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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lži Bushova klanu o Iráku a o spolupráci s nacisty

    12.6.2003 Chris Floyd

    Revisionismu holocaustu trvalo desítky let, než začal vystrkovat růžky, ale bíliči válečných zločinů v Bushově partě se snaží zneužít historická fakta jen několik týdnů po tom, co jejich Vůdce deklaroval \"úkol splněn\" v projevu o válce v Iráku. \"Zbraně hromadného ničení? Nevím, o čem mluvíte. Nikdy jsem se o tom nezmiňoval. Možná nějaké najdeme. Není důležité. Na čase se hnout. Což takhle daňová reforma?\"

    A zatímco nejvyšší šéf revizionistů George W. Bush pózoval minulý týden na chmurných obrázcích z koncentráku, pavučina lží, kterou vykonstruoval se svým malým kámošem Tony Blairem, a která měla ospravedlnit vojenskou agresi (postavenou na Hitlerově principu \"preventivní války\") dostávala hluboké trhliny způsobené jeho vlastní výzvědnou službou. Britští a američtí špióni naprosto neočekávaně vystoupili ze svého světa stínů na veřejnost, aby pranýřovali až karikaturní způsob, jakým byly jejich vysoce profesionální zprávy manipulovány jejich vlastními, války chtivými vládami. \"Zprávy o Saddamově bezprostřední hrozbě byly na Blairův příkaz vylepšeny,\" nechali se slyšet britští špióni. Američtí tvrdí, že Bushe utáhl jeho \"zvláštní tým\" ideologických sekerníků řízených pentagonským šéfem Donaldem Rumsfeldem na vařené nudli. Stačily ničím nepodložené povídačky. Probíhá parlamentní a kongresní šetření.

    A na konci se ukázalo, že tzv. zbraně hromadného ničení, na jejichž existenci křesťanská koalice přísahala, a o které tvrdila, že mohou rozpoutat nepopsatelný masakr, nebyly ničím jiným, než - podle Bushova vlastních slov - několik upravených náklaďáků bez nálezů kterékoliv nebezpečné látky. Nebylo to tedy přesně to, co očekávali: hrůzostrašný arzenál, popisovaný v průběhu dlouhých příprav na agresi, čím dál barvitěji a s většími detaily našimi drahými vůdci. Původní zpráva CIA, ze které Bush citoval, byla ještě více, vlastně méně odhalující. \"Úprava nákladních automobilů byla plně v souladu s jejich účelem: zařízení sloužilo k výrobě vodíku pro meteorologické balóny,\" praví se v ní.

    Takže na programu dne byl revisionizmus - panický, cynický, neobratný. Rumsfeld, který dříve svým afektovaným, samolibým zobákem podstatně dopomohl k válce, začal prvotřídně couvat a ustupovat. \"Možná tam ani žádné zbraně hromadného ničení nebyly\", krčil rameny. \"Možná je Saddam stačil zničit ještě před začátkem války.\" Bohužel britský tisk vykutal prohlášení svatého Tondy: \"Chce se po nás, abychom akceptovali, že Saddam se rozhodl tyto zbraně zničit. Tvrdím, že takový požadavek je patrně absurdní.\" Ale buďme fair: Blairovo obvinění spadá do dávné minulosti. V podstatě do doby kamenné: přesněji, do 18. března 2003. V našem moderním go-go věku není důležité, že slova se píšou na vodu a každý den začíná historie na čisté nepopsané stránce.

    Bushova jediná otázka svým průvodcům, jak ji zaznamenal reportér New York Times v průběhu prezidentovy exkurze v Auschwitzu, byla vlastně velice trefná: \"Zpochybňují někdy lidé fakta, která jim tady předkládáte?\" Na první pohled to vypadá jako bizarní otázka, ale ve skutečnosti Bush má osobní zájem na kultivaci historické amnézie. Jmění jeho vlastní rodiny bylo částečně postaveno na profitujícím tajné dohodě s nacisty. Tento ošklivý příběh byl zde (míní se na stránkách counterpunch.org) několikrát opakován a nyní byl znovu vytažen na světlo polským Newsweek v průběhu prezidentské návštěvy.

    Bushův dědeček Prescott Bush a jeho tchán George Herbert Walker byli v těsných a komplikovaných obchodních vztazích s nacisty, pomáhali financovat vzestup nacistické strany. Později měli své zájmy v nacistickém průmyslu, loďstvu a bankovnictví. Tato dlouhá a dobře zdokumentovaná kolaborace pokračovala dokonce ještě i po tom, co Amerika vstoupila do války s nacistickým Německem. Zdá se, že (pro Bushovu rodinu) bylo nemožné nechat ležet ladem příležitost vydělat snadné peníze, i kdyby to měly být peníze krvavé, z těl mrtvých amerických vojáků a nevinných civilistů Evropy a severní Afriky. Klika Walker-Bush také pomáhala financovat stavbu koncentračních táborů, následně měla zajištěn podíl na jejich ziscích. Konečně v roce 1942 zarazila americká vláda Bushově rodině příjmy z těchto obchodů. Proti Bushově rodině byl použit zákon zakazující obchod s nepřítelem. (Trading With the Enemy Act). Ale klan má i teď dobré známosti a tak se podařilo zprávu o bývalé aktivitě Bushovy rodiny potopit až na zadní stránky novin, navíc bez uveřejnění jmen zainteresovaných lidí. V krátké noticce bylo uvedeno pouze jméno tehdejší firmy, chyběly podrobnosti. Už tenkrát po odhalení se Bushům podařilo vyhnout se zabavení jejich amerického majetku, navzdory tomu, že podstatná jeho část pocházela z nacistických loupeží. Později se Bushův dědeček Prescott šikovně majetku, na kterém lpěla krev, zbavil. Sérií podivných a nejasných transakcí je vypral za \"čisté peníze\". To byly miliony, které daly vznik zlatému hnízdu, ze kterého pak odstartovala jeho vlastní kariéra do senátu. A jeho synovi a vnoučeti to otevřelo dveře do Bílého domu.

    Kdoví, možná Bushovi nebylo lehko při pohledu na měkkou trávu v Auschwitzu kryjící popel lidských kostí. Možná bylo. Už proto, že minulý týden byla v tichosti pohřbená na zadní stránce zprávička o tradici Bushova klanu Walker - Bush profitovat na válce. Jiná krátká zprávička ve Financial Times odhaluje, že s Bushem propojené rekonstrukční firmy Halliburton a Bechtel, které nyní ovládají irácká ropná pole, hodlají sebrat milionové částky formou masivních bankovních půjček. Zástavou bankám pro tyto půjčky bude příští zisk z irácké nafty. Jinak řečeno, tomuto podniku grantů spadnou do kapsy miliony dolarů, které budou později splácet Iráčané - budou-li mít alespoň tolik štěstí, že dostanou zpět svá ropná pole.

    Obě firmy už v dobách Saddamovy pochmurné slávy vydělaly na obchodech s ním miliony. Bechtel pomohl Saddamovi vystavět továrnu na bojový plyn. Halliburton vydělal spoluprací se Saddamem 73 miliony, a to v době sankcí OSN po první irácké válce. Halliburton do dnešních dnů vyplácí Cheneymu kulaťoučkou roční sumu. Jakoby náhodou dostala tato firma (mimo veřejné nabídkové řízení) lukrativní vládní kontrakt v ceně 400 milionů dolarů.

    Tak to u těchto lidí chodí. Tito muži \"cti a integrity\" si vybudovali své rodinné jmění, firemní drahokamy a politické dynastie profitem na válce. Pro ně je tráva vždy měkká.

    Článek Bush Family Whitewashing in Iraq and Nazi Germany byl uveřejněn 10. června na serveru Counterpunch.org.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Americká média jsou k Bushově skutečným plánům hluchá a slepá

    Jak je možné, ptají se mě často čtenáři v USA, že většinu Američanů v podstatě nezajímá skutečnost, že jim jejich vláda lhala co se Iráku týče, a vedla válku, aniž měla důkazy nebo podporu zákona?

    JAXXE --- ---
    By Deception Do They Rule

    International Politics by Paul Joseph Watson
    June 16, 2003

    \"United Nations is not at odds with the United States over Iraq\"

    Of course not. This was all engineered from the very beginning years ago by the UN-CFR-Bilderberg international octopus cabal of masonic bankers, CEOs and Euro-royalty to use Iraq as prime catalyst for world government. And it continues to be a stage-managed theatrical production for public consumption to this very day.

    Recall the fateful words of poppy Bush speaking on Iraq:

    \"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea - a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in a common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind; peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law. Such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children\'s future....only the United States has both the moral standing and the means to back it up.\"

    - George HW Bush, January 29, 1991, State of the Union address

    [click below for full article...]

    Now do you see?

    The five permanent members of the Security Council, among others, ensured Saddam\'s regime would remain at least a symbolic thorn in the side of the Middle East by continuing to arm him and give him all the money he needed to build his palaces and maintain his boogyman status long enough to set up the Final Solution.


    The UN-sanctions softened Iraq up for the takeover. The generals were all paid off. The US walked in. The UN voted unanimously to approve the socalled \"US Occupation\". Saddam was whisked away probably to some Russian villa by his KGB buddies (like Yevgeny Primkov who is incidentally advising Tom Ridge on Homeland Gestapo). Hired US mercinaries are just carrying out the dirty work for the UN and taking all the heat for it, yet it seems they are on the verge of accepting \"help\" from the loving UN peacekeepers due to their inability to put down the resistance. But that too would have been anticipated.

    Good Cop/Bad Cop

    This is how they operate. To attempt to obtain their New World Order objectives straightforwardly would never work. But if you can divide world opinion into Left Wing pro-UN and Right Wing pro-US factions, you can accomplish anything, fool almost anybody, because you control both sides of the debate, a debate that you manufactured in the first place. Divide and conquer. That is one of many methods they use.

    Bush Sr also had this to say and he meant it:

    \"My vision of a New World Order forsees a U.N. with a revitalized peacekeeping function. It is the sacred principles enshrined in the U.N. Charter to which we henceforth pledge our allegiance.\"

    -President George Bush, ex-CIA director, Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones, Trilateral Commission, addressing the General Assembly of the U.N., February 1, 1992.

    And little Lord Dubya is faithfully carrying out the destruction of America while he performs the \"peacekeeping\" function on the roadmap to a global government, a global army (directed at dissenters), a global economy, a global techno-Orwellain police state control grid and much much more. All for our safety.

    By keeping us in the dark about their real motives and activities, humanity is kept in chains. Chains of fear, chains of corruption, poverty, endless war, the Hegelian dialectic, technological enslavement, psychological operations and terror.

    By deception, do they rule.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Israeli Spy Ring Scandal
    by whatreallyhappened

    \"Israel does not spy on the United States of America.\" -- Mark Regev, a spokesman at the Israeli embassy in Washington

    Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel. This seems a harsh gratitude from a nation which obtains 10% of its annual budget from the American taxpayer, $3+ billion a year. Over the years, American taxpayers have been required to send Israel more than four times what the US spent to go to the moon.

    What Israel has done in return was to set up government subsidized telecommunications companies which operate here in the United States. One of these companies is Amdocs, which provides billing and directory assistance for 90% of the phone companies in the USA. Amdocs\' main computer center for billing is actually in Israel and allows those with access to do what intelligence agencies call \"traffic analysis\"; a picture of someone\'s activities based on a pattern of who they are calling and when. Another Israeli telecom company is Comverse Infosys, which subcontracts the installation of the automatic tapping equipment now built into every phone system in America. Comverse maintains its own connections to all this phone tapping equipment, insisting that it is for maintenance purposes only. However, Converse has been named as the most likely source for leaked information regarding telephone calls by law enforcement that derailed several investigations into not only espionage, but drug running as well. Yet another Israeli telecom company is Odigo, which provides the core message passing system for all the \"Instant Message\" services. Two hours before the attacks on the World Trade Towers, Odigo employees received a warning. Odigo has an office 2 blocks from the former location of the World Trade Towers.

    Let us be clear here. There is nothing benign about Israel spying on the United States. When Jonathan Pollard stole our nuclear secrets (which your taxes paid to develop) and sent them to Israel, Israel did not hesitate to trade those secrets to the USSR in exchange for increased emigration quotas.

    The implication of these facts is that the billions of our tax dollars sent to Israel (while women and children sleep in America\'s alleys and eat out of trash bins) have bought and paid for a monstrous phone tracking and phone tapping system that can eavesdrop on almost any phone call in America. Even the White House phones were open to such tapping by listening in on the other end outside the White House itself.

    This actually happened. The Ken Starr report on Whitewater describes how Bill Clinton informed Monica Lewinsky that their phone sex conversations had been recorded. At the same time, Clinton ordered the FBI to cease the hunt for an Israeli mole known to be operating inside the White House itself!

    So here we have a foreign nation able to listen in on most phones at will, using taps that cannot be found because they are built into the phone system itself, and willing to use the information gleaned from those calls to blackmail Americans into any desired course of action. This may well be what Ariel Sharon meant when he stated that the Jewish people control America.

    That the information gleaned from these phone taps is being used to coerce the behavior of key individuals in the US Government and media is illustrated by the manner in which the government and the media have handled this scandal of the largest spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, and of phone taps on all of our phones. They are downplaying it. Actually, burying it is a better word.

    Fox News, alone of all the media, actually ran the story as a four part broadcast, and put the story up on its web site. Then, without explanation, Fox News erased the story from their web site and have never mentioned it again. CNN followed by \"Orwellizing\" their report of the two hour advance warning of the WTC attacks sent to Odigo employees. But far more telling is the admission made by a US Official in part one of the Fox News report that hard evidence existed linking the events of 9/11 not to Arab Muslims, but to some of the more than 200 Israeli spies arrested both before and after 9/11, but that this evidence had been CLASSIFIED.

    Since then, any and all mention of the Israeli spy ring and phone tapping scandal has resulted in a barrage of shrill screams of \"hate\" and \"anti-Semite\", two well worn and frankly over used devices to try to silence discussion on any topic unfavorable to the nation which owns the spy ring in question.

    The story of the uncovering of the largest spy ring ever discovered inside the United States should be the story of the century, if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people. That this spy ring helped drug smugglers evade investigators should be a major scandal, if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people. That the spy ring includes companies able to track and tap into any phone in America, including the White House, should be a cause celebre\', if indeed the US media is looking out for the best interests of the American people.

    But they are not. The media is trying to bury this story. They are spiking it, erasing it from their web sites in a chilling real-life Orwellian rewriting of history.

    The actions of the US media are those of people trying to protect this spy ring and those that the spy ring worked for.

    The actions of the US media are those of traitors to the American people.

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    If you have any questions about this, please check out our Copyright Policy.

    JAXXE --- ---

    WASHINGTON [MENL] -- The United States has again launched an examination of Egypt\'s missile and weapons of mass destruction programs.

    U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton held talks over the weekend in Cairo with Egyptian leaders on a range of what U.S. officials termed were sensitive subjects. They said the issues included Egypt\'s WMD and missile programs and Cairo\'s cooperation with Saddam Hussein\'s Iraq and North Korea.

    \"All of the testimony and evidence found in Iraq have shown significant Egyptian involvement in Iraq\'s missile and WMD programs,\" a U.S. official said. \"The issue has become too big to ignore without undermining the credibility of the administration.\"

    In December 2002, the United States asked Egypt to grant access to scores of scientists who were employed in Saddam\'s nuclear program. The Egyptian regime of President Hosni Mubarak did not cooperate with the U.S. request, officials said.

    IRONIC --- ---
    K tomu dni danove svobody - pokud vezmem v uvahu jeste DPH a spotrebni dane, tak se da rict, ze na sebe zacnem vydelavat az nekdy okolo zari... :(
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Lights Are Going Out Over Europe

    June 2003



    One by one, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are falling into line and voting to join the European Union. In all cases, the pattern is basically the same. There may be, here and there, pockets of resistance to the European project but somehow the forces of pro-Europeanism manage always to pull off victory. The methods by which they do this vary from outright intimidation and harassment of people of independent mind - as in the Czech Republic - to the mobilisation of the heaviest of heavy guns in support of the euro project - as in Poland. There are also already questions being raised about possible electoral manipulation of the EU referendums, in Lithuania and in Slovakia.

    Czech Republic


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Od dneška vyděláváte konečně na sebe! Kde se vlastně vzalo \"právo na daně\"?

    Dnešního dne dosahují konečně Češi \"dne daňové svobody\", tzn. že jste veškeré penízky, které jste až do včerejška vydělali, nasypali státu v podobě různých daní. Dnes konečně děravou peněženku zavíráte a budete až do konce roku pracovat pro sebe a na sebe. Při této příležitosti si není špatné připomenout, co to vlastně daně jsou a kde se vzalo právo státu je po vás chtít...


    JAXXE --- ---

    Iran recruits Saddam\'s scientists to build long-range missile

    By Philip Sherwell in Baghdad
    (Filed: 15/06/2003)

    Iran is recruiting top Iraqi weapons scientists to join a dangerous brain drain from Baghdad as international concern grows about Teheran\'s clandestine arms programme.

    The pro-Iranian Badr Brigade, an Iraqi Islamic militia, is helping scientists to travel through tribal areas north east of Baghdad and across the border for meetings with senior military and regime figures in Teheran, The Telegraph has learnt.

    The Iranian regime is particularly seeking Iraqi specialists in solid missile propellants, a technology in which Baghdad was strong but Teheran weak. Iran wants to switch from liquid to solid fuels to improve the performance of its long-range Shahab missiles, which may soon be able to reach Europe.

    Last week Iran barred United Nations inspectors from taking samples from a suspect nuclear plant, heightening fears that the regime is secretly preparing to make enriched uranium, the crucial raw material for nuclear weapons. Donald Rumsfeld, the American defence secretary, issued a warning that Iran was actively working to develop a bomb.



    N Korea exports missiles to Iran by air

    Monday, June 16, 2003 at 12:54 JST

    SEOUL — North Korea transported containers believed to be carrying missiles to Iran by air six times over about two months from April, a Seoul daily reported Monday.

    The JoonAng Ilbo quoted South Korean and U.S. intelligence sources as saying U.S. intelligence satellite data indicate an Iranian Il-76 transport plane made direct flights with the containers from Pyongyang\'s Sunan airport to Iran six times from April to June 10. (Kyodo News)



    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraqi mobile labs nothing to do with germ warfare, report finds

    Peter Beaumont, Antony Barnett and Gaby Hinsliff
    Sunday June 15, 2003
    The Observer

    An official British investigation into two trailers found in northern Iraq has concluded they are not mobile germ warfare labs, as was claimed by Tony Blair and President George Bush, but were for the production of hydrogen to fill artillery balloons, as the Iraqis have continued to insist.

    The conclusion by biological weapons experts working for the British Government is an embarrassment for the Prime Minister, who has claimed that the discovery of the labs proved that Iraq retained weapons of mass destruction and justified the case for going to war against Saddam Hussein.

    Instead, a British scientist and biological weapons expert, who has examined the trailers in Iraq, told The Observer last week: \'They are not mobile germ warfare laboratories. You could not use them for making biological weapons. They do not even look like them. They are exactly what the Iraqis said they were - facilities for the production of hydrogen gas to fill balloons.\'

    The conclusion of the investigation ordered by the British Government - and revealed by The Observer last week - is hugely embarrassing for Blair, who had used the discovery of the alleged mobile labs as part of his efforts to silence criticism over the failure of Britain and the US to find any weapons of mass destruction since the invasion of Iraq.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Al Qaeda in America: The Enemy Within

    How the terrorist organization is recruiting and planning strikes here in the U.S.

    By Daniel Klaidman, Mark Hosenball,
    Michael Isikoff and Evan Thomas

    June 23 issue — Khalid Shaikh Mohammed looked more like a loser in a T shirt than a modern-day Mephistopheles. But “KSM,” as he is always referred to in FBI documents, held the key to unlock the biggest mystery of the war on terror: is Al Qaeda operating inside America?

    IMG: June 23 cover

    The California Highway Patrol double-checks tanker trucks hauling gasoline and other combustible substances as part of efforts to search for suspected terrorists


    THE ANSWER, ACCORDING TO KSM’s confessions and the intense U.S. investigation that followed, is yes. It is not known where the authorities took KSM after he was captured, looking paunchy and pouty, in a 3 a.m. raid in Pakistan on March 1. As Al Qaeda’s director of global operations, KSM was by far the most valuable prize yet captured by American intelligence and its various allies in the post-9-11 manhunt. He probably now resides in an exceedingly spartan jail cell in some friendly Arab country, perhaps Jordan.

    He has probably not been tortured, at least in the traditional sense. Interrogation methods, usually involving sleep deprivation, have become much more refined. He probably did not tell all he knew. Qaeda chieftains are schooled in resisting interrogation, and informed sources said that at first KSM offered up nothing but evasions and disinformation. But confronted by the contents of his computer and his cell-phone records, he began speaking more truthfully. According to intelligence documents obtained by NEWSWEEK, many of the names, places and plots he revealed have checked out. After 9-11, Osama bin Laden’s terror network “was clearly here,” a top U.S. law-enforcement official told NEWSWEEK. “It was organized, it was being directed by the leaders of Al Qaeda.” Though rumors of sleeper cells have floated about for months, it is a startling revelation that Al Qaeda’s chief of operations was directly running operatives inside the United States. Thanks to some real breakthroughs by the Feds, the Qaeda plots do not appear to have made it past the planning stage. The inside story of the war at home on Al Qaeda, reconstructed by NEWSWEEK reporters from intelligence documents and interviews with top officials, has been marked by good luck and good work. Still, no one in the intelligence community is declaring victory.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Revealed: the men with stolen identities

    By David Harrison

    THEIR names were flashed around the world as suicide hijackers who carried out the attacks on America. But yesterday four innocent men told how their identities had been stolen by Osama bin Laden\'s teams to cover their tracks.

    The men - all from Saudi Arabia - spoke of their shock at being mistakenly named by the FBI as suicide terrorists. None of the four was in the United States on September 11 and all are alive in their home country.

    The Telegraph obtained the first interviews with the men since they learnt that they were on the FBI\'s list of hijackers who died in the crashes in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

    All four said that they were \"outraged\" to be identified as terrorists. One has never been to America and another is a Saudi Airlines pilot who was on a training course in Tunisia at the time of the attacks.




    Expert: Hijackers likely skilled with fake IDs

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    By Daniel Sieberg

    (CNN) -- FBI Director Robert Mueller has acknowledged that some of those behind last week\'s terror attacks may have stolen the identification of other people, and, according to at least one security expert, it may have been \"relatively easy\" based on their level of sophistication.




    Nothing Links 9-11 \"Suspects\" to the Crime – FBI

    Commonwealth Club of California
    San Francisco, CA
    April 19, 2002

    The hijackers also left no paper trail. In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper – either here in the U.S. or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere – that mentioned any aspect of the September 11th plot. (Emphasis added)The hijackers had no computers, no laptops, no storage media of any kind. They used hundreds of different pay phones and cell phones, often with prepaid calling cards that are extremely difficult to trace. And they made sure that all the money sent to them to fund their attacks was wired in small amounts to avoid detection.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Blair\'s push for new world order

    Tony Blair\'s trip sought to shore up support from Arab nations
    By BBC Newsnight\'s political editor Martha Kearney

    The prime minister\'s trip to the Middle East was the first time we saw in practice the theme of his party conference speech about establishing a new world order.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush picks up father\'s quest for New World Order

    By Gay Alcorn, Herald Correspondent In Washington


    The policy until Tuesday\'s atrocities in New York and Washington was that terrorism was a hideous crime committed by fanatics. Now, terrorism is an act of war and, in war, civilian casualties are expected, even welcomed.

    \"I say bomb the hell out of them,\" said Democrat Senator Zell Miller. \"If there\'s collateral damage, so be it. They certainly found our civilians to be expendable.\"


    Bush snr told Americans at the time in an address to the nation that there was the \"opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a New World Order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations\".

    It is his son that is confronting, and shaping, a New World Order.

    \"We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them,\" Bush said in his address to the nation, a radical departure from previous policies of dealing with terrorists through the criminal justice system. Even when Clinton ordered cruise missile attacks on suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden in 1998 after American embassies were bombed in Africa, they missed their target. Americans forgot about it and went on with life.

    No more. The Bush administration vows to launch a \"broad and sustained\" campaign against terrorists who hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. But they pledge much more than that. Reports suggest Bush will order bombings against bin Laden in his hideouts in Afghanistan.

    If that plan fails, there are plans for broader attacks on the Taliban regime, which controls Afghanistan and has backed bin Laden. The broad international coalition Bush is gathering could target other terrorists groups in Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan, Pakistan and Algeria, according to The Washington Post.

    The fear is a New World Order, soaked in American rage, could resemble the nightmare outlined by Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington in his 1993 book, The Clash of Civilisations.

    Huntington outraged many when he suggested that after the Cold War, the new conflicts would be between civilisations, not nation states. \"Islam has bloody borders,\" he wrote. \"Blood, language, religion, way of life, were what the Greeks had in common of all the elements which define civilisations. However the most important usually is religion.\"


    JAXXE --- ---
    Mikhail Gorbachev was general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991 and president of the Soviet Union from 1990 to 1991. His social reforms known as glasnost (\"openness\"), combined with economic reforms known as perestroika (\"restructuring\"), helped liberalize Soviet society in the late 1980s and ultimately contributed to the downfall of communism and the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. Gorbachev was interviewed for the COLD WAR series in September 1997. The excerpts below are translated from Russian.

    On the end of the Cold War:

    I wish I could say [the world is safer], but I can\'t. On the one hand, I think we have knocked down the walls of the military blocs, gotten rid of the confrontation and deferred the nuclear threat. No matter how difficult the process of nuclear disarmament, this process is going on and hopefully will continue. The situation in the world is very different now, and it has created great opportunities for us to unite -- not to confront each other, but to unite and to move forward together in search of a new world order. What that new world order is, no one knows now: we have to look for it, to test it. But the main lines are obvious, and this is of course a great achievement. The bloc discipline -- the tough discipline -- has disappeared, and all the problems that used to be repressed by this on each side have come to the surface. Europe received the freedom of choice, and they are solving their problems, they are looking for their national identity, looking for their place in the world and in the European policies, and trying to determine their fate. In Europe, much was done in such a way that many long-term mines were laid, and they started to explode later; and as a result of the not quite adequate behavior of Yugoslavia, we had a crisis. And the same happened on post-Soviet territory. And that\'s how new problems have come to the surface.

    But the main thing that happened which prevented the realization of the concept that was implemented in the Paris Charter for Europe -- this is in fact the view of the world -- was the collapse of the Soviet Union. The United States were the first ones rubbing their hands happily and rejoicing at the absence of their main opponent. But instead of making use of the situation, taking advantage of it and moving onwards to the new world order, everything has stopped: the Charter is thrown away. While I was at the head of the Soviet Union, NATO had two sessions, and we agreed with them that both the NATO and Warsaw treaties had to be transformed from military into political alliances, and we started to reconsider the military doctrine and think about the transition policies. But as soon as the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact stopped existing, it all collapsed.

    Moreover, now we\'ve got the expansion of NATO. There are suspicions about who threatens whom, and the average person asks: \"Why should NATO be revived?\" There are attempts to change the strategy -- to veer toward the military path. This is an attempt to take advantage of the situation at a time when Russia is weakened, when Central and Eastern European states are weakened, and all are busy with reforms -- because NATO wants to fish in murky waters. So the geopolitical struggle has started again: the struggle for resources, for regions of influence. ...

    We have to think of how we are going to live in the new, expanding world. We have to look for answers to that. But instead of that, we are pushed into geopolitical games. I\'m definitely against it; it means taking steps back.


    \'\'At the present time we have this dilemma: American foreign policy without idealism is inconceivable... on the other hand, we do not have a clear-cut ideological enemy.\"


    This is our big challenge right now: whether we can marry American idealism to some degree of structure. We keep talking about \"world order.\" There is no \"world order\" as such now. Any international system represents some system of order in some abstract sense, but the world of the Eighties has been totally transformed in the Nineties, and at the end of it some order will emerge, in the sense of some principles by which disputes get settled -- or not settled. But we are not there yet, and we don\'t have a precise blueprint. And we CAN\'T have a precise blueprint. ...

    I believe ... that the world into which America has been projected -- where we are very powerful but not all-powerful -- requires us to have a more modest perception of what we can implement immediately.


    And sure there are problems; there are plenty of problems; the world has got a lot of problems. But in the magnitude that existed during the Cold War days, the days of the Berlin airlift, the days of the putting down of Solidarity in Poland or democracy in Czech Republic, or in Czechoslovakia then, or Hungary now -- nowhere near the magnitude. So we ought to get on with trying to make the world a better place [instead of] whining about where we are.

    There is a new world order now. Some crackpots in the United States criticized me, saying \"new world order\" meant one-world government. That\'s absurd. That\'s not what I meant. What I meant was a world with more freedom and more democracy, and we have such a world. Is it perfect? No. Are there human rights violations that make a mockery of Helsinki? Yes. But there is a new world order because the old order of two superpowers kind of dominating things is gone. And so there is a new world order with an awful lot of promise. But the United States has got to stay engaged. The United States can\'t listen to the siren call of isolation and protection and say to Europe: \"Hey, we\'ve done our part. Now you guys pay the bills and you figure it all out.\" We\'ve gotta stay in there, stay involved in NATO. We\'ve got to continue to exercise our obligation to lead in certain situations. But there is a new world order and it came about when the Cold War ended without a shot being fired.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Whether it is attainable, how it can be attained, and what sort of world a world at peace will have to be.

    First Published in January 1940.





    4. CLASS-WAR










    ...nor does it alter the fact that even when the struggle seems to be drifting definitely towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system. Countless people, from maharajas to millionaires and from pukkha sahibs to pretty ladies, will hate the new world order, be rendered unhappy by frustration of their passions and ambitions through its advent and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to estimate its promise we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Neoconservatives push for a new world order


    The neocons - think-tank warriors and commentators, all of whom cite Ronald Reagan\'s moral clarity - are hot these days because they emerged from the political wilderness to alter the course of American foreign policy. And Iraq is just the beginning, as Kristol cheerily contended: \"President Bush is committed, pretty far down the road. The logic of events says you can\'t go halfway. You can\'t liberate Iraq, then quit.\"

    The neocons care little about domestic policy; they think globally. They don\'t believe in peaceful coexistence with hostile, undemocratic states; rather, they want an \"unapologetic, idealistic, assertive\" America (in Kristol\'s words) that will foment pro-democratic revolutions around the world, if necessary at the point of a gun.

    The neocon assumption - that the American way is best for everybody, whether foreigners know it or not - is not shared by their numerous critics. Establishment Republicans, many of whom worked for Bush\'s father, worry that the fomenting of new \"regime changes\" will sow more global terrorism against Americans. Liberals simply say that the neocons have captured Bush\'s brain.


    JAXXE --- ---
    imho je to plakat na stenu ve stylu zednarskych iniciacnich koberecku... from darkness to light.. hmmm ;) skoda ze to nejde zvetsit
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