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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Slavery doesn't have to involve shackles and bullwhips in this day and age. It's control over the human animal's mind. Their fears, insecurities, their built-in will to survive. If that makes no sense, then tell me why you constantly work for a fucking paycheck, just to survive on long enough to collect the next paycheck down the road. It's an endless struggle that amounts to nothing in the end.

    But they have you jumping thru hoops, 9 to 5, then from 5 to 9 you have all your time to go out and get drunk, and fill the rest of that day with stupid distractions so you aren't caught sitting alone trying to figure out just why it is you do the same damn thing every day of your life. Oh and while you're doing this little dance, you're keeping your economy in business, you're keeping the machine running, and people wonder why they feel so empty in their daily routine. Why their lives always seem to miss something, so then come the advertisers who will tell you that a certain product will fill that hole. That emptyness. So they have your mind, your fears, your insecurities.

    They have you. And if material objects dont cure you, PILLS WILL! They tell you that your depression is a mental disorder, not a byproduct of your meaningless existance. So there's another answer to all your problems. It sounds out there, I know, but when I was little we lived on a farm. We grew our own food, raised our own beef, and took care of our own place. There's something fulfilling and satisfying about that. At the end of the day no matter how much you worked in the fields, you felt whole. You knew what it was you worked so hard for and you felt better for it. You cannot get that same feeling from a paycheck.

    Life today is nothing but meaningless work that keeps the machine running and your masters in power as well as nothing but distractions to keep you in self-denial of the truth that what you do each day is slowly driving you out of your mind.


    c0balt.com forum administrator
    "Zerstören Sie das System!"

    CURLYLOCK --- ---
    Evropská unie bude nominována na letošní Nobelovu cenu míru. Doplní tak v seznamu možných oceněných institucí a osob mimo jiné amerického prezidenta George W. Bushe a britského premiéra Tonyho Blaira. Napsal to v pondělí internetový server euobserver.com s odvoláním na francouzskou tiskovou agenturu AFP.

    02.02. 12:17
    BRUSEL - EU na prestižní cenu navrhl bývalý norský premiér Thorbjoern Jagland, a to za stabilizaci poměrů v Evropě. Nobelu cenu míru si organizace údajně zaslouží za historické sjednocení východní a západní části kontinentu.

    Podle AFP však Unie nemá příliš šancí v závěrečném klání uspět. Dva z pěti porotců pocházejí z norského parlamentu (přání Alfreda Nobela) a tato instituce je známa svými nepříliš pozitivními postoji k EU.

    V neprospěch Bruselu hraje také skutečnost, že Norové v minulosti opakovaně přidružení k sjednocující se Evropě odmítli.

    Euobserver.com navíc připomíná, že samotná nominace nemusí být nutně spojena s nejhodnotnějšími mozky a činy lidské civilizace. V minulosti se mezi navrženými osobnostmi ocitli také mj. Adolf Hitler, Slobodan Miloševič atd.

    Konečný seznam nominovaných osob, institucí bude znám 2. března. Slavnostní ceremoniál s vyhlášením oceněných proběhne v prosinci.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Fifteen months before Dean said he would seek the presidency, however, the former Vermont governor spoke at a conference in Pittsburgh co-sponsored by smart-card firm Wave Systems where he called for state drivers' licenses to be transformed into a kind of standardized national ID card for Americans. Embedding smart cards into uniform IDs was necessary to thwart "cyberterrorism" and identity theft, Dean claimed. "We must move to smarter license cards that carry secure digital information that can be universally read at vital checkpoints," Dean said in March 2002, according to a copy of his prepared remarks. "Issuing such a card would have little effect on the privacy of Americans."

    Dean also suggested that computer makers such as Apple Computer, Dell, Gateway and Sony should be required to include an ID card reader in PCs--and Americans would have to insert their uniform IDs into the reader before they could log on. "One state's smart-card driver's license must be identifiable by another state's card reader," Dean said. "It must also be easily commercialized by the private sector and included in all PCs over time--making the Internet safer and more secure."

    The presidential hopeful offered few details about his radical proposal. "On the Internet, this card will confirm all the information required to gain access to a state (government) network--while also barring anyone who isn't legal age from entering an adult chat room, making the Internet safer for our children, or prevent adults from entering a children's chat room and preying on our kids...Many new computer systems are being created with card reader technology. Older computers can add this feature for very little money," Dean said.


    GORG --- ---
    JAXXE --- --- 11.16:17 2.2.2004
    to je ulet :)) k tomu se snad neda nic rict ;]

    Je to postup podobný jako u někdejší Warrenovy komise, která vedla desetiměsíční vyšetřování a dospěla v roce 1964 k závěru, že vraždu prezidenta J. F. Kennedyho spáchal jen Lee Harvey Oswald.
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S._intelligence_received_warnings of_terrorist_attacks_from_Randy_Glass

    A fascinating video relating to an important unheeded warning of the 9/11 attacks was shown on WPTV, an NBC TV station in Florida on October 7, 2002. This video has been overlooked and forgotten until now.

    What did Senator Bob Graham (left) and US intelligence know about the warning from Randy Glass (right) before 9/11?

    In this video, Randy Glass, a private US citizen working as an undercover agent in a government sting operation, discusses how he learned about a threat to the World Trade Center and tried to warn various officials in government before 9/11. Florida State Senator Ron Klein and US Senator Bob Graham admit being given a warning by Randy Glass in the months before 9/11. What was the warning, who else knew about it, and why wasn't it acted upon?

    Though the video doesn't discuss it, the sting operation Glass was part of recorded agents working for Pakistan's secret service, the ISI, say on more than one occasion before 9/11 that the World Trade Center was "coming down."



    JAXXE --- ---
    Is staged Osama capture next?

    Associated Press 2004 01 29:

    KABUL, Afghanistan - The U.S. military is "sure" it will catch Osama bin Laden this year, a spokesman said Thursday, but he declined to comment on where the al-Qaida leader may be hiding. . . .

    Spokesman Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty said the military now believed it could seize him within months.
    . . .

    Hilferty declined to comment on where exactly bin Laden or Mullah Omar might be hiding, but his optimism coincides with comments from U.S. officials in Washington that the military is planning a spring offensive.

    Alex Jones reported in August 2002 that White House sources had told him OBL was dead and on ice, waiting for the election. Last month, former Secretary of State of Madeline Albight said she thought OBL was being hidden by the Bush Administration.




    Albright thinks Bush hiding bin Laden

    World Net Daily

    Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracke yesterday she suspects President Bush knows the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and is simply waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.

    Kondracke made the announcement about what Albright told him backstage before an appearance on another Fox show on "Special Report With Brit Hume."
    Kondracke was incredulous that a former secretary of state could believe something like that about a U.S. administration.

    "She was not smiling when she said this," offered Kondracke, who believes Albright is serious about the conspiracy theory.

    Albright is on a media tour to promote her new book, "Madam Secretary, A Memoir."

    She was mildly critical of Bush administration policy in Iraq on camera in later appearances on "The O'Reilly Factor" and on MSNBC's "Hardball With Chris Matthews."

    "I'm one of these people that said I understood the 'why' of the war, but I didn't understand the 'why now' or the 'what next,'" she told O'Reilly. "I still have a lot of questions. And I think that we don't know, frankly, what the effect of Saddam's capture is on the general situation in Iraq. President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld have, in fact, warned about violence still going on, and the effect within the rest of the Middle East of a prolonged trial or an execution or generally how he is treated."


    JAXXE --- ---
    PIRMASENS, Germany (Reuters) - German computer experts are working
    round the clock to unlock the truth behind an unexplained surge in
    financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed
    into New York's World Trade Center on September 11.

    Were criminals responsible for the sharp rise in credit card
    transactions that moved through some computer systems at the WTC
    shortly before the planes hit the twin towers?

    Or was it coincidence that unusually large sums of money, perhaps
    more than $100 million, were rushed through the computers as the
    disaster unfolded?


    The reconstructed data was given by CONVAR to the FBI. The FBI was held by law to investigate, based on the reconstructed data, who placed the inside transactions.
    The FBI is doing no such thing.


    GFP would like to inform, that in June 2002, Ontrack/Convar was aquired by Kroll Inc. (Kroll O'gara Eisenhardt), which has strong with the US Government. One of their former employees, Jerome Hauer, organised a security job for ex-FBI anti-terror chief John O'Neill in the Twin Towers, where he died on Sep11th


    One partner of Kroll, Cable & Wireless provides training in Counter-Terrorism and Urban Warfare in Saudi Arabia. In August 2001, former Kroll employee, Jerome Hauer, arranged a security job in the Twin Towers for FBI Agent John O’Neill. At the time, O’Neill had been investigating ENRON’s business deals with the Taliban and was subsequently pulled from that investigation. Neither Kroll nor Hauer was asked to testify about this coincidence.


    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. officials fear 'dirty bombs' on airliners

    Intelligence indicates terrorists want to smuggle device in cargo, use bio-chem weapons

    Posted: February 1, 2004
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

    Al-Qaida terrorists want to release a chemical or biological weapon aboard an airliner, or transport a radiological device inside a piece of luggage, according to intelligence cited by senior Bush administration officials.

    The threat information doesn't indicate a specific method to bring down a plane or spread an illness but U.S. intelligence officials have been concerned for some time that al-Qaida is trying to bring unconventional weapons aboard an airliner, a U.S. official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told CNN.

    According to the Washington Post, the possibilities, as described by three intelligence officials, include releasing an undetectable biological agent, such as smallpox virus or anthrax spores, aboard a plane, releasing a chemical agent inside the cabin so the plane can be hijacked, and sneaking a radiological device into cargo.

    The new intelligence was among the factors that prompted British Airways and Air France to ground several flights to the United States.

    British Airways canceled a flight from London's Heathrow Airport to Dulles International Airport outside Washington on Sunday and Monday, as well as the return flights.The airline also scrapped a flight from London's Heathrow to Florida's Miami International Airport on Sunday.

    Air France canceled two Paris-to-Washington flights for security reasons, the airline said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    A Sensor That Knows How You Feel... ...And can tell you -- or your boss -- when you're getting too tired to function effectively, coming soon from Sandia Labs

    JAXXE --- ---


    Tím, že Bush nařídí ustavení nezávislé komise, bude mít větší kontrolu nad jejím složením a úkoly.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lord Hutton to whitewash the Whitehouse.

    Written by Robert Carey

    "George Bush was absolutely justified to invade Iraq. I'll take my cheque now".
    In another desperate election ploy, George W. Bush's advisors have invited Lord Hutton to present a report on the US administration's justification for the invasion of Iraq.

    Just when George W. Bush and his cronies seem to have run out of credible excuses for causing the needless deaths of hundreds of US servicemen and thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, it was thought that Lord Hutton, after he massacred the truth in the Tony Blair affair, would present a similar whitewash for George Bush.

    It is becoming increasingly evident that Mr Bush, who announces impossible election promises on a daily basis, is getting scared about the possibility of being ejected from the Whitehouse and he is looking to Lord Hutton to bolster his lack of credibility with the US electorate.

    It seems that John Kerry, who actually did wear a soldier's uniform and saw real action in Viet Nam, unlike George Bush, is increasingly likely to replace Bush in the Oval Office and if that were the case, the skeletons in the cupboards of the Bush administration would really come back to haunt them. So the administration is pulling out all stops in an effort to convince the electorate that Bush is a president worth re-electing.

    It is rumoured that Lord Hutton has been offerred US$20 million for the whitewash job.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The secret society that ties Bush and Kerry

    London Telegraph

    Revelations that leading candidates for the US presidency were "Skull and Bones" members have provoked claims of elitism. Charles Laurence reports from New York

    The "tomb" stands dark and hulking at the heart of the Yale University campus, almost windowless, and shuttered and padlocked in the thick snow of winter storms.

    Built to mimic a Greco-Egyptian temple, it is the headquarters of the Order of the Skull and Bones, America's most elite and elusive secret society - and it has become the unlikely focus of this year's presidential election. It turns out that four leading contestants for the White House in November's election were 1960s undergraduates at Yale: President Bush and Democratic rivals Governor Howard Dean, Sen John Kerry and Sen Joseph Lieberman.

    What is more, two are "Bonesmen". Both Sen Kerry, now the Democrat front runner, and President Bush belong to the 172-year-old society, which aims to get its members into positions of power.


    The Skull and Bones is the most exclusive organisation on campus. Members have ranged from President William Taft to Henry Luce, the founder of the Time-Life magazine empire, and from Averill Harriman, the businessman and diplomat, to the first President George Bush.

    Alexandra Robbins, a Yale graduate and author of a book on the Skull and Bones, Secrets of the Tomb, said: "It is staggering that so many of the candidates are from Yale, and even more so that we are looking at a presidential face-off between two members of the Skull and Bones. It is a tiny club with only 800 living members and 15 new members a year.

    "But there has always been a sentiment at Yale to push students into public service, an ethos of the elite making their way through the corridors of power - and the sole purpose of the Bones is power."


    JAXXE --- ---
    ;) war is peace

    OSLO, JANUARY 30: President George W. Bush and British PM Tony Blair are among nominees for the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize before a Sunday deadline for nominations despite failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

    ‘‘Nominations are pouring in,’’ said Geir Lundestad, director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute. Among nominees are Pope John Paul, the Salvation Army, former Czech President Vaclav Havel and Chinese dissidents.


    GORG --- ---
    jaxxe: na tu nalezenou prirucku "jak pilotovat letadlo" a "jak se stat teroristou", na to si vzpominam :) to bylo takove ehm prokazatelne prokazane :]
    JAXXE --- ---
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    no jeste k tem WTC... v tech boeingach asi spalujou nejaky lepci kerosen, bo kdyz 75tun paliva roztavi 150 000 tun zeleza, tak je to divne... to je jako bych polil litrem benzinu dvoutunovou traverzu a tim ji roztavil.... to zavani trosku nejakou jinou fyzikou :))
    JAXXE --- ---
    Make Way for the UNternet?

    Pressure is mounting to hand over control of the Internet to the United Nations. On December 10, 2003, the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) convened at Geneva, under the auspices of the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The summit’s chief purpose was to explore ways to bring the Internet under government control, both domestically and internationally.

    According to Michael Geist, a law professor at the University of Ottawa, "we are seeing a clear shift away from the mid-90s when governments were told to stay away [from the Internet]. Governments have shown they are very interested in getting involved on a domestic level and now they are looking at the international level." Certain governments with an acute interest in domestic control over — and strict censorship of — the Internet, including Communist China, Egypt and Brazil, pushed hard at Geneva for a new UN agency to regulate and censor Internet content. Such an agency would replace the California-based International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which has been criticized since its creation in 1998 for its alleged pro-business and private-sector bias.

    Although the three-day summit ended with little concrete achievement, the UN intends to continue to work to wrest control of the Internet from the private sector. The next summit is scheduled to convene in Tunisia in 2005, when the UN’s ITU — which already oversees international mail and telephone calls — will make another attempt to convert the Internet into a "global resource." As one UN official at the Geneva summit bluntly put it, "what we are looking at is the future management of the Internet. It’s [about] what is the best way to manage what has become a natural resource for all humanity."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Moderátor: V BBC nyní rezignovali už dva lidé kvůli aféře kolem Davida Kellyho. Kdo ve vládě bude rezignovat ohledně toho, že nás zatáhla do války kvůli zbraním hromadného ničení, které neexistují?

    Jowellová: Zaprvé, víte velmi dobře, že čekáme na další zprávy Iraq Survey Group a jak to pan ministerský předseda mnohokrát objasnil, rozhodnutí, která byla přijata, byla přijata na základě informací, které byly k dispozici tehdy.

    Moderátor: Podpořila byste vyšetřování efektivity našich výzvědných služeb ohledně neexistence zbraní hromadného ničení? Takové vyšetřování, jaké vedlo k rezignaci Grega Dyka a Gavyna Daviese?

    Jowellová: Ne, to bych nepodpořila. Myslím, že by to bylo zbytečné rozptylování pozornosti. Veškeré úsilí nyní musíme zaměřit na znovuvybudování Iráku jako demokratické a hospodářsky prosperující země a sloužit jeho lidem, kteří příliš dlouho trpěli.


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