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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Odhalení plíživého orwellianismu ve Spojených státech

    JAXXE --- ---
    Čtrnáct charakteristik fašismu

    Lawrence Britt

    Dr. Lawrence Britt studoval známé fašistické systémy (Hitlerovo Německo, Mussoliniho Itálii, Francovo Španělsko, Suhartovu Indonésii a další země latinské Ameriky) ve snaze najít společné charakteristiky. Nalezl čtrnáct klíčových charakteristik.



    Mocný a stále pokračující nacionalismus
    Fašistické režimy mají tendenci neustále používat patriotické slogany, motta, symboly, písně a další podobnou výbavu. Vlajky a státní symboly jsou všude. Nejen na budovách a v ulicích, ale i na oblečení a na doplňcích denní potřeby.

    Pohrdání lidskými právy
    Z obavy před nepřáteli a z důvodu potřeby vlastní bezpečnosti tvrdí fašistické režimy lidem, že lidská práva mohou být v určitých případech ignorována. "Je to nutné," říkají. Lidé mají tendenci nevidět, nebo dokonce souhlasit s mučením, popravami, vraždami odpůrců, dlouhým uvězněním apod.

    Identifikace společného nepřítele / obětního beránka
    Lidem je naočkováno společné nebezpečí a následně jsou vmanipulováni do sjednocujícího patriotického šílenství. Tvrdí se jim, že je nutno eliminovat toto vnímané nebezpečí nebo nepřítele: rasu, etnikum, náboženskou menšinu, liberály, komunisty, socialisty, teroristy apod.

    Zvýšení významu armády
    Navzdory existujícím viditelným domácím problémům dostává armáda disproporční množství peněz ze státní pokladny. Domácí agenda je zanedbávána. Vojáci a vojenská služba bývá oslavována a glorifikována.

    Nespoutaný sexismus
    Vláda fašistů má tendenci být téměř výhradně mužskou záležitostí. Více se lpí na tradičních ženských a mužských rolích. Rozvody, interrupce a homosexualita bývají potlačeny. Stát reprezentuje poslední (nejvyšší) instanci dozoru nad rodinou.

    Ovládnutí masových sdělovacích prostředků
    Někdy jsou média ovládána přímo vládou. V jiných případech jsou nepřímo kontrolována formou vládních regulací nebo sympatie budícími dobrými řečníky a mluvčími vůdců. Cenzura je běžná, zvlášť ve válečném stavu.

    Posedlost národní bezpečností
    Strach je vládou zneužíván jako motivační prostředek k ovládnutí mas.

    Náboženství a vláda jsou provázány
    Fašistická vláda má tendenci využít nejrozšířenějšího místního náboženství jako prostředku k manipulaci veřejným míněním. Vůdcové hojně používají náboženskou rétoriku a terminologii navzdory tomu, že stanovisko hlavních představitelů zneužívané církve se diametrálně liší od vládní politiky a jejich činů.

    Ochrana korporační moci
    Industriální, obchodní a finanční aristokracie stojí za dosazenými vládci. Ona to byla, která je na příslušná vysoká místa dosadila. Pěstuje se oboustranně výhodný vztah mezi vládou, korporacemi a mocenskou elitou.

    Oslabení moci pracujících
    Organizovaná moc pracujících je jediným skutečným nebezpečím fašistické vlády. Proto bývají odbory buď zcela eliminovány nebo mají nasazen náhubek.

    Opovrhování intelektuály a umělci
    Fašistický národ má tendenci prosazovat a tolerovat otevřené nepřátelství vůči vyššímu vzdělání a akademii. Není neobvyklé, že profesoři a akademici bývají cenzurováni nebo dokonce zavíráni. Jakýkoliv projev svobodného názoru v umění je otevřeně napadán.

    Posedlost zločinností a tresty
    Policie ve fašistických státech mívá téměř neomezenou moc ve vynucování zákona. Lidé jsou často ochotni přehlížet policejní zvůli a dokonce se vzdát civilních svobod ve jménu patriotismu. Ve fašistických státech často existuje národní policie s téměř neomezenými pravomocemi.

    Divoký, neovládaný kryonismus a korupce
    Téměř vždy bývají fašistické režimy ovládány úzkou skupinkou přátel a spojenců. Jeden jmenuje druhého do důležitých pozic. Využívají vládní moc a autoritu k ochraně svých přátel před odpovědností. Pro fašistické režimy nebývá výjimkou, když si vládnoucí skupinka přivlastní přírodní zdroje a poklady státu nebo je přímo otevřeně ukradne.

    Zmanipulované nebo zcela zfalšované volby
    Volby ve fašistickém státě někdy bývají kompletní ostudou. Jindy bývají manipulovány pomocí pomlouvačných kampaní nebo dokonce odstraněním (vraždou) oponentů. K manipulaci s volebními hlasy se rovněž využívá legislativy a médií. Často se vhodně upravují hranice politických okrsků. Pro fašistický stát je typické využití soudní mocí k získání volebních hlasů a k vítězství.

    Uveřejněno na http://www.couplescompany.com/FEATURES/Politics/Structure3.htm

    JAXXE --- ---
    Holocaust ve výrobě

    Paul Craig Roberts

    Jednoduše řečeno, není pochyb, že Saddam teď disponuje ZHN." (Dick Cheney, 26.8.2002)

    "Ti, kteří si mysleli, že nenajdeme zakázané výrobní jednotky nebo zbraně, se mýlili. Našli jsme je." (Geroge Bush, 30.3.2003)

    Když začalo být zřejmé, že se tzv. "válka proti terorismu" mění v totální válku proti Střednímu východu, předpověděl jsem, že následkem toho bude návrat Američanů k myšlence použití jaderných zbraní.



    Bushova administrativa došla k názoru, že bude snazší a pro opozici stravitelnější, oznámí-li se raději nový zbrojní program výroby "použitelné jaderné zbraně", než se pokoušet obnovit vojenské programy na výrobu klasických jaderných zbraní z období studené války.

    Článek Juliana Comana v Telegraphu 26. října hovoří o tom, že program vývoje nové generace atomových "mini-bomb" podporují ve své kontroverzní zprávě vlivní poradci Pentagonu. V této zprávě se píše, že je na čase přestat vnímat jaderné zbrojení jak jsme byli zvyklí v dobách studené války jako katastrofickou zbraň poslední bitvy.

    Namísto "špatných" jaderných zbraní budou "dobré" jaderné zbraně snáze použitelné a šetrnější vůči okolí.

    Tento zcela mimořádný návrh přicházející od světového vojenského hegemona ukazuje fanatismus neokonzervativců. Zdá se, že se profesor Claes Ryn ve své nové knize America the Virtuous nemýlí, když je přirovnává k dědicům francouzské revoluce.

    Zpráva Pentagonu, která prosákla do magazínů zabývajících se obranou, říká, že cílem těchto "mini-bomb" budou teroristé. Nové jaderné zbraně prý jsou nutné, aby bylo možno zlikvidovat skladiště biologických zbraní, teroristické buňky a zbraně hromadného ničení ukryté hluboko pod povrchem země.

    Takováto skladiště budou existovat všude tam, kde se to zrovna bude neokonzervativcům hodit. A navíc jim vyřeší problém s nedostatkem vojáků. Další výhodou bude to, že všeničící výbuch je uchrání před zahanbujícím odhalením neexistujících ZHN.

    Je zřejmé, že jaderné zbraně jakékoliv velikosti jsou vůči teroristům roztroušeným v široké populaci zcela nevhodné. Skutečným důvodem malých atomových bomb je spálení muslimských měst. Tak, jako jsou označeny z hlediska propagandy Irák, Írán a Sýrie za teroristické státy, tak budou nyní označeny za teroristická města Damašek, Teherán, Bagdád, Mekka, Kairo a Mogadišu. Vypadá to, že nekokonzervativci se rozhodli pro konečné řešení muslimského problému a pro Araby se připravuje genocida.

    Podzemní skladiště zbraní hromadného ničení pochopitelně neexistují nikde jinde, než v zemích jako Amerika, Izrael a Rusko, tyto země jistě na seznamu neokonzervativců nejsou.

    Propaganda o neexistujících skladištích ZHN je vhodnou záminkou pro džíhad neokonzervativců proti Isámu, stejně jako posloužily zfalšované údaje o iráckých ZHN k ospravedlnění invaze do Iráku. To, čemu budou obyvatelé Středního východu z Ameriky vystaveni, nebudou ctnostné myšlenky o demokracii, ale radioaktivní spad.

    Za tři krátké roky vlády Bushovy administrativy se neokonzervativcům podařilo obrátit americkou zahraniční politiku vzhůru nohama. Rozložili multilaterální vztahy budované přes polovinu století. Pomocí lží a fabrikací oklamali americkou veřejnost a začali agresivní válku. Ani tato revoluční destrukce světového pořádku je neuspokojila a neokonzervativci teď požadují, aby Amerika vedla svět do nového kola jaderného zbrojení.

    Není-li tohle jednání ničemného státu, tak co je?

    Zpráva Pentagonu požaduje novou generaci jaderných zbraní a staví na základním předpokladu, že teroristická podzemní skladiště ZHN v budoucnosti vzniknou tak nějak samy od sebe ze vzduchu. Tatáž zpráva nevysvětluje, proč by si teroristé, kteří se nám snaží ublížit, sami dělali ze sebe cíl tím, že by tyto zbraně (pokud by je měli) uschovávali ve skladištích, namísto aby je rovnou proti nám použili.

    Za pouhé tři roky se neokonzervativcům podařilo zcela přeorganizovat strategii ministerstva obrany: namísto hrozby sílou se nyní používá metoda agresivních válek. Dokazuje to, že americká zahraniční politika na Středním východě zcela opustila hledání mírového řešení a raději následuje jednostrannou doktrínu dobytí a podrobení Ariela Sharona.

    A oklamáni, zmateni a spoluvinni Američané se nechávají vtáhnout do širší války.

    Článek A Holocaust in the Making byl uveřejněn 27.10. na serveru Antiwar.com.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The axis of oil: how a plan for the world's biggest pipeline threatens to wreak havoc

    By Philip Thornton and Charles Arthur
    28 October 2003

    It is a story of empire-building, intrigue, espionage, double-dealing and arm-twisting that Rudyard Kipling would have been proud to write.

    Kipling popularised the phrase "The Great Game" to describe the secret battle to dominate central Asia fought between the British Empire, Russia and France.

    But even he would have blanched at plans by the United States - with the help of the oil giant BP and British taxpayers - to establish a hegemony across an area stretching from the Russian borders to the Mediterranean Sea.

    Inevitably, the need for oil is at the heart of the story. Two former Soviet states, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, between them have oil reserves three times the size of America's. The "game" is to find the safest way to get that black gold into the petrol tanks of American cars.

    The US has been pushing for a new pipeline since Bill Clinton was in office. At first, companies were reluctant, but the rising price of oil, allied to threats in the Persian Gulf and the likelihood of huge reserves of oil and gas worth as much as $4 trillion under the Caspian, has made them increasingly bullish. The US Environment Department estimates that by 2010, the Caspian region could produce 3.7 million barrels per day. This could fill a large hole in world supplies as world oil demand is expected to grow from 76 million a day, in 2000, to 118.9 million by 2020.

    By this time, the Middle Eastern members of OPEC would be looking to supply half of that need.

    The geopolictical stakes are high - the pipeline would be able to pump as much as 4.2 million barrels per year, easing the US's reliance on the unstable Gulf states for oil.

    The answer is the world's longest export pipeline, a 1,090-mile, 42-inch wide pipe snaking its way within a 500-metre corridor from the Caspian Sea port of Baku, in Azerbaijan, to Ceyhan, in Turkey, via some of the world's most unstable and conflict-ridden nations.

    The project will cost up to $4 billion (£2.4bn) and is being built by a consortium of 11 companies led by BP. Almost three quarters of the funding will come in the form of bank loans including some $600 million of taxpayers' money.

    The consortium has asked the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for $300 million each in loans. In addition it has asked government agencies, including Britain's Export Credit Guarantee Department (ECGD), to underwrite the risk of the project being sabotaged by civil war or terrorism.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Big brother or the mark of the beast?

    By Becky Blanton - Sierra Times.com

    If homeland security’s extreme precautions against terrorists haven’t gotten under your skin, look again. That’s just what they’re about to do — with VeriChips. A VeriChip is a rice-sized radio frequency identification microchip designed for tracking everything from products to people.
    The company who created the chip — Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) — has announced that organizations in Brazil and Mexico have begun implanting the chips in children. And, the Department of Defense announced Oct. 23 that the government will begin using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) devices throughout the military and the U.S. for product inventory beginning in 2005. U.S. companies such as Wal-Mart also expect to be using RFID tags in 2005.

    Depending on the public’s response, some American’s can expect to find VeriChips being offered in the U.S. as part of a child-identification program very soon. DoD claims RFID technology greatly improves the management of inventory by providing hands-off processing for everything from ordnance to office supplies.

    The RFID tags will be applied to everything in the military except sand, gravel, liquids and similar items. Dod expects the system to not only speed up the inventory process, but make it more accurate and less susceptible to human error. Soldiers won’t be chipped — yet. At least not in the United States. However, the VeriChip is now being used to track people outside the United States.

    ADS has a program called VeriKid.

    Under the program children are implanted with a VeriChip — an RFID device, using a large needle which injects the device under the skin. The chip gives off a 125-kilohertz radio frequency signal which is transmitted to a nearby scanner or hand held wand. Scanners read the transmitted ID number and use it to identify the child through a database.

    When a “chipped” child is abducted or missing, authorities place scanners in areas where the child might turn up — such as shopping malls, bus stations, airports and other areas. If the child goes by the scanner, the chip triggers the scanner and alerts authorities to the location.

    Both Brazil and Mexico have implemented the program for “security purposes” and to track abducted and missing children. Mexico's National Foundation of Investigations of Robbed and Missing Children estimates that 133,000 children in Mexico have been kidnapped over the past five years.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Rumsfeld Wants a Ministry of Truth

    Paul Craig Roberts

    When deceit catches up with a government, officials take refuge in propaganda. Thus, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld told the Washington Times (Oct. 24) that he wants a "21st century information agency in the government" to help fight a "war of ideas" and educate Americans and foreigners that Big Brother is right.

    Last year Rumsfeld was forced to close a clandestine "Office of Strategic Influence" in the Pentagon when reports surfaced that the Pentagon was issuing false information abroad in order to influence public sentiment and policy in other countries. Rumsfeld wants to revive this office and to include the US under its sway.

    The flower-strewn "cakewalk" promised by Rumsfeld has become, according to his leaked private Pentagon memo, the "long, hard slog." The claims made by Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz to justify the invasion of Iraq were not correct, and our intelligence agencies knew the claims were not correct. Senior Republican senators are calling for Bush "to take charge of his government." Harper's publisher John R. MacArthur has called publicly for Bush to be impeached.

    These developments do not serve the neo-Jacobin (neocon) agenda of wider war in the Middle East. In order to regain control of the agenda, the warmongers intend to create a Ministry of Propaganda so that they can control the facts.

    The silence of the public and the meekness of the press in the face of unprecedented lies from the US government has opened the door for a Ministry of Truth.

    Rumsfeld regards the public's acceptance of a war based on lies as the public's complicity in the deed. He reckons that the flag-waving public, as much as the government, will welcome a new ministry to control the facts.

    A Ministry of Truth has many advantages. No one ever has to say they are sorry, admit they were wrong, or learn they were suckered. Political remorse and heartburn become forgotten words. Casualties, like the wounded, will disappear from the news. We will be safe from emotional discomfort until we do something that arouses the government's suspicion.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraqis See Israel as Culprit in Bombings

    Los Angeles Times

    BAGHDAD - As the bombing disaster early this week is cemented into people's consciousness, three emotions dominate: anger, ambivalence about the U.S. role in Iraq and a desire to lay blame at the door of adversaries rather than fellow Muslims.

    "I am sure that the people who did this are enemies of Iraq, not the enemies of the Americans," Dunya Khalil Ismail, a 28-year-old college lecturer, said as she left work Wednesday. "Whether it was the Israelis or the Americans themselves, they are aiming at us.

    "It started with the war, and this is just another stage," she said. "I don't know what can be done. The Americans have everything in their hands."

    Ismail is one of many people here - rich and poor, religious and secular - who see Israel as being behind the suicide bombings Monday at the International Committee of the Red Cross and three police stations, which killed at least 35 people and wounded more than 200. It might be an idea that seems farfetched to many Americans, but seen through Iraqi eyes, it has a kind of logic.

    The reasoning goes like this: The people who masterminded the bombings wanted to hurt Iraqis, the vast majority of the victims. Who are Iraq's enemies? Israel is the one nearest at hand and the one that, it is widely assumed here, urged the U.S. to remove President Saddam Hussein. Who will benefit if chaos weakens Iraq? Again, Israel, because it will feel safer. And if Iraq is chaotic, it may force the Americans to keep troops in the country longer. Who wants American troops on Arab soil? Again, the answer is Israel.

    And if that line of thought is true, then is there anyone who can be counted on to bring stability to the country? The answer for many Iraqis is that they face a violent and uncertain future.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Freemasons Promote Child ID Chip

    Shirley Oracle

    SHIRLEY -- The Shirley PTA and the Massachusetts Freemasons will present the Child Identification Program Saturday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Lura A. White School.

    The Masonic CHIP program is the most comprehensive service of its kind anywhere. CHIP is provided free of charge to the public, with all of the identifying items generated during the events given to the child's family. Infants, school aged children and college students are encouraged to participate.

    The CHIP program includes the following:

    * A brief videotaped interview can be quickly distributed to the media in order to reach a huge audience. This interview will capture your child's speech patterns and mannerisms. Several cameras will be set up. Fifteen to 20 volunteers are needed for the interview.

    * Fingerprinting is a well-known means of identification. Resourceful parents keep fingerprints available should the need arise. Shirley police officers will do the fingerprinting portion of this event.

    * A toothprint bite impression is quick and easy. Teeth, like fingerprints, are unique. A dental imprint gives both accurate and important information for identification purposes. In addition to the imprint, saliva and scent are also left behind on the wafer. The pediatric dentistry office of Dr. Linda Blaschke will do the toothprint.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Instinkt č.43 - 23.10.2003

    Začipujte si DÍTĚ

    Zavedení elektronických andělů strážných brání předsudky


    Už žádné pohřešované děti, žádné únosy či sebevraždy. O bezpečnost vašich potomků se postarají moderní čipy. Kacířská myšlenka? Jistě! Debata, která rozpoltí národ? Dost možná. Ale kolik rodičů, po jejichž dětech se slehla zem, by čip přivítalo jako spásu z nebes?

    Je sobota 12. dubna letošního roku. Padesát policistů, sto vojáků a další dobrovolníci již třetí den hledají v okolí obce Borovnice malého, sotva tříletého chlapce, který ve čtvrtek odpoledne utekl z domova. Již poněkolikáté. Ale zatímco dříve jeho toulky skončily šťastně, tentokrát už všichni tuší tragédii. Nad obcí ještě létá vrtulník s termovizí, záchranáři pobíhají se cvičenými psy, ale skepse pomalu narůstá. Venku totiž hustě sněží a noční teplota opakovaně klesla pod bod mrazu. V noci z pátku na sobotu stáli záchranáři jen pár stovek metrů od dítěte, které leželo v bezvědomí. Chyběl kousek štěstí. Dál však už nikdo nešel, copak by se mohl malý chlapec dostat tak daleko? Bohužel mohl. Tělo malého Vítka nakonec našli v neděli 13. dubna šest kilometrů od jeho domova. U chlapce seděla malá jezevčice a věrně ho zahřívala do poslední chvíle. Marně. Nevyléčitelný útěkář, který opakovaně prchal ze školky i z domova, zemřel na následky podchlazení. "Pro jeho nalezení jsme udělali maximum, víc se dělat nedalo," prohlásil starosta obce Josef Bušák. Co nebylo v lidských silách, je však v možnostech techniky. Kdyby měl malý dobrodruh ve svém těle implantován supermoderní čip napojený na systém GPS, našli by ho záchranáři už po pár hodinách.

    (plné znění textu naleznete v tištěné verzi časopisu)


    JAXXE --- ---
    Tracking service may be a phone call away

    02 November 2003

    The walls have ears, big brother is watching - and now your mobile phone could give away your secrets.

    Errant workers and cheating partners could be caught out if New Zealand mobile phone companies decide to follow their British counterparts and introduce a "spying" service.

    In the UK, at least six firms offer a tracking service based on information sold to them from the largest mobile phone networks.

    For as little as E5 a month, worried parents in the UK can check on their children's whereabouts, employers can keep an eye on their workers, and suspicious partners can monitor their spouses.

    The service is used in New Zealand by transport companies to monitor their freight movements. And Vodafone and Telecom are open to the possibility of selling information to tracking companies to sell on to the public.

    But civil liberties groups have slammed the service saying it will foster a culture of spying.

    Vodafone spokeswoman Sarah Williams said the company would certainly consider it "if there is a demand for it".

    A Telecom spokesperson said the company was monitoring the success of the tracking service in other countries before making a decision.

    The tracking service relies on networks of mobile phone masts which can determine the location of a phone - and therefore its owner. The phone must be switched on for its location to be picked up.

    Private investigators said the service would be invaluable.

    TV personality and private investigator Julia Hartley Moore said the service would be "relished by people with cheating partners".

    "It would be huge. Surveillance would go out the door - you could find out where they were rather than where they said they were."


    JAXXE --- ---
    the fifth estate: Conspiracy Theories

    Broadcast on the fifth estate Wednesday, October 29 2003 on CBC TV at 9PM
    Repeated on CBC Newsworld on Tuesday November 4th at 10 PM, Wednesday November 5th at 1 AM

    In a special season premiere investigation the fifth estate's Bob McKeown
    finds that even the most outlandish conspiracy theory may have its basis in a legitimate question.
    In the course of separating fact from fiction, Bob delves into the labyrinthine and surprising ties
    between the Bushes and the Bin Ladens.
    What he finds out may startle you as much as any conspiracy theory.

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Poll Shows Democrats Struggling Vs. Bush

    By Associated Press

    November 2, 2003, 2:12 PM EST

    WASHINGTON -- Democrats are struggling to find a message and messenger to challenge President Bush, who appears vulnerable on major issues, a poll released Sunday suggests.

    Democrats are divided on how their own party should deal with President Bush, while Republicans are more unified on their own party's direction, says the ABC-Washington Post poll. Just over half the Democrats, 57 percent, said the leadership of their party is taking it in the right direction, while 75 percent of Republicans felt that way.

    Almost half of Democrats said party leaders were too willing to compromise with Bush, while more than four in 10 said they want the top Democrats to compromise more.

    No Democratic presidential candidate appears to be breaking away to lead the party toward the 2004 election 12 months away. A handful of Democrats remain grouped near the top of the polls, all with support in the low to middle teens.

    People are evenly divided whether they would support President Bush or the Democratic candidate should the election be held today. Bush fares better against specific candidates, holding leads ranging from 8 to 18 percentage points.

    As Democrats struggle to find a candidate among nine in the field, Bush appears vulnerable on issues ranging from the economy to Iraq.

    The poll found that 51 percent disapprove his handling of Iraq, while 47 percent approved. Just over half, 53 percent, disapprove his handling of the economy, while 45 percent approved.

    Disapproval on issues such as health care and the deficit was higher, while Bush retains majority support on education.

    His strongest areas remain his leadership qualities and the fight against terror. His overall job approval in this poll was 56 percent.

    The poll of 1,207 adults was taken Oct. 26-29 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points, slightly larger for registered voters.
    DRIFTER --- ---
    "I want to ask you for a moment to at least consider taking off the rose-colored glasses."

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Microsoft in merger talks with Google
    (Filed: 31/10/2003)

    Microsoft is reported to be pursuing a partnership or merger with online search company Google.

    Bill Gates's company is said to have held talks with Google in recent weeks, during which the possibility of a takeover was also raised. Google is still said to prefer to use Wall Street to sell its initial offering, followed by an online auction, according to the New York Times.

    Both companies have refused to comment.

    There has been intense speculation about Google in recent weeks after the company told Wall Street it hoped to sell shares to the public in the first half of next year.

    Google has recently held meetings with bankers in preparation for an initial public offering, the newspaper said. The offering could be worth between £9.4 billion and £15.6 billion, according to estimates.

    Creators, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, are considering selling a 10 per cent or 15 per cent stake to the public, raising an estimated £1.25 billion.

    The search engine, which was set up by the two Stanford university graduates in 1998. Since its establishment Google has become one of the most used websites in the world.
    DRIFTER --- ---
    October 30, 2003
    Lies and the Lying Liars
    Do you remember how "foreign fighters" are supposed to be "pouring in" from the Syrian border to engage the Army of Occupation in Iraq? Do you remember how "foreign terrorists" are simply "walking across" the Syrian border into Iraq in order to conduct terrorist attacks?

    President Bush, just the other day, blamed attacks against the Army of Occupation on "foreign terrorists" and said that the United States is working with Syria and Iran to prevent the influx of "foreign terrorists," as Voice of America reported yesterday.

    But this "influx" of "foreign terrorists" is news to those American soldiers manning the Syrian-Iraqi border. The Washington Post reports today that the 101st Airborne Division and the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment — the units responsible for patrolling the Syrian border — "doubt Syria is [the] entry point" for these "foreign terrorists". The 101st Airborne's commanders say, in the Post's words that "neither the aircraft nor human intelligence sources show significant infiltration from Syria."

    They say that "concerns about illegal infiltration along the Syrian border appear unfounded." In fact, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Buche, commander of the 3rd Brigade of the 101st's 3rd Battalion says "If somebody is saying the Ho Chi Minh Trail runs through my area of operations, I'm going to tell them they're wrong."

    In fact, an influx of foreign jihadis from Syria is so low on the radar of the American Army of Occupation that Major General David Petraeus, commander of the 101st actually ordered his troops to open the Syrian border. He told his troops "We need to open the border for trade with Syria. Go out and open the border."

    Of course, this is apparently news to the senior leadership of the Bush Administration. Donald Rumsfeld said just yesterday in a press briefing that "We also know that there are some foreign terrorists that have come into the country. We've collected up to 200 of them, a great many of them Syrian and Lebanese, and they're in jail, in prison. And we've killed a number."

    Rumsfeld has even accused Syria of actively supporting the movement of "jihadis" into Iraq over the Syrian-Iraq border.

    But this appears to be news to the troops manning the border. The headline of the Post story is, after all, "Commanders doubt Syria is entry point".

    Oh, I've got another one for you. Do you remember that infamous "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln six months ago? The one accompanying Bush's "Victory in Iraq" speech? I certainly remember it well. I especially remember that it was of the same design as previuos backdrops for speeches made by Bush and other senior Bush Administration officials.

    I have to admit that I watched a press conference of Bush's in the Rose Garden the other night on CSPAN-2. I was shocked — shocked may not be the right word, but it'll do — when Bush claimed that the "Mission Accomplished" banner didn't come from the White House at all, but was furnished by the sailors of the Abraham Lincoln. Bush said "The 'Mission Accomplished' sign, of course, was put up by the members of the USS Abraham Lincoln, saying that their mission was accomplished. I know it was attributed somehow to some ingenious advance man from my staff — they weren't that ingenious, by the way."

    I'll leave the judgement of Bush's advance team to Bush, but I have to argue with the thrust of his statement. The banner was clearly printed by the same people who print all of Bush's banners. There's no mistaking the design. So it was no surprise when Bush's staff immediately backtracked, saying that the crew of the Lincoln asked the White House to have the banner made.

    Sure. And there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can buy for real cheap.

    Senator Lieberman, who's running for president, offered the perfect retort for Bush's latest lie. "Today was another banner day in George Bush's quest to bring honor and integrity to the White House," Lieberman said, "If he wanted to prove he has trouble leveling with the American people, mission accomplished."

    Ouch. Meanwhile, I might note, that American Proconsul Paul Bremer is taking some heat for his weekly television addresses made from his golden throne in Baghdad. For the past few weeks, the Washington Post reports, Bremer has been appearing every Thursday and Friday on IMN — a TV network run by the Pentagon in Baghdad.

    While Bremer's staff tries to present Bremer's addresses as "an example of journalism in the Western tradition," the fact is that Iraqis find Bremer's addresses more in keeping with "the regular television appearances of former president Saddam Hussein."

    In fact, not only do Iraqis not trust the proconsul's speeches, they don't trust his mouthpiece either. The BBC states that Iraqis consider IMN "as the mouthpiece of the CPA."

    How could they consider statements like "You, the Iraqi people, whom the evil one was bound to protect, he instead tortured, he instead murdered. You, the Iraqi people, whom the evil one was bound to feed, he instead starved" as anything but solid, Western-style impartial journalism?

    It makes you think about the explanation of Bremer's speeches by Bremer employee and former CBS producer Gary Thatcher. He explains to the Post that Bremer's speeches are simply "much like President Bush's weekly Saturday radio address," as the Post puts it.

    Exactly right, I dare say.

    Posted by George Paine | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
    From the "Gulf War Redux" Department as of 10:15 AM
    PETVAL --- ---
    Algoritmy Googlu chybovaly

    Chyba vyhledávače Googlu odřízla tisíce stránek a posílila hlasy, které tvrdí, že dominantní až monopolní pozice Googlu vyžaduje regulaci.

    Google musí neustále odrážet pokusy spammerů či provozovatelů pornostránek, kteří neustále vymýšlí metody, jak obelstít jeho hodnotící systém a dostat se tak do čela stránek vracených Googlem na uživatelův dotaz. Žádná kontrola ovšem není stoprocentní a vinou chyb pak mohou být postiženi provozovatelé "nezávadných" serverů stejně jako uživatelé, pátrající na síti po zdrojích informací.

    V této situaci se začínají ozývat hlasy, podle kterých se Google stal příliš mocným distributorem informací na to, aby nadále zůstal bez dohledu. Někteří žurnalisté a komentátoři ve Velké Británii k tomu účelu dokonce navrhují zřízení vládní organizace Ofsearch (Office of Search Engines), obdoby úřadu Oftel, regulující tamní telekomunikační trh.

    Zastáncům regulace dodala nedávno argumenty chyba v implementaci algoritmů, které vyhodnocují relevanci stránek.
    KERRAY --- ---
    maso, fiktivní rozhovor s Marxem

    PETVAL --- ---
    Three R's: Reading, Writing, RFID
    02:00 AM Oct. 24, 2003 PT

    Gary Stillman, the director of a small K-8 charter school in Buffalo, New York, is an RFID believer.

    While privacy advocates fret that the embedded microchips will be used to track people surreptitiously, Stillman said he believes that RFID tags will make his inner city school safer and more efficient.

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    See also
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    RFID Gussied Up With Biosensors
    Learning to Live With Biometrics
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    Three R's: Reading, Writing, RFID
    Copyright Catch-Up in E. Europe
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    Orgasmatron Puts Tech in Sex
    Spammers Clog Up the Blogs

    Stillman has gone whole-hog for radio-frequency technology, which his year-old Enterprise Charter School started using last month to record the time of day students arrive in the morning. In the next months, he plans to use RFID to track library loans, disciplinary records, cafeteria purchases and visits to the nurse's office. Eventually he'd like to expand the system to track students' punctuality (or lack thereof) for every class and to verify the time they get on and off school buses.

    "That way, we could confirm that Johnny Jones got off at Oak and Hurtle at 3:22," Stillman said. "All this relates to safety and keeping track of kids.... Eventually it will become a monitoring tool for us."
    JAXXE --- ---
    Source: Saddam's money may be in Syria

    Official: Syria 'needs to do more to cooperate'

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration believes as much as $3 billion from deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's regime is in Syrian banks, and it wants more cooperation from Syria to help find and return the money to the Iraqi people, a Treasury Department official said Monday.

    "We believe it's as much as $3 billion, and we are trying to find out and confirm this," the official told CNN.

    The official said the United States is concerned that the money is possibly being withdrawn by remnants of Saddam's regime to use in committing terrorist attacks against Iraqi civilians and U.S. troops.

    "That is why it is very important to secure this money," he said.


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