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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Coca-Cola's Unexpected Summer Police State Propaganda

    Coca-Cola | June 5 2004

    GPS Satellite Tracking is cool and can win you great prizes! Next it's the implanted chip which will be the new fad. "But Mommy, all the other kids are getting one, why can't I be cool? They might bully me!"


    PETVAL --- ---
    Zbláznil se Bush?
    Alexander Cockburn

    Stále intenzivněji se šíří zprávy o nepříčetnosti Georga Bushe.

    Vydavatel Capitol Hill Blue http://capitolhillblue.com/ Doug Thompson napsal v ranních hodinách 4. června: "Haly západního křídla (Bílého domu) bzučí zprávami o nejistém chování a prudkých výkyvech nálad prezidenta Bushe, a jeho pomocný personál nedávno diskrétně vyjádřil vzrůstající obavy o duševní zdraví hlavy státu."

    Takhle nějak začíná Thompsonova zpráva a pokračuje:

    "Na schůzkách s nejvyššími představiteli země a svými poradci prezident jedním dechem cituje Bibli a míchá to s obscénními směšnými výbuchy nenávisti vůči médiím, demokratům a dalším, které označuje za 'nepřátele státu'."

    "Připomíná mi to poslední dny prezidenta Nixona," říká dlouholetý konzultant republikánů s kontakty na Bílý dům. "Každý je pro něj nepřítelem. Každý po něm jde. Taková je tam teď nálada." Zjevně je to vzpomínka na dobu, kdy se opilý prezident Nixon, pronásledovaný aférou Watergate, po nocích toulal chodbami Bílého domu a Kissingerovi uklouzlo, že převzal kontrolu nad knoflíkem umožňujícím odpálení jaderných zbraní.

    A když zmiňujeme knoflík jaderných zbraní, Thompson uvádí, že hovořil důvěrně s několika lidmi z personálu Bílého domu a byl opakovaně upozorňován na to, že Bush vše, co činí, zdůvodňuje 'Boží vůlí' a všechny své oponenty usazuje vulgárním rčením 'fuck over' (lze přeložit jako 'jdi do prdele', pozn. vydavatele).

    Thompson cituje jednoho z poradců: "Není pochyb o tom, že jsme ve válce. Ale čemu už vůbec nerozumím, je, kdo je vlastně nepřítel. Vypadá to, že věnujeme více času a energie zničení Johna Kerryho než al-Káidy, a seznam našich nepřátel každým dnem a hodinou roste."

    Kritika není možná. Prezident na ni reaguje zuřivě. "Takhle to ve skutečnosti proběhlo s odvoláním ředitele CIA Georga Teneta," říká Thompson v odvolání se na poradce:

    "Tenet chtěl odejít už minulý rok, ale prezident se k němu otočil zády a odmítl ho poslouchat. Tenkrát byla vhodnější doba na změnu, než teď, uprostřed volební kampaně. Ve středu večer v průběhu schůzky Tenet s prezidentem nesouhlasil. Prezident ho uťal v půli slova a řekl: 'To stačí, Tenete. Nemohu tolerovat neloajálnost. Chci, abys rezignoval. A chci, aby to bylo okamžitě.'"

    Thompson píše, že Tenetovi bylo dovoleno 'rezignovat dobrovolně'. Bush o jeho rezignaci informoval své šokované poradce ve čtvrtek ráno. Jeden z poradců poznamenal, že Bush skutečně popsal Tenetovu rezignaci jako 'Boží vůli'. Stejně tak bude zřejmě Boží vůle i to, že generální prokurátor John Ashcroft zůstává ve funkci a v nejuzším kruhu Bushova poradců, navzdory široké kritice ohledně jeho protiústavních zákonů a trvalým pokusům podkopávat základní lidská práva a svobody. Personál západního křídla (Bílého domu) nazývá Bushe a Ashcrofta "Blues Brothers", protože oba plní Boží poslání.

    "Ashcroft a Bush jsou nerozlučná dvojice, protože je spojuje víra," říká jeden z poradců. "Oba věří, že jakákoliv akce je zdůvodnitelná vůlí Boží."

    Věčně popudlivý a vznětlivý Bush shazuje a ponižuje své lidi a neostýchá se nazývat je před ostatními 'zajebanými zkurvysyny' nebo - vidí-li, že je někdo vůči němu kritický - označuje je za "nepatriotické" či "neamerické".

    "Vládne tady pocit, že jsme v obležení. O tom není pochyb," cituje Thompson jednoho z poradců a pokračuje: "V této společnosti se můžete stát nepřítelem Spojených států a nemusíte ani mít na hlavě turban nebo hovořit farsi. Stačí, když projevíte nesouhlas s prezidentem."

    Článek Has Bush Gone Over the Edge? vyšel 4.června na serveru http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn06042004.html
    GHIVERAN --- ---
    a sakra, to uz asi ani nema cenu kupovat novy hnojivo pro kyticky :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    huráá, bude konec světáá
    JAXXE --- ---
    Paranoid Nation

    by Gary Indiana

    No Such Thing as Paranoia

    On the culture of conspiracism

    JAXXE --- ---
    dneska nam opet zacina bilderberg konference, s kulatym cislem 50.

    JAXXE --- ---

    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: pohoda ne, spolecnost si pracovnika na pracovni dobu najima a ten ji tak po ten cas 'patri'. nelibi-li se mu to, muze jit jinam.

    ted jeste zabudovat elektrosoky pro ty, kteri budou dlouho na jednom miste, to se bude bohyni Produktivite urcite moc libit ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush Likens War On Terror To WWII

    Jun 2, 2004 4:32 pm US/Mountain

    President Bush compared the fight against terrorists to the struggle against tyranny that forced World War II, telling new Air Force officers Wednesday that the United States and its allies can win the battle by bringing freedom and reform to the Middle East.


    "Our goal, the goal of this generation, is the same" as it was in World War II, Mr. Bush said. "We will secure our nation and defend the peace through the forward march of freedom."


    "Just as events in Europe determined the outcome of the Cold War," he said, "events in the Middle East will set the course of our current struggle."


    JAXXE --- ---
    opet troska numerologie... ;)))

    999 Days of Terror

    This is heavy. On June 7th 2004 something might happen again. Please check out this link.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The Seoul Metropolitan Subway Corp. is facing charges of human rights abuse due to its measure to require ``conscripted public service personnel'' to carry plastic cards embedded with electronic chips that can reveal their locations during working hours.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Evropská unie své občany opět zradila

    Nedávno se lobbistickým skupinám, prosazujícím nekontrolované šíření GM potravin, podařilo "přesvědčit" bezejmenné úředníky v Bruselu k souhlasu s jistým nárůstem GM plodin v potravinách pro evropské spotřebitele.

    Krátce nato "rozhodli" bruselští byrokraté, že patentování software je vlastně prima nápad. Jejich rozhodnutí bude mít definitivně mrazící efekt na inovace a vývoj v oblasti Open Source Software.

    Tento pátek se jiným lobbistickým skupinám podařil další milý trik.

    Došlo k formální dohodě mezi Spojenými státy a Evropskou unií, co se předávání osobních dat Evropanů cestujících do země, kde zítra znamená včera, týče. Dohoda byla podepsána navzdory tomu, že ji Evropský parlament třikrát zamítl.

    Američtí jestřábi tak budou mít k dispozici 34 údaje o každém z cestujících 72 hodiny před započetím letu - počínaje číslem letenky, přes jméno, adresu, e-mail a konče preferencí jeho jídelníčku.

    Údajně budou tyto informace držet ve svých databázích tři a půl roku.

    Když se mě lidé ptají, proč jsem proti Unii, uvádím většinou jako první argument to, že dříve bylo nutno uplácet politiky v jednotlivých státech separátně. Občas se to podařilo, občas ne. Nyní stačí "přitlačit" na tu správnou páku jen jednou a je vystaráno. Pro všechny občany Evropy. Jak prosté, milý Watsone.


    MARSHUS --- ---
    Bush srovnal boj proti terorismu s druhou světovou válkou

    COLORADO SPRINGS (USA) 2. června (ČTK) - Potřebu a odhodlanost USA bojovat proti světovému terorismu potvrdil americký prezident George Bush. V projevu na vojenské letecké škole ve městě Colorado Springs přirovnal tento boj ke druhé světové válce, v níž USA také bojovaly proti tyranii mimo americké území.

    "Budete bojovat v obdobné válce, jako byla ta proti nacistům," prohlásil Bush podle BBC v projevu k novým leteckým důstojníkům. "Válka proti teroru se podobá velkým srážkám minulého století mezi demokracií a totalitarismem," dodal.

    Podle jeho slov "stejně jako v případě vražedných ideologií minulého století, také ideologie dnešních vrahů nezná hranice". Nepřátelé svobody se chybně domnívají, že Spojené státy jsou "dekadentní" a zhroutí se po jejich úderu. "V těchto heslech slyšíme ozvěnu jiných nepřátel, těch z minulých dob, stejné chvástání, jako bylo jejich," řekl.

    Nejvyšší představitel Spojených států zdůraznil význam stabilizace Blízkého východu a potřebu zabránit v tomto směru především tomu, aby se do rukou teroristů dostaly zbraně hromadného ničení. Vyjádřil odhodlání Washingtonu tlačit na země jako KLDR a Írán, které by takové zbraně mohly vyrábět a prodávat radikálním skupinám. "Pro Ameriku je nejlepší zůstat v ofenzivě," prohlásil.

    Pro oslabení a poražení terorismu je potřeba prosadit na Blízkém východě svobodu a demokracii, řekl prezident. Z této oblasti se podle něj ozývají hlasy, které žádají změny. Vyzval palestinské reformátory, aby se mobilizovali v zájmu míru. Ocenil izraelský plán na odchod z Gazy. Ujistil také, že Irák přes veškeré současné těžkosti zůstane v táboře svobodných států.

    "V dlouhodobější perspektivě očekáváme vyšší úroveň reforem a demokracie u našich přátel v oblasti," dodal v narážce na saúdskoarabský režim a některé další prozápadní státy, vesměs monarchie.

    Bush zdůraznil, že boj proti terorismu není válkou mezi náboženstvími, ale mezi odlišnými politickými vizemi. Svoboda není podle něj vynálezem Západu, je nejhlubší potřebou a nadějí celého lidstva. Bojem a porážkou terorismu bude bezpečnější celý svět. Dodal, že toto úsilí si vyžádá delší čas a mezinárodní spolupráci.

    Bush odjíždí ve čtvrtek do Evropy, kde se bude snažit zacelit rány po střetech s některými spojenci kolem irácké války a získat podporu pro transformaci Iráku. Diplomatické zdroje v Paříži před prezidentovým projevem uvedly, že Evropané se ho budou snažit přesvědčit, že k potření terorismu je nezbytné vyřešit izraelsko- palestinský konflikt. Ten je podle nich zdrojem teroru.

    Projev byl druhým z šesti podobných, se kterými podle Bílého domu prezident vystoupí před 30. červnem, kdy Iráčané převezmou od koalice politickou moc ve své zemi. Vystoupeními se podle místních pozorovatelů Bush snaží přesvědčit Američany o své schopnosti řešit Irák a terorismus s cílem získat jejich podporu v nadcházejících prezidentských volbách v USA.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    TIA lives? Report lists US gov 'dataveillance' activities
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Emergent cheese-sandwich detector enlisted in War on Terror
    PETVAL --- ---
    must read :)

    Pacifističtí paviáni
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraqi with MI6 links is new prime minister

    By Justin Huggler in Baghdad

    29 May 2004

    A former Iraqi opposition leader believed to have close links with MI6 and other Western intelligence agencies was yesterday named as Iraq's new interim Prime Minister.




    Proposed Iraqi PM has CIA links

    By Jack Fairweather, Baghdad and Anton La Guardia, London
    May 30, 2004
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    Iyad Allawi.

    An Iraqi neurologist who survived an assassination attempt by Saddam Hussein's agents 26 years ago will become the country's prime minister after receiving the backing of members of the interim governing council and the United Nations.

    The council proposed Iyad Allawi (pictured above), a long-time Shiite exile with links to the CIA and MI6 who fled from Saddam Hussein's Iraq to London in the 1970s. A senior US Government official said Mr Allawi would be Iraq's prime minister in the interim government "in the next two or three days".

    He added: "We thought he would be an excellent prime minister. I think that this is going to work."


    JAXXE --- ---


    By: Alan Stang

    Between the time you read this and the electoral charade in November – in which you will exercise your unalienable right to "choose" between Democon and Republicon Bonesmen – Islamocommunist terrorists will hit the United States with Weapons of Mass Destruction. At least that is what geheimland security boss Tom Ridge and other foreigners are saying in the District of Criminals.

    We are told it will be a massive strike, big enough even to get the attention of Christians waiting to be "raptured." The targets could include the Democon and Republicon nominating conventions or other manifestations of American civilization and power. Both legs on the Hegelian dialectical bug – the left Communist media represented by people like Katie the Kook, and the right Communist Bush media represented by belligerent ignoramuses like Mike Savage – are now talking about it.

    They tell us the Islamocommunists may have recruited terrorists who look like Europeans or Americans to conduct the strike. Maybe they will look like Katie the Kook; but of course they would be a lot smarter. They will travel in families to "reduce their profile." Some of them may actually be pregnant women. So, be on the lookout for stupid, pregnant females.

    But, as we go to press, the one thing the District of Criminals and the Communist media have scrupulously not mentioned (unless it got by me) is the question of what happens after the attack. What happens after a nuclear, biological or chemical weapon takes Bonesman Hanoi John or Bonesman Bush home to Satan?

    Suppose you are conspiring to submerge the United States in a totalitarian Socialist world dictatorship. You have discreetly seized control of the nation’s institutions and government. Now you need to come out of the closet and impose that power. Now you need to nail the dictatorship down. How would you do that?

    You could not just announce your plan and take over. Once you cross the Hudson and head west, the nation is teeming with heavily armed rednecks until you enter Los Angeles – including the most dangerous creature that ever stalked the earth, the Marine Corps sniper – men who keep their women in subjection and refuse to register anything except illegal aliens and sodomites. You would need some subterfuge.

    How about a foreign attack on the nation that would allow you to "busy giddy minds with foreign quarrels?" My colleagues and I have been warning for many years that the conspiracy for world government would use such an emergency to trick us into demanding our own enslavement as the "solution." In fact, you could impose your dictatorship only in that way.

    There is historical precedent for such a technique. In 1861, our first Communist President, Dishonest Abe, tricked Americans into reoccupying Fort Sumter and precipitated the War for Southern Independence. In 1898, imperial elements destroyed the Maine in Havana harbor, and fomented war with Spain. In 1941, Frank Roosevelt finally pushed the Japanese into killing 3,000 Americans at Pearl.

    Remember General Tommy Franks? He led U.S. forces in last year’s invasion of Iraq. Last December, in an interview he gave to Cigar Aficionado, he said that the acquisition and use by terrorists of a N(uclear)B(iological)C(hemical) weapon that kills many Americans would be "the worst thing that could happen" to our cherished republican form of government.

    If that were to happen, said General Franks, "the Western world, the free world, loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty we’ve seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy." Forget the fact that we’re not supposed to have a democracy. Why would we lose those things because of such an attack?

    "It means the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event somewhere in the Western world – it may be in the United States of America – that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event. Which in fact, then begins to unravel the fabric of our Constitution. Two steps, very, very important."

    I am not in the military, and I don’t know about you, but when a four-star general speaks, I listen. How likely is it, do you think, that a four-star general, who has just led our invasion of Iraq, would spout such stuff off the top of his head? Or is it more likely that his comment was a test sanctioned by the District of Criminals to see how well it would go down?

    There are two reasons to think that could be so. First, his remarks appeared in a very limited-circulation magazine. Few women smoke cigars and read Cigar Aficionado. (Janet "the Man" Reno and Hillaroid, the nation’s leading cause of lower back pain, are not women.) Second, notice that the District of Criminals said not a word of denial to "correct" their commander’s inflammatory remarks.

    Remember a few years back, at Twenty Nine Palms, the U.S. Marine Corps base that is bigger than many members of the Communist UN – even bigger than Hanoi John Kerry’s head – gyrenes were asked whether they would fire on Americans who disobeyed an order to turn in their guns. The District of Criminals just wanted to know.

    Thank God, the pride of the United States said they would not. Of course, when the feces hit the fan, when a parent found out, the District of Criminals said it was a mistake; said that the questionnaire was an unauthorized exercise by a minor Navy officer doing research for a graduate degree. Oh, yeah.

    By the way, last week’s special offer of scenic vacation lots in lovely sun-drenched downtown Fallujah, garden spot of the Middle East, the ancient home of Nebuchadnezzar, was a boffo success. We do have a few choice corner lots left that will be available at fire sale prices only to Alan Stang readers as soon as our brokers clear away the corpses, but you must act quickly, my friends. This offer cannot be repeated.

    "Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

    This is what Henry Kissinger is supposed to have said in Evian, France, on May 21st, 1992, at a meeting of the Bilderbergers, one of the extrusions of the conspiracy for world government. We are told that Kissinger didn’t know a Swiss delegate to the meeting was taping his speech.

    In his book, Henry Kissinger, Soviet Agent, the late intelligence specialist Frank Capell wrote that Heinz Kissinger is exactly that. The quotation above has been all over the patriot community and now the Internet for years. In my opinion, it is suspicious for two reasons: I don’t believe any Swiss delegate to a super-secret Bilderberger conference was taping anything; and, the clarity of syntax in the statement is uncharacteristic of the usually opaque, labyrinthine Doktor Kissinger.

    The quotation is too perfect, too clear, precisely because it sure does sum up what we are talking about. As I write, the process is well under way. I mentioned belligerent ignoramus Michael Savage. He is supposed to have a doctorate from Berkeley, and he is mouthy enough to qualify, but his vaunted knowledge of history is as thin as the hair on Dick Cheney’s head.

    Savage is another Clear Channel phony who caters to Republicons fed up with Boy Bush. He is even allowed to criticize Bush, which makes his spiel so much more credible. In the end, however, he screams that no way would he ever vote for a Democon again and that if you love this country you will vote for Boy Bush despite his warts or you are nothing but a traitor. Do you understand what I’m telling you?

    Even my mouth fell open yesterday when Savage demanded loyalty oaths, national identity cards and internment – yes, internment – because he has had enough, do you understand what I’m saying? Enough! Happily, some callers did disagree, but he persisted in his assertion that the Savage Nation can be saved only if we re-elect Bush and enslave ourselves.

    Was it my imagination, or did I hear the Horst Wessel and the Internationale playing softly in the background? Please explain the difference in dictatorship between doing it to ourselves and someone else doing it to us. Would it make any difference how we get there?

    "Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."



    Will Bush the Beheader use terrorism to become America's Pinochet?
    May 28, 2004

    Will George W. Bush use terrorism to become America's Pinochet?

    Attorney-General John Ashcroft is priming the public for a terrorist attack, which can only mean Bush is sharpening his blades to behead the Constitution.

    Augusto Pinochet seized absolute power in Chile on September 11, 1973. The US national security apparatus, including George H.W. Bush, used terrorism as an excuse to help Pinochet destroy what had been a constitutional democracy.

    So is Shrub a president? Or is he a Pinochet?

    By a 4:1 margin American historians have already rated W. "a failure." More than one in ten surveyed in the recent George Mason University History News Network Poll also rate Bush as "the worst president ever."

    But ultimately, this Bush has no peer among US presidents. Let's look at three likely matches.

    Richard Nixon trained Dick Cheney and Karl Rove as Dirty Tricksters. Nixon is Bush's role model for corruption, cynicism and personal psychosis. But Nixon was also a skilled, literate global diplomat who opened doors to China and the former Soviet Union and supported environmental protection. Bush has trashed all that.

    Herbert Hoover callously presided over the beginnings of America's worst economic depression. Bush is right there. But Hoover was also a skilled, literate bureaucrat, and a Quaker-raised foe of war. Not exactly Bush.

    Warren G. Harding was astonishingly corrupt. Bush, Halliburton and Enron have more than matched him. But Harding also hated repression and brought the anti-war socialist Eugene V. Debs straight from a federal prison cell to meet him in the Oval Office. Bush might well have had Debs executed.

    Ultimately, Bush's real peers are not US presidents but Third World dictators, like Pinochet, many of whom his father also put in office. Their coda is clear:

    Use of "terror" as an excuse for totalitarian control;

    Official secrecy for its own sake;

    Seizure of power in contempt of free elections;

    Totalitarian militarism;

    Abuse of human rights and liberties;

    Love of the death penalty;

    Hatred of a free press;

    Imprisonment without legal recourse;

    Widespread torture;

    Brazen theft of public billions;

    "Free market" smokescreens for corporate domination;

    Taxing the poor to benefit the rich;

    Hatred of labor unions;

    Decimation of the natural environment;

    Assaulting elected leaders anywhere, anytime;

    Contempt for international treaties;

    Reactionary alliance with right wing church groups;

    Contempt for women's rights;

    Manipulating divisions of race and class.

    The one American actually offered a dictatorship, George Washington, turned it down, shaping the nature of the Presidency for more than two centuries....until now.

    Meanwhile Bush has beheaded the American economy, replacing First World surpluses with Third World debt.

    Reminiscent of Joe Stalin, foreign intelligence, economic assessment and even basic science must not contradict Rovian spin or fundamentalist prophecy.

    American education, once the envy of the world, is in shambles, with global students now turning away for the first time. America's moral prestige, never higher than after September 11, 2001, has been trashed. No US president has ever been so personally hated.

    And never has a would-be Third World dictator stood more ready to shred our Constitution.

    Stalin once quipped that power resides not with those who cast the votes, but with those that count them.

    Bush may try to follow Stalin's (and brother Jeb's) lead by stealing the 2004 election, as in 2000. Or he may try to seize power like Pinochet did on 9/11/73 in a repressive crusade against convenient terrorism.

    But one thing is certain: if Shrub's hyped-up power play succeeds, the beheading of America will be complete.


    HARVEY WASSERMAN'S HISTORY OF THE US is available at www.harveywasserman.com. He is co-author (with Bob Fitrakis) of GEORGE W. BUSH VERSUS THE SUPERPOWER OF PEACE (www.freepress.org).


    Would Bush kill one American to rule the other 288 million? Would he kill 10? 100? 1000? 1000000? After all, even a million killed in a staged terror attack is only one half of one percent, an "acceptible" price to pay to make the other 95.5% obedient slaves.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    na druhou stranu ten překlad je příšernej
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam