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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    ;) war is peace

    OSLO, JANUARY 30: President George W. Bush and British PM Tony Blair are among nominees for the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize before a Sunday deadline for nominations despite failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

    ‘‘Nominations are pouring in,’’ said Geir Lundestad, director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. Among nominees are Pope John Paul, the Salvation Army, former Czech President Vaclav Havel and Chinese dissidents.


    GORG --- ---
    jaxxe: na tu nalezenou prirucku "jak pilotovat letadlo" a "jak se stat teroristou", na to si vzpominam :) to bylo takove ehm prokazatelne prokazane :]
    JAXXE --- ---
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    no jeste k tem WTC... v tech boeingach asi spalujou nejaky lepci kerosen, bo kdyz 75tun paliva roztavi 150 000 tun zeleza, tak je to divne... to je jako bych polil litrem benzinu dvoutunovou traverzu a tim ji roztavil.... to zavani trosku nejakou jinou fyzikou :))
    JAXXE --- ---
    Make Way for the UNternet?

    Pressure is mounting to hand over control of the Internet to the United Nations. On December 10, 2003, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) convened at Geneva, under the auspices of the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The summit’s chief purpose was to explore ways to bring the Internet under government control, both domestically and internationally.

    According to Michael Geist, a law professor at the University of Ottawa, "we are seeing a clear shift away from the mid-90s when governments were told to stay away [from the Internet]. Governments have shown they are very interested in getting involved on a domestic level and now they are looking at the international level." Certain governments with an acute interest in domestic control over — and strict censorship of — the Internet, including Communist China, Egypt and Brazil, pushed hard at Geneva for a new UN agency to regulate and censor Internet content. Such an agency would replace the California-based International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which has been criticized since its creation in 1998 for its alleged pro-business and private-sector bias.

    Although the three-day summit ended with little concrete achievement, the UN intends to continue to work to wrest control of the Internet from the private sector. The next summit is scheduled to convene in Tunisia in 2005, when the UN’s ITU — which already oversees international mail and telephone calls — will make another attempt to convert the Internet into a "global resource." As one UN official at the Geneva summit bluntly put it, "what we are looking at is the future management of the Internet. It’s [about] what is the best way to manage what has become a natural resource for all humanity."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Moderátor: V BBC nyní rezignovali už dva lidé kvůli aféře kolem Davida Kellyho. Kdo ve vládě bude rezignovat ohledně toho, že nás zatáhla do války kvůli zbraním hromadného ničení, které neexistují?

    Jowellová: Zaprvé, víte velmi dobře, že čekáme na další zprávy Iraq Survey Group a jak to pan ministerský předseda mnohokrát objasnil, rozhodnutí, která byla přijata, byla přijata na základě informací, které byly k dispozici tehdy.

    Moderátor: Podpořila byste vyšetřování efektivity našich výzvědných služeb ohledně neexistence zbraní hromadného ničení? Takové vyšetřování, jaké vedlo k rezignaci Grega Dyka a Gavyna Daviese?

    Jowellová: Ne, to bych nepodpořila. Myslím, že by to bylo zbytečné rozptylování pozornosti. Veškeré úsilí nyní musíme zaměřit na znovuvybudování Iráku jako demokratické a hospodářsky prosperující země a sloužit jeho lidem, kteří příliš dlouho trpěli.


    JAXXE --- ---


    In an ideal, perfect world, this is what the Blair government (the most transparently mendacious and manipulating in British political history) would have hoped that Hutton would conclude:

    *Tony Blair, his government and intelligence agencies, acted with 100% honesty over the whole affair and did absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever.

    * Alistair Campbell, Blair's leading spinner and infamous manipulator of information, acted with 100% honesty and did not in any way influence his friend, John Scarlet, head of the Joint Intelligence Committee, in having the 'weapons' dossier on Iraq 'sexed up' to increase the public belief in the 'threat' from Saddam.

    * The BBC was the real villain for challenging the statements of the 100% honest Blair government and is criticised at every level for having the audacity to indicate that the government did not tell the whole truth about intelligence related to Iraq's (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction.

    * David Kelly committed suicide by cutting his wrists (even though there was very little blood at the scene) and by taking 30 pills (even though a very close friend of Kelly has revealed that he had a serious aversion to swallowing pills and refused to take even one for a headache because of his difficulty in swallowing them).


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    These tapes reveal the fact that the firefighters were not overly concerned with the strength of the fires and believed they could control them. They were not raging infernos that could melt steel. These tapes alone prove that the official story of the collapse of the World Trade Towers is a complete and total lie. Why have the rest of the tapes been classified? Because they reveal the truth, that 's why.


    WATCH THE CLIP: (Windows Media File)

    Alex Jones lays out the facts about the collapse of the world Trade Center complex, the Bushes and the Bin Ladens and Much More -- 30+ minute video clip -- exclusive from infowars.com


    JAXXE --- ---
    Ashcroft: Bush would veto bill scaling back Patriot Act

    WASHINGTON (AP) - The Bush administration issued a veto threat Thursday against legislation introduced in Congress that would scale back key parts of the anti-terrorism Patriot Act.

    In a letter to Senate leaders, Attorney General John Ashcroft said the changes contemplated by the Security and Freedom Ensured Act, or SAFE, would "undermine our ongoing campaign to detect and prevent catastrophic terrorist attacks."

    If the bill reaches President Bush's desk in its current form, Ashcroft said, "the president's senior advisers will recommend that it be vetoed."

    The threat comes a week after Bush, in his State of the Union address, called for Congress to reauthorize the Patriot Act before it expires in 2005. The law, passed shortly after the 2001 terror attacks, expanded the government's wiretap and other surveillance authority, removed barriers between FBI and CIA information-sharing, and provided more tools for terror finance investigations.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Second, if the Immigration Service can’t keep track of millions of immigrants already documented, how will they keep track of 8 to10 million "temporary" workers? Can we trust those who broke the law and slipped into the nation illegally to now sign up for the new program and provide accurate information? What will their status be after the three year probation period ends?

    Finally, consider what the new policy will do to the American businessman. Every time government comes up with a grand new plan, somehow the businessman gets stuck with the paperwork and the responsibility for implementing it. This new proposal requires businesses to first document that no U.S. citizen wants the job before hiring the illegal. That means government forms must be filled out on company time. Businesses will now be required to keep track of these workers, a task which the federal government has never been able to do.

    This massive, purposeful, determined invasion of this nation is being driven by the Mexican government whose president has made his position clear. He said all barriers between the United States, Canada, and Mexico should be removed to allow people to live and work in the country of their choosing. He wants a North American Union like its European counterpart. He wants no borders. He wants one economy. He wants the fruits of our system to bail out the rot of his.



    These illegal aliens are the first wave of an assault to erase our national identity, to prepare the United States to accept a borderless North American Union.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Captain Joyce Reilly has proved that she has amazing contacts inside the military. Two weeks before the capture of Saddam, her sources told her that they were about to roll out their ace in the hole, now Joyce is getting intel that they will soon trot out bin Laden. It could be a look alike, another wax figuring like Saddam's sons...
    JAXXE --- ---
    "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."

    Richard Salent, Former President CBS News
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lawsuit Charging U.S. Lab Origin Of HIV/AIDS Continues ...

    2004-01-28 | Dr. Boyd Graves continues his legal battle in the high court for the immediate review of the formerly secret U.S. Special Virus Program.

    Please see the latest legal proceeding filed today to prevent the court from dismissing Graves' six year legal battle on a technicality.



    If you are able to assist Graves' "David and Goliath" struggle, please consider a generous donation to help defray court costs.


    Questions & Concerns?
    Toll Free: 1-866-246-2772
    Zygote Media

    Please also see:



    World AIDS Day: Dr. Boyd Graves Asserts that a Cure Already Exists !


    U.S. Forced To OK Lawsuit Charging U.S. Lab Origin Of HIV/AIDS


    JAXXE --- ---
    no to je jeden z dukazu aby amici uverili verzi o unoscich... ta verze ma nekolik chyb

    1. polovina z tech jmen uvedenych na seznamu fbi jakozto unosci zije
    2. ty jmena kupodivu nejsou na oficialnich seznamech pasazeru unesenych stroju, ktere dal tisku americky urad pro letectvi... fbi to vysvetluje tim ze meli zmenene identity... jak potom vi kdo to teda byl ?
    3. jediny unosce ktereho zaznamenaly letistni kamery je mohamed atta, jinak nikdo
    4. dalsi z dukazu je ten nalezeny manual k boeingu v arabstine... v aute pred letistem. nasli tam jeste ty box cuttery kterymi unosci unesli letadlo... / shodou okolnosti se ten samy den nasly stejne box cuttery v jinem aute... tentokrat v te bile dodavce mossadu co si utoky tocila na kameru a oslavovala... zaznam se nedavno obejvil na "believed al-qaeda website"/
    5. udajni unosci si 10.9. pekne zaparili v new yorkskem strip baru a delali tam velky bordel, upoutavali na sebe pozornost... typicti muslimsti fanatici ze jo

    atrd atd...

    vyfiltruj si tady slovo hijack

    ... imho tam proste zadni unosci nebyli, pokud ano, bylo tam par bilych koni /arabu/ jako treba atta, kteri o tom ceho jsou soucasti nemeli ani zdani...
    GORG --- ---
    JAXXE --- --- 18.58:02 28.1.2004
    tak to s tim pasem mi teda mozek vubec nebere.
    a) unosci prijeli pred utokem k WTC,kde zahodili nebo omylem vytratili svoje pasy
    b) vyhodili nebo upustili svuj pas z letadla pred narazem
    c) jejich pasy jsou skutecne z pozoruhodne slitiny :)

    ja tomu nerozumim. co to ma jako znamenat s temi nalezenymi pasy? me na to mozek hazel null pointer exception uz kdyz jsem to slysel driv, takze si na to ani poradne nevzpominam, ale mam pocit, ze se fakt neco takovyho resilo. to bylo soucasti nejakyho dukazniho materialu?
    JAXXE --- ---
    homeland security planuje umistit nad spojene staty 10 techto bezpilotnich letounu, ktere maji "dohled" na 350 mil v jakemkoliv smeru... dokazi stat na jednom miste jeden rok a jdou nesestrelitelne beznou raketou zeme-vzduch


    Meet the homeland security blimp, flying high by 2006.

    by Matthew Stibbe / Copyright © 2004 Popular Science.

    February 2004

    Being oversize has its advantages. Just ask researchers at the U.S. Missile Defense Agency, which recently dished out $40 million to arms maker Lockheed Martin to design what could soon be the world's largest pilotless airship. Measuring 500 feet long, with a volume of 5.2 million cubic feet, the prototype high-altitude airship, or HAA, will be 25 times larger than the Goodyear blimp.

    From a military perspective, such an XXL craft may seem like an inviting target, especially since its top speed is only 80 mph. However, parked 12 miles up, it will be immune to most ground-launched missiles, and its onboard sensor systems will "see" at least 350 miles in any direction, allowing it to spy most incoming military threats. A fleet of 10, says the MDA, could provide an early-warning curtain for the continental United States.

    Compared to high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles, such as NASA's ill-fated Helios, the airship should be able to carry a heavy payload; its 4,000-pound capacity makes it ideal for toting heavy surveillance and communications equipment. Another big advantage: HAA's solar panels and fuel cells will allow it to loiter above the jet stream in a geostationary position for up to a year, something no drone or spy plane can do.

    The helium airship will generate enough electricity from thin-film photovoltaic solar cells to power the engines and generate at least 10kW for the payload. On the prototype, batteries keep the juice flowing at night, but production airships will use lightweight fuel cells.

    2. ENGINES
    Four electrically powered engines, each driving two 30-foot-wide blade propellers, will provide forward thrust. The "steerable" propellers will help keep the airship within a mile of its assigned location.

    3. PAYLOAD
    The missile-defense airship might carry laser radars for pinpointing ballistic missiles or relay mirrors to extend the range of the 747-derived airborne laser. Other possible payloads: radar systems to detect low-flying cruise missiles, weather sensors, communications relays and cellphone base stations.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Official 'NATO CRIMES' Whitebooks: Book 1 ( online ) ( 9Mb zip ), Book 2 ( online ) ( 10Mb zip )
    (note: these books contain very detailed information about NATO destruction)


    JAXXE --- ---

    The Hutton Report, which Blair said he knew the outcome of before it even started, has cleared Blair and the government. The real issue that we've been focusing on is that fact that Kelly was MURDERED and did not commit suicide.
    JAXXE --- ---
    hlavni sef vysetrovaci komise kellyho smrti je vysoce postaveny svobodny zednar...



    Vyšetřování skončilo - zapomeňte

    Vladimír Stwora


    Titulek by také mohl znít "Ruka ruku myje" anebo "Cosa nostra". Soudce Hutton vydal oficiální zprávu o smrti poradce Johna Kellyho. Praví se v ní, že britská vláda nenese odpovědnost za jeho smrt. Tony Blair je opět čistý jako lilie.

    Ve zprávě se dále uvádí, že BBC publikovala neověřené informace. Dovolila si totiž ústy reportéra Gilliggana sdělit světu, že Blairova zpráva o 45 minutách, které Saddam potřebuje k útoku na "svobodný svět" byla přitažena za vlasy. Podle Huttona to Kelly nikdy neřekl. A když to neřekl, tak BBC neměla naznačovat, že to přišlo od něj.

    Na základě Huttonovy zprávy podal demisi předseda rady guvernérů BBC Gavyn Davies a generální ředitel Greg Dyke si sype popel na hlavu, omlouvá se na všechny strany a volá: "Už nikdy nic takového neuděláme. Budeme jen slušná zpravodajská stanice, jako jsou Fox nebo CNN a budeme publikovat jen ty nejpotvrzenější a nejposvěcenější zprávy."

    Takže se nediskutuje o tom, zda bylo prohlášení o 45 minutách pravdivé nebo ne. Nediskutuje se o tom, zda Blair podvedl veřejnost a zavedl zemi do války na základě kopců lží a fabrikací. Diskutuje se o tom, co zavražděný Kelly řekl nebo neřekl reportérovi. Čili nikoliv obsah zprávy a její pravdivost, ale její zdroj je centrem pozornosti.

    V odvádění pozornosti je britská mafie politiků a novinářů prostě nepřekonatelná. Ale všimněme si, že se systémem kolaboruje i justice, která by měla být neutrální.


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