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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Venezuelan Military Intelligence says overwhelming evidence the CIA planned to bring down Chavez Frias' airplane en route to United Nations in New York

    Details behind the sudden decision to cancel President Hugo Chavez Frias' next-week trip to Washington D.C. and New York (to deliver a speech to the United Nations) are being revealed by security services who say they have "overwhelming evidence" of a CIA-backed plan to "bring down" the Chavez Frias' airplane during the scheduled flight to the United States from Caracas. Sources in Venezuela's Military Intelligence Directorate (DIM) have told VHeadline.com that "presented with overwhelming evidence of Washington's planned attack on the Presidential flight, it was decided that the President's personal security was preeminent and that he should not go!"


    JAXXE --- ---
    Doomed and Consumed by Debt

    Rick Lacey September 19 2003

    The creation and control of money and debt is a concept so poorly understood that we have allowed ourselves to become the slaves of those who do understand it. They use money to manipulate us into behaviors that serve to further their goals at our expense.


    JAXXE --- ---
    odpurce NWO = terorista ? hmmm


    Stern, author of "Terror in the Name of God: Why Religious Militants Kill," gave the terrorists a report card, assigning them high marks. "We are fighting a very flexible enemy," she said. "This is a learning organization."

    Al Qaeda, she said, has shifted its mission, even aligning itself with neo-Nazis and white supremacists who are sympathetic to its new focus of fighting a "new world order."

    "We know that Al Qaeda is very, very good at finding people who have the right passport and speak the right language" to facilitate a terrorist attack, she said. "They are finding new allies and new sources of recruits."


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    America puts Iraq up for sale

    By Philip Thornton in Dubai and Andrew Gumbel

    22 September 2003

    Iraq was in effect put up for sale yesterday when the American-appointed administration announced it was opening up all sectors of the economy to foreign investors in a desperate attempt to deliver much-needed reconstruction against a daily backdrop of kidnappings, looting and violent death.

    In an unexpected move unveiled at the meeting in Dubai of the Group of Seven rich nations, the Iraqi Governing Council announced sweeping reforms to allow total foreign ownership without the need for prior approval.

    The initiative bore all the hallmarks of Washington's ascendant neoconservative lobby, complete with tax cuts and trade tariff rollbacks. It will apply to everything from industry to health and water, although not oil.

    But it is still likely to feed concerns that Iraq is being turned into a golden opportunity for profiteering by multinational corporations relying on their political connections.

    Already, the biggest reconstruction contracts have been allocated to American firms such as Bechtel and Halliburton, which have ties to the Bush administration. They were selected behind closed doors, with no opportunity for competitors to present bids.


    PETVAL --- ---
    ...Patrick Gelsinger, CTO Intelu, prohlásil, že každý procesor či čip od Intelu bude mít v sobě integrovanou část pro bezdrátovou komunikaci....
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S.: Iraq sheltered suspect in '93 WTC attack


    No Osama

    No Saddam

    No WMD

    New Lie?

    Iraq sheltered suspect in '93 WTC attack
    JAXXE --- ---
    American Express Co. is expanding a trial program that uses Texas Instruments Inc. technology to let consumers pay for products with a key chain.

    In the pilot program, customers swipe their American Express key chain near a receptor at the cash register, which rings up a purchase by reading the customer's account information via radio signals. The technology is known as radio frequency identification, or RFID.

    Early stages of the program have sped up transaction times and encouraged customers to spend more money, since they don't have to dig in their pockets for change, New York-based American Express said Wednesday. "All the feedback we've gotten from customers has been very good, and the merchants are getting increased throughput," reducing the time per transaction by 30 to 40 percent, said David Bonalle, American Express vice president in charge of advanced payment development.

    The original pilot program began last year in an American Express employee cafeteria. The expanded trial, running in Phoenix, is open to non-American Express employees and includes the Carl's Jr., Schlotzsky's Deli, Quiznos Subs and Dairy Queen restaurant chains and Kwik Kopy Printing.

    American Express is paying $2 to $3 for each key chain, a molded plastic device that contains the chip and radio transmitting equipment, made by Dallas-based TI.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Does Al-Qaida exist?

    Since the 11 September attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York, Al-Qaida has been represented as a monolithic organisation with an almost global reach. However, some observers believe Al-Qaida is little more than an idea connecting the largely independent actions of a loose network of organisations and individuals. Peter Marsden traces the history of Al-Qaida and concludes that while the global organisation of popular belief does not exist, the US-led ‘war on terror’ may be the catalyst that turns the myth of Al-Qaida into reality.

    The US air strikes on Afghanistan of August 1998 brought to world attention the names of Al-Qaida and its reported leader, Osama bin Laden. The latter was presented as orchestrating a global campaign of terrorist activity from a network of terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. Thereafter, his profile continued to rise until, by the time of the US elections in early 2001, he was already identified as the primary target of US defence policy. When the World Trade Centre was the object of the major terrorist attack of 11 September 2001, the US President immediately issued a public accusation that Osama bin Laden was responsible for the attack. This was used to justify the subsequent US-led military intervention in Afghanistan and the establishment of US military bases in Afghanistan to facilitate a search for Taliban and Al-Qaida forces.

    The reality is much more complex. Al-Qaida was the name of an organisation set up in Peshawar, Pakistan to process volunteers from other parts of the Islamic world who wanted to fight alongside the Mujahidin in the jihad against the Soviet occupying forces. The volunteers processed by Al-Qaida were sent to military training camps operated, with US support, by one or other of the Mujahidin parties. Osama bin Laden was mandated by the Saudi Government to set up this office. Al-Qaida was not, therefore, a political movement.

    However, there were organisations participating in the jihad which did advocate violence against the West and they formed part of a network of radical Islamic organisations based in Pakistan which espoused a multiplicity of political objectives. It should be stressed, however, that those who argued for violence against Western targets were a minority.

    This minority grew in size over the course of the 1990s in response to specific actions of the international community and, in particular, of the US Government the first of these, the Gulf War of 1991, led to the stationing of US troops on Saudi soil. This provoked outrage throughout the Islamic world because the US presence was seen as a violation of the Islamic holy places.

    Osama bin Laden joined forces with certain radical leaders in the Sudan to campaign for the removal of US forces from Saudi Arabia. His activities resulted in his expulsion from the Sudan, as a result of US pressure on the government, and he took refuge in Afghanistan. There he maintained a low profile until the US air strikes on Afghanistan of August 1998 made him into an internationally-known figure. The US government demanded that the Taliban hand him over to face justice as a key suspect in the terrorist attacks on the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam of that month. The Taliban, who had, up to that point, had very little contact with Osama bin Laden, were forced to offer him protection. To have done otherwise would have lost them their support base amongst the students of Islamic madrasahs in Pakistan and amongst particular radical Islamic parties in Pakistan.

    From here on, both Osama bin Laden and the Taliban took on enormous symbolic importance as defenders of the Islamic world against the West.

    The political environment in Afghanistan became progressively more radical. The Taliban attracted large numbers of volunteers from other parts of the Islamic world to fight alongside them as they sought to complete their conquest of Afghanistan in order to create an Islamic state. The volunteers received military training in the camps set up for the Afghan jihad, and some joined one or other of the groups that advocated violence against the West. Many returned from Afghanistan, to their countries of origin or settlement, inspired by the sense of solidarity they had felt with other volunteers in Afghanistan and, also, in some cases, inspired by the political messages they had heard.

    We have, therefore, an international network of people who have fought in Afghanistan, some of whom have since opted to engage in terrorist activity against Western targets as a result. This network is referred to as Al-Qaida but it is no more than a loose network. The literature I have read on Al-Qaida provides no evidence that Al-Qaida is the global organisation that it has been portrayed to be, able to orchestrate terrorist acts world-wide. The risk is that actions by the US Government which deeply offend Islamic opinion, such as the recent US-led military intervention in Iraq, will strengthen communication within the network to the point where greater collaboration will create greater effectiveness and the myth of Al-Qaida may become a reality.

    Peter Marsden is a Middlen East specialist who has worked in support of NGO programming in Afghanistan for the past 14 years. He has also written extensively on the political and economic situation in the country.

