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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    GEDDON --- ---
    US and Israel Control Al Qaeda


    00:16 Apr 30, '04 / 9 Iyar 5764

    The United States and Israel are the brains behind Al-Qaeda’s terrorist mayhem according to an Iranian diplomat. “In a bid to force Iraq’s Arab neighbors to submit to their Iraq policy, the United States and the Zionist regime orchestrate such terrorist attacks,” the former Iranian ambassador to Syria said Wednesday. His statements were made in an interview with the Iranian Mehr News Agency (MNA).

    Former Ambassador Hossein Sheikholeslam was referring to the attacks in Damascus on Tuesday. The attacks took place in the district where the Iranian, Canadian, and British embassies are located, as well as the offices of the United Nations.

    “Most Arab countries in the Middle East region do not accept the Iraq policy of the U.S. Therefore, they are trying to entangle regional countries by supporting such terrorist acts,” Sheikholeslam continued.

    MNA says the former ambassador claimed that this “was not the first time that the United States and Israel have employed Al-Qaeda elements to help them realize their terrorist objectives.”

    The Mehr News Agency is based in Tehran with its stated goal being “to provide accurate and up-to-the-minute information to the public, with an emphasis on news about Iran and the rest of the Islamic world.” MNA, the top Iranian news agency recently produced an article entitled What Price 'Freedom' in which it alleged that U.S. military personnel are "committing systematic sexual abuse against Iraqi civilians..." The article directs the reader to a website that has been allegedly set up by the U.S. Armed Forces and contains alleged photos of the atrocities committed in Iraq against "women and children".

    The website contains nothing of the sort and is, in fact, the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), an organization that has no connection to the U.S. military or the operations in Iraq. RAINN is the largest domestic anti-sexual assault organization in the U.S.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pictures That bush Does Not Want You To See

    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    US lawyer is arrested in Madrid bombing inquiry


    This looks like the start of a propaganda campaign to sell Americans the idea that "Al Qaeda is among us and you cannot tell who they are, so take our word for it when we start making arrests."
    JAXXE --- ---
    Achtung, Nazi!--One Year Later

    by Douglas Herman

    One year after I wrote the controversial, much reprinted column Achtung! Are We the New Nazis?, how much has changed?

    JAXXE --- ---
    'US soldiers abused young girl at Iraqi prison'
    7.17PM, Fri May 7 2004

    The US military has said it will investigate claims by a former inmate of Abu Ghraib prison that a girl as young as 12 was stripped and beaten by military personnel.

    Suhaib al-Baz, a journalist for the al-Jazeera television network, claims to have been tortured at the prison, based west of Baghdad, while held there for 54 days.

    Mr al-Baz was arrested when reporting clashes between insurgents and coalition forces in November.

    He said: "They brought a 12-year-old girl into our cellblock late at night. Her brother was a prisoner in the other cells.

    "She was naked and screaming and calling out to him as they beat her. Her brother was helpless and could only hear her cries. This affected all of us because she was just a child.

    The allegations cannot be verified independently but Mr al-Baz maintains psychological and physical violence were commonplace in the jail.

    He also claims that a father and his 15-year-old son were tortured in front of his cell.


    DABE --- ---
    Včera mi bylo řečeno, že Disney, studio, které vlastní Miramax, se oficiálně rozhodlo zakázat našemu distributorovi, Miramaxu, aby distribuoval můj nový film, "Fahrenheit 9/11".
    JAXXE --- ---

    Why the exposure of US torture and abuse serves the Illuminati agenda so well

    By David Icke

    We are watching the daily unfolding of Alice in Wonderland. Hold that thought when you watch the TV news. What is, isn't and what isn't, is.

    The violence in Iraq may be bad for America, but it serves the Illuminati perfectly by justifying the continued, and indeed expanded, presence of US troops in the Middle East in line with their long-planned agenda for global control.

    In the same way, the global condemnation of the torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners is bad for America, but perfect for the Illuminati that controls the U.S. administrations.

    But why?

    The United States may be the world superpower today and that's precisely what the Illuminati planned for it to be in the agenda for the centralisation of global control - the planetary Orwellian state of world government, world army, world central bank and a microchipped population under constant survellience.

    But while America is being used now as the vehicle to impose this current stage of the fascist agenda it is not meant to continue as the superpower. In fact, destroying that status and breaking the spirit of America is fundamental in the installation of the Illuminati global dictatorship.

    The reason is this: a world government (dictatorship) and a superpower do not go together. The Illuminati dictatorship is meant to be the only superpower and for that to happen the United States must be brought into line.

    The greatest block to the world government is national identity and whether we may not agree with America's sense of itself there is no question that it has a deep rooted, almost genetic, sense of indentity and national pride. While that continues there is no way the nation will allow itself to be openly dictated to and controlled by a world central government.

    Americans and their country are being used to advance the agenda now, but the plan is, not least through a manipulated conflict with China, to destroy the might of both these 'superpowers' so they come under the authority of the Illuminati world government that would be installed to 'clear up the mess' left by the consequences of the conflicts and conquests now underway.

    In other words: Problem-Reaction-Solution.

    The plan is to use America and in doing so to break America, economically, politically and militarily. Most importantly it wants to break the American spirit and its sense of identity and self.

    So the exposure of the US torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners serves the Illuminati in many ways, two in particular:

    (a) It further stimulates outrage in the Arab world about the United States and, as I wrote years ago, the plan is to engineer a Muslim 'Holy War' against the US to 'justify' the use of their fire power to set the Middle East ablaze and take over the region.

    (b) It eats away at America's, albiet false, sense of idenity as the John Wayne good guys who sacrifice themselves for freedom and justice across the world. Americans torture people? That can't be right, it's those evil foreigners that do that, isn't it? The 'revelation' that the United States 'support our troops with pride' military could commit such abominations is a massive blow to America's self confidence and sense of national idenity - exactly as planned.

    Nothing is what it seems and while we may appear to be seeing the expansion and grotesque expression of American might and power we are actually watching that power and sense of nationhood being systematically destroyed.

    Link URL for websites

    JAXXE --- ---
    serie clanku o tom vojenskem cviceni co probihalo 9/11 rano...

    9/11 wargames articles, analysis

    First published on c0balt: A compilation pulled together by historian and author Barbara Honegger on 2004 April 16, available at c0balt.com


    With regard to the first article below, about NORAD's "Vigilant Guardian" emergency response exercise held on the morning of 9/11 in the northeast sector of the U.S. including New York, D.C. and Pennsylvania, we know that this "Vigilant Guardian" 'wargame' had to either be on, or involve, a multiple-hijack scenario because the person in charge of 'running' the game at NEADS (NORAD N.E. Sector) in Rome, New York as well as the very person who, finally, too late authorized the scrambling of real jets on 9/11, NORAD's No. 2 General Arnold, at Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida, were both (along with many other 'game players that morning) confused at the beginning as to whether incomings from Boston air traffic control, etc. were 'for real,' or were part of the wargame; and they would not, and could not, have been confused unless what actually began unfolding -- the attacks -- were the same as, or very similar to, the scenario/content of the pre-planned exercise(s).


    JAXXE --- ---
    Iranian gas attack victims to sue US

    Iranian victims of chemical attacks say they will take the United States to the International Court of Justice in The Hague for supplying Iraq with the weapons that scarred them, the official IRNA news agency said.

    Iran's Society of Victims of Weapons of Mass Destruction will demand compensation from Washington and US firms, saying they supplied poison gases to Saddam Hussein's Iraq during his 1980-1988 war against the Islamic Republic.

    The war killed hundreds of thousands on both sides and Iran has thousands of invalids disabled in chemical attacks.

    "The US government issued over 780 licences allowing American companies to export sensitive weapon components," the group said in a letter delivered to the Swiss Embassy, which covers US interests in Tehran.

    An Iranian court last week said the United States should pay $US600 million in compensation to survivors of attacks on the town of Sardasht which borders Iraq.

    -- Reuters

    JAXXE --- ---
    NBC: FDNY Chief of Safety Reported Bombs Both Within the Towers and on the Planes on 9/11

    Paul Joseph Watson/Dan Perez | May 5 2004

    What you will hear is a clip from NBC reporter Pat Dawson on the morning of 9/11. In it he discusses the comments of Albert Turi, the Chief of Safety for the New York
    City Fire Department.

    Turi reported not only that there were numerous secondary explosions within the towers but that there was also a bomb on one or both of the planes that crashed into the towers. This would explain why video footage shows both planes emitting strange flashes before they hit the towers, as well as the 'pod' on the underbelly of Flight 175.

    We have dozens of reports from firefighters and others on the scene who witnessed bombs going before and during the towers' collapse. Larry Silverstein, the owner of the World Trade Center complex, admitted in a PBS documentary that they decided to demolish Building 7 on the day of 9/11, despite the official story of it accidentally collapsing which has remained in place to this day.


    Click play to hear this amazingly revealing audio..


    TRANSCRIPT (1 minute 27 seconds in)

    "....The Chief of Safety of the Fire Department of New York told me that...er...shortly after 9 o'clock here had roughly 200 men in the building trying to effect rescues of some of those civilians who were in there...er... and that basically he received word of the possibility of a secondary device, another bomb going off. He tried to get his men out as quickly as he could but he said that there was another explosion which took place and then an hour after the first hit here, the first crash that took place, he said there was another explosion which took place in one of the towers here.

    So obviously he, according to his theory, he thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building. One of the secondary devices he thinks that took place after the initial impact was, he thinks, may have been on the plane that crashed into one of the towers. The second device, he thinks, he speculates, was probably planted in the building...er... so that's what we have been told by...erm...Albert Turi who is the Chief of Safety for the New York City Fire Department, he told me that just moments ago."

    The reporter then goes on to describe continuing explosions which are blamed on faulty gas lines.

    ...."the bottom line is, that according to the Chief of Safety of the New York Fire Department, he says that he lost a great many men in those secondary explosions and he said that there were literally hundreds if not thousands of people in those towers when the explosions took place. He said everything above the 60th floor was extremely difficult to get to as you can imagine."


    BEEJBI --- ---
    GYD: tu je ten link, inak zaujimave poctneicko tiez...http://events.thing.net/Boeskov_text.html
    GYD --- ---
    BEEJBI: je to mozny, jen jsem nahodil link, zbytek podle prvni vety v zahlavi
    BEEJBI --- ---
    GYD: to s tou snajperkou co na dialku vstreluje cipy je HOAX!! tu pusku si vymyslel jeden umelec ako social reality hack na vystavu zbrani vpekingu...ten zvysok ale je pravda, cipy budu svinstvo...najdem ti tu ten link...oni na tej sajte ani nevedia o com pisu, kokoti :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    V USA jako vybuchne radioaktivní bomba a vypukne epidemie moru
    Ve Spojených státech se uskuteční unikátní simulace teroristických útoků

    Zdroj: Koláž LN
    WASHINGTON 12. května 2003 | 12:11 V USA dnes začíná rozsáhlé pětidenní protiteroristické cvičení, při kterém zažijí obyvatelé Seattlu a Chicaga simulovaný výbuch bomby a biologický atentát. Do unikátní akce s pracovním názvem Topoff-2 je zapojeno na 8500 lidí.

    • USA chtějí spravovat irácké příjmy
    • Armáda USA: Studená fúze není výmysl
    • USA rozkázaly rozpustit stranu Baas

    Fiktivní teroristická skupina nejprve v 15:00 místního času (21:00 SELČ) nechá vybuchnout v Seattlu takzvanou radioaktivní špinavou bombu a poté se v Chicagu pokusí vyvolat epidemii moru.

    Obyvatelé obou měst byli v posledních týdnech opakovaně upozorněni na cvičení, aby se předešlo panice. Spojeným státům podle místních odborníků podobné útoky skutečně hrozí. "Špinavé bomby", složené z konveční výbušniny a nějaké radioaktivní nebo biologické látky, je podle nich totiž poměrně snadné vyrobit. Takové atentáty by přitom vyvolaly prý více paniku než velký počet obětí.

    Nepropadejte panice!
    Americký federální úřad pro prevenci a sledování chorob se také snažil zmírnit strach z obou hrozeb. "Přímé krátké radioaktivní ozáření lidí ještě neznamená, že budou mít rakovinu," uvedl úřad. Snažil se také snížit obavy, který u lidí vyvolává mor. Trvalo to však stovky let a lidé tehdy nevěděli, že nemoc přenášejí blechy, zdůraznil úřad.

    Do cvičení je zapojen Bílý dům, federální úřady, nemocnice, Červený kříž a další instituce a organizace. Scénář simulovaných teroristických útoků počítá na konci týdne díky rychlé, účinné a koordinované práci všech zúčastněných s omezeným počtem obětí a zatčením útočníků.
    GYD --- ---
    K tomuto účelu slouží speciální odstřelovací puška, která čip vpraví do těla podezřelého - na dálku a bez jeho vědomí.
    GYD --- ---
    - Satelit-zabiják s označením NFIRE má za pomoci detektorů infračerveného záření nejen shromažďovat údaje pro protiraketovou obranu nad USA, ale na palubě bude mít i "zabijáckou" střelu druhé generace (Kill Vehicle) firmy Boeing, která by měla ničit jiné satelity a také rakety letící ve startovní fázi.
    JAXXE --- ---
    "An evil exists that threatens every
    man, woman, and child of this great nation.

    We must take steps to ensure our domestic security
    and protect our homeland."

    - Adolf Hitler, proposing the creation of the Gestapo.
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