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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    nake nove informace o tom, jak putin stal za vybuchy v moskevskych betech, ktere ho pak katapultovaly do cela ruska a umoznily mu valku v cecensku

    Secret at the heart of Putin's rise to power

    By Julius Strauss in Ryazan
    (Filed: 13/03/2004)


    More than 240 other Russians were less fortunate. They died that autumn in a wave of bombings that destroyed three blocks of flats, two in Moscow and one in the town of Volgodonsk.

    The Russian authorities were swift to lay the blame at the door of Chechen separatists. But no supporting evidence has emerged. Two men from the Caucasus were convicted of involvement after a closed trial this year, but it was widely denounced as a charade.

    Instead a growing body of proof has surfaced that links the bombings, and the Ryazan incident in particular, to the FSB - the revamped KGB. Independent investigators, including several MPs, who have sought to look into the case have been intimidated, arrested or beaten.

    Analysts and investigators claim that President Vladimir Putin, who was FSB chief until August of that year and subsequently prime minister, must know the truth.


    "He would know not just what happened but who the suspects were. The truth will not damage him because it won't be told until after he is gone."


    The 1999 bombings proved to be Mr Putin's political making. He positioned himself as a strongman who would crush the Chechen rebels and restore order to the ailing country.

    Riding a wave of nationalist fervour, in eight months he went from being a virtual political unknown to winning the presidency by an easy margin. Now, after winning nearly complete control over parliament in December and installing a loyal new cabinet days before tomorrow's presidential election, Mr Putin is poised to seal another four years at Russia's helm.

    In Novosyolov Street the day before the bomb was due to detonate, residents noticed a white Lada parked with a man sitting in the back and a woman standing nervously by the front door. Then another man emerged from the cellar and the three drove away. The residents called the police who found the bomb - three sacks of hexogene, a military explosive used in the other attacks that autumn.

    The railway station and airport were cordoned off and roadblocks set up. To general approval, Mr Putin announced that Russian planes had begun strafing Grozny, the Chechen capital.

    That evening the bombers made a mistake. Using a public telephone one of them called a number in Moscow for instructions, saying it was impossible to leave the city undetected. An operator traced the call. The number called belonged to the FSB.

    Shortly afterwards the two men were arrested. Each produced documents showing that he worked for the FSB. Later an order came down from Moscow ordering the local police release them.

    The next day Nikolai Patrushev, the head of the FSB, announced that the entire thing had been a training drill to raise public awareness. The white substance was not hexogene, he said, but sugar. The residents who called the police and the telephone operator were each given a colour television to reward them for their vigilance.

    For a while the controversy refused to die down. Boris Berezovsky, the exiled tycoon and a bitter enemy of Mr Putin, sponsored a film and a book about the incident but both were confiscated by Russian authorities.

    A human rights activist, Veniamin Ioffe, who tried to show the film in St Petersburg was beaten up and later died.

    In 2002 several liberals, including the MPs Ivan Rybakin and Sergei Yushenkov, set up a citizens' commission to investigate the bombings.

    On April 17 last year, Mr Yushenkov was shot dead outside his home. In July, another MP and commission member died mysteriously after alleged food poisoning. A third commission member was beaten unconscious in the lift of his building.

    Last December, Mr Rybakin lost his seat in the State Duma. He has now all but given up on the investigation.

    "The men behind this were definitely FSB employees," he told the Telegraph. "Whether they got their orders from the very top, or were a criminal grouping inside the organisation, is impossible to say.

    "Since they are guarding this so carefully I am afraid there is something really horrible there. As for Putin, its possible he didn't know at the time. But he certainly knows the truth now, better than anyone."

    Tatyana said: "We still don't know who is guilty. We probably never will. Life is hard here and after a while we stopped asking. I'm sorry to say it, but that's the Russian way."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Train bombs: 'Start of WW III'


    Terror: 911 days after 9/11

    PETVAL --- ---
    Vědci se začínají ptát, chce je Londýn umlčet?

    Britský premér Blair by měl být dotazován, zda se pokusil umlčet hlavního vládního vědeckého poradce poté, co tvrdil, že globální oteplování je vážnější problém než terorismus. Norman Baker, mluvčí životního prostředí Liberálních Demokratů řekl, napsal Blairovi dopis, kde se ho ptá, zda se dostal pod tlak americké vlády, která mu přikázala udržet na uzdě vědce Sira Davida Kinga.

    Sir David veřejně kritizoval Bushovu vládu za selhání brát klimatické změny s větší důležitostí, což vyústilo v to, že ho pokáral Ivan Rogers, nejvyšší osobním tajemníkem na Downing Street 10. Pan Rogers napsal Siru Davidovi a doporučil mu, aby se vyvaroval rozhovorů v médiích a bagatelizoval srovnání mezi klimatickými změnami a mezinárodním terorismem.

    "Sir David má povinnost mluvit nahlas jménem národa," řekl Baker. "Nelze ho sekýrovat jako nějakého frackovitého státního zaměstnance. Jeho zvěst, že hrozba klimatických změn je přinejmenším stejně hrozivá jako terorismus. je naprosto výmluvná, a měla odezvu např. i u Hanse Blixe (bývalý šéf zbrojních inspektorů OSN)."

    Corline Spelmanová, mluvčí pro životní prostředí Tory prohlásila, že vláda by měla spíše povzbuzovat lidi, aby o tom mluvili, než je umlčovat. Jack Straw, ministr zahraničních věcí prohlásil, že ministři byli požádáni, aby se věnovali oběma oblastem, ale nelze je nijak srovnávat.

    Zdroj: The Independent, translation OSUD.cz 2004
    JAXXE --- ---
    MSNBC: Skull and Bones Connection

    This MSNBC piece aired yesterday and features a 7 minute segment on the Bush-Kerry Skull and Bones connection and also an interview with the author Robbins.

    PETVAL --- ---
    Clanek o tom, jak v Kanade rozhodnuti dvou uredniku muze "zmizet" cloveka bez sance na odvolani, aniz by znal obsah sveho obvineni a mohl se k nemu vyjadrit.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:

    * 29 have been accused of spousal abuse
    * 7 have been arrested for fraud
    * 19 have been accused of writing bad checks
    * 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
    * 3 have done time for assault
    * 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
    * 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
    * 8 have been arrested for shoplifting
    * 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
    * 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year...

    Can you guess which organization this is?

    It's the 535 members of the United States Congress.

    The same group of idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Is the Stage Being Set?

    Hey There... Thought I'd pass this along:

    Sears Tower in Chicago has been sold to an un-named buyer


    Keep in mind that WTC "changed hands eleven weeks before the attack. The new
    owner was Larry Silverstein."

    JAXXE --- ---
    dneska se tomu rika "martial law" pro zmenu...

    vyfiltrujte si tu slovo martial
    GHIVERAN --- ---
    Neco jak konzulske zrizeni v dobe Rimske Rise :) v te dobe se vladci v obdobi stanneho prava rikalo Diktator :)
    GYD --- ---
    dneska uz nemuze nikdo nic vedet
    JAXXE --- ---
    marshus: pokud se to stane, tak uz zadne volby nebudou... ty se ve stannem pravu nekonaji. vladne prezident, FEMA a "some military personnel" az do konce stanneho prava a patriot act si konecne uzije... ukonceni zavisi opet na prezidentovi. takze pokud se to stane, nepujde imho o predvolebni tah ale jen finalni tah, ktery se dlouho planoval. sach mat na ameriku
    PETVAL --- ---
    MARSHUS: i kdyby to prenasela CNN, tak nevime, zda si nenechal vstriknout treba fyziologicky roztok, ze :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    tak to je paradoxálně uroboros požírající svůj vlastní ocas.. vakcina proti neštovicím je dost humus, bush si tím musí být hodně jistej.. nebo předvolební tah zoufalce?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush orders smallpox vaccine for military, himself

    Friday, January 30, 2004 Posted: 12:36 AM EST (0536 GMT)

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saying the United States must be prepared for potential biological weapons attacks, President Bush announced Friday that he is ordering some military personnel to be vaccinated against smallpox -- and that he himself will be inoculated.


    JAXXE --- ---
    petval: no rek bych ze jo... vzhledem k tomu, ze to je to jedine, proti cemu se US politici nechali preockovat ;-/ ale muzou tim myslet i radiacni mrak. urcite to ale bude vetsi nez 911
    PETVAL --- ---
    vetry cerne smrti? zeby nestovice?
    JAXXE --- ---
    je zajimave, jak malo se o tomhle utoku na zednarskou lozi psalo...

    Bombing not work of Al-Qaida

    The Associated Press

    A suicide bomb attack that killed one person at a Masonic lodge in Istanbul, Turkey, was apparently the work of inexperienced Islamic militants and not al-Qaida, officials said Wednesday.

    Dozens of people were having dinner in the lodge Tuesday evening when two attackers opened fire from the door, then set off rudimentary explosives. A waiter was killed, along with one of the bombers. Five people were wounded.


    Officials also pointed out that the militants exploded their bombs at the entrance to the lodge, not inside where the potential for casualties was higher.


    Radical Islamic circles widely see the Masons, a secretive society that traces its roots to medieval craft associations, as being supportive of U.S. and Israeli policies.

    A member of the Masons, who declined to be identified by name, said several members had received threatening messages on their cell phones in recent weeks accusing them of being "Zionist collaborators."


    The military acknowledged Wednesday that it has ordered local officials to gather intelligence on various social and ethnic groups, including the Masonic lodges. The military said it was seeking information for security reasons, "to take effective measures and make plans for events that could occur."

    Masons have some 200 lodges and more than 13,000 members in this predominantly Muslim but strictly secular country.


    © Copyright 2004 CJOnline / The Topeka Capital-Journal / Morris Communications

    JAXXE --- ---
    Údajný dopis Al-Káidy hlásí "úder proti USA už téměř připraven"

    DUBAJ/ISTANBUL - Údajný dopis teroristické sítě Al-Káida, kterým se přihlásila k čtvrteční sérii pumových útoků v Madridu, oznamuje také, že nový velký útok na Spojené státy je již v závěrečné fázi příprav. Oznámila to agentura Reuters s odvoláním na arabský list Al-Kuds al-Arabí.

    "Přinášíme dobré zprávy muslimům na celém světě, že úder 'větrů černé smrti' na Ameriku je již v závěrečné fázi příprav. Je již z 90 procent hotov a z Boží vůle blízko," uvádí se v dopise.

    Text obdržela redakce arabského deníku elektronickou poštou a rozeslal jeho kopie některým agenturám. Dopis je podepsán "Brigády mučedníka Abú Háfize Masrího jménem Al-Káidy".

    Turecký premiér Recep Tayyip Erdogan se však podle agentury AFP zatím vyjádřil skepticky k autorství dopisu i madridských atentátů s tím, že "nic není jisté", pokud se týče zodpovědnosti sítě Al-Káidy na událostech ve Španělsku.

    Turecké orgány přitom vycházejí z toho, že k atentátům proti synagogám v Istanbulu z loňského 20. listopadu se také přihlásily dvě organizace, jedna jako Al-Káida a druhá vnitroturecká, a stopy ukazují spíše na turecké pachatele. Atentáty tehdy zabily 63 lidí a přes 700 zranily.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Sharon says U.S. should also disarm Iran, Libya and Syria

    By Aluf Benn

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday that Iran, Libya and Syria should be stripped of weapons of mass destruction after Iraq. "These are irresponsible states, which must be disarmed of weapons mass destruction, and a successful American move in Iraq as a model will make that easier to achieve," Sharon said to a visiting delegation of American congressmen.

    Sharon told the congressmen that Israel was not involved in the war with Iraq "but the American action is of vital importance."

    In a meeting with U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton yesterday, Sharon said that Israel was concerned about the security threat posed by Iran, and stressed that it was important to deal with Iran even while American attention was focused on Iraq.

    Bolton said in meetings with Israeli officials that he had no doubt America would attack Iraq, and that it would be necessary thereafter to deal with threats from Syria, Iran and North Korea.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Vědec připravuje reklamu v kosmu

    Nový druh reklamy si nechal patentovat ruský vědec Alexander Lavrynov: navrhl systém umožňující umisťování reklam v kosmu. Nápisy na noční obloze by mohla vytvářet soustava družic pomocí odrazu slunečního světla.

    "Kosmické reklamy by měly doslova mezikontinentální pokrytí a byly by ze Země viditelné pouhým okem asi jako hvězdy," řekl vědec. Je příznačné, že objektem kosmické reklamy by podle jeho předpokladů mohly být především nealkoholické nápoje či cigarety.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam