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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Kerry Comes Out For Preemptive War... in Iran?


    US 'exploring Iranian 9/11 role'


    Israel accuses Iran of resuming suspect nuclear activities


    U.S. Explores Possible Iran Link to Sept. 11



    "Afghanistan did 9-11. (BOOM!) No, wait, It was Iraq! (BOOM!) Okay, Iraq didn't do it, it was Iran. (BOOM!) Maybe Saudi Arabia? (BOOM!) Syria? (BOOM!) Lebanon? (BOOM!) Kuwait? (BOOM!) United Arab Emirates? (BOOM!) "

    "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

    -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11 http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/spyring.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Soud v Haagu rozhodl proti Izraeli a soud v Haagu je cílem al-Káidy?

    Přišel dopis, údajně od al-Káidy, ve kterém jsou temné vyhrůžky vůči Holandsku a vůči mezinárodnímu soudnímu dvoru v Haagu.

    Dopis byl adresován vedení OSN v New Yorku. Holandské úřady potvrdily, že vyhrůžky berou vážně a zpřísnily bezpečnostní opatření.

    Al-Káida prý navrhla už dříve tříměsíční klid zbraní, v té době měly evropské země stáhnout z Iráku svá vojska. Tříměsíční lhůta vypršela 15. července.

    Holandsko má v Iráku 1300 vojáků a další v Afghánistánu.

    Můj osobní názor? Zdá se, že někomu velmi záleží na tom, aby vzbudil v Evropanech strach a nejistotu. Jenže Evropa není Amerika a hoši z jisté nejmenované bezpečnostní služby jsou čím dál zoufalejší a ztrácejí smysl pro realitu. I ten bombový útok ve Španělsku dopadl úplně jinak, než čekali. :-)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Satellites will track 5,000 of the worst criminals in Britain
    By Sophie Goodchild and Andrew Johnson

    18 July 2004

    Satellite technology will be used to track 5,000 career criminals who are responsible for one in every 10 crimes in Britain, the Home Secretary David Blunkett will announce tomorrow.

    The radical new technology, which has been developed in the US, will enable law enforcement officers to pinpoint the exact location of criminals who have been released early from prison and fitted with electronic tags.

    It will feature among a series of measures in a five-year plan to tackle burgeoning violent crime and antisocial behaviour. Home Office figures released next week will show police forces recording rises as high as 25 per cent.

    A Home Office source said: "We are the largest users of tagging outside the US and we will continue to do this. We will introduce satellite tracing for prolific offenders as well as for domestic violence and sex offenders."

    Other measures include increasing the number of community support officers from 5,000 to 20,000 by 2008, putting drug-using criminals through treatment programmes and locking up those who refuse help, as well as making greater use of antisocial behaviour orders.

    Tony Blair is expected to reassure voters that protecting "law-abiding citizens" from lawless teenage gangs and drunken yobs will be central to government policy.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Regime change in Iran now in Bush’s sights

    By Jenifer Johnston

    PRESIDENT George Bush has promised that if re-elected in November he will make regime change in Iran his new target.

    Bush named Iran as part of the Axis of Evil along with North Korea and Iraq almost three years ago. A US government official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that military action would not be overt in changing Iran, but rather that the US would work to stir revolts in the country and hope to topple the current conservative religious leadership.

    The official said: “If George Bush is re-elected there will be much more intervention in the internal affairs of Iran.”

    The Iranian government announced this weekend that it had successfully eradicated all al-Qaeda cells operating in the country, but the statement comes as leaked reports from the US September 11 Commission show definite links between Iran and the September 11 terrorists.

    The final report from the cross-party inquiry, which is examining the origins of the September 11 attacks, is believed to contain concrete evidence of contacts between al-Qaeda and Iran.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Iran 'gave safe passage to 9/11 hijackers'

    Commission to report that Teheran wanted to join Osama in US attacks


    THE Sept 11 commission's report, due out on Thursday, says Iran may have facilitated the 2001 attacks on the United States by providing eight to 10 Al-Qaeda hijackers with safe passage to and from training camps in Afghanistan, media reports said yesterday.

    Time and Newsweek - in similar reports quoting congressional, commission and government sources - said Iran relaxed border controls and provided 'clean' passports for the hijackers to transit via Iran to and from Osama bin Laden's camps between October 2000 and February 2001.

    According to Time, the report also says that Iran at one point proposed collaborating with Al-Qaeda on attacks against the United States.



    Comment: If Iran was involved for providing safe passage then the US government was also involved because they did the same. Furthermore, the people who granted the hijackers' visas were given raises. The so-called 'independent commission' has given the Neo-Cons exactly what they wanted, a pretext to invade more countries. Just like Fahrenheit 9/11 lays the red carpet for the phony left-wing to support an invasion of Saudi Arabia.
    JAXXE --- ---
    I have thrown together a file that fits JUST onto one cd, enabling mass distribution, and its the most comprehensive amount of material on the NWO ever in one place.

    The contents of this file/cd consist of (A-H):

    A) Videos:(All at a very condensed setting of 128KBps)

    1)Police State 3
    2) Matrix of Evil
    *3) Global Governance
    *4) United States vs United Nations (JBS)
    *5) Freedom On The Alter (JBS)
    6) Brotherhood of Darkness
    *7) Monopoly Men
    *8) Eco-Fraud - Countdown to the New World Order
    *9) Injustice for All: The International Criminal Court (JBS)
    *10) Indoctrinating our Youth in Earth Worship (JBS)
    *11) War and Globalization The Truth Behind Sept 11
    *12) The Great Deception – The War On Terrorism
    *13) Civilian Disarmament - Prelude to Tyranny (JBS)
    14) Unced (Globalist Summit in Rio ‘92) [sorry for the quality]
    16) A Read-Me File called “MORE VIDEOS HERE (OPEN THIS)”*
    *=These are videos bought and ripped by myself

    Check out the “readme” file in the Video folder for links to many endless hours of additional NW0 videos available with one click of the mouse!!!….This is the biggest collection of downloadable links of NW0 related vids on the internet hands down times 5. Make sure to check it out, it took a long time to collect and assemble.
    The document has 32 pages of downloable links of videos. There are HUNDREDS of hours of downloads available here

    1) 9-11 Decent Into Tyranny – By Alex Jones
    2) A Number Not a Name-Big Brother By Stealth By C.Wolfe
    3) Americas Secret Establishment - An Introduction to Skull
    and Bones – By Antony Sutton *
    4) Black Box Voting - By Bev Harris
    5) Bloodlines of the Illuminati -By Fritz Springmeier
    6) Chronological History of The NWO – By D. Cuddy
    7) Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola -By Leanard Horowitz
    8 ) Freedom From War - The United States Program for General
    and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World
    9) Global Tyranny Step By Step – By William F Jasper
    10) Illuminati 666
    11) Morals and Dogma - by Albert Pike
    12) New World Order and E.L.F. Psychotronic Tyranny
    13) Operation Vampire Killer- Police Against The New World Order
    14) Order out of Chaos – By Paul Joseph Watson
    15) Stranger then Fiction - An Independent Investigation of The 9-11 Attacks - By Dr. Albert D. Pastore
    16) The Best Democracy Money Can Buy -By Greg Palast (Expanded US Version)
    17) The Best Enemy Money Can Buy -By Anthony C Sutton
    18) The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society
    19) The Hidden Gears of Freemasonry
    20) The Insiders – By John F. McManus
    21) The Protocols of Zion
    22) The Rockefeller Files- By Gary Allen
    23) The Secret Team – By L. FLETCHER PROUTY Col., U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
    24) The Taking of America – By Richard Sprague
    25) Wall Street and The Bolshevic Revolution - By Antony C Sutton
    26) Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler- By Antony C Sutton
    27) White Papers (Skull and Bones)
    28) A Read-Me document called “More Books are available here (open this)”, which is a sizeable collection of books, each one you can acquire with a click of the mouse)
    * I bought, scanned, and ripped this Book, and damn proud of it, it’s a very important book. Global Tyranny Step by Step was bought in htm form and then pdf’d by myself. [99% of the other books here were found on the net, edited and pdf’d by myself]

    C) AUDIO
    1) Alex Jones Interviews Donn de Grand Pre
    2) Alex Jones Interviews Stanley Hilton
    3) Nixon Talking about Bohemian Grove
    4) FTAA’s Deeper Meaning by John F McManus
    5) GWBush Saying his Press Conference is Scripted
    6) Bush Joking about Terror (Trifecta)
    7) Bush saying he saw the 1st plane hit the wtc on tv (which was not possible)
    8) Mainstream news reporting Secondary Devices (BOMBS PLANTED) going off in the WTC (RARE and Suppressed AUDIO file)
    9) WTC 1 News Audio of Explosions in Building Right Before Collapse
    10) WTC 2 Audio of Explosions in Building
    11) WTC Attack-Actual NYPD Radio Report (NOTICE no imminent collapse due to fires, they were containable)
    12) A Readme File, called “Audio Links (OPEN ME)”. This is one of the internets biggest listing of NW0 audio links that you can download with one click of the mouse. Its Highly Recommended you check this out.

    D) Documents:
    -Megiddo +Megiddo Picture
    -Homeland Security
    -NorthWoods Docuement
    -Total Information Awareness System Description
    -PNAC -Rebuilding Americas Defenses
    -Victory Act
    + Many others
    There is a “Read-Me” word document in the Document folder that has links to more documents as well which is to conserve space on the cd by not including the actual documents.

    E) Auto Video_Loads & Clips
    (most of these will have to be clicked on while ONLINE in order to play/upload)
    -“Spin” by Brian Springer (Us Media Censorship)
    -Praha 2000 (Great documentary on the IMF and related info)
    -BBC The Bushes and the Bin Ladens
    -Patriot2 Analysis (audio clip) done by Alex Jones and J.Rense
    -Pelletiere video clip on present day US/Iraq situation.
    -Hidden wars of Desert Storm
    -Saddam Interview (Parts1-5)
    -Dark Secrets Inside Bohemain Grove
    -Ramsey Clarke US attorney general speech
    -Mike Rupport on the Cia
    -Arming a dictator
    -Us armed Iraq illegally
    -Skull and bones documentary
    -Greg Palast Election 2000 Fraud
    -IBM and the Holocaust
    -Crack The CIA (GNN)
    -Interview with President of Opec about Iraq War
    -Conspiracy of Silence
    -Oil Power and Empire- Iraq and The US Global Agenda
    -The Bushes and the Bin-Ladens – Greg Palast
    -Peak Oil
    -CBC doc on Depleted Uranium
    -Doc on USS Liberty
    -Small Piece on the FTAA
    -The War Conspiracy
    -The Truth about Jessica Lynch
    -The Panama Deception
    +Many More

    Note: Not all of the above, don’t apparently expose the NW0, but they are important in indirect ways, designed to give the viewer a different perspective on what isn’t being discussed in the NW0 controlled media, and perhaps why its not discussed.

    F) Articles
    There are too many articles to list. There is a read-me file providing links to other important article rather then having them take up endless space on the cd.

    These are pictures of important collected from various net sources, books, and still shots from some of the videos I have ripped. Enjoy!

    H) Get Active
    Flyers, petitions to get out of the un, activist center from alex jones’ prisonplanet, black box voting… plus more.

    I) File Sharing:
    There are a number of article in this folder which provide info on the various file sharing systems, programs, in addition to other info. There is a read-me folder in this directory called “READ ME (File Sharing)”, which also provides more information.
    Back to top

    Bronze Member
    (1 to 75 posts)

    Joined: 12 May 2004
    Posts: 4

    Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 2:36 am Post subject:

    Ok for people who dont know how to download things using bittorent, dont worry its not hard. You should atleast try to follow the instructions below-a computer beginner can do this, honest.

    Ok, if you dont have a bittorent client (the program that you use to download torrents files), you can download one here:


    After it finishes downloading, open it up, and it will ask you where to install/save it to on your hardrive, and for simplicity, pick something simple like:

    Now that its installed, you need to download the torrent, and you can do so by using one of the three links(you will have to cut and paste the first of these links, because of the functionality of this website):


    or 2: http://conspiracy.hopto.org:6969/torrent.html?info_hash=b52611d873ef5a79b7f15742e6ca260516932db5

    or 3) http://drgorilla.no-ip.com:6969/torrent.html?info_hash=b52611d873ef5a79b7f15742e6ca260516932db5

    (note the second and third links above might have to be clicked more then once, so try and use the first one).

    After clicking on one of the torrent links above, a window will pop up asking you where on your computer to save the torrent file to. Please select the same directory you installed azureus to:

    Now, open your azuerus program. Once opened, you will see the headings at the top of the page "file", "edit", "language", and "help". I want you to click on "file", and then choose from the window that pops down "open->torrent file".

    A window will pop up asking you which torrent you want to open, and where it is located on your hard drive. Simply go to the c:\azureus directory, and find the torrent called "destroy_the_nwo(2(1).0)".

