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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Zatracený datle
    Vývody pana Ladislava Kozáka (ad datle) ZDE, že inkriminované žluté datle na pozadí fotografií U.S. vojáků, odhalujících Saddámovu zemljanku, mohou pocházet z prosince, jsou založeny na mylné interpretaci uvedeného internetového zdroje ZDE, konstatuje Jiří Táborský:

    Khalal není odrůda datle, ale první stadium dozrávání datlí [1. v originálním textu uvedeného zdroje: "Barhee. This variety is harvested and consumed at an unripe yellow stage (Khalal)". 2. Adel A. Kader, Department of Pomology, University of California: "A small quantity of dates is harvested at the "Khalal" stage (partially-ripe) when they are yellow or red (depending on cultivar), but many consumers find them astringent (high tannin content). Most dates are harvested at the fully-ripe "Rutab" and "Tamar" stages, when they have much greater levels of sugars, lower moisture and tannin content, and softer than the "Khalal" stage dates."].

    Překlad: "barhee. Tento druh se sklízí a konzumuje v nezralém, žluté stadiu (Khalal.) 2. Adel A. Kader, katedra pomologie, univerzita v Kalifornii: "Malé množství datlí se sklízí v etapě "khalal" (jsou částečně zralé), když jsou žluté či červené, ale mnoho spotřebitelů je shledává trpkými (vysoký obsah taninu). Většina datlí se sklízí v plně zralém stadiu "rutab" a "tamar", kdy mají daleko vyšší obsah cukru, nižší obsah vlkhosti a taninu a jsou měkčí, než datle v etapě ''khalal'."

    Barhee je odrůda, která se sklízí nezralá (a pouze v tomto stadiu je jasně žlutá jako na oné fotografii); v jižním Iráku v červenci-září, pravděpodobně o něco málo později v severnějším Tikritu. Rozhodně ne v listopadu nebo dokonce v prosinci, kdy byl Saddám prohlášenen polapeným americkou armádou. S velkou pravděpodobností to tedy vypadá, že školáckým nedopatřením vyfotografované datle dávají zobrazenou situaci jednoznačně do rozporu s Rumsfeldovo a Bushovo pravdomluvností. Zatracený datle.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iranian air force chief: Israel to ''dig own grave'' if nuclear sites attacked

    Israel "will dig its own grave" if it attacks Iranian nuclear sites, the head of the Iranian air force General Seyed Reza Pardis told a news agency close to members of the Islamic republic's regime.

    "The threats of the Zionist regime hold no value for us," Pardis was quoted as saying by Mehr news agency in reaction to statements issued recently by Israeli Defence Minister Saul Mofaz.

    "The (Zionist) regime knows that the armed forces of the Islamic republic, in particular our air force, have such high capabilities...that it would be digging its own grave in the region if it launches military attacks against Iran," Pardis made clear. (Albawaba.com)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Flight 11 Crew Sent Key Details Before Hitting the Twin Towers

    Woodward said Sweeney spoke "very, very calmly... in a way which was quick but calm." She gave him the seat numbers for four of the five hijackers, allowing airline staff to pull up their names, phone numbers, addresses — and even credit card numbers — on the reservations computer. One of the names that came up was Mohamed Atta, the man the FBI would later identify as the leader of all 19 of the Sept. 11 hijackers.


    The last moments of Flight 11 Friday, 21 September, 2001, 12:24 GMT 13:24 UK
    The FBI has named five hijackers on board Flight 11, whereas Ms Sweeney spotted only four. Also, the seat numbers she gave were different from those registered in the hijackers' names.

    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    Police call for remote button to stop cars

    Motorists face new 'Big Brother' technology

    Juliette Jowit, transport editor
    Sunday December 21, 2003
    The Observer

    After speed cameras, road humps and mobile phone bans, there could be more bad news for Britain's motorists. Police are urging Ministers to give them the power to stop vehicles by remote control.

    In what will be seen as yet another example of the in-creasing power of Big Brother, drivers face the prospect of their cars being halted by somebody pushing a button.

    The police lobby is being led by Superintendent Jim Hammond of Sussex police, who chairs an Association of Chief Police Officers technology working group which is examining the idea.

    'Providing an effective means to remotely stop a vehicle is fast becoming a priority,' Hammond told a European conference. 'The development of a safe and controlled system to enable remote stopping has the potential to directly save lives.'

    However, Bert Morris, deputy director of the AA Motoring Trust said: 'People don't like the idea of Big Brother taking over their driving. In years to come that might be acceptable, but it's very, very important that there's a step-by-step approach.'

    Cars could be stopped by the gradual reduction of engine power so it slowly comes to a stop, or by making sure when drivers come to a halt they can not move again.

    Stopping cars remotely sounds futuristic, but the basic technology is already available and used in lorries to limit the top speed to 56mph and in new systems to immobilise stolen cars.

    The key is the electronics box in most new cars which, when the driver presses the accelerator or brake, sends a message to the engine to speed up or slow down. It can be programmed to limit the speed generally or according to the position of the car, established via a GPS satellite. For remote operation, a modem, which works like a mobile phone, can be used tell the car to slow down or stop.

    Similar radio telemetry was used by Formula One pit crews to adjust the engines of racing cars at up to 200mph - until it was banned this year.

    'The technology exists and will become more refined as time goes on,' said Nick Rendell, managing director of the Siemens business developing this technology in the UK.


    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. cities hike security on terror alert rise
    JAXXE --- ---

    Orange: High Condition

    # High risk of terrorist attacks. In addition to the previously outlined protective measures, the following steps may be taken: Coordinating necessary security efforts with armed forces or law enforcement agencies
    # Taking additional precaution at public events
    # Preparing to work at an alternate site or with a dispersed workforce, restricting access to essential personnel only

    Source: Homeland Security

    CAIDEL --- ---
    JAXXE: A sakra.. :-))
    TERMIX --- ---
    JAXXE: Chachacha... ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Time Person of Year: The American soldier

    Sunday, December 21, 2003 Posted: 8:42 AM EST (1342 GMT)

    NEW YORK (AP) -- The American soldier, who bears the duty of "living with and dying for a country's most fateful decisions," was named Sunday as Time magazine's Person of the Year.


    JAXXE --- ---

    But perhaps the mother of all conspiracy theories, is the one about the pictures distributed by the Americans showing the hideout with a palm tree behind the soldier who uncov ered the hole where Saddam was hiding. The palm carried a cluster of pre-ripened yellow dates, which might suggest that Saddam was arrested at least three months earlier, because dates ripen in the summer when they turn into their black or brown colour.

    Those who buy into such an explanation conclude that Saddam’s capture was stage-managed and his place of arrest probably elsewhere. All fanciful stuff. But as is so often the case, the real chain of events is likely to be far more mundane.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Would a microchip keep your child safe?

    By Megan Lane
    BBC News Online Magazine

    Transmitter chips and GPS trackers are devices designed to help to trace a child's whereabouts. But do hi-tech solutions raise more problems than they solve?

    A month after the bodies of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were found in a remote ditch, a cybernetics professor known for his headline-grabbing stunts came up with a plan to microchip children to prevent them being abducted.

    Professor Kevin Warwick, of Reading University, convinced the Duval family that a microchip implanted in their 11-year-old daughter Danielle's arm would ease their fears.

    The youngster was nervous about going out alone, following media coverage of the Soham case.

    If she went missing with a chip installed, it would send a signal via mobile phone networks to a computer, which would pinpoint her location on an electronic map.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Dates Clash With Saddam's Day of Destiny

    P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News Staff

    Two US soldiers are seen in front of a palm tree with ripe dates near the mud hole where former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was found on Saturday. (AFP)

    JEDDAH, 18 December 2003 — The picture of a palm tree with ripe dates near the mud hole where Saddam Hussein was hiding has given rise to speculation that the arrest may have taken place two months ago.

    “The yellowish dates in the picture behind two American soldiers show that Saddam was not present there at this time of the year,” Okaz Arabic daily reported. “The picture shows that the capture of Saddam would have taken place two months ago,” the paper said.

    Many Arabs have been spreading this theory through the Internet. A person, who identified himself as Sunaid Quraish, asked “Does the presence of a palm tree with ripe dates in the place where Saddam was arrested have any special significance? Was he captured months ago? Is there some scandalous story behind the capture?”

    Adel wrote in his e-mail message, “The Americans forgot about the dates when they staged the drama but the date season ended months ago.” Many Arabs, however, refused to get involved in this particular theory. Abu Mishaal pointed out that the uniforms, which the soldiers were wearing, indicated that the capture took place in winter. Al-Watan Arabic newspaper said, quoting its Baghdad reporter, that the Iraqis had paid no attention to the date theory.

    Hatem Al-Natour, an agriculture engineer at the Arabian Company for Agricultural Systems in Riyadh, said ripe dates could be seen on date palms in summer. “Summer is the season when dates ripen under the sun,” he pointed out. Muhammad Al-Dossary, however, who has been engaged in date cultivation in the Aflaj region for several years, pointed out that there is a special kind of date, “hilali”, which yields its fruits at this time of the year.