    The views expressed in this article are entirely his own.

    BOND - Networking for International Development | © BOND 2003

    JAXXE --- ---
    Neo-Nazi leader 'was MI6 agent'



    BINGO! Here we find yet another instance where the enemies the government tells us to be afraid of are created by the government itself. "Terrorists" try to bomb the WTC, then we find out the "terrorists" included FBI. "Militia's" are declared a threat to the nation following the OK city bombing, then we find out that most Militia's are being run by BATF informants. The founder and leader of Elohim City, a "hotbed of white separatism" at the time Tim McVeigh was hanging around, was also an FBI informant. "Neo-Nazis" are on the rise, and we find out the Neo-Nazi leaders are intelligence agents. "Al Qaeda" knocks down the WTC on 9-11, then we find out that at least in the case if Palestine, "Al Qaeda" is actually a Mossad front. Do you get it yet? All this terror and terror group crap is a FRAUD by the government itself to scare you under control.
    PETVAL --- ---
    E-Voting Audit Ready for Public
    JAXXE --- ---
    Either Cheney is a Complete Liar or is Too Stupid to be Vice-President Based on His September 14th "Meet the Press" Interview

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush: No Link Between Iraq, Sept. 11 Attacks

    JAXXE --- ---
    Immigration officers let terrorists into UK: Report

    September 14, 2003 18:30 IST

    A gang of suspected Algerian terrorists with alleged links to Al Qaeda are on the run in Britain after breaching immigration checks.

    One of them has already been caught working for a Heathrow freight firm, media reports said on Sunday.

    The Heathrow worker, now in prison, was one of more than a dozen suspected terrorists allowed to enter Britain, The Sunday Times said in an article.

    According to the report, senior anti-terrorist officers are furious that Al Qaeda suspects breached immigration checks and that one of them was able to penetrate the world's biggest international airport.

    The suspect was arrested recently as he was about to board an international flight. Anti-terrorist officers discovered he was living near the airport and working for an air services company after the Bank of England circulated a list of 17 Al Qaeda suspects whose assets were to be traced and frozen.

    The 17 names were passed to banking authorities by Italian intelligence last October after they arrested several leading Al Qaeda suspects, the report said.

    The three men -- who had allegedly been in contact with the Italian Al Qaeda cell -- were discovered in Britain in January but the arrests have not been publicised.

    Two of them are being held at Belmarsh high security prison in southeast London under the Terrorism Act 2000.

    One of those detained is alleged to be one of Al Qaeda's European leaders, while the third man has been convicted in absentia of committing terrorist offences in Algeria. He is believed to be a senior figure in Takfir wal-Hijra, now part of Al Qaeda.

    The third man is believed to be living in London's Algerian community, and has been seen at the Finsbury Park Mosque. He was able to claim asylum in Britain despite being named on a European Union list of terrorist suspects sent to police forces and immigration authorities.

    The report quoted a senior immigration officer describing the service and asylum system as a 'mess'.



    Government totalitarianism to defend us from the terrorists the government allows in: Immigration officers let terrorists into UK, who then got jobs at Heathrow Airport
    JAXXE --- ---
    Terror laws are 'needless totalitarianism'

    A terrorist attack on the UK is seen as a serious threat
    Planned new laws to deal with a large-scale terror attack in Britain smack of "needless totalitarianism", said the Conservatives.

    Tory homeland defence spokesman Patrick Mercer was commenting on legislation which could allow the government to invoke a vast array of powers if Britain was attacked or was perceived to be at risk of a terrorist strike.

    One Conservative peer on the cross-parliamentary committee looking at the Draft Civil Contingencies Bill suggested the plans could theoretically be used to turn Britain into a republic if a state of emergency was called.

    The government says the measures are designed to ensure Britain has the best possible plans for dealing with an emergency, with clear responsibilities set out for those on the front line.

    Once a state of emergency is declared [the government] can effectively tear up the rest of the constitution and any bits of this bill [they do not like] and create a republic...
    Lord Lucas of Crudwell

    The measures would shake up legislation that dates back to the 1920s, giving ministers all the powers they need to tackle a wide range of incidents.

    These would include allowing the government to rush through temporary legislation without prior parliamentary approval, and giving authorities the right to declare a regional state of emergency.

    Mr Mercer told BBC News Online the draft laws contained "elements that smacked of needless totalitarianism".

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Brother might watch; you shouldn't

    By Robert Bianco, USA TODAY
    How nice to know we have nothing to fear.

    What, you're worried about terrorists? Well, you won't be after ABC's Threat Matrix introduces you to the all-wise, all-powerful super-secret operatives of the Homeland Security Agency. You'll rest easy, knowing our Homeland heroes are tracking would-be terrorists' movements by satellite, monitoring their radio transmissions, listening in on their phone calls and reading their e-mail. Nothing or nobody gets past them.

    As for those Chicken Littles who worry that an agency with such powers might use them to infringe on civil rights, Threat Matrix has an answer for you, as well. When a clearly foolish, and probably leftist, reporter asks the guy in charge how we know the agency won't spy on American citizens, he says simply, "Because it's against the law."

    I know I'll sleep easier.

    Look, there's no question Threat Matrix is terrible. The only question is which of its many hideous attributes is the worst: its attempt to pass high-tech twaddle off as reality, its unscrupulous desire to cash in on a nationwide trauma, or the shattering incompetence it brings to both tasks. This is what 24 would beif the scripts were terrible and the cast was negligible.

    Tonight's premiere opens with a prolonged attack on an American missile silo. You may think it's terrorists, but it's just those crazy kids from Homeland Security, making us all safer by running off with a nuclear warhead. To prove their point, they drive the warhead right into the middle of downtown D.C., which, I must say, would seem to be just a tad rash.

    The leaders of this elite force are John Kilmer (James Denton) and his ex-wife Frankie (Kelly Rutherford). She heads straight from D.C. to Indonesia, where she's promptly taken hostage. So now, while John is looking for terrorists who have somehow sneaked past his satellites, he also has to look for his ex.

    Though it's virtually suspense-free, the hour-long premiere does feature one relatively neat trick involving a computer and plastic surgery. (It makes no sense in terms of the plot, however, since they've already established they could apply the same trick to anyone's face.) Otherwise, the show is stuffed with visual filler, starting almost every scene with a superfluous zoom down from outer space or out through a telephone wire — though if the tricks take time from the script, no one is likely to complain.

    All told, Threat Matrix is as witless an hour as you'll find this season. And yet, why worry? The show is airing opposite Friends and Survivor.

    Threat ended.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Suspect claims intelligence link

    A Frenchman on trial over the Casablanca suicide bombings has worked for French intelligence, he has claimed at his trial in Morocco.

    Pierre Robert told the court he had been paid to infiltrate Muslim groups.

    Mr Robert and 33 other people are charged with murder, conspiracy and possessing arms and explosives.

    The Casablanca attacks, involving around 12 suicide bombers, killed 33 other people.

    Mr Robert, 31, said a French secret service agent known as "Mr Luc" first approached him to recruit him five years ago, and paid him for his services.

    "I was contacted at the time of the (football) World Cup in 1998 by the DST to conduct inquiries into Algerian Islamist networks in France, and I did that," Mr Robert told the court in Rabat.

    After successfully completing the mission, Mr Robert was asked by Mr Luc to investigate "Islamist activities in Belgium" - which he also carried out, he said.

    A French Interior Ministry official has insisted that the department had "never had contact with this person."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Last month, Charles J. Hanley, special correspondent for the Associated Press and winner of a Pulitzer Prize in 2000, wrote a devastating 2,500-word critique of claims made by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his influential Feb. 5 speech to the United Nations on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. In a column published this week, E&P Editor Greg Mitchell calls this speech the single most important moment in the march to war -- and charges that the media's unquestioning endorsement of Powell's assertions made invasion inevitable. Here are brief, edited excerpts from the Hanley article (available in its entirety at Philly.com).

    ALUMINUM TUBES: Powell said "most United States experts" believed aluminum tubes sought by Iraq were intended for use as centrifuge cylinders for enriching uranium for nuclear bombs.
    Energy Department experts and Powell's own State Department intelligence bureau had already dissented from this CIA view... No centrifuge program has been reported found.

    REVIVED NUCLEAR PROGRAM: "We have no indication that Saddam Hussein has ever abandoned his nuclear weapons program," Powell said.

    On July 24, Foreign Minister Ana Palacio of Spain, a U.S. ally on Iraq, said there was "no evidence, no proof" of a nuclear bomb program before the war. No such evidence has been reported found since the invasion.

    DECONTAMINATION VEHICLES: At two sites, Powell said trucks were "decontamination vehicles" associated with chemical weapons.

    Nothing has been reported found since... Norwegian inspector Jorn Siljeholm told AP on March 19 that "decontamination vehicles" U.N. teams were led to by U.S. information invariably turned out to be water or fire trucks.

    BIOWEAPONS TRAILERS: Powell said defectors had told of "biological weapons factories" on trucks and in train cars. He displayed artists' conceptions of such vehicles.

    After the invasion, U.S. authorities said they found two such truck trailers in Iraq, and the CIA said it concluded they were part of a bioweapons production line. But no trace of biological agents was found on them, Iraqis said the equipment made hydrogen for weather balloons, and State Department intelligence balked at the CIA's conclusion.

    DESERT WEAPONS: According to Powell, unidentified sources said the Iraqis dispersed rocket launchers and warheads holding biological weapons to the western desert, hiding them in palm groves and moving them every one to four weeks.

    Nothing has been reported found, after months of searching by U.S. and Australian troops in the nearly empty desert.

    ANTHRAX: Powell noted Iraq had declared it produced 8,500 liters of the biological agent anthrax before 1991. None has been "verifiably accounted for," he said.

    No anthrax has been reported found, post-invasion. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), in a confidential report last September (five months before the Powell speech) said that although it believed Iraq had biological weapons it didn't know their nature, amounts, or condition.

    UNMANNED AIRCRAFT: Powell showed video of an Iraqi F-1 Mirage jet spraying "simulated anthrax." He said four such spray tanks were unaccounted for, and Iraq was building small unmanned aircraft "well suited for dispensing chemical and biological weapons."

    According to U.N. inspectors' reports, the video predated the 1991 Gulf War, when the Mirage was said to have been destroyed, and three of the four spray tanks were destroyed in the 1990s. No small drones or other planes with chemical-biological capability have been reported found in Iraq since the invasion.

    FOUR TONS OF VX: Powell said Iraq produced four tons of the nerve agent VX.

    Powell didn't note that most of that was destroyed in the 1990s under U.N. supervision. No VX has been reported found since the invasion. Experts at Britain's Internatonal Institute of Strategic Studies said any pre-1991 VX most likely would have degraded anyway.

    'EMBEDDED' CAPABILITY: "We know that Iraq has embedded key portions of its illicit chemical weapons infrastructure within its legitimate civilian industry," Powell said.

    No "chemical weapons infrastructure" has been reported found. The recently-disclosed DIA report of last September said there was "no reliable information" on where Iraq might have established chem-warfare facilities.

    CHEMICAL AGENTS: "Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical-weapons agent," Powell said.

    Powell gave no basis for the assertion, and no such agents have been reported found. That same DIA report had reported "no reliable information on whether Iraq is producing and stockpiling chemical weapons."

    CHEMICAL WEAPONS: "Saddam Hussein has chemical weapons...And we have sources who tell us that he recently has authorized his field commanders to use them," Powell said.

    No such weapons were used in the war and none was reported found.

    CHEMICAL WARHEADS: Powell said 122-mm "chemical" warheads found by U.N. inspectors in January might be the "tip of an iceberg."

    The warheads were empty, a fact Powell didn't note. No others have been reported found since the invasion.

    SCUDS, NEW MISSILES: Powell said "intelligence sources" indicate Iraq had a secret force of up to a few dozen prohibited Scud-type missiles. He said it also had a program to build newer, 600-mile-range missiles.

    No Scud-type missiles have been reported found. No program for long-range missiles has been reported.

    Source: Editor & Publisher Online

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