Inside Israel's secret prison
Detainees are blindfolded and kept in blackened Detainees are blindfolded and kept in blackened cells, never told where they are, brutally interrogated and allowed no visitors of any kind. Dubbed 'the Israeli Guantanamo,' it's no wonder facility 1391 officially does not exist.
M, who serves in the Intelligence Corps reserves,
remembers the first time he was sent to do guard
duty at Camp 1391. Before climbing to the top of
the observation tower he received an explicit
order from the responsible officer: "When you're
on the tower you look straight ahead only, outside
the base, and to the sides. What happens behind
you is none of your business. Do not turn
M., of course, couldn't resist
the temptation and occasionally
snuck a look behind him. From
atop the tower he saw the
double fence surrounding the
camp, enclosing a compound
ruled by trained attack dogs;
the jeep that patrols inside
the two fences; the vehicles
utilized by the members of the
unit who man the base; and especially the large
concrete structure, dating from the British
Mandate period, when it was used by the British
police, and which now bears a description that
carries an aura of mystery: Israel's secret
detention facility.
unit who man the base; and especially the large
concrete structure, dating from the British
Mandate period, when it was used by the British
police, and which now bears a description that
carries an aura of mystery: Israel's secret
detention facility.