    Iraq is the native place of hilali dates which are now found in Saudi Arabia and other countries, Dossary told Al-Eqtisadiah, a sister publication of Arab News. “Even yesterday I ate hilali dates taken from the tree,” he told the newspaper. The season for dates is usually between June and July but in some countries, the date ripening period may be extended.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Chemické zbraně nevadí, řekl kdysi Rumsfeld

    20.12.2003 00:01 -

    Nynější americký ministr obrany Donald Rumsfeld v roce 1984 při návštěvě Bagdádu ujišťoval Saddámův režim, že americké prohlášení odsuzující používání chemických zbraní Irákem neznamená zhoršení vztahů mezi oběma zeměmi.



    na mobil

    chat: Irák po válce.


    Podle prestižního deníku The Washington Post to vyplývá ze zveřejněných dokumentů ministerstva zahraničí USA. V současnosti byl Rumsfeld naopak jedním z hlavních iniciátorů války v Iráku.

    Tenkrát však měl jako zvláštní emisar pro Blízký východ od tehdejšího prezidenta Ronalda Reagana instrukci sdělit Iráčanům, že prohlášení USA proti užívání chemických zbraní neovlivní přání americké administrativy "zlepšovat bilaterální vztahy" s Bagdádem.

    Saddám v té době vedl válku s Íránem a používal v ní také chemické zbraně. Ty rovněž nasadil proti kurdskému obyvatelstvu na severu země.

    Washington tenkrát Saddáma podporoval z obavy, že se íránský náboženský režim snaží šířit radikální islám i do sousedních zemí. Rumsfeld Irák navštívil v prosinci 1983 a v březnu 1984 znovu, a to s úkolem přesvědčit Azíze, aby Bagdád obnovil diplomatické styky s USA.

    Když byl nedávno Rumsfeld novináři dotazován na svou návštěvu v Bagdádu v roce 1983, prohlásil, že tehdy varoval Saddáma před použitím chemických zbraní. To však nebyla pravda, jak ukazují USA, napsal The Washington Post.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Saddam Smoking Gun: Dates in December?

    Liberty Think

    One spoor that has created the greatest suspicion in my mind about the capture of Saddam is the CIA picture of two soldiers holding the styrofoam plug that concealed the "spider hole."

    You'll note the clump of dates hanging from a date palm in the background.

    I've lived in date growing regions long enough to know that dates begin to come out early in the summer and are ready to pick in July or August. If left unharvested, dates slowly ripen from a firmness like that of ripe apples to a softer, ever more sugary consistency. Left alone they will drop off the tree as big sugary globs that birds and wildlife will prey upon, leaving piles of pits. And that's what you should find in December hanging from a date palm - nothin'.

    I called an Iraqi friend of mind and asked him if, to his knowledge, there was any variety of dates in Iraq in which the tree held on to its fruit so very late in the season. His answer was an unequivocal, "No."

    This jpg was posted on La Voz de Aztlan today under the title "The Saddam Hussein Capture Hoax."

    Dates also appear in this AP photo published in the Altanta Journal-Constitution

    The Denton Record-Chronicle tells us that "A bountiful date harvest is one of the few good things about being in Iraq during the searing month of August."

    More info on Date palms here and here.

    Also check out: (CNN) Col. Hickey tells his troops to keep quiet about Saddam capture.



    JAXXE --- ---
    V New Yorku představen definitivní projekt Věže svobody

    NEW YORK 19. prosince (ČTK) - Věž svobody (Freedom Tower), která nahradí dvojčata Světového obchodního střediska zřícené po teroristickém útoku z 11. září 2001, bude se svými 541 metry údajně nejvyšším a nejbezpečnějším mrakodrapem na světě. Definitivní projekt představili v New Yorku architekti Daniel Liebeskind a David Childs.

    Stavba bude mít symbolickou výšku 1776 stop, což je rok vyhlášení nezávislosti USA. Na vrcholu bude umístěna velká asymetrická a průhledná špice, která bude mírně skloněna k západu jako "moderní symbolická připomínka" pochodně sochy Svobody před newyorským přístavem. S touto spirálovitou konstrukcí bude mít mrakodrap 610 metrů. Ve vlastní stavbě bude ale pouze 70 pater kanceláří, ostatní prostor bude volný nebo využíván k jiným účelům. Například zde budou větrné turbíny, které mají mrakodrapu vyrábět vlastní energii. Na vrcholu bude opět vyhlídková terasa, jaká byla i na dvojčatech WTC, a slavná restaurace Okna do světa, umístěná dříve v severní věži dvojčat.

    Ideovým tvůrcem návrhu je Liebeskind, jehož představy realizačně dopracoval Childs. "Věž splňuje nejsofistikovanější normy z hlediska koncepce, bezpečnosti, kvality a technologie, aby se mohla stát nejvyšší budovou světa," řekl při prezentaci Childs. "Jako celek bude lidi shromažďovat, bude tedy místem otevírání se světu spíše než uzavírání," dodal.

    Podle newyorského guvernéra George Patakiho "věž ukazuje světu, jak je New York silný a kolik má sebedůvěry". "Je to pocta hrdinům, které jsme ztratili, svobodě a naší zemi. Je to symbol vynalézavosti New Yorku a celé Ameriky," dodal.

    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 conspiracy theory debated

    By Stavroula Papadopoulos

    A United States (U.S.) government conspiracy theory behind the September 11 attacks was the topic addressed in the movie entitled Aftermath: Unanswered Questions from 9/11, as well as in the panel discussion that followed the screening at Concordia.

    "Unequivocally, 9/11 is a U.S.-intelligence sponsored toy," said Michel Chossudovsky, economics professor at the University of Ottawa and editor of the Center for Research on Globalization.

    Monday's event was organized by Cinema Politica. It presented three short films in addition to its main presentation, all made by Guerrilla News Network (GNN), an independent alternative news organization and video design boutique.

    Stephen Marshall, director of Aftermath, was the second panelist. Marshall is also the director of GNN and the creator of Channel Zero.

    Aftermath featured nine people answering 11 questions that emanate from 9/11. These questions challenged the official version of the events of that day and its warning signs.

    Mary Schiavo, aviation disaster attorney, argued that airlines should have been better prepared because of the hijackings that occurred on Sept. 12, 1970. Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Freedom, said that there was an unusual 30 minute delay in the U.S. military interception response; when it normally only takes 10 minutes to react. David McMichael, former CIA analyst, looked at the administrative response to the military failures of that day. The then General Richard B. Myers has since been promoted, and the military budget was increased from $10 billion to $35 billion.

    Chossudovsky is also featured in the movie and he dealt with the ties between the U.S. and the terrorists. He said that Mahmoud Ahmad, pin-pointed by the U.S. government as the money-man behind the attacks, was in Washington with top U.S. officials from Sept. 4 to 13, 2001.

    Riva Enteen, of the National Lawyer's Guild, dealt with recent legislation like the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security. She said the Patriot Act "dismantles the constitution," and moves more power to the justice department. The words used in the new legislation are often vague and could extent to consider protesters, or the like, to be engaging in illegal activities. "Dissent has never been more critical," said Enteen.

    During the panel discussion, Chossudovsky talked about the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), which, one year before the election of George W. Bush, outlined a road map to war. Chossudovsky said that the PNAC reads: "we need a Pearl Harbor type of event to harvest public opinion in support of the war agenda."

    He believes that "Al-Qaeda and the Bush administration still work hand-in-hand."

    He believes it to be naïve to think that the links that existed between U.S. ventures and Al-Qaeda prior to 9/11 have all been cut off.

    Chossudovsky argued that the Red Cross was attacked by coalition forces and not by Osama bin Laden. He relates the second Red Cross attack to the first.

    "I don't have the proof, but I strongly suspect that this was a U.S.-sponsored intelligence operation," he said. This would reduce the ability of the Red Cross to monitor war crimes in Iraq, thereby, allowing the U.S. administration to call the shots.

    During the question period, this view was particularly challenged by Concordia student Samer Elatrash. He said that the panelists' approach to 9/11 was "stretching" reality. "You're relying on very tenuous evidence," he said.

    "To blame the Red Cross bombings on American forces, you're really taking away from any agency of [the Iraqi] people. There are a lot of Iraqi resistance cells," he said, "but they're not as neat and as logical as you'd have us believe."

    Ron Gous, computer and airline consultant, also challenged the speakers by saying that there was not enough time between the two planes hitting the Two Towers for the U.S. military to react.

    Near the end of the lecture, a man in the audience got increasingly impatient and aggravated. He wanted to know, for a fact, whether or not the Bush administration had prior knowledge to the 9/11 attacks.

    Chossudovsky said it is not a simple issue with straightforward answers. "I understand that this information is very hard to swallow, but it is all fact," he said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Col. Hickey tells his troops to keep quiet about Saddam capture

    It sounds to me that Hickey is giving them what turned out to be the official story before warning them to shut up about what really happened. Why would Hickey need to tell them that he was found 'literally hiding in a hole' if they had found him? They would already know this. This is consistent with reports claiming Saddam was handed over to the US by Kurdish militia on November 20-23.


    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: pecka! o vanocich si budu cist zminene zpravy :)
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