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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    The second-generation Computer-Assisted Passenger Prescreening System, known as CAPPS II, is the subject of a probe by Congress' investigative arm, the General Accounting Office, said congressional staff of both parties and GAO investigators.

    Language in two funding bills, one already completed, forbids spending any money on the program until it addresses lawmakers' concerns.

    CAPPS II would divide passengers into three categories: green, screened normally at the gate; yellow, given extra screening; and red. Transportation Security Administration officials said passengers with a red rating would be forbidden to fly and would be questioned at the airport by law-enforcement officials.

    The program would compare personal data about passengers collected by airlines — name, address, date of birth and telephone number — with commercial databases held by marketing companies and others.

    Mathematical formulas called algorithms would be used to combine and cross-check all kinds of data about every passenger — how long he or she has lived at an address, for example — but also intelligence information about individuals and groups. The program then comes up with a threat score, a bit like a credit rating, for each traveler.

    CAPPS II, initially announced in January this year, would replace two earlier systems administered by airlines. The "no-fly list," identifying individuals suspected of terror links or barred for other reasons, and CAPPS I, which checks a range of data about the trip and compares the passenger's name against a federal "watch list" of terrorist suspects.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Nutch is a nascent effort to implement an open-source web search engine.

    Web search is a basic requirement for internet navigation, yet the number of web search engines is decreasing. Today's oligopoly could soon be a monopoly, with a single company controlling nearly all web search for its commercial gain. That would not be good for users of the internet.

    Nutch provides a transparent alternative to commercial web search engines. Only open source search results can be fully trusted to be without bias.
    (Or at least their bias is public.) All existing major search engines have proprietary ranking formulas, and will not explain why a given page ranks as it does. Additionally, some search engines determine which sites to index based on payments, rather than on the merits of the sites themselves. Nutch, on the other hand, has nothing to hide and no motive to bias its results or its crawler in any way other than to try to give each user the best results possible.

    Nutch aims to enable anyone to easily and cost-effectively deploy a world-class web search engine. This is a substantial challenge. To succeed, Nutch software must be able to:

    * fetch several billion pages per month
    * maintain an index of these pages
    * search that index up to 1000 times per second
    * provide very high quality search results
    * operate at minimal cost

    This is a challenging proposition. If you believe in the merits of this project, please help out, either as a developer or with a donation

    © The Nutch Organization, 2003

    JAXXE --- ---

    Secondly a contact of mine, a former MI6 spook, was speaking about the circumstances of Kelly's death. He said he's been taught how to "make anything look like anything" and said that there must have been some kind of struggle at the scene of Kelly's death. He said it was sloppy work that Kelly's body was found with enough pills for an overdose but hadn't ingested them, he said that should have been removed from the scene under normal procedure. He added "You can slit someone's wrists and make it look like suicide easily but it's a lot harder to make someone swallow tablets." He also said the heart monitor pads found on Kelly's chest were "simply there to make sure he was dead." He also said those should have been removed and suspects the agents involved were disturbed by someone in the process of the killing.


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    What Was Mossad Doing In Najaf One Week Before The Bombing ?
    Sep 01, 2003
    Source: IRIB Via MDA

    During a ceremony to commemorate Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim, the head of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Hojatol Islam Dr. Hasan Rowhani said that a number of people affiliated to the former regime and appointed by the American governor of Iraq are responsible for maintaining security in Najaf and these people must explain what was a Zionist group linked to Mossad doing in Najaf a week before this incident?

    Mr Rowhani said that the USA and Britain are directly responsibility for this incident and they must be answerable to the world of Islam because in keeping with international norms, the occupiers are responsible for maintaining security in Iraq.

    The secretary of Supreme National Security Council said that Americans must be aware that they have won themselves an everlasting hatred of Arab states, regional countries and Muslims.

    Mr Rowhani stressed that the incident leading to the martyrdom of Ayatollah al-Hakim and tens of
    worshippers on Friday was not the job of an amateur group but of a powerful government and America is directly responsible for it.

    Addressing the people of Iraq, Mr Rowhani said that the experience of Iranians in challenging America is that this country, other than the language of power, does not heed to any other language or logic and that the language of power is rooted in unity.

    Mr Rowhani said the martyrdom of Ayatollah al-Hakim should not lead to division because he called for independence, national sovereignty, the expelling of foreigners, and the participation of all Iraqis in running the country with respect for Islam, and that the people of Iraq must continue the path of Ayatollah al-Hakim.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Patriot Act Con: Feds Use Fear To Grab Power Of A Police State

    Published on 8/31/2003

    Opposition to the USA Patriot Act has reached such a high level that Attorney General John Ashcroft has had to launch a road show to defend it. In June he met with editors and media executives in Aspen, Colo., to solicit their assistance in “portraying accurately” the act, which places unprecedented restrictions on the rights and freedoms of people in this country — both citizens and noncitizens. The Justice Department has also asked that law enforcement officials write commentaries supporting the act.

    Unfortunately, the arguments used by the Justice Department fail to convince. That is partly because many are deceptive, if not outright lies; and partly because the manipulation of fears and the lack of self-consistency are apparent in those arguments.

    The first thing you are likely to hear in defense of the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terroristm Act — the USA PATRIOT Act — is that it was needed as a response to Sept. 11, 2001. It was, in fact, written long before that day, not in response to that tragedy, and was rejected as too draconian every time Ashcroft tried to introduce parts of it to Congress.
    And the provisions outlined in the 350-plus pages of the Patriot Act would have done nothing to prevent the horrific attacks of Sept. 11 (see the London Observer, Oct. 27, 2002, Review Section pages 1-4, for starters). The FBI had plenty of information on Sept. 11 suspects and agents who were urging investigations which were shut down by their superiors. Adding information on millions more people will not make it easier to target terrorists; it could conceivably lead to bureaucratic meltdown.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Anger at plan to add fluoride to water supplies for 13m

    Mark Townsend
    Sunday August 31, 2003
    The Observer

    Fluoride could be added to the drinking water of another 13 million people by next summer under plans by Ministers to supply major cities with the chemical.

    A new amendment to forthcoming legislation will force water companies to add fluoride to water supplies, smoothing the way for the largest extension of fluoridation for almost 50 years. Opponents have condemned the moves, accusing Ministers of mass medication by stealth and a 'nanny state' mentality.

    They also claim fluoride has been linked to adverse health affects including cancer, brittle bones and thyroid disease and can cause teeth to mottle.

    The Government, however, views its introduction as a way of cutting high rates of tooth decay among youngsters in deprived neighbourhoods. So far 11 per cent of the population - six million people - have fluoride added to their water, mainly in the Midlands. The British Fluoridation Society, a group representing pro-fluoride dentists, said discussions with the Government had indicated a third of the population of England and Wales, just over 19 million, should be supplied with the substance.

    Areas identified include central London, greater Manchester, the West Yorkshire conurbation, Cardiff and Southampton.

    The Government's amendment - inserted quietly into the Water Bill last month - will wrest control away from the water companies who have traditionally presided over the decision whether to add fluoride to drinking water. In the past, they have turned down scores of requests, fearing legal action from campaign groups. Instead, responsibility will be transferred to the strategic health authorities of England and Wales.


    JAXXE --- ---
    'Dossier did not correspond with reality'

    By Danielle Demetriou

    01 September 2003

    The Government Iraq dossier "did not correspond with reality", the UN's chief weapons inspector said yesterday, casting further doubts on its use to bolster Britain's case for going to war.

    The focus of the criticism was the Government's intelligence claim that Saddam Hussein's regime was capable of deploying weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes.

    It is the same claim that has featured heavily in the Hutton inquiry, which will today begin its fourth week investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of the scientist Dr David Kelly.

    Dimitris Perricos, who replaced Hans Blix as the chief UN weapons inspector in Iraq two months ago, dismissed the intelligence as having no foundation in truth.

    He also said that inspections found no evidence to support British and American accusations that Saddam possesssed an arsenal capable of widespread death and damage.

    "There is no doubt that the phrase 'within 45 minutes' that was included in the British report did not correspond to reality," Mr Perricos said in the Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia.

    "The assertion that the Iraqis had a capability to inflict overwhelming destruction within 45 minutes is collapsing.

    "The uranium never existed, and the aluminum pipes that supposedly [were to be] used in the enrichment of uranium possibly were just intended to be used for bombshells."

    As teams of British, American and Australian troops continued to search for evidence of chemical or biological weapons, Mr Perricos said that there had been no discovery to date of a "smoking gun" in Iraq.

    "From the inspections, no evidence was found that would justify a war," he said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel, Turkey clash over access to Iraqi oil

    Saturday, August 30, 2003

    Israel and Turkey are engaged in a dispute over a U.S. proposal to restore the operation of a pipeline that would transport oil from northern Iraq.

    Western diplomatic sources said the dispute stems from a proposal by the United States that the oil from the Kirkuk fields flow through a pipeline from Mosul to the northern Israeli city of Haifa. The Mosul-Haifa pipeline was employed until 1948 when Israel declared independence.

    Ankara has objected to the U.S. proposal and wants oil from Kirkuk to flow through a pipeline to the Turkish port of Ceyhan. However, the Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline has been repeatedly damaged by sabotage attacks from suspected Sunni insurgents loyal to deposed President Saddam Hussein, Middle East Newsline reported.

    The sources said the U.S. Defense Department has asked Israel to provide a feasibility study for the restoration of the Mosul-Haifa oil pipeline to full operations. An Israeli government estimate places the cost of such a project at $400,000 per kilometer. The pipeline is more than 700 kilometers long.

    Turkey has sent Israel a message that urged the Jewish state to reject the U.S. proposal. The sources said Ankara has warned that the revival of the Mosul-Haifa pipeline could threaten relations between Israel and Turkey.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Saudi princes 'linked' to bin Laden

    By David Rennie in Washington
    (Filed: 01/09/2003)

    Strained Saudi-US relations were dealt another blow yesterday with the publication of allegations directly linking Osama bin Laden to leading Saudi princes.

    Time magazine will today carry details from a new book alleging that Abu Zubaidah, the leading al-Qa'eda terrorist captured in Pakistan last year, was duped into revealing details of support from members of the Saudi royal family.

    Why America Slept, by Gerald Posner, claims that Zubaidah resisted CIA interrogation, despite the use of "quick-on, quick-off" painkillers and truth drugs.

    Posner describes how, in an attempt to frighten Zubaidah, he was moved to a fake Saudi interrogation chamber, manned by Arab-American special forces masquerading as Saudi police.

    "His reaction was not fear, but utter relief," Posner writes. Zubaidah recited telephone numbers for one prince, informing the fake Saudis the prince would "tell you what to do".

    The effect of Posner's claims may be largely diplomatic: there is no corroborating evidence for his claims, and the prince died of a heart attack, aged 43, last year.

    Two other princes named in the book as al-Qa'eda paymasters also died within a week of Prince Ahmed.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hrozba bezpilotních iráckých zbraní nikdy neexistovala, tvrdí experti

    Žádné zakázané zbraně, které byly důvodem úderu na Irák, v zemi dosud nalezeny nebyly.

    Tvrzení americké administrativy z počátku tohoto roku, že Irák vyvíjí či dokonce disponuje bezpilotními letadly (UAV), schopnými nést nekonvenční zbraně, se nikdy nezakládalo na pravdě. Tvrdí to experti amerického vojenského letectva.
    25.8. 15:34

    WASHINGTON - "Neviděli jsme žádné šance na to, že by jejich UAV mohly být použity k útoku na Spojené státy," řekl šéf analytického oddělení zpravodajské služby amerického letectva Bob Boyd agentuře AP.
    Před letadly varouval Powell v RB OSN

    Bushova administrativa opřela své argumenty pro válku proti Saddámovi o údaje CIA a DIA, civilní i vojenské špionáže USA. Ty tvrdily, že Bagdád má program ozbrojených drónů (UAV), postavený kromě jiného na českých cvičných letounech Delfín. Údajným akutním nebezpečím hrozil i ministr zahraničí Colin Powell v únoru před Radou bezpečnosti OSN. Jedním z argumentů bylo i zjištění, že režim se pokoušel získat počítačový program pro leteckou navigaci s elektronickou mapou Spojených států.
    Letadla by zbraň neunesla

    "Prohlédli jsme si jejich UAV a prohlásili: Nic tam není. Není tam žádné místo, kam by se dalo něco dát," potvrdil médiím jeden z amerických vědců, kteří měli možnost nedávno irácká UAV prohlédnout. Dróny, svezené americkými vojáky z různých míst v Iráku do Bagdádu, byly ve skutečnosti asi sedmimetrovými funkčními modely letadel a nebyly schopny unést víc než kameru a videorekordér. Rovněž počítačový software s mapou USA, podle administrativy důkaz chystaných útoků na Spojené státy, je snadno dostupný komukoliv.
    Letectvo USA hrozbu už loni odmítlo

    Z nyní odtajněných dokumentů vyplynulo, že americké letectvo údajnou iráckou hrozbu UAV s bakteriologickými či chemickými zbraněmi odmítlo už v loni v říjnu. Paradoxem je, že dokumenty byly zveřejněny proto, aby podpořily argumenty administrativy o nevyhnutelnosti útoku na Irák.

    V Iráku dosud nebyly nalezeny žádné zřetelné důkazy o chemických či biologických zbraních, a to jak americkými specialisty, tak ani inspektory OSN.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Izraelci podnikají pod patronátem USA v Iráku

    Ilustrační foto.

    Nejméně deset izraelských společností vyvíjí podnikatelské aktivity ve válkou poničeném Iráku. Zakázky jim udělila americká vláda poté, co prý vyhrály výběrová řízení. Překvapivou informaci, která by se mohla stát rozbuškou už v tak komplikovaných izraelsko-arabských vztahů na Blízkém Východě, přinesl v neděli deník al-Hajat vycházející v Londýně.
    31.8. 12:47

    AMMÁN - "Přes deset izraelských podniků podepsalo v uplynulých týdnech smlouvy či je brzy podepíší s vládou Spojených států," napsal list s odvoláním na "dobře informované zdroje v Izraeli".
    Izraelce kryjí americké a jordánské firmy

    "Společnosti začaly v Iráku pracovat. Oficiálně jsou kryty například firmou Bechtel Group vedenou bývalým ministrem zahraničí vlády Ronalda Reagana Georgem Schultzem (82) či joránskými podniky, členy Jordánsko-izraelské obchodní komory," tvrdí deník. Podle něj probíhají současně tajná jednání o znovu otevření ropovodu mezi Kirkúkem a Haifou, který "byl uzavřen po vyhlášení státu Izrael v roce 1948". Ropovod vede přes Jordán, který ale není projektu údajně nakloněn.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Smiling will get you nowhere

    AP, Toronto
    Thursday August 28, 2003
    The Guardian

    Close your mouth. Look into the camera. Don't smile. Don't frown.

    Canadians applying for passports must now submit photos showing "neutral expressions". They cannot be smiling, frowning, glaring or grimacing, the Canadian passport office said.

    The changes follow recommendations from the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the UN agency responsible for aviation issues, aimed at making it easier for security personnel to recognise passport holders around the world, a spokeswoman told the Globe and Mail newspaper.

    The measure took effect on August 15, but the office will accept photos that do not meet the criteria until November 3. After that, all passports issued will be smile and frown-free...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Brother Babysits the Mall

    Sunday, August 31, 2003
    By Robin Wallace

    For retailers, the back-to-school shopping season (search) of the late summer and early fall is the biggest boom of the year, second only to Christmas.

    As families hit the mall this year during a time not just of war and terror but of rising unemployment and economic uncertainty, they may recall President Bush's plea of two years ago urging Americans to do their patriotic duty by shopping.

    What many Americans don't realize is that their enthusiastic consumerism does a lot more for the interests of national security (search) than keeping the economy strong. Long after credit card bills are paid and checking accounts replenished, the information retailers collect about customers in those increasingly intrusive mini-interrogations at the cash register--zip codes, phone numbers, purchases, even point of purchase requests for email addresses and Social Security numbers--remains bouncing around networks of computer databases, permanently traceable and trackable by the government.

    I didn't know this when I found myself waiting 25 minutes while a salesclerk rang up the sales of the three people ahead of me. I was just an angry customer wanting to know what was taking so long. When it was finally my turn, and I was asked for everything but my fingerprints and a blood sample to make a $15 purchase, I asked the sales woman why she needed that information. She couldn't answer me. I decided to find out why my favorite stores need to verify who I am and where I live before they'll take my money.

    Turns out, I was on to something. Though most of the information stores collect on customers does not seem very sensitive on the surface, privacy watchdogs (search) worry that the relatively benign commercial motivations retailers have for collecting this information could have very dangerous implications in today's political climate where privacy rights seem to be taking a back seat to the cause of tracking terrorists and national security.

    "My fear is that as more and more businesses collect this information for business purposes, with what's going on politically, the government will gain access to it," said Charlotte Twight, author of "Dependent on D.C.: The Rise of Federal Control over the Lives of Ordinary Americans" (search) (Palgrave/St. Martin's Press, 2002) and a professor of economics at Boise State University. Twight said that once a record is made, there is no protection from the government gaining access to it. "The information that retailers use to create consumer profiles, the government will use to profile innocent citizens," Twight said.

    Privacy advocates like Twight won a major battle last month when John Poindexter (search) resigned from the Pentagon amidst evaporating Congressional support for the Total Information Awareness (search) system, the federal anti-terrorism initiative he was tapped to head. TIA would have established a sort of uber database that would crunch data from just about every database currently in existence and basically provide the government with all the information available on everyone, anywhere.

    But despite the recent failure of TIA, the USA PATRIOT Act (search) passed in October 2001 gave the government expanded powers to obtain records of business transactions. Twight said that many people don't realize that sensitive information about their medical and employment records, travel history, financial dealings and educational background--in addition to their purchases-- is buried in accessible computer files.


    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Agency of Fear

    Opiates and Political Power in America

    By Edward Jay Epstein

    Copyright, 1977, G. P. Putnam and Sons, New York.

    The Story of How the Drug Enforcement Administration Came to Be.

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Stoji se na to mrknout jen kuli designu :) Liddy je fizl o kterem Leary pise s hodne velkym despektem, byl to ulysnak za Nixonovy vlady kteryho splachla vlna watergate a jak se zda o par desitek let pozdeji si na tom udelal dobrej byznys :)

    JAXXE --- ---
    PRISON PLANET.com News Archive: New World Order

    JAXXE --- ---
    Harrymu implantujú mikročip

    LONDÝN - Tomu sa hovorí absolútna kontrola! Princovi Harrymu (18) implantujú mikročip. Krá
    JAXXE --- ---
    I reveal how a global secret society called the Illuminati (the "Illuminated Ones" as they call themselves) have been holding the reigns of power in the world since ancient times, expanding their power out of the Middle and Near East (and other centres) to control first Europe and then, thanks to the British Empire and other European empires, to take over in the Americas, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and elsewhere.

    When those empires appeared to withdraw from these regions, the Illuminati left behind the secret society networks and the Illuminati bloodlines and these have continued to control and orchestrate events ever since. There are two type of prisons or dictatorships. There is the overt variety, which are clear dictatorships (communism, fascism, etc) and then there are the most effective variety of all - the covert dictatorship, the one that masquerades as freedom.

    People do not rebel against not being free when they think they are!

    The Illuminati have been working to a long planned and coordinated agenda to create a world government, central bank, army, and a micro-chipped population linked to a global computer. Anyone with an operational brain can see that all these things are now emerging ever more rapidly.

    Under this edifice of global power are designed to be super states like the European Union (evolved out of the EEC free trade area), the American Union (to be evolved out of the NAFTA free trade area), and the Pacific Union (to be evolved out of the APEC free trade area). NATO (merging with the UN peacekeeping operation) is planned to be the world army, the world police force, to keep countries in line who do not wish to concede their sovereignty to the Illuminati world government, which is planned to evolve through the United Nations.

    The structure of global control is pyramids inside pyramids. Very much like Russian dolls, one doll inside another. If you look at any organisation today you will see that it is structured as a pyramid. Those lower down the pyramid have no idea what the organisation they work for is really about. They just do their own job and go home every day. They don't know how what they do connects with other people's contribution to create a very obvious and sinister pattern and direction. Only the very few at the top know that. In this way the few can manipulate thousands in an organisation to advance an agenda that those thousands do not even know exists. There is a global version of this which manipulates billions in the same way.

    These "individual" organisations, be they banks, trans-national corporations, media empires, NATO, etc., then fit into even bigger pyramids. So you find, for example, that at the peak of the global banking pyramid all the banks are ultimately controlled by the same people - the Illuminati. Same with the transnational corporations, the media, and so on. There is a global pyramid which encompasses the pyramids of banking, business, media, military, politics, and the other institutions that run the planet. At the peak of this pyramid you find the elite of the Illuminati who orchestrate their agenda for global control through all their, apparently unconnected, organisations.

    This is why there has been an incessant move to centralisation of global power in all areas of our lives, banking, business, media, politics, whatever. It is orchestrated by the SAME people in accordance with the SAME agenda. You will find a stream of articles on this site that will give you detailed background to this agenda and there is endless information in my books which you can order from this website.

    The Illuminati manipulate humanity through the mind and emotions. There are too many people and too few Illuminati to control people physically, except on a small scale. They have to manipulate the way the masses think and feel, so we live our lives and see the world in the way the Illuminati want us to. For instance, the most powerful of the manipulation techniques is one I call Problem-Reaction-Solution. It works like this:

    You want to introduce something you know the people won't like.This may be more power to the police, a further erosion of basic freedoms, even a war. You know that if you offer these policies openly the people will react against them. So you first create a PROBLEM, a rising crime rate, more violence, a terrorist bomb, a government collapse, or you get one of your Illuminati puppets like Saddam Hussein to go to war.

    You make sure someone else is blamed for this problem and not you, the real people behind it all. So you create a "patsy", as they call them in America, a Timothy McVeigh or a Lee Harvey Oswald. You then use your media to tell people what they should think about your manufactured event and who they should blame for it. This brings us to stage two, the REACTION from the people - "This can't go on what are THEY going to do about it?"

    This allows THEY to then openly offer the SOLUTION to the problems they have created - new legislaation which advances their agenda of centralisation of global power or the erosion of more basic freedoms. This technique is being used all the time on the human mind and emotions, not least with the stream of mind-contolled youngsters and adults who go crazy with guns around the world and immediately prompt gun control laws.

    I say this as someone who does not have guns and believes passionately in non-violence. But if we are going to be street-wise we need to look beyond our own beliefs and realise that the Illuminati is seeking to systematically disarm those who WOULD use weapons against them. Just before Adolf Hitler began to fill the concentration camps he introduced the same anti-gun legislation which we are seeing today all over the world.

    We are now at a crucial time in this agenda's history. So many cards are waiting to be played by the Illuminati in the next 12 months. We are at a crossroads in human history. We can choose freedom or fall under the control of a global fascist state, a global version of Nazi Germany.

    This does not have to happen, but to stop it a lot of arses need to be removed from a lot of chairs. This website and the books will give you the detailed background from which informed choices can be made.

    What you have read here is a mere fraction of what there is to know and the picture is far bigger and more extraordinary than this brief outline has been able to detail. Look elsewhere on this site or in my books and you will see what I mean!

    Welcome once again.

    Hope you enjoy your stay.


    David Icke

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