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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    TERMIX --- ---
    JAXXE: Chachacha... ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Time Person of Year: The American soldier

    Sunday, December 21, 2003 Posted: 8:42 AM EST (1342 GMT)

    NEW YORK (AP) -- The American soldier, who bears the duty of "living with and dying for a country's most fateful decisions," was named Sunday as Time magazine's Person of the Year.


    JAXXE --- ---

    But perhaps the mother of all conspiracy theories, is the one about the pictures distributed by the Americans showing the hideout with a palm tree behind the soldier who uncov ered the hole where Saddam was hiding. The palm carried a cluster of pre-ripened yellow dates, which might suggest that Saddam was arrested at least three months earlier, because dates ripen in the summer when they turn into their black or brown colour.

    Those who buy into such an explanation conclude that Saddam’s capture was stage-managed and his place of arrest probably elsewhere. All fanciful stuff. But as is so often the case, the real chain of events is likely to be far more mundane.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Would a microchip keep your child safe?

    By Megan Lane
    BBC News Online Magazine

    Transmitter chips and GPS trackers are devices designed to help to trace a child's whereabouts. But do hi-tech solutions raise more problems than they solve?

    A month after the bodies of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were found in a remote ditch, a cybernetics professor known for his headline-grabbing stunts came up with a plan to microchip children to prevent them being abducted.

    Professor Kevin Warwick, of Reading University, convinced the Duval family that a microchip implanted in their 11-year-old daughter Danielle's arm would ease their fears.

    The youngster was nervous about going out alone, following media coverage of the Soham case.

    If she went missing with a chip installed, it would send a signal via mobile phone networks to a computer, which would pinpoint her location on an electronic map.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Dates Clash With Saddam's Day of Destiny

    P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News Staff

    Two US soldiers are seen in front of a palm tree with ripe dates near the mud hole where former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was found on Saturday. (AFP)

    JEDDAH, 18 December 2003 — The picture of a palm tree with ripe dates near the mud hole where Saddam Hussein was hiding has given rise to speculation that the arrest may have taken place two months ago.

    “The yellowish dates in the picture behind two American soldiers show that Saddam was not present there at this time of the year,” Okaz Arabic daily reported. “The picture shows that the capture of Saddam would have taken place two months ago,” the paper said.

    Many Arabs have been spreading this theory through the Internet. A person, who identified himself as Sunaid Quraish, asked “Does the presence of a palm tree with ripe dates in the place where Saddam was arrested have any special significance? Was he captured months ago? Is there some scandalous story behind the capture?”

    Adel wrote in his e-mail message, “The Americans forgot about the dates when they staged the drama but the date season ended months ago.” Many Arabs, however, refused to get involved in this particular theory. Abu Mishaal pointed out that the uniforms, which the soldiers were wearing, indicated that the capture took place in winter. Al-Watan Arabic newspaper said, quoting its Baghdad reporter, that the Iraqis had paid no attention to the date theory.

    Hatem Al-Natour, an agriculture engineer at the Arabian Company for Agricultural Systems in Riyadh, said ripe dates could be seen on date palms in summer. “Summer is the season when dates ripen under the sun,” he pointed out. Muhammad Al-Dossary, however, who has been engaged in date cultivation in the Aflaj region for several years, pointed out that there is a special kind of date, “hilali”, which yields its fruits at this time of the year.

    Iraq is the native place of hilali dates which are now found in Saudi Arabia and other countries, Dossary told Al-Eqtisadiah, a sister publication of Arab News. “Even yesterday I ate hilali dates taken from the tree,” he told the newspaper. The season for dates is usually between June and July but in some countries, the date ripening period may be extended.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Chemické zbraně nevadí, řekl kdysi Rumsfeld

    20.12.2003 00:01 -

    Nynější americký ministr obrany Donald Rumsfeld v roce 1984 při návštěvě Bagdádu ujišťoval Saddámův režim, že americké prohlášení odsuzující používání chemických zbraní Irákem neznamená zhoršení vztahů mezi oběma zeměmi.



    na mobil

    chat: Irák po válce.


    Podle prestižního deníku The Washington Post to vyplývá ze zveřejněných dokumentů ministerstva zahraničí USA. V současnosti byl Rumsfeld naopak jedním z hlavních iniciátorů války v Iráku.

