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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Tony Blair odmítl Bushovu nabídku, podle níž Británie nemusela vyslat svá vojska do Iráku
    PETVAL --- ---
    áleční magnáti vzkazují kritikům: "Držte huby!"
    Robert Fisk
    Následování izraelských pravidel přivede Ameriku do stejné katastrofy, do jaké tato pravidla přivedla Izrael. Ale myslím, že o tom budeme držet huby
    DRIFTER --- ---
    PCs 'infested' with spy programs

    Do you know what is lurking in your hard drive?
    The average computer is packed with hidden software that can secretly spy on online habits, a study has found.
    The US net provider EarthLink said it uncovered an average of 28 spyware programs on each PC scanned during the first three months of the year.

    Spyware is a broad term for programs that hide on a person's computer without their knowledge.

    It has become so pervasive that lawmakers in the US are looking into ways to prevent or regulate it.

    Hidden away

    The Spy Audit by EarthLink reflects the results of scans involving over one million computers between January and March.

    It uncovered more than 29.5 million examples of spyware. These are parasite programs sometimes come attached to software downloaded from the web.

    The details are often included in the license agreement small print that most users click through without reading.

    But sometimes they do not even need your permission to download, but just bury themselves on a hard drive as you browse the net.

    With the exception of pop-up ads or a slower computer, people may not notice anything different when spyware programs are present, say experts.

    Insidious software

    EarthLink said the most common type of spyware it found was adware. These are programs that display ads on an infected computer and also send data about surfing habits.

    But it also found examples of more insidious spyware.

    "While most spyware is adware-related and relatively benign, it's disturbing that over 300,000 of the more serious system monitors and Trojans were uncovered," said Matt Cobb of EarthLink.

    "This figure represents how real a threat identity theft or system corruption is for users."

    System monitors can surreptitiously watch what you do, steal personal information and despatch it across the web, while Trojans can allow malicious hackers to get access to a computer and steal information.

    "By tracking and publicising the growth of spyware, we can better educate consumers of its risks and encourage them to take steps to protect themselves and their families while online," said Christine Stevenson of Webroot, which conducted the scans.

    People concerned about what might be lurking on their machine can download software such as the popular SpyBot to disinfect their computer.

    JAXXE --- ---

    by voxfux

    Absolutely positively, in the months leading up to the next presidential election, a clandestine military/intelligence operations group linked to George Bush Sr. will execute a strategic pre-election terrorist attack in America designed to kill Americans and send this country into martial law. This strategic pre-election attack will be perpetrated by the same group of clandestine military/industrial/intelligence terrorists, linked to Bush Sr., who perpetrated the September 11th attacks. The preparatory memes are surfacing everywhere. Bush Sr. and the military/industrial/intelligence cartel he fronts for, knows that America has had enough of this retarded jerk son of his, he knows that America has had enough with the Bushes and their type, and their murderous war profiteering looting rampage, and so in order to survive, this cartel will execute a strategic pre-election attack on Americans and as usual, make it look like Islamists did it. Then of course their allis (scum) in the media will once again trumpet this idiot son of his as a hero who has once again "come into his own" as he bravely visits the contamination zone live on the CIA controlled disinformation network, CNN.

    It is a near certainty that Bush Sr.'s private fanatical ultra right wing intelligence operations group has, since the mid 1970's, maintained stocks of biological and chemical agents from strains that this group would have originally acquired when Bush was Director of Central Intelligence. Bush was ousted as CIA Chief by Admiral Stansfield Turner acting on President Jimmy Carter's orders. He knew it was coming. Bush was canned along with 1000 fellow CIA agents. Lots of deadly strains of biological and chemical agents went missing from the sloppily guarded government labs during this period. CIA had a lot of the stuff laying around CIA labs - against Nixon's 1972 presidential order banning the CIA from maintaining such lethal stocks. Considering the psychological profile of Bush (Sr.) and his loyal (desperate) operators and considering the historical background of Bush (Sr.) it is a near certainly he would have assured the acquisition and control of these terrorizing bio-agents to use at some unspecified future date in order to consolidate his quickly building criminal empire. He would not have let the opportunity slip through his criminal fingers to acquire such killing power, because if you know anything about these elitist yuppie establishment sociopaths know that for them, they believe that their "power" ultimately comes from their ability to stealthily kill anyone who could seriously stand between their will to power and the truth. But this 1970's stock of deadly bio-agents may not be necessary, for now with total control of all phases of the military and intelligence command in complete concordance with the plan to take over America, it will be like taking candy from a baby. And with the scum at CNN and FOX broadcasting day and night how eager and willing EVERY AMERICAN is to give up their basic civil and human rights to the new military command there will be no sizable resistance. And with a population whose brains have been so completely numbed by years of television, "programming," many will, "believe," it's a great idea to cede their rights over to military rule, so long as they are guaranteed the illusion that their precious fat bodies will be spared the fate that will befall their neighbors - the other guy.

    In the months leading up to the 2004 elections, the Bush crime group will privately witness actual polling data showing WIDE-SCALE DISSATISFACTION with Bush. The numbers will be dismal indeed. (And this is coming from polls that Bush themselves largely control.) As usual, the official published poll results, however, will be completely fraudulent, the complete opposite of reality, and the reported poll results will show wide-scale SUPPORT for Bush or at least a 50/50 split. But in the back rooms of the polling machinery and in any independent polls, the actual truth about how little support there really is in America for this human scum named George W. Bush will be impossible to hide (something like a 90% disapproval.)

    So once again the CIA / Zionist controlled media will portray the horrendous 90% dissatisfaction of Bush as 49% dissatisfaction - with 51% percent of the nation still firmly behind the president, That's how it is done folks! It's the, "DIVIDED NATION," technique. But there is no division, there is only deception. There is only the illusion of division. AMERICANS ARE FINISHED WITH THIS PIECE OF SHIT IN THE WHITE HOUSE. But if you watch the news (especially CNN and Fox) you will see mythical reports about how EVENLY DIVIDED this country is. It's a fraud. That's how it's done, people. There is no support for Bush. The urban populations in America are constantly being fed this illusion that there is this HUGE base of support, somewhere in the middle of this country. But do you know something - there is not even enough people living in this mythical hillbilly belt to comprise these fraudulent numbers that we are tricked into believing exist. There simply are not enough so-called ignorant redneck hillbillies left in this so called "Heartland" to even comprise a small percentage of support - but certainly not this mythical 50% of the US population. No way - no how! And furthermore if you know anything about reality you will know that the people in the Heartland of America are getting fucked by the policies of the Bush criminal cartel just as hard as the people in the urban population centers. Sure, one can find a few highly visible and vocal retarded idiots anywhere, who support this scum in the White House but they are in the minority. But you will not be informed of this fact. Thanks to an American media completely controlled by the CIA / Zionist partnership of disinformation.

    So now, the grim reality is that as a rule: if you take the exact opposite of whatever the media is presenting to you regarding events of the day, that by drawing this diametric inverse scenario, you will arrive closer to the essential truth of the matter than if you were to take their story for face value. It is pretty much a safe game of opposites these days, especially in the area of right and wrong, or moral or value judgments. And certainly regarding poll data on Bush - It's a complete and total fraud.

    For, all such critical components required to maintain a normally functioning decent society have come under attack by the corporatists. The pigs of the New World Order believe that only through the obliteration of the human mind and through spectacular displays of terror can they maintain their grip on power, their fingers around our necks - and they will do anything to keep their fingers dug tightly into our necks - We should eviscerate them. All of them.

    The Bush cartel's biggest task right now is to broker enough back-room coercion or payoffs to their non-CIA controlled, allis in the media to keep their fraud alive - to suppress the truth about what is really happening - that they are indeed hated by nearly everyone and that they have fucked the whole world up. (Media megaliths such as CNN do not require such efforts because they are totally and completely under NWO/Zionist control.)

    The New World Order cartel's number one effort is to make sure you never find out the truth. That is the most important operational task of the Bush criminal empire - to suppress the information about how UNPOPULAR Bush really is. This is what the pig Karl Rove is all about. This sleazy scumbag occupies considerable economic resources of this criminal industrial cartel in order to manufacture this illusion of support for Bush. But it is just an illusion.

    But with a supine media eager to serve the power elite fronted by the Bush group - creating this illusion of popularity might not be such a difficult task. As long as the Bush group can fill the pockets of key executives in these media empires they will keep his illusions alive, and think nothing about the the loss of revenue that their own corporations are suffering. The New World Order is about the interests of the few over the well-being of the many. And buying corporate managers is as easy as buying world leaders only much cheaper. If the price is right - you can buy anyone, least of all some corporate schmuck. Corporate loyalty is non existent so you can easily buy the editorial or management executives in any corporation to see things your way - it is every man for himself - When the Bush team pays off key Senior Editors, these editors (scum) will be quite happy to trumpet Bushes lies even at the expense of the entire US economy which will eventually bring their own companies' economies' into the ground as well. But this doesn't matter because like I said, It's every man for himself. Bushes disinformation team headed by the porcine Karl Rove know exactly which key executives to pay off, and those key executives know the protocol. Come election time the press will be chock full stories glorifying and deifying this Bush filth. With the kind of economic juice that bush has just extracted from the US Treasury ($87 bill) to buttress his illegal and murderous regime (defense industry kickbacks and energy industry support) the Bush crime cartel can simply buy off nearly every Sr. Editor of nearly every Major news organization in America, and coerce and intimidate the rest. But if you know about the nature of this human scum in the media you will know that there will be little resistance. This human filth called journalists is cut largely from the same mold as these Bush types - Climbers, all. Each one thirsting to make it up to the next rung of the ladder. They have proven time and time again to be eager accomplices in the big lie.

    Anyone who resists Bushes crusade on a national level - like Senator Paul Wellstone did - risks being, "accidented." Know this about these Bush reptiles - They are sociopathic little yuppie jerks who quite obviously don't have too much experience being human. They are so bloodthirsty because they are so immoral and just as dumb as can be and can't provide any real answers to real problems...

    But it is likely that even with this total media clampdown firmly in place, they will still be unable to hide the HUGE dissatisfaction with Bush - And so there is only one option left for the Bush criminal cartel, one last sure fire methodology - TERRORISM.


    The plans are being finalized right now. The pre attack preparatory memes are surfacing as I write this. General Tommy Franks just let a little more cat out of the bag by saying that if the US suffers another devastating attack that the constitution of the United States of America would likely be scrapped in favor of MARTIAL LAW. So get ready folks because it looks like this is indeed the plan.

    In the past I had written that it would be the dreaded "Dirty Bomb" scenario. However I believe now that it is going to be a biological attack. You see, since the whole fraudulent Iraq war quagmire has come up with ZERO biological weaponry, a staged biological attack would be the perfect pre-election linkage. Then they wheel Bush out in front of the CIA lie news organizations to swagger and gloat, "SEE EVERYBODY, I WAS ALWAYS WARNING YOU ABOUT SADDAM'S BIO WEAPONS AND LOOK, HE JUST DROPPED ONE ON NEW YORK CITY, WAIT A SECOND, WHAT'S THIS, THE CIA JUST REPORTED THAT THE ANTHRAX APPEARS TO BE FROM A STRAIN MADE IN IRAQ, GUESS I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG, RE-ELECT ME AND I WILL PROTECT YOU ALL - BECAUSE, AS YOU KNOW, I AM THE CANDIDATE BEST SUITED TO DEAL WITH THIS KIND OF STUFF." You get the picture.

    It's called the "Link bomb" It links the impending bio attack with vindication of Bushes failed indistrio/pseudo-religious debacle. And we have witnessed that its not too difficult a task to pull off the most implausible of hoaxes on the American people. The critical capacity of many Americans is so completely obliterated that in the short term this will be a winning strategy. Literally all of the major media are in on the game. Literally across the board the pigs of the American establishment are in on the hoax. America will descend into total darkness and the American population, beaten and wasted by the mind toilet of lies that is American capitalism, will not rise up. And the wolves and pigs of the New World Order will continue to feed on the carcasses of the American population until there is nothing left. Or until some brave outside force takes action to stop this madness. Don't expect the American population to rise up - they will not. Their own television induced slovenliness and lethargy will guarantee Bush a free ride and the sheep rape that is coming. The "Patriot" act which is designed to quell any real acts of patriotism, will take care of the rest. All true patriots know what should happen to Bush and his type. George Washington spelled out, quite explicitly what should be the fate that awaits all tyrants. And the television will guarantee the suppression of any revolutionary possibilities. Unless EVERY SINGLE TELEVISION TRANSMITTER IS DESTROYED there will be no revolution. Like sheep the American population they will continue to watch TV and continue to take the fucking - And they will get everything they deserve. I never did like sheep anyways, so good riddens to them.

    So here's the prediction: Within three months of the next Presidential election (August-November 2004) the clandestine intelligence terrorist team, linked to former CIA Chief and President George W. Bush Sr. will absolutely positively stage a terror attack in America, killing hundreds, possibly thousands of Americans. I believe the most logical location for these attacks will once again be New York City. By making it appear that, once again, islamic terrorists have killed scores of Jews, Bush tightens his support from the major media (completely beholding to Zionist interests certainly over any discernible US interests) and also he can gloat about the "Vindication" of his "Saddam bio weapons" obsession. He kills two birds with one stone. And by choosing New York he also attacks a region firmly opposed to his policies.

    So Hunker down people. The worst is yet to come. Until some brave individual or group or foreign country or coalition of foreign countries or group of rouge industrialists with intelligence connections, moves to stop the madness coming from this group of terrorists fronted By George W. Bush - the United States of America will be left in ruins - an empire collapsed.

    Know your enemy
    Fight the big lie
    Receive all of your news from alternative Internet sources.
    And get the fuck off your knees.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Moves toward European-wide police-state methods

    JAXXE --- ---
    par perel od bushe...

    "The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the'the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice."

    - Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 2003

    "See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."

    - Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 2003
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    bulhi: tutovka to neni, ale imho tohle je zatim nejlepsi vysvetleni toho, co tam mohlo vletet... ten motor odpovida global hawku a ne boeingu uz jen svou velikosti. profil kridla co tam lezi v pentagonu bys na boeingu taky tezko hledal... a kde vlaste jsou kridla toho boeingu ? slozily se tesne pred dopadem aby udelaly do pentagonu 3 metrovou diru ? ta dira je nesrovnatelna s tou jakou to udelalo do WTC... a kde jsou sedacky ? lidska tela ? proc mame k dizpozici jen jeden zaber narazu, na kterem chybi nekolik snimku, kdyz pentagon a jeho okoli je jedna z nejlepe strezenych budov sveta ? proc se nejdrive ve zpravach rikalo ze u pentagonu vybuchl nakladak s trhavinou ? atd atd...
    JAXXE --- ---
    supafly: jasne ze nahoda... ;)

    CBS News interview between anchorman Dan Rather and a FEMA-sponsored search and rescue team spokesman named Tom Kenney.

    In the interview, Kenney misspoke when he said he and his team arrived in New York City and were "finally on the ground" and deployed by "Monday night. …" If accurate, that would have meant the team arrived Sept. 10 – the night before the attacks.


    Tom Kennedy, told Dan Rather on Tuesday, Sept. 11,

    "We're currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the city of New York in this disaster. We arrived late Monday night and went right into action on Tuesday morning."

    BULHI --- ---
    uznavam ze to je mozny, ale rozhodne ty fotky o nicem nesvedci... hlavne tahle je takovej ten typ "no nevime vubec co to vlastne je, tak co kdyby to bylo kolo z global hawku" ...
    netvrdim ze verim oficialnim zpravam americky vlady, ale premejslim i nad zpravama z opacny strany barikady....
    GYD --- ---
    BULHI: me se ten clanek taky libil, presne jak pise JAXXE.
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    nahoda? :)

    JAXXE --- ---
    cekni jeste reklamu na travnik pouzity pred pentagonem ;)

    JAXXE --- ---
    bulhi: ja tomu ze tam vletl boeing neverim a tohle je prvni clanek, kde je na fotkach ukazano, co by to mohlo byt, kdyz ne boeing a proc... videls nejake dukazy, ze to byl boeing ? ja zatim ne... navic jsou i vypovedi ocitych svedku, kteri na miste videli 2 letadla. boeing a jedno neidentifikovatelne, ktere celou dobu letelo nad nim, aby splynuli na radaru...
    BULHI --- ---
    JAXXE: ten clanek "What hit the Pentagon ?" .. to uz je hodne moc pritazeny za vlasy... to asi chtel nekdo za kazdou cenu vymyslet nejakou konspiraci... holt jako vzdy bude pravda nekde uprostred...
    JAXXE --- ---

    Dosud jsem nikdy neviděl hlavu tak daleko zalezlou prezidentovi kamsi jako tu, kterou jsem viděl včera večer při "tiskové konferenci", kterou uspořádal George W. Bush. Pořád ještě mluví o tom, že hledá "zbraně hromadného ničení", tentokrát na Saddámově "krocaní farmě". Jo, krocaní. Zjevně si Bílý dům myslí, že v oněch 17 nerozhodných státech je dost idiotů, kteří jim tohle přijmou. Myslím, že to bude pro ně neurvalé probuzení.

    Celé týdny jsem nyní byl mimo, protože jsem ve střižně dokončoval svůj film (911 stupňů Fahrenheita ). Proto jsem se v poslední době neozýval. Ale poté, co včera večer George Bush napodoboval Lyndona Johnsona - kdy sliboval, že pošle do iráckého marasmu další vojáky - musel jsem vám napsat tenhle dopis.

    Zaprvé, prosím, přestaňme užívat toho orwellovského jazyka a začněme nazývat věci pravými jmény. Oni to nejsou v Iráku "stavebníci" a "podnikatelé". Oni tam nejsou od toho, aby vám tam spravili střechu nebo vybetonovali příjezd ke garáži. Jsou to PLACENÍ ŽOLDÁCI. Jsou tam kvůli penězům a vydělávají opravdu hodně, když se jim podaří přežít dost dlouho na to, aby si to užili.

    Halliburton není "firma", která "podniká" v Iráku. Je to VÁLEČNÝ VYDŘIDUCH, ŠMELINÁŘ, LICHVÁŘ, který tahá miliony dolarů z kapes průměrných Američanů. Při předchozích válkách by byli zatčeni - anebo by to s nimi dopadlo ještě hůře.

    Iráčané, kteří se pozvedli proti okupaci, nejsou "povstalci" ani "teroristé" ani to není "Nepřítel". Je to REVOLUCE a jejich počet poroste - a oni zvítězí. Dochází vám to, Bushi? Vždyť vy jste, zatraceně, zakázal jedny irácké noviny, vy velký dárče svobody a demokracie. Pak vypuklo celé toto peklo. Ty noviny měly jen 10 000 čtenářů. Proč se tak hloupě usmíváte?

    Rok poté, co jsme utřeli tvář sochy Saddáma Husajna americkou vlajkou, než jsme ji shodili k zemi, je nyní příliš nebezpečné, aby jediný reportér si zašel na totéž náměstí v Bagdádu a odeslal odtamtud reportáž o nádherných výročních oslavách pádu Saddámova režimu. Samozřejmě, ony se žádné oslavy nekonají a oni odvážní reportéři s nakulmovanými vlasy, svázaní s armádou, nemohou bezpečně opustit vojenskou pevnost v centru Bagdádu. Oni ve skutečnosti NEJSOU VŮBEC SVĚDKY TOHO, co se po celém Iráku děje (většina záběrů, které vidíme v televizi, byla natočena arabskými médii nebo pár Evropany). Když se díváte na reportáž "z Iráku", posloucháte tiskové prohlášení, které vydala americká okupační armáda, které vám reportéři opakují jako "zprávu".

    Mám v současnosti v Iráku dva kameramany-reportéry, kteří tam natáčejí pro můj film (americká armáda o tom neví). Mluví s americkými vojáky a zaznamenávají, co si američtí vojáci skutečně myslí o tom, co se tam opravdu děje. Každý týden mi posílají, co natočili, prostřednictvím americké zasilatelské služby Federal Exprfess. Ano, Federal Express. Kdo říká, že jsme do Iráku nepřinesli svobodu! Nejlegračnější historka, kterou mi mí reportéři sdělili, byla ta, že když přiletěli do Bagdádu, nemuseli nikomu ukazovat pas ani neprošli žádnou imigrační kontrolou. Proč ne? Protože necestovali do zahraničí - jeli z Ameriky DO Ameriky, do země, která je naše, je to nové americké území, které se jmenuje Irák.

    Mezi Bushovými odpůrci se hodně hovoří o tom, že bychom měli tuto válku předat OSN. Proč by měly jiné země na tomto světě, země, které se nás snažily přesvědčit, abych tuhle pošetilost nedělali, nyní za nás řešit náš bordel? Stavím se proti tomu, aby OSN či kdokoliv jiný riskoval životy svých vlastních občanů jen proto, aby nás dostal z tohoto debaklu. Je mi líto, ale většina Američanů tuto válku podpořila, poté, co začala, a, bohužel, tato většina nyní musí obětovat své děti, dokud nebude prolito dost krve a pak možná - možná - nám nakonec Bůh a irácký lid odpustí.

    Než k tomu dojde, užijte si "pacifikaci" Fallúdži, "zvládání" Sadr City a další ofenzívu Tet - promiňte, chtěl jsem říci "teroristický útok malé skupinky loajalistů ze strany Baath" (Hahaha! Píšu to velmi rád, "loajalisté ze strany Baath", to zním tolik jako Peter Jennings!" [hlavní moderátor zpráv americké televize ABC News]) - a pak si užijte i "tiskovou konferenci", kde nám bude řečeno, že musíme "zůstat pevní", protože právě "získáváme mysli a srdce místních lidí na svou stranu".

    Ozvu se zase brzo. Nezoufejte. Nezapomínejte, Američané nejsou zase takoví blbci. Ano, lze nás poděsit natolik, že zahájíme válku, ale vždycky se dříve nebo později zase probereme - a tato válka NENÍ jako Vietnam právě v tom, že lidem netrvalo čtyři roky, než jim došlo, že se jim lže.

    Kdyby Bush konečně přestal vystupovat na veřejnosti a přestal mi tak pořád poskytovat další a další materiál zadarmo pro můj film, mohl bych to konečně dodělat. Už mi do uzávěrky zbývají jen čtyři týdny.


    Michael Moore

    JAXXE --- ---
    Další zdroj - zdá se - potvrzuje, že US rozmísťují v Iráku ZHN

    Padesát dnů po první zprávě přichází další svědectví, že Američané dopravují v největší tajnosti do země staré ZHN. Využívají k tomu současné nepřehledné situace kolem povstání šíitů a sunitů.

    Do země přicházejí kontejnery označené odesílatelskou firmou Maeresk a někdy také značkou Červeného kříže nebo USAID, které okupační jednotky odmítají nechat prověřit iráckými celníky na hranicích, a které samy rozvážejí na autech s falešnými SPZ Saúdské Arábie a Jordánska. Rozvoz se provádí v noci pod mimořádně silnou vojenskou ochranou. Američané nedovolí ani prověřeným Iráčanům se ke kontejnerům přiblížit.

    Profesor fyziky na Bagdádské univezitě zase sdělil, že řada jeho kolegů byla v posledních měsících vystavena tvrdému nátlaku ze strany okupačních orgánů. Chce se po nich, aby písemně přiznali účast na zbrojních programech vyvíjejících ZHN. Všichni mají pocit, že jsou sledováni a odposloucháváni. Je jim vyhrožováno, že pokud neučiní přiznání, mohou být obviněni z utajování pravdy a následně zavřeni či zabiti - najdou-li se později takové zbraně. Iráčtí vědci věří, že jejich životy jsou ohroženy.

    Mezitím pokračuje stěhování přísně střežených kontejnerů. Podle neoficiální zprávy některé kontejnery obsahují toxiny v tekuté formě. Podobný koktejl prý Saddam použil v devadesátých létech.

    Zdroj: http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0413-02.htm
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush: Neustoupíme! Veřejnost: Hm...

    Vladimír Stwora

    Konečně byl Bush dotlačen k tiskové konferenci - teprve třetí za tři a půl roku své vlády. Sledoval jsem ji jen útržkovitě - nedokáži totiž vidět toho muže, aniž by se u mě nedostavovaly pocity nevolnosti a zvýšený krevní tlak. Nicméně něco jsem si přeci jen z konference odnesl. A když jsem pak svůj pocit porovnal s pocity jiných komentátorů, s uspokojením jsem konstatoval jistou shodu.

    První pocit: On to vystoupení nenáviděl. Snažil se tomu vyhnout, jak jen mohl (to je ostatně známo). Když už se dále vyhýbat nemohl, šel do toho se zaťatými zuby a s taktikou, nejlepší obrana je útok. Pečlivě se na to připravil a většinu odpovědí četl. V čase vymezeném na tiskovku prodloužil svůj projev proti plánu o 50 %, tím se mu podařilo zkrátit čas, kdy mu kladli otázky.

    K odvedení pozornosti používal i jemné psychologické finty. Např. vzal si kravatu, která zdánlivě jakoby "pulsovala" a působila znervozňujícím dojmem - asi jako když na webové stránce bliká upoutávka tak, že se nemůžete soustředit na obsah.

    Druhý pocit: On prohrává! Bush je podle mého názoru mrtev. Tedy politicky. Zachránit ho může jedině zrušení či odložení voleb (tedy další "teroristický" útok velkého rozsahu a následné nastolení stanného práva) nebo fantastický úspěch typu chycení bin Ladena a nalezení ZHN v Iráku. Na Ladenově chycení se usilovně pracuje, co se nalezení ZHN týče, zdá se, že i na tom se pracuje - viz zprávičku Další zdroj - zdá se - potvrzuje, že US rozmísťují v Iráku ZHN v rubrice Novinky http://www.zvedavec.org/novinky.php#t621 .

    Nestane-li se některý z výše uvedených zázraků, Bush to projede - a nepomůže mu ani manipulace s volebními hlasy při počítačovém zpracování. Konec konců tu manipulaci by tak jako tak zase organizovala ta stejná skupina, která Bushe dotlačila do Bílého domu. Teď zůstává jen otázkou, kolik mu ještě zbývá věrných, a zda bude schopen vyvolat katastrofu ospravedlňující zrušení voleb.

    Některé otázky novinářů byly na tělo (např. "proč nikdy neuznáte svou chybu?"). Bush před nimi tancoval a vykrucoval se, aniž by odpověděl. A novináři projevili dostatek krotkosti a na odpovězeni nenaléhali. Pouze jeden novinář si dovolil položit otázku podruhé, když na tu první nedostal žádnou rozumnou odpověď. Nedostal ji ani při druhém pokusu.

    Třetí pocit: Bush je naprosto odtržen od reality. Je zcela ponořen v iluzorním, virtuálním světě, ve kterém bojuje jednoznačné dobro s jednoznačným zlem, a ve kterém on sám se cítí vůdcem povolaným Bohem.

    Musím se přiznat, že to začínám vidět trošku optimisticky. Amerika se pod jeho vedením rozpadá daleko rychleji, než jsem čekal. Politicky se dostala do nádherné a úplné izolace. A Británie v čele s pudlíkem Blairem s ní. Jen si toho všimněte. Bush téměř necestuje na návštěvy jiných států. Jednak se bojí, jednak ho nikdo nikam nezve. A ani za ním nikdo příliš nejezdí. Jedině Sharon, ale to se nepočítá. Ten tam jezdí, aby mu předal další instrukce předložil další požadavky.

    V Iráku je situace pro americké Ramby doslova zoufalá. Rambů je nedostatek a žádná země se příliš nehrne, aby Americe pomohla. Stranou se drží i OSN. Přesně podle zásady co jste si zavařili, to si taky snězte. Američané musí poslat do Iráku dalších 20 tisíc vlastních mužů. Jenže oni už nemají z čeho brát. Profesionální armáda není nafukovací a pokladna je zoufale prázdná. Stále častěji se hovoří o znovuobnovení povinných odvodů. Kéž by to udělali. Bude to ten poslední hřebíček do jejich rakve.

    Plně se potvrzuje, co jsem kdysi tady napsal, a za co se mi dostalo spršky nenávisti: Američané jsou mizerní vojáci, zhýčkaní a změkčilí. Příliš spoléhají na své high-tech zbraně. Jsou silní jen dokud mají podporu svých digitálních displejů, ale vypněte jim proud - a jsou vedle. Jsou cvičeni v přesvědčení, že války za ně budou vyhrávat roboti. To je hluboký omyl. Války vždy rozhodovali pěšáci. Jejich odhodlání a jejich počet, jejich tvrdost a odvaha, jejich víra. Nic takového v americké populaci dnes nenajdeme.

    Ekonomicky je Amerika před krachem. Polovina americké populace údajně stále Bushovi věří. To je vysoké číslo odhalující míru omezenosti, ale i kdyby to bylo sto procent, ekonomické zákony se vládnoucí klice ohnout nepodaří. Amerika se drží jen proto, že "hodní" Číňané si zatím její pád nepřejí. Ještě ji musí chvilku cucat, ještě je z čeho brát.

    Je v podstatě úplně jedno, kdo přijde do Bílého domu. Kolos na hliněných nohou se povážlivě nachýlil a ve výhledu není nic, co by ty výchylku vyrovnalo. Začíná doba nových sfér vlivu. A Bushovi můžeme poděkovat za to, že to uspíšil.

    JAXXE --- ---
    prestizni spanelske noviny resi co to mel boeing pripevneno pod trupem kdyz narazel do WTC

    The Mysterious Reflections of 9/11

    La Vanguardia

    Comment: Please note that this article comes from one of the oldest and most highly respected newspapers in Spain.

    In the frozen images of various film shots of the final run of United Airlines flight 175, there are three strange shapes discernible, which the aeronautical experts consulted find difficult to explain. They consist of two long shapes located underneath the fuselage, one towards the bow and the other towards the stern of the plane. There is a third, seemingly pyramidal in shape, on the underbelly, almost in the center of the plane. Boeing's department of commercial aviation, with headquarters in Seattle, examined the photographs for ten days and, having announced an explanation for the phenomenon, declined to make a statement on what it saw. Finally a spokesman stated that Boeing was unable to offer an opinion "for security reasons" and because it had not officially participated in the investigation of the attacks.

    Various aeronautical engineers at official Spanish centers have found no clear explanation for the reflections or shapes which can be observed on the hijacked plane. However, a contour-detection digital analysis of the stills, carried out at the Escola Universitària Politècnica de Mataró, concludes that the "objects discerned cannot be due to shadows caused by the angle of incidence of the sun upon the plane as they always appear as the same shape and size, although their luminosity varies." This result was reached having subjected the photographs to a digital image process "which would respond to changes in luminance" which can be seen with the naked eye and which, in principle, would make no sense, given that the fuselage of commercial airplanes is cylindrical and flat, according to the cited technical report.

    The author, who has had extensive professional experience in digital image processing, artificial neuronal networks and biometry, says in the report that "the same treatment" was applied to each of the photographs "using three standard digital image processing algorithms", the technical data of which are detailed at length in the dossier. Having clarified that "the images studied are taken from different angles of observation", it establishes that the "objects detected present distinct luminosity as they are in relief" and adds that "this is the only possible explanation", finally pointing out that "the objects detected can be clearly distinguished from the landing gear."




    a tady je videt jak z toho "neceho" vyletla tesne pred narazem rizena strela.... bez zaruky ;))



    "An aircraft at Eglin AFB would be painted and numbered as an exact duplicate for a civil registered aircraft belonging to the CIA proprietary organization in the Miami area. At a designated time the duplicate would be substituted for the actual civil aircraft and would be loaded with the selected passengers, all boarded under carefully prepared aliases. The actual registered aircraft would be converted to a drone."

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