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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    A Typical American Coup

    John Horvath 02.03.2004

    When it comes to removing heads of state by indirect means, the US still has what it takes to get the job done

    Jean Bertrand Aristide has finally fled Haiti -- again. Meanwhile, the mainstream press the world over focuses on the anarchy that has engulfed the tiny Caribbean nation. Yet most reports merely skim the surface. There was talk of rebel advances, people with guns, looting, revenge attacks, etc. What was missing was one simple question: what was the uprising all about? Perhaps the reason why journalists, especially those from the US and other "allied" countries, failed to dig deep into what was going on is because they know what they would find: that the US was behind the ugly overthrow of a democratically elected government, a move akin to the Iraq invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

    Some might argue that this comparison is going a bit too far. But is it? With the exception that there isn't oil in Haiti and that Kuwait is not a democracy, the American power grab in Haiti is no different than what Saddam attempted to do in the Middle East. In both cases, a bullying state regards itself as the region's de-facto superpower, and feels that it has a right to assume control, either directly (as Iraq did in 1990) or indirectly (as the US has just done).

    American tampering in Haiti is quite obvious. Before the violence erupted, the Bush administration was in full support of the opposition, and have been trying to force Aristide to share power. As frustration over the political stalemate escalated and the rebels took to the streets, the US simply stood by and watched, refusing to help calm the situation in any way. The goal of the White House was simple: to have Aristide removed from power at whatever cost, even if meant allowing the country to descend into civil war.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Purported Al Qaeda letter denies role in Iraq blasts

    3 March 2004

    DUBAI - A letter purporting to come from Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda network denied any role in Tuesday’s anti-Shi’ite Muslim explosions in Iraq and blamed the attacks that killed 185 people on the United States.

    The letter, signed by the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades with ”Al Qaeda” in parenthesis, was sent to the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper. A copy of the letter was obtained by Reuters on Wednesday.


    “US troops have committed a massacre against the innocent Shi’ite people to set sectarianism ablaze among Iraq’s Muslims,” the letter said.


    ”We, and with God as our witness, say we are innocent of this act and of anything that will drive the Shi’ites away. Our mujahideen (holy warriors) love God and his prophet and will not do anything that will harm the Iraqi people.”

    Suicide bombers, mortars and concealed explosives killed at least 185 people and wounded more than 435 in Baghdad and Kerbala during the holy Shi’ite mourning period of Ashura.

    The attacks on the mass gatherings made Tuesday the bloodiest day since US troops toppled Saddam Hussein in April.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Heroin to flood Britain after Taliban's fall


    Hidden Agenda behind the "War on Terrorism":
    US Bombing of Afghanistan restores Trade in Narcotics

    PETVAL --- ---
    ty e2k linky mi byly nabidnuty vzhledem k ostatnimu mnou sdilenemu obsahu, at pomuzu s releasem. synchronicita s PETVAL: Two specific provisions within the directive, titled Anton Pillar Orders and Mareva Injunctions call for recording industry executives to have the right to raid the homes of P2P file sharers. je vazne absurdni :)

    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Our self-proclaimed democracy also constructs its own inconceivable foe: terrorists. "Its wish is to be judged by its enemies rather than by its results." Spectators must certainly never know everything about terrorism, "but they must always know enough to convince them that, compared with terrorism, everything else must be acceptable." Every enemy of the spectacle is a terrorist enemy; all dissenters — grievances notwithstanding — are terrorists. Spectacular authorities need to infiltrate, compile dossiers, eliminate critique - authentic or not. Unexplained crimes are either suicides or terrorist attacks. Terrorists themselves soon feel the wrath of state terrorism: Mossad kills the Jihad in the Lebanon, the Contras the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the SAS the IRA in Northern Ireland, the GAL ETA in Spain, the CIA Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. In this context, Mafiosi flourish: Colombian drugs Mafia, Sicilian Mafia, Fundamentalist Mafia, and, of course, White House mafia. As such, the "Mafia is not an outsider in this world; it is perfectly at home. Indeed, in the integrated spectacle it stands as the model of all advanced commercial enterprises."


    JAXXE --- ---
    ‘Biometric big brother’ to watch EU

    Plans to create a digital fingerprint database of EU passport applicants treat “all citizens as suspects”, say civil liberties campaigners.

    Post-September 11 Brussels proposals to include digital ‘biometric’ identifiers in all European passports are set to spark a row over privacy rights.

    The security move, expected in 2005, will see EU travel documents embedded with computer chips containing digitalised photographs and fingerprints.

    And demands for cross-border, cross referencing will lead to a “centralised biometrics-based ‘EU passport register’” holding data on almost all Europeans.

    Statewatch editor Tony Bunyan argues the plans are “much more to do with Fortress Europe, law enforcement and social control than fighting terrorism”.

    “We are moving from a situation where biometrics is used to investigate crime or terrorism to requiring all citizens to give biometric data,” he told an event organised by the European Liberal Democrats.

    “We are moving to a system where all citizens, in effect, become suspect.”


    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel, US 'main beneficiaries'

    March 3, 2004 - 12:17AM

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    The head of Lebanon's Shi'ite Muslim Hizbollah said Israel and the United States were the main beneficiaries of the deadly attacks in Iraq and pointed to the al-Qaeda terror network as their author.

    "Israel and the United States are the principal beneficiaries of the attack that killed dozens of people in Baghdad and Karbala," Sheik Hassan Nasrallah said at a ceremony in southern Beirut marking the Ashura holy day of mourning.

    "The objective is to sow discord among Muslims, between Sunnis and Shi'ites," a visibly shaken Sheik Nasrallah told a crowd of more than 100,000.

    "Israel, which wants to destroy Iraq, has provided a lot of money and agents and formed sabotage networks in Iraq," he alleged.

    "The American administration wants to dominate Iraq and pillage its oil and other resources."

    Sheik Nasrallah also speculated about the political nature and program of the Iraqi "resistance" which, he said, "kills more Iraqis than Americans".




    Shiites blame Americans for Baghdad, Karbala attacks as more than 140 people killed

    JAXXE --- ---
    RFID Tags Already in Euro Notes

    Steve Watson

    They told us they were going to do it by 2005 and now they have. Euro bank notes have RFID radio tags in them.

    If you were listening to the Alex Jones show on Monday 1st March you will have heard Paul Watson report the story that RFID tags have been found in the new US $20 bills. A letter sent to Henry Makow Ph.D. described how two citizens found alarms in shops being triggered by their wallets, curious and wise to the RFID proposals they chose to 'microwave' over $1000 in twenties in a stack. The right eye of Andrew Jackson on the new twenty was uniform in it's burning.

    I remembered I had a couple of Euros in my wallet from my last visit to France and decided what the heck, I'll microwave them. After just three seconds the first note exploded into flame and fearing for my microwave's safety I quickly pressed the stop button. A fluke? Maybe, I tried with the second note, a five, again after precisely three seconds the same bright flash of flame.

    It was obvious to see where the tags had been as two perfectly round holes could be seen in my notes. I noticed that the holes lay precisely over the metal strip within the notes. I thought to myself that maybe it was just the metal in the strip that was reacting, so i tried again. Ten, twenty, thirty seconds went by and... nothing. The strip was completely unharmed.

    The fact is that my bank notes were tagged. Should I be suprised, well no, they said they were going to do this by 2005

    Of course, the official line is that these tags are there "to protect us", they stop counterfeiting and enable security agencies to track illegal money. Why would illegal money come in five or ten Euro notes? Surely your classic suitcase with wads of cash consists of 200s or 500s not fives and tens, you would need a whole truck to transport large amounts.

    The truth is where ever we go are being tracked by our governments. RFID is the latest technology to be used in the ever-growing control grid that dictates the way we live our lives. Walmart has recently carried out RFID trials, even though they claim it is only to monitor possible theft of razors!

    We live in a society that is now ten times worse than Orwell's 1984, everything is surveilled. Our clothes are being tagged, our money, where ever we go we are caught on CCTV numerous times a day, cameras are going up in the streets, the schools, in bathrooms. Many will say "I have nothing to hide, why should I worry?" Yes, that's the way the New World Order is training you to think, give up your liberty, know you are losing your rights and don't even care! Then when you have given everything up, when you have nothing left to give the agenda is complete and you have ever so slowly consented to be a slave to your elite masters.

    Want to do something now? Go and microwave your money - it's a start.

    Steve Watson is an independent contributor to www.propagandamatrix.com.

    JAXXE --- ---


    by David Icke

    Throughout Europe and North America immigration is under discussion, be it Mexicans crossing the border illegally into the US, immigration 'amnesties' or the fears that Britain and other Western European nations will be flooded with people looking for work from the Eastern European countries about to be absorbed into the European Union and thus allowed free movement across former borders.

    The debate, as usual, and by design, has been polarised into a Left-Right slanging match. If you challenge the level of immigration you are branded a racist, for example. But this is not about what is good or otherwise for a country or the immigrants themselves. The Illuminati-controlled system doesn't give a damn about either.

    This is a long-term plan I have mentioned many times over the years to destroy the nation state.
    Whether people support the nation state structure or not is another debate. Flag waving turns my stomach personally, but that's not the point here. If we get caught in that debate we won't see the real agenda which it is designed to obscure.

    The nation state structure, and the history, culture and sense of uniqueness that goes with it, are blocks on the absorption of nations into the world centralised fascist state with it's one world government (dictatorship), army and economic system.

    Therefore, they know that to break down resistance to this global state they have to destroy the sense of unique nationhood and culture and create 'multicultural' societies in which the sense of 'nation' is eventually lost. That doesn't mean that 'multicultural' societies are wrong - not at all - only that there is an agenda to manipulate them that is kept from the people.

    It is not racist to point this out, not least because the Illuminati want to destroy the sense of nationhood and culture in ALL countries; those from which immigration is coming as well as those where it is going. They want to destroy cultural distinctions as much in Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe as they do in North America and Western Europe. The expansion of the European Union is, in part, designed to do this in the new member states of the east.

    They want a McDonald's, Burger King, global 'culture' that sweeps away cultural uniqueness to leave us with a planetary version of Disneyland - a uniform superficial 'culture' based on pap and crap with the same TV programmes, same movies, same 'art', same music, same food, same structure of society. The 'Americanisation' of global 'culture' through fast food, movies and music, etc., is actually the Illuminati-isation. What is shown to work in the United States in terms of advancing the agenda in all its forms is then exported to the rest of the world.

    Once this reaches an advanced stage - and it is happening before our eyes - the sense of nationhood and distinct cultural differences will be eroded sufficiently for the people to be far more open to accepting the One World, centralised structure, that would dictate on all levels to their former culture/country.

    The 'One World' society is not about bringing all members of the human family together in harmony and respect for each other. It is about eliminating cultural diversity that we should be celebrating and ruling everyone from a central point.

    That's the real agenda behind the thrust of immigration policies and you are going to see this process expand rapidly in the years to come.

    What we need to do, I would suggest, is to (a) ensure that all cultures within the multiculture are preserved and allowed to freely express themselves without eliminating each other and (b) we do not allow any loss of national identity to trick us into accepting the world government dictatorship or the myth that 'One World' equates to peace, love and harmony.

    'One World' to the Illuminati translates as a
    One World Order - theirs.

    PETVAL --- ---
    The Nuclear Weapon of Digital Rights Law

    Few examples of technology-related federal legislation have stirred up more controversy in recent years than the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and now the European Union is considering a similar, yet far more sweeping act—one that could extend to virtually all kinds of intellectual property protections—which critics describe as "nuclear weapons of IP law enforcement." A coalition of over 50 civil liberties groups is opposing draft legislation titled the European Union Directive for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. The draft legislation will be considered for passage into law throughout Europe by the European Plenary March 8th through 11th.


    The provisions within the directive have produced scathing attacks from the civil liberties groups opposing it. For example, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has posted material opposing it under the title "European Union Considers Warped Intellectual Property Directive." http://www.eff.org/IP/20040224_eff_pr.php Two specific provisions within the directive, titled Anton Pillar Orders and Mareva Injunctions call for recording industry executives to have the right to raid the homes of P2P file sharers.

    "This goes far beyond the DMCA, which mainly focused on copyright protection," says Robin D. Gross, executive director of IPJustice, an international civil liberties organization. "If you make a copy of a CD and give it to your mother, there are provisions within this directive for recording industry officials to raid your house, and there are similar provisions for doing things like freezing your bank account before there is any kind of hearing."

    The directive was originally intended to organize European Union member states' existing laws against large-scale commercial counterfeiting. "But through EU back-room deals, the directive's scope has been extended to any infringement—including all minor, unintentional, and non-commercial infringements such as P2P file-sharing," claims an advisory from IP Justice. The full text of the directive is available online. http://www.ipjustice.org/CODE/021604.html

    Opposition groups are concerned that the legislation is being fast-tracked by European Union members. "The directive's Rapporteur French MEP Madame Janelly Fourtou (who is also the wife of Vivendi-Universal's CEO) has placed it on a 'First Reading,' a rarely used fast-track procedure for uncontroversial directives where there is unanimous agreement on a subject," says IP Justice's advisory. "Wildly controversial, this directive should be forced to undergo a 'Second Reading' where its monumental provisions can be adequately debated by the public and legislators before they are imposed throughout Europe," continues the advisory.

    In addition to opposition pages on the Internet from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, IP Justice has posted a page called CODE—Campaign for an Open Digital Environment—where individuals can learn more and respond to the directive. http://www.ipjustice.org/CODE/

    JAXXE --- ---
    George Bush: Vlastenec, nebo zběh?

    Prezidenta USA před volbami straší stará vojenská historie

    Václav Větvička, Daniel Deyl

    Před dvanácti lety prohrál Bushův otec, hrdina druhé světové války, volby s Billem Clintonem, který utekl před službou ve Vietnamu. Dnes stojí Bush junior v opačném gardu.

    Když pravděpodobný kandidát Demokratické strany v letošních prezidentských volbách John Kerry opouštěl v roce 1966 Yaleovu univerzitu, bylo nepředstavitelné, že by jako elitní absolvent porušil tradici a nešel sloužit "Bohu, vlasti a škole" do války. O dva roky později už byla situace jiná. Z prestižního univerzitního klubu Skull and Bones (Lebka s hnáty), jehož členy byli oba Bushové i Kerry, se v bouřlivém roce 1968 z Vietnamu ulil každý, kdo mohl. Jedním z těch, kteří mohli, byl i George W . Bush. Zvolil si k tomu službu v národní gardě, kde slovy rázné americké komentátorky Maureen Dowdové "bránil Texas proti Oklahomě". Jakou roli při jeho přijetí, kdy údajně předběhl dlouhý seznam uchazečů, sehrál fakt, že jeho otec byl v té době ve Washingtonu senátorem za Texas, není jisté. Situaci ale ilustruje skutečnost, že společně s Bushem do texaské gardy tehdy nastoupili synové dvou kongresmanů a sedm hráčů elitního klubu amerického fotbalu Dallas Cowboys.

    Důležité záznamy chybějí

    Nejnovější spor americké prezidentské politiky se ale vede o tom, jestli Bush šest let služby v gardě řádně dokončil, anebo zda se na ni po čtyřech letech "vykašlal" čili, podle tvrdšího výkladu, zběhl. O odslouženém roce, který měl absolvovat v Alabamě (o přeložení požádal sám, aby mohl pracovat na volební kampani rodinného přítele), totiž neexistuje žádný solidní záznam.


    PETVAL --- ---
    Germans Protest Radio-ID Plans
    Led by German privacy organization FoeBud, activists in Rheinberg, Germany, plan to stage a protest outside the Metro Extra Future Store, a department store that serves as a site to test RFID tracking and other retailing technologies.

    Story Tools

    See also
    Lawmakers Alarmed by RFID Spying
    VeriSign to Manage RFID Tags
    Wave the Card for Instant Credit
    When Cash Is Only Skin Deep
    Is RFID Technology Easy to Foil?
    Keep an eye on Privacy Matters
    Today's Top 5 Stories
    Extra! Extra! Read All About You
    TED Goers Ponder Bliss, Future
    Oracle Still Wants It Bad. Why?
    Apple SF Opens With a Bang
    Jamming Tags Block RFID Scanners
    Tech Jobs Partner
    never settle.

    Metro AG, the store's parent company, is the world's fifth-largest retailer with more than 2,000 stores, including supermarkets and electronics stores in 28 countries.

    Activists recently discovered RFID chips embedded in the store's customer loyalty cards. They also found them in products for sale there, including goods from IBM, Gillette and Procter & Gamble. Metro failed to notify customers that they were being tracked. Although Metro told activists the chips worked only while customers were inside the store, activists discovered that a kiosk used to deactivate the chips didn't completely disable the tags.
    Metro is not the first company to face controversy over the use of RFID tags.

    Italian clothing manufacturer Benetton Group ran into trouble last year when it announced plans to tag its clothing labels with RFID chips. The company shelved the plan after consumers threatened a boycott.

    Newspapers reported last year that the European Central Bank was planning to embed RFID chips into the fibers of bank notes by 2005 to thwart counterfeiters. Activists have expressed concern that the chips would record when and where monetary transactions occur, destroying the anonymity that cash payments usually provide.

    More commonly, libraries have been using RFID tags to track books, speed up checkout time and help them make purchasing decisions. But last year, Japanese bookstores announced plans to embed books with tags linked to surveillance cameras. A store could observe a consumer's browsing habits by noting the books they peruse and the pages they linger on.

    "That becomes extremely disturbing in light of the Patriot Act," Albrecht said, referring to provisions in the U.S. anti-terrorism act that allow government agencies to access library records.

    CAIDEL --- ---
    JAXXE: To je ale vůl....
    JAXXE --- ---
    "Chceme zásadně změnit protidrogovou politiku státu. Ukázalo se, že přílišný liberalismus neslaví úspěchy. Navíc liberální postoj napomáhá financovat teroristy. Ti jsou placeni právě z drogových peněz," řekl na tiskové konferenci Kalousek.

    viz: http://zpravy.idnes.cz/domaci.asp?r=domaci&c=A040227_220338_domaci_pol
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon Denies Report of Bin Laden Capture

    Saturday, February 28, 2004

    TEHRAN, Iran — Pentagon and Pakistani officials on Saturday denied an Iranian state radio report that Usama bin Laden (search) was captured in Pakistan's border region with Afghanistan "a long time ago."

    The claim came as Pakistan's army hunted terror suspects in a remote tribal region along the border, believed to be a possible hiding place for the Al Qaeda's (search) leader.

    The director of Iran radio's Pashtun language service, Asheq Hossein, said the report was based on two sources — one of whom later told The Associated Press he was misquoted.

    The report said bin Laden had been in custody for a period of time, but that President Bush was withholding any announcement until closer to November elections.

    "Usama bin Laden has been arrested a long time ago, but Bush is intending to use it for propaganda maneuvering in the presidential election," the radio report said.


    JAXXE --- ---

    RFID Tags in New US Notes Explode When You Try to Microwave Them

    Adapted from a letter sent to Henry Makow Ph.D.

    Want to share an event with you, that we experienced this evening.. Dave had over $1000 dollars in his back pocket (in his wallet). New twenties were the lion share of the bills in his wallet. We walked into a truck stop/travel plaza and they have those new electronic monitors that are supposed to say if you are stealing something. But through every monitor, Dave set it off. He did not have anything to purchase in his hands or pockets. After numerous times of setting off these monitors, a person approached Dave with a 'wand' to swipe why he was setting off the monitors.

    Believe it or not, it was his 'wallet'. That is according to the minimum wage employees working at the truck stop! We then walked across the street to a store and purchased aluminum foil. We then wrapped our cash in foil and went thru the same monitors. No monitor went off.

    We could have left it at that, but we have also paid attention to the European Union and the 'rfid' tracking devices placed in their money, and the blatant bragging of Walmart and many corporations of using 'rfid' electronics on every marketable item by the year 2005.

    Dave and I have brainstormed the fact that most items can be 'microwaved' to fry the 'rfid' chip, thus elimination of tracking by our government.

    So we chose to 'microwave' our cash, over $1000 in twenties in a stack, not spread out on a carasoul. Do you know what exploded on American money?? The right eye of Andrew Jackson on the new twenty, every bill was uniform in it's burning... Isnt that interesting?

    Now we have to take all of our bills to the bank and have them replaced, cause they are now 'burnt'.

    We will now be wrapping all of our larger bills in foil on a regular basis.

    What we resent is the fact that the government or a corporation can track our 'cash'. Credit purchases and check purchases have been tracked for years, but cash was not traceble until now...


    JAXXE --- ---

    It shouldn't surprise us that this 1982 San Francisco Chronicle photo shows John Kerry smiling at the leader of the Church of Satan. Kerry is a member of the Brotherhood of Death, Skull and Bones, along with George W. Bush.

    SUPAFLY --- ---
    "Je to víc než válka proti terorizmu. To je válka proti občanům všech zemí. Současná elita už vyprodukovala tolik strachu, že lidé vůbec nevědí jak reagovat. Na jedno však musíme pamatovat. Je to pohyb, který během příštích pěti let povede k nastolení celosvětové diktatury. Zde už asi nebude žádná jiná možnost."

    TWIG --- ---
    JAXXE: Myslim ty vezne samozrejme :))))
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