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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---

    Posted By: hobie
    Date: Friday, 28 November 2003, 6:11 p.m.

    In Response To: NOW WE HAVE IRS STARCHAMBERS...WHAT NEXT? (GhostwolfeMoon)

    (Thanks, WB, for the pointer to this artcle. :)

    This is from AVN.com (which I think is Adult Video Network - a notice on one page says "Sponsored by 'Hustler'".)


    Expanded Patriot Act Reach Would Hit The Net, Too

    By: Charles Farrar

    WASHINGTON - A bill approved by Congress last week to extend the reach of the Patriot Act would expand the FBI's business document and transaction power to cyberspace stations like eBay, Internet logs, and Internet service providers, and without requiring a judge's approval.

    It's part of the new bill's redefinition of the term "financial institution" and "financial transaction," according to Wired, and allows the FBI to get such records by handing itself a national security letter saying those records are relevant to a terrorism investigation.

    "The FBI doesn't need to show probable cause or consult a judge," the magazine said. "What's more, the target institution is issued a gag order and kept from revealing the subpoena's existence to anyone, including the subject of the investigation."

    This bill follows a stalled attempt earlier this year by the Justice Department to write and push the so-called "Patriot II" act, but a leak of the draft provoked such an outcry that the department backed away from that proposal, but Wired said the newly passed bill involves one of Patriot II's most controversial aspects.

    According to Duke University law professor Chris Schroeder, that shows those who wanted to expand the FBI's powers didn't want to stop despite the hoopla over Patriot II. "They are going to insert these provisions on a stealth basis," Schroeder told Wired. "It's insidious."

    He has an ally in the Center for Democracy and Technology's executive director, James X. Dempsey. "On its face, it's a cryptic and seemingly innocuous amendment," he told the magazine. "It wasn't until after it passed both houses that we saw it. The FBI and CIA like to try to graft things like this into intelligence bills."

    JAXXE --- ---

    Posted By: Rosalinda
    Date: Friday, 28 November 2003, 6:14 p.m.


    [source: AP wire 26 November 2003]

    Col.-Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, the first deputy chief of staff
    of the Russian General Staff, voiced strong concern
    over U.S. plans to develop low-yield nuclear weapons,
    saying Moscow might be forced to review its own nuclear doctrine.

    General Baluyevsky told reporters Wednesday
    that the Pentagon's plans to develop such weapons
    would be destabilizing.

    A defense bill signed by President Bush on Monday
    lifts a decade-old ban on mini-nuke research
    and authroizes $15 million
    for continued research into nuclear weapons
    capable of destroying underground bunkers.

    "That causes us concern," Baluyevsy said.

    "Should we somehow review our nucelar strategy?
    Yes, I believe we should."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Intelligence 'Chatter' Sparks Fear of Christmas Attack

    By Mark Sage, PA News, in New York

    Counter-terrorism officials said today they were increasingly fearful of a Christmas terror attack on America.

    Some officers said the level of intelligence “chatter” was similar to that just before the strikes on September 11, 2001.

    Many fear that an attack could be launched on a soft target, such as a shopping centre.

    “As recently as two weeks ago, the intelligence community was telling the Homeland Security Department that this felt a lot like the summer of 2001,” said Roger Cressey, a former counter-terrorism official with the National Security Council.

    He told CNN there was “lots of data, lots of information coming together that paints a very disturbing picture”.

    Another strike on US soil is expected to be bigger than recent al Qaida attacks abroad.

    However, the lack of specific information means that the official terror warning level will not be raised.

    Similar warnings of an attack in October proved to be false.

    More information than usual has been posted on web sites in support of al Qaida in recent months, security officials said.

    Among them was a video of the two planes hitting the World Trade Centre on September 11 but the specific camera angle has never been seen by the public before.

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Israelis better at manipulating media
    By Dr Toine Van Teeffele

    As a guide and consultant living in Bethlehem, Palestine, I have regularly coordinated visits for groups of Westerners coming to see Palestinian reality with their own eyes.

    Almost always those visitors felt afterwards that what they saw did not correspond with the image of Palestine they had before. Somehow the impact and scope of occupation were never really understood except after experiencing it first hand.

    Why? Lots of causes are at play here, but perhaps none is so important as the influence of the media. I think three main factors have to be considered to understand the impact of the Western media on the popular image of occupied Palestine (the West Bank, East-Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip):

    - The work situation and cultural background of Western journalists working in Palestine and Israel
    - The presentation of the news about the region, and
    - The boundaries of the debate within the media.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Výročí Velikého Orientu Českého

    Veliký Orient Český si připomíná výročí svého vzniku. Před deseti lety byly dvě pražské a jedna brněnská lóže vyvázány ze svazku Velikého Orientu Francouzského a založily pod jeho záštitou novu zednářskou obedienci na území České republiky.

    Dotek historie

    V pozůstalosti po významném brněnském zednáři byly nalezeny doklady o historii brněnské lóže Cestou světla, jejíž vznik se datuje rokem 1926. Členy prvorepublikové lóže byli významné osobnosti brněnského společenského života. Na obrázku vidíte plaketu lóže se znakem.

    Přijetí u J. Chiraca

    Nejvyšší představitelé Francouzské republiky přijali při příležitosti oslav 275. výročí založení první lóže na francouzském území zástupce zahraničních obediencí. Ti se postupně setkali mj. s prezidentem J. Chiracem, premiérem J. - P. Raffarinem či ministrem zahraničí D. de Villepinem. Celé oslavy vyvrcholily kulturním a společenským programem v Lyonu. Součástí oslav bylo i vydání příležitostné známky a zahájení výstavy o svobodném zednářství v Muzeu krásných umění.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Brother latest: Now your phone can be used to track you down

    Global positioning satellites will soon be able to tell bosses exactly where every employee is. Could this spell the end for slackers?

    Jamie Doward, social affairs editor
    Sunday December 7, 2003
    The Observer

    Picture the scene. You are supposed to be attending a sales conference in Crewe when you are woken from your slumbers by the ring tone from your company-issue mobile phone. 'I'm there now,' you lie to your boss from the comfort of your hotel bed, safe in the knowledge that she will never know otherwise.

    But, alas, your mobile phone uses a new technology which means your boss can pinpoint your exact location. You are soon picking up your P45 and handing back the phone.

    It is the stuff of slackers' nightmares. But 'location-based tracking' - to use the mobile phone industry's terminology - is about to become reality.

    Mobile-phone networks will soon be able to pinpoint the precise location of a handset owner to within 10 metres or less. From the middle of next year many phones will carry Global Satellite Positioning chips, while another new technology, known as 'Triangulation', can pinpoint a mobile-phone user's whereabouts by bouncing signals off three phone masts to establish an exact set of co-ordinates.

    The concept has already been warmly embraced by a number of firms. 'It's popular with fleet and logistics firms who want to know where their lorries are,' said Julie Ramage of mobile-phone consultancy Analysys.

    But the move has sparked huge controversy among civil liberty groups who fear that mobile-phone companies will be able to play Big Brother.

    'It's a very worrying development. The scope for the misuse of this technology is enormous,' said Barry Hugill, spokesman for the civil rights group Liberty.

    At the heart of the issue is who should be allowed to track a mobile phone. 'If you have a mobile phone, your network operator must know where you are in order to provide a service. The issue is whether they make that information available to third parties,' Ramage said. 'That information cannot just be used by anybody. People have to sign up to have the information shared.'

    Some experts are worried that firms might make it a condition of an employee's job specification that they give their consent for their phone to be tracked.

    'It's a complex area,' said Hugill. 'If your company issues you with a mobile phone, providing they tell you it can track you it's probably within the law. If your company does it covertly, then our view is that this would be illegal.'

    And not everyone is convinced that this 'opt-in' system is foolproof. There have been suggestions that the software has already been hacked into by university students in Scotland who then tracked mobile-phone users across the UK.

    Hugill said: 'We all know that information gets passed on and ends up in the wrong hands.'


    JAXXE --- ---
    Dokumenty ze zákulisí světové nadnárodní politiky 20. století.
    Maurice Joly

    Dialog mezi Machiavellim a Montesquiem v pekle.

    (podle I. vydání z roku 1864)


    Absolutní panství už nebude žádné neštěstí, nýbrž se stane potřebou. Jak jsem už řekl, tato pravidla politiky nejsou zcela nová, musí to být jen prostředky. Mnoho těchto cílů se nechá dosáhnout jednoduchými nařízeními na poli policie a administrace. Ve Vašich tak krásně, tak dobře uspořádaných společnostech jste na místo absolutní monarchie postavil monstrum, které se jmenuje "stát", nového Briareuse, obra se stem paží, jehož ruce všude dosáhnou, ohromnou ukrutnou organizaci, v jejímž stínu bude despotismus rozen znova a neustále. Když se nyní tento stát přitáhne na pomoc, nebude nic snadnějšího než dokončit tajné dílo, o kterém jsem Vám právě vyprávěl a ty nejprůbojnější prostředky k jeho uskutečnění budou přesně tytéž, jako u průmyslem ovládaného režimu, který tak obdivujete a o kterém bude známo, jak Vám ho odejmout.

    Jenom cestou nařízení zřídím například obrovské finanční monopoly, kde nahromadím národní majetek a od kterých by musel natolik bezprostředně záviset osud všeho privátního majetku, takže by prvý den po politické katastrofě rovněž musel zmizet jako státní půjčka. Jste národohospodář, Montesquieu, odhadněte sám dalekosáhlost této myšlenky.

    Jako šéf vlády budu všechny moje výnosy a všechna má nařízení řídit vytrvale na týž cíl: zničit kolektivní a individuelní síly, převahu státu zvyšovat až do nekonečna, udělat z něj suverénního ochránce, mecenáše a odměňovatele.

    A potom ještě jiná myšlenka, která je převzata z průmyslového společenského pořádku: V dnešní době zmizela z obrazu aristokracie jako politická síla. Ale velkostatkář je ještě jednou ze součástí odporu, která by mohla být vládě nebezpečná, neboť je nezávislá. Může se tedy stát státní nutností ho nechat zchudnout nebo ho také úplně rozvrátit. K dosažení stačí zvýšit daně, které zatěžují pozemky, udržovat zemědělství v relativní bezvýznamnosti a naproti tomu nadržovat obchodu a průmyslu, ale obzvláště spekulaci; neboť příliš velký rozkvět průmyslu se může opět stát nebezpečným, jelikož vytvoří značné množství nezávislého majetku.

    Proti velkoprůmyslníkům a majitelům továren lze účelně postupovat tím, že budou svedeni k takovým nákladům, které nestojí v žádném poměru k jejich příjmům, že budou zvýšeny pracovní odměny a že budou dělány hluboké, vhodně provedené zásahy do pramenů produkce. Nepotřebuji tyto myšlenky rozvádět. Víte velmi dobře, za kterých okolností a pod kterými záminkami se to všechno nechá udělat. Zájem národa, ano dokonce určitý zákrok pro jeho svobodu, pro velké principy hospodárnosti, když to bude vůbec třeba, s lehkostí zastíní pravý účel. Jistě není potřebné k tomu připojit, že stálé udržování armády, která nahání hrůzu, která je trvale vnějšími válkami udržována ve cviku, tvoří neoddělitelnou součást tohoto systému. Musí se k tomu připojit, že ve státě existují jen proletáři, několik milionářů a armáda.

    Montesquieu: Jen pokračujte.

    Machiavelli: To by bylo, co lze říci k vnitřní politice státu. Navenek se musí od jednoho konce Evropy až k druhému vzbudit revoluční kvas, který se ve vlastní zemi potlačí. Agitace pro svobodu v cizině odvrátí pozornost od útisku uvnitř. Navíc jsou tak jiné mocnosti drženy v šachu, u kterých lze podle libosti zjednat pořádek nebo podnítit nepořádek. Hlavní věcí je kabinetními intrikami tak zamotat vlákna evropské politiky, že je možné mocnosti, se kterými se jedná, rozehrát jednu proti druhé. Nemyslete si, že taková dvojitá hra, když je dobře provedena, může suverénovi uškodit. Alexandr VI. nevycházel při svých diplomatických jednáních nikdy z něčeho jiného než z podvodu a přesto měl vždy úspěch. Tak dobře ovládal umění pokrytectví [14]. Ale to, co dnes nazýváte oficielní diplomatickou řečí, musí k tomu stát v naprostém protikladu. Zde není nikdy duch loajality a vycházení vstříc dostatečně stavěn na odiv. Národy, které klamu uvěří, budou panovníka, který se umí takto chovat, také ještě za jeho slušnost chválit.

    Na každý vnitřní neklid musí umět odpovědět válkou proti cizině, na každou hrozící revoluci všeobecnou mobilizací. Ale jelikož v politice nepotřebují nikdy souhlasit slova s činy, musí být panovník v různých situacích dostatečně šikovný, aby ukryl své skutečné úmysly za vytýčením protikladných cílů. Když provádí to, co jeho ruka v tajnosti připravila, musí to vždy vypadat tak, jako kdyby ustupoval tlaku veřejného mínění.

    Abych shrnul znázornění celého systému do jedné věty: Revoluce bude státem sama zadržena, na jedné straně strachem z anarchie, na druhé bázní před státním bankrotem, ke kterému dojde v důsledku revoluce a vcelku všeobecným stavem války.

    Z krátkých odkazů, které jsem Vám právě dal, jste už mohl převzít, jak významnou roli je povoláno umění živého slova hrát v moderní politice. Já jsem, jak ještě uvidíte, velmi vzdálen podceňovat tisk, ale věděl bych také v případě potřeby, jak si posloužit řečnickou tribunou. Hlavní věcí je, použít proti svým protivníkům všechny bojové prostředky, které by mohli použít proti nám. Nespokojil bych se jen tím opírat se o mohutnou Moc demokracie, nýbrž bych také převzal z právní vědy s jejími vychytralostmi ty nejneupřímnější pomůcky. Když je třeba provést rozhodnutí, která by mohla vypadat nespravedlivá a lehkomyslná, tak je důležité rozeznat jak je vyhlásit krásnými slovy a opřít o vznešené základy morálky a práva.

    Moc, o které sním, není v žádném případě spojena s barbarskými způsoby. Musí k sobě přitahovat všechny síly a všechny talenty kultury, ve které žijeme. Musí se obklopit žurnalisty, advokáty, znalci práv, muži praxe a administrativními úředníky, takovými lidmi, kteří od základu znají všechna tajemství, všechny motivy sociálního života, kteří mluví všemi jazyky, které znají lidé z každého prostředí. Je nutné je vzít odevšad, kde je najdete; neboť tito lidé plní úžasné služby, když jejich duchaplné metody použijete v politice. Mimo toho k tomu patří celý štáb národohospodářů, bankéřů, průmyslníků, kapitalistů, vynálezců, matematiků; neboť nakonec se všechno jen rozplyne ve výpočtech.

    Pokud se jedná o nejdůležitější státní hodnosti, hlavní součásti Moci, je nutné to tak zařídit, že budou při každé změně vlády svěřeny jen takovým mužům, jejichž předchozí život a jejich charakter vkládá mezi ně a jiné lidi propast, od kterých by každého při změně vlády očekávala pouze smrt nebo vyhnanství a kteří vidí před sebou nutnost hájit stávající poměry až do posledního dechu.

    Představte si nyní, že bych měl tyto různé duchovní a materielní prameny k použití, které jsem Vám právě popsal a dejte mi nyní nějaký národ. Tomu rozumíte! Pokládáte ve Vaší knize o Duchu zákonů[15] za hlavní princip, že se nesmí změnit charakter národa, má-li se mu udržet jeho původní síla. Nuže, nepotřebujete mi dát víc než dvacet let čas a já úplně proměním ten nejnezkrotnější charakter evropského národa tak, že se podrobí tyranii stejně jako ten nejmenší asijský národ.

    Montesquieu: Dal jste tu k lepšímu další kapitolu Vašeho pojednání o vládci, abyste se sám sobě vysmál. Jak to nyní může vypadat s Vaším učením, nebudu o něm diskutovat; udělám k tomu jen poznámku: Zřejmě jste v žádném směru nedodržel slib, který jste dal. Použití všech těchto prostředků předpokládá mít k dispozici absolutní Moc a já jsem od Váš požadoval přesné údaje o tom, jak chcete v politických společnostech, které spočívají na liberálních institucích odůvodnit absolutní Moc.

    Machiavelli: Vaše poznámka je zcela správná a já nepomýšlím na to se jí vyhnout. Tento začátek byl jen předmluvou.

    Montesquieu: Postavím Vás proti státu, který je založen na reprezentativním vládním systému, monarchii nebo republice. Mluvím o národu, který je dlouho obeznámen se svobodou a ptám se Vás jak byste odtud mohl dospět zpátky k absolutismu.

    Machiavelli: Nic lehčího jako toto.

    Montesquieu: To chceme vidět.


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---

    ABU HISHMA, Iraq, Dec. 6 — As the guerrilla war against Iraqi insurgents intensifies, American soldiers have begun wrapping entire villages in barbed wire.

    In selective cases, American soldiers are demolishing buildings thought to be used by Iraqi attackers. They have begun imprisoning the relatives of suspected guerrillas, in hopes of pressing the insurgents to turn themselves in.


    JAXXE --- ---

    As with any occult undertaking, the Iraq War was conducted strictly according to occult holidays and occult numbers. Once you understand this reality, you will see that this war is likely Act I of a global war.



    As President Bush announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq, I suddenly realized this war was fought by occult numbers, most strikingly so. Once you understand this reality, you will realize that the Iraq War is likely to turn out to be Act I of a coming global war.

    Let us review the facts of this war:

    War Beginning:
    President Bush began this war at 05:50 Baghdad time, on March 20, 2003, according to occult considerations, listed below: * March 20, 2003 was an occult day, for the following reasons: 1. March 20 was the eve of Ostara -- March 21, 2003 is beginning of the Spring Equinox (Ostara)! Occultists worship the goddess of the earth (Gaia) on this day. The celebration, the Feast Day, is held on March 20, with actual ritual occurring on the 21st. In the occult mindset, this ritual celebrates the impregnation of Mother Earth so she may bring forth her crops in the Spring. This Vernal Equinox is a Spring Fertility Rite, copied from the Satanic Druids. The deepest meaning is a "rebirthing" ceremony; what is it that this war is to "birth"? Antichrist, of course!

    A blood sacrifice is required, as the sacrificial blood of the animal is poured into the ground, to spite God because of the Cain/Abel dispute. Remember the Scripture? "And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand." [Gen 4:9-11] To spite God on this day, Black Magick Satanists slaughter their animal and/or human sacrifice and purposely pour the blood into the ground. This day is extremely important to the Illuminist. Given the bloody nature of these two days, it seems fitting that they would be chosen to be the first official two days of this campaign.

    2. March 20, 2003 was Day "555" since the attacks on 9/11. As we demonstrated in NEWS1789, the Illuminati intended the attacks of 9/11 to be the first blow struck for the appearance of Antichrist; therefore, it is highly significant that the Iraqi War -- planned since 1952 -- to be the trigger for the larger Middle East war, did not begin until day "555" after 9/11. Since the occultist believes "5" to be the Number of Death, and the greatest intensification of any number to be a triplicate, a "555" literally means "Highest Death". The Illuminati is working to send this current civilization to its death so it can bring in the New World Order, also known as the Kingdom of Antichrist.

    3. March 20, 2003 was the highest degree of the occult "Mars Ingress" for this year. Former Witch, now Pastor, David Meyer explains: "The witches and astrologers that act as a priesthood for our illuministic government would advise them to wait for the influence of the 'Mars ingress'. The month of March is named for the planet Mars ... Astrologers would tell the warmongers that the 'Mars ingress' starts after February 20 and comes to fullness on March 20." [Last Trumpet Newsletter, February, 2003] Thus, President Bush chose to begin the Iraq War on the "day of fullness" of the "Mars ingress".

    4. The 48 hour ultimatum to Saddam and his sons precisely paralleled the Jewish holiday, Purim. At 8:15pm, Eastern Standard Time, on March 17, the president appeared on TV to announce a 48-hour ultimatum to Saddam Hussein to leave the country with his sons, or suffer the invasion. Thus, the 48-hour ultimatum expired at 8:15pm., EST, March 19. In Israeli time, President Bush appeared on TV at 3:15am on March 18 and the deadline expired at 3:15am, March 20. Purim was celebrated this year from Sundown, March 17 through March 19. In fact, the Purim celebration this year is comprised of the following events:

    1. March 17 -- Ta'anit Esther -- a feast to Queen Esther, the heroine of Purim

    2. March 18 -- Purim

    3. March 19 -- Shushan Purim -- the day Purim is celebrated in Jerusalem and other cities. Thus, the entire 48-hour ultimatum to Saddam Hussein occurred precisely during the time of the Purim celebration! Thus, you can see that President Bush deliberately chose March 20, 2003 as the start of his war against Iraq because of important occult and current Jewish, considerations. Now, let us examine the end of this war.

    War Ending

    May 1, 2003 -- President Bush flew to the aircraft carrier, Abraham Lincoln, to declare that the major combat phase in the Iraqi War was over. Once again, we see major occult considerations involved in ending the war precisely on May 1.

    1. May 1 is the second-most important satanic holiday, and is known as Beltane. This holiday is a 2-day event, April 30 - May 1. Beltane Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. However, this is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar. May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required.

    2. May 1, 2003 is precisely 42 days after March 20! Therefore, the Iraqi War lasted precisely 42 days! Bible scholars have long maintained that the number "42" is a definite, even though a minor, number denoting Antichrist and his kingdom. How can that be? Daniel 9:27 stipulates that the Tribulation Period shall be 7 years long (7 "Weeks of Years"). However, this verse also states that this seven-year period is exactly divisible in to two equal parts: each 3 1/2 years long.

    "And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease..." Dan 9:27; 12:7 refers to this 3 1/2 year period as "time, times and half a time", a Jewish colloquialism meaning 3 1/2. See also: Matthew 24:15, where our Lord personally confirms this prophecy and gives a picture of Antichrist going into the Temple. Thus, the Tribulation Period is 84 months long, and is divided into two 42-month segments. Therefore, this Iraqi War last 42 days, a number of Antichrist.

    But, why should we be surprised? The Illuminati Plan to produce Antichrist has been largely conducted according to the most important occult number symbolizing the Man of Lawlessness, the number "11" [Read NEWS1789 for a recap of events occurring by the eleven] Further, now you know why Saddam's forces vanished rather than fight for Baghdad! After fighting well in the first 2 1/2 weeks of the Iraqi War, and delaying Coalition Forces greatly, if Saddam had similarly fought for his capitol, Coaltion Forces would still be fighting and dying. We could not have had an exact 42 day war that could be declared ended on the last day of Beltane, May 1.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Winning the terror vote

    The bombing was designed to weaken Putin’s status in Russia. But, says Angus Roxburgh, it could swing today’s election … and make him stronger than ever

    It is sickening, but scarcely a surprise, that today’s Russian parliamentary election should be overshadowed by a deadly bomb attack, for Vladimir Putin’s career as Russian leader has been entwined from the very start with his war on Chechnya and Chechen terrorism.

    Yesterday the people of southern Russia were mourning the deaths of more than 40 innocent people, mostly students, murdered by a suicide bomber on a train near the town of Yessentuki on Friday. Ironically, the deaths, like every other turn in the cycle of Russian brutality in Chechnya and Chechen terrorist response, will likely have the effect of strengthening Putin’s position. His supporters were already looking certain to win the election. Now they may get a landslide in the Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament.




    Putin poised to create 'police state'


    FORCES loyal to Vladimir Putin were expected to be on their way to an overwhelming victory today as Russians went to the polls to support a party with little in the way of a manifesto other than slavish devotion to the president.

    As opinion polls for the parliamentary elections indicate a crumbling in support for social democratic parties with millions of voters flooding to the Putin-loyal United Russia coalition, political analysts warned the president was well on his way to forming a "police state".

    And it seemed unlikely that Friday's suicide bombing, in which suspected Chechen rebels killed 42 people on a train near the breakaway republic, would blunt a striking success for pro-Kremlin forces as a defiant Putin condemned the attack as an attempt to destabilise the country. As many as 27,000 police are on the streets of Moscow amid fears of further attacks.

    The president's main cheerleader, United Russia, is running at 33% in the polls, with its nearest rival, the Communist Party, well behind on 26%.

    Half of the Duma's 450 representatives are elected from single mandate constituencies while the other half are allocated to parties by proportional representation. Eighteen political parties and five electoral blocs are running.

    If Putin-friendly parties take more than 300 seats today the president will have support from two-thirds of the State Duma, the lower house of parliament, a majority that would allow his supporters to bludgeon through controversial changes to the constitution.

    Analysts agree this projected victory for Kremlin-friendly parties would give the president extreme leverage on parliamentarians and tempt him to ram through unpopular laws that tally with his authoritarian image as a former KGB spy who favours a strong hand.

    Respected commentator Andrei Piontkovsky said: "Mr Putin is building a police state and he makes no bones about it."



    GORG --- ---
    BUSH: My senior year i have joined Skull and Bones, a secret society, so secret I can't say anything more. It was a chance to meet fourteen new friends.

    uryvek z jeho vlastni knihy http://images.indymedia.org/imc/mayday/chargetokeep.gif
    GORG --- ---
    A True Story About Sex, Child Abuse, Murder and Drugs, Covered up By Authorities

    GORG --- ---
    White House 'Bonesman' leads nation into the dark
    GORG --- ---
    hc stuff
    Skull and Bones

    // uz jsem na zminku o skull and bones narazil ale moc se nezajimal.. to uz na me bylo moc paranoidni.. ale nevimm.. tohle ufff

    Did George Washington Tell a Lie?

    JAXXE --- ---
    0 1 0 11 11010111| * //.mind_control_with_silent_sound_// * |1011010011 10 1 1 0

    //.[T]he mind-altering mechanism is based on a subliminal carrier technology : the Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (SSSS) , sometimes called "S-quad" or "Squad" . It was developed by Dr Oliver Lowery of Norcross , Georgia, and is described in US Patent #5,159,703 , "Silent Subliminal Presentation System" , dated October 27 , 1992_//

    The abstract for the patent reads :

    //."[A] silent communications system in which nonaural carriers , in the very low or very high audio-frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum are amplitude- or frequency-modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally , for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers , earphones , or piezoelectric transducers . The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical , magnetic , or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."_//

    //."[A]ccording to literature by Silent Sounds , Inc. , it is now possible , using super computers , to analyse human emotional EEG patterns and replicate them, then store these "emotion signature clusters" on another computer and , at will , "silently induce and change the emotional state in a human being"_//

    //.[S]ilent Sounds , Inc . states that it is interested only in positive emotions , but the military is not so limited . That this is a US Department of Defense project is obvious_//

    Edward Tilton , President of Silent Sounds , Inc. , says this about S-quad in a letter dated December 13 , 1996 :

    //."[A]ll schematics , however , have been classified by the US Government and we are not allowed to reveal the exact details... ... we make tapes and CD's for the German Government , even the former Soviet Union countries! All with the permission of the US State Department , of course... The system was used throughout Operation Desert Storm (Iraq) quite successfully."_//

    //.[T]he graphic illustration , "Induced Alpha to Theta Biofeedback Cluster Movement" , which accompanies the literature , is labelled #AB 116-394-95 UNCLASSIFIED" and is an output from "the world
    JAXXE --- ---
    Searched news for "new world order". Results 1 - 10 of about 120. Search took 0.10 seconds

    JAXXE --- ---
    MI6 foreknowledge in Istanbul bombings

    Gordon Thomas writes:

    It has emerged two intelligence warnings were ignored that the British Consul and the HSBC Bank in Istanbul were prime Al Qaeda targets. The warnings came from the CIA and Mossad. . . .

    President Bush was in London when the Istanbul attacks happened. He . . . immediately ordered Americans to be once more warned they are facing an unprecedented security threat.

    Over 50 people died and 700 were injured, many seriously, in the Istanbul truck bombings.

    Both targets had been identified by the CIA and Mossad – as “soft targets” and in need of “urgent protection upgrading”.

    Their first warnings had been passed on to MI6 last May.

    The second warning came only a week ago after suicide bombers partly destroyed two Istanbul synagogues.

    British Consul-General Robert Short was working on a security review for MI6 when he died in the bombing.

    His report was due to be in the hands of MI6 chief Richard Dearlove this week.

    So sensitive were its contents that Short had asked his personal assistant, Lisa Hallworth, 38, to personally encrypt it after typing the document. She also died in the blast.


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