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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    MARSHUS --- ---
    JAXXE --- --- 12:32:07 4.1.2004
    zajimave.. kdyz budem povazovat nwo za neco spatnyho (podle apokalypsy) tak ten kdo ho privolava musi byt satan.. tzn. je to papez? ;))))
    JAXXE --- ---
    twig: no ono uz to proslo, krome toho "stop buttonu"... v nemecku se ted chysta neco podobneho, nejdrive na kamiony a postupne i na osobaky... a to jeste EU nespustila satelity galileo
    JAXXE --- ---
    TWIG --- ---
    JAXXE: No to uz je trochu neco jinyho :)) ...ale zase neni jisty, jestli by to tak lehce proslo...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pope Wants New International Order to Keep Peace

    Thu January 1, 2004 06:05 AM ET

    By Claire Soares

    VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The world needs a "new international order" to solve its conflicts and ensure peace, Pope John Paul said in his New Year's Day address on Thursday.

    The ghosts of 2003 -- when the United States invaded Iraq without United Nations approval -- dominated the pope's first speech of 2004.

    "More than ever we need a new international order which draws on the experience and results of the United Nations," the 83-year-old pontiff said at a mass in St Peter's Basilica.

    "An order which is capable of finding adequate solutions to today's problems, based on the dignity of human beings, on integrating all society, on solidarity between rich and poor countries, on the sharing of resources and the extraordinary results of scientific and technological progress," he added.

    Speaking at Christendom's largest church, the pope urged people not to lose hope of finding peace in the Holy Land, which the Vatican feels is vital to winning the war on terror.

    "The land in which Jesus was born sadly continues to live in a dramatic condition. And in other parts of the world sparks of violence and conflict have not been extinguished either. But we need to persevere and not bow to the temptation of losing hope."

    Turning to Africa, the pope paid tribute to his Burundi ambassador, Michael Courtney, killed on Monday in an ambush the army has blamed on rebels who have refused to join a peace process to end a 10-year conflict.

    "(He) was tragically killed...while he was going about his mission of promoting dialogue and reconciliation. We pray for him and hope his example and sacrifice will bear the fruits of peace in Burundi and the world," the pope said.

    The leader of the world's one billion Catholics, who suffers from Parkinson's disease that makes it difficult for him to talk, seemed alert and read all of his homily in a clear voice.

    But it is unclear what 2004 holds for him. For the first time since his election in 1978, the pope enters the new year with no firm plans for travel, although there have been some invitations.

    He was particularly weak on his last foreign trip, a visit to Slovakia in September, when aides had to read most of his addresses for him.

    JAXXE --- ---
    twig: pred tydnem jsem tu daval clanek o tom ze britska policie chce zavest povinne GPS boxy v autech /ktere uz v tech novych tak jako tak jsou/. boxy maji slouzit pro "spravedlive" placeni mytneho, presne podle ujetych kilometru, zamezit kradezim a prekracovani maximalni rychlosti a je tam i funkce na dalkove zastaveni vozidla. nahrad si jen slovo no-fly zone slovem no-drive zone...
    TWIG --- ---
    PETVAL: No to mi nepripada jako nejakej pokus o ovladani lidi nebo o pronikani do jejich soukromi :/
    PETVAL --- ---
    SoftWalls is the name of an aviation project at UC-Berkeley that's developing a system for commercial airliners that establishes and enforces no-fly zones. Basically, through GPS, if a plane begins to enter a no-fly zone (eg, around a mountain, or over Lower Manhattan), an alarm goes off in the cockpit. If ignored, the system actively removes control of the plane away from the pilot and co-pilot to steer the plane out of the no-fly zone. The technology is intended as both an accident prevention technique and a deterrent to terrorists planning to ram a building. ABCNews recently profiled the project (with video) and also rode along with a working prototype built by Honeywell that successfully kept a Beechcraft from hitting a mountain.

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    'A barrel of Coca-Cola is worth $78.80, a barrel of milk $150, a barrel of good wine $1,780 -- but what could you all do without oil?'

    -- Hugo Chavez
    Former President of Venezuela and OPEC
    JAXXE --- ---
    In response to the national terrorism alert, Los Angeles police have made "a number of pre-emptive arrests," a high-ranking LAPD source said Tuesday.

    Those arrests were made in the past 48 hours and included people who came to authorities' attention after the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda terror attacks in the United States.

    The source stressed that none has been charged with any terrorism-related offense but were rounded up on unrelated charges -- in one case, credit card fraud -- in an effort to get information about possible threats. None of those picked up was identified.




    This is beyond the pale. Arbitrary, secret arrests. Pure tyranny.

    How many people were arrested? Unknown.

    What are their names? Unknown.

    Can thought crimes get a person on the pre-emptive arrest shitlist? What will happen when this thing goes Red? Is there going to be a knock on my door? Is there going to be a knock on your door? After all, you're a thought criminal if you read information produced by thought criminals. Seriously, when this thing goes Red, and it will, I wouldn't be surprised if I was taken down. The shitlist is probably much longer under Red. Run of the mill thought criminals are probably included on that thing, and who would say or do anything about it? Most of my regular readers won't even throw me a dollar. If Cryptogon suddenly went silent, there would be concerned emails from about ten people, and that would be it. It seems like we're getting close to very bad things, writ large. And it's too late to do anything about it.

    Doubleplusungoodthinkers, know this: We are the dead:
    JAXXE --- ---
    New Wi-Fi Tracker Pinpoints User, Device Location
    December 24, 2003 (12:23 p.m. EST)
    TechWeb News

    National Scientific Corporation announced Tuesday that it's wrapped up work on its new WLAN hardware platform -- Wi-Fi Tracker -- which lets IT administrators pinpoint the position of wireless users and devices with accuracy within a few feet.

    Hardware developer kits are now available to select early adopting customers, the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based company said.

    First introduced in May, 2003, and touted at the Wi-Fi Planet Conference and Expo earlier in December, Wi-Fi Tracker is a spin-off from National Scientific's DarkStar wireless platform.

    When combined with Ekahau, Inc.'s Positioning Engine software, the tracker 'tags' wireless assets accessing a standard 802.11x network to accurately display their location.

    JAXXE --- ---

    A CLEAR majority of Australians want a national identity card introduced to help combat terrorism.

    This is one of the key findings of a Newspoll conducted exclusively for The Sunday Telegraph.


    JAXXE --- ---

    For the first time since the mad cow case came to light on Tuesday, DeHaven and other regulators said they are considering strengthening the nation's testing system for mad cow disease, and installing an electronic tracking system that would follow animals from birth to death.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Enough plutonium for five bombs ‘missing’ at Sellafield

    By Liam McDougall

    ENOUGH plutonium to make five nuclear bombs has gone missing from Sellafield in Cumbria in the past 12 months, it has been revealed. The official report which lists “materials unaccounted for” at the UK’s nuclear sites found that 19.1kg of the highly toxic substance was apparently missing from the reprocessing plant.

    At the Dounreay plant in Caithness, meanwhile, the annual audit recorded a surplus 1.16kg of highly enriched uranium, which can also be used to make nuclear weapons.

    Spokesmen for each plant were quick to play down the figures, saying they were estimates and “gave rise to no concern over either the safety or security” of the sites. But independent nuclear experts have expressed concern.

    A look back at Sellafield’s records reveals that auditors have found large quantities of plutonium regularly unaccounted for. Although the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority does not have a complete record of its annual nuclear materials balance on its website, Sellafield was found to have 5.6kg of plutonium unaccounted for in 2001 and as much as 24.9kg in 1999.

    After the latest figures were revealed, Dr Frank Barnaby, a nuclear consultant who used to work at the Aldermaston atomic weapons factory in Berkshire, said: “In reprocessing, a small amount of material is bound to be lost in the process, but 19kg is a very sig nificant amount of plutonium. The company might say this is not a cause for concern, but if they cannot be sure where the plutonium is, how can they say it has not been stolen?

    “If a terrorist group were to claim it had stolen 5kg of plutonium from Sellafield, the authorities could not say with any certainty that they had not taken it. It’s a very unsatisfactory situation indeed. This amount of material could be made into five or six nuclear weapons.”


    JAXXE --- ---

    The US official running Iraq appears to have contradicted Tony Blair's claim Saddam Hussein had laboratories for developing weapons of mass destruction.

    The prime minister said in a Christmas message to UK troops that the Iraq Survey Group (ISG) had unearthed "massive evidence" of clandestine labs.

    The head of the Coalition Provisional Authority said it was not true.

    Paul Bremer said it sounded like a "red herring" made up by someone to upset the rebuilding effort.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush's New Year's Wish: Another Attack?

    by Michael Arvey


    Here we go again, another terrorism "orange alert"--what distraction is it now? I've just unlatched the door to my emergency terrorist shelter that's stocked with 90 days worth of canned and frozen goods, 200 gallons of water, and several pounds of freedom fries.

    On the other hand, my personal hooey detector is flashing again. Perhaps it's just my overworked imagination, but it seems to me this Bush administration will do literally anything to retain power. For the last three years they have furtively behaved as thieves and criminals cloaking themselves behind burqas of secrecy--from day one, they've midwived the Big Rush to enact all their dirty and stealthy legislation, and Bush his executive orders. Lies race, truth creeps, and distraction is the name of the game.

    Something's amiss in Bush world--the awful noise from a blown piston is emerging from under the hood of our careening government, and it's waking people up in the middle of their darkest night from Bush's spell of mountebankery. Many are now cognizant of the fact that the Bush economy and administration are turning this country into a third-world pen, and we are the pen-ees. Will enough wake up in time? More phony alerts signify the Bushites are scurrying for cover, and they desperately need another big event to galvanize further incursions against democracy and other nations. Please simply note, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Citizen, the Pavlovian presence of military personnel at airports this Christmas.

    Traditionally, New Year's is an opportune time to issue predictions for the coming year. Here's my personal Carnak prescience for 2004, which I hope is a passing whim:

    1) Bush needs another attack to distract us from the faltering economy with its stubborn and widespread unemployment, library closures, educational shortfalls, soaring medical costs, illegal immigration, homelessness, lost retirement funds, along with a queue of other civic concerns, and from the debacle in Iraq, regardless of the recent dog-and-pony show concerning Hussein--in short, to distract us from where the blame really lies, which can be deduced from a simple Not methodology: Not liberals, not welfare moms, not AWOL dads, not Osama, not Bill or Hillary Clinton, not Saddam, not Michael Jackson, not le francaise, not university professors, not collectivists, not Marxists and socialists, not the red conspiracy, not Earth Firsters, not environmentalists, and so forth ad infinitum until there's only one place left to go--the White House, or perhaps to the environs bunkered beneath the White House, as it were.

    2) Bush needs another attack to stir up more support for further police state measures and for the suspension of what's left of the Constitution.

    3) Bush needs another attack to create momentum for the Bush Re-Election Campaign to paint himself as the only one tough enough to lead the counterattack, since the Democratic contender will be cast as weak and as anti-war. If a contender such as Dean becomes a serious threat to the imperium, the Anglo-Saxon presidency might launch its own stealth attack and blame it on the Arabs, thereby enabling it to declare martial law and suspend the 2004 election, and thus seal the fate of the rule of law and democratic jurisprudence in America for a long while.

    Fantasies of a madman? In this case, I pray they're mine, and not Bush's
    Michael Arvey spiritmed@rocketmail.com Freelance writer, author, poet, teacher Boulder, Co.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    False alarm? No evidence found of plot on airliners


    Dec 25, 2003, 17:32

    French investigators questioned seven men pointed out by U.S. intelligence but found no evidence they planned to use a Los Angeles-bound jet to launch terror attacks against the United States, French authorities said Thursday.

    John Schults / Reuters
    American warnings of a plot had prompted Air France to cancel six flights on Wednesday between Paris and Los Angeles - three in each direction - amid a stepped-up terror alert level in the United States.

    U.S. intelligence officials told their French counterparts that members of the al-Qaida terrorist network would try to board the planes over Christmas, said a French judicial official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    The seven questioned men, who all had tickets for Air France Flight 68 to Los Angeles, were on a watch list provided by U.S. authorities, an Interior Ministry spokesman said. But all were released after questioning Wednesday night, the spokesman said.

    "There are no longer any investigations," he said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    USA se bály útoku ze vzduchu

    Policista Robert Skwarski se psem Redem kontroluje prostory mezinárodního letiště v Chicagu. (21. prosince 2003)

    Autor: Reuters - Frank Polich
    26.12.2003 16:30 - Mohlo to být další 11. září. Teroristé z Al-Kajdy podle amerických tajných služeb vypracovali plán unést letadlo mezi Francií a Spojenými státy a poté ho použít jako smrtící bombu proti Las Vegas či jinému městu.


    Washington se obrnil proti teroristům

    USA se připravují na útok teroristů

    Hrozba terorismu v USA

    Air France zrušila na přímý pokyn francouzské vlády sváteční lety mezi Paříží a Los Angeles. Důvodem byla podle oficiálních informací "velmi vážná" bezpečnostní hrozba.

    V pátek přišel vlivný americký list The Washington Post s konkrétnějším vysvětlením: existoval plán únosu a záměrné havárie. Američtí odborníci tvrdili, že na seznamu cestujících je několik podezřelých teroristů.

    Francouzští vyšetřovatelé vyslechli třináct mužů, na které je USA upozornily, nezjistili však žádný důkaz, že by měli v úmyslu podniknout atentát. Rovněž zkontrolovali seznamy cestujících všech zrušených letů a ty pasažéry, kteří si objednali letenku, ale k letadlu nepřišli.

    "Američané se velmi obávají, že by se mohly opakovat útoky 11. září," řekl agentuře Reuters francouzský vládní zdroj. Podle francouzských médií daly k akci podnět e-maily, podle nichž Al-Kajda plánovala únos právě na této lince.

    "Ty informace byly natolik znepokojivé, že jsme museli přijmout bezpečnostní opatření," uvedl Jean-Claude Mallet, vládní bezpečnostní expert.

    Washington Post s odvoláním na nejmenovaného amerického představitele napsal, že jeden z cestujících, kteří se nakonec nedostavili k odletu, měl pilotní výcvik. List také poznamenal, že mezi americkými bezpečnostními experty stoupá nervozita a obávají se, že "se stane něco velkého".

    Spojené státy požádaly také Mexiko, aby zpřísnilo ostrahu na letištích. Nesdělily však žádnou konkrétní informaci, jako tomu bylo v případě Air France. Francouzská společnost v pátek lety mezi Paříží a Los Angeles obnovila.

    V USA platí od neděle čtvrtý stupeň pohotovosti z pětistupňové škály. Důvodem pro zvýšení stupně byla právě hrozba teroristických útoků na území Spojených států o vánočních a novoročních svátcích.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam