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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---

    Posted By: Daystar Send E-Mail
    Date: Wednesday, 28 January 2004, 6:17 p.m.

    As many of you are probably aware , there has recently been a rash of mysterious deaths among microbiologists.

    Within the past week two biosafety experts , both who had evidently been involved with a lab upgrade at University Of Texas Medical Branch, have died.

    Dr. Robert Shope was 74 and was reported to have died from pulmonary fibrosis. This disease can be caused by viruses or bacteria. In the last two years, Dr Shope worked on a Defense Department project to develope antidotes to viral agents that terrorists might use. Dr. Shope was Co-Director of The World Arbovirus Reference Center. They maintain a large collection of viruses which are made available to researchers worldwide.

    Dr. Michael Kiley died Jan. 24. He was 52. He was reported to have died from a heart attack. He was the Chief Biosafety Officer for the U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture.

    My source says that both of these Doctors were working on the upgrade of the UTMB lab to a level 4. Being a level 4 lab means that the lab can now work with the most dangerous microbes known to man. Plum Island is another lab seeking this same upgrade for the purpose of biowarfare research.

    I will let you readers draw your own conclusions. 74 is not a young age at which to die and supposedly Michael Kiley died from a heart attack. However , it does seem extremely coincidental that these two scientists have died within such a short time of each other.




    The mysterious deaths of top microbiologists

    JAXXE --- ---
    WH opposes longer 9/11 probe

    WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 (UPI) -- The Bush administration said Wednesday it opposes giving a bipartisan commission more time in its investigation of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the administration had already given the commission "unprecedented" cooperation in its probe, turning over more than 2.3 million pages of documents, giving commission members and staff more than 100 hours of agency-level briefings and granting more than 100 interviews.

    "Our position is that we continue to believe the commission should continue to move forward on this important work in as quick a manner as is possible" so results could be viewed and acted on to help prevent a future attack, he said.

    The commission itself recently said it could meet the deadline fixed at its creation and it should keep to it, McClellan added.

    The commission, created in late 2002 to examine why the Sept. 11 attacks occurred, wants a two-month extension of its mandate, carrying its work deeper into the election cycle.


    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 'suicide hijackers' still alive and well

    JAXXE --- ---
    ironic: no nic, asi amikum nezbyde nez postavit dalsi WTC ze saudskych pasu... ty to inferno prezily naprosto v pohode, na rozdil od cernych skrinek a mrakodrapu ;)

    Second Hijacker Passport Said Found On Street Below WTC!

    "CBS News reported, meanwhile, that a passport belonging to one of the hijackers, Satam al-Sugami, was found on the street minutes after the plane he was aboard crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center and before the New York landmark collapsed."

    Amazing stuff! This is yet another "magic passport" found in the rubble in addition to "mastermind" Mohamed Atta's discovered passport at the WTC site.

    Let's see if I can get this straight:

    1. The fireballs of the WTC attacks melted structural steel that was designed to withstand heat of 2000 degrees F.

    2. The fireballs of the WTC attacks completely destroyed both airplanes cockpit voice-recorders (situated at front)*and* the black-box data recorders (located in the rear of the aircraft).

    3. The fireballs of the WTC attacks vaporized human bone and flesh.

    4. And yet those same fireballs somehow weren't strong enough to do anything to a pair of surviving passportsfound in pristine condition. No surface scratches, scuffs, abrasions or burns. Perfect.

    My Question: Why doesn't Boeing design a new black-box data recorder manufactured from the same indestructible material used to produce magical Saudi passports?





    Four of the hijackers' passports were recovered, including one found on the street minutes after the plane he was aboard crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Letters forwarded to national British newspapers

    As medical professionals, a trauma & orthopaedic surgeon, a specialist anaesthesiologist, and a diagnostic radiologist, we do not think evidence given at the Hutton Inquiry has demonstrated that Dr David Kelly committed suicide.

    Dr Nicholas Hunt, the forensic pathologist who appeared at the Hutton Inquiry, concluded that Dr Kelly bled to death from a self-inflicted wound in his left wrist. We consider this highly improbable. Arteries in the wrist are of matchstick thickness and severing them does not lead to drastic blood loss. Dr Hunt stated that the only artery that had been cut - the ulnar artery - was completely transected. Complete transection means the artery quickly retracts, promoting clotting of the blood:

    "When an artery is completely divided, the highly elastic quality of its wall causes it to retract into the tissues, thereby diminishing the calibre of the vessel and promoting clotting."

    A Textbook of Surgery by Christopher, Fourth Edition, 1945, p210

    It was reported by the ambulance team that blood at the scene was minimal. It is extremely difficult to lose significant amounts of blood at pressure below 50-60 systolic in a subject who is compensating by vaso-constricting. To have died from haemorrhage, Dr Kelly would have had to lose 3 litres of blood; in our view it is unlikely that Dr Kelly would have lost more than a pint from the wound described.

    Mr Alexander Allan, the toxicologist testifying at the Inquiry, considered the ingestion of co-proxamol insufficient to cause death. Mr Allan could not show that Dr Kelly had ingested the 29 tablets said to be missing from the packets found. Only a fifth of one tablet was found in his stomach. Although levels of co-proxamol in the blood were higher than therapeutic levels, Mr Allan conceded that the blood level of each of the drug's two components was less than a third of what would normally be found in a fatal overdose.

    In summary, we dispute that Dr Kelly could have died either from haemorrhage or from co-proxamol ingestion. The coroner, Nicholas Gardiner, has spoken in recent days of resuming the inquest into Dr Kelly's death. If it does re-open, a clear need exists for further scrutiny into Dr Hunt's conclusions regarding the cause of death.

    Yours sincerely

    David Halpin, MB BS FRCS

    Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon

    Dr C Stephen Frost, BSc, MB ChB

    Specialist in Diagnostic Radiology (Stockholm, Sweden)

    Dr Searle Sennett, BSc, MBChB, FFARCS

    Specialist Anaesthesiologist
    JAXXE --- ---
    The 50 lies, exaggerations, distortions and half truths that took this country to war

    JAXXE --- ---
    New York Times: Kay denies evidence of moved Iraqi unconventional weapons to Syria; or WMD in Iraq

    Iraq-USA, Politics, 1/27/2004

    The former Chief of the Committee for hunt for the alleged Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, David Kay, denied any the existence of proof that Iraq had moved unconventional weapons into Syria.

    In an interview with New York Times published simultaneously by British " Financial Times " on Monday, Kay said that the allegations of some US administration's officials have no real proof.

    "Iraq was totally free of weapons of mass destruction at the beginning of 1999 year, that is to say, four years before launching the US war on Iraq under the pretext of its possession of the said weapons,"
    Kay added.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Citizens to Use New ID Cards

    Xinhua News Agency

    Chinese citizens will be issued new, second-generation ID cards with personal information contained in an embedded microchip starting from the end of 2004, announced the Ministry of Public Security Thursday.

    At a meeting on the pilot implementation of the new cards, Wu Dongli, director of the ministry's security administration bureau, said the new smart cards, unlike the current paper ones, can be checked on computers.

    Besides a digital anti-faking microchip, the new cards will be covered with a special coating and printed with technology that makes counterfeiting even more difficult.

    "The two measures will basically end the phenomenon of ID card counterfeiting," said Zhang Junli, director of the ministry's ID card department.


    JAXXE --- ---
    must read...


    The State of Fascism

    War is peace, slavery is freedom, aggression is compassion, economic devastation is wealth, immorality is piety - The state of fascism has never been stronger.
    The clampdown on freedom is in full effect. The un-auditable electronic voting machines are in place in key electoral states, and in each machine in strategic districts will be a "glitch" this glitch (which is legal) will hand surprise victories to key republicans in order to sway the key electoral votes necessary to achieve a total presidential election theft once again for the forces of evil.

    And in the event of nationwide calls for a recount, there is in place the very same judicial team which will guarantee that there will be no recount.

    But nothing will be left for chance - nothing. And so clandestine teams of military intelligence black-ops have already deployed in key cities terrorist devices of either a radiological dirty bomb or a bio-terror device designed to kill hundreds to tens of thousands of Americans in a strategic pre-election terrorist attack designed to cause waves of fear and confusion throughout the American population.

    These terrorist attacks will be accompanied by coordinated media campaigns scripted by the CIA to propagandize, incite, enrage and cause fear and convulsing jolts of hyper-patriotism and thuggish nationalism.

    The US military will immediately launch retaliatory wars against any middle east country which has vital oil reserves and lucrative pipeline routes and any other resources that is needed for imperial aggression and profitable rebuilding contracts.

    In place and ready to go will be carefully scripted fraudulent "news" stories about how Americans would not feel comfortable with any democrats because after all only the current administration knows best how to deal with the terrorists, (especially with over a 60 year history dealing with terrorists and a thirty year history dealing specifically with the bin laden family.)

    In place will be carefully scripted fraudulent polls declaring that 95% of all Americans agree that the present leadership must remain.

    Several polls will magically surface out of thin air which claim that nearly 75% of all Americans agree that an election isn't even really necessary considering the threat to the "Homeland."

    The CIA has in place carefully scripted fraudulent news stories about how critical the role of the Internet was in Al Queda's latest strategic pre-election attack and there will be carefully orchestrated fraudulent protests of Americans demanding a "clampdown" on the Internet and within days all activist and dissident websites will be purged from ISP's and the Internet will be under limited operation mode. Major corporations will be granted approval to operate websites and anyone else caught operating an Internet website without government approval will be tried under the new Patriot "3" statutes as a terrorist.

    Speculation will be rampant among terrorist sympathizers as to the whereabouts of leading leftist personalities and leftist news personalities many of whom will be "vanished" immediatly after the attacks and many who will be detained by military and intelligence and law enforcement personnel and who will remain unaccounted for, however the rumors regarding these missing terrorist sympathizers will not air on any American television news networks and will be overshadowed by further spectacular terrorist strikes on Americans and on further shock and awe campaigns in foreign countries.

    All future crimes will be considered terrorism and any person suspected of terrorism can be summarily executed at the sole discretion of the President or representatives thereof (for national security reasons)

    The Senate and the House of Reprehensibles is under total control.

    Arms manufacturing is in full production.

    We believe that global conquest and one world government is within our reach.

    God is on our side.

    May god bless America.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Satellites to monitor offenders

    The Home Office plans to introduce satellite monitoring of offenders in England and Wales, the BBC has learned.

    From April, a Global Positioning System (GPS) pilot scheme will track criminals rather than imprison them.

    GPS tracks all movements, unlike electronic tagging - already used in the UK - which sets off an alert when perimeters have been broken.

    GPS is already used to track offenders in the US, and British officials hope it will help cut prison overcrowding.

    Florida scheme

    It could also halve the cost of keeping an offender in prison.

    Home Office officials have visited a US Department of Corrections centre in the state of Florida, which monitors 3,000 convicts tracked by the satellite system.

    Offenders are linked to the GPS system, which they carry with them, by an electronic anklet.

    Their movements can be tracked on screen to ensure they are not, for example, going into a restricted area such as a school or banned street.

    If offenders are on a curfew, their movements can be tracked to check they are where they are meant to be at the time.

    Florida spokesman Joseph Epapy said : "The community would always prefer that all criminals be in prison... when they realise the price tag that comes with keeping everybody in prison they realise that some are going to have to be supervised in the community."

    A smaller and lighter version of the monitoring device is now being developed for use in Britain.

    KAMAMURA --- ---
    FOGI - to je uzasny :-)
    FOGI --- ---

    Dispecerka: "Dekujeme vam, ze volate Pizza Hut. Muzete mi rict..."
    Zakaznik: "Chtel bych objednat pizzu."
    Dispecerka: "Muzete mi rict nejprve vase NIDC, pane?"
    Zakaznik: "Moje narodni identifikacni cislo..., maly moment..., jo
    tady je, je to 6102049998-45-54610."
    Dispecerka: "Dekuji pane Sheehane. Vidim, ze bydlite na Meadowland
    Drive, cislo 1742 a telefon domu mate 494-2366. Vase
    cislo do prace v Lincolnske pojistovne je 745-2302 a
    vas mobil je 266-2566. Z ktereho cisla volate, pane?"
    Zakaznik: "Co? Odkud to vsechno vite?"
    Dispecerka: "Jsme napojeni na system, pane."
    Zakaznik: /(vzdychne)/ " Aha. No, ja bych chtel objednat vasi
    specialni pizzu se samym hovezim."
    Dispecerka: "To neni zrovna nejlepsi napad, pane."
    Zakaznik: "Co tim chcete rict?"
    Dispecerka: "Pane Sheehane, vas zdravotni zaznam ukazuje, ze mate
    vysoky krevni tlak a mimoradne vysoky cholesterol. Vase zdravotni
    pojistovna nam nedovoli prodat vam neco, co je pro vas tak strasne
    Zakaznik: "Doprcic. A tak co mne teda radite?"
    Dispecerka: "Mozna byste rad zkusil nasi nizkotucnou pizzu se
    sojovym jogurtem. Urcite si na ni pochutnate."
    Zakaznik: "Proc si myslite, ze ja si muze pochutnat na necem
    Dispecerka: "Minuly tyden jste si vypujcil z vasi mistni knihovny
    /Recepty ze soji pro labuzniky/, a tak me napadlo, ze by to mohlo
    byt neco pro vas."
    Zakaznik: "Tak jo. Dejte mne teda dve rodinny baleni. Kolik to
    Dispecerka: "Dve rodinne pizzy budou bohate stacit pro vas, vasi
    pani i vase ctyri deti. A 'dela to' ctyricet devet
    dolaru a devadesat devet centu."
    Zakaznik: "Budu platit kreditkou."
    Dispecerka: "Je mi lito, pane, ale budete muset zaplatit v
    hotovosti,ucet na vasi kreditni karte uz prekrocil
    Zakaznik: "Nez prijedete s pizzou, tak ja zatim skocim do
    bankomatu naproti a vyberu nejaky penize."
    Dispecerka: "To se vam asi nepovede, pane. Vas bankovni ucet uz
    je v minusu."
    Zakaznik: "To je jedno. Jak prijedete s pizzou, budu mit penize
    nachystany. Jak dlouho to bude trvat?"
    Dispecerka: Mame trochu skluz, takze to muze trvat az tri ctvrte
    hodiny. Pokud spechate, mozna by bylo lepsi, kdybyste se pro pizzu
    stavil sam. I kdyz je pravda, ze se pizza na motorce veze dost
    Zakaznik: "Jak muzete krucinal vedet, ze pojedu na motorce?"
    Dispecerka: "Vas zaznam mi tady rika, ze jste prestal splacet na
    auto,takze vam ho vzali. Ale Harleye jste uz
    takze si myslim,ze pojedete na motorce."
    Zakaznik: "@#%/$@&?#!"
    Dispecerka: "Davejte si pozor na jazyk, pane. Uz v cervenci 2006
    jste mel nejake po otahovani, protoze jste nadaval
    Zakaznik: /(naprosto neschopen slova)/
    Dispecerka: "Jeste neco, pane?"
    Zakaznik: "Ne, to je vsechno. Jo a nezapomente na tu dvoulitrovku
    koly, co ma byt podle inzeratu s kazdou pizzou
    Dispecerka: "Lituji, pane, ale podivejte se do inzeratu na
    posledni dva radky: Nasa nabidka neplati pro
    SHAMAN --- ---
    ironic: jj, spatny odkaz..ocel+hlinik..taveni ocele jem mel namysli..
    KERRAY --- ---
    BEEJBI --- ---
    vsak on tie otisky davat nemusi, kedze je politik...pici ako s tym niekto moze vobec suhlasit, represia nic neriesi...ak chce niekto spachat trestny cin, nejako to uz osefuje....kto chce psa bit, palicu si najde...ble :(
    GORG --- ---
    DABE --- ---
    Gross pro ozbrojený doprovod v letadlech i pro otisky prstů v pasech

    Ministr vnitra Stanislav Gross po jednání s americkým ministrem pro vnitřní bezpečnost Tomem Ridgem v pondělí v noci uvedl, že i na některých leteckých spojích českých dopravců se počítá se zavedením ozbrojeného doprovodu jaký se uplatňuje v USA, a který mnohé evropské letecké společnosti odmítají.
    Pochopení vyjádřil Gross pro americká opatření na hranicích, kde musejí vízoví cizinci odevzdávat otisky prstů a nechat se vyfotografovat...

    IRONIC --- ---
    Já se vrátím ještě k tomu kolapsu WTC stručně:

    - ohledně WTC7 je tak málo informací, že to je fakt pro mě dost záhadný a dodnes nevím, co si mám myslet.
    - ohledně severní a jižní věže - byla provedena spousta profesionálních rozborů odborníky v mnoha zemích a všichni se víceméně shodují na tom, že kolaps byl nevyhnutný, dokonce je zdůvodněno proč se budovy zřítily způsobem, jakým se zřítily. O tomhle mám i já celkem jasno a na teorii "výbušnin" dost nevěřím.
    - stránky, kde se zabývají "spekulacemi" o pádu WTC působí efektně na laiky, ale odborník tam najde spoustu nesmyslů a záměrných překrucování fakt.
    - ten odkaz, co uvedl SHAMAN je ale dost bída - věže WTC naopak NEMĚLY centrální ŽB jádro, jak bývá obvyklé, a to je dost zásadní fakt - tyhle stránky stvořil nějakej diletant
    JAXXE --- ---
    jj tam chodim kazdy den... ;) je to i v links na homepage
    GEG --- ---
    nazdarek vsem, nebudu se prilis rozepisovat, pouze bych chtel upozornit [pro ty kteri o ni nevedeji] na vynikajici stranky - www.whatreallyhappened.com - vse od korupce ve vlade usa, po 9.11 a iraqu..... mejte oci otevrene , hitler taky lhal aby "osvobodil" Polsko....
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam