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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Last month, Charles J. Hanley, special correspondent for the Associated Press and winner of a Pulitzer Prize in 2000, wrote a devastating 2,500-word critique of claims made by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his influential Feb. 5 speech to the United Nations on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. In a column published this week, E&P Editor Greg Mitchell calls this speech the single most important moment in the march to war -- and charges that the media's unquestioning endorsement of Powell's assertions made invasion inevitable. Here are brief, edited excerpts from the Hanley article (available in its entirety at Philly.com).

    ALUMINUM TUBES: Powell said "most United States experts" believed aluminum tubes sought by Iraq were intended for use as centrifuge cylinders for enriching uranium for nuclear bombs.
    Energy Department experts and Powell's own State Department intelligence bureau had already dissented from this CIA view... No centrifuge program has been reported found.

    REVIVED NUCLEAR PROGRAM: "We have no indication that Saddam Hussein has ever abandoned his nuclear weapons program," Powell said.

    On July 24, Foreign Minister Ana Palacio of Spain, a U.S. ally on Iraq, said there was "no evidence, no proof" of a nuclear bomb program before the war. No such evidence has been reported found since the invasion.

    DECONTAMINATION VEHICLES: At two sites, Powell said trucks were "decontamination vehicles" associated with chemical weapons.

    Nothing has been reported found since... Norwegian inspector Jorn Siljeholm told AP on March 19 that "decontamination vehicles" U.N. teams were led to by U.S. information invariably turned out to be water or fire trucks.

    BIOWEAPONS TRAILERS: Powell said defectors had told of "biological weapons factories" on trucks and in train cars. He displayed artists' conceptions of such vehicles.

    After the invasion, U.S. authorities said they found two such truck trailers in Iraq, and the CIA said it concluded they were part of a bioweapons production line. But no trace of biological agents was found on them, Iraqis said the equipment made hydrogen for weather balloons, and State Department intelligence balked at the CIA's conclusion.

    DESERT WEAPONS: According to Powell, unidentified sources said the Iraqis dispersed rocket launchers and warheads holding biological weapons to the western desert, hiding them in palm groves and moving them every one to four weeks.

    Nothing has been reported found, after months of searching by U.S. and Australian troops in the nearly empty desert.

    ANTHRAX: Powell noted Iraq had declared it produced 8,500 liters of the biological agent anthrax before 1991. None has been "verifiably accounted for," he said.

    No anthrax has been reported found, post-invasion. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), in a confidential report last September (five months before the Powell speech) said that although it believed Iraq had biological weapons it didn't know their nature, amounts, or condition.

    UNMANNED AIRCRAFT: Powell showed video of an Iraqi F-1 Mirage jet spraying "simulated anthrax." He said four such spray tanks were unaccounted for, and Iraq was building small unmanned aircraft "well suited for dispensing chemical and biological weapons."

    According to U.N. inspectors' reports, the video predated the 1991 Gulf War, when the Mirage was said to have been destroyed, and three of the four spray tanks were destroyed in the 1990s. No small drones or other planes with chemical-biological capability have been reported found in Iraq since the invasion.

    FOUR TONS OF VX: Powell said Iraq produced four tons of the nerve agent VX.

    Powell didn't note that most of that was destroyed in the 1990s under U.N. supervision. No VX has been reported found since the invasion. Experts at Britain's Internatonal Institute of Strategic Studies said any pre-1991 VX most likely would have degraded anyway.

    'EMBEDDED' CAPABILITY: "We know that Iraq has embedded key portions of its illicit chemical weapons infrastructure within its legitimate civilian industry," Powell said.

    No "chemical weapons infrastructure" has been reported found. The recently-disclosed DIA report of last September said there was "no reliable information" on where Iraq might have established chem-warfare facilities.

    CHEMICAL AGENTS: "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical-weapons agent," Powell said.

    Powell gave no basis for the assertion, and no such agents have been reported found. That same DIA report had reported "no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons."

    CHEMICAL WEAPONS: "Saddam Hussein has chemical weapons...And we have sources who tell us that he recently has authorized his field commanders to use them," Powell said.

    No such weapons were used in the war and none was reported found.

    CHEMICAL WARHEADS: Powell said 122-mm "chemical" warheads found by U.N. inspectors in January might be the "tip of an iceberg."

    The warheads were empty, a fact Powell didn't note. No others have been reported found since the invasion.

    SCUDS, NEW MISSILES: Powell said "intelligence sources" indicate Iraq had a secret force of up to a few dozen prohibited Scud-type missiles. He said it also had a program to build newer, 600-mile-range missiles.

    No Scud-type missiles have been reported found. No program for long-range missiles has been reported.

    Source: Editor & Publisher Online

    JAXXE --- ---
    Latest bin Laden tape must be older than February of 2002, because that was when Zawahiri, seen on the tape, was captured.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush warning to 'servants of evil'

    AMERICANS will never forget the "servants of evil" who plotted the September 11 terror attacks, President Bush claimed as a fresh recording of al-Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden paid tribute to the suicide bombers who killed 3000 people two years ago today.

    Meanwhile, sombre memorial services were being held across the United States, Britain and around the world in recognition of the atrocities.

    The eve of the anniversary saw Mr Bush renew his pledge to hunt down and destroy global terror organisations - forces which he said could not be appeased and could not be ignored.

    The President’s homeland security speech came amid questions about whether the US is better prepared now than on the day two years ago when terrorists used three hijacked planes to attack New York’s World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in Washington. A fourth jet plunged into a Pennsylvania field after passengers stormed the cockpit to battle suspected al-Qaida terrorists.





    President Asks for Expanded Patriot Act

    Authority Sought To Fight Terror


    Attorney General John D. Ashcroft introduces President Bush, as FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III, left, and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge applaud.

    Thursday, September 11, 2003; Page A01

    President Bush, in a speech marking today's anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, called on Congress yesterday to "untie the hands of our law enforcement officials" by expanding the government's ability to probe and detain terrorism suspects.

    Hailing the passage of the 2001 USA Patriot Act, which expanded federal police powers, Bush said those changes did not go far enough. He called for empowering authorities in terrorist investigations to issue subpoenas without going to grand juries, to hold suspects without bail and to pursue the death penalty in more cases.

    "Under current federal law, there are unreasonable obstacles to investigating and prosecuting terrorism, obstacles that don't exist when law enforcement officials are going after embezzlers or drug traffickers," Bush said at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va. "For the sake of the American people, Congress should change the law and give law enforcement officials the same tools they have to fight terror that they have to fight other crime."

    In endorsing an extension of the Patriot Act, Bush plunged into a contentious issue on the eve of the Sept. 11 remembrance, which Bush has proclaimed "Patriots Day." By endorsing an expansion of police powers, the president put himself at odds with a number of Republican lawmakers who have joined Democrats in an effort to scale back part of the original Patriot Act.

    Opponents said Bush, in launching the offensive, was seeking to blunt an effort to repeal the increased authority the administration won shortly after the 2001 attacks. "It's clear the administration, now on the defensive, is trying to use offense as a defensive strategy," said Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union. "The public is saying they've gone too far. Now you have the president and the attorney general asking for additional power."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bin Laden Tape Is Old Material - French Expert

    Thu September 11, 2003 09:41 AM ET

    PARIS (Reuters) - A leading French terrorism expert cautioned Thursday against taking the latest Osama bin Laden video at face value, saying it was largely an edited collection of old footage and sound tracks that have already been aired.

    Wednesday, the Al Jazeera Arabic television station broadcast a tape of bin Laden and his right hand man Ayman al-Zawahri, in which the al Qaeda leader urges supporters to bury Americans in "the graveyard of Iraq."

    But Roland Jacquard, head of the Paris-based International Observatory on Terrorism, told French radio that the tape was above all a show of defiance on the eve of the September 11 anniversary by al Qaeda number two al-Zawahri.

    "We have to be extremely prudent about this message," Jacquard told Europe 1 radio.

    "Given that Osama bin Laden has not appeared on a video cassette for many months it's pretty incomprehensible that in the only video cassette where he appears beside Ayman al-Zawahri he doesn't speak, he just allows the latter to speak.

    "The voice of bin Laden we hear in the background, thanking the World Trade Center plane hijackers, is exactly the same message that was broadcast in a video cassette by Al Jazeera on 26 December 2001," he said.


    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    The Discontent of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq - 3 articles

    KERRAY --- ---
    KASUMI --- --- 18:35:09 9.9.2003 --- [18:39:19 :: klub :: Zpravy, zpravicky, komentare -]
    JAXXE --- ---
    Phoenix Developing DRM-Equipped BIOS


    They say the purpose of this is stop piracy. Actually, the purpose of a Digital Rights Management enabled BIOS is to eliminate anonymity and enable point and click surveillance of every individual computer user's activities.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Sleeper Agents Mobilizing for 9-11 Anniversary

    Israel is secretly mobilizing its sleeper agents in the United States in the run-up to the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

    Exclusive to American Free Press

    By Gordon Thomas

    In an unprecedented move, Israel has secretly mobilized its estimated 15,000 sleeper agents —known as sayanim—across America. For the past month, in the utmost secrecy, they have been briefed by former Mossad operations director, Raphael (Rafi) Eitan, on how to update the defense systems of synagogues, Jewish religious schools, Jewish banks, and other Jewish-owned institutions.

    Many of the sayanim—the name comes from the Hebrew “to help”—have received weapons training during their military service. Others have worked in U.S. military intelligence. A number are currently employed by police forces across the country.

    “While their allegiance to their birth country cannot be doubted, each sayan recognizes a greater loyalty: the mystical one to Israel and a need to help protect it from its enemies,” Meir Amit, a former Mossad chief, has said. He created the secret force of sayanim.

    Known as Israel’s “invisible army,” all its members are vetted by professional Mossad intelligence officers, called katsas, before being recruited.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Traces of Mossad agents in Najaf blast

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraqi Cities 'Hot' with Depleted Uranium
    Dutch Worry About Depleted Uranium As Troops Enter Iraq

    By Sara Flounders

    Has U.S. use of depleted-uranium weapons turned Iraq into a radioactive danger area for both Iraqis and occupation troops?

    This question has already had serious consequences. In hot spots in downtown Baghdad, reporters have measured radiation levels that are 1,000 to 1,900 times higher than normal background radiation levels.

    It has also opened a debate in the Netherlands parliament and media as 1,100 Dutch troops in Kuwait prepare to enter Iraq as part of the U.S./British-led occupation forces. The Dutch are concerned about the danger of radioactive poisoning and radiation sickness in Iraq.

    Washington has assured the Dutch government that it used no DU weapons near Al-Samawah, the town where Dutch troops will be stationed. But Dutch journalists and anti-war forces have already found holes in the U.S. stories, according to an article on the Radio Free Europe website.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Al Qaeda: Worse coming

    Tape vows attack to dwarf 9/11


    WASHINGTON - A new Al Qaeda audiotape broadcast yesterday threatened strikes on the U.S. so devastating that Americans will "forget" the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

    The tape played on Arab satellite TV four days before the second anniversary of the attacks.

    The voice on the tape, dated Sept. 3, promised terror "everywhere" that "will prove to you what we are saying."

    "We announce there will be new attacks inside and outside which would make America forget the attacks of Sept. 11," Al Qaeda spokesman Abu Abdel-Rahman Al-Najdi said, according to the Dubai-based Al Arabiya channel.

    Al-Najdi's voice was last heard Aug. 18 - the day before a truck bomb in Baghdad killed a United Nations envoy and more than two dozen other UN workers.

    Al-Najdi said the terror group has doubled in size and he urged Muslims to join the fight to drive U.S. forces from Iraq. He denied that Al Qaeda was connected to last month's car bomb attack in Najaf that killed Shiite Muslim cleric Mohammad Baqir al-Hakim and about 100 worshipers - but said nothing about the deadly UN attack.




    Hey, no kidding, These were really Al Qaeda on that tape. Really. So, when the big bang happens, just think Arabs. Arabs. Aye-rahbs! Never mind if we bust some more dancing you-know-who and never mind if Fox News admits that evidence linking arrested Israeli spies to the attacks have been classified by the US Government, just think Arabs when the bang happens. Arabs. Arabs. Arabs. Arabs. Arabs. Arabs. Arabs. Arabs. And then send us your money and children so we can go get the oil. I mean, get those Arabs. Right.
    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 conspiracy theories gaining ground

    Posted Mon, 08 Sep 2003

    Conspiracy theories on the September 11 attacks are gaining ground in Germany two years on, with books claiming that the US government was behind the atrocities climbing bestseller lists.

    Thanks to a handful of new "non-fiction" works in bookstores, wild accusations have gradually become part of public debate amid a sizeable minority in Germany, home to the so-called Hamburg cell that in 2001 produced three of the suicide hijackers.

    Although each book has a different take on the events of that day, they share the premise that the government of US President George W. Bush planned the kamikaze jet attacks or allowed them to happen to advance a radical foreign policy agenda.

    Frankfurt-based publishing house Zweitausendeins (2001) boasts the runaway success of Mathias Broecker's book 'Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets of September 11' on its website, with more than 105 000 copies sold in 10 months. A follow-up volume has just hit bookstores.

    Broecker, a former journalist with the leftist daily Tageszeitung, argues that dozens of "unanswered questions" about the attacks point to a spectacular cover-up on the part of the US administration.

    More than 70 000 Germans have also bought 'The CIA and September 11' by former federal research minister Andreas von Buelow, in which he argues the planes were piloted into targets in New York and Washington not by Islamic extremists but rather by remote control.

    A third work, 'Operation 9/11' by public television reporter Gerhard Wisnewski, claims that the twin towers of the World Trade Centre were wired with explosives, has already secured a fourth print-run after three weeks in stores.

    France's Thierry Meysson has found success at home and in Germany with '9/11: The Big Lie', which argues that the attack on the Pentagon was an attempted coup d'etat by US military officials to justify future wars.

    Influential news weekly Der Spiegel tackled the phenomenon of crackpot theories in the cover story of its edition released on Monday, before this week's second anniversary of the attacks.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Blix: Irák možná říkal pravdu o svých zbraních

    7:38 - 9.9.

    WASHINGTON 9. září (ČTK) - Irák možná říkal pravdu, když Radě bezpečnosti OSN loni v prosinci tvrdil, že už nevlastní chemické, biologické nebo jaderné zbraně. Řekl to v pondělí večer bývalý šéf zbrojních inspektorů Hans Blix.

    Iráckou zprávu o 12.000 stránkách, kterou vláda prezidenta Saddáma Husajna předala 7. prosince, Spojené státy a Británie odmítly jako nekompletní a nepravdivou. Obvinily Bagdád, že se neodzbrojil, jak se zavázal v příslušné rezoluci Rady bezpečnosti.

    Washington a Londýn poté použily tyto argumenty k ospravedlnění invaze do Iráku.

    Ale více než čtyři měsíce poté, co americký prezident George Bush vyhlásil vítězství v Iráku, bývalý šéf zbrojních inspektorů soudí, že Irák možná ve své zprávě uváděl pravdu.

    "Po tak dlouhém období se kloním k tomu, že irácké tvrzení, podle něhož zničil všechny své biologické a chemické zbraně, které měl v létě 1991, mohlo být pravdivé," řekl Blix v televizní stanici CNN.

    Švédský diplomat na odpočinku připomněl, že jeho inspektoři pracovali v Iráku tři a půl měsíce na přelomu let 2002 a 2003 a že zbraně hromadného ničení nenašli. Kromě toho američtí a britští experti se při hledání zbraní pohybovali po Iráku několik měsíců a měli možnost hovořit se členy bývalého iráckého režimu.

    "Nemohu si odpustit poznámku, že některé věci, které, jak se čekalo, že najdeme, nebyly nakonec zbraně hromadného ničení," řekl Blix.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order

    by Robert Kagan

    Proč ta roztržka mezi USA a Evropou?

    na mobil




    Svět po 11. září 2001, jehož druhé výročí připadne na příští čtvrtek, se skutečně změnil. Objevila se nová dilemata, zviditelnily se některé dosud tlumené rozpory.

    Reakce na teroristické útoky začala Spojené státy oddělovat od Evropy. Bushova doktrína preventivních zásahů vyústila hned při svém prvním použití, a to proti Iráku, do otevřené roztržky mezi USA a částí západní Evropy vedenou Francií a Německem. Otázku po kořenech rozporu mezi Starým a Novým světem si klade americký neokonzervativec Robert Kagan v knize Labyrint síly a ráj slabosti - Amerika a Evropa a nový řád světa, kterou tento týden česky vydalo Nakladatelství Lidové noviny. Kaganova teze je takováto: Evropa se na nové nebezpečí - islamistický terorismus a jeho spojence mezi státy třetího světa - dívá brýlemi vlastní poválečné zkušenosti budování společných institucí. Ty nahradily boj evropských národů o nadvládu procedurami smírného urovnávání konfliktů. Státy dobrovolně omezily svou suverenitu mezinárodním právem a kantovská utopie věčného míru začala nabývat reálných obrysů. Právě tento evropský "ráj" vytváří podle Kagana mlhu, která brání Evropanům nahlédnout vážnost teroristického nebezpečí a přijmout v boji proti němu a jeho spojencům náležité prostředky. Naopak Amerika díky své klíčové roli v poválečném bipolárním odstrašení neměla možnost podlehnout iluzím o tom, že s tyrany lze smírně vyjednat mír. Místo takového "appeasementu" hodlá proti nim použít sílu, a to i tehdy, odporuje-li to mezinárodnímu právu a nesouhlasí-li s tím její nejbližší spojenci.

    Evropa jako žena, Amerika jako muž

    Podle Kagana spočívá hlavní kořen odlišného vnímání současné situace v rozdílných vzájemných pozicích USA a západní Evropy za studené války. Evropa dobrovolně přijala americký obranný deštník, pod nímž se mohla věnovat překonávání logiky moci logikou práva. Část jejího nepochopení Ameriky plyne z toho, že zapomněla na vnější podmínky svého vnitřního míru. V poválečném vztahu k Americe se Evropa ocitla v situaci ženy, která nemusí pěstovat svou sílu, neboť je chráněna mužem. Evropané jsou z Venuše, Američané z Marsu, říká Kagan. Proto byly názory Evropanů na postup vůči Saddámovi bezcenné. Tyrani rozumějí jen chlapským pěstím, nikoli zženštilému usmiřování. Rozdílné identity Ameriky a Evropy jsou však podle Kagana pouze kulturní nadstavbou stojící na hlubší základně, jíž je jejich nerovná mocenská pozice. Článek, z nějž později vznikla Kaganova kniha, se nejmenoval "ráj a moc", nýbrž "moc a slabost". Evropa je vojensky příliš slabá na to, aby mohla přijmout americkou strategii. Kagan to vyjadřuje následujícím příměrem. Člověk, který ví, že po lese chodí medvěd, a má u sebe jen nůž, se zachová jinak než člověk, který u sebe má pušku - první udělá vše pro to, aby se medvědovi vyhnul, druhý ho naopak vyhledá a zastřelí dříve, než by jím mohl být napaden. Odtud Bushova doktrína preventivních zásahů a její použití proti Saddámovi. Evropa na takový postup nemá prostředky. Protože se nemůže spolehnout na svou moc a sílu, raději pěstuje iluzi, že se s tyrany Saddámova typu lze vypořádat prostřednictvím mezinárodních institucí a práva. Kaganova kniha vyšla v originále na začátku letošního roku, právě když vrcholila transatlantická krize na půdě Rady bezpečnosti OSN. Měl pravdu americký kovboj, nebo jeho změkčilá evropská milenka? Jinak se tahle otázka jevila 9. dubna, kdy oba jásali nad skácenou Saddámovou sochou, a jinak na konci srpna, kdy se nad americkou misí v Iráku začal vznášet mrak vzpomínky na Vietnam. Možná že kovbojova puška stačila na medvěda, ale nestačí již na spoušť, kterou zanechal v lese. Možná že na její úklid místo chlapské odvahy a ochoty prát se je spíše třeba ženské trpělivosti a ochoty spolupracovat. Ostatně i Kagan, jeden z čelných neokonzervativních ideologů Bushovy administrativy, zařadil do závěru knihy několik smířlivých odstavců, v nichž radí Evropě, aby se více pochlapila, a Americe, aby si aspoň trochu osvojila ženskou schopnost poslouchat druhé.

    Pocit vyvolení

    Ale co když je to všechno jinak? Co když je Amerika ve skutečnosti idealističtější než Evropa, když si myslí, že k nastolení řádu stačí dobrý úmysl a hrubá síla? Kdo poslouchá Bushovy projevy, musel si všimnout, že kovboj je posedlý vznešenými ideály a pocitem vyvolení. Chce zachránit nejen Ameriku, ale celou civilizaci. Cílovým stavem mu není nic menšího než vítězství Dobra nad Zlem. Ve srovnání s touto idealistickou vizí konce všech časů, k němuž chce americký vůdce dovést lidstvo, je evropská představa multilaterálního vyjednávání a kompromisů vzorem realistické krotkosti. Evropané došli skrze trpké zkušenosti náboženských, nacionalistických i ideologických válek k poznání, že stabilita mezinárodního řádu nemůže spočívat na neomezené koncentraci moci v jedněch rukou, nýbrž ve vzájemném vyvažování více mocenských center. Vymanili mezinárodní politiku z křižáckých snů o nastolení tisíciletého impéria a pochopili ji jako nedokonalý způsob, jak civilizovaně zvládat konflikty vzájemně se vylučujících ambicí. Toto, a nikoli nastolení ráje na zemi, je smyslem evropského multilateralismu. Mezinárodní instituce kolektivního rozhodování mají postavit hráze, které umožní usplavnit energii mocenského boje do civilizovaných řečišť. Nikdy nemohou vyrušit boj o moc, mohou ho však svázat pravidly, která sníží jeho ničivost. Mezinárodní řád neohrožují jen teroristé a "státy-darebáci", ale také kovbojové, kteří propadli bludu, že se do ráje mohou prostřílet svými kolty.

    Kdo může být šerifem?

    Z tohoto hlediska je příhodnější pochopit vztah Evropy a Ameriky nikoli jako vztah ženství a mužství, nýbrž jako vztah stáří a mládí. Stejně jako starý člověk, i stará Evropa (ano, Rumsfelde!) ztratila iluzi své bohorovnosti a dospěla k uznání vlastní konečnosti a nesoběstačnosti. Ví, že žádná moc nemůže zajistit stabilitu mezinárodního řádu nezávisle na dohodě a spolupráci s ostatními. Proto chce i na celosvětové půdě nastolit "koncert velmocí", který si vyzkoušela na evropské půdě po zdolání Napoleona. Tak jako mladý člověk, i Amerika si myslí, že stačí chtít a svět jí bude ležet u nohou. Věří ve svou schopnost nahlédnout univerzální dobro i ve svou moc změnit jeho jménem svět. Irák měl být prvním krokem při ustavování její celoplanetární říše. Hned při prvním kroku však sen o bohorovnosti narazil na skálu reality. Jak se má stát Amerika šerifem planety, není-li schopna být šerifem pětadvacetimilionové země? Jako každý adolescent i Amerika se bude muset léčit z mladických iluzí o vlastní všemoci. Čím dříve přijde k rozumu, tím lépe. Prvním příznakem zmoudření bude, když pošle k šípku kovboje v Bílém domě i s jeho neokonzervativními rádci typu Roberta Kagana.

    Autor přednáší na Ústavu politologie FF KU a je výzkumným pracovníkem Ústavu mezinárodních vztahů

    JAXXE --- ---
    Technology: [FEATURE]

    RFID: Tracking Kids, Keys and Pets

    By Niall McKay, Fri Sep 05 07:00:00 GMT 2003

    Apple Computer co-founder Steve Wozniak has started a new company which will use wireless radio frequency identity (RFID) tags to help people find those annoying little things that seem to keep getting lost like pets, keys and... well... children.

    Mr. Wozniak, often referred to as Woz, decided to call his company Wheels of Zeus because, as he told the New York Times, he already owned the wOz Internet address.

    Electronic Smell

    Roughly speaking, RFID could be described as the electronic equivalent to smell. By transmitting a unique code number in the form of a radio signal it says, "I am this item and I am here." Unfortunately, radio signals are often unidirectional so it's difficult to tell just where the electrical smell is coming from. Woz however is developing a more complex version of RFID - one that will not only give off an electronic smell but also state its exact location.

    Mr. Wozniak is planning to create a wireless platform that will act as a reference design consisting of wOzNet - a wireless network that operates on the DECT (cordless telephone) standard using the 900 Mhz spectrum and miniature RFID tags, which will transmit their unique code number and their the location. wOzNet will use GPS technology to electronically tag things within a one or two mile radius.

    "We are looking to create a system that is capable of protecting your valuable items for just a couple of hundred dollars," says Gina Clark, vice president of marketing and business development for Wheels of Zeus.

    The technology will use GPS to identify the location of devices in the open air and it will use the 900 Mhz network to identify the location of devices in the home. DECT is not powerful enough to work outdoors and GPS does not work inside buildings.

    The company also plans to encourage its customers to interconnect individual networks into one big network using peer-to-peer technology. Officials hope that these networks will grow organically in much the same way 802.11 or Wi-Fi networks have grown in the past.

    "The more people on the network the more valuable it becomes," says Clark.



    JAXXE --- ---

    Malaysia buys 'anti-terror' microchip

    by Eileen Ng
    Posted Fri, 05 Sep 2003

    Malaysia has bought the rights from a Japanese firm to the world's smallest microchip that can be embedded in everything from currencies to human bodies and will boost the global anti-terror war, Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said on Thursday.

    Mahathir said the revolutionary miniature chip, developed by Japan's FEC Inc., could be combined with current technology to "greatly prevent the possibilities of terrorist acts" as well as banknote and document counterfeiting.

    "With the need for greater security at airports and other transport terminals the current security level provided by available systems is insufficient," Mahathir said.

    "The application is almost unlimited," he told a news conference after annual talks with global hi-tech chiefs at Cyberjaya in Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), an enclave south of the capital Kuala Lumpur modelled after California's Silicon Valley.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The U.S. Government Wanted ‘To Make An Example Out of Me’:

    Young Webmaster Heads to Prison for Political Website

    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. fails to meet international deadline on destroying its own chemical weapons

    Posted by: Admin on Saturday, September 06, 2003 - 11:06 PM GMT

    As highlighted by unknownnews.net, according to a tiny two-paragraph "In Brief" blurb in the Sep. 4, 2003 Washington Post:
    The United States cannot meet an international deadline next April for destroying at least 45 percent of its chemical arms stockpile and is seeking an extension, to 2007, for reaching that milestone, the Pentagon said.
    Citing "political and operational issues" that have caused delays at some domestic destruction sites, the Defense Department said the international Chemical Weapons Convention allows signatory states to seek such delays. The six-year-old agreement calls for member states to completely destroy their chemical stockpiles by December 2007.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Britain and the US have combined to come up with entirely new explanations of why they went to war in Iraq as inspectors on the ground prepare to report that there are no weapons of mass destruction there.

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