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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    No Fly List Includes Web Publishers

    JAXXE --- ---


    First they came for the Jews
    and I did not speak out
    ~ because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the communists
    and I did not speak out
    ~ because I was not a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists
    and I did not speak out
    ~ because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me
    and by then there was
    ~no one left to speak out for me.

    - German anti-Nazi activist,
    Pastor Martin Niemüèller.

    BEEJBI --- ---
    U.S. Still mining terror data - casti projektu Total Inf. Awareness vobec nezrusili

    BEEJBI --- ---
    Rozhovor s autorom Patriot Act-u

    BEEJBI --- ---
    tyvole, zijeme fakt v neuveritelnom svete, toto nie je nic pre mna, asi sa necham zavriet do blazinca, tam budem pocuvat hudbu, pisat, brat vesele farebne tabletky a stekat z okna na okoloiducich :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    WHO ‘suppressed’ scientific study into depleted uranium cancer fears in Iraq

    Radiation experts warn in unpublished report that DU weapons used by Allies in Gulf war pose long-term health risk

    By Rob Edwards, Environment Editor

    An expert report warning that the long-term health of Iraq’s civilian population would be endangered by British and US depleted uranium (DU) weapons has been kept secret.

    The study by three leading radiation scientists cautioned that children and adults could contract cancer after breathing in dust containing DU, which is radioactive and chemically toxic. But it was blocked from publication by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which employed the main author, Dr Keith Baverstock, as a senior radiation advisor. He alleges that it was deliberately suppressed, though this is denied by WHO.

    Baverstock also believes that if the study had been published when it was completed in 2001, there would have been more pressure on the US and UK to limit their use of DU weapons in last year’s war, and to clean up afterwards.

    Hundreds of thousands of DU shells were fired by coalition tanks and planes during the conflict, and there has been no comprehensive decontamination. Experts from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have so far not been allowed into Iraq to assess the pollution.

    “Our study suggests that the widespread use of depleted uranium weapons in Iraq could pose a unique health hazard to the civilian population,” Baverstock told the Sunday Herald.

    “There is increasing scientific evidence the radio activity and the chemical toxicity of DU could cause more damage to human cells than is assumed.”


    JAXXE --- ---
    'Kelly was Murdered' Says UK Intelligence Insider

    Simon Aronowitz: ThoughtCrimeNews.com

    Shocking new details about the death of Dr David Kelly emerged exclusively today on the Alex Jones radio show. Michael Shrimpton, a UK national security lawyer who was a guest on the show, revealed that sources within MI5 and MI6 are `furious' that Kelly was murdered.

    Shrimpton spoke in depth about the details of Kelly's murder on 17th July 2003, information which has been withheld by the British press.

    With apparent backing from the organisations whose members he claims to speak for, Shrimpton presented their view that Dr Kelly had been murdered by a team of assassins and the charade of an apparent suicide was then played out to cover this up.

    Speaking with impeccable credentials, including contributions to the Journal for International Security Affairs and having previously given a closed-doors confidential briefing the US Senate Intelligence Committee, Shrimpton exploded the much-reported myth that Dr Kelly had taken his own life.

    He spoke of the probable method of Kelly's death, the group which most likely carried out the assassination, who arranged it and finally where the responsibility lies. Additionally, he explained the political context and motive for Kelly's murder.

    David Kelly went missing on 17th July 2003 and was found dead on 18th July. In the previous days, Kelly had testified before Parliament's Foreign Affairs Select Committee that he was not the source of a BBC story which had accused the Government of making false claims about Iraq's WMD. When Kelly's body was found, the British press quickly reported it as a suicide, though several analysts had their doubts.

    On Jones' show, Shrimpton explained how he had learned that David Kelly was the BBC's source before the BBC disclosed this fact. He went on to explain that his source from within the intelligence community knew David Kelly personally, and did not believe that he had committed suicide. After making their own enquiries, says Shrimpton, this source determined that Dr Kelly had not committed suicide, but rather had been assassinated.


    JAXXE --- ---
    video of 9-11 fireman discussing WTC7 collapse

    Posted Feb 22, 2004 07:03 AM PST

    About 5 megs in size. Note comment about WTC7 looking like it came down like a planned demolition.

    JAXXE --- ---
    My trip to Seattle to Jail and back...

    » renascent 23-02-2004, 01:20

    i arrived at Seattle airport saturday around 12 noon, at immigration they stopped us (me and my wife) for questioning as we didnt have our return tickets with us (as i can just pick those up on the day of return, they said if youre traveling under a visa waiver you need to have your return tickets on you, which i didnt know)
    so i had to explain my reasons for entry in the US, and did my story that is was primiraly for business, a job interview etc, checking out Seattle...

    as the officer didnt trust it he took us in the back were all our bags got checked, and more questions were asked, as they checked my passport they noticed entries to the US before so i had to explain the purpose of those entries as well, all business, for freelance work... "so, you worked in the US and got paid for it he said, and entered the country with only your Visa Waiver form?" yup, two times i answered... then he responded "do you understand you are not admissable today, because you have worked in the US without a VISA?
    I had no idea what he was talking about as i assumed the Visa Waiver was my visa... as he explained a visa waiver is only ok for business meetings, when you do actual work in the US you need working VISA...
    I explained him i didnt know about these laws, and that the companies that got me over never mentioned anything about this to me, also on entry with the other two times i had to explain my business and purpose and was granted access without any troubles.... "Ignorance is of no excuse to the law" he replied... " we will be holding you in detention and you will be send back to the netherlands on the first availbale flight"... so im being judged here for things i didnt know about and things that happened in the past....? "Time is of no excuse to the law" he said... youre wife can enter the US without any issues as she never worked here, etc, etc... allot of talk followed but he wouldnt give me a break... finger prints were taken, mugshots, info, etc...
    My wife was let go and they said you can see eachother again tomorrow morning (as they arranged a return flight), and so i asked why cant she stay with me? "because you are being escorted to a detention facilaty in the city" he said...
    both me and me wife were in distress, we talked it over and she went to the hotel that was booked for us, so she could make phonecalls to the people i was supposed to meet....

    I was held at the airport till about 8 in the evening when somebody came to pick me up, i was escorted to a van and had to sit in back in a steel cage that he locked up, after a drive of about 20 minutes we arrived at the detention facilaty (which i quickly understood was just a fancy name for a prison) going thru a ton of security doors, again i was questioned, pictures were taken, finger prints made... they explained to me that i was arrested under a level 1 (which would not give me a criminal record) there were also level 2 and 3 in this "facility"... i had to strip down naked and was given clothes to wear, had to pick up a pillow and a mattress to sleep on and was then escorted to a cell with about 16 other people, varying from a few kids that got over the border from canada, to ex-cons awaiting their departure out of the US, some of them had been in that cell for over 3 years...

    so their i was in my cell, playing cards and domino with ex convics. later tried to sleep... next morning we had breakfast were all the levels were sitting together, at around 11 in the morning i got picked up, had to sign a few papers and was again escorted in that van to the airport... they checked in for me, i met up with my wife again.... they escorted us to inside of the airplain.... and here i am ,home again typing all this.

    what a trip.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Anthrax Victim Files Claim

    By Laura Arenschield
    The Winchester Star

    A Winchester man who survived a 2001 anthrax-by-mail attack is asking the federal government for $12 million to compensate for the disruption to his life.

    David R. Hose worked for the U.S. Department of State in Sterling as a supervisor for the incoming diplomatic pouch and mail unit. He had been employed there since 1995.

    In October 2001, an envelope laced with anthrax spores and addressed to U.S. Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, D-Vt., arrived in Hose’s facility.

    About a week later, Hose got sick.

    According to the personal injury claim Hose filed with the U.S. government, he spent 16 days in Winchester Medical Center’s Intensive Care Unit in 2001.

    “At the end of seven days, I looked like death,” Hose told The Winchester Star in December 2001. “I was pale as a ghost.”

    Since then, the claim states, he has suffered from “reduced stamina, easy fatigability, memory loss, and respiratory problems.”


    Whoever mailed the envelope has still not been identified, and therefore has not been prosecuted.

    But researchers have concluded that the weapons-grade, Ames-strain anthrax spores were probably made at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick, Md., or at another laboratory working in the U.S. Defense Department’s germ warfare program, Hose’s claim states.

    “The Defense Department had inadequate security measures in place to prevent such equipment from ending up in the hands of would-be bioterrorists,” Hose’s claim states. “As the anthrax investigation continues, the evidence could ultimately establish that such negligence by the Defense Department was also a key ... cause of Mr. Hose’s injuries from inhalation anthrax.”


    JAXXE --- ---
    Mají bin Ladena?


    Britské noviny Sunday Telegraph tvrdí, že Američané přesně vědí, kde se bin Laden ukrývá. Nepřetržitě jej sledují prostřednictvím satelitů a čekají pouze na povel k útoku, aby si pro něj došli.

    Laden se spolu s padesátkou nejvěrnějších ukrývá v hornaté oblasti Pákistánu ve městě Quetta.

    Noviny se odvolávají na dobře informovaný zdroj z Washingtonu, který důvěrně prohlásil: "Máme ho v rohu".

    Americké vrtulníky čekají na afghánských hranicích na příkaz k akci.

    Pokud by se Bushovi podařilo bin Ladena chytit, byl by to pro něj v nadcházejících volbách obrovský politický úspěch.

    Bin Laden zjevně není odpovědný za 11. září, stejně jako není odpovědný za většinu jemu připisovaných útoků. Ale pravda, je to to poslední, o co by se dnešní Amerika zajímala.


    JAXXE --- ---
    O naaranžovaných snímcích a podprahovém vnímáni

    James Donahue / 23.2.2004

    Všimli jste si svatozáře kolem hlavy prezidenta Bushe u nedávno publikovaných jeho snímků?

    Zřejmě ne. Jsou totiž šikovně udělány tak, aby to člověk vědomě nezaregistroval, ale aby to zaznamenalo jeho podvědomí. A génius Karl Rove, v jehož pracovní náplní je, aby Bush vypadal na veřejnosti dobře, ví přesně, který knoflíček stisknout, aby udržel svého muže v Bílém domě.

    Od okamžiku, kdy Bush oznámil, že se bude znovu ucházet o prezidentství, odvedl jeho tým výrobců image skvělou práci. Podařilo se jim vyrobit portrét téměř nadčlověka. Od 11. září a od vyhlášení jeho války terorismu je Bushova a jeho vláda opředena podivnostmi a tajnostmi, a prochází jim to.

    Demonstranti, kteří se objevují kdekoliv Bush zamíří, bývají vždy vykázáni do bezpečné vzdálenosti a umísťováni tak, aby se nikdy nedostali do záběru žádné kamery a do pozornosti médií. Výsledkem je, že kolem Bushe nikdy nezahlédnete protestní transparenty a nápisy.

    I přesto, že probíhala válka s Afghánistánem a Irákem a lidé na obou stranách v ní denně umírali, televize nikdy nepřinesla záběr na její oběti, dokonce ani zraněni nebyli nikde vidět, a pohřby - pokud se o ně nepostarala místní televize - také ne. Pytle s mrtvými těly byly dopravovány do všech míst Ameriky, aniž by to sdělovací prostředky zaregistrovaly.

    A pak tady máme ty pečlivě naaranžované snímky prezidenta Bushe. Člověk si je pamatuje, protože jsou vždy vysoce profesionální s emočním nábojem: Záběr jeho hlavy v kouři při návštěvě ground zero, přistání na letadlové lodi, aby ohlásil vítězství ve válce s Irákem (když ve skutečnosti konflikt teprve začal), jeho návštěva posádky v Bagdádu na Den díkuvzdání, a naposledy vyhlášení ve stylu Johna F. Kennedyho, že vyšle člověka na Měsíc a ještě dále.

    Vše, co vytváří mediální obraz o Bushovi, je pečlivě plánováno. Vše, co říká, pečlivě připravováno. Snahou je vytvořit obraz velkého státníka, vůdce národa žijícího pod hrozbou nebezpečí.

    Se všemi těmi penězi, tekoucími do Bushových fondů z pokladen velkých firem, není těžké financovat spektakulární podívanou. Účelem je kteréhokoliv demokratického kandidáta, rozmáčknout ho jako hmyz, který se omylem dostane do záběru. Demokraté nemají šanci proti propagandistickému stroji tak dobře naolejovaném, jako je Bushův propagační buldozer.

    Jedním z těch hnusnějších a více zřejmých triků jsou obrázky přicházející z prezidentské kanceláře pro styk s veřejností. Některé zde uvádím. Podíváte-li se na ně pozorně, dojde vám, že nejsou náhodné. Jsou nahrané a Bush na nich pózuje.

    Patrně jeden z nejokázalejších a nejtrapnějších je snímek Bushe s ozářeným křížem s nápisem Lord (Pán) v pozadí.

    Proč by se někdo tak povznesen ve svém úřadu, jako náš prezident, snížil k takovým podvodům? Má proto dobrý důvod.

    Jak napsali Renee T. Louise a Ruth M. Sprague: "Filmy a televize nám vytvořily svět, kde obrázky nahrazují fakta. Z herců děláme hvězdy a hrdiny děláme z těch, jejichž hrdinství spočívá pouze na tom, co vytvořila bylo veřejnost média.

    Každý den nám ukazují obrázky, jejímž záměrem je ovlivnit naše hlasování. Médiím je předána pečlivě konstruovaná zpráva s pečlivě vybranými snímky, a oni (republikáni v Bílém domě) vědí, že obrázky převezme televize a další média."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Security Efforts Turning Capital Into Armed Camp

    By MICHAEL JANOFSKY February 22, 2004

    ASHINGTON, Feb. 21 — An antiaircraft missile, ready for use, sits atop a federal office building near the White House. Devices that test the air for chemical and biological substances are positioned throughout the city. Subway stations are now equipped with "bomb containment" trash bins. A major highway that runs by the Pentagon is being rerouted several hundred yards away. A security wall is going up around the Washington Monument.

    Day by day, the nation's capital is becoming a fortress, turning a city known for graceful beauty into a virtual armed camp.
    In response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, federal security agents along with their counterparts in the Washington, Maryland and Virginia governments began a huge effort to build permanent safeguards for the capital area's most important buildings and monuments.

    The effort that built slowly after the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City intensified after one jetliner slammed into the Pentagon and another jet crashed in Pennsylvania, presumably on its way to a target in Washington.

    But more recently, security efforts have gained a new urgency as officials seek ways to stop truck bombs and other terrorist tactics that have been used in other countries, like suicide bombers.

    Some of the biggest projects are under way at the most visible symbols of American democracy and might — the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument and the Pentagon.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bin Laden 'surrounded'

    February 22, 2004

    A BRITISH Sunday newspaper is claiming Osama bin Laden has been found and is surrounded by US special forces in an area of land bordering north-west Pakistan and Afghanistan.

    The Sunday Express, known for its sometimes colourful scoops, claims the al-Qaeda leader has been "sighted" for the first time since 2001 and is being monitored by satellite.

    The paper claims he is in a mountainous area to the north of the Pakistani city of Quetta. The region is said to be peopled with bin Laden supporters and the terrorist leader is estimated to also have 50 of his fanatical bodyguards with him.

    The claim is attributed to "a well-placed intelligence source" in Washington, who is quoted as saying: "He (bin Laden) is boxed in."

    The paper says the hostile terrain makes an all-out conventional military assault impossible. The plan to capture him would depend on a "grab-him-and-go" style operation.

    "US helicopters already sited on the Afghanistan border will swoop in to extricate him," the newspaper says. It claims bin Laden and his men "sleep in caves or out in the open. The area is swept by fierce snow storms howling down from the 10,000ft-high mountain peaks. Donkeys are the only transport."

    The special forces are "absolutely confident" there is no escape for bin Laden, and are awaiting the order to go in and get him.

    "The timing of that order will ultimately depend on President Bush," the paper says. "Capturing bin Laden will certainly be a huge help for him as he gets ready for the election."

    The article says bin Laden's movements are monitored by a National Security Agency satellite.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Your GATEWAY to news stories overlooked by mainstream American media


    "Telling people what they want to hear is not doing them any favours. It may not be comfortable to challenge governments or even popular opinion, but it's what we are here to do."

    BBC Director General, Greg Dyke

    Do you need a handout to friends and colleagues, offering them a short but informative, concise summary of the key issues driving world events? Convenient to print:

    * Peak Oil: We've embarked on the beginning of the last days of the age of oil. Oil and gas is running out decades earlier than originally forecast. THIS is the catalyst.


    * 9/11: The official story: 19 'suicide' hijackers, most of whom couldn't fly Cessna's and which half are still alive, pulled off an assault that military pilots stated on the record couldn't have been done by crack fighter pilots. Remarkably, there has been blind acceptance of this story yet the US government has offered no proof whatsoever that bin Laden was behind these attacks.


    * Terrorism & the USA: 2004 began with the US under conditions of an unparalleled mobilization of police, army and federal law enforcement agents in major urban centers, alleging a heightened threat of terrorist attacks and operating under the Department of Homeland Security’s “Orange Alert.”



    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli suspected of selling nukes to India and Pakistan

    By The Associated Press

    WASHINGTON - An Israeli businessman accused of being a middleman in the nuclear black market worked to supply not only Pakistan but also its arch-rival India, court records indicate.
    South Africa-based Asher Karni faces felony charges of exporting nuclear bomb triggers to Pakistan. But court files in the case also include e-mail exchanges between Karni and an Indian businessman who was trying secretly to buy material for two Indian rocket factories.

    "Be careful to avoid any reference to the customer name," warned one message from Karni's Indian contact, Raghavendra "Ragu" Rao of Foretek Marketing (Pvt.) Ltd.

    The messages offer a rare glimpse into such dealings. Federal prosecutors filed them in court as part of their attempts to persuade a judge to keep Karni behind bars before his trial.


    CHE_GUEVARA --- ---
    Nejste hoši novináři:-D?????
    Tolik článku za tak malý čas:-)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Belfast Telegraph Home > News > Opinion

    Ireland's message to US Skull and Bones squad should be: Butt Out!

    By Eamonn McCann
    19 February 2004


    What, actually, is the difference between the two front-runners? Well, both men attended Yale University and were members of the elite and secretive Skull and Bones Club.

    Perhaps the club is no more than a closed arena for silly ritual. But it's odd that, apart from confirming that they remain members, neither man is willing to discuss the practices or purposes of the outfit.

    The American investigative journalist Sam Smith suggested this week that Skull and Bones is "infantile, elitist, misogynist, anti-democratic and secret," and that its purpose is "the mutual support and protection of its members as they make their way into the upper ranks of American society."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Japan signs huge Iranian oil deal

    Japan has signed an estimated $2bn deal to exploit Iran's Azadegan oil field, one of the largest in the Middle East.

    Japan will have full development rights to the southern part of Azadegan, which has estimated reserves of 26bn barrels.

    Japan depends on imports for almost all its energy needs and wants to diversify its supplies amid concerns about existing oil sources in the Gulf.

    The agreement, under discussion for three years, had been delayed by US concerns about Iran's nuclear plans.

    The US State Department spokesman, Richard Boucher, said he was "disappointed" that the deal had been completed.

    The project is one of the largest Iran has signed with a foreign country since the Islamic Revolution of 1979.


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