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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    If America were Iraq, What would it be Like?

    President Bush said Tuesday that the Iraqis are refuting the pessimists and implied that things are improving in that country.

    What would America look like if it were in Iraq's current situation? The population of the US is over 11 times that of Iraq, so a lot of statistics would have to be multiplied by that number.

    Thus, violence killed 300 Iraqis last week, the equivalent proportionately of 3,300 Americans. What if 3,300 Americans had died in car bombings, grenade and rocket attacks, machine gun spray, and aerial bombardment in the last week? That is a number greater than the deaths on September 11, and if America were Iraq, it would be an ongoing, weekly or monthly toll.

    And what if those deaths occurred all over the country, including in the capital of Washington, DC, but mainly above the Mason Dixon line, in Boston, Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco?

    What if the grounds of the White House and the government buildings near the Mall were constantly taking mortar fire? What if almost nobody in the State Department at Foggy Bottom, the White House, or the Pentagon dared venture out of their buildings, and considered it dangerous to go over to Crystal City or Alexandria?

    What if all the reporters for all the major television and print media were trapped in five-star hotels in Washington, DC and New York, unable to move more than a few blocks safely, and dependent on stringers to know what was happening in Oklahoma City and St. Louis? What if the only time they ventured into the Midwest was if they could be embedded in Army or National Guard units?

    There are estimated to be some 25,000 guerrillas in Iraq engaged in concerted acts of violence. What if there were private armies totalling 275,000 men, armed with machine guns, assault rifles (legal again!), rocket-propelled grenades, and mortar launchers, hiding out in dangerous urban areas of cities all over the country? What if they completely controlled Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, Denver and Omaha, such that local police and Federal troops could not go into those cities?

    What if, during the past year, the Secretary of State (Aqilah Hashemi), the President (Izzedine Salim), and the Attorney General (Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim) had all been assassinated?

    What if all the cities in the US were wracked by a crime wave, with thousands of murders, kidnappings, burglaries, and carjackings in every major city every year?

    What if the Air Force routinely (I mean daily or weekly) bombed Billings, Montana, Flint, Michigan, Watts in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Anacostia in Washington, DC, and other urban areas, attempting to target "safe houses" of "criminal gangs", but inevitably killing a lot of children and little old ladies?

    What if, from time to time, the US Army besieged Virginia Beach, killing hundreds of armed members of the Christian Soldiers? What if entire platoons of the Christian Soldiers militia holed up in Arlington National Cemetery, and were bombarded by US Air Force warplanes daily, destroying thousands of graves and even pulverizing the Vietnam Memorial over on the Mall? What if the National Council of Churches had to call for a popular march of thousands of believers to converge on the National Cathedral to stop the US Army from demolishing it to get at a rogue band of the Timothy McVeigh Memorial Brigades?

    What if there were virtually no commercial air traffic in the country? What if many roads were highly dangerous, especially Interstate 95 from Richmond to Washington, DC, and I-95 and I-91 up to Boston? If you got on I-95 anywhere along that over 500-mile stretch, you would risk being carjacked, kidnapped, or having your car sprayed with machine gun fire.

    What if no one had electricity for much more than 10 hours a day, and often less? What if it went off at unpredictable times, causing factories to grind to a halt and air conditioning to fail in the middle of the summer in Houston and Miami? What if the Alaska pipeline were bombed and disabled at least monthly? What if unemployment hovered around 40%?

    What if veterans of militia actions at Ruby Ridge and the Oklahoma City bombing were brought in to run the government on the theory that you need a tough guy in these times of crisis?

    What if municipal elections were cancelled and cliques close to the new "president" quietly installed in the statehouses as "governors?" What if several of these governors (especially of Montana and Wyoming) were assassinated soon after taking office or resigned when their children were taken hostage by guerrillas?

    What if the leader of the European Union maintained that the citizens of the United States are, under these conditions, refuting pessimism and that freedom and democracy are just around the corner?

    JAXXE --- ---
    911: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold

    by Anthony Hilder

    Only By "Exposing the Creators" of the first World Trade Center bombing in (1993), could we have prevented the creation of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11! We failed to make it ... "PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE" that the 1993 bombing was - Encouraged by "AGENT PROVOCATUERS" of the FB-LIE

    The fact is U.S. taxpayers "bought the bomb." Worse still, since September 11, 2001 most of America's sheeple "BOUGHT THE LIE" that 19 angered Arabs & Osama bin Laden carried out the greatest act of terror in U.S. history

    The stark, raw reality is that the 9-11 "story" is THE GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD. American's are being prepped for the next "staged event" Agents of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and the propaganda press will then white-wash "USAMA BIN BUSH!" Rumsfeld, Cheney, Ashcroft, Kissinger & crew will blame the innocent to protect the guilty

    What's it all about? Bush & zee Boys from der "Brotherhood of Death," "Skull & Bones" are preparing us for a POLICE STATE. Bush will try to surrender the Constitution & Bill of Rights. His goal? - establish a "New World Order"

    JAXXE --- ---
    Chirac: Time for global tax

    World Net Daily | September 21 2004

    French President Jacques Chirac is the latest leader to call for the imposition of an international tax to help fight poverty.

    Speaking at the United Nations in New York, Chirac praised a report prepared by a French working group that proposed a global tax be levied on arms sales and some financial transactions.

    The report contains "technically realistic and economically rational solutions," said Chirac, who joined forces with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to push the anti-poverty agenda.

    They will attempt to push forward the plan with the goal of cutting in half the number of people in poverty by 2015, as United Nations leaders pledged in 2000.

    A declaration signed by 110 countries urged governments to consider the report.

    Chirac's ideas were strongly attacked by the U.S. delegation.

    U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman said, "global taxes are inherently undemocratic. Implementation is impossible."

    This is not the first time Chirac and other world leaders have called for a global tax.

    Last year, some at the G8 summit meeting floated the idea of a global tax on arms sales, including – at Chirac's suggestion – a tax on gun purchases by individuals.

    In a speech at the annual meeting of the "Group of Eight," or G8, da Silva pushed the arms-sales tax as a scheme whereby the world's wealthiest nations could fund efforts to eliminate world hunger.

    The "Group of Eight" includes the U.S., UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan and Russia.

    Calling the Brazilian leader's proposal "forceful and convincing," Chirac was reluctant to back a levy on weapons manufacturers in France and elsewhere, but suggested a global tax on firearms purchases made by individuals, said the report.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Man Who Wanted to Kill Bush was Pro-Gun, Anti-Government, Quoted Orwell

    New York Post | September 22 2004

    Comment: Do I even need to say it? If you're anti-government and hate Big Brother, you want to assassinate people.

    September 22, 2004 -- A picture of President Bush, with the words "Dead Man" spray-painted over it, quotations from George Orwell's "1984," curse words painted on the floor — these are the "decorations" inside the home of the mentally unstable upstate man who the Secret Service fears wants to kill the president.

    Lawrence Ward, 59, was last seen on Sept. 9 as he packed his .30-.30 hunting rifle into his trunk and told a neighbor he could take anything he wanted from his ramshackle, one-bedroom house.

    When the neighbor entered, he found the macabre shrine to the president, as well as a sign reading, "Mission Accomplished" and Big Brother's cynical sayings from Orwell's classic novel: "Ignorance is Strength," "Freedom is Slavery" and "War is Peace."

    Ward had also written an indictment of Bush — a paraphrase from the Declaration of Independence — on a board.

    "He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither, swarming officers to harass the people and eat out there [sic] substance. Read the Declaration!"

    The neighbor alerted local cops, who contacted the Secret Service.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Police Officer Detained Over Role in Double Terrorist Attack on Planes

    Created: 22.09.2004 15:25 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 15:25 MSK, 19 hours 52 minutes ago


    Police captain Mikhail Artamonov has been detained on suspicion of being involved in the terrorist attacks on two Russian passenger jets that crashed almost simultaneously on August 24 of this year. Artamonov is the third suspect to be arrested since the probe was launched.

    His arrested was sanctioned by a court of law at the request of the transport prosecutor’s office, a source in law enforcement authorities told the Interfax news agency.

    “The police captain was detained for 30 days under the law on combating terrorism,” the source said. Earlier, resident of the Krasnodar Territory Armen Arutyunyan and an employee of the Sibir airline Nikolai Korenkov were arrested in connection with the crashes.

    Commenting on the course of the investigation, Russia’s chief prosecutor Vladimir Ustinov said earlier that bribery and negligence by officials helped Chechen suicide bombers get on board two passenger planes and blow them up.

    Ustinov drew an alarming picture of security negligence which led to the crashes. In particular, he said two Chechen women blamed for the blasts and their companions had been detained by a police patrol soon after arriving at the airport from the southern town of Makhachkala near Chechnya.

    “The patrol identified them (as suspicious persons), withdrew their passports and handed them over to the officer in charge of counter-terrorism in the airport,” Ustinov said. “But the captain let them go without any checks and the group started hastily trying to buy air tickets in the same airport building,” he added, referring to the officer.

    Ustinov said they later paid 5,000 roubles ($170) to a black market dealer, who sold them tickets for the flights and helped at least one of them to bribe her way onto the plane, by-passing security checks.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    11:01 - USA dodaly Izraeli pět tisíc vysoce přesných raket. Washington chce, aby si židovský stát udržel armádní náskok před sousedy. Hodnota obchodu je podle izraelského tisku 319 milionů dolarů.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    V Kosovu probíhá hromadná privatizace
    JAXXE --- ---
    Is there a connection between Bush and the makers of the electronic voting machines?
    09/20/2004 11:38

    This election is rigged and Bush will win no matter what.

    Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Diebold, and Sequoia, are the companies that are making and distributing the new electronic voting machines. These machines are being programmed by a man who some have suggested has a significant number of legal entanglements.

    The machines are programmed with two sets of books and no paper trail. With the use of a two digit code, the election committees can change the voting tallies in favor of one candidate. For example, if a majority voted is for Kerry, enter the two digit code and all the votes go to Bush.

    In one round of testing, observers notice that even when they voted for the opposition, the vote was always recorded as a vote for Bush - I reported on this to Pravda.ru's readership.

    Are there hints of mutual cooperation? Yes, there is. Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Diebold, and Sequoia all have more than strong ties to Bush and other Republican leaders.

    Diebold in an effort to take the onus off themselves has contracted Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) of San Diego, to take responsibility for security issues within their software. But this has heavy implications also - SAIC has strong ties to Donald Rumsfeld.

    He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Each one of the three companies has a past plagued by financial scandal and political controversy:

    In 1999 the Justice Department filed federal charges against Sequoia alleging that employees paid out more than 8 million dollars in bribes. Shortly thereafter, election officials for Pinellas County, Florida, cancelled a fifteen-million-dollar contract with Sequoia after it was discovered that Phil Foster, a Sequoia executive, faced indictment for money laundering and bribery.

    In addition:
    Michael McCarthy, owner of ES&S (formerly known as American Information Systems), served as Senator Chuck Hagel's campaign manager in both the 1996 and 2002 elections. Senator Hagel owns close to $5 million in stock in the ES&S parent company. In 1996 and 2002 eighty percent of Senator Hagel's votes were counted by ES&S.

    Diebold, the most well known of these three major groups, is under scrutiny for a memo that Diebold's CEO, Walden O'Dell, sent out promising Ohio's votes to Bush in the 2004 election. Beyond this faux pas, intra-office memos were circulated on the Internet stating that Diebold employees were aware of bugs within their systems and that the network is poorly guarded against hackers.

    SAIC has had a series of charges brought against them including indictments by the Justice Department for the mismanagement of a Superfund toxic cleanup and misappropriation of funds in the purchase of F-15 fighter jets.

    One company that has been a major contributor to the Republican Party is Accenture. Accenture was involved in financial scandals, and charged with incompetence in both Canada and the US throughout the '90s and 2000s. Government defense contractors like Northrup-Grumman, Lockheed-Martin, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), are also heavy contributors to the Republican Party.

    I wish to extend my thanks to Andy Merrifield Ph.D., Wendy Ostroff, Ph.D., Scott Gordon, Ph.D. Student Researcher: Adam Stutz.

    IN THESE TIMES, December 2003
    Title: "Voting Machines Gone Wild"
    Author: Mark Lewellen-Biddle
    INDEPENDENT/UK, October 13, 2003
    Title: "All The President's Votes?"
    Author: Andrew Gumbel
    DEMOCRACY NOW!, September 4, 2003
    Title: "Will Bush Backers Manipulate Votes to Deliver GW Another Election?"
    Reporter: Amy Goodman and the staff of Democracy Now!

    Michael Berglin

    JAXXE --- ---
    Primary school children to use their fingers at meal times

    Scottish Herald | September 20 2004

    Scottish primary schools are set to pilot a new device that will allow children to buy their lunches with the swipe of a finger.

    Developed over the past 18 months by Yarg Biometrics in Glasgow, the unit could in the longer term also eliminate the need for security ID cards and credit card PIN numbers.

    The company, which is a spin-out of Scottish multi media firm ADS Visual Group, hopes to target the fast- growing user-authentication device world market, predicted to be worth $2.6 billion by 2006.


    MARSHUS --- ---
    Čečensko: lidská práva jako sentimentální žvást
    JAXXE --- ---
    Do You Feel Free?

    by Don Newman

    Do you really know what it would be like to be truly free? To be totally responsible for yourself and not have government dictate your wages, your jobs, whether you could join a union or not, where you can live, the method of transportation commuting to work, where you can park and for how much, how much you can save tax-free for retirement, what minimum wage you can work for, how many hours you must work to qualify for medical insurance, whether you qualify for medical insurance or not, and the endless list of government programs that you must support through taxes?

    Do you really know what freedom is?

    We supposedly cherish freedom in this country, laud it and proclaim it. The question is: How free are we really? In contrast to Cuba we are rather free. In contrast to the ideal that our Founding Fathers envisioned, well, that is a different matter, isn‘t it? Just because we are more free than the people in North Korea or Cuba doesn’t mean that we are “free,” in the most liberal sense of the word (to turn the modern usage of that word on its head.)

    Do we, today, really know what it is to be truly free? How can we? Think of all the restrictions upon your actions that are imposed by government. Taxes, regulations, restrictions and requirements that are implemented by government, that have nothing to do with preventing you from doing harm to others, but are merely exercises in curtailing your freedom. Born into these, you have experienced them your whole life. You know no alternative, have no knowledge of what it would be like to be truly free.

    In current times, these restrictions and regulations have grown to massive proportions. Every aspect of life is regulated. What action is there that one can take that isn’t governed by a plethora of government mandates? Citizens, homeowners, schools, farmers, businesses and corporations are all subject to endless decrees that circumscribe the actions of all in every area and nearly every aspect of life, commerce and existence. Is this freedom?

    An element that has been lost from the original formulation of freedom promulgated by our Founders is the concept of “self-government.” In the modern sense this idea appears to mean the tyranny of the majority as it votes for restrictions upon the rest of society. That the society “governs itself.” This is a fatal error.

    The true idea of “self-government” is that each individual must govern him or her self, so that excessive regulation by the state isn’t necessary. Self-government is the responsibility of a free people to truly govern themselves on an individual basis. This means that government doesn’t require you to not pollute the stream, because you recognize the responsibility to not do so, on your own. You “govern” yourself.

    This concept of self-government is missing today. It has become perverted to the idea that the “people” govern themselves by means of majority rule, as opposed to self-government on the part of individuals in their personal lives. The former is actually a form of collectivism, the beginning stages of communism, and the latter is the responsibility of liberty, in fact, is the definition of liberty.

    These issues are something to consider as we seek to impose “freedom” on a country like Iraq. (The idea of imposing freedom is itself an oxymoron, but don’t let that stand in the way. We are going to give them freedom whether they like it or not.) Before we require others to live by our standard, we need to make sure we really know what that standard is.

    Is it the environmental regulations and zoning that tell one whether a house can be built upon a given piece of property or not, or is it the ever growing burden of taxation on the individual to finance projects that many don’t want and that work against their own interests? Is it the welfare system that pays the poor to remain in poverty or the farm subsidies that rob consumers through taxes to pay huge corporations to not grow more crops and thereby maintain higher prices for those same consumers?

    The idea that we live in a “free” nation is a relative one. It is an idea that is being increasingly qualified by certain interests, from environmentalists to corporations, and needs to be re-examined from time to time, especially today. While in comparison to other countries we may be somewhat free, the idea that we are “truly” free is actually in question. And the answer to that question is: “Do we really know what it is to be ‘truly’ free, or are we free in name only?”

    This is something each individual must answer for him or her self. Examine all the constraints upon your choices imposed by government and ask yourself if you truly feel you are free. What would your life be like if you could be truly free?

    It isn’t a question that is often asked because we don’t know what the answer would be. For many people, the answer would be too frightening. They prefer having the government take care of them and tell them what to do. Therein lies the problem. But that isn’t the American Ideal. It is just what we have become.

    Every day, it seems, we lose a little bit more of our freedom. There are people out there who want you to give up your car, force you to live in little cracker box houses piled one on another, tell you what you can or can’t eat, how you can live, where you can live, on and on in endless profusion. These people succeed because you don’t contemplate the alternative, a life of freedom. This is what they are counting on.

    So you, from time to time, must remind yourself, ask yourself: “How would my life be different if I were truly free? How would this country be different if everyone were truly free? How would this country be different if everyone were truly responsible for him or her self? How would this country be different if everyone exercised self government?”

    Yes, there are many who wouldn’t like that result, but that isn’t the question. If we are going to celebrate and laud our freedom, as we so often do, shouldn’t we have it in the first place before doing so? Otherwise we are just living in a self-deluded fantasyland. This is something that we in America must really think about as we enter the next millennia.

    If this country loses the true standard of what freedom is, it will be lost to the world. We hold that torch that is in the hand of the Statue of Liberty and we best not forget what it means. If we do, there is no telling how long it will be lost to the world. Maybe, forever.

    September 20, 2004

    discuss this column in the forum

    Don Newman is a freelance writer living in Honolulu Hawaii and is Senior Policy Analyst for the Grassroot Institute of Hawaii, the only free-market think-tank in the state of Hawaii.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraq had no WMD: the final verdict

    Julian Borger in Washington
    Saturday September 18, 2004
    The Guardian

    The comprehensive 15-month search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has concluded that the only chemical or biological agents that Saddam Hussein's regime was working on before last year's invasion were small quantities of poisons, most likely for use in assassinations.

    A draft of the Iraq Survey Group's final report circulating in Washington found no sign of the alleged illegal stockpiles that the US and Britain presented as the justification for going to war, nor did it find any evidence of efforts to reconstitute Iraq's nuclear weapons programme.


    PETVAL --- ---
    IPv6 ma adresni prostor 2^128, jednou z vlastnosti je jednoznacna autentizace.
    GORG --- ---
    resp. 32 bitů namísto 8mi pro ty jednotlivý čísla... tohle dnes už skutečně může být problém
    GORG --- ---
    hmm Internet2 je uz skutecne v planu delsi dobu. hlavne v souvislosti s prechodem na IP verzi 6, která by měla být tuším 32bitová, tak aby byl nakonec dostatek IP adres i pro třeba ledničku nebo toustovač (anebo nějaký luxusní rodinný biočip)

    už jsem o tom ale dlouho nic neslyšel..snad to ještě nějakou dobu potrvá.. zneužít by se to dalo jistě snadno
    JAXXE --- ---
    Apelačný súd na Floride rozhodol, že média môžu legálne luhať

    Sierra Times

    14. februára rozhodol apelačný súd na Floride, že to nie je absolútne nič ilegálne, ak organizácia hlavného mediálneho prúdu luhá, ukrýva alebo pozmeňuje informáciu. Súd týmto zvrátil rozhodnutie poroty ohľadom 425 000 dolárov, ktoré mala dostať novinárka Jane Akreová ako odškodné, keď ju vedenie televízie Fox a právnici prinútili odvysielať to, o čom vedela, že je klamlivá informácia. Toto rozhodnutie súdu fakticky značí, že to nie je nezákonné zámerne prekrúcať správu v televíznom vysielaní. Novinárku vyhodili z práce po tom, čo pohrozila, že oznámi, akým spôsobom ju nútili klamlivo informovať o škodlivých účinkoch rozšíreného používania hormónov u kráv a 6-členná porota 18. augusta 2000 potom rozhodla o odškodnom v prospech nej. ...Právnici, najatí televíziou Fox, ktorú vlastní barón Rupert Murdock argumentovali, že podľa Prvého dodatku majú médiá právo luhať alebo zámerne prekrútiť správu vo verejnom vysielaní. V rozhodnutí súdu sa uvádza, že názor Federálnej komisie pre komunikácie výslovne legálne nezakazuje také praktiky, ale je to len zaužívaná politika.


    Mike Gaddy

    JAXXE --- ---
    Download the Evidence NOW!!!!!!

    Sat Sep 18, 2004 00:58

    It’s starting to look as if the internet as we know it will soon be gone, and replaced with a regulated version known as “internet 2.” People in our government are really beginning to worry about the advances made by the 9-11 truth movement, especially since the Zogby poll commissioned by 911truth.org revealed that 50% of NYC residents now believe there was US government complicity in the events of 9-11. “Internet 2,” the regulated version, will probably be introduced as soon as our government can make a seamless switch, which will put an end to the free speech we currently enjoy. When that happens, you can be sure that the 9-11 websites we rely on for evidence will be gone. Since the future of freedom , and our nation depends on 9-11 truth getting out, I am asking as many people as possible to download as much 9-11 evidence as they can, and burn it onto disks so this information can continue to be disseminated without the internet. I’ve provided a list of links below. This is an emergency. Please save and copy as much 9-11 evidence as you can, and please do it now. Thank you. – Jolly Roger

    Links to Insider Trading Info prior to 9-11, and the connection to CIA:

    Also, about 100 million in credit card transactions were rushed through the WTC just before it's collapse, and a German firm was recovering that info from hard drives pulled from the wreckage until they were bought out by an American company with longstanding ties to our government, who stopped the investigation:


    Links to Seismic data and eyewitness reports of bombs in WTC:
    (also more on 9-11 profits, and other evidence of bombs)


    How the Bombs were planted:

    Links that tie Bush family to WTC security firm that called off bomb sniffing dogs just before the weekend of Sept 6th, 2001, and the "power down," that allowed them to plant explosives:


    Here's where you can download the video and see the bombs for yourself, and other evidence indicating a controlled demolition:


    Top Pentagon Officials cancel flights on Sept 10, 2001:


    Condi Rice warns Willie Brown not to fly on Sept. 11:


    Where was our Air Force and NORAD on 9-11? :


    After a few years, they finally admit that they intentionally demolished 7WTC:


    Engineers call 9-11 investigation a farce:


    More Links to 9-11 evidence:




    Internet2 je za rohem – udělejte si kopie stránek, dokud to jde

    Začíná to vypadat tak, že internet, jak jsme ho znali, bude brzy minulostí a bude nahrazen regulovanou verzí internet2. Mnohým lidem ve vysoké americké politice začíná být nepříjemné hnutí kolem pravdivého odhalení událostí z 11. září. Zvlášť poté, co byl nedávno zveřejněn výsledek průzkumu veřejného mínění v New Yorku, ze kterého vyplynulo, že padesát procent Newyorčanů si nyní myslí, že vláda byla zainteresována v 11. září.

    Tzv. internet2 bude zřejmě uveden v život jakmile bude vyřešen plynulý přechod ze současného internetu na nový. A to bude konec svobody slova. Až k tomu dojde, buďme si jisti, že stránky usvědčující politiky ze lží zmizí jako první. Žádám všechny, kteří si to mohou dovolit, aby si pořídili kopie stránek z odkazů, které následují. Vypalte si tyto informace na CD a uschovejte si je. Je nutné, aby byly šířeny i bez internetu. Tohle je stav nouze. Prosím, kopírujte a uschovávejte co nejvíce.

    Poznámka vydavatele

    Než se začtete do následujích adres, rád bych doplnil autora článku. Možná vám připadá toto volání jako další nezodpovědné šíření paniky. Ujišťuji vás, že stojí na reálných základech. Jde totiž o to, že současný internet se skutečně blíží svému limitu. V blízké budoucnosti hrozí jeho zhroucení. Technicky nebude schopen zvládnout další miliony nových uživatelů z rozvojových zemí. Vy, kteří umíte anglicky, přečtěte si článek, ve kterém firma Intel varuje před koncem www: "Beware of the End of the World (Wide Web)," http://www.forbes.com/execpicks/feeds/general/2004/09/10/generalcomtex_2004_09_10_ir_0000-5884-KEYWORD.Missing.html Says Intel. Totéž si myslí firmy Cisco, Hewlett-Packard a AT&T - samé téžké váhy. Tato skutečnost zřejmě poslouží jako vhodná a vítaná zástěrka k implementaci regulovaného internetu2. Vše bude vypadat jako technická nutnost.

    * http://www.hereinreality.com/insidertrading.html
    * http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/12_06_01_death_profits_pt1.html
    * http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP110A.html
    * http://tbrnews.org/Archives/a048.htm
    * Přibližně 100 milionů dolarů bylo protlačeno přes kreditní karty bezprostředně před kolapsem WTC. Německá firma specializující se na záchranu informací z porušených magnetických médií se pokoušela přečíst data z pevných disků, které se našly v troskách WTC. Pracovala na tomto úkolu až do doby, kdy ji koupila americká firma s vazbou na vládní kruhy. Prvním krokem nových majitelů bylo zastavení tohoto projektu.
    * http://www.libertyforum.org/...
    * http://www.the7thfire.com/Politics...

    Linky na záznamy seismických otřesů po pádu WTC a svědectví očitých svědků

    * http://st12.startlogic.com/~xenonpup/underground/underground_explosions.htm
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/shake2.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/eyewitness.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911_smoking_gun.html

    Jak byly položeny bomby. Odkazy na vazby Bushovy rodiny s bezpečnostními firmami, které v týdnu od 6, září 2001 odvolaly psovody se cvičenými psy. "Výpadek elektřiny", který umožnil položení náloží.

    * http://anderson.ath.cx:8000/911/hj05.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911security.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911_smoking_gun.html
    * http://www.nynewsday.com/news...

    Zde jsou video záznamy s výbuchy bomb a další důkazy usvědčující, že šlo o řízenou demolici

    * http://serendipity.ptpi.net/wtc5.htm
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911_smoking_gun.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/trusstheory.html

    Členové nejvyššího vedení Pentagonu, kteří zrušili své lety 10. září 2001

    * http://www.freepressinternational.com/sept10.html

    Condi Rice varuje Willie Browna, aby neletěl 11. září

    * http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1000/2003/08/1634286.php
    * http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/02/05/Bush_knew2.html

    Kde byly Air Force a NORAD 11. září?

    * http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0346/mondo4.php
    * http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline/main/essayairdefense.html
    * http://anderson.ath.cx:8000/911/pen10.html
    * http://www.vho.org/tr/2003/3/Elsis273-284.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911stand.html

    Konečně přiznání, že šlo o řízenou demolici budovy označené jako WTC7

    * http://www.infowars.com/print/Sept11/FDNY.htm

    Inženýři nazývají vyšetřování kolem 11. září fraškou

    * http://www.americanfreepress.net/Conspiracy...

    Další důkazy

    * http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC.htm
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_911.html
    * http://www.policestate21.com
    * http://www.legitgov.org/9_1_1_oddities.html
    * http://911review.org/Wiki/Sept11WebSites.shtml
    * http://www.911investigations.net
    * http://rense.com/Datapages/911_2.htm
    * http://www.911truth.org
    * http://www.thememoryhole.org/911

    Tato výzva se objevila v diskuzi na serveru disc.server.com.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Outfoxed: ed2k://|file|Outfoxed.2004.DVDRip.DivX-DC-OF.avi|715831296|368D5680C8F8AFCD98A0FC06B243F68B|/
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lékař: za Bushovy přebrepty může počínající demence

    Přeřeky George Bushe jsou pravidelně zaznamenávány.

    foto: ČTK/EPA

    Michiganský lékař Joseph Price, který se zabýval pověstnými přeřeky amerického prezidenta George W. Bushe, dospěl k zajímavému závěru. Podle odborníka není prezident hloupý, je jen blázen nebo se u něj začíná projevovat stařecká demence. Priceovu diagnózu zveřejnil americký deník The Boston Globe.
    18.9. 10:34

    BOSTON - "Naše země nachází v rodinách naději, tam křídla dostávají sny." Nebo také: "Vím, že lidské bytosti a ryby spolu mohou žít v míru." Či: "Slibuji vám, že budu naslouchat tomu, co tu bude řečeno, i kdybych tu nebyl."

    Mezi další povedený Bushův přebrept patří věta při srpnovém projevu, který měl v Bílém domě u příležitosti podpisu nového rozpočtu ministerstva obrany.

    "Naši nepřátelé jsou vynalézaví a nápadití. My také. Nikdy nepřestanou hledat nové cesty, jak ublížit naší zemi a našemu lidu. My také ne," prohlásil tehdy.

    To jsou jen ukázky Bushových nešťastných výroků, které se pravidelně zaznamenávají. Ve Spojených státech již vyšlo několik sbírek, které je shrnují.
    Rychlá léčba

    Podle Price jsou tyto přeřeky ukázkou toho, co lékaři "nazývají fabulací, a jsou rovněž příznačné pro demenci. Osmapadesátiletý šéf Bílého domu by se měl co nejdříve začít léčit," upozornil lékař.

    Mistrem přeřeknutí byl i bývalý americký prezident Ronald Reagan, který stál v čele USA v letech 1981 až 1989 a který zemřel v červnu ve věku 93 let na Alzheimerovu chorobu. Jednou například prohlásil, že počet chudých "začal klesat, ale pokračuje v růstu".

    JAXXE --- ---
    Komunisté měli PRAVDU. Republikáni mají FOX.

    Sešla se vyšetřovací komise ohledně 11. září. Nedělejte z toho Watergate. Dneska je pravděpodobně na řadě vrchol slyšení komise vyšetřující okolnosti kolem 11. září. Pamatujte, že ačkoliv je zřejmé zapletení Bushe do tohoto případu, komise bude sledovat hlavně osm let Clintona oproti osmi měsícům Bushe.

    Nenechte se svést k oplakávání ztrát na životech amerických občanů (v Iráku) a nevyptávejte se nahlas, proč tam jsme. Takže, zmiňme se o těch amerických mariňácích, co vidíme vpředu, jako o ostrostřelcích. Ne jako o snajperech. To vyvolává negativní konotace. Takovéto a podobné rady dostávají reportéři a producenti americké televizní stanice Fox News, patřící mediálnímu magnátovi Rupertu Murdochovi každý den na svůj stůl. Papír s nimi je sice určen jen pro interní potřebu, dostal se ale ven. Ve svém novém filmu Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism na tyto praktiky upozorňuje dokumentarista Robert Greenwald. Filmem chce osvětlit dezinformační strategie televize a Bushovi nakloněný postoj kanálu Fox News.

    Greenwaldovi spolupracovníci celý půlrok stříhali program stanice Fox News. Materiály potom řadili podle témat a poté přidali interview. Stejně jako ve filmu Fahrenheit 9/11 od Michaela Moorea jsou i tady nejsilnějším argumentem sestřihy z vlastního vysílání Fox News, jež kolikrát ani nepotřebují žádný komentář. Další skutečnosti odhalují výpovědi bývalých spolupracovníků stanice (tzv. bývalí Foxies) a stanoviska prominentních mediálních kritiků. Někteří z Foxies si ze strachu o své živobytí přáli zůstat v anonymitě.

    Přílišný patriotismus Fox News a náklonnost k Bushovi se nelíbí ani iniciativě MoveOn.org. Ta se na Internetu snaží (například formou petic) bojovat proti rozporům mezi veřejným míněním a legislativními kroky. Právě MoveOn.org se postaral i o propagaci filmu v listu New York Times. Reklamě vévodilo ohromné logo s televizní obrazovkou, přes niž byl nápis: The Communists had PRAVDA. Republicans have FOX. Komunisté měli PRAVDU. Republikáni mají FOX. Proti stanici Fox News se vyjádřil i jeden z nejznámějších amerických novinářů, Walter Cronkite. Tomu se nelíbí, že televize používá slogan Fair and balanced, protože televize servíruje události z pravicového pohledu.

    S filmem sympatizuje například zpěvák Eric Clapton, který Greenwaldovi zcela zdarma poskytl jeden song, a rocková hvězda Don Henley souhlasila s použitím písně Dirty Laundry. Snímek osmapadesátiletého filmaře se dá sehnat na DVD. Od 18. července, kdy film vyšel, se už prodalo přes sto tisíc kopií. Režisér Greenwald mezitím začal připravovat další film, Unconstitutional, v němž chce upozornit na omezování občanských práv díky tzv. Patriot Acts. Co říci závěrem? Nedělejte z toho Watergate.

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