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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian 'Suicide Hijacker' is Alive; Passport Found at Crash Site Was Forged

    Moscow Times | September 12 2004

    Comment: The Russians are taking a page out of the 9/11 cover-up book, where planted passports were also used t frame patsies.

    The investigation into the recent spate of terrorist attacks took a confusing twist Thursday when the Interior Ministry in Chechnya announced that the suspected suicide bomber of a Tu-134 airplane was alive and well and that her passport found at the crash site was forged.

    A Chechen Interior Ministry spokesman told Rossiiskaya Gazeta that Amanat Nagayeva, the main suspect in the Aug. 24 bombing of the Moscow-Volgograd flight, was alive and selling toys in the Rostov region.


    GORG --- ---


    Edward Costello, Former Special Agent (Counterintelligence), Federal Bureau of Investigation

    Sibel Edmonds, Former Language Specialist, Federal Bureau of Investigation

    Daniel Ellsberg, Former official, U.S. Departments of Defense and State

    John D. Heinberg, Former Economist, Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor

    Larry C. Johnson, Former Deputy Director for Anti-Terrorism Assistance, Transportation Security, and Special Operations, Department of State, Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism

    John Brady Kiesling, Former Political Counselor, U.S. Embassy, Athens, Department of State

    David MacMichael, Former Senior Estimates Officer, National Intelligence Council, Central Intelligence Agency

    Ray McGovern, Former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency

    Philip G. Vargas, Ph.D., J.D., Dir. Privacy & Confidentiality Study, Commission on Federal Paperwork (Author/Director: "The Vargas Report on Government Secrecy" -- CENSORED)

    Ann Wright, Retired U.S. Army Reserve Colonel and U.S. Foreign Service Officer

    Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatowski, recently retired from service in the Pentagon’s Office of Near East planning

    Twelve Examples of Existing Documents That Deserve Unauthorized Disclosure

    Each of these--wrongly withheld up till now--could and should be released almost in their entirety, perhaps with minor deletions for genuine security reasons. (In many cases, official promises to release declassified versions have not been honored.)

    1. Reports by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Guantanamo, Abu Ghrab and other prisons (ships, prisons in other countries) that hold prisoners from the "war on terrorism". (These reports have been provided to the US government but have not been made public.)

    2. 28 pages redacted from the report of the Joint House-Senate Inquiry on Intelligence Activities before and after 9/11, concerning the ties between the 9/11 terrorists and the government of Saudi Arabia.

    3. 800 pages of the United Nations Report on Weapons of Mass Destruction that were taken by the United States during unauthorized Xeroxing and never given to the Security Council members. (The original report was 1200 pages in length but has never been published in its entirety)

    4. Membership, advisors, consultants to Vice President Cheney’s Energy Task Force, and any minutes from meetings (January – December, 2001).

    5. Documents and photographs concerning/produced by military doctors or medical personnel that document abuses toward prisoners condoned by medical personnel.

    6. Documents produced by military lawyers and legal staff that challenge the political policy makers decision to undercut the Geneva Conventions and any other extra-legal procedures.

    7. The missing sections of the US Army General Taguba report on prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    8. Department of Justice-Inspector General (DOJ-IG) Report: RE: Sibel Edmonds vs. FBI, completed, classified

    9. DOJ-IG Report: RE: FBI Translation Department (security breaches, intentional mistranslations, espionage charges), completed, classified

    10. DOJ-IG Report: RE:FBI & Foreknowledge of 9/11, completed, classified

    11. Full staff backup to General Shinseki’s 2002 estimate that "several hundred thousand troops" would be required for effective occupation of Iraq.

    12. The full 2002 State Department studies on requirements for the postwar occupation and restoration of civil government in Iraq.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Read an excerpt from Mike Ruppert's "Crossing the Rubicon"

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    In a secret Paris cavern, the real underground cinema

    Jon Henley in Paris
    Wednesday September 8, 2004
    The Guardian

    Them bones, them bones: Les Catacombes, part of the miles of tunnels underlying Paris. Photo: AP

    Police in Paris have discovered a fully equipped cinema-cum-restaurant in a large and previously uncharted cavern underneath the capital's chic 16th arrondissement.

    Officers admit they are at a loss to know who built or used one of Paris's most intriguing recent discoveries.

    "We have no idea whatsoever," a police spokesman said.

    "There were two swastikas painted on the ceiling, but also celtic crosses and several stars of David, so we don't think it's extremists. Some sect or secret society, maybe.
    There are any number of possibilities."

    Members of the force's sports squad, responsible - among other tasks - for policing the 170 miles of tunnels, caves, galleries and catacombs that underlie large parts of Paris, stumbled on the complex while on a training exercise beneath the Palais de Chaillot, across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower.

    After entering the network through a drain next to the Trocadero, the officers came across a tarpaulin marked: Building site, No access.

    Behind that, a tunnel held a desk and a closed-circuit TV camera set to automatically record images of anyone passing. The mechanism also triggered a tape of dogs barking, "clearly designed to frighten people off," the spokesman said.

    Further along, the tunnel opened into a vast 400 sq metre cave some 18m underground, "like an underground amphitheatre, with terraces cut into the rock and chairs".

    There the police found a full-sized cinema screen, projection equipment, and tapes of a wide variety of films, including 1950s film noir classics and more recent thrillers. None of the films were banned or even offensive, the spokesman said.

    A smaller cave next door had been turned into an informal restaurant and bar. "There were bottles of whisky and other spirits behind a bar, tables and chairs, a pressure-cooker for making couscous," the spokesman said.

    "The whole thing ran off a professionally installed electricity system and there were at least three phone lines down there."

    Three days later, when the police returned accompanied by experts from the French electricity board to see where the power was coming from, the phone and electricity lines had been cut and a note was lying in the middle of the floor: "Do not," it said, "try to find us."

    The miles of tunnels and catacombs underlying Paris are essentially former quarries, dating from Roman times, from which much of the stone was dug to build the city.

    Today, visitors can take guided tours around a tightly restricted section, Les Catacombes, where the remains of up to six million Parisians were transferred from overcrowded cemeteries in the late 1700s.

    But since 1955, for security reasons, it has been an offence to "penetrate into or circulate within" the rest of the network.

    There exist, however, several secretive bands of so-called cataphiles, who gain access to the tunnels mainly after dark, through drains and ventilation shafts, and hold what in the popular imagination have become drunken orgies but are, by all accounts, innocent underground picnics.

    The recent discovery of three newly enlarged tunnels underneath the capital's high-security La Santé prison was put down to the activities of one such group, and another, iden tifying itself as the Perforating Mexicans, last night told French radio the subterranean cinema was its work.

    Patrick Alk, a photographer who has published a book on the urban underground exploration movement and claims to be close to the group, told RTL radio the cavern's discovery was "a shame, but not the end of the world". There were "a dozen more where that one came from," he said.

    "You guys have no idea what's down there."

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Chechens' American friends

    The Washington neocons' commitment to the war on terror evaporates in Chechnya, whose cause they have made their own

    John Laughland / Wednesday September 8, 2004 / The Guardian

    An enormous head of steam has built up behind the view that President Putin is somehow the main culprit in the grisly events in North Ossetia. Soundbites and headlines such as "Grief turns to anger", "Harsh words for government", and "Criticism mounting against Putin" have abounded, while TV and radio correspondents in Beslan have been pressed on air to say that the people there blame Moscow as much as the terrorists. There have been numerous editorials encouraging us to understand - to quote the Sunday Times - the "underlying causes" of Chechen terrorism (usually Russian authoritarianism), while the widespread use of the word "rebels" to describe people who shoot children shows a surprising indulgence in the face of extreme brutality.

    On closer inspection, it turns out that this so-called "mounting criticism" is in fact being driven by a specific group in the Russian political spectrum - and by its American supporters.


    Funded by its New York head office, this influential thinktank - which operates in tandem with the military-political Rand Corporation, for instance in producing policy papers on Russia's role in helping the US restructure the "Greater Middle East" - has been quoted repeatedly in recent days blaming Putin for the Chechen atrocities. The centre has also been assiduous over recent months in arguing against Moscow's claims that there is a link between the Chechens and al-Qaida.


    This harshness towards Putin is perhaps explained by the fact that, in the US, the leading group which pleads the Chechen cause is the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC). The list of the self-styled "distinguished Americans" who are its members is a rollcall of the most prominent neoconservatives who so enthusastically support the "war on terror".

    They include Richard Perle, the notorious Pentagon adviser; Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra fame; Kenneth Adelman, the former US ambassador to the UN who egged on the invasion of Iraq by predicting it would be "a cakewalk"; Midge Decter, biographer of Donald Rumsfeld and a director of the rightwing Heritage Foundation; Frank Gaffney of the militarist Centre for Security Policy; Bruce Jackson, former US military intelligence officer and one-time vice-president of Lockheed Martin, now president of the US Committee on Nato; Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute, a former admirer of Italian fascism and now a leading proponent of regime change in Iran; and R James Woolsey, the former CIA director who is one of the leading cheerleaders behind George Bush's plans to re-model the Muslim world along pro-US lines.

    The ACPC heavily promotes the idea that the Chechen rebellion shows the undemocratic nature of Putin's Russia,
    and cultivates support for the Chechen cause by emphasising the seriousness of human rights violations in the tiny Caucasian republic. It compares the Chechen crisis to those other fashionable "Muslim" causes, Bosnia and Kosovo - implying that only international intervention in the Caucasus can stabilise the situation there.


    Allegations are even being made in Russia that the west itself is somehow behind the Chechen rebellion, and that the purpose of such support is to weaken Russia, and to drive her out of the Caucasus. The fact that the Chechens are believed to use as a base the Pankisi gorge in neighbouring Georgia - a country which aspires to join Nato, has an extremely pro-American government, and where the US already has a significant military presence - only encourages such speculation.


    Proof of any such western involvement would be difficult to obtain, but is it any wonder Russians are asking themselves such questions when the same people in Washington who demand the deployment of overwhelming military force against the US's so-called terrorist enemies also insist that Russia capitulate to hers?

    · John Laughland is a trustee of the British Helsinki Human Rights Group www.oscewatch.org

    JAXXE --- ---
    Second journalist 'drugged' by Russians

    London Guardian | September 10 2004

    A Georgian journalist detained by Russian authorities after reporting on the Beslan school massacre was drugged, according to medical experts, raising fresh concerns about press freedom in Russia.

    She is the second journalist to claim she was poisoned while trying to cover the school siege in North Ossetia - earlier this week Anna Politkovskaya, one of President Vladimir Putin's most outspoken critics, said she had been drugged on a flight to a nearby airport.

    Nana Lezhava of the independent Georgian broadcaster Rustavi-2 said she had slept for 24 hours while in the custody of the Russian authorities after being given coffee in her cell, and felt ill when she woke up.

    Gela Lezhava of the Georgian drug research institute told reporters that urine samples taken from Lezhava after her release this week showed traces of tranquilisers, and that he suspected the journalist was drugged.

    PETVAL --- ---
    takze az budou deti indoktrinovany, nepusti k nim ani rodice...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Ruské školy zavádějí ochranky, "bezpečnostní" tlačítka a průkazy

    MOSKVA - Hlavní dveře na zámek a za dalšími přísná dozorkyně. "Co chcete? Váš průkaz," říká přísně. V chodbě za vstupními dveřmi visí na stěnách velké plakáty s obrázky a instrukcemi, jak se chovat v případě požáru, přepadení nebo výbuchu.

    To není obrázek z nápravného zařízení nebo vojenského učiliště, ale z jedné ze základních škol v centru Moskvy. Ředitelka 128. moskevské školy Marina Amasejevová přesně ví, jak zajistit bezpečnost školáků i školní budovy.

    "Naše škola se nachází v centru Moskvy a všechny předchozí roky jsme se obešli bez ochranky. Veškerý náš technický personál, uklízečky i šatnářky znají podle tváře všechny naše děti i jejich rodiče. Proto jsme ochranku ještě donedávna nepotřebovali," řekla ředitelka.

    Hlavní vchod školy prý vždycky zamykali, před rokem zavedli bezpečnostní průkazy pro školáky i učitele. Po nedávných událostech v severoosetském Beslanu, kde přepadové komando zajalo ve škole více než tisíc lidí, se na bezpečnostní situaci školního ústavu dívá jinak.


    V Rusku se uvažuje i o zavedení nové školní funkce - zástupce ředitele pro bezpečnost. Těmi by se mohli stát pouze muži, kteří mají praxi u policie nebo v armádě. Proti nové funkci ale reptají rodiče, protože tuší, že by je stála další peníze.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hijack Leader's Father Blames Israel for 9/11 Attacks


    The father of September 11 hijack leader Mohammed Atta has insisted his son did not carry out the 2001 attacks, blaming a “Jewish conspiracy” for the outrage.

    Retired lawyer Mohammed al-Amir Atta says the attacks were carried out by the Israeli intelligence service, not Islamic extremists including his son.

    Atta senior, speaking to The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, said the United States deserved the devastating result because of its anti-Arab policies.

    But Atta is unwilling to answer direct questions about his son, as became apparent when he was asked about a large photograph on his living room wall showing his son relaxed, unlike the sombre passport photo broadcast around the world after September 11.

    “Sons are dear,” was all he would say.

    Atta no longer claims his son is still alive, even though he once said his son had called him the day after the attack from an undisclosed destination.

    The younger Mohammed Atta was named in FBI and congressional reports as the suicide pilot of the first plane to crash into the World Trade Centre in New York and the leader of the 19 Arabs who carried out the September 11 attacks.

    In a videotape months after the attacks, al Qaida chief Osama bin Laden himself described the 33-year-old Atta as being “in charge of the group” that struck America.



    The video tape mentioned in this article was later exposed as a fraud: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/osamatape.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 Commission Wants "No-Fly" List Expanded to Trains, Ships

    JAXXE --- ---
    Rome - The chair of the Italian parliamentary committee overseeing the secret service, Enzo Bianco, warned in remarks published on Thursday that the country faced "an immediate and concrete threat" of terrorist attack within two weeks.

    The daily Repubblica quoted him as saying "the next two weeks are going to be very difficult".

    He refused to elaborate, but said "if I did not have the details, I would not say anything".

    Bianco dismissed suggestions that he was "crying wolf", and noted that he had been "the first to criticise the government" when it issued warnings before Christmas of an imminent terrorist attack which never materialised.

    JAXXE --- ---

    If you abuse alcohol and endanger others, you might find Big Brother not only breathing down your neck but wrapped snugly around your ankle.

    In criminal justice terms, the Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor, or SCRAM ankle bracelet, is about saving lives, meting out punishment to drunken drivers, and helping alcoholics fight their addictions, according to its designers.


    In Tiffin and Oregon, offenders so far have picked up the cost of the monitoring equipment - about $12 a day. But in Toledo, more offenders might be indigent, placing judges in a tough situation: Will only those who can afford it be assigned the device rather than a jail sentence?

    "Does that mean people can buy away time?" Judge Zmuda said.

    Judge Repp in Tiffin and Judge Petroff in Oregon said the cost will drop as the devices are used more frequently, and legislative changes may allow some court funds to subsidize their use for poorer offenders.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Here are photos from NY of the sound weapon in place and pointed at protesters. One time, the sound weapons was turned on to a low hum. So the weapons they are using on Iraqis are going to be used on American citizens. This is the nature of the Police State we're living in.

    A look at the future. Homeland Security plans to tether megablimps 32xs the size of the goodyear blimp over every major US city mounted with ground-penetrating radar looking right through your walls. This is only conditioning.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Texas National Guard to Deploy November 1st for Martial Law Takeover

    ParaPolitics | September 9 2004

    Thursday, August 19th, on Alex Jones' Access Television show he displayed the Tx National Guard Manual for Infrastructure Protection delivered to him by an insider within that program. Said insider also called in to the show and answered Alex's questions about the program and their notification to be deployed on November 1st.

    The manual, titled USE OF FORCE: CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION TRAINING, allegedly goes into great detail on the military takeover of Civic Authorities, City Halls, etc., in exactly the way Alex has documented in his three Police State videos made over the last ten years (see below). The Senior Commander at the "State Guard Officer School" is said to be a "Full Bird Colonel" and former British SAS (Special Forces). This individual is in charge of selection for ALL officers chosen to be a part of this special program designed to merge local law-enforcement, national guardsmen, and branches of the military in preparation for civilian round-ups, detention camps, and house to house searches for weapons and contraband.

    This National Guard insider says there is a distinctly Republican / Conservative - anti Democrat / Liberal mentality among this special group of National Guardsmen.

    Alex interviewed this person again on his radio show Friday, August 20th.

    An MP3 file of this Access TV show interview can be heard / downloaded here:

    TERMIX --- ---
    Americký fašismus sílí

    JAXXE --- ---
    Letter to the editor

    Dear friends, why the version of experts, -- that it was a provocation orchestrated by Russian secret services, -- has never been voiced in your comments regarding the Beslan tragedy? Even from the edited materials of the Russian mass media you can see the distinctly traced legend, which was prepared in advance and later on corrected in a hurry by unable hands of the local performers, from which it became so absurd and easy to recognize.

    The school could have been seized by a group consisting only of FSB (KGB) agents or duped opponents of the Putin regime mixed with special agents.

    According to the bloody scenario, the hostages were doomed, and in the middle of the turmoil special agents were supposed to blend in with the soldiers storming the building, or under the guise of wounded hostages they were supposed to be evacuated from the scene (this is what the disorganized ‘assistance’ from the local population was needed for and some wild blasts of supporting walls for no reason whatsoever, where there were no provocateurs, of course).

    The example of evacuation of special agents (by the way there could have been the second backup group among the hostages) could be seen from the widely promoted footage and photos of providing first aid to a woman in a purple dress: an efficiently operating group of 4 men in uniforms brings her out of the fire zone, lays her on a stretcher face down (!) and carried her to the military medical vehicle in an organized manner.

    The ones holed up in the basement, most likely in a place that was set up as a safe hideout in advance, were sluggishly shooting back and waiting for the 'evacuation' team and for the right moment to feign death, so that they could be carried out from the 'battlefield'.

    The man beaten by the locals was a captured militant who was brought from the FSB prison for the purposes that were implemented. I think that the population of Beslan still managed to detect the falsity and the vile of what was going on, after which severe military isolation of the region followed. All we have to do is have sympathy for the local people, who only now can see it with their own eyes and experience all horrors of 'New Stalin’s' terror.

    N. Vikulov, Russia

    Department of Correspondence,

    JAXXE --- ---
    Notes and Photos from Alex's Trip to NY

    sept 6, 2004

    Alex Jones -- "I've Never Seen the Police State This Bad. This So-Called National Security Event Was, in Truth, Textbook Martial Law. My crew and I, despite having official NYC Press credentials, were threatened with arrest at least three times a day, had a still camera smashed by police, were detained twice, had photos taken of us by police and were told that we had no right to film in the City.

    None of this has anything to do with terrorism or security. It's about setting the precedent that we have no First Amendment.

    On our last day in New York, New York One, a 24-hour news TV Station, reported on a memo that they had obtained from the NYPD instructing the police to harass independent media and to coddle mainstream media."

    Photos from Alex's New York trip -- click on the thumbnails to enlarge. All photos by Alex Jones unless otherwise indicated. All of these images and much, much more will soon be available in Alex's upcoming film: Martial Law.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Alex Jones' Martial Law: Coming Soon

    Alex's explosive new film on the Police State and what he saw at the RNC is coming soon.

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