    Tenkrát však měl jako zvláštní emisar pro Blízký východ od tehdejšího prezidenta Ronalda Reagana instrukci sdělit Iráčanům, že prohlášení USA proti užívání chemických zbraní neovlivní přání americké administrativy "zlepšovat bilaterální vztahy" s Bagdádem.

    Saddám v té době vedl válku s Íránem a používal v ní také chemické zbraně. Ty rovněž nasadil proti kurdskému obyvatelstvu na severu země.

    Washington tenkrát Saddáma podporoval z obavy, že se íránský náboženský režim snaží šířit radikální islám i do sousedních zemí. Rumsfeld Irák navštívil v prosinci 1983 a v březnu 1984 znovu, a to s úkolem přesvědčit Azíze, aby Bagdád obnovil diplomatické styky s USA.

    Když byl nedávno Rumsfeld novináři dotazován na svou návštěvu v Bagdádu v roce 1983, prohlásil, že tehdy varoval Saddáma před použitím chemických zbraní. To však nebyla pravda, jak ukazují USA, napsal The Washington Post.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Saddam Smoking Gun: Dates in December?

    Liberty Think

    One spoor that has created the greatest suspicion in my mind about the capture of Saddam is the CIA picture of two soldiers holding the styrofoam plug that concealed the "spider hole."

    You'll note the clump of dates hanging from a date palm in the background.

    I've lived in date growing regions long enough to know that dates begin to come out early in the summer and are ready to pick in July or August. If left unharvested, dates slowly ripen from a firmness like that of ripe apples to a softer, ever more sugary consistency. Left alone they will drop off the tree as big sugary globs that birds and wildlife will prey upon, leaving piles of pits. And that's what you should find in December hanging from a date palm - nothin'.

    I called an Iraqi friend of mind and asked him if, to his knowledge, there was any variety of dates in Iraq in which the tree held on to its fruit so very late in the season. His answer was an unequivocal, "No."

    This jpg was posted on La Voz de Aztlan today under the title "The Saddam Hussein Capture Hoax."

    Dates also appear in this AP photo published in the Altanta Journal-Constitution

    The Denton Record-Chronicle tells us that "A bountiful date harvest is one of the few good things about being in Iraq during the searing month of August."

    More info on Date palms here and here.

    Also check out: (CNN) Col. Hickey tells his troops to keep quiet about Saddam capture.



    JAXXE --- ---
    V New Yorku představen definitivní projekt Věže svobody

    NEW YORK 19. prosince (ČTK) - Věž svobody (Freedom Tower), která nahradí dvojčata Světového obchodního střediska zřícené po teroristickém útoku z 11. září 2001, bude se svými 541 metry údajně nejvyšším a nejbezpečnějším mrakodrapem na světě. Definitivní projekt představili v New Yorku architekti Daniel Liebeskind a David Childs.

    Stavba bude mít symbolickou výšku 1776 stop, což je rok vyhlášení nezávislosti USA. Na vrcholu bude umístěna velká asymetrická a průhledná špice, která bude mírně skloněna k západu jako "moderní symbolická připomínka" pochodně sochy Svobody před newyorským přístavem. S touto spirálovitou konstrukcí bude mít mrakodrap 610 metrů. Ve vlastní stavbě bude ale pouze 70 pater kanceláří, ostatní prostor bude volný nebo využíván k jiným účelům. Například zde budou větrné turbíny, které mají mrakodrapu vyrábět vlastní energii. Na vrcholu bude opět vyhlídková terasa, jaká byla i na dvojčatech WTC, a slavná restaurace Okna do světa, umístěná dříve v severní věži dvojčat.

    Ideovým tvůrcem návrhu je Liebeskind, jehož představy realizačně dopracoval Childs. "Věž splňuje nejsofistikovanější normy z hlediska koncepce, bezpečnosti, kvality a technologie, aby se mohla stát nejvyšší budovou světa," řekl při prezentaci Childs. "Jako celek bude lidi shromažďovat, bude tedy místem otevírání se světu spíše než uzavírání," dodal.

    Podle newyorského guvernéra George Patakiho "věž ukazuje světu, jak je New York silný a kolik má sebedůvěry". "Je to pocta hrdinům, které jsme ztratili, svobodě a naší zemi. Je to symbol vynalézavosti New Yorku a celé Ameriky," dodal.

    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 conspiracy theory debated

    By Stavroula Papadopoulos

    A United States (U.S.) government conspiracy theory behind the September 11 attacks was the topic addressed in the movie entitled Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11, as well as in the panel discussion that followed the screening at Concordia.

    "Unequivocally, 9/11 is a U.S.-intelligence sponsored toy," said Michel Chossudovsky, economics professor at the University of Ottawa and editor of the Center for Research on Globalization.

    Monday's event was organized by Cinema Politica. It presented three short films in addition to its main presentation, all made by Guerrilla News Network (GNN), an independent alternative news organization and video design boutique.

    Stephen Marshall, director of Aftermath, was the second panelist. Marshall is also the director of GNN and the creator of Channel Zero.

    Aftermath featured nine people answering 11 questions that emanate from 9/11. These questions challenged the official version of the events of that day and its warning signs.

    Mary Schiavo, aviation disaster attorney, argued that airlines should have been better prepared because of the hijackings that occurred on Sept. 12, 1970. Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Freedom, said that there was an unusual 30 minute delay in the U.S. military interception response; when it normally only takes 10 minutes to react. David McMichael, former CIA analyst, looked at the administrative response to the military failures of that day. The then General Richard B. Myers has since been promoted, and the military budget was increased from $10 billion to $35 billion.

    Chossudovsky is also featured in the movie and he dealt with the ties between the U.S. and the terrorists. He said that Mahmoud Ahmad, pin-pointed by the U.S. government as the money-man behind the attacks, was in Washington with top U.S. officials from Sept. 4 to 13, 2001.

    Riva Enteen, of the National Lawyer's Guild, dealt with recent legislation like the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security. She said the Patriot Act "dismantles the constitution," and moves more power to the justice department. The words used in the new legislation are often vague and could extent to consider protesters, or the like, to be engaging in illegal activities. "Dissent has never been more critical," said Enteen.

    During the panel discussion, Chossudovsky talked about the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which, one year before the election of George W. Bush, outlined a road map to war. Chossudovsky said that the PNAC reads: "we need a Pearl Harbor type of event to harvest public opinion in support of the war agenda."

    He believes that "Al-Qaeda and the Bush administration still work hand-in-hand."

    He believes it to be naïve to think that the links that existed between U.S. ventures and Al-Qaeda prior to 9/11 have all been cut off.

    Chossudovsky argued that the Red Cross was attacked by coalition forces and not by Osama bin Laden. He relates the second Red Cross attack to the first.

    "I don't have the proof, but I strongly suspect that this was a U.S.-sponsored intelligence operation," he said. This would reduce the ability of the Red Cross to monitor war crimes in Iraq, thereby, allowing the U.S. administration to call the shots.

    During the question period, this view was particularly challenged by Concordia student Samer Elatrash. He said that the panelists' approach to 9/11 was "stretching" reality. "You're relying on very tenuous evidence," he said.

    "To blame the Red Cross bombings on American forces, you're really taking away from any agency of [the Iraqi] people. There are a lot of Iraqi resistance cells," he said, "but they're not as neat and as logical as you'd have us believe."

    Ron Gous, computer and airline consultant, also challenged the speakers by saying that there was not enough time between the two planes hitting the Two Towers for the U.S. military to react.

    Near the end of the lecture, a man in the audience got increasingly impatient and aggravated. He wanted to know, for a fact, whether or not the Bush administration had prior knowledge to the 9/11 attacks.

    Chossudovsky said it is not a simple issue with straightforward answers. "I understand that this information is very hard to swallow, but it is all fact," he said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Col. Hickey tells his troops to keep quiet about Saddam capture

    It sounds to me that Hickey is giving them what turned out to be the official story before warning them to shut up about what really happened. Why would Hickey need to tell them that he was found 'literally hiding in a hole' if they had found him? They would already know this. This is consistent with reports claiming Saddam was handed over to the US by Kurdish militia on November 20-23.


    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: pecka! o vanocich si budu cist zminene zpravy :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Overthrow Of The, American Republic - Part 45

    Saddam, Prisoner Of Carlyle Group

    By Sherman H. Skolnick

    As usual, the Liars and Whores of the Press promote the Big Lie as to the secret team that snatched Saddam Hussein.

    Some claim the unit was not fully informed, other than they had a high priority target. And there are contentions that the unit, part of the American CIA, came within a few seconds of misguidedly hurling a grenade down into the "spider hole" in which Saddam was kept as a prisoner. Left unsaid by the oil-soaked, spy-riddled monopoly press is that Saddam was being kept as a prisoner buried in a grave-like hole, breathing air through a tube to the surface, rather than the media fairy tal that he was simply hiding.


    The reasons for having kept Saddam a prisoner under such circumstrances, and elsewhere kept for some time in captivity, revolve around his huge worldwide properties. Through some of his relatives, and through secret trust accounts and agreements, and through secret bank accounts and other financial intermediaries, Saddam Hussein has been a major stockholder/bond holder, through nominees, front persons, and other ways to conceal ownership, of and in the following, among his other worldwide properties:

    ===as owner of Daimler-Chrysler, maker of Mercedes Benz car and trucks and through cars and products of Chrysler. Supposedly, if Saddam was not held prisoner as he was for some time prior to be removed from the hole near a farm house, on the outskirts of his home-town of Tikrit, Saddam could come to a meeting of Daimler's Board of Directors and demand to sit down as a duly authorized member of the Board, Saddam being a major owner of the firm.

    ===Hachette, the foreign firm,owning, among other things, magazines in the U.S. and elsewhere. In the U.S., Saddam's firm owned George Magazine, now defunct, the editor of which was John F. Kennedy, Jr. In 1999, as the son of assassinated President John . Kennedy, Junior was fighting around with magazine owner Hachette which was planning to cease publication of George magazine on or about December, 1999. Junior claimed this would violate his contract and agreement with Hachette.

    John F. Kennedy, Jr., was secretly intending to use the magazine to publicize at least two otherwise censored stories. (A) As to who-all was complicit in the murder of his father, including the Bush Crime Family, particularly Daddy Bush, the Texas oil tycoons tied to Daddy Bush and then Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, as well as some owners of the Federal Reserve key unit, the Federal Reserve District Bank of New York.

    Just prior to being assassinated, President Kennedy issued an Executive Order, under a little-known provision, authorizing him to issue hundreds of millions of dollars of genuine U.S. paper money, principally two-dollar bills, in opposition to the Federal Reserve private paper money masquerading as "the U.S. Dollar".[More details in Part 42 of this website series, sub-titled "The Public Execution of John F. Kennedy". And, as archived through MAIN PAGE, left-hand side of same CLICK on COLUMNISTS Sherman Skolnick at http://www.rense.com/

    And further, (B) For JFK, Jr., planning to use George Magazine to publicize, as he knew, the treasonous arrangements of Daddy Bush with Saddam Hussein. Junior was threatening, to keep Hachette from suspending publication of George Magazine, to publicize Daddy Bush's private business partner, Saddam, as a major owner of Hachette. Also, to expose the long-time trickery and game-playing by Saddam by, for, and with the American CIA and Daddy Bush and his various business pals including Carlyle Group.

    The monopoly press, belatedly ran a story of Saddam's more than 40 year role with the American CIA. United Press International, UPI. AFTER the U.S. as a pre-emptive strike, not by a Declaration of War, invaded Iraq, ran a story of the secret role of Saddam with the American CIA. The UPI story, April 10, 2003, had an opening statement in a detailed article "U.S. forces in Baghdad might now be searching high and low for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, but in the past Saddam was seen by U.S. intelligence services as a bulwark of anti-communism and they used him as their instrument for more than 40 years, according to former U.S. intelligence diplomats and intelligence officials." UPI goes on to point out that Saddam, at a very young age, was made by CIA, a part of an assassination team in 1959, trying to murder the Iraqi Monarch running the country. Saddam, apparently incompetent to do so, failed.

    Also, visit our website story "The Secrets of Timothy McVeigh", where we point out the secret private business partnership in the billions of dollars between Daddy Bush and Saddam Hussein, as shown by suppressed records of a Chicago unit of an Italian bank owned in part by the Vatican. It became the subject of a Chicago Federal Court lawsuit where we were the only journalists attending a key hearing in the
    litigation and in the back of the courtroom we interviewed participants.

    As to the murder of JFK, Jr., by a sabotaged airplane, visit our website series, "What Happened to America's Golden Boy". The series has the substance of a secret FBI report of what happened. Also, in the series, the aborted attempt, one week apart in July, 1999, to first assassinate Vice President Albert Gore, Jr., intending to be a candidate for President, and then succeeding in murdering John F. Kennedy, Jr., who was himself secretly planning to be a candidate for President in the year 2000.

    ===ownership by Saddam of Fairchild Missiles, of italy.

    ===ownersip by Saddam of Matra, the Paris-based firm operating, by satellite, among other things, the "People Mover" System at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago,a light railway transporting passengers and baggage between the airport terminals and the airplanes. Hey, with Saddam owning this system, what is all this talk about "terrorists" at airports?

    So, Saddam Hussein was being kept as a prisoner in a grave-like hole, called by a top U.S. Military Officer as a "spider hole", where Saddam himself could NOT get out. Saddam Hussein was being kept as a prisoner by surrogates, including Saddam's relatives as CIA contract employees, for CARLYLE GROUP.

    Carlyle is run by by a group of top level stooges for the American/British aristocracy, including a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, a former top official of the American CIA, Daddy Bush, and others jointly with Saudi Royals. Carlyle is a sinister worldwide operation to take over war production firms, among others and reportedly by corruption, squeeze war contracts out of the Pentagon. Among other things, Carlyle reportedly owns in great part a sinister manufacturer of anthrax vaccine---Are THEY the cause in part of strange illnesses and deaths among U.S. Military? Visit Part Three of the Overthrow series, subtitled "The Anthrax Commissars".

    By holding Saddam Hussein as a prisoner for many months before he was removed from the grave-like hole he was kept in(somewhat similar to a Viet Cong "tiger cage" for humans), and in other places where he was kept captive, Carlyle Group was determined to force Saddam somehow to divulge his portion of at least a two-part series of codes into Saddam's vast ownership of worldwide properties.

    The other half of the secret codes has been kept by Saddam's half-brother who resided in Switzerland. That relative, according to European sources, made public statements in the 1990s, that were Saddam to be harmed or assassinated by the American CIA, that the relative would release secret records of the Bush Crime Family's treason, requiring that they be subject to criminal prosecution, as shown by their worldwide 25 secret accounts.

    Late in the 1990s, that relative's great bunch of documents fell into our possession. We began posting them early in 2000, ON-LINE as attached to our website series "Greenspan Aids and Bribes Bush".The records are in two parts. First, there are the hand-written notes of the head of the Internal Affairs Division of the U.S. Treasury, analyzing with codes the Bush Crime Family's secret 25 worldwide accounts. Then there are the secret Federal Reserve wire transfer records, under the secret code of Alan Greenspan, Fed Commissar, showing the worldwide accounts of the Bush Crime Family.

    One document shows the Bush Crime Family with their joint account with Queen Elizabeth II, of ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS, in HER private bank, Coutts Bank London. Part of that sum belongs to Saddam Hussein. There are related documents in our website series. Also, the Hundred Billion Dollar document is archived throughhttp://www.cloakanddagger.ca/ the website of a radio program where I am a regular participant. In the Financial Times of London, December 19, 2001, is a story how Queen Elizabeth II ordered the head of her bank to go and become an official of Carlyle Group.

    Thus, the secret codes of the vast ownership of Saddam's worldwide properties are divided in at the minimum, two parts, One, with Saddam's half-brother, the other with Saddam himself. Shortly after the U.S. without resistance captured Baghdad (the top Iraqi military were bribed by the American CIA and the Iraqis and their families taken to safety and profitable refuge in the U.S.), Saddam's half-brother mysteriously showed up in Baghdad where he was seized by the American CIA and put into captivity.

    The sinister, war-mongering, worldwide octopus, Carlyle Group, has been in the process of keeping Saddam as a prisoner, in a grave-long hole and elsewhere. To facilitate surveillance of Saddam's captivity by satellite imaging, a orange and white taxicab was parked, for example, nearby to the "spider hole" at the ramshackle farm house.

    Will Carlyle Group succeed in extracting, from Saddam, his part of the secret codes to unlock the details of his worldwide properties, so they can reportedly be stolen by the Bush Crime family jointly with the Carlyle Group?

    Acting as a "terrorist" stooge for the Carlyle Group/Bush Crime Family/Saudi Royal Family Bankers/American CIA, has been Osama bin Laden, originally an inhabitant of Saudi. Convenient to this adjunct nest of the American/British aristocracy is the mass media and their accusation, repeatedly using the word "terrorist", of "Osama did it!" This, as an excuse to cancel the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights (as outlined in this website series).

    WILL THE CARLYLE GROUP GET ALL THE SECRET CODES of Saddam's worldwide properties?

    Naive and foolish folks repeatedly heckle us why we do not make these details "available" to the mass media. To state an answer bluntly if not crudely, we try to be polite in responding to assholes. Evidently, we sometimes do not succeed. Plainly said, the monopoly press has dumbed down America.

    More coming. Stay tuned


    JAXXE --- ---
    Saddam 'capture' anomalies

    1. Saddam video looks like weekly health inspection

    An anonymous commentator at memes.org observes:
    Have you EVER seen a good Muslim, still living within 50 or 60 feet of soap and water, REFUSE TO USE IT? The only place I know that Muslims were restricted from access to shaving utensils was Guantanamo Bay. . .

    Did anyone see how readily, meekly, expectantly Saddam opened his mouth on the alleged "day" or even "moment" of capture to a stranger in the American military? If I were Saddam and I'd killed 1,000,000 people, I'd be a little paranoid about an American (?) Dentist openining my mouth.

    Not only was Saddam COOPERATIVE, he was actually telling the service memeber where it hurt! I say service member because I have to wonder what outfit that man was from? Where was his TUNIC? He's treating a non-surrendered head of state and he's not even wearing his tunic? And why wasn't important for Iraq to surrender formally? Has ANYONE EVER asked that question? (That's another memer-buster!) Was he military? medical? an Officer? What rank? Was he Dental? Why did it appear insignias were removed to avoid indicating his assignment? It wouldn't be strange at all...because Saddam knew this person and trusted this person and had seen this person before on several occasions.

    Saddam looked like he had been out in the SUNSHINE for several weeks...that's the "homeless" look that everyone instantly recognizes. It does NOT look like he has been in a hole for several months! He would be pale and ashen! . . .

    Today Bush said that it was a "scavenger" hunt...that "a man can crawl in a hole" and "like a scavenger hunt...we can find him". . .

    THEY Just say that BUSH WAS INFORMED THAT SADDAM HAD BEEN PULLED FROM THE HOLE ON SUNDAY WHILE HE WAS AT CAMP DAVID. I understand that. . . because the last time Bush heard about Saddam, he was being pushed INTO the "Spider" hole. Spider Web of deceit and lies -- for Bush.

    In most "scavenger hunts" the objects to be found are "salted" away BEFORE the "players" start to look!

    People, Saddam Hussein was FLOWN BACK TO IRAQ


    2. REUTERS: 'Saddam' found with false beard

    Soldiers tore off a false beard and took samples from the ousted dictator for DNA identity tests after digging down into a cellar during an overnight raid on a house following a tip-off,


    3. Congressman knew 13 days before

    Bloomington Pantagraph, Dec. 2
    U.S. Rep. Ray LaHood held his thumb and forefinger slightly apart and said, "We're this close" to catching Saddam Hussein. . . said the five-term Republican congressman from Peoria who serves on the House Intelligence Committee.

    A member of The Pantagraph editorial board -- not really expecting an answer -- asked LaHood for more details, saying, "Do you know something we don't?"

    "Yes I do," replied LaHood.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Feds: We'll imprison you without trial as long as we like

    AP 2003 12 17

    U.S. citizens classified as enemy combatants have to wait to get an attorney until they've provided intelligence to the government under a Bush administration policy that critics say treads on constitutional rights.

    "It appears to be a very one-sided administration policy that places a U.S. citizen at the government's mercy. . ."

    The government argues in federal courts that it has an absolute right to deny access to lawyers for enemy combatants, including U.S. citizens, and that such a decision is not subject to review by judges. . . .


    JAXXE --- ---
    While Saddam was Captured: Stealth enactment of the "Patriot II" legislation

    Various Sources

    While CNN and other media outlets are rejoicing because of the capture of Saddam Hussein, Bush again introduced new legislation last Saturday which increased the federal powers to investigate and reduces the privacy rights of American citizens :


    Whitehouse Statement on HR 2417 (December 13, 2003)

    HR 2417 was cleared by the Congress on November 21, 2003

    Comments of Ron Paul, Congressman for Texas on HR 2417 :
    It appears we are witnessing a stealth enactment of the enormously unpopular "Patriot II" legislation that was first leaked several months ago. Perhaps the national outcry when a draft of the Patriot II act was leaked has led its supporters to enact it one piece at a time in secret. Whatever the case, this is outrageous and unacceptable. I urge each of my colleagues to join me in rejecting this bill and its incredibly dangerous expansion of Federal police powers.


    Bush signs bill extending FBI powers

    Associated Press

    WASHINGTON -- President Bush has signed legislation making it easier for FBI agents investigating terrorism to demand financial records from casinos, car dealerships, and other businesses.

    The changes were included in a bill authorizing 2004 intelligence programs. Most of the details of the bill are secret, including the total cost of the programs, which are estimated to be about $40 billion. That would be slightly more than Bush had requested.

    Bush signed the bill Saturday, the White House announced.

    The bill expands the number of businesses from which the FBI and other US authorities conducting intelligence work can demand financial records without seeking court approval.

    Under current law, "national security letters" can be issued to traditional financial institutions, such as banks and credit unions, to require them to turn over information. The bill expands the definition of financial institution to include other businesses that deal with large amounts of cash.

    Supporters of the change say it will help authorities identify money laundering and other activities that fund terrorism. But some lawmakers and civil liberties advocates say the change does not provide enough safeguards to ensure that authorities will not violate the privacy of innocent people.

    In other provisions, the bill:

    Requires the CIA director to prepare a report as soon as possible on what intelligence agencies have learned from their experiences in Iraq.

    Creates a Treasury Department office to work with intelligence agencies on fighting terrorist financing.

    Creates pilot programs to share raw data between agencies.

    Authorizes agencies to continue research on computerized terrorism surveillance suspended by the Pentagon.

    © Copyright 2003 Globe Newspaper Company.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Police to widen the City's 'ring of steel'

    By Ross Lydall Local Government Correspondent, Evening Standard
    18 December 2003

    The "ring of steel" security cordon around the City is being extended in response to growing fears of a major terrorist outrage in London.

    It will grow by a third, bringing an extra 45,000 City workers into the protection zone.

    More spy cameras will be erected, and the City's police force will recruit nearly 50 extra officers. The measures come into force on Saturday for a six-month trial period.


    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S.: ‘Credible threat’ of major attack in Italy

    St. Peter's Square, Leaning Tower of Pisa get special attention

    Italian authorities have clamped unprecedented security coverage over the Vatican and other Christian landmarks after receiving a "credible threat" of a Christmastime terrorist attack, senior U.S. officials said Wednesday.

    Over the past two days, officials within the Vatican and elsewhere in Italy have increased security near major Christian symbols, including St. Peter's Square. The step was taken based on a warning from the Mossad, the Israeli security service, that there was a "high index of probability" that "an important symbol of Christianity" would be the target of an attack between Christmas and New Year's, senior officials told NBC News on condition of anonymity.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush overruled on US terror law

    US President George W Bush does not have the power to detain an American citizen seized on US soil as an "enemy combatant", a court has decided.

    The federal appeals court ruled that "dirty bomb" suspect Jose Padilla should be released from military custody into civilian detention.

    Mr Padilla is thought to be the only US citizen since World War II to be detained on a presidential order.

    Correspondents say the ruling is a blow to Mr Bush's war on terror.

    Al-Qaeda claim

    The enemy combatant classification is normally used for wartime prisoners who may be held without charge or trial and without access to lawyers.

    "We are as keenly aware as anyone of the threat al-Qaeda poses to our country and of the responsibilities the president and law enforcement officials bear for protecting the nation," the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals said in its ruling.

    "But presidential authority does not exist in a vacuum."

    Prosecutors accuse Mr Padilla, a former gang member originally from New York City, of conspiring with the al-Qaeda network to blow up a so-called dirty bomb.

    This is a device made of radioactive material and attached to conventional explosives which could potentially cause mass casualties, both from the blast and from exposure to radiation.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Analysis / Saddam could be offered deal

    By Ze'ev Schiff, Haaretz Correspondent

    ATHENS - Deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein could be offered a deal in which he would give his captors information on if and how he hid weapons of mass destruction and if he smuggled some of them into Syria. In exchange, he would face life imprisonment and not be executed for war crimes, senior Iraqis attending a conference here on the future of the region have hinted.
    Saddam was captured, alive and well, on Saturday near his hometown of Tikrit. U.S. troops found him hiding in a subterranean hole. He did not resist.

    The Iraqi figures also said that, even if the number of concealed weapons of mass destruction is not large, Saddam will certainly know who he appointed to take charge of the operation and in what area the weapons are being stored.

    The possibility that Saddam transferred some of the weapons to Syria was raised on the eve of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, when satellite pictures showed convoys moving from Iraq to Syria. It is still unknown precisely what was transported in these convoys, but it is clear that this was a secret operation between Iraq and Syria.


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