The greatest acts of terrorism are not committed by furtive gangs of masked desperados in foreign lands. The most horrific acts of terrorism in world history have always been committed by governments and their militaries.
The totally satanic military/government of the United States of America has committed massive acts of international terrorism and brutal genocide — from 1899 to the present day.
Official FBI definition of terrorism:
“Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”
Even by its own definition the hypocrite U.S. government is guilty of terrorism — on a massive, international scale. And for over 100 years!
The U.S. government has broken international law and the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use of force and horrific violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce governments, civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in furtherance of political, social and especially economic objectives.
“If ‘terrorism’ means ‘intimidation by violence or the threat of violence,’ and if we allow the definition to include violence by states and agents of states, then it is these, not isolated individuals or small groups, that are the important terrorists in the world.
“If terrorist violence is measured by the extent of politically motivated torture and murder, is in the U.S.-sponsored and protected ‘authoritarian’ states — the real terror network — that these forms of violence have reached a high crescendo in recent decades.”
— Edward S. Herman
The Real Terror Network
“If certain acts of violation of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany [or Israel] does them, and we are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.”
— Robert Jackson
American prosecutor
Nuremberg War-Crimes Trial
If another Nuremberg war-crimes trial could be held today, America and its partners in crime would be the primary defendants. But America rules the world like a mafia, so there will be no justice until it is defeated. In the meantime, total hypocrisy and blatant double standards are the order of the day. The utterly lawless U.S. government is the biggest rogue state on Earth. Every crime of terrorism American politicians accuse other nations or groups of committing, America is itself guilty of committing, and ten thousand times more so. The genocidal United States is the hub of the real “axis of evil”.
$ American flag - swastika and stripes - symbol of American state terrorism. American terrorism is international terrorism. $
The United States Government
Committed the September 11 Attacks
In fact, our own evil government would have borne the ultimate responsibility for the disaster even if foreign terrorists actually had carried it out.
If the homicidal psychopaths of the United States military/government didn’t have the nasty habit of mass-murdering innocent civilian men, women and children around the world, there wouldn’t be anybody who wanted revenge.
But if foreign terrorists had planned and perpetrated the September 11 attacks they would have to be the best friends the U.S. government ever had. Who benefitted enormously from the carnage of September 11? The American plutocracy, the oil and weapons industries, the criminal Bush regime and its allies in the terrorist state of Israel. They had everything to gain and nothing to lose from this act of barbarism against the American people. And the evidence which has emerged since then makes it absolutely certain that the ruling elites within the U.S. military/government were indeed the ultimate authors of the September 11 attacks.
This will come as no great surprise if you are familiar with the true history of the United States. The U.S. military/government has committed several brutal genocides around the world since 1899, totalling millions of civilian men, women and children.
America’s rulers are inhuman. They have never had the slightest remorse for these horrific crimes against humanity. Once you know these basic (but heavily censored) historical/political facts of life, you will also know that America’s ruling elite have more than enough ruthlessness to slaughter thousands of American people too. The 9-11 carnage has provided the overwhelming mass-media propaganda needed by the ruling elite to sell American taxpayers on the idea of unending wars for world domination — and a police-state at home which will crush all domestic opposition.
The criminal Bush regime needs endless war to neutralize steadily growing opposition to its lawless behavior, and to carry out a long-planned military/economic takeover of the oil-rich Caspian Sea basin, Central Asia and the Middle East. This could never be accomplished without a massive corporate-media propaganda campaign to fool Americans into supporting an unending, hypocritical and utterly phony “war on terrorism”.
There is no “war on terrorism”. There is only the U.S. military/government’s perennial war of terrorism which slaughters innocent people all over the world, outside the U.S. and within it. The thousands of American people in the World Trade Center towers joined the ranks of the millions of people whom our government and military have brutally butchered for over 100 years.
The ruling elites within the U.S. military/government planned, ordered and supported the September 11 terror attacks.
Here are eleven facts, among many others, which support this conclusion:
Some very revealing criminal insider trading took place on Wall Street the week before September 11, 2001. Somebody actually made millions of dollars from the death of thousands of people at the WTC. The specific type of insider trading, and the people and banks involved, provide very strong circumstantial evidence that wealthy individuals allied with the CIA had prior knowledge of the World Trade Center attack.
Most revealing of all is the fact that not a single U.S. Air Force jet fighter was scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base — which is only 10 miles from the Pentagon — even a full hour after the first WTC tower was hit. Andrews AFB is charged with defending Washington D.C.’s airspace. Yet the U.S. Air Force allowed an aircraft to fly freely on an unauthorized flight path through tightly controlled airspace, descend rapidly in a tight spiral, and finally come screaming in over the treetops to slam into the Pentagon.
Definitely not acceptable behavior for an aircraft in controlled airspace over Washington D.C.
It was absolutely established, standard procedure for the U.S. Air Force and the National Guard to rapidly intercept any off-course aircraft within controlled airspaces, and to shoot them down if necessary. Therefore, somebody at the highest level of the U.S. government ordered Andrews AFB — and all the other U.S.A.F. and National Guard fighter squadrons from Boston to New York to Washington D.C. — to stand down and allow the WTC and the Pentagon to be hit. On the Army side, interestingly.
The Bush regime is suppressing evidence and testimony which links the terrorist state of Israel to the 9-11 attacks.
“Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.”
— U.S. official
quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report
on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11
Not only did the Israelis have prior knowledge of the 9-11 attacks, they were closely involved in their implementation as well. Mossad is skilled in carrying out what are known as “false-flag operations” or “false-flag recruitments”. These are terror attacks which the Israelis covertly sponsor or directly commit while making it look like the work of Arabs. False-flag operations create enormous propaganda benefits that could never be acquired in any less ruthless way.
The U.S. military/government is well aware of these facts, and also of the fact that the Israeli Mossad and Shin Bet intelligence agencies have had an extensive spy network within the United States for as long as Israel has existed. Jonathan Pollard was just one of the few who were caught and punished.
Referring to Israel as “country A”, a General Accounting Office investigation stated:
“According to a U.S. intelligence agency, the government of country A conducts the most aggressive espionage operations against the U.S. of any U.S. ally.”
A very important four-part Fox News report was aired on December 11-14, 2001. It revealed that in the months prior to September 11, “as many as 140 Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.” Immediately after September 11, at least 60 more Israelis were arrested or detained for questioning. The report stated:
“A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.”
The Fox News report said the investigation just prior to 9-11 found that some Israeli spies posed as “art students” who targeted and penetrated military bases, the DEA, FBI and dozens of government facilities, and even secret offices and unlisted private homes of law enforcement and intelligence personnel. The majority of those questioned stated they served in Israeli military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinance units.”
In the first part of the report, Brit Hume asked reporter Carl Cameron:
“Carl, what about this question of advance knowledge of what was going to happen on 9-11? How clear are investigators that some Israeli agents may have known something?”
Cameron replied:
“It’s very explosive information, obviously, and there’s a great deal of evidence that they say they have collected — none of it necessarily conclusive. It’s more when they put it all together. A bigger question, they say, is how could they not have known? Almost a direct quote.”
“Comverse Infosys” is an Israeli telecommunications company with offices throughout the U.S. Comverse provides wiretapping equipment for American law enforcement agencies. U.S. government investigators strongly suspect, however, that Comverse has placed a “back door” in the equipment, through which U.S. government wiretaps can be intercepted by the Israeli government. And incredibly, the FBI and other agencies are forbidden to do anything about it! The Fox report stated:
“But investigators within the DEA, INS and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying through Comverse is considered career suicide.
“And sources say that while various FBI inquiries into Comverse have been conducted over the years, they’ve been halted before the actual equipment has ever been thoroughly tested for leaks.”
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