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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    "Chceme zásadně změnit protidrogovou politiku státu. Ukázalo se, že přílišný liberalismus neslaví úspěchy. Navíc liberální postoj napomáhá financovat teroristy. Ti jsou placeni právě z drogových peněz," řekl na tiskové konferenci Kalousek.

    viz: http://zpravy.idnes.cz/domaci.asp?r=domaci&c=A040227_220338_domaci_pol
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon Denies Report of Bin Laden Capture

    Saturday, February 28, 2004

    TEHRAN, Iran — Pentagon and Pakistani officials on Saturday denied an Iranian state radio report that Usama bin Laden (search) was captured in Pakistan's border region with Afghanistan "a long time ago."

    The claim came as Pakistan's army hunted terror suspects in a remote tribal region along the border, believed to be a possible hiding place for the Al Qaeda's (search) leader.

    The director of Iran radio's Pashtun language service, Asheq Hossein, said the report was based on two sources — one of whom later told The Associated Press he was misquoted.

    The report said bin Laden had been in custody for a period of time, but that President Bush was withholding any announcement until closer to November elections.

    "Usama bin Laden has been arrested a long time ago, but Bush is intending to use it for propaganda maneuvering in the presidential election," the radio report said.


    JAXXE --- ---

    RFID Tags in New US Notes Explode When You Try to Microwave Them

    Adapted from a letter sent to Henry Makow Ph.D.

    Want to share an event with you, that we experienced this evening.. Dave had over $1000 dollars in his back pocket (in his wallet). New twenties were the lion share of the bills in his wallet. We walked into a truck stop/travel plaza and they have those new electronic monitors that are supposed to say if you are stealing something. But through every monitor, Dave set it off. He did not have anything to purchase in his hands or pockets. After numerous times of setting off these monitors, a person approached Dave with a 'wand' to swipe why he was setting off the monitors.

    Believe it or not, it was his 'wallet'. That is according to the minimum wage employees working at the truck stop! We then walked across the street to a store and purchased aluminum foil. We then wrapped our cash in foil and went thru the same monitors. No monitor went off.

    We could have left it at that, but we have also paid attention to the European Union and the 'rfid' tracking devices placed in their money, and the blatant bragging of Walmart and many corporations of using 'rfid' electronics on every marketable item by the year 2005.

    Dave and I have brainstormed the fact that most items can be 'microwaved' to fry the 'rfid' chip, thus elimination of tracking by our government.

    So we chose to 'microwave' our cash, over $1000 in twenties in a stack, not spread out on a carasoul. Do you know what exploded on American money?? The right eye of Andrew Jackson on the new twenty, every bill was uniform in it's burning... Isnt that interesting?

    Now we have to take all of our bills to the bank and have them replaced, cause they are now 'burnt'.

    We will now be wrapping all of our larger bills in foil on a regular basis.

    What we resent is the fact that the government or a corporation can track our 'cash'. Credit purchases and check purchases have been tracked for years, but cash was not traceble until now...


    JAXXE --- ---

    It shouldn't surprise us that this 1982 San Francisco Chronicle photo shows John Kerry smiling at the leader of the Church of Satan. Kerry is a member of the Brotherhood of Death, Skull and Bones, along with George W. Bush.

    SUPAFLY --- ---
    "Je to víc než válka proti terorizmu. To je válka proti občanům všech zemí. Současná elita už vyprodukovala tolik strachu, že lidé vůbec nevědí jak reagovat. Na jedno však musíme pamatovat. Je to pohyb, který během příštích pěti let povede k nastolení celosvětové diktatury. Zde už asi nebude žádná jiná možnost."

    TWIG --- ---
    JAXXE: Myslim ty vezne samozrejme :))))
    BARON_SAMEDI --- ---
    Tak to te nachytali ;-)
    JAXXE --- ---
    jo taak... ja myslel ze TAMTI... ;)
    BARON_SAMEDI --- ---
    Jaxxe: Prece... TAMTI!

    uz vis? ;-)
    JAXXE --- ---
    kdo ?
    TWIG --- ---
    JAXXE: Hele oni fakt maji nejaky klapky na ocich, ci co?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Světová zdravotnická organizace potlačila zprávu o škodlivosti zbraní s ochuzeným uranem

    Odborníci už několikrát varovali, že střely s pláštěm z ochuzeného uranu představují nebezpečný hazard se zdravím civilního obyvatelstva, které se stane jejich terčem, i vojáků, kteří střely odpalují.

    Tyto zbraně používali Američané a Britové při své agresi v Iráku a Afghánistánu. Plášť z uranu má totiž zvláštní schopnost samozaostřování při průniku materiálém.

    Prach z místa dopadu je radioaktivní a toxický. Jeho vdechováním dochází k poškození organizmu člověka i zvířete. Zvyšuje se pravděpodobnost výskytu rakoviny, leukemie, trvalého poškození buněk a dalších nemocí.

    WHO (World Health Organisation) o tomto věděla z první ruky od roku 2001. Měla k dispozici zprávu vypracovanou třemi předními vědci v oboru. Vedoucí studie, Dr. Keith Baverstock, nyní obvinil WHO, že zprávu zatajila. Domnívá se, že kdyby ji publikovali hned po vydání, mohlo to příznivě ovlivnit široké použití těchto zbraní v Afghánistánu a Iráku.

    WHO zprávu do dnešních dnů nezveřejnila. Ovšem její mluvčí obvinění doktora Baverstocka popírá. Proč ale zprávu nezveřejnili, nedokáže vysvětlit.

    Zdroj: http://www.sundayherald.com/40096
    JAXXE --- ---
    Amnesty International se nemůže zúčastnit soudu s vězni z Guantanamo.

    Důvod? Nedostatek židlí...


    Organizace Amnesty International vyjádřila rozčarování nad rozhodnutím Pentagonu zakázat jejím pozorovatelům účast na přelíčení s vězni drženými v táboře X na základně Guantanamo.

    Pentagon ve své rozhodnutí citoval jako jeden z důvodu nedostatek místa v soudní síni. Dalšími důvody jsou blíže neurčené "logistické důvody".

    Nicméně účast novinářů a zástupců Červeného kříže je povolena. Jací to budou novináři a jak musí být prověření, zpráva neuvádí. Rovněž se nezmiňuje o tom, zda bude jejich psaní podléhat cenzuře.

    Zdroj: http://www.guardian.co.uk/guantanamo/story/0,13743,1154462,00.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Skeleton key to the White House

    Both John Kerry and George Bush were members of Yale's secretive Skull and Bones society. Matthew Wells scours the university for future presidents

    Tuesday February 24, 2004

    The Skull and Bones lodge, also known as the "tomb", houses one of Yale university's estimated 10 secret societies. Photograph: Matthew Wells

    "The Hangman equals death, The Devil equals death, Death equals death!"

    It's weird to think that the two men who are now contesting the most powerful job in world politics, both apparently went through an occult ritual that involved dressing-up and chanting the words above, prostrate in front of a fellow student wielding a butchers' knife and dressed in animal skin.

    John Kerry and George Bushs junior and senior were members of the secretive Skull and Bones society at Yale university. The final words of the initiation ceremony, according to the intrepid New York Observer journalist Ron Rosenbaum, who has secretly recorded the secret incantations, centre around the command, "Run neophyte!"

    Well, in maturity, both men are certainly running, and it's impossible to know how much their membership of the exclusive Skull and Bones Society has helped them reach the positions of eminence they now occupy: President of the United States, and senatorial lead-contender for president.




    spousta clanku o propojeni a podobnostech mezi "skull and bones" a hitlerovou tajnou spolecnosti "thule":

    JAXXE --- ---
    No Fly List Includes Web Publishers

    JAXXE --- ---


    First they came for the Jews
    and I did not speak out
    ~ because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the communists
    and I did not speak out
    ~ because I was not a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists
    and I did not speak out
    ~ because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me
    and by then there was
    ~no one left to speak out for me.

    - German anti-Nazi activist,
    Pastor Martin Niemüèller.

    BEEJBI --- ---
    U.S. Still mining terror data - casti projektu Total Inf. Awareness vobec nezrusili

    BEEJBI --- ---
    Rozhovor s autorom Patriot Act-u

    BEEJBI --- ---
    tyvole, zijeme fakt v neuveritelnom svete, toto nie je nic pre mna, asi sa necham zavriet do blazinca, tam budem pocuvat hudbu, pisat, brat vesele farebne tabletky a stekat z okna na okoloiducich :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    WHO ‘suppressed’ scientific study into depleted uranium cancer fears in Iraq

    Radiation experts warn in unpublished report that DU weapons used by Allies in Gulf war pose long-term health risk

    By Rob Edwards, Environment Editor

    An expert report warning that the long-term health of Iraq’s civilian population would be endangered by British and US depleted uranium (DU) weapons has been kept secret.

    The study by three leading radiation scientists cautioned that children and adults could contract cancer after breathing in dust containing DU, which is radioactive and chemically toxic. But it was blocked from publication by the World Health Organisation (WHO), which employed the main author, Dr Keith Baverstock, as a senior radiation advisor. He alleges that it was deliberately suppressed, though this is denied by WHO.

    Baverstock also believes that if the study had been published when it was completed in 2001, there would have been more pressure on the US and UK to limit their use of DU weapons in last year’s war, and to clean up afterwards.

    Hundreds of thousands of DU shells were fired by coalition tanks and planes during the conflict, and there has been no comprehensive decontamination. Experts from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have so far not been allowed into Iraq to assess the pollution.

    “Our study suggests that the widespread use of depleted uranium weapons in Iraq could pose a unique health hazard to the civilian population,” Baverstock told the Sunday Herald.

    “There is increasing scientific evidence the radio activity and the chemical toxicity of DU could cause more damage to human cells than is assumed.”


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