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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---

    The US official running Iraq appears to have contradicted Tony Blair's claim Saddam Hussein had laboratories for developing weapons of mass destruction.

    The prime minister said in a Christmas message to UK troops that the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) had unearthed "massive evidence" of clandestine labs.

    The head of the Coalition Provisional Authority said it was not true.

    Paul Bremer said it sounded like a "red herring" made up by someone to upset the rebuilding effort.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush's New Year's Wish: Another Attack?

    by Michael Arvey


    Here we go again, another terrorism "orange alert"--what distraction is it now? I've just unlatched the door to my emergency terrorist shelter that's stocked with 90 days worth of canned and frozen goods, 200 gallons of water, and several pounds of freedom fries.

    On the other hand, my personal hooey detector is flashing again. Perhaps it's just my overworked imagination, but it seems to me this Bush administration will do literally anything to retain power. For the last three years they have furtively behaved as thieves and criminals cloaking themselves behind burqas of secrecy--from day one, they've midwived the Big Rush to enact all their dirty and stealthy legislation, and Bush his executive orders. Lies race, truth creeps, and distraction is the name of the game.

    Something's amiss in Bush world--the awful noise from a blown piston is emerging from under the hood of our careening government, and it's waking people up in the middle of their darkest night from Bush's spell of mountebankery. Many are now cognizant of the fact that the Bush economy and administration are turning this country into a third-world pen, and we are the pen-ees. Will enough wake up in time? More phony alerts signify the Bushites are scurrying for cover, and they desperately need another big event to galvanize further incursions against democracy and other nations. Please simply note, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Citizen, the Pavlovian presence of military personnel at airports this Christmas.

    Traditionally, New Year's is an opportune time to issue predictions for the coming year. Here's my personal Carnak prescience for 2004, which I hope is a passing whim:

    1) Bush needs another attack to distract us from the faltering economy with its stubborn and widespread unemployment, library closures, educational shortfalls, soaring medical costs, illegal immigration, homelessness, lost retirement funds, along with a queue of other civic concerns, and from the debacle in Iraq, regardless of the recent dog-and-pony show concerning Hussein--in short, to distract us from where the blame really lies, which can be deduced from a simple Not methodology: Not liberals, not welfare moms, not AWOL dads, not Osama, not Bill or Hillary Clinton, not Saddam, not Michael Jackson, not le francaise, not university professors, not collectivists, not Marxists and socialists, not the red conspiracy, not Earth Firsters, not environmentalists, and so forth ad infinitum until there's only one place left to go--the White House, or perhaps to the environs bunkered beneath the White House, as it were.

    2) Bush needs another attack to stir up more support for further police state measures and for the suspension of what's left of the Constitution.

    3) Bush needs another attack to create momentum for the Bush Re-Election Campaign to paint himself as the only one tough enough to lead the counterattack, since the Democratic contender will be cast as weak and as anti-war. If a contender such as Dean becomes a serious threat to the imperium, the Anglo-Saxon presidency might launch its own stealth attack and blame it on the Arabs, thereby enabling it to declare martial law and suspend the 2004 election, and thus seal the fate of the rule of law and democratic jurisprudence in America for a long while.

    Fantasies of a madman? In this case, I pray they're mine, and not Bush's
    Michael Arvey spiritmed@rocketmail.com Freelance writer, author, poet, teacher Boulder, Co.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    False alarm? No evidence found of plot on airliners


    Dec 25, 2003, 17:32

    French investigators questioned seven men pointed out by U.S. intelligence but found no evidence they planned to use a Los Angeles-bound jet to launch terror attacks against the United States, French authorities said Thursday.

    John Schults / Reuters
    American warnings of a plot had prompted Air France to cancel six flights on Wednesday between Paris and Los Angeles - three in each direction - amid a stepped-up terror alert level in the United States.

    U.S. intelligence officials told their French counterparts that members of the al-Qaida terrorist network would try to board the planes over Christmas, said a French judicial official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    The seven questioned men, who all had tickets for Air France Flight 68 to Los Angeles, were on a watch list provided by U.S. authorities, an Interior Ministry spokesman said. But all were released after questioning Wednesday night, the spokesman said.

    "There are no longer any investigations," he said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    USA se bály útoku ze vzduchu

    Policista Robert Skwarski se psem Redem kontroluje prostory mezinárodního letiště v Chicagu. (21. prosince 2003)

    Autor: Reuters - Frank Polich
    26.12.2003 16:30 - Mohlo to být další 11. září. Teroristé z Al-Kajdy podle amerických tajných služeb vypracovali plán unést letadlo mezi Francií a Spojenými státy a poté ho použít jako smrtící bombu proti Las Vegas či jinému městu.


    Washington se obrnil proti teroristům

    USA se připravují na útok teroristů

    Hrozba terorismu v USA

    Air France zrušila na přímý pokyn francouzské vlády sváteční lety mezi Paříží a Los Angeles. Důvodem byla podle oficiálních informací "velmi vážná" bezpečnostní hrozba.

    V pátek přišel vlivný americký list The Washington Post s konkrétnějším vysvětlením: existoval plán únosu a záměrné havárie. Američtí odborníci tvrdili, že na seznamu cestujících je několik podezřelých teroristů.

    Francouzští vyšetřovatelé vyslechli třináct mužů, na které je USA upozornily, nezjistili však žádný důkaz, že by měli v úmyslu podniknout atentát. Rovněž zkontrolovali seznamy cestujících všech zrušených letů a ty pasažéry, kteří si objednali letenku, ale k letadlu nepřišli.

    "Američané se velmi obávají, že by se mohly opakovat útoky 11. září," řekl agentuře Reuters francouzský vládní zdroj. Podle francouzských médií daly k akci podnět e-maily, podle nichž Al-Kajda plánovala únos právě na této lince.

    "Ty informace byly natolik znepokojivé, že jsme museli přijmout bezpečnostní opatření," uvedl Jean-Claude Mallet, vládní bezpečnostní expert.

    Washington Post s odvoláním na nejmenovaného amerického představitele napsal, že jeden z cestujících, kteří se nakonec nedostavili k odletu, měl pilotní výcvik. List také poznamenal, že mezi americkými bezpečnostními experty stoupá nervozita a obávají se, že "se stane něco velkého".

    Spojené státy požádaly také Mexiko, aby zpřísnilo ostrahu na letištích. Nesdělily však žádnou konkrétní informaci, jako tomu bylo v případě Air France. Francouzská společnost v pátek lety mezi Paříží a Los Angeles obnovila.

    V USA platí od neděle čtvrtý stupeň pohotovosti z pětistupňové škály. Důvodem pro zvýšení stupně byla právě hrozba teroristických útoků na území Spojených států o vánočních a novoročních svátcích.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Has Bible translation been twisted to stir up war against Muslims? False Bible Verse Virtually Calls Arabs/Muslims "Wild Ass" Terrorists
    Abraham had two sons: Ishmael (father of Arabs) and Isaac (father of Israelites).

    When God told the Israelites that He will give the final scripture to an Ishmaelite (Prophet Muhammad), most of the Israelites rebelled against God and started defaming Ishmael, the Arabs, Muhammad, Islam and the Quran, and they never stopped.

    Israelites complained: Why choose an Ishmaelite? The final prophet must be an Israelite! Israelites are God's Chosen People!

    Some even called Ishmael "a bastard from the slave concubine Hagar." In reality, Hagar, an Egyptian princess, was Abraham's wife and the mother of Ishmael.

    Genesis 16:12--correctly translated--states that "(Ishmael) will be a fruitful man: his hand shall be with everyone, and every man's hand shall be with him..." A prophecy that Arabs and Muslims will have good relationships with all humanity. Something that God wants everybody to do.

    But Jews and Christians who believe in Israelite supremacy put false words in God's mouth "(Ishmael) shall be a wild ass of a man, his hand against every man and every man's hand against him..." (Genesis 16:12) In short, they insist, that Arabs and Muslims will become terrorists.

    Does this false prophecy create prejudice, even in the minds of otherwise fair Christians and Jews?

    Is this why most Americans tolerate the constant defamation of Muslims by Hollywood and the news media?

    Is this why Americans supported and didn't mind the Israeli brutalization of Palestinians for decades?

    Is this why so many Americans support wars against Muslims?

    Could this even lead some Israelites to frame Arabs for terrorism in order to show God that He was wrong in choosing the Ishmaelite Muhammad, instead of an Israelite, for the final covenant?

    The Quran should neither be a source of Muslim arrogance nor Jewish envy. It's from God, a mercy for all humanity.

    ... http://www.libertyforum.org/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=news_members&Number=1145979&page=&view=&sb=&o=&vc=1&t=-1#Post1145979

    JAXXE --- ---
    Okay, forget about the Air France Christmas fiasco. The boys, I mean the 'terrorists' are going to attack in , um, lesse here, April. That's it, April...
    JAXXE --- ---

    to uz je fakt moc... pozor na utok pakistanskych vozickaru !
    verite tomu nekdo ?


    Terrorists plan to pose as disabled travelers

    Pakistani nationals behind U.S. plot, warns new Homeland Security memo

    Posted: December 26, 2003
    8:18 p.m. Eastern

    By Paul Sperry
    © 2003 WorldNetDaily.com

    WASHINGTON – A new U.S. intelligence report obtained by WorldNetDaily describes a plot by "Pakistani Islamic extremists" to pose as aides to disabled travelers to obtain U.S. visas and carry out terrorist attacks once inside the U.S.

    They also plan to conduct attacks in Britain using the same scheme, which is designed to "draw less scrutiny from law enforcement," according to the closely held two-page report by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

    The attacks will allegedly take place in April 2004, says the report, which is marked "Law Enforcement Sensitive."

    "Pakistani Islamic extremists are allegedly planning to conduct attacks in the U.S. and the United Kingdom in April 2004," according to the report's summary.

    From intelligence gathered so far, U.S. intelligence officials believe the Pakistani nationals, all male, plan to obtain U.S. visas in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

    "The operatives will accompany a disabled person and act as the disabled person's assistants when obtaining the visa," the report said, adding that the disabled individual may have prosthetic limbs or be confined to a wheelchair.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Leader: Terrorists Planned To Attack Vatican On Christmas

    Security Tightened Around Vatican In Recent Weeks

    POSTED: 10:05 AM EST December 27, 2003
    UPDATED: 10:28 AM EST December 27, 2003

    ROME -- Terrorists planned to attack the Vatican with a hijacked plane on Christmas Day, Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi said in a newspaper interview published Saturday.

    Berlusconi told Milan's Libero newspaper of a "precise and verified news of an attack on Rome on Christmas Day."

    "A hijacked plane into the Vatican," Berlusconi is quoted as saying. "An attack from the sky, is that clear? The threat of terrorism is very high in this instant. I passed Christmas Eve in Rome to deal with the situation. Now I feel calm. It will pass."

    He added, "It isn't fatalism, but the knowledge of having our guard up. If they organized this, they will not pull it off."

    Berlusconi gave no further details in the interview about who the intended hijackers were, where the information came from and how the attack was thwarted.

    Security has been tightened around the Vatican in recent weeks amid reports that churches could become terrorist targets. During Christmas celebrations, Italian police guarded the perimeter of the vast St. Peter's Square and pilgrims entering the basilica passed through metal detectors.

    The Vatican refused Saturday to respond to questions about a possible Christmas threat.

    Papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said in a statement, "As in every case of suspected or valid information regarding security themes, I have no comment to make."

    Berlusconi's office issued its own statement Saturday, saying the premier's remarks did not amount to official declarations.

    "Premier Silvio Berlusconi gave no interview. One cannot confuse a quick exchange of Christmas greetings with political declarations," it said.

    The premier also was quoted by Libero as saying he received information in November of another planned attack, on the subways of Milan and Rome.

    "There were those who insisted that the stations be closed," Berlusconi is quoted as saying. "I took on myself the responsibility for avoiding certain measures. They would had the same effect on the minds of people as an attack, they would have killed us inside, with dramatic social and economic consequences.

    "Terrorism wants to make us close up. I preferred to double up the safety checks."

    Copyright 2003 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Saddam Threatens to Expose US

    Arab News

    JEDDAH, 27 December 2003 — Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, now being grilled by American investigators, has reportedly warned US authorities that he will expose Washington’s “political games” and its behind-the-scene role in the occupation of Kuwait.

    “Saddam threatened that if they continue to pressure him he will reveal startling facts — about America’s political games with his country — that would shock the whole world,” Al-Watan Arabic daily quoted a high-level European source as saying.

    The source said Saddam had stopped answering the investigators’ questions and asked them to “give him enough time to clear his mind.” He did not elaborate further, the source added.

    The source confirmed that the investigators approached Saddam with a list of Iraqi scientists involved in the development of weapons of mass destruction but Saddam told them that they were developing nuclear and chemical technology for civilian purposes, the paper said.

    According to the European source close to US investigators, Saddam also said that he would ask the International Court of Justice in The Hague to try the United States for its crimes against the Iraqi people for allegedly using internationally prohibited weapons against the Iraqis during the last two wars against his country.

    “If the Americans want to try me in a court of law, they should also try high-ranking international officials,” the source quoted the former Iraqi dictator as saying. Saddam has insisted that his statements are recorded verbatim, the paper said. The source said Saddam neither prayed not read the Qur’an, it added.

    JAXXE --- ---
    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. officials say investigators would like to talk to people who did not show up for the postponed Air France flights -- and are still interested in 13 passengers who were interviewed by French authorities.

    A senior U.S. counter-terrorism source says investigators are "actively interested" in questioning some of those who did not show up.

    French sources have told CNN they believe the names of all 13 -- interviewed by French law enforcement -- were on U.S. terror watch lists. American authorities have not confirmed that, but one senior U.S. counterterrorism official tells CNN that most of the names of those interviewed and those of interest who did not show up for their flights were on watch lists.

    This official says some of the passenger names were not previously on watch lists but came up in recent intelligence.

    A U.S. official told CNN on Thursday that one of those who did not arrive for his flight had a commercial pilot's license.

    Officials say they still believe there is a real possibility of some type of terror attack aimed at the United States. As one counterterrorism official put it, authorities do not believe the "threat window" has closed. There is concern not only about a plot involving aviation but also about other modes of attack as well, including one using a so-called "dirty bomb," a device that spreads radiological debris.

    As for a mention in The Washington Post about Las Vegas being a possible target of a hijacking from Paris, several officials call that only an analytical theory as they look at the possible route of a Paris-Los Angeles flight. Concern has been expressed recently about Las Vegas being the target of a terrorist attack.

    U.S. Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, meanwhile, said he was "relieved" that Christmas had passed without a terrorist attack.

    Nevertheless, he said, the threat has not diminished. "We are still at that same level of risk," Ridge told CNN on Friday. (Full story)
    Attention to Mexico

    Officials say Mexico worries them, too. One government source said there is concern not just because of the country's proximity to the United States, but also because there is a "credible threat related to Mexico."

    Another senior administration official said that the United States is "in regular touch with Mexico" on the current threat.

    "There is credible information which we take very seriously showing a threat related to a number of places of concern, and Mexico is one of them," the official said.

    This official said that Mexico has implemented a number of security measures requested by the United States, but did not preclude further measures being asked of Mexico.

    "We have an open channel," the official said. "As we get information we act on it and pass it to Mexico. It is an ongoing dialogue."

    Officials say the threat is within the context of the larger volume of information the U.S. government is receiving that indicates al Qaeda is hoping to use an airplane originating outside the U.S. as a weapon.

    Officials said the U.S. continues to press other countries -- beyond Mexico and France -- to step up security. But officials declined to name those other countries.

    Flights delayed Friday

    Two Air France flights from Paris to Los Angeles were delayed Friday because of more thorough screening of all bags and passengers, a U.S. aviation official told CNN.

    When those flights land, they will be handled by airport crews remotely, with passengers screened off the tarmac and bused into the terminal, the official said.

    This official also said that select flights Friday to Los Angeles from other countries will be handled in a similar fashion.
    French authorities: Passengers questioned

    Meanwhile, the French Foreign Ministry said all passengers from Wednesday's canceled Air France flights to Los Angeles have been questioned.

    A spokesman said 13 passengers were questioned by police. All others were questioned by airport security.

    All were sent home, the ministry said, adding there will be no official investigation or follow-up.

    Air France said its fights were resuming Friday.

    France agreed to cancel all Air France flights between Paris and Los Angeles Wednesday and Thursday over security concerns expressed by U.S. officials.

    A government source told CNN Thursday the United States had intelligence that one of the six canceled Air France flights might be targeted by terrorists during the Christmas holiday period.

    He could not describe what the intelligence said specifically about the threat that officials believed may have been posed by passengers or crew.

    U.S. intelligence officials told their French counterparts that members of the al Qaeda terrorist network would try to board the planes over Christmas, said a French judicial official, speaking on condition of anonymity, The Associated Press reported.

    Wednesday's Air France flights 68 and 70 from Paris to Los Angeles and Thursday's flight 68 to Los Angeles were grounded. Three other Los Angeles Air France flights were canceled because the planes remained in Paris and couldn't continue to their final destinations.

    JAXXE --- ---


    CHRISTMAS SPIRIT: Hernandez Lorie brightens up an Army base in Tikrit.
    - Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images

    Email Archives
    Print Reprint

    December 24, 2003 -- WASHINGTON - Alarming messages published on known al Qaeda Web sites are claiming the terror network is about to launch its biggest strikes ever - and are warning Muslims to leave the cities of New York, Washington and Los Angeles.

    The statements monitored by U.S. government agencies, as well as by a Washington-based terrorist research group, are part of the alarming increase in "chatter" among terrorist operatives in recent weeks that played a role in the Bush administration's decision to raise the nation's threat alert to high (orange).

    Counterterrorism expert Rita Katz, director of the SITE Institute, said her organization has recently found and translated statements on al Qaeda Web site Al-Lewa - Arabic for "The Banner" - that are promising new attacks on U.S. soil in the coming weeks.

    Katz said a posting two weeks ago quoted an al Qaeda spokesman identified as Abu Issam al-Yamani as saying, "The next al Qaeda attacks will be most violent and will target the U.S." and urged Muslims "to leave the country if they don't wish to die as a result of a Jihadist operation."

    A second message was posted on the same Web site last Thursday, from a group calling itself the Islamic Bayan Movement.

    "Our Muslim brothers in America, this is our final warning. We ask you, as fast as you can, to leave the following cities immediately: Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles," the message said.

    Katz said she noticed al Qaeda's stepped-up cyber propaganda began Nov. 15 after the terror bombings in Istanbul, Turkey when a known al Qaeda group warned in a communiqué that the "death cars will not stop."

    Katz said the electronic vitriol has continued almost daily, and just last night a message was published in which al Qaeda's mouthpiece, the Global Islamic Media Society, took delight that Americans are now "living in a state of anxiety and constant fear."

    It ended with, "You will forget about Manhattan events. Be prepared."

    U.S. government officials say it is impossible to determine whether the message writers may be involved in plotting attacks

    But these officials told The Post last night that the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency consider the messages "pieces of the overall puzzle."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Report: Bin Laden behind terror threat
    Intelligence indicates Osama, al-Zawahiri approved plans to hijack foreign airliners

    (Foreign airliners present the perfect opportunity because the U.S. has absolutely no control in the matter.)

    snip: As WorldNetDaily reported, intelligence reports indicate bin Laden and al-Zawahiri are in Iran, near the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    (Iran is next on the U.S. Chop Block for Middle Eastern Extremism.)



    Surface-to-air missiles deployed around D.C.


    (If the U.S. shot down an airliner heading for the White House, it would make for a spectaculor day of watching television with the family....and a very tragic day for the passengers and their families.)


    December 24, 2003 -- WASHINGTON - Alarming messages published on known al Qaeda Web sites are claiming the terror network is about to launch its biggest strikes ever - and are warning Muslims to leave the cities of New York, Washington and Los Angeles.



    Al-Qaeda Wants Big Strike Soon

    JAXXE --- ---
    Prove us wrong! Prove us wrong! Prove us wrong!

    And we hereby extend our $100,000 challenge to prove us wrong!

    If all fossil fuels and their derivatives, as well as trees for paper and construction, were banned in order to save the planet, reverse the greenhouse effect and stop deforestation; then there is only one known annually renewable natural resource that is capable of providing the overall majority of the world's paper and textiles; meet all of the world's transportation, industrial and home energy needs, while simultaneously reducing pollution, rebuilding the soil and cleaning the atmosphere all at the same time... and that substance is the same one that has done it before... CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA!

    CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is the only known plant that can be grown from the Equator to the Arctic Circle and to the Antarctic Circle; from the mountains to the valleys, from the oceans to the plains, including arid lands and everywhere in between. CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is the healthiest plant for the ground out of the 300,000 known species, and the millions and millions of subspecies, of plants on Earth, because it has a root system that grows 10 to 12 inches in 30 days compared to one inch for rye, barley grass, etc. The roots penetrate up to six feet deep, pulverizing the soil and making it arable. After harvest it leaves a root system that is mulched into the ground, revitalizing the land and making it live once again. It is the KING KONG of the King Kongs of all plant life.

    All of my information about CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA has been taken from Federal and State Department of Agriculture reports, articles from Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Pulp & Paper Magazine, Scientific American, entries from encyclopedias and pharmacopoeias, and studies from all over the world during the last 200 years. This is all public information. The United States government is hiding the fact that 125 years ago, and even as far back as 4000 BC, 80 percent of our economy was based on the use of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA for paper, fiber and fuel. Ten to 20 percent of our drug economy was based on CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA medicines, 125 years ago.

    CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA was part of our everyday life. Virtually every farm and every plot of land in the cities and towns across the United States and the world, from 100-125 years ago and before, had a CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA patch growing. The U.S. government's cover-up of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA outrages me and it should outrage you, too. I have been studying CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA for over 30 years, and I can't believe how the U.S. government, in 90 seconds in Congress, could outlaw "MARIJUANA" in 1937, without the people realizing they were outlawing CANNABIS/HEMP, the most perfect plant for the planet! They even got other countries to outlaw it, too, after the Second World War and beyond. From 1740 to 1940, 80 percent of all the world's CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA was grown (mostly by Cossacks, who were indentured servants), and then imported from, Russia.

    I will again reiterate a few of the facts about CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA, which you already know from reading my book, "The Emperor Wears No Clothes."

    CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA was the NUMBER ONE annually renewable natural resource for 80 percent of all paper, fiber, textiles and fuel, from 6000 years ago until about 125 years ago. Furthermore, it was used for five to 50 percent of the food, light, land and soil reclamation, and even 20 percent or more of all medicine. Everyone, from the educated to the uneducated, the farmer to the townsperson, the doctors and the scientists used CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA products and depended on them.75 to 90 percent of all paper used from at least 100 AD to 1883 was made of CANNABIS/HEMP. Books, (including Bibles), money and newspapers all over the world have been mainly printed on CANNABIS/HEMP for as long as these things have existed in human history.

    A hundred and 25 years ago, 70 to 90 percent of all rope, twine, cordage, ship sails, canvas, fiber, cloth, etc., was made out of CANNABIS/HEMP fiber! It was replaced by DuPont's newly discovered petrochemical fiber (nylon) beginning in 1937. By comparison, CANNABIS/HEMP is four times softer than cotton, four times warmer, four times more water absorbent, has three times the strength of cotton, is many times more durable, is flame retardant, and doesn't use pesticides. Fifty percent of all pesticides are used on cotton, yet cotton uses only one percent of the farmland in the U.S! CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is the most health giving plant on Earth and it doesn't require pesticides or herbicides! It is the healthiest plant for human consumption, and for the Earth itself.

    Eighty percent of our economy depended on CANNABIS/HEMP for paper, fiber and fuel, 125 years ago. At that time, it took 300 man-hours to harvest an acre of CANNABIS/HEMP, but with the invention of the brand new HEMP decorticator in the 1930s, it only took one & 1/2 to two hours. This is equivalent to reducing the labor burden from $6,000 down to $40 per acre, in today's money. Keep in mind that the cotton gin, in 1793, reduced the man-hours from 300 hours down to two hours to harvest and clean an acre of cotton. CANNABIS/HEMP would have taken over the cotton market, as it is far superior to cotton, and pesticide free. The role of CANNABIS/HEMP should be determined by market supply and demand and not by undue influence of prohibition laws, federal subsidies and huge tariffs that keep the natural from replacing the synthetic. I repeat, CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is the KING KONG of the King Kongs of all plants!

    Of all the 300,000 species of plants on Earth, no other plant source can compare with the nutritional value of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA seeds. It is the only plant on Earth that provides us with the NUMBER ONE source, and the perfect balance of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, globulin edestin protein, and essential oils all combined in one plant, and in a form which is most naturally digestible to our bodies.

    Prior to the 1800s, CANNABIS/HEMPSEED oil was the NUMBER ONE source for lighting oil throughout the world. Until 1937-38, even paints and varnishes were 80 percent CANNABIS/HEMPSEED oil. CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is non-toxic and has been used to make high-grade diesel fuel, oil, aircraft and precision oil and even the NUMBER ONE vegetable oil. The U.S. Army/Navy standards purchasing specifications list HEMP OIL as the NUMBER ONE preferred lubricant for their machinery. CANNABIS/HEMP is the best sustainable source of plant pulp for biomass fuel to make charcoal, gas, methanol, gasoline and electricity in a natural way.

    In 1850, 80 percent of all paper, fiber, fuel, and oil were made out of CANNABIS/HEMP in America and the rest of the world. This was before the discovery of coal and petroleum for energy in the late 1850s...before the start of the worst permanent pollution ever experienced on Earth... fossil fuel pollution (coal and petroleum)!!

    As a medicine, the worldwide use of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA goes back at least 6000 years. Remember, 10 to 20 percent of our medicines used to be CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA based medicines. It has been found to be healthy and effective in the treatment of chronic pain, cancer, strokes, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, sickle cell anemia, AIDS wasting and many other illnesses, including simple nausea, appetite stimulant, anxiety and muscle pains, etc.

    On September 6, 1988, the Drug Enforcement Administration's Chief Administrative Law Judge, Francis L. Young, ruled: "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man," and asked the Drug Enforcement Administration to reschedule it. The DEA refused, keeping it as a Schedule I drug, which they say "has no known medical use"! Thousands of studies have been done all over the world, documenting the medical use of MARIJUANA (England, Spain, Hungary, Holland, and the U.S., just to name a few). No one has ever died from MARIJUANA in over 6000 years of recorded history... unless they were shot by a COP!

    CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA was also used for land reclamation until 1915. CANNABIS/HEMP was planted or left to grow feral as ground cover and on riverbanks, and not intended for harvest. It is the NUMBER ONE plant in history used to prevent mudslides and loss of watershed, and river and soil erosion on Earth. It has been illegal to grow this #1 plant in the United States since 1937.What disgusts me the most is how the U.S. government, as well as the people, knew about CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA and praised its value and then look what happened! In literally 90 seconds, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 passed in Congress. By using the unknown name "MARIJUANA" instead of the familiar name "CANNABIS HEMP", Congress was able to accomplish this because no one knew what plant they were talking about. CANNABIS/HEMP became illegal and was replaced by petrochemical products, coal and natural gas. They made it such a banned and forbidden plant that the words "HEMP" and "CANNABIS/HEMP" were not even taught in schools from the 1940s, 50s and thereafter.

    The role of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA was erased from America's history (as well as most of the rest of the world's) after 1945. To prove it, think... what did you learn about CANNABIS/HEMP in grade school? High school? College? From your parents and grandparents? Nothing! (Unless it was from the underground press within the last fifteen to twenty years.) The continuing suppression of this information by the U.S. government places us all in mortal jeopardy. I believe that, in order to save our planet, we
    must use non-fossil fuel energy. CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA, in conjunction with wind, solar, tidal and hydroelectric power, could save the planet by providing all of our energy, fuel, paper, fiber, and 10 to 20 percent of our medical needs, naturally. It would
    also reduce acid rain and chemical pollution, rebuild the soil, and reverse the greenhouse effect (no other plant can do this!). CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA was used to make over 25,000 products before it was outlawed in 1937.

    Why does the U.S. government want to eradicate this seed, out of all the seeds on Earth? They want to kill the most perfect plant on the planet. We must stop this insanity and demand that the laws against CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA be one hundred percent repealed!!

    Federal Attorney General John Ashcroft, Drug Enforcement Administration head, Asa Hutchison, and White House Drug Czar, John Walters, have been given all of these proven facts and yet are still set against the legalization of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA and recognition of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIUANA knowledge. For whatever personal reasons, they refuse to believe the facts and are willing to sacrifice the future of our planet and the health of our people by keeping it illegal.

    The ban of CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is so extreme and its intention is to hide the truth. The truth is that out of the 300,000 species, and the millions and millions of subspecies, of plants on Earth, CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA is the NUMBER ONE plant for our survival and quality of life here on Earth. Since September 11, 2001, the U.S. government and Attorney General John Ashcroft have been calling MARIJUANA users "terrorists" and yet the government of the United States has been "terrorizing" MARIJUANA users for the last 65 years! There have been over 14 million arrests for CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA in the last 65 years, in the U.S. alone! 13 million were within the last 30 years!

    No one has taken the $100,000 challenge to prove me wrong. Why? Because I am right. The U.S. government has been lying to us since the early 1900s. Do economic interests and the police have more to say than the people about the future of our planet? How angry are you for being lied to by the U.S. government about CANNABIS/HEMP/MARIJUANA? Are you willing to make a stand right now? No one can dispute this information and knowledge. YOU have to join me in this fight. Either you are on the U.S. government's side or you are on my side.

    Jack Herer
    July 4, 2002

    JAXXE --- ---
    demokracie v iraku...


    "Any demonstration against the government or coalition forces will be fired upon," Jaburi's voice said, according to an army interpreter. "This is a fair warning."

    Demonstrators risk a year in jail and, if they work for the state as civil servants or teachers, they will loose their jobs, the message said. All demonstrations are illegal in the U.S.-occupied province.


    JAXXE --- ---

    Whether they're dispatching a fleet of garbage trucks or a team of bail-bond collectors, managers love the idea of knowing where their "assets" are. They can coordinate routes that arebased upon traffic data, offer customers a narrower time frame for delivery, and, yes, make sure mobile employees are actually on the job when they're supposed to be. The popularity of GPS in the workplace parallels its growth in the consumer realm: By 2006, according to some estimates, 4 out of 5 new vehicles will come equipped with the technology.

    For workers, GPS can add convenience and security. But as the plowers' protest shows, close tracking can put a dent in morale. Privacy experts warn that employees may not realize how much they can be tracked, especially if they use a company cellphone or a vehicle with GPS during personal time.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Zatracený datle
    Vývody pana Ladislava Kozáka (ad datle) ZDE, že inkriminované žluté datle na pozadí fotografií U.S. vojáků, odhalujících Saddámovu zemljanku, mohou pocházet z prosince, jsou založeny na mylné interpretaci uvedeného internetového zdroje ZDE, konstatuje Jiří Táborský:

    Khalal není odrůda datle, ale první stadium dozrávání datlí [1. v originálním textu uvedeného zdroje: "Barhee. This variety is harvested and consumed at an unripe yellow stage (Khalal)". 2. Adel A. Kader, Department of Pomology, University of California: "A small quantity of dates is harvested at the "Khalal" stage (partially-ripe) when they are yellow or red (depending on cultivar), but many consumers find them astringent (high tannin content). Most dates are harvested at the fully-ripe "Rutab" and "Tamar" stages, when they have much greater levels of sugars, lower moisture and tannin content, and softer than the "Khalal" stage dates."].

    Překlad: "barhee. Tento druh se sklízí a konzumuje v nezralém, žluté stadiu (Khalal.) 2. Adel A. Kader, katedra pomologie, univerzita v Kalifornii: "Malé množství datlí se sklízí v etapě "khalal" (jsou částečně zralé), když jsou žluté či červené, ale mnoho spotřebitelů je shledává trpkými (vysoký obsah taninu). Většina datlí se sklízí v plně zralém stadiu "rutab" a "tamar", kdy mají daleko vyšší obsah cukru, nižší obsah vlkhosti a taninu a jsou měkčí, než datle v etapě ''khalal'."

    Barhee je odrůda, která se sklízí nezralá (a pouze v tomto stadiu je jasně žlutá jako na oné fotografii); v jižním Iráku v červenci-září, pravděpodobně o něco málo později v severnějším Tikritu. Rozhodně ne v listopadu nebo dokonce v prosinci, kdy byl Saddám prohlášenen polapeným americkou armádou. S velkou pravděpodobností to tedy vypadá, že školáckým nedopatřením vyfotografované datle dávají zobrazenou situaci jednoznačně do rozporu s Rumsfeldovo a Bushovo pravdomluvností. Zatracený datle.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iranian air force chief: Israel to ''dig own grave'' if nuclear sites attacked

    Israel "will dig its own grave" if it attacks Iranian nuclear sites, the head of the Iranian air force General Seyed Reza Pardis told a news agency close to members of the Islamic republic's regime.

    "The threats of the Zionist regime hold no value for us," Pardis was quoted as saying by Mehr news agency in reaction to statements issued recently by Israeli Defence Minister Saul Mofaz.

    "The (Zionist) regime knows that the armed forces of the Islamic republic, in particular our air force, have such high capabilities...that it would be digging its own grave in the region if it launches military attacks against Iran," Pardis made clear. (Albawaba.com)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Flight 11 Crew Sent Key Details Before Hitting the Twin Towers

    Woodward said Sweeney spoke "very, very calmly... in a way which was quick but calm." She gave him the seat numbers for four of the five hijackers, allowing airline staff to pull up their names, phone numbers, addresses — and even credit card numbers — on the reservations computer. One of the names that came up was Mohamed Atta, the man the FBI would later identify as the leader of all 19 of the Sept. 11 hijackers.


    The last moments of Flight 11 Friday, 21 September, 2001, 12:24 GMT 13:24 UK
    The FBI has named five hijackers on board Flight 11, whereas Ms Sweeney spotted only four. Also, the seat numbers she gave were different from those registered in the hijackers' names.

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