned out to have driven from Berlin to Rome, back to Berlin and on to the Austrian-Czech border with only five hours\' sleep.

    According to Mr Walzl, driving while tired is just as dangerous as drink-driving.

    \"Getting less than four hours of sleep equals an alcohol level in your blood of 0.5 per mille,\" he told the paper.

    \"Tired driving is extremely dangerous, both for the driver and for others.\"


    JAXXE --- ---
    An Internet of Things

    Is RFID the mark of Satan, a tool for Big Brother, or just a technology that could someday connect a billion inanimate objects to the Web?


    June 10 — Often the technologies that reshape daily life sneak up on us, until suddenly one day it’s hard to imagine a world without them—instant messaging, for example, or microwave ovens. Other watershed technologies are visible a mile away, and when you contemplate their applications, the ultimate social impact looks enormous. A good example of the latter is radio frequency identification chips—RFID, for short.

    AN RFID CHIP IS a tiny bit of silicon, smaller than a grain of rice, that carries information—anything from a retail price, to cooking instructions, to your complete medical records. A larger piece of equipment called an RFID “reader” can, without direct contact, pull that information off the chip and in turn deliver it to any electronic device—a cash register, a video screen, a home appliance, even directly onto the Internet. RFID is the technology used now to automate toll taking at bridges and tunnels; drivers are given a small plastic box with an RFID chip inside, allowing them to drive through the tollgates without stopping. An RFID reader in the tollbooth senses the information on the chip and the toll is automatically deducted from the driver’s account.

    The first wide-scale applications of RFID will be in retail. At a major industry conference next week, Wal-Mart is expected to urge its suppliers to adopt RFID—the same way that, twenty years ago, the giant retailer jump-started the use of bar codes. And some manufacturers are already on board. Gillette, for example, recently placed an order for half a billion RFID chips that they will begin to use to track individual packages of razors.

    Ultimately, a reader on every retail shelf will be able to automatically sense when the store is low on inventory and automatically place an order to restock. RFID should also permit more accurate tracking of merchandise within the store—drastically reducing the theft or other loss generically called “shrinkage” in the retail business. And RFID will ultimately allow consumers to simply walk past the cash register with their purchases; the register will read the RFID chips and automatically deduct the purchase from their account. Where was RFID when Winona Ryder needed it?

    Inventory and checkout counters, however, are only the start of possible RFID applications. Japanese bookstores, for example, plan to use RFID to track how customers use books in the store—how many times and how long is each book taken off the shelf to read, before someone actually buys it? The European Union is considering placing a tiny RFID chip in every paper Euro note—providing both counterfeiting protection and the ability to give each bill a unique serial number. An American company, Verichip, is developing an RFID chip implant that will permanently store your medical records under your skin, so any hospital equipped with a reader can know all your pertinent health information even if you are unconscious. A simpler version of this subcutaneous chip is already implanted to help identify pets.

    The Practical Futurist
    Click on the links below for more tech news
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    The implanted RFID chip is certain to inflame Christian fundamentalists, some of whom believe that such chips are the Satanic “mark of the Beast” predicted in Revelations. A more immediate concern, however, may be the question of privacy. Already civil libertarians are raising the issue that RFID chips in clothing—to take just one example—could be used to track individuals. Such tracking might be merely annoying: a kiosk that greets you by name when you revisit the store where you bought the shirt you are wearing. Or it could be downright sinister, in the hands of a surveillance-crazed Big Brother police force. As a result of these concerns, the current industry specification for RFID includes a way for the chip to be “killed” at the point of purchase, once its pricing and inventory functions have been completed.

    The idea of “killing” RFID chips is still controversial, since many dreamers envision exotic post-purchase uses for the tiny chip. A reader-equipped washing machine could properly adjust itself for the clothes that have been loaded. An RFID microwave would set itself to properly cook an entrée. Microsoft’s Home of the Future in Redmond, Washington, uses the technology in the kitchen: when you call in on the telephone, an RFID-equipped refrigerator reports that it’s out of milk, and when you set ingredients on an RFID countertop it suggests appropriate recipes. RFID can also directly connect physical objects to the Internet. For example, when you can’t remember how to program your TV remote control, you would just wave it in front of an RFID-reading Internet terminal that would automatically bring up the latest instruction page from the manufacturer’s Website.

    At present it looks like retailers may give shoppers the option of having RFID chips killed after checkout. But for applications like chips in paper money, there likely won’t be a choice: a banknote with a dead RFID chip will no longer be valid. In all likelihood, there will be both approved and underground ways for consumers to kill RFID chips. An early tip from the trade magazines: put any RFID-tagged object in a microwave, and the intense electromagnetic radiation of the oven should fry the chip instantly. In any event, one thing is certain: the rise of RFID chips will provide new horizons for hackers for years and years to come.

    © 2003 Newsweek, Inc.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Pinter blasts \'Nazi America\' and \'deluded idiot\' Blair

    Angelique Chrisafis and Imogen Tilden
    Wednesday June 11, 2003
    The Guardian

    The playwright Harold Pinter last night likened George W Bush\'s administration to Adolf Hitler\'s Nazi Germany, saying the US was charging towards world domination while the American public and Britain\'s \"mass-murdering\" prime minister sat back and watched.

    Pinter, 72, was at the National Theatre in London to read from War, a new collection of his anti-war poetry that had been published in the press in response to events in Iraq.

    In conversation on stage with Michael Billington, the Guardian\'s theatre critic, Pinter said the US government was the most dangerous power that had ever existed.

    The American detention centre in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where al-Qaida and Taliban suspects were being held, was a concentration camp.

    The US population had to accept responsibility for allowing an unelected president to take power and the British were exhausted from protesting and being ignored by Tony Blair, a \"deluded idiot\" Pinter hoped would resign.

    After a big operation for cancer, Pinter returned to public life last year to speak out against American belligerence. He called it a return from a \"personal nightmare\" to an \"infinitely more pervasive public nightmare\".

    The playwright said: \"The US is really beyond reason now. It is beyond our imagining to know what they are going to do next and what they are prepared to do. There is only one comparison: Nazi Germany.

    \"Nazi Germany wanted total domination of Europe and they nearly did it. The US wants total domination of the world and is about to consolidate that.

    \"In a policy document, the US has used the term \'full-spectrum domination\', that means control of land, sea, air and space, and that is exactly what\'s intended and what the US wants to fulfil. They are quite blatant about it.\"

    Pinter blamed \"millions of totally deluded American people\" for not staging a mass revolt.

    He said that because of propaganda and control of the media, millions of Americans believed that every word Mr Bush said was \"accurate and moral\".

    The US population could not be let off scot-free for putting the country under the control of an \"illegally elected president - in other words, a fake\".

    He asked: \"What objections have there been in the US to Guantanamo Bay? At this very moment there are 700 people chained, padlocked, handcuffed, hooded and treated like animals. It is actually a concentration camp.

    \"I haven\'t heard anything about the US population saying: \'We can\'t do this, we are Americans.\' Nobody gives a damn. And nor does Tony Blair.\" Pinter added: \"Blair sees himself as a representative of moral rectitude. He is actually a mass murderer. But we forget that - we are as much victims of delusions as Americans are.\"

    In a British society where people were increasingly encouraged not to use their brains, the only way to protest was by \"thought, intelligence and solidarity\".

    · Michael Billington was last night voted theatre critic of the year in a survey of theatregoers for the website whatsonstage.com.

    JAXXE --- ---
    New American Empire: Before the Fall

    by Joe Blow

    This is an attempt to peer into the future over the next 70 years, developed over several weeks in April 2003 in collaboration with JCN, who provided valuable insights into the EU dimension. It presents a very condensed version of an enjoyable series of extended online discussions.

    JAXXE --- ---
    \"My Heritage Is Part of Who I Am\"


    August 1, 2000
    Web posted at: 9:05 p.m. EDT (0105 GMT)

    In conversation, Bush exudes both a folksy confidence and an eagerness to charm. In a recent 90-minute talk with managing editor Walter Isaacson, he discussed how his family affected his career


    TIME: But you sure shared a lot of the same upbringing: Andover, Yale, even Skull and Bones. Did you have any qualms, say, about joining an elite secret club like Bones?

    BUSH: No qualms at all. I was honored. I was fairly nonchalant. I didn\'t view it as a great heritage thing. I didn\'t take it all that seriously.

    TIME: Demystify it a bit for those who might think it\'s a cross between a Masonic Lodge and the Trilateral Commission. Did your father show up for your initiation, like your grandfather showed up for his?

    BUSH: Without revealing all the great secrets? I got a few of my old club mates who could demystify it right off the bat. My dad didn\'t tap me. Someone a year ahead of me tapped me. There was an entry celebration. I can\'t remember whether my dad showed up or not. I don\'t think so.



    JAXXE --- ---
    New World Order

    Platform: PC
    Developer: Termite Games
    Publisher: Strategy First

    \"X-Play\" is now infiltrating the high-stakes world of counter-terrorist combat in \"New World Order.\" Supported by a crack team of combat specialists from around the globe, we\'re up against a nefarious league of terrorists known only as The Syndicate. A single error from any individual could jeopardize the safety of the entire squad, so teamwork and sound tactics are of the utmost... hey, wait a minute, where are you guys? Guys?

    The \'I\' in team

    When global terrorism rears its ugly head, the leaders of the free world have no choice but to pull out the GAT -- the Global Assault Team.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Globalization Is Here- Why Fight It ?

    By April Shenandoah
    June 9, 2003

    Every year anti-globalization protestors come out in force during the different summits held around the world. Recently, at the Group of Eight (G-8) summit, with leaders from the world\'s top seven industrialized countries including Russia, 50,000 to 120,000 (depending what report you read) peaceful demonstrators lost control and managed to have a full-fledged riot. However, they failed in their goal to disrupt the arrival of G-8 leaders and delegations around the lakeside summit site of Evian. Their statement was made amid several arrests, detainments and broken windows.

    If I thought it would do any good I would be out there with all the rest, carrying signs and screaming as loud as I could. Even though the majority does not seem to rule anymore, we still must never cease to voice our opinions and let our leaders know that we are watching (at least a few of us are). Secret gatherings such as the annual Bilderberger meetings and summits with leaders of communist countries are not just social get-togethers. Neither are they discussing how peace and Democracy can be obtained with justice for all. Strategic planning for global-control is the order of the day.

    It\'s interesting to watch President Bush cozy up to French President Jacques Chirac and Russia\'s Vladimir Putin, when they both objected to Bush on the war in Iraq. There are still many unresolved issues between the leaders, but Bush said, \"As we go forward, we will show the world that friends can disagree, move beyond disagreement and work in a very constructive and important way to maintain the peace.\" Before jetting to the French Alps for the G-8 meetings, Bush and Putin signed the nuclear arms reduction treaty they had negotiated last year and issued a statement in which they reaffirmed \'our nations\' partnership. This relationship will definitely be tested, perhaps in Iran and North Korea or the terrorism-torn Russian province of Chechnya. Evangelist and former Russian TV programmer, Scott David, recently told me that Chechnya is one of the most dangerous places in the entire world.

    All this togetherness is fascinating to me. When I was growing up, Russia was the enemy. It was a known fact that their goal was to spread Communism and take over the world. And America stood by and watched them do just that. In the United States we were taught how evil and dangerous Communism was. We were in fear, so we had our bomb shelters and air-raid drills. Reagan came along and said, \"Tear down that wall, Mr. Gorbachev\", and suddenly we were buddy, buddy with the Russians. The goal has not changed! To this day most Americans do not realize the fact that the Communists infiltrated into most every organization in America, including the school system and the Congress. It was slow and it was subtle! Most Americans were too busy living self absorbed lives (including me) to notice.

    We are basically living under Communism unawares! Though we are still flying the American flag the One World Government and the globalization of Socialism/Communism is upon us. In the past people have said (including Rush Limbaugh) \"There is no such thing as the One World.\" Some of the brightest people are deaf and dumb on this subject. Bush has commented that a united Europe working with America can do a lot of good. Bush also said in a speech in Krakow, Poland, This is no time to stir up divisions in a great alliance.\" The word \"alliance\" seems harmless; however, when I was traveling on American Airlines a few years ago the passengers were welcomed over the sound system with, \"We are proud to be a member of the One World Alliance.\" Those words sent shivers down my spine!

    Bible prophecy is unfolding right before our blind ignorant eyes. Keep a watchful eye on Russia, because any day bear dodo is going to hit the fan. Russia is not dead! That Russian bear that has been in hibernation is stirring in her cave. And the bear that the Bible said would be wounded will come back to life. This may seem like a message of gloom, however, it is all in God\'s Master Plan. God wants us to be aware so that we will look to Him for answers instead of the world\'s system. It is also a reminder of the shortness of time.

    Note: It is futile to resist the One World, New World Order or Globalization (what ever you choose to call it), because it is here!


    April Shenandoah served as the Los Angeles press contact for Pat Robertson\'s 1988 presidential campaign. A political activist, she hosted the cable TV show \"The Bottom Line.\" Her weekly column, Politics & Religion appears in the Tolucan Times in LA. Shenandoah is the author of \"So...Help Me God\" (An inspired Letter/Book to Bill Clinton). Her passion subject is - Separation of Church and State.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Tiny IDs can track almost anything

    By Audrey Hudson

    Computer chips the size of grains of sand have become the latest trend among manufacturers seeking to track everything from automobiles to underwear to razor blades.

    The new technology can fix the exact location of virtually any consumer product and the humans who wear and carry the items.

    The radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips now in mass production are affixed to postage-stamp-size labels. Merchandisers, led by Wal-Mart, will soon use them to track goods inside the store. Shelf antennae will alert staff to restock products, or turn on surveillance cameras if shoplifting is suspected.

    At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Auto-ID Center, the leading research organization on RFIDs, says in its literature that the simple concept has \"enormous implications.

    \"Put a tag — a microchip with an antenna — on a can of Coke or a car axle, and suddenly a computer can \'see\' it. Put tags on every can of Coke and every car axle, and suddenly the world changes. No more inventory counts. No more lost or misdirected shipments. No more guessing how much material is in the supply chain, or how much product is on the store shelves.\"

    The global infrastructure that MIT envisions is an Internet tool \"that will make it possible for computers to identify any object anywhere in the world instantly. This network will not just provide the means to feed reliable, accurate, real-time information into existing business applications; it will usher in a whole new era of innovation and opportunity.\"


    But opponents say they are not convinced that the safeguards are enough, arguing that the chips may not be deactivated — potentially leading to abuse of power similar to that in totalitarian regimes.

    \"If Hitler had access to this technology, there would not be a whole lot of Jewish people alive today. This is the ultimate form of power,\" Mrs. Albrecht said.

    She said that the technology also offers X-ray vision capable of reading personal items in handbags, brief cases and pockets.


    JAXXE --- ---
    US plans ring of bases for quick strikes

    Smaller, more mobile \'battle groups\' will replace large, slower divisions at forward operating bases round the world

    WASHINGTON - United States defence officials are planning a network of far-flung military bases to counter potential threats in an \'arc of instability\' stretching from the Andean region in the southern hemisphere through North Africa to the Middle East and into South-east Asia.
    Forward March

    In line with thinking within Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld\'s inner circle that large, slow-moving divisions of troops should be replaced by small, mobile \'battle groups\', bases are being built or expanded in countries such as Qatar, Bulgaria and Kyrgyzstan, and the US territory of Guam to enable rapid response to threats anywhere.

    Many of the major bases on which the US has relied, such as those in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Germany and South Korea, will be replaced by dozens of spartan \'forward operating bases\' in southern Europe, the Middle East and Asia, maintained only by small support units.

    Their location is based on the premise that US forces must be able to strike within hours, rather than months, against adversaries with weapons of mass destruction.


    JAXXE --- ---
    \"No one ever said that we knew precisely where all of these agents were, where they were stored,\"

    Condoleeza Rice told on NBC\'s \"Meet the Press.\" (Sunday June 8, 2003)


    Donald Rumsfeld, the US defence secretary, attempted to play down the findings. He told ABC\'s This Week (on March 30, 2003) that banned weapons were not in areas controlled by allied forces.

    \"We know where they are, they are in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north of that,\" he said.

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