Each year, at the posh ranch of investment banker Herbert Allen Jr., the world’s media elites meet to discuss strategy, possible mergers and editorial policy. It can only be called a media version of Bilderberg as government, corporate and media officials are meeting in secret, behind the usual wall of security.
As always, for all of these meetings that actually matter, leftist protests are strangely nonexistent, even though it is summertime and colleges are largely empty.
This year is a bit different, given that the key note speaker is none other than CIA Director George Tenet.
Tenet’s attendance has been likened to the “smoking gun” that researchers have been looking for, proving the institutional link between finance, media, government and business.
Like all meetings of this type, it is off limits to reporters, however ironic it might be for a media confab.
The world’s media, whose bosses are attending the gathering, have not bothered to mention the CIA connection this year, likely the first time the world’s premier intelligence gathering service has been invited to this media gathering.
One of the main issues this year is the buying up of French media giant Vivendi, currently run by Jean Bernard Levy (aka Jean Marie Fourtou, among other names), which controls Universal Studios, according to The New York Post.
Making bids are Edgar Bronfman, Jr. and Sumner Redstone.
Redstone also has made noises that he is interested in buying CNN.
Bronfman and Barry Diller have held high executive posts in the French conglomerate in the past, but are now using their connections to buy up the majority of shares, though some media reports deny that Diller is interested.
Some have speculated that the “French” corporation is merely another front for Bronfman and Zionist interests.
Bronfman is the founder of the World Jewish Congress, an organization that also includes Vladimir Guzinsky who owns the media MOST corporation in Russia, with major shares being owned by a CIA-conduit, The Washington Post.
CNN founder and billionaire Ted Turner, strangely, was not present, though it might be noted that in 2002, Turner, in an interview with the British Guardian newspaper, said “Israel practices terrorism” and the “bombers are all they [the Palestinians] have.”
Major corporate sponsors included Starbucks coffee (with several others remaining secret) and the Wednesday arrival of Tom Hanks, Candace Bergen and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg proves that this is not merely a secretive place to make deals, but is the very canvas where the American anti-culture is painted.
Bloomberg’s presence is important, for, as mayor of the most powerful city in the world, he brought in ex-CIA spy David Cohen to become his deputy commissioner of intelligence, creating a link between the CIA, Bloomberg and this media conference.
What makes this year different is that the mergers, as mentioned by Redstone in a recent speech at the confab, is that the FCC has relaxed its acquisitions laws, as well as the presence of U.S. intelligence.
Of course, Tenet would not have attended unless there is an extant link between the CIA, mass media and corporate America.
Tenet’s presence is not mentioned in any CIA document or press release, nor is any newspaper reporting it except American Free Press. The only major mention of Tenet’s presence was a brief July 9 statement on Headline News, a CNN/Bronfman property found on most cable providers.
The same is said for Starbucks and as yet unnamed other corporate sponsors of the event. Only in that brief report were they mentioned, dropping out of sight thereafter.
In 1998, when CNN did a story on the United States using nerve gas on antiwar GIs during Vietnam, CIA operatives made them pull the story.
CNN had turned the story over to several long-time clandestine operatives, including former head of operations Ted Price. Price’s successor was David Cohen.
On Nov. 11, 2001, The New York Times uncovered a ploy by the Bush administration to set up “round the clock” “news bureaus” to control the “message of the day.”
Additionally, the same article reported that several dozen major Hollywood executives met with Karl Rove, President Bush’s senior adviser, to find “common ground on how the entertainment industry can contribute to the war effort, replicating in spirit if not in scope the partnership formed between filmmakers and war planners in the 1940s.”
Gen. Tommy Franks stated at a press conference on March 25, 2003, that “the media is a weapon of war.”
For many who have never heard of Allen’s gatherings, the full institutional formation of intelligence, business, banking, media and government links is to control the information that reaches the global public.
Allen’s conferences remove such linkages from the realm of “conspiracy theory” into the realm of real journalism. Not surprisingly, such reports have yet to surface in the mainstream media.