    After you have selected the torrent file, another window will pop up asking you to choose the save path (where to save the file you are about to download), and you again choose, "c:\azureus". Once you have done this, your download will start shortly thereafter.

    I know this sounds like a bunch of technical mumbo jumbo, but when you try and do what i have written above, its really easy to do, trust me.

    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: pred dvemi lety to nevyslo a uz to zkousi zas. asi forma folkloru.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Florida Citizens to Help Catch Terrorists

    Fox News | July 15 2004

    MIAMI — Law enforcement officials in central Florida are planning to train cable repairmen, exterminators and apartment managers to report signs of terrorism inside their clients’ homes.

    Supporters of the program say making private citizens the eyes and ears of the police will save lives.

    But opponents, like the ACLU, call the plan “un-American” and say it’s a violation of privacy.

    Operation TIPS (search), a similar program proposed by President Bush, was withdrawn in 2002 after critics said it would lead to racial profiling.

    So far, 5,000 brochures detailing the Florida plan have been printed, and volunteers will be trained what to look for.

    But Orange County officials stress that people who go through the training will be encouraged to only report what they see — not search for evidence.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Election Cancellation Plans: Laying The Groundwork For Martial Law

    Alex Jones: More news today about terror
    and the elections -- this time we're being warned that the elections could
    be postponed
    in the event of a terror attack. At the beginning of the
    month we were warned that they might
    be cancelled outright
    . This is not to mention Homeland Security's ongoing
    fear mongering that a
    horrible attack is being aimed at the elections.

    Across the news wires, the Administration is letting
    us know that
    security is being vamped up in fear of a terrible attack.
    We all know
    who stands to gain from such a terrible attack. We are being conditioned by
    this fear to accept the New World Order Police State system the globalists
    overlords will offer us should they proceed and orchestrate another horrible

    Consider this: This fear mongering is even getting attention
    in the mainstream media. Last week, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that
    believe Bush is spreading fear for his own means.

    Don't forget, Tommy Franks, in his December 2003 interview
    with Cigar Aficionado Magazine stated that a:
    "massive casualty-producing event" might cause "our population
    to question our own Constitution and begin to militarize our country."

    (see also Tommy
    Franks: Martial Law Will Replace Constitution After Next Terror Attack


    Could this really happen? Don't forget the Hegelian Dialectic
    of problem-reaction-solution has been played out by power-crazy dictators
    many, many times throughout history (see 9/11:
    The Road to Tyranny for some examples


    The Madrid Train Bombing Was a Primer

    They are using the example of the Madrid
    train bombing as a kind of overlay to reinforce the likelihood in people’s
    mind that this is going to happen.

    The individuals who carried out that attack
    had closer links to the Spanish government than they did to Al-Qaeda. The
    man who provided the explosives was in contact with the Spanish security services
    days before the attack, as BBC
    . And of course the Boston
    Globe reported
    that the Al-Qaeda group blamed for the attack was non-existent.

    They’ve already been laying the groundwork
    for the pre-attack propaganda. A plane which was carrying the governor of
    Kentucky to the Reagan funeral which strayed into restricted airspace forced
    the capitol building to be evacuated.
    This story didn’t get much attention but there were police running around
    screaming at people to run because a plane was about to hit in two minutes.
    So those members of Congress who aren’t in on the loop have already
    been prepared.

    Even if the election isn't cancelled, Homeland
    Security may raise the color code to a red alert and it will a martial law
    drill which will make a lot of people in the big cities stay in their homes
    and not vote, which again conditions them that voting is some kind of privilege
    afforded to them by the government.

    Here are more articles on this subject....

    Homeland Security Confirms Election Delay Talks

    The Department of Homeland Security has confirmed that
    the Bush administration has discussed possibly delaying the November presidential
    election if there is a new terrorist attack.


    Newsweek: Homeland Security Reviewing Proposal
    to Postpone Election

    American counterterrorism officials, citing
    what they call "alarming" intelligence about a possible Qaeda strike
    inside the United States this fall, are reviewing a proposal that could allow
    for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of
    such an attack, NEWSWEEK has learned.


    Booga Booga!: Who Really Benefits
    from Terrorist Threats?

    I could barely contain my yawn when I heard
    Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge claim last Thursday that
    there was yet another vague, shapeless attack on America looming over the


    Bush Regime Working out Procedures
    for Postponing November Elections

    The Bush regime is now working out procedures
    for postponing the coming November general election. This is totally unprecedented
    -- even in 1864, in the midst of the Civil War, the Lincoln vs. McClellan
    presidential contest took place.


    See our fake terror alerts archive
    for more information -


    JAXXE --- ---
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- --- 20:20:14 15.7.2004


    .. tak takhle nejak to asi zacina :/
    JAXXE --- ---

    Al-Qaida hijacks Arkansas website

    Violent propaganda distributed via government system

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mexico attorney general gets microchip implant

    Tuesday, July 13, 2004 Posted: 5:34 PM EDT (2134 GMT)

    MEXICO CITY, Mexico (Reuters) -- Mexico's attorney general said on Monday he had had a microchip inserted under the skin of one of his arms to give him access to a new crime database and also enable him to be traced if he is ever abducted.

    Attorney General Rafael Macedo said a number of his staff had also been fitted with chips which will give them exclusive and secure access to a national, computerized database for crime investigators that went live on Monday.

    "It's an area of high security, it's necessary that we have access to this, through a chip, which what's more is unremovable," Macedo told reporters.

    "The system is here and I already have it. It's solely for access, for safety and so that I can be located at any moment wherever I am," he said, admitting the chip hurt "a little."

    The chips would enable the wearer to be found anywhere inside Mexico, in the event of an assault or kidnapping, said Macedo.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Je třeba připravit proceduru pro odklad či zrušení voleb, kdyby udeřili teroristé

    Šéf federální volební komise DeForest B. Soaries požaduje, aby vláda vypracovala přesnou proceduru jak postupovat v případě, že by teroristé napadli Ameriku zrovna v době voleb. Musí být předem určeno, zda budou volby odloženy nebo zrušeny, musí být definováno kdy a kdo může takový stav vyhlásit.

    Takový plán v současné době neexistuje. Soaries říká, že vytvořil čtyřčlennou komisi ze zástupců obou politických stran. Tato komise bude problematiku studovat a je možné, že Kongresu navrhne, aby příslušný zákon vydal.

    Jak se zdá, někdo si připravuje půdu na vyhlášení vyjímečného stavu.



    Nemůžeme vám poskytnout informace, protože by nám to zničilo počítač

    S novou originální výmluvou přišlo ministerstvo spravedlnosti. Když po něm organizace Center for Public Integrity požadovala seznam lobbistických skupin ze zahraničí (na který má podle zákona z roku 1938 právo), odpovědělo, že by rádo vyhovělo, ale nemůže. Zničilo by to prý počítač. Výpis z databáze by způsobil havárii systému. Počítač není nejnovější, takový požadavek by nemusel zvládnout, a nejspíše by klekl. A s ním i celá databáze. A to přeci nemůžete chtít, že ne?

    Už jsem slyšel různé výmluvy, ale takovou hloupost dosud nikdy. A také jsem nikdy v IT nenarazil na teorii, že se databáze zničí tím, že do ní nahlédnu. Od toho snad databáze jsou, ne? Nač držet databázi, do které nelze vstoupit?

    Personál je zjevně velmi vynalézavý co se týče dodržování interního příkazu Johna Ashcrofta z října 2001. Praví se v něm, že se zaměstnanci ministerstva mají snažit odmítat všechny požadavky po informacích, najde-li se pro to jakýkoliv jen trošku rozumný důvod. V příkaze se dále praví, že zaměstnanci přitom mohou počítat s krytím a s podporou nejvyšších míst.

    JAXXE --- ---
    interview s autorem knihy o skull and bones / fox news: http://www.ctrl.org/FOXBONES/Foxweb.mov


    FOX News Live

    11:30 am PDT - Saturday, 6/18/04

    Page Hopkins: -- Senator John Kerry, also a member. But none of them of them will talk about it. So is the secret Skull & Bones society a fraternal club for the elite or is there something more to it? Well, Kris Millegan is the editor of a book soon coming out in paperback, Fleshing Out Skull & Bones, Investigations into America's [Most] Powerful Secret Society. And Kris is actually joining us from Portland Oregon. Kris Welcome
    Both President Bush, John Kerry are members they were both tapped on the same night, I guess, what is that sort of inaugurated? Are you surprised that neither one of them will speak about it?

    Kris Millegan: Huhm. Yes, I am. It-it is something that are known to do is to not talk about it. One of the rules used to be that if Skull & Bones was mentioned that they were supposed to leave the room.
    And I find it very concerning for the American public. Where does their [Bonesmen] allegiance lie? Does it lie to this little secret society or to the -- or to our Republic?

    P: This is almost out of a novel, you know, the president and his rival for the White House both were tapped on the same night. The club is so shrouded in secrecy. Tell us little bit about it. Does it admit women, minorities?

    K: Uh, Yes, it started admitting women in 1991. And actually they got tapped on different nights. Uh-uh Kerry was a member-uh-in 1965 and George Bush was a member in 1968.

    P: Oh, is that right.

    K: Both of them seem to rely on the group for a -- well, John Kerry married two ladies who are relatives to Bones and then also George Bush went to Bones a lot of times when he needed money for his business associates. And then he has appointed 10 members of Skull & Bones into his Cabinet [Administration]. And has another one as a nominee.

    P: So what are the common denominators of the members?

    K: The common denominator

    P: Wealthy, what is it?.

    K: Well, when you look at a sociological standpoint a secret society is a lot like an onion or a pyramid. You have a lot of members on the outside -um- or at the bottom [of the pyramid.] In Masonic circles they call them porch brethren. And then you have an administrative cadre and then you have a core group. The core group seems to be all related. -uh- The basic family group at Skull & Bones is the Whitney and the Cabot family.

    P: Aha! Well, let's take a look at some of the illustrious members if my producer can put this list Henry Luce, for instance was one of the members. He was known to hire a lot of members. William Buckley, Jr., Averill Harriman James Whitmore, certainly not guys whom you'd think of as sinister guys. I mean I guess the questions is, those of us on the outside what do they do. Do they get together and have dinner together what is the point of this club?

    K; Well, some say that point of the club is bonding. I look at it through the eyes of a social historian and when you look at the grouping of people and the jobs that they have. you find a rather large amount of the membership has been involved in intelligence. And then one of the most disturbing things is that the family groups have been involved in drug running since the early 1800s. And it seems --

    P: Drug running?

    K: Yes, the founder of Skull & Bones was William Huntington Russell and his family business was Russell & Company. Which was the -er- America's largest opium smuggler, the third largest in the world.

    P: Wow, Kris Millegan, unfortunately we are out of time and we are going to have to leave it at that. A fascinating subject-- an author of a book on Skull & Bones, thank-you, so much.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 16:47:01 EDT
    From: Atholl1781@aol.com
    To: NYSMASON@aol.com
    Subject: Re: GM

    In a message dated 7/1/2004 6:48:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, NYSMASON writes:
    The Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, M..W.. Edward R. Trosin (Tonawanda, NY), and Deputy Grand Master,
    R..W.. Neil I Bidnick (New City, NY) will be among the selected few in the official party at the July 4th dedication ceremonies of the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center site.

    Further details will follow:

    Contact: Ron Steiner
    NY Grand Lodge Public Relations
    (845) 354 - 4192
    "I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff! And I want in." Homer Simpson

    David Gurzynski
    Senior Warden
    Scotia Lodge #634



    Photo Tour of The Masonic Hall



    Concordant and Associate Masonic Bodies


    JAXXE --- ---
    Útrata se postupně odečítá

    Hosté v baru nepotřebují peníze, ale čip

    20.05.2004 10:30 - Hosté jednoho španělského klubu už nemusí mít strach, že v podroušeném stavu vytrousí peníze. Barman totiž nechce hotovost, stačí, když si štamgast nechá implantovat pod kůži drobný mikročip. Tím pak stačí přejet scanner a peníze se odečtou z konta.

    Takzvaný VeriChip, který je dílem americké společnosti, zajistí, že pravidelní návštěvníci podniku Baja Beach Club v Barceloně už nebudou muset netrpělivě mávat na číšníky.

    Čip dokonce ani nemusí být implantován do ruky - může být umístěn v kterékoli části těla, kterou je prý host schopen zamávat před snímačem.

    V nočním klubu se teď každé úterý koná Noc implantace, během níž se hosté v přestávkách mezi tancem a popíjením drinků mohou nechat "načipovat".

    Výrobce mikročipu - společnost Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) - je přesvědčen, že důmyslná droboučká věcička by mohla v budoucnu dokonce nahradit kreditní karty nebo sloužit k uložení osobních údajů a informací o zdravotním stavu jejího nositele.

    JAXXE --- ---
    This is not Saddam

    - 07/07/2004 11:54

    The man the Americans are parading is not the real Saddam Hussein

    When a liar is clever and careful, he is convincing because he is plausible and covers all his tracks. However, the longer the lie is spun out, the more clues are left. The Bush regime has been neither clever, nor careful nor plausible in its disastrous foreign policy, which culminates in parading a "Saddam" before the cameras who is certainly not the real Saddam Hussein, ex-President of Iraq.

    The first attempts at justifying the illegal act of butchery called the Second Gulf War started in December 2002 when documents were forged by British and American intelligence operationals, trying to create a link between Niger and Baghdad, which was supposed to be buying yellowcake uranium for its "active nuclear programme". In the event, Mohammed El Baradei, the Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, saw the scam when the papers were presented to him. He said the letterhead was wrong, the names were wrong and the signatures were wrong. Those who showed the papers to him maintained a sullen and embarrassed silence and the issue was forgotten.

    Suddenly, Washington stopped talking about Baghdad's "active nuclear programme" and concentrated instead on its Weapons of Mass Destruction and its chemical and biological warfare programme.

    "Magnificent intelligence" was presented by Colin Powell at the UN Security Council, complete with maquettes and satellite photographs of "mobile chemical facilities". Soon afterwards, when the international UNMOVIC teams were unable to find the WMD, the Bush administration declared that "we know where they are".

    So the act of butchery was launched. In the event, no weapons of mass destruction were found, nor even the production facilities and certainly no active nuclear programme. However, since nobody has spoken about these lies for a year, public opinion has forgotten them.

    Next was the story of the murder of Saddam Hussein's sons, Ouday and Qusay, who were mysteriously together (when common sense would tell them to split up) with another man and a boy in a farmstead in the middle of a plain west of Baghdad. The story went as follows: hundreds of troops and a fleet of helicopter gunships finally killed the four after several hours of fighting.

    This story sounded like the child trying to justify the fact that he had forgotten his homework, claiming that the dog ate it, the house caught fire and that someone stole his school bag on the way into the classroom. The photographs were not shown to the public immediately and when they did appear, Iraqis across the country shook their heads in disbelief, claiming that these were not Saddam's sons.

    Then came the pictures of the hitherto clean-shaven, articulate, educated and proud Saddam Hussein, crawling out of a hole, disheveled, bearded and dirty, supposedly in December but with the date trees laden with mature fruits, which only takes place in August in that part of the world. Another strange occurrence.

    The supposed Saddam was shown by an unconvincing Paul Bremer who declared "Ladies and Gentlemen, (pause) we got him!" The pause was telling, an unsaid "I am going to tell a lie". When the ex-President of Iraq's wife was taken to Qatar to see him, she burst out laughing and immediately said that this

    was not her husband. Had the Americans fallen for their own trap, or were a small group of Americans fooling the others?

    Curiously, the Saddam shown by the Americans has a long beard after capture and continues to wear an unruly beard now, whereas Saddam Hussein the president was always clean-shaven and with a moustache. Why the beard now? To hide the fact that he is not the real Saddam? To hide the jaw line?

    Now, the Holy Grail is offered by Joe Vialls, who sent his article "Shaddam Shaddam's new Vaudeville Scam" to Pravda.Ru this morning. In this piece he points out that all photographers were banned from photographing "Saddam" in court for security reasons but then the CNN arrived in the person of

    Christiane Amanpour, who immediately started shooting hundreds of metres of video footage, which was then transformed into stills.

    Here was the mistake. As Mr. Vialls points out, the real Saddam Hussein had a fine set of teeth, completely even, in which the upper jaw closed over the lower (overbite). The figure paraded in court, as it is easy to see, has highly irregular lower teeth and a condition called "underbite", when the lower teeth close in front of the upper.

    Touche. Dental records cannot lie. The set of teeth of the President of Iraq and the set of teeth of the man paraded before the cameras pretending to be Saddam Hussein are wholly and totally different.

    The man they have in court is not the real Saddam Hussein. Yet another lie by this Bush administration is exposed. How much lower can this clique of criminals sink? This is not Saddam - 07/07/2004 11:54

    The man the Americans are parading is not the real Saddam Hussein

    When a liar is clever and careful, he is convincing because he is plausible and covers all his tracks. However, the longer the lie is spun out, the more clues are left. The Bush regime has been neither clever, nor careful nor plausible in its disastrous foreign policy, which culminates in parading a "Saddam" before the cameras who is certainly not the real Saddam Hussein, ex-President of Iraq.

    The first attempts at justifying the illegal act of butchery called the Second Gulf War started in December 2002 when documents were forged by British and American intelligence operationals, trying to create a link between Niger and Baghdad, which was supposed to be buying yellowcake uranium for its "active nuclear programme". In the event, Mohammed El Baradei, the Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, saw the scam when the papers were presented to him. He said the letterhead was wrong, the names were wrong and the signatures were wrong. Those who showed the papers to him maintained a sullen and embarrassed silence and the issue was forgotten.

    Suddenly, Washington stopped talking about Baghdad's "active nuclear programme" and concentrated instead on its Weapons of Mass Destruction and its chemical and biological warfare programme.

    "Magnificent intelligence" was presented by Colin Powell at the UN Security Council, complete with maquettes and satellite photographs of "mobile chemical facilities". Soon afterwards, when the international UNMOVIC teams were unable to find the WMD, the Bush administration declared that "we know where they are".

    So the act of butchery was launched. In the event, no weapons of mass destruction were found, nor even the production facilities and certainly no active nuclear programme. However, since nobody has spoken about these lies for a year, public opinion has forgotten them.

    Next was the story of the murder of Saddam Hussein's sons, Ouday and Qusay, who were mysteriously together (when common sense would tell them to split up) with another man and a boy in a farmstead in the middle of a plain west of Baghdad. The story went as follows: hundreds of troops and a fleet of helicopter gunships finally killed the four after several hours of fighting.

    This story sounded like the child trying to justify the fact that he had forgotten his homework, claiming that the dog ate it, the house caught fire and that someone stole his school bag on the way into the classroom. The photographs were not shown to the public immediately and when they did appear, Iraqis across the country shook their heads in disbelief, claiming that these were not Saddam's sons.

    Then came the pictures of the hitherto clean-shaven, articulate, educated and proud Saddam Hussein, crawling out of a hole, disheveled, bearded and dirty, supposedly in December but with the date trees laden with mature fruits, which only takes place in August in that part of the world. Another strange occurrence.

    The supposed Saddam was shown by an unconvincing Paul Bremer who declared "Ladies and Gentlemen, (pause) we got him!" The pause was telling, an unsaid "I am going to tell a lie". When the ex-President of Iraq's wife was taken to Qatar to see him, she burst out laughing and immediately said that this

    was not her husband. Had the Americans fallen for their own trap, or were a small group of Americans fooling the others?

    Curiously, the Saddam shown by the Americans has a long beard after capture and continues to wear an unruly beard now, whereas Saddam Hussein the president was always clean-shaven and with a moustache. Why the beard now? To hide the fact that he is not the real Saddam? To hide the jaw line?

    Now, the Holy Grail is offered by Joe Vialls, who sent his article "Shaddam Shaddam's new Vaudeville Scam" to Pravda.Ru this morning. In this piece he points out that all photographers were banned from photographing "Saddam" in court for security reasons but then the CNN arrived in the person of

    Christiane Amanpour, who immediately started shooting hundreds of metres of video footage, which was then transformed into stills.

    Here was the mistake. As Mr. Vialls points out, the real Saddam Hussein had a fine set of teeth, completely even, in which the upper jaw closed over the lower (overbite). The figure paraded in court, as it is easy to see, has highly irregular lower teeth and a condition called "underbite", when the lower teeth close in front of the upper.

    Touche. Dental records cannot lie. The set of teeth of the President of Iraq and the set of teeth of the man paraded before the cameras pretending to be Saddam Hussein are wholly and totally different.

    The man they have in court is not the real Saddam Hussein. Yet another lie by this Bush administration is exposed. How much lower can this clique of criminals sink?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Microsoft 'patents human skin'

    Microsoft has reportedly succeeded in patenting human skin as a new kind of network.

    InSourced claims recently awarded US Patent No. 6,754, 472 is a 'method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body'.

    The patent, it says, is part of a new plan to link together several devices using skin as a connector.

    As an example, Microsoft says it would be possible to have just one speaker for a person's watch, PDA, and portable radio, if they were all connected to that speaker through skin.

    It adds that different devices could be powered from a single power source strapped to the skin.

    Each would be driven by multiple power supply signals working at different frequencies, and data and audio signals could also be transmitted over that same power signal.

    The power source and devices would be connected to the body via electrodes.

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