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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Obrázky rakví se nedaří utajit

    Navzdory zákazu v oficiálních médiích se na Internetu znovu a znovu vynořují fotografie s rakvemi zabalenými do amerických vlajek. Nyní je k dispozici celá fotogalerie, 361 obrázek z překladiště Doveru.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Orwellian Olsens


    Published: April 25, 2004


    It's their reality. We just live and die in it.

    In Bushworld, our troops go to war and get killed, but you never see the bodies coming home.

    In Bushworld, flag-draped remains of the fallen are important to revere and show the nation, but only in political ads hawking the president's leadership against terror.


    In Bushworld, we can create an exciting Iraqi democracy as long as it doesn't control its own military, pass any laws or have any power.

    In Bushworld, we can win over Falluja by bulldozing it.

    In Bushworld, it was worth going to war so Iraqis can express their feelings ("Down With America!") without having their tongues cut out, although we cannot yet allow them to express intemperate feelings in newspapers ("Down With America!") without shutting them down.

    In Bushworld, it's fine to take $700 million that Congress provided for the war in Afghanistan and 9/11 recovery and divert it to the war in Iraq that you're insisting you're not planning.

    In Bushworld, you don't consult your father, the expert in being president during a war with Iraq, but you do talk to your Higher Father, who can't talk back to warn you to get an exit strategy or chide you for using Him for political purposes.

    In Bushworld, it's O.K. to run for re-election as the avenger of 9/11, even as you make secret deals with the Arab kingdom where most of the 9/11 hijackers came from.

    In Bushworld, you get to strut around like a tough military guy and paint your rival as a chicken hawk, even though he's the one who won medals in combat and was praised by his superior officers for fulfilling all his obligations.

    In Bushworld, it makes sense to press for transparency in Mr. and Mrs. Rival while cultivating your own opacity.

    In Bushworld, you can reign as the antiterror president even after hearing an intelligence report about Al Qaeda's plans to attack America and then stepping outside to clear brush.

    In Bushworld, those who dissemble about the troops and money it will take to get Iraq on its feet are patriots, while those who are honest are patronizingly marginalized.

    In Bushworld, they struggle to keep church and state separate in Iraq, even as they increasingly merge the two in America.

    In Bushworld, you can claim to be the environmental president on Earth Day while being the industry president every other day.

    In Bushworld, you brag about how well Afghanistan is going, even though soldiers like Pat Tillman are still dying and the Taliban are running freely around the border areas, hiding Osama and delaying elections.

    In Bushworld, imperfect intelligence is good enough to knock over Iraq. But even better evidence that North Korea is building the weapons that Saddam could only dream about is hidden away.

    In Bushworld, the C.I.A. says it can't find out whether there are W.M.D. in Iraq unless we invade on the grounds that there are W.M.D.

    In Bushworld, there's no irony that so many who did so much to avoid the Vietnam draft have now strained the military so much that lawmakers are talking about bringing back the draft.

    In Bushworld, we're making progress in the war on terror by fighting a war that creates terrorists.

    In Bushworld, you don't need to bother asking your vice president and top Defense Department officials whether you should go to war in Iraq, because they've already maneuvered you into going to war.

    In Bushworld, it's perfectly natural for the president and vice president to appear before the 9/11 commission like the Olsen twins.

    In Bushworld, you expound on remaking the Middle East and spreading pro-American sentiments even as you expand anti-American sentiments by ineptly occupying Iraq and unstintingly backing Ariel Sharon on West Bank settlements.

    In Bushworld, we went to war to give Iraq a democratic process, yet we disdain the democratic process that causes allies to pull out troops.

    In Bushworld, you pride yourself on the fact that your administration does not leak to the press, while you flood the best-known journalist in Washington with inside information.

    In Bushworld, you list Bob Woodward's "Plan of Attack" as recommended reading on your campaign Web site, even though it makes you seem divorced from reality. That is, unless you live in Bushworld.

    E-mail: liberties@nytimes.com

    JAXXE --- ---
    SOME DETAILED BACKGROUND TO WTC BUILDING COLLAPSES To: Daniel Soller, New York Representative, Swiss Reinsurance.

    From: R. Leland Lehrman, independent investigator.
    Re: World Trade Center Insurance Case.

    Thank you for taking my call the other day. I hope you will be able to use this document in time to influence the outcome of the current trial, or at least the subsequent one. It is my contention that after all is said and done, Silverstein Properties may owe Swiss Re for all attorney fees and insurance payouts already disbursed, plus possible damages.

    Let's start with the facts and then add context as we go along.

    1. Silverstein's Role in the collapse of Building 7

    Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex collapsed on September 11, 2001 without being hit by an airplane or other debris. FEMA was unable to conclusively state why it collapsed. But then, in September of 2002, owner/builder Larry Silverstein discussed the collapse of Building 7 in a PBS Documentary called America Rebuilds. This is what he had to say:

    "I remember getting a call from the, er, fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were gonna be able to contain the fire, and I said, "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it." And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse."

    You can listen to that clip for yourself by downloading it here:

    Press for Link

    Watch Larry Silverstein say it here:

    Press for Link

    If there was any doubt about what "pull it" means, it is put to rest by another quote in the same video:

    "... we're getting ready to pull building six." Listen to that quote here:

    Press for Link

    Watch the video here:

    Press for Link

    Additional information on the Building 7 collapse:

    Press for Link

    Press for Link

    I cannot see how Larry Silverstein's comment does not impact significantly on the investigation into the collapse of the North and South Tower. Someone needs to ask Silverstein some tough questions under oath about what he meant in that statement and how it was possible to demolish Building 7 on September 11th without placing charges in the building prior to the event. The controlled demolition theory of the collapse of WTC North and South Tower is also the only one that deals with the fact that jet fuel cannot burn hot enough to melt steel, nor could it melt the steel in such a fashion as to engender a controlled implosion. The beams all have to melt at the same time:

    Press for Link

    2. Security Lapse and "Power Down" at WTC on September 8th

    A crucial piece of evidence that I have been waiting for in order to cement this case together just came in today. Take a look at the following letter from Scott Forbes of Fiduciary Trust:

    Press for Link

    "From: "Scott Forbes"
    Subject: Official Verison of 9/11 - new info
    Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2004 12:35:12 +0000

    To John Kaminski,

    I was pleased to read your article "The Official Version of 9/11 is a Hoax" ... Please note some other facts. My name is Scott Forbes and I still work for Fiduciary Trust. In 2001 we occupied floors 90 and 94-97 of the South Tower and lost 87 employees plus many contractors.

    On the weekend of 9/8,9/9 there was a 'power down' condition in WTC tower 2, the south tower. This power down condition meant there was no electrical supply for approx 36hrs from floor 50 up. I am aware of this situation since I work in IT and had to work with many others that weekend to ensure that all systems were cleanly shutdown beforehand ... and then brough back up afterwards. The reason given by the WTC for the power down was that cabling in the tower was being upgraded ... Of course without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many 'engineers' coming in and out of the tower. I was at home on the morning of 9/11 on the shore of Jersey City, right opposite the Towers, and watching events unfold I was convinced immediately that something was happening related to the weekend work ...

    I have mailed this information to many people and bodies, including the 9/11 Commission but no-one seems to be taking and registering these facts. What's to hide? Can you help publicise them?" WingTV provides additional details:

    Press for Link

    "Forbes, who was hired by Fiduciary in 1999 and is now stationed at a U.K. branch office, was working on the weekend of September 8-9, 2001, and said that his company was given three weeks advance notice that New York’s Port Authority would take out power in the South Tower from the 48th floor up. The reason: the Port Authority was performing a cabling upgrade to increase the WTC’s computer bandwidth.

    Forbes stated that Fiduciary Trust was one of the WTC’s first occupants after it was erected, and that a "power-down" had never been initiated prior to this occasion."

    Why has there been no investigation on the part of the 9/11 Commission? Is there nothing suspicious or extraordinary about that event that should be examined? Would Swiss Re's case not plausibly benefit from further investigation? Surely Silverstein must have known about this massive security situation in the buildings he leased. What can he tell us under oath about the "Power-Down" event? Are there any other witnesses who would have corroborating testimony describing suspicious activity the weekend prior to the disaster? Is this not standard investigative procedure?

    3. Anomalous Video Evidence of South Tower Crash

    Recent video analysis of the crash into the South Tower has provided us with ample evidence to suspect something more than just a crash. While at first seemingly unbelievable, analysis of the video evidence at www.letsroll911.org leaves little doubt that the airplane that hit the South Tower was not an ordinary commercial flight. Take a look at the video evidence for yourself, as words are no match for the video on this one. What does it mean to the insurance case if the entire government story regarding the method, motive and personnel involved in the 9/11 hijacking is grossly incorrect or incomplete?

    4. Silverstein's aloof and calculating behavior post-9/11

    Swiss Re's press statements about Silverstein are particularly revealing.. Take a look at this statement by Barry Ostrager on February 4, 2003:

    "The transaction was actually structured in a manner that would have allowed Silverstein to simply default and walk away from the lease in the event of a catastrophic loss, which is why, at the time he purchased the coverage, Silverstein wasn't that concerned about the amount of insurance.

    The terms of the lease include a clause that if the WTC were totally destroyed and Silverstein and the other insured parties elected not to rebuild, they are entitled to cash out the insurance proceeds and walk away from the deal. After repaying the lenders the principal of their loans, and paying the Port Authority USD 1.5 billion, Silverstein and his investors arguably could claim the balance of more than USD 1 billion. This was one scenario Silverstein had contemplated when his PR counsel, Howard Rubenstein, proposed a public relations strategy labeling the World Trade Center site "hallowed ground," on which nothing would be rebuilt. "

    On the day after the disaster, instead of recuperating from shock, Silverstein was exploring his financial options with his PR agent, Howard Rubenstein:

    "As memorialized in a typed memo dated September 12, 2001, Silverstein, with the help of Rubenstein, had been considering either rebuilding in partnership with a government subsidy, or not rebuilding and pocketing a large insurance recovery. They cynically considered two options, each designed to advance Silverstein's financial interest:

    -- "The WTC will be rebuilt in partnership with the people of America. 'The WTC is no longer a real estate site that belongs to a corporation - it belongs to the people of this nation. As a result a national crusade will be undertaken that allows us to rebuild this symbol of American pride and determination where the people of this nation are equal partners in this effort."

    -- "The WTC will not be rebuilt. 'It is inconceivable that we could rebuild a place of commerce on land that has become drenched with the blood of American patriots. It needs to be consecrated much the way Gettysburg and the Arizona are now."

    The influence of Silverstein's public relations counsel in his legal strategy continued later, without regard to the actual facts. This involvement is evidenced by a comment referencing Rubenstein's recommendation that Silverstein seek his confected, post-loss two occurrence strategy: "Howard: FYI, they took your advice [to seek two occurrences]."

    Does this sound like the attitude of someone recovering from shock as his most-prized investment just turned to dust?

    5. Surreptitious Switch to the Traveler's Form

    Even Silverstein's case that he switched to the Travelers form right before the attack looks suspicious. It looks to me like someone knew what was coming and wanted to move the insurance companies onto a form that would increase their liability without making too much of a fuss about it and raising eyebrows. Look closely at the details of the supposed "change" in the governing form and you will see all the hallmarks of a covert operation: surreptitious, oblique and non-specific communications designed to accomplish an objective without setting off alarm bells.

    6. Relevant Background Information - Who is Larry Silverstein?

    It is necessary to understand who Larry Silverstein is and the circles in which he operates in order to understand how it is possible that he might have had prior knowledge.

    It is also necessary to understand that there are other suspects in the 9/11 case besides al Qaeda, among whom the Mossad, Israel's spy and covert operations agency figures prominently.

    Modus Operandi for the Mossad is to frame Arabs for terrorist actions that they perpetrate. The article WTC Stranger than Fiction linked below gives examples. The Washington Times ran a story on September 10, 2001 about a 68-page study issued by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). The study, issued by the elite Army officer’s school, detailed the dangers of a possible U.S. Army occupational force in the Mideast. Here is the article's comment about the study's view of the Israeli Mossad:

    Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

    "By way of deception, thou shalt make war" is the motto for Mossad. And Mossad was subsequently busted creating a phony al-Qaeda in Palestine:

    Press for Link

    Let's start with the evidence that the Mossad is somehow involved with 9/11.. For that, we shall turn to the giants in the field:

    Press for Link

    Press for Link

    ​ ​​​​ For a guided tour, WTC Stranger than Fiction is the best introduction. To get straight into the heart of the matter, start at the section marked The Dancing Israelis:

    Press for Link

    Perhaps the most important and official evidence is the US DEA/FBI report on the massive Israeli Spy Ring: Press for Link

    Now let's look at the evidence that links Silverstein and Israel. For that we must first discuss the concept of the "sayanim", or helpers. The Mossad use dedicated Zionist Jews as assistants in its overseas covert operations. Former Mossad operator Victor Ostrovsky in his book By Way of Deception describes the sayanim thus:br>
    "There are thousands of sayanim around the world. In London alone, there are about 2,000 who are active, and another 5,000 on the list. They fulfill many? different roles. A car sayan, for example, running a rental agency, could help the Mossad rent a car without having to complete the usual documentation. An apartment sayan would find accommodation without raising suspicions, a bank sayan could get you money if you needed it in the middle of the night, a doctor sayan would treat a bullet wound without reporting it to the police, and so on.

    The idea is to have a pool of people available when needed who can provide services but will keep quiet about them out of loyalty to the cause. They are paid only costs. Often the loyalty of sayanim is abused by katsas who take advantage of the available help for their own personal use. There is no way for the sayan to check this."

    I would suggest that it is plausible that Larry Silverstein is a high-level sayan. Take a look at these articles for details on his business, social and political circles:

    1. Larry Silverstein's relationship with Lewis Eisenberg of the Port Authority et al.Press for Link

    2. Silverstein's relationship with Rupert Murdoch and other Zionist organizations:Press for Link

    3. Silverstein's Relationship with Israel's Likud Party and Ariel Sharon:

    Press for Link

    As Dafna Barak of the Israeli Free Trade Zones Council says:"...A man like Larry Silverstein...contributes millions of dollars every year to Israel."A Jerusalem Post article detailing Silverstein's work in Israel as well as his close relationship with Ariel Sharon and the Likud Party is here:

    Press for Link

    Here's some more links to Israeli officials from Ha'aretz, including the following quote:"...he himself was saved only because a meeting he had scheduled that morning with officials of the Port Authority on the 88th floor of 1 World Trade Center (the south tower) was canceled at the last minute."

    Press for Link

    He's got some bigtime Israeli "close friends" calling him too: "Shortly after the events of September 11, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Larry Silverstein, a Jewish real estate magnate in New York, the owner of the World Trade Center's 110-story Twin Towers and a close friend, to ask how he was. Since then they have spoken a few more times. Two former prime ministers - Benjamin Netanyahu, who this week called Silverstein a "friend," and Ehud Barak, whom Silverstein in the past offered a job as his representative in Israel - also called soon after the disaster. Yaakov Terner, the mayor of Be'er Sheva, sent a letter of condolence." Pretty lucky guy, no? You'd think he would have been devastated, but no, he's cooking up some nice insurance strategies by the next day with Howard Rubenstein, his PR guy, who just happens to also be the pro bono PR agent for THE STATE OF ISRAEL:

    Press for Link

    Press for Link

    Furthermore, it turns out Silverstein was actually a very close friend of Netanyahu:

    "The two have been on friendly terms since Netanyahu's stint as Israel's ambassador to the United Nations. For years they kept in close touch. Every Sunday afternoon, New York time, Netanyahu would call Silverstein. It made no difference what the subject was or where Netanyahu was, he would always call, Silverstein told an Israeli acquaintance. Their ties continued after Netanyahu became prime minister. They met several times and Netanyahu promised to give the project (Free Processing Zone in Israel) his support."


    The world is full of gangsters of all nationalities. It takes some time to break through the nationalist and religious ideological positions in order to discover the secret trans-national and trans-ideological bonds between high and low-level criminals. It is difficult to determine whether the Saudis/Pakistanis or the Israelis were more closely involved in the planning and execution of the attacks on September 11th, but my research suggests that there are criminal elements at high levels in all of the above, as well as the US, UK and other involved nations.

    Larry Silverstein may not have had much advance notice about the September attacks. It appears, based on the cancelled meeting with the Port Authority, that he would have had only a couple of hours, if that. Certainly it is plausible that his friends in Israel, having either followed or created the "al Qaeda" hijacker team through the Mossad would have tipped him off at the end without compromising operational security. It appears they have also given him the green light through Rubenstein to fleece Swiss Re and the rest of the insurance companies for the $7Billion. Hilary Clinton, Charles Schumer, George Pataki, Brad Card brother of the White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card - they're all on his payroll as he needs that $5 Billion in federal aid to complete the Freedom Tower. But does he deserve it?

    If he did have advance notice, then it makes the deadly announcement to Tower occupants to return to their offices, all the more heinous.

    For the record, given the shadows of doubt still lingering, let me here ask forgiveness from those upon whom I may here have cast unwarranted aspersions. But it is inevitable, and necessary, to examine the evidence and the character of all involved in this disaster. May the innocent walk free and the guilty meet justice.

    It is certain that the Mossad was either following or running the al Qaeda operation:

    Press for Link

    "The Telegraph has learnt that two senior experts with Mossad, the Israeli military intelligence service, were sent to Washington in August to alert the CIA and FBI to the existence of a cell of as many of 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation. They had no specific information about what was being planned but linked the plot to Osama bin Laden and told the Americans that there were strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement," said a senior Israeli security official."


    Press for Link

    "Hollywood in Florida is a town of just 25,000 souls. The French intelligence report says the leader of the Mossad cell in Florida rented apartments "right near the apartment of Atta and al-Shehi". More than a third of the Israeli "art students" claimed residence in Florida. Two other Israelis connected to the art ring showed up in Fort Lauderdale. At one time, eight of the hijackers lived just north of the town.

    Put together, the facts do appear to indicate that Israel knew that 9/11, or at least a large-scale terror attack, was about to take place on American soil, but did nothing to warn the USA. But that's not quite true. In August 2001, the Israelis handed over a list of terrorist suspects - on it were the names of four of the September 11 hijackers. Significantly, however, the warning said the terrorists were planning an attack "outside the United States".

    The Mossad is ideologically aligned with Likud. The leaders of Likud, Netanyahu and Sharon, were tight with Silverstein. It follows that Silverstein may have had prior knowledge. How much, we can't yet say, but Swiss Re should definitely consider doing a thorough investigation. Not only could Swiss Re save itself a lot of money, but it could have a positive effect on the search for truth and justice in the case of the World Trade Center Disaster. We could put together a team in a week that could get to the bottom of this in a relatively short time with a small amount of money.

    I'll close with the words of Phil Jayhan of letsroll911.org:

    "It can be proven that missiles were used against the world trade center. It can further be proven that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolitions, purposely, with 3000 innocent, helpless souls inside. With this being the case, it changes everything for the World, for Afghanistan, for Iraq, for George Bush, and lastly but not least, the insurance companies involved. This website will save them billions!

    It will save United & American Airlines billions, and help everyone recover losses already paid out. Not only was 911 pre-planned, but those who did so, did so with the intention of using this event to defraud insurance companies out of billions upon billions of dollars at the same time. Thus making the insurance claims null and void. I sure would hate to be Larry Silverstein right now, cause this doesn't look good for him. He bought the World Trade Center some 90 days before 911 with all sorts of special and now, in hindsight, curious insurance riders. He bought 2 Asbestos filled 'Golden Herring' Towers which would cost more to tear down than to replace. And now, he has the gall to try to make the insurance companies double pay for the World Trade Center.

    Shameless. But with this new development, the insurance companies can not only stop payment on all 911 claims, but they can now start to recover their huge losses due to fraud. What will Larry Silverstein settle for now? Perhaps he knew nothing, one can only hope. It will be for the investigators of the true official investigation to figure out. But as of yet, this investigation hasn't started. The sham 911 commission is designed to cover this up. The true investigation, in my opinion, will only be done by those who have the most to lose. Insurance companies.

    When they see the Dog and Pony show that has been leveled against them, they will, and should rise up in unison and say; "Nope, not a dime...Let the insiders pay for their handiwork! With the information here at the site, it should provide the Insurance companies with far more than enough reason to just say 'no' to another nickel or dime payout. Let the truth begin and let's leave the falsehoods behind...." Call anytime,

    R. Leland Lehrman
    815 Camino Don Emilio
    Santa Fe, NM 87507

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tag me: The world of radio frequency identification

    John Jerney

    Imagine the following scenario: most every item, no matter the size, contains a small almost invisible tag--even items such as clothing, currency, and postal mail. When you pick up the item at a store, a video camera zooms in and records your actions.

    When you browse a book, a computer records how long you are holding the book. And when you walk past a friend, a police surveillance system records the encounter.

    What makes all this possible is a technology called Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

    RFID systems consist of a small tag typically containing a microprocessor, a small amount of memory, and an antenna. The memory can be volatile or static depending on the type of application the RFID device is designed to enable.

    Volatile memory allows the information in the RFID tag to be changed and updated, while static memory basically stores read-only information such as a serial number or other identification code.

    An RFID device uses radio waves to communicate with an external reader, which in turn is connected to a computer system that enables the transmitted information to be processed.

    The RFID device itself can be either active or passive. An active device has its own power source, most commonly a battery, which it uses to communicate with the reader.

    Passive RFID devices, on the other hand, do not require a battery. Instead, they convert the magnetic field created by an external reader into electricity to generate the radio signals.

    RFID belongs to a class of technologies more generally known as automatic identification systems. Automatic id systems enable machines to identify objects without human intervention.

    The most common automatic identification system currently used relies on bar codes. Bar codes work well, but also have several limitations. First, bar codes typically encode only small amounts of data, ranging from several characters and digits to a couple of kilobytes in the most expanded versions.

    RFID devices, on the other hand, are limited only by the amount of memory embedded in the tag. Information stored on bar codes is also inherently static. Volatile memory further enable the system to be used in more dynamic environments.

    Most importantly, bar codes require a scanner to see the code in order to read it. This means that the bar code must not only be free from obstructions, such as dirt or stickers, but must also be aligned in the general direction of the scanner.

    RFID devices do not have these restrictions. The tag can be aligned in any manner, and moving at practically any speed, as long as the tag somehow passes through the area covered by the reader.

    RFID devices are not perfect for all applications, however. Since metal shields radio signals, RFID cannot be embedded inside metal containers.

    Another issue is compatibility. Universally accepted RFID standards have yet to appear. Devices from different manufacturers might not even use the same frequency over which to communicate. This means that currently most deployments have been occurring within a single organization or a group of closely-knit companies.

    Cost too remains a factor. Bar codes are simple printouts costing less than a penny each. Even with mass production, the most basic RFID devices still cost dozens of times more. Sophisticated RFID devices with greater range, more memory, and faster processing can cost tens of dollars or more.

    Still, the idea of identifying specifically tagged items (uniquely across the entire world) has appeal to companies, industries, and even governments.

    The largest retailer in the world Wal-Mart, for example, is taking the lead in requiring its top suppliers to employ RFID devices in all shipping containers.

    The beef industry too has begun using RFID technology to control its product from livestock to processing stages. And the nation of China is preparing several plans to widely deploy RFID systems in applications ranging from a newly planned national identification card to tracking vital medical supplies throughout the country.

    Software vendors too are engineering their newest offerings to function within RFID environments. Oracle, Microsoft, SAP, and others are all including RFID-specific features in their newest upgrades to help manage the ocean of data that billions, and potentially even trillions, of these devices are likely to produce over the next few years.

    This has led a number of privacy and consumer advocate organizations to sound an alarm. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (www.privacyrights.org), Electronic Frontier Foundation (www.eff.org), and similar minded organizations have joined together to issue a position statement concerning acceptable and unacceptable uses for RFID devices.

    In particular, the groups note that acceptable uses include tracking pharmaceuticals from manufacture to the point of dispensing, tracing manufactured goods from creation to in-store delivery, and detecting items containing toxic substances, such as personal computers and televisions, from entering land-fills.

    Threats to privacy include RFID tags that are hidden and embedded into objects without prior knowledge or consent of consumers. Since readers can be hidden and linked to related technologies, such as video surveillance and information sifting and data mining, the potential for abuse is very real.

    Likewise, privacy advocates are weary about the linking of personal identity with unique object identifiers, enabling individuals to be tracked and profiled through the objects they use without their awareness or approval.

    Governments and organizations could use the technology to monitor the activity of activists and protesters. In fact, the European Union and Japanese government have both considered using RFID technology in currency, and other governments are examining its use in law enforcement.

    Think the idea of walking around carrying an RFID tag on your body everywhere you go sounds too much like Big Brother? Well don't worry, you're already tagged to some degree. In this case, the RFID device is called your mobile phone.

    Copyright 2004 The Yomiuri Shimbun

    JAXXE --- ---
    Pre-9/11 World Trade Center Power-Down

    by Victor Thorn

    Wing TV, 23 April 2004
    www.globalresearch.ca 24 April 2004

    Did the World Trade Center towers undergo a deliberate “power-down” on the weekend prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks? According to Scott Forbes, a senior database administrator for Fiduciary Trust, Inc. – a high-net investment bank which was later acquired by Franklin Templeton – this is precisely what took place. Forbes, who was hired by Fiduciary in 1999 and is now stationed at a U.K. branch office, was working on the weekend of September 8-9, 2001, and said that his company was given three weeks advance notice that New York’s Port Authority would take out power in the South Tower from the 48th floor up. The reason: the Port Authority was performing a cabling upgrade to increase the WTC’s computer bandwidth.

    Forbes stated that Fiduciary Trust was one of the WTC’s first occupants after it was erected, and that a “power-down” had never been initiated prior to this occasion. He also stated that his company put forth a huge investment in time and resources to take down their computer systems due to the deliberate power outage. This process, Forbes recalled, began early Saturday morning (September 8th) and continued until mid-Sunday afternoon (September 9th) – approximately 30 hours. As a result of having its electricity cut, the WTC’s security cameras were rendered inoperative, as were its I.D. systems, and elevators to the upper floors.

    Forbes did stress, though, that there was power to the WTC’s lower floors, and that there were plenty of engineers going in-and-out of the WTC who had free access throughout the building due to its security system being knocked out. In an e-mail to journalist John Kaminski, author of The Day America Died (Sisyphus Press) and America’s Autopsy Report (Dandelion Books), Forbes wrote: “Without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors, and many, many ‘engineers’ coming in and out of the tower.”

    Forbes didn’t think much of these occurrences at the time, and said that he worked until Monday morning (September 10th) to get all the computer systems back online. Due to his IT-related duties on Saturday & Sunday, Forbes had Tuesday, September 11th off, and thus watched the World Trade Center towers collapse from his apartment. While doing so, he recalled, “I was convinced immediately that something was happening related to the weekend work.”

    In addition, Forbes says there were other peculiarities revolving around this unreported event, including:

    1) Fiduciary employees trapped between the 90-97th floors of the South Tower told family members (via cell-phone calls) that they were hearing “bomb-like explosions” throughout the towers.

    2) Video cameras positioned atop the World Trade Center which were used to feed daily images to local television stations were inexplicably inoperative that morning.

    3) A Fiduciary employee who was on one of the lower floors and escaped immediately after the first (North) tower was struck, reported that he was amazed by the large number of FBI agents that were already on the streets surrounding the WTC complex only minutes after the initial strike.

    4) Last but not least, Ann Tatlock, CEO of Fiduciary Trust and now a board member of Franklin Templeton, had just arrived at a conference hosted by Warren Buffet at the Offutt Air Force Base (home of the U.S. Strategic Command Headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska) when the 9-11 attacks took place. Coincidentally, later that day President George W. Bush flew into this very same base on Air Force One for “security reasons.” Even more chilling are the Offutt AFB ties to the CIA’s MK ULTRA experiments, Project Monarch, the Franklin Cover-Up, and the diabolical practices of Michael Aquino. (Type any of these words into a search engine for more information.)

    In the end, Forbes says that even though these disclosures could jeopardize his current employment, he has stepped forward because, “I have mailed this information to many people, including the 9/11 Commission, but no one seems to be registering these facts.”

    Obviously there are many unanswered questions to this story, and we will keep you updated as more information arrives.

    The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/THO404A.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Police warned over anti-terror powers

    Matthew Tempest and agencies
    Monday April 26, 2004

    Police forces are exploiting the wide powers granted under recent terrorism legislation to curb legitimate protesters, according to the government's own independent reviewer.


    There was no part of the capital where the powers had not been used at some point.

    "It has been drawn to my attention from real events in the past year that the definition of terrorism would have included, for example, an anti-war protester who threatened to reach the runway of a military airfield and change his/her baby's nappy there knowing that the runway was due to receive US aircraft returning from bombing missions in Iraq.

    "While this appears to be a strictly correct interpretation of the provision, it is questionable whether most citizens would regard such acts as falling within the appropriate scope of terrorism."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Právní mýty okolo nás


    Nestává se mi často, abych si počáteční myšlenky svého připravovaného článku poslechl v hlavní zpravodajské relaci od okoukaného politika. Nebo je snad ten problém opravdu tak naléhavý (jak ho pociťuji já), že se stává předmětem vážného politického boje? Klaus měl výjimečně pravdu a dokonce svou myšlenku i nezvykle srozumitelně vyjádřil: Náš právní řád je nepřehledný a pro prostého občana nesrozumitelný.

    Následující příspěvek je názorem laika, který bohužel přichází do kontaktu s českým právním systémem častěji, než je mu milé.

    Základní poučka, ostrý donucovací nástroj pro nutnost seznámení se s právním řádem, formulka povyšující právo nad logiku. Ale jak je to doopravdy s možností seznámit se s právním řádem vlastní země?

    Pro představu se stačí podívat např. sem, kde na nás číhají gigabajty PDF souborů nejrůznějších zákonů, novel, vyhlášek, nálezů nejvyššího soudu a podobně. Jen prosté přečtení by zabralo půl života. Vím, že mnohé zákony jsou určeny specializovaným skupinám obyvatelstva, profesím či organizacím, ale pořád toho zůstává dost, co více či méně normuje život obyčejného člověka. Obecná pravidla podnikání, povinnosti vůči stáním orgánům nebo daně. Připočteme-li k tomu složitou konstrukci zákonů, jejich novel a novel novel, tvrdím, že není v silách průměrného lidského mozku tuto problematiku zvládnout jako bokovku vedle hlavního zdroje obživy. Požadavek na alespoň hrubou znalost právního systému je při současných poměrech naprosto iluzorní, nesplnitelný a ze strany státu alibistický.

    Co vlastně dělá stát a tvůrci zákonů proto, aby si jeho občané osvojili alespoň základní právní znalosti, aby se vytvořenými zákony vůbec mohli řídit? Ve škole, v hodinách, kde by člověk očekával, že se budoucí občané budou seznamovat se základy právního řádu, se nedospělí žáčci dozvědí jen to, jak (po vzoru Západních útoků na integritu rodiny) právně zakročit proti svým rodičům a to je opravdu málo. O tom, jak se zákonodárce stará o informování dospělé populace, svědčí nejlépe samotné výše jmenované internetové stránky. Zákony v PDF formátu, tedy bez možnosti prohledávání, v balících až po pěti MB bez řádného popisu. Zato nechybí odkaz na komerční stránky, umožňující fultextové prohledávání. To opravdu nemá tento stát prostředky na to, aby přehledně vystavil platnou verzi vlastního právního řádu, aby své zákony popularizoval a uvedl do života mezi prosté občany?

    Spravedlnost jako zboží

    Neumím si tuto situaci vysvětlit jinak, než že se jedná o záměr. Záměr, který organicky zapadá do celkového obrazu naší moderní "západní" spravedlnosti, kde se deklarovaná rovnost stran a nezávislost soudů na mocenských strukturách vyvinula do dnešní podoby "právního průmyslu". V právních řádech sice nejsou apriorní uzákonění vůle nějakého diktátora, privilegia skupiny, avšak nerovnost a přivlastňování si spravedlnosti některými skupinami obyvatelstva probíhá dál a daleko rafinovaněji. Výsledná nerovnost mezi občany pak vykazuje nesrovnatelně vyšší stabilitu a není vázána na život či smrt jednotlivého diktátora či politické strany.

    Moderní právní průmysl nalezl prostředek vyjádření silnější pozice před zákonem - peníze. Dnes není třeba konstruovat zákony, které na první pohled zvýhodňují nějakou skupinu. Je naprosto dostačující, že ona nerovnost se projeví při konkrétním řešení daného sporu, jako rozdíl ve výši sumy, investované do boje v soudní síni. Vhodnost a přiměřený objem takové investice má pak zásadní dopad na výsledek sporu. Ne, nemám na mysli nějakou korupci, či nefér ovlivňování soudu, mám na mysli zcela legální postupy naprosto v rámci právního systému jako např. nákup právních mozků. Ona mýtická spravedlnost se pak ve skutečnosti stává zbožím, přičemž není důležité, zda finanční investice probíhá v souladu s právním řádem, či nikoli. Důležité je, že vhodnou směnou peněz lze dosáhnout podstatného přiblížení požadovanému výsledku.

    Podmínky vzniku a fungování právního průmyslu

    Aby mohl celý systém fungovat, je třeba splnit několik základních podmínek:

    * V právním řádu musí být alespoň deklarována rovnost před zákonem. V právních řádech s otevřeně deklarovanou nerovností nemá totiž smysl ani vést rozsáhlé soudní spory za použití převodní páky typu peníze. Vše je od začátku dáno, jako tomu bylo v nedávné minulosti, za dob platnosti vedoucí úlohy KSČ. Vše bylo dopředu jasné, co chtěla strana, bylo právo.
    * Právní řád musí být dostatečně složitý a rozporuplný. Musí obsahovat kličky a háčky, musí umožňovat různý výklad, možnost popírání jasných faktů tak, aby se prostý občan v něm nemohl sám prosadit a jeho jedinou možností bylo najímání právních gladiátorů, profesně deformovaných mozků, léta speciálně školených na boj v této džungli.
    * Tato skupina nájemných právních žoldáků musí být dostatečně privilegovaná a finančně náročná, aby nebylo pro málo majetné možné najmout nejlepší mozky. Plat právníka či hrozba úhrady soudních výloh, to jsou právě ty prvky, zajišťující rozdělení spravedlnosti podle postavení ve společnosti. Není třeba zákonem definovat šlechtu či jinou privilegovanou vrstvu, hlídat dědičná privilegia a podobně, stačí nechat pracovat peníze.
    * Soudci musí být relativně nezávislí, aby mohl vyniknout jako rozhodující vliv peněz. Soudci musí mít velmi privilegované postavení, minimalizující osobní zodpovědnost za svá rozhodnutí. Ideální je, když jejich rozhodnutí nejsou ani v případech, příčících se zdravému rozumu, veřejně kritizovatelná.

    Posouzení "vyspělosti" právního průmyslu v daném státě je poměrně jednoduché, stačí si pravdivě a upřímně odpovědět na otázky typu: "Jak mnoho závisí výsledek sporu na výši investice?" Pravdivá odpověď na tuto otázku vypovídá o povaze práva více, než všechny učené spisky ideologů práva dohromady.

    Důsledky pro společnost

    Nerovnost před právem a právní bezbrannost pro chudší není tím nejvážnějším důsledkem prosazovaného právního systému. Systém totiž znamená také nejistotu i pro ekonomické subjekty, zejména ty slabší. Drobní živnostníci a malé firmy si mohou na svou nerovnost už dnes u nás "sáhnout", stačí se třeba nedohodnout na platbách se silnější firmou a pak se pokusit o soudní vymáhání. I šance Dona Quiota zvítězit nad větrnými mlýny byla vyšší! Ekonomický prostor se stává iracionálním, výsledky sporů, odhadované z výchozích faktů, jsou nejisté i v evidentních případech. Systém posiluje silné, oslabuje slabé.

    Cena tzv. spravedlnosti je neúměrně vysoká. Prostředky, které by bylo možno investovat daleko účelnějším způsobem (a to i u velkých firem) jsou promrhány na tvorbu právní elity. Její přínos pro společnost je několikanásobně nižší, než vynaložené prostředky. Odstrašujícím příkladem dotažení věcí do absurdity jsou asi Spojené státy, ale jako člověk, který zná Ameriku jen z Hollywoodských filmů a několika autentických vyprávění přátel, nejsem ten pravý kritik. Neumím si ale představit, že to funguje jen z poloviny tak, ukazují tisíce amerických filmových soudních procesů.

    Situace v České republice

    Zdá se, že výše popsaný systém je právě tím, který si naše špičky všech volitelných stran stanovily jako cíl v oblasti práva a jdou za ním neochvějným krokem. Běžní občané, alespoň v České republice, se díky nepřehlednosti právního řádu nalézají téměř nepřetržitě ve stavu více či méně protizákonném. Stačí, aby si na takového občana někdo (finanční úřad, obec, konkurent, policista, soused) tzv. posvítil a překročení zákona zjistí téměř vždy. Strach z takového postihu je jednou ze základních mocenských pák nejen postkomunistických režimů. Je to síla, která nahradila moc ideologických strašidel dob nedávno minulých.

    Co na tom, že v současnosti je stav našeho soudnictví katastrofální a soudcům dělá potíže činit vůbec nějaká rozhodnutí, natož pak spravedlivá. Všudypřítomná korupce, elitářství a politické objednávky, to jsou problémy dneška. A do toho chaosu a zmatku ještě destruktivní zákonodárná mašinerie parlamentu a vlády. Neskutečná kvanta protichůdných a rozporuplných zákonů, buzerujících vyhlášek a nařízení, neustálé změny a v neposlední řadě nesmyslné určení kompetencí státních orgánů (a to oběma směry), tak vidí dnešní právní řád většina jeho drobných uživatelů. Malí podnikatelé už přestali tento právní marasmus sledovat, nikdo z nich se v něm nevyzná, a tak řeší jen nejnebezpečnější věci typu daně a občas bezpečnost práce. Ale co hůř, nevyznají se v něm ani sami úředníci a tak třeba na každém finančním úřadě funguje trochu jiný daňový systém. Nelíbí se Vám to? Tak se zkuste soudit, ale pokud nejste zrovna uhlobaron nebo majitel významného místního podniku, bude pro Vás jednodušší emigrovat do země, která naší republice delikventy nevydává.

    Kdo někdy komunikoval s finančním či živnostenským úřadem, úřadem práce, hygienickou stanicí, referátem životního prostředí, obchodní inspekcí, požárníky atd. mi snad porozumí. Když Vás chtějí dostat, tak Vás dostanou. Živě si vzpomínám, jak jsme museli doplatit DPH a zaplatit pokutu za to, že jsme dopravu montéra na stavbu účtovali s 5% DPH a on, zločinec, s sebou vezl asi 3 kg materiálu a 5 šroubů a ještě si hlupák nechal napsat dodací list. To je jen drobná úsměvná historka, ale když se sejde u piva pár lidí samostatně výdělečně činných, můžete podobné a lepší vtípky, často však o trochu smutnější, poslouchat celé hodiny. Nedivme se, že ti obyčejní pak torpédují právní systém ve všech oblastech, kde je to alespoň relativně bezpečné, zatajují, mlží, lžou a manipulují. Problém není v tom, že by nechtěli dodržovat právní normy či neplatit daně, jak podsouvá dnešní vláda, problém je tom, že požadavky zákonodárců jsou nesplnitelné. Mnohdy si naopak právě ti zanedbatelní a malí uvědomují potřebu rozumných pravidel a zákonů daleko naléhavěji, že sami zákonodárci, protože chyby v této oblastí mají fatální dopad v prvé řadě na ně.

    Výsledkem kombinace korupce, protekcionismu a šablonovitého přejímání západních právních principů je právní bezbrannost většiny populace, buzerace, která nemá s ideály svobody, rovnosti a demokracie naprosto nic společného. Je to ponižující a odporné, ne o mnoho lepší než za bolševické diktatury. Nemůžete se divit, že vztah občanů k vlastní politické reprezentaci pomalu konverguje ke stavu před devětaosmdesátým. Je vysoce pravděpodobné, že taková reprezentace v budoucnu padne za oběť prvnímu dostatečně hlučnému populistovi, který se objeví na scéně. Smete je naprosto stejným způsobem, jako populisté sametové revoluce smetli nenáviděnou bolševickou garnituru. Lidu se jen velmi těžko vysvětluje, že nepřítel jejich nepřítele ještě nemusí být jeho přítelem. České země (bohužel) díky krátkozrakosti a sobectví současných mocných čekají na svého Haidera či Le Pena a doufejme, že to nebude nikdo horší.

    Ne, nebudu se zabývat prognózou právního vývoje ČR. Je to celkem nezajímavé. Právní řády satelitních států jsou totiž z důvodu závislosti na jiné moci z principu věci nereformovatelné a navíc samostatný a suveréní český právní řád v podstatě končí. Doufejme, že právo budoucího (velmi pravděpodobného) evropského superstátu se bude vyvíjet rozumnějším způsobem, který zajistí srozumitelnost a použitelnost zákonů a skutečnou rovnost občana přes soudní instancí. Ale to už je téma pro docela jiný článek.

    Článek byl převzat ze serveru www.sprcha.com , kde vyšel 29.3.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Exactly How and When Could the WTC Be Wired With Explosives? Answer...

    by Repost from Progressive Review Friday April 23, 2004 at 10:19 AM

    Many people have theorized the World Trade Center was wired with explosives, causing the unprecedented collapse following the impacts of two jumbo jets. In fact, NYC firefighters remarked that day that it seemed like bombs were going off in the buildings, just prior to the tower's collapse. One glaring question remains unanswered: exactly how and when could such a monumental undertaking be accomplished. Read on for the answer...

    Feedback from the Progressive Review's Undernews for April 22, 2004.

    ||| SEP 11

    WE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING from someone who worked for Fiduciary Trust on the 90th, 94-97th floors of the South Tower:

    "On the weekend of 9/8,9/9 there was a 'power down' condition in WTC tower 2, the south tower. This power down condition meant there was no electrical supply for approx 36 hrs from floor 50 up. I am aware of this situation since I work in IT and had to work with many others that weekend to ensure that all systems were cleanly shutdown beforehand ... and then brought back up afterwards. The reason given by the WTC for the power down was that cabling in the tower was being upgraded ...

    "Of course without power there were no security cameras, no security locks on doors and many, many 'engineers' coming in and out of the tower. I was at home on the morning of 9/11 on the shore of Jersey City, right opposite the Towers, and watching events unfold I was convinced immediately that something was happening related to the weekend work."

    PETVAL --- ---
    Diebold May Face Criminal Charges

    After harshly chastising Diebold Election Systems for what it considered deceptive business practices, a California voting systems panel voted unanimously Thursday to recommend that the secretary of state decertify an electronic touch-screen voting machine manufactured by the company, making it likely that four California counties that recently purchased the machines will have to find other voting solutions for the November presidential election.

    JAXXE --- ---
    musis vydrzet... jen to delsi dobu trva ;)
    PETVAL --- ---
    a www.thememoryhole.org pro jistotu nejede...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon rozlítily snímky rakví s vojáky
    Podle ministerstva fotografie poškozují rodiny obětí

    Deník The Seattle Times v neděli na titulní stránce zveřejnil snímek rakví s vojáky padlými v Iráku. (23. dubna 2004)

    Autor: The Seattle Times
    23.04.2004 12:39 - Spojenými státy hýbou fotografie amerických válečných obětí, které se po letech dostaly do médií. Deník The Seattle Times v neděli na titulní stránce zveřejnil snímek rakví s vojáky padlými v Iráku. Desítky dalších se objevily na internetu. Pentagon jejich publikování zakázal.

    Přes 360 fotografií z transportu padlých vojáků zveřejnil na internetových stránkách thememoryhole.org aktivista Russ Kick.

    Získal je oficiální cestou z letecké základny Dover ve státě Delaware, kam směřuje většina rakví s americkými oběťmi války v Iráku. Základna mu je nejprve nechtěla vydat, Kick se ale odvolal na dodatek ústavy, který zaručuje právo na informace.

    Ministerstvo obrany USA zakázalo podobné fotografie zveřejňovat. Jak připomíná The Seattle Times, v amerických médiích se už třináct let nesmějí objevovat snímky z transportu obětí ze zahraničních bojišť.

    Pentagon: Chráníme rodiny obětí
    Pentagon argumentuje tím, že se snaží chránit soukromí rodin vojáků a nikoli upírat veřejnosti právo na informace.

    "Upřímně vzato nechceme, aby se ostatky našich vojáků, kteří přinesli tu nejvyšší oběť, staly předmětem pozornosti. Je to bezdůvodné a ponižující," zdůvodňuje John Molino z ministerstva obrany.

    Před měsícem proti této praxi protestovali lidé před základnou v Doveru. Demonstranti kritizovali prezidenta Bushe za to, že pokračuje v praxi předchozích vlád a zakrývá před veřejností a médii realitu válečných obětí.

    "Nemůžeme dál skrývat, že umírají mladí lidé, musíme o tom otevřeně informovat," domnívá se Jane Brightová z West Hills v Kalifornii. Sama přitom v Iráku přišla o syna. Čtyřiadvacetiletý Evan Ashcraft padl v bojích loni v červenci.

    Fotografka dostala výpověď
    Na zveřejnění fotografie na titulní stránce The Seattle Times doplatila její autorka, padesátiletá Tami Siliciová. Ona i její manžel dostali výpověď od firmy, která pro armádu zajišťuje převoz těl do Spojených států.

    Siliciová pořídila obrázek rakví přikrytých americkými vlajkami na palubě nákladního letounu, který převážel mrtvé z Kuvajtu. Fotku pak poslala své americké přítelkyni, která ji poskytla novinám. Deník ji zveřejnil s povolením autorky.


    v clanku idnes je link na memoryhole.org ... wow ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush: Zachovejte Patriot Act nebo...

    Koncem příštího roku mají vypršet některé nejkontroverznější pasáže nechvalně známého Patriot Act. Už teď Bush a jeho sekerníci varují, aby se Kongres neodvážil nechat sebemenší část tohoto zákona padnout.

    Připomeňme, že zákon byl přijat po nočním zasedání, aniž by ho senátoři a kongresmani četli a aniž by o tom diskutovali. Bushova klika použila podobnou fintu, jakou jejich předchůdci 23. prosince 1913, kdy téměř prázdný Kongres (všichni už byli u vánočního stolu) přijal zákon o Federální rezervní bance, unikátnímu spojení dvanácti bank (hádejte, kdo je vlastnil a vlastní), které - ač soukromý podnik - mají podle zákona právo tisknout peníze a půjčovat je federální vládě. Je to jediný podnik na světě, který dokáže vyrábět peníze ze vzduchu.

    Patriot Act je prý potřebný, aby policie mohla odposlouchávat a čmuchat bez rozhodnutí soudců a bez důkazů. Měla tak odhalit zakuklené teroristy.

    Nepletu-li se, dosud nebyl na základě tohoto zákona odhalen ani jeden terorista. Nicméně policejní databáze se plní miliardami privátních informací o amerických občanech. A nejen o nich.

    JAXXE --- ---
    a jeste jeden skvely produkt. tentokrat pro praskace juniory...

    - JUJU the citizen eye / instructions -

    Juju - the citizen eyeTM is a registred trademark. All rights reserved to EMPIRE NORTH
    Copyright © 2004 - EMPIRE NORTH

    JAXXE --- ---

    The ID SNIPERTM rifle designed by EMPIRE NORTH

    What is the ID SNIPERTM rifle?

    It is used to implant a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being, using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector. The microchip will enter the body and stay there, causing no internal damage, and only a very small amount of physical pain to the target. It will feel like a mosquito-bite lasting a fraction of a second. At the same time a digital camcorder with a zoom-lense fitted within the scope will take a high-resolution picture of the target. This picture will be stored on a memory card for later image-analysis.

    Why use the ID SNIPERTM rifle?

    As the urban battlefield grows more complex and intense, new ways of managing and controlling crowds are needed. The attention of the media changes the rules of the game. Sometimes it is difficult to engage the enemy in the streets without causing damage to the all important image of the state. Instead EMPIRE NORTH suggests to mark and identify a suspicious subject on a safe distance, enabeling the national law enforcement agency to keep track on the target through a satellite in the weeks to come.

    The ID SNIPERTM rifle was presented by Empire North in Beijing at the China Police 2002 exhibition.

    Image and tracking software


    Scope development
    Body damage control
    ID SNIPERTM is a registred trademark. All rights reserved to EMPIRE NORTH
    Copyright © 2004 - EMPIRE NORTH

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    UK forces 'involved' in Basra blasts: cleric

    Followers of the radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have blamed British forces for the coordinated series of car bombs which killed 73 people in the southern Iraqi city of Basra yesterday.

    Several Iraqi policemen in uniform have joined the followers in protests.

    The coalition say the attacks bore all the hallmarks of Al Qaeda, but Sadr's spokesman in Basra, Sheikh al-Bahadli, told the 300 supporters gathered in front of his office that there was evidence that British occupation forces were involved.

    The targets of the attacks were Iraqi police stations and a uniformed policeman who joined the protest said "the British were the ones who attacked us".

    "Now we are with our religious leaders," the policeman said.

    Another policeman said many of his fellow officers were ready to fight alongside Sadr's Mehdi army.

    JAXXE --- ---

    This set of pages is dedicated toward a new political movement. This movement involves the making of a global nation that preserves it's nation-states. If you are not familiar with the concept you may want to read the reasons page